Comenius Okul Ortaklığı Proje Koordinatörlerinin Proje Süreçleri


Comenius Okul Ortaklığı Proje Koordinatörlerinin Proje Süreçleri
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 27 pp…,… / 2007
Comenius Okul Ortaklığı Proje Koordinatörlerinin
Proje Süreçleri Konusundaki Görüşleri*
The Opinions of Comenius School Partnership Project
Coordinators about Projects Process
Rüçhan ÖZKILIÇ***
Problem Statement: The participation of Turkey to European Union Education Programs was actualized at 2004. It was observed that the Comenius and Erasmus have
much more participants than the other EU Education Programs. Comenius has a special position in terms of adaptation of educational systems to EU because of the
money funds devoted to students, teachers in primary and secondary education. It is
significantly observed that the applications at Comenius programs are rapidly increasing in Turkey. It was thought that to highlight the problems at preparation and implementation phase of the EU Education Program projects will help new participants
overcome the difficulties.
Purpose of the Study: The aims of this study were to investigate the schools within EU
Education Program Comenius in Turkey in 2004 and the opinions of the project coordinators at these schools about the program.
Methods: Ninety-nine schools were determined as the participant of the Comenius projects in Turkey. Data collection for this study was conducted through a questionnaire
which was designed for the project coordinators of these schools. The questionnaires
were sent by using e–mail and fax. Forty six coordinators completed the questionnaire.
Findings: According to the opinions of project coordinators, the projects were discussed in preparation process at schools and supported by school administrations,
more support expected from NA and MNE, most important problem specified as finding partnership and completing application form. Related to the implementation part
of the projects, coordinators stated that the opinions of the participators about the
other cultures changed, the students who have different interest and abilities found an
opportunity to work together and the learning interest of the participators toward
foreign language increased. According to the opinions of the project coordinators, the
benefits of the projects can be listed as follows; increase in the interest toward foreign
languages and different cultures, positive improvements in the students personal
* Bu çalışma Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü’nde Yard. Doç.Dr. Rüçhan
Özkılıç danışmanlığında 2006 yılında tamamlanan “Avrupa Birliği Eğitim Programı Comenius ve
Eğitim Kurumlarının Program Hakkındaki Görüşleri” adlı Yüksek Lisans Tezi’nden derlenmiştir.
İngilizce Öğretmeni, Orhangazi Koç İlköğretim Okulu, Bursa,
*** Yard. Doç.Dr. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü,
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
specifications, professional development of teachers, different applications in school
life. Participators of the study thought that the projects increased their experiences
about project administration, helped to develop their foreign language and enhanced
their understanding about European education.
Conclusion and Recommendations: As a conclusion, it is possible to state that in general
the Comenius School Partneship Projects started at 2004 in Turkey were found as successful in terms of project process by the coordinators. The followings are listed as
recommendations to improve this success; developing cooperation between MNE and
NA, increasing the technological support to schools, increasing the education and information activities related to EU education programs.
Keywords: European Union, Socrates, Comenius, Project Coordinators
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