

İmam Abdüsselam Yasin’in Nebevi
Yöntem Nazariyesinde Değişim; İçeriği,
Sorunsalları Ve Temel Meseleleri
Nebevî Yöntem Teorisinde İkinci Uluslararası
Sempozyumun Tebliğleri
İmam Abdüsselam Yasin’in Nebevi Yöntem Nazariyesinde
Değişim; İçeriği, Sorunsalları Ve Temel Meseleleri
İstanbul 16-17 Ocak 2016
İkinci cilt
Türkçe-İngilizce Tebliğler
Proceedings of The Second International Conference
about the Theory of the Prophetic Method on the theme of:
The Concept of Change in Imam Abdessalam Yassine’s
Theory of the Prophetic Method
Istanbul - January 16-17, 2016
Vol 2
Turkish and English Papers
Ne ev Y ntem Teorisin e inci luslararas
em o umun Te li leri
«İmam Abdüsselam Yasin’in Nebevi Yöntem Nazariyesinde Değişim; İçeriği, Sorunsalları Ve Temel Meseleleri»
İçindekiler / Contents
Abdüsselam Yasin İlmî Araştırmalar Derneği
mar m assou
inci ilimsel oturum
Türkçe diliyle Değişim: İçeriği ve temel meseleleri
Abdüsselam Yasin’in Nebevî Yöntem Nazariyesi’nde Değişimin
Temel Prensipleri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
em Yerin e
İmam Abdüsselam Yasin’in Nebevi Yöntem Felsefesinde Moderniteyi
İslamlaştırma Düşüncesi
r Neslihan
e han T N
Keynote Speech: Towards a Better Understanding of Yassine’s Thought
and Attitudes
otaoua il
cienti c ession
Cultural and Philosophical Issues on the Concept of Change
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus: Dimensions of Humans’
Centrality in Imam Abdessalam Yassine’s Vision of Prophetic Method
anaullah al-Na a i
Abdessalam Yassine and Pervez: A Comparative Study
al CH
Canny Purchase of Modernity: Incorporating Change into the Islamic Discourse
Considering Modernity in Imam Yassine’s Theory
a aT
The Role of the Ulama (Scholars) and the Umara (Rulers) in Societal Change
in the Light of Imam Abdessalam Yassine’s Theory of Prophetic Method
r Ha
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change
Abdüsselam Yasin İlmî Araştırmalar Derneği
Açılış Konuşması
lemlerin a ine ham olsun
venilir el i e en imi
onun t n l ve sha na salat ve selam olsun
uhamme e
sselam lm ra t rmalar erne i nin
enle i i i inci uluslararas
sem o um m nase eti le ara t rmac ve a a emis enler en avet
ve si aset a amlar n an olu an se in ir mrenin a na t
u g i e
to lant ger e le tirme i sonsu a l eremi le i lere m esser lan Y ce
llah a ham olsun
u m nase etle sem o umun et inli lerine ev sahi li i a ma l t un a
ulunan a ahattin aim niversitesi stan ul
e t r
a n ro
ehmet ulut e e en i e u ir ve ilgi leninin a ar l olmas i in
i en hi ir ar m ve este ini esirgeme en niversitenin t m a a emi ve
i ari ersoneline sonsu te e
rlerimi sunar m
r ca
ir veri le sem o umun ha rl a amalar n n t m n e i e
ar mc olan e eni et a ve slam ra t rmalar a na
i en ar mlar n esirgeme en t n ost ve ar e lere elli le e stan ul
niversitesi lahi at a ltesin e i ostlara ve u ro e e at veren her ese
en samimi te e
rlerimi ar e erim
Yine sem o umun
enleme urulun a ilm i ar
omis onlar n a g rev alan t n ar e lerime te e
lanlama ve tan t m
r e erim
Yine avetimi e ica et e ere
i leri ere en iren si
e erli ha r na
ara t rmac ar e lerime ve avet
ir ve si aset a amlar na han m e en ilere
ve e e en ilere te e
rlerimi sunar m
Ta i i ar e T r i e Cumhuri eti hi unutulur mu ere Cumhur a an
gere se H
met ve hal olara T r i e i al n rma i in sar etti leri
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ola an st
a alar an
i are mmete ha l
este lerin en ola T r i e evleti ne e te e
ro lemleri ve
avalar n a ver i leri
r e eri
Saygıdeğer kardeşlerim; beyefendiler, hanım efendiler,
sselam lmi
ra t rmalar
erne i Nisan
e stan ul a
urulmas n an sonra mam
sselam n Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esin e
ur anerim in er e i ol
a l
u at
e ine
u m are ehir stan ul a
enlenen Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi
luslararas em o umun al
tavsi e arar na u ara nemli ir ilimsel
aali etin aha organi as onunu stenmi tir mam
sselam Yasin in
rah a tec i
ncesinin gere ne ir olu la ve gere se terc me ve s l
anlat m olu la elli le ir ilim ve a a emi evrelerin e tan t lmas n an
ahse i orum ira u ro e a a slam
ncesinin m stesna ir c n
te il etmesine ra men sans rlenmesi se e i le hen ha etti i ilgi ve
ala a g rmemi tir ro enin sahi i mam Yasin rah a
l a n
s re ir aleme al
r a n eseri le ro enin teori alt a s n urma
i in al m
enili i a
a s la e itim rg tlenme si aset e onomi
a n vs a a sorunlara
mler nermi tir ir tara tan a u ro esini
u gulama a o ara e itimli nesiller eti tirme i in ga ret etmi tir
t n u
aali etlerin e a a slam hare etleri li erleri ve
n rlerinin ir o una
g re a r gi i uran a alet ve ihsan e erlerini a c ve tamamla c i im e
t nle tirme e nem vermi tir
sselam Yasin lmi ara t rmalar erne i nin urulmas na vesile olan u
ilimsel aali et vesilesi le gere mmetin ve gere se n an n tan ol u u
eni geli meleri i leme amac la sonsu u ret sahi i evla a a anara
stan ul a ahattin
niversitesi nin e erli at lar
e eni et
ve slam limler ra t rma a n n
i irli i le
tarihin e e i levvel
u uluslararas sem o umu
ger e le tiri oru
em o um i in İmam Abdüsselam Yasin’nin Nebevi
Yöntem Nazariyesinde Değişim; İçeriği, Sorunsalları ve Temel Meseleleri
a l n u gun g r
em o um i in u a l
se memi in temel ne eni mam
Yasin in rah a e i imle ilgili g r lerini amuo una sunma ar umu ur ira
sselam Yasin lm
ra t rmalar erne i
e i im
sl man hal lar n tarihte i anlar n eni en a alama
g rl
ve a alet tale lerini ger e le tirme ve ulusal ve uluslararas ul mlere ar
o ma ma sa la
ahar a verilen tarihi r
n a latmas
sonras n a a a
m realitenin g n emini olu turan en nemli sorunlar an
iri haline gelmi tir
u realite le irli te uri e i a Yemen ra ve
s r gi i e o
co ra as n a a anan e i g r lmemi
atliamlar slam mmetinin ve
sl man hal lar n mu a erat n n or utucu i im e o e ilmesi ha
ara anlar n vah ice i ence e ta i tutulmas e i ime ar
irenen a anc
g lerin as eri m ahaleleri mmetin orta avas ve temel meselesi olan
ilistin avas n n unutulmas vs olumsu ve tra i geli melerin g lgesin e
i er an an her evrim e g r le ilece u olumsu lu lara ra men u u ta
g r nen
g rle me ve u anma umutlar n n g lgesin e e i im
n a
hal lar n se inleri ulusal ve uluslararas ara t rma mer e lerini me gul e en
en nemli sorunlar an iri olara g r lm
ir o imsenin ihni ar m t r
imisi mesele i alim evlet a anlar n n
r lmesine in irge ece
a ar asit san r en imisi e i im i in a anc g lerin m ahalesini art
g rm t r aha a a g r ler ve uru lar sergile enler e olmu tur
sselam Yasin rah a
lar n n sat r aralar n a u na i
ve g ncel onu a
nem at etmi tir
esele i ele al r en onun a n
aman a Ne ev Y ntem ro esi ve nteminin omurgas n a olu turan i i
temel er i var
ce llah a avu ma ve insan erecesine ula ma
ar usu la na a n olma a al ma
na nelme sa ece na ullu
etme ve insanlar u n e e itme tir i eri e slam mmetine ar si asi
i timai ve i tisa i t n
e ler e to lumsal a aleti ger e le tirme tir i
ce llah a i a et i in u gun ortam ha rla aca uhrevi umran to lumu
urula ilsin ine mmet en ha rl millet olma vas n eni en a anma
i in r
ne al
er en evam e e ilsin
i insanlar i in arat lm
en ha rl mmetsini
ili i emre er
t l ten va ge irme e al r ve
llah a inan rs n
l- i mran
mam Yasin rah a Ne ev Y ntem ro esin e tamamen u i i o utu a c
ve tamamla c i im e irle tirme e en g stermi tir
ne enle e i ime
a n n a hare et no tas u esast r
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
u sem o um aali eti le mam
sselam Yasin in rah a
e i im
meselesi le ilgili temel g r lerinin ilimsel ve a a emi sevi e e
e i im avram sorunsallar ve temel meselelerinin
tart lmas n ama lama ta
t n e lentimi
ce llah n i ni le u
he e n ger e le mesi ir
sselam Yasin in rah a Ne ev Y ntem na ari esinin
a temel arametrelerini tan tara ilim ve a a emi evrelerin e ha
etti i ara t rma inceleme ve ele tiri i a alamas n ve un an slami
hare etlerin eni u a lar n n isti a e etmesini sa lama
e i im vi onu a s n an Ne ev Y ntem na ari esini tart ma
sselam e i im sorununu nas l
m t r e i imle ilgili
nerileri neler ir
e i im i in ner i i temel esaslar neler ir
g re e i imin a amalar ve o utlar neler ir
Ne ev Y ntem
na ari esin en hare etle t n unlar n tart lara onu a lli ir
a a s getirme
e i imle ilgili g ncel tart malara at sunma
mmetin g rl
n ve a etti i an ve ere ni eni en a anmas
i in lanl rograml ir ol haritas i me
ra t rmac lar ve a a emis enlerle irti at urma ve u irti at ve
i irli ini ci i ilimsel ara t rmalar n hi metine sunaca
al nmas
n a ar
ve g venli inin sa lanmas i in at
sa la aca me ani malar geli tirme
a g
saa eni
ge me en
ir a ma
er evesini
e er e e en iler han m e en iler
le ha emli ilmi te li lerin onu u enine o una tart mas na
nce mam
sselam n rah a
e i imle ilgili a
a sn
e e
etleme ve anaatimce onu la ilgili temel a n n
i en a hare et no talar na i aret etme isti orum
- mam
sselam a g re e i imin temel hare et no tas her e en nce ve
her aman ne ste ini e i tirme tir na g re u esas erin e
selme en
hi ir e i im umut verici e il ir nun u onu a i hare et no tas
e i me
ur an asas r
ir to lulu en ilerini e i tirme i e llah
onlar e i tirme
sselam Yasin lm
ra t rmalar erne i
- mam Yasin e i im ro esinin mer e ine e i imin nesi a n aman a
arac ve he e olmas hase i le insan o ar ve unu srarla vurgular e i im
Y ce llah n en isine ullu etmesi i in aratt
n e hali esi a t
ve geni anlam la u ullu g revini erine getire ilmesi i in t n evreni
hi metine sun u u insan e senin e nme i i s rece hi ir
met ta ma
- mam Yasin in ar u etti i e i im aln ca arla e i im sloganlar la
ve i eal se im rogramlar la hal n u gular n o a an se inlerin g revi
e il ir ila is e i im mmetin t n esimleri le e i imin a al ve
orunlu ol u una ama a g l leri e ar n r
na i na olu hare ete
ge ti i geni at l ml ir amuo u este i le olmal r Hal esimleri sa r
ve tahamm lle u este e at lmas i in e itilmeli ir mam Yasin rah a u
a lam a er i
avan n e atli ellerle r t lmesi u gulama a i ararl l
hal n se er er e ili mahrumlar n g
irli i etmesi ve to lumsal ta anlar n
netimlerini en i ellerine almas la arc ragmatist urulu lar ve rg tl
ireni ler eri i gi ece tir unun anlam u ur
evlet emir umru u
ve g c n ullanara i e hi ir e i e i tireme
ira e i im te e en
a at lama
a et netim a emesi hal ta an n an o mu sa to lum a i
e i im ncesin e ne sler e i e i im ger e le memi se evlet a g t en i
otoriter r ngesin e n
uru orsa hal e i ime i na e ilmemi ve e ici
o unlu un g n ll ve iste li at l m sa lanmam sa e i imi a atman n
hi ir rati sonucu olma aca t r
sselam a g re rah a e i im ne a ar g l olursa olsun te ir
tara n ira esi le ger e le eme
ila is e i im at ma a a re a ete e il
muta a at ve ar mla ma a anan ole ti a a gere tirir mam Yasin u
art n gere lili ine vurgu a ara er i Hal ta a alar n an te ir ta a an n
emi et ve e
et n n en ne a ar g l olursa olsun ge mi in
ug n n ri lerini ve gelece in umutlar n omu lar n a ta a ilece ini sanma
macera erestli ten a a ir e e il ir Yine avan n tara tarlar sa ca
ve a asitece ne a ar
ve ir irlerine ne a ar enetlenmi olurlarsa
olsunlar ilahi ir mesa olara ava i ti ar m ca elesinin ir ar as haline
getirme ava sonu elirsi ir macera a s r leme tir
sl man ire in
sselam mamet l- mme
nan li t-T aati ve n-Ne r
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
vic an n n erinli lerin en eslenen u ava ahla en i ti ar m ca elesi
arenas n n ev in e ir Tarihsel gelece i i in
sl man ire in hare et hatt n
i me te ve e i im r
n i leme te ir
- mam
sselam rah a
e i im
ntemi olara ho g r n n hilmin
esne li in ve te ric li in enimsenmesi gere in e srar e er i etin her
t r n esin i im e re e er
e ve i etin ir ans mas olara a r l
e lemlerine ar net tav r al r
n ona g re i et manevi at a
n an
ene imsi li ten ve ar g r l l ten a na lan r u a lam a er i
i et her an sarm
t n n a a artm t r a
slamc lar a i et
mant n
ntem e inmi ler ir Hatta sonu h sranla itece olan a arl lara
ra olmu lar silahs masum insanlara ar silah ullanm lar r t
Yahu ilerin ve Hristi anlar n ilistin e i ve ilistin
n a i masum hal lara
ar ullan lar gi i el i e unlar u un s ren u ular n an u anman n
u u u lu lar n n ge i o rulmalar n n se e ol u u a nl la g
ela ar
etti leri a nl
alev gi i alg lam lar r ilahs masumlar an anca elin e
silah ulunsa ile manevi olara en ini g s hisse enler inti am al r
- mam
sselam a rah a
g re
e i imin
ger e le tirilmesi ta ti sel ir se im a a on on t rel ir manevra e il ir
Tam tersine t n ita ve risalelerin e mam n avet etti i ar ruhu ve st n
ter i evi e erlerin erinli i a ar erin il esel ir uru tur
evrilmesin en sonra to lumlar n ge ir i i e i im s re leri le ilgili olara
er i toritenin irli eller en e i al nmas n an sonra ihsan e erleri le
eti mi m minler ho g r l
avranma a
e i tutma a ve insanlar
a etme e aha o ihti a u arlar
tne ola lar muha a
t ve
c et ilerini geri e ra aca t r u et iler i at tne ola lar n a a ti
rol alm
g ranlar olara elire ilece i gi i i irli ili ler avmi et ili ler
mmetin o unlu unun maslahat la at an emi le mi
arlar e lin e
e te ah r e e ilir atliam a ma
me i ve ir e il e ge mi e
ai i eti le ilinen her hane i a
neren i et ve at ma
savunun evrimci
m slami ir
m e il ir i er an an ho g r e
sselam el-
l el- sl mi
n ve l-H
sselam el-
l el- slami
un ve l-H
m e m s
r l- e
at l-
sselam Yasin lm
ra t rmalar erne i
ge mi e ait her e e ar s
t etme eme e il ir Ha s l lar mutla a
gi erilmeli
l ler temi lenmeli
l ir e i im ger e le tirilmeli ir
t n unlar a l r en i et g sterilmemesi teenni le hare et e ilmesi ve
masum canlar n orunmas her ese la m olan hi metin ir gere i ir
sselam Yasin rah a e i im ntemi olara ho g r
erin e srar
etti i a ar es ot h
m arlar n
lerine ar ha n ha r lmas onlar n
ha s as lar na irenilmesi or al ve olsu lu lar n n e i re e ilmesin e
e srar e er u onu a sa ece teori le etinme i
avet hare eti o unca
at l ve a g nl
ar s n a a
a ha
ha rara ulema-i milinin e si
ir rne ini vermi tir
lece e o e i im hare etinin u gulamalar n a
ir iri le eli ili gi i uran u i i ntemi irle tirmi tir ira ntem olara
slami avet hare etlerin en a s mmetin a na getirme i ela ve t l
ra ma an i eti enimser en a s a alim neticilere ala al
onlar n or al lar na l ulma se mi tir
on olara
t n at l mc e e en ilere ve han m e en ilere u ilmi lenin
ger e le mesin e i e her t rl este i ve at
veren her ese ir e
aha te e
rlerimi ve minnettarl m sunar
ce llah tan u he e eri
ger e le tirme e i leri muva a
lmas n ilerim
lemlere rahmet olara g n erilen e en imi
uhamme e onun l ve
asha na salat ve selam e er he ini i llah n selam rahmeti ve ere eti le
selamlar m
lemlerin ra
i llah a ham olsun
Dr. Omar Amkassou,
İmam Abdüsselam İlmi Araştırmalar Derneği Başkanı,
İstanbul 16 Ocak 2016 (4 Rebiulevvel 1437).
sselam el- hsan e - ar l- e
at l-
İkinci bilimsel oturum
Türkçe diliyle Değişim:
İçeriği ve temel meseleleri
Abdüsselam Yasin’in Nebevî Yöntem
Nazariyesi’nde Değişimin Temel Prensipleri
em Yerin e
stan ul niversitesi lahi at a ltesi Temel slam ilimleri
ra ili ve elagati na ilim al
retim esi - Tur i e
mail a em erin e
ahoo com
sselam Yasin cih -ihs n ihsan ahla temelli cihat hare etin e
ire sel ve to lumsal e i imin aralel
r mesi gere ine ne
enili i ve slahat
ir li er ir u sa te li imi e elli le Sünnetullah
isimli eseri er evesin e onun avet hare etin e ner i i ne s ire sel ve
to lumsal e i imin ana il elerine ta ir erin e se o lar na i aret
e ece i
u il eler onun e i im else esinin temel ara igmalar n te il
etme te ir
onunun a r nt s na girme en nce mam
sselam n s l la at a t
ve onun e i im else esine e isti amet veren a temel avramlar an
C hili e ve itne avramlar n n a lanmas u gun
olaca t r
a) Sünnetullah
sselam Yasin ünnetullah avram la Y ce llah n i
n a a o a
ola lar n n i le i ine temel l
se e lili illi et asas n astetme te ir
Yani o a ola lar se e -sonu ili isine g re i ler onu lar se e lere g re
olu ur u onu a imse e iltimas ge ilme ve m camele a lma
ununla irli te llah Te l
e gam erlerin muci eleri ve velilerin
erametleri le te ah r etti i ere o ar s n rlar i erisin e e olsa ile i i
imseler i in ile i i aman u se e lili
asas n as a ala ilir
b) Câhiliye
sselam Yasin Câhiliye s c
n n
ve hilmin ho g r ne a et ar t olara
i a e e er
n e ilmin ar t olara ilgisi li
a ar arl anlamlar ar n r
avram olara ise slam ncesi nem i in ullan lan Câhiliye nin ur an an
hare etle rt temel elli ine i ati e er unlar an irincisi C hili e
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
r i ununla anl inan lar a a inan ta o la malar aste ilir
incisi C hili e h m
r ununla llah n h m n ra ne se u ma
anla lmal r
nc s C hili e te err c a
sa l
r un an
ma sat ahla
o la ma ne s iste lerin a g nla mas ve i et s n rlar a ma t r
r nc s e C hili e h mi eti taasu u ur i un an as t a in ne ret
ve i ettir asa i et u gusu la am lara l nme tir
sselam a g re “asabiyet” C hili e nin
eti ir
c) Fitne
itne avram
nesine g re ar l anlamlar i a e e er
er tnenin nesi
llah ise u elli ir hi mete inaen imtihan etme s nama eme tir itnenin
nesi ul ise ununla ela musi et atliam cina et i ence gi i istenme en
ve ho g r lme en avran lar aste ilir
sselam a g re insanl
tnelere g t ren se e
al lerin irlenmesi
lmesi ir
le i tne i
r le en al in
erine C hili e
er ora a sa ece e ev slam al r ura an a anl ola lar n
a anmas masum insanlar n atle ilmesi l elerin tarumar e ili ma i
varl lar n tele e ilmesi gi i sonu lar o ar
u avramlar n
sselam Yasin in ilhassa to lumsal e i imin ntemine
ili in temel
ncesini elirleme e nemli ir er i gal etme te ir
e i im nas l ve nere en nere e olmal r
orusuna ceva olu turmas
a m n an
sselam Yasin in e i im else esin e slam n temel mesa na
air g r ve
ncelerinin e nemli ir eri var r
Abdüsselam Yasin’e göre İslam’ın Temel Mesajı
sselam a g re slam n temel mesa “Marifetullah”t r Yani her
ulun en ce ma s u llah olmal r llah tan ma
nun r as n ve
cennetini a anma
na avu u Y ce echi ne a ma i in iman ve ihsan
mer ivenlerin e
ulun ira esine n veren temel il e ve en
ama olmal r
C h l e avram n n tan m ve
Sünnetullah e - r l- e
ell ler ha n a gen
sselam Yas n
sselam Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi n e e i imin Temel rensi leri
sselam a g re u he e e H
e gam er in s a s s nneti le orta a
o u u mo ele u gun ir hila et
netimi olma an ula lama
le se
sl manlar an istenen gere ter i e e itim ve gere se rg tlenme n le
e gam er mo eline u gun ir hali eli i urma i in canla a la al ma t r
sselam elimenin tam anlam la i i hil etten ahse er irincisi otu l
s ren Hule -i
i n nemini i a e e er İkinci Hilâfet ise H e gam er in
s a s m ele i i ve
amet o ma an muha a ger e le ece olan
Hil ettir
sselam Yasin in u İkinci Hilâfet ri elli le llah l isi n en s a s
na le ilen ir riva et erine temellen irilir iva ete g re llah es l
le u urmu tur
vvet si e llah n ile i i ir va te a ar evam e ece tir onra
ile i i aman onu orta an al raca t r r n an n
vvet sistemine u gun
ir hil et urulaca t r u a llah n ile i i ir va te a ar evam e ece tir
onra llah onu a ile i i aman orta an al raca t r onra a g n s r c ir
saltanat urulaca t r
a llah n ile i i ir va te a ar a a aca t r onra
llah ile i in e onu a orta an al raca t r aha sonra or a ce erut
ir rall
a a gelece tir
a llah n ile i i ir va te a ar a a aca t r
onra llah ile i i aman ona a son verece tir onra ine N
vvet le
u umlu ir hil et urulaca t r H
e gam er s a s unlar s le i ten
Ha isin el leti le
sselam Yasin millete ulme en miras gi i a a an
o ula ge en ve orla iat al nan a g n saltanat n al t n
sl manlar n
ug n or a i tat rl lerle
netil i ine inan r
na g re i tat rl
saltanattan aha t
r lin en hi ir e gelme en aresi slam mmeti
ug n li er ir ahsi ete muhta t r u li er genel olara
ur an a er alan
etleri le el olara ira evvel i re ilen ha is-i eri e vaat e ilen
Hilâfet Devleti’ni uraca nesli eti tirece ve es ilerin en ar l u eni
nesil mmeti in anati m ve a se ler sloganlar alt na gi lenen i i l
or a
netimlerin o un uru un an urtaraca t r
Han el Müsned
l n u ha s sah h olara e erlen rm t r
l n
uhamme Nas ru n el- l n Silsiletü’l-ehâdisi’s-sahîha ve şey’ün min fıkhihâ ve
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
İkinci Hilâfet avram n e i im
ncesinin e senine oturtan
sselam a
g re ire sel a a to lumsal
e e r t lece her t rl tec i slah ve
ta ir e i im aali eti u n e olmal r nca u he e e ula ma i in
ta i e ilmesi gere en ol ve ntemin e temelin e ne olmal r i et
mi Yo sa ho g r m
im i e Sünnetullah isimli eserin e i g r leri
er evesin e u sorunun ceva n ulma a al al m
sselam n
ncesin e ine ir ha is-i eri ten i ti asla ullan
ullu ta hu ur ve m ahe e ma am n temsil ihsan avram n n nemli ir
eri var r
cihat avram n ahi ihsan avram la irli te ullanara avet
hare etini ciha -ihs n ir hare et olara g r r ne enle unu esin olara
s le e iliri i
sselam n cihat ve tec i hare etin e temel ntem
ho g r
i eti ve ha van te ileri es i ve eni C hili enin en ari
elli lerin en sa ar na g re C hili e
n e ilgi ve hilm ho g r
e erlerinin ar t olan cahilli i il elli ve ar arl
temsil etme te ir
Yine unu esin olara s le e iliri
sselam Yasin in e i im
else esin e ileri e e aha a r nt l olara g rece imi gi i te r c li esast r
e i im ertten a la
sos al evre e o ru alga alga geni lemeli ir
e i im
ntemi olara sertli ve a al tan a n lmal
ar l l sa g
ve ho g r
ar lmal
ilgeli in ve sa u unun gere ine g re
avran lmal r aha o ru ir i a e le te li
ntemi olara
n g el olla
m ca ele e ilmeli ir u llah tan ar m e le en slam avet ilerinin
i at etmesi gere en en nemli g revlerin en ir
sselam Yasin in u te li ve e i im else esinin a an
le ir
a l ca in
Andolsun ki, senden önce de bir çok Peygamberler yalanlanmıştı da onlar
yalanlanmalarına ve eziyet edilmelerine karşı sabretmişler ve nihayet
kendilerine yardımımız yetişmişti. Allah’ın kelimelerini değiştirebilecek bir güç
de yoktur. Andolsun peygamberler ile ilgili haberlerin bir kısmı sana gelmiş
Eğer onların yüz çevirmeleri sana ağır geldiyse; bir delik açıp yerin dibine
inerek yahut bir merdiven kurup göğe çıkarak onlara bir mucize getirmeye
n m
sselam Yas n Sünnetullah s
sselam Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi n e e i imin Temel rensi leri
gücün yetiyorsa durma, yap! Eğer Allah dileseydi elbette onları hidayet üzere
toplardı. O halde sakın cahillerden olma
Allah, sertlikle vermediğini yumuşak muameleyle verir
u mu a ime en sonra im i e
re e en ho g r i arl ve umu a
temel inami lerine a al m
sselam Yasin in rensi te i eti
slu u ncele en e i im else esinin
onunun eta na girme en nce i a e e elim i
sselam Yasin
n evi
g ve a
n o e ti l lerine g re ug n
sl manlar n ulun u u
no tan n ar n a ve ilincin e ir u onu a realisttir ha al erest iri e il ir
ilgi iri im te nolo i e onomi ve as eri g c le ug n C hili enin
sahi ol u u ma
st nl
retim ve lanlama alanlar n a e in i i
ene imi in r etme i i gi i g rme li ten e gelme
ila is evrensel st nl
l lerine g re g
engelerin e me ana gelen eni geli meleri strate i ir
a s la ta i e er ihsan ve cihat hare etinin he e ve ntemini u
geli meleri g
n n e ulun urara elirler
ealite i i rat ve te ritten u a ger e i ir a
a s la e erlen irir
a i n a a i geli meleri o e ti l lere g re llah n i ve meta i
n a a i asalar na g re l
tartar u onu a er i
Teknoloji, sermaye, sayı ve askeri üstünlüğe sahip bugünkü Câhiliye,
tecrübesi, gelişmiş sanayisi ve sağlam örgütlenmesi sayesinde bütün alanlarda
bizi geçmiştir. Bugün gelinen noktada sanayi sonrası çağın kapılarını
aralayan Cahiliye; bilişim, uzay araştırmaları, seri üretim (otomasyon), bitki
ve hayvan DNA’larının manipülasyonu çağına girmektedir. Bizler ise bu
cahiliye kervanının çok gerisinde, ancak düşe kalka ilerleyebilmekteyiz. Bir
kere kervanı kaçırmış, geri kalmışız. Benliğimiz parçalanmış, servetlerimiz
saçılıp savrulmuş, topraklarımız bölünüp parçalanmış, zihinlerimiz işgal edilip
azmimiz kırılmıştır. Unutmayalım ki Allah’ın evrensel yasaları (Sünnetullah)
kimseye iltimas geçmez (mücamele). Allah’ın bu konudaki hükmü şudur: Sel
köpüğü gibi olanlar, öyle kaldıkları sürece büyük işler beceremezler
n m
sl m
m re
sselam Yas n Sünnetullah s
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
nca ura a una a i aret etmeli i i
sa ve niteli sel st nl
ne ra men a a c hil me
etme onusun a mi ini e asla itirme
ila is ilah u
g veni sonsu ur ir g n evran n n
st nl
artlar n ger e le mesi halin e İkinci Hilâfet in urulaca
ve er i
ro lemleri ve
ug n C hli enin
an o umalarla a
ret ve ar ma olan
slam a ge ece ine
na g n l en inan r
Allah öyle vaat etmiştir. Bu tarihsel kırılmayı uyanış takip edecektir. Azgın
ve zorba yönetimlerden sonra muhakkak İkinci Hilâfet dönemi gelecektir.
Yüce Mevla’mız, ilk Câhiliyeyi yaşayan seleflerimizi kurtardığı gibi bizi de
bu fitneden kurtaracaktır. Bunun şartı, onların vahyi dinledikleri gibi bizin
de vahyi dinlememizdir. Onların Allah’a kulluk ettikleri gibi bizim de Allah’a
kusursuz kulluk etmememizdir. Onların kendilerini değiştirdiği gibi bizim de
kendimizi değiştirmemizdir. Onlar gibi bizim de evrensel yasaları ve pozitif
sebepleri takip etmemizdir
sselam Yasin ha alci avranma a sine
sl manlar n a armalar
ve mevcut me an o umalara ar
o a ilmeleri i in u gun lanlamalar
a malar ilm si as
lt rel e onomi s n ve as er strate ilerini
geli tirme i in ha at i i anali etmeleri gere ine i at e er
nca mo ern ilim ve te nolo i i ullanara retimini ve sana isini geli tiren
sl manlar u olla el e etti leri im an ve enginli leri slam n ve
insanl n hi metine sunmal rlar Cahili enin a t gi i unlar t etim
lg nl na
n t rmemeliler
sselam o a ilimini tara s g r r Ta iat insan n hi metine sunulmu tur
nca ug n gelinen no ta a
sl manlar o a an gere ti i gi i isti a e
e ememe te irler Her t rl
retim ve sana i e al nma ve geli me
hamlelerin e ervan n gerisin e alm temel t etim ma elerin e ile
a ml hale gelmi tir ilim ve te nolo i e sahi geli mi milletlerse ta iata
h metme te irler u
en ha s
ir gurura a l
marm lar r
u a lam a mam Yasin geri alm
sl man l eler en geli mi at
l elerine o ru nelen e in g
algalar n a slam mmetinin gelece i
a s n an tehli eli g r r
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi n e e i imin Temel rensi leri
Tarihsel ger e li in ar n a olan mam Yasin e i im else esinin o lar n a
ona g re elirler ve ntem olara asla ha alcili e ve i eali me irim verme
u hususu ir ere aha i a e etti ten sonra im i
sselam Yasin in Ne ev
Y ntem ro esine g re a ar n n ve e i imin temel inami lerine ge e iliri
Abdüsselam Yasin’in Değişim Felsefesinin Temel Prensipleri
sselam Yasin in Ne ev
ntem en hare etle hare et hatt n elirle i i
er ve to lumsal e i imin temel rensi lerini ma eler halin e
s rala a iliri
1. Başarının şifresi, Allah’ın evrensel yasalarına uymaktır.
l la i atlerimi i o a asalar na e en
sselam asi a ercili
ve teve
l n erine Y ce llah n ta i asalar n n i ate al nmas na
a r ir nem at e er
na g re o a a her e se e -sonu ili isine g re
i ler ra a s at ve ma am ne olursa olsun imse e m camele a lma
imse a r lma
il-i utla n llah ol u un a en u a ir
he o tur
ununla irli te Y ce llah u se e i et asas n e gam erlerin muci eleri
ve velilerin erametlerin e tan olun u u ere anca ve anca elli artlar
muvacehesin e ve son erece s n rl ir er eve e as a al r
en mevcut C hili e i e i tirme i in
n a a i u ger e li in
i at al nmas ir orunlulu tur u asalara g re eni niteli li nesiller
eti tirme
o la m er ve i tim ha at uvvet ve hi metle slah e ece
mu te ir a rolar eti tirme gere ir
a a an ihinler iman
nuru la a nlan tan sonra llah ve inini renme llah n evren e i
asalar n ilme ihti ac u aca lar r
2. Zaman ve mekan faktörlerine göre değişen hayatı, İslâmî değerlerle
uyumlu hale getirebilmek için içtihat ve tecdid bir ihtiyaç değil,
mam Yasin aman ve me an e i enlerine a l olara me ana gelen
sos al e i imleri eriata u umlu hale getire ilme i in i tihat ve tec i i art
g r r nca onun na ar n a i tihat slam n a a la t r lmas i in e il
a n slamla t r lmas i in gere li ir
mam Yasin u er eve e slam n s iteleri ve e i enlerini ir temel u
temele sa itlenmi ir e sen ve ir e nen st hal a an olu an e irmen
rne i le a lar una g re
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
a slam n temel a na
ur n r llah n s lerin e asla e i me olma
Yine llah n a a ve a erini hi ir g
e i tireme
ir e ullar n in ve iman orumlar
t n unlar e i enleri olu turur
e illeri ve
enleri var r i
Ha at n e i enleri ha n a tam ir h rri et ve ararl l la i tiha savunan
mam Yasin i er tara tan a a
sl man gen li in te ir i eolo i ve te
ir manev mo el erin e srar etmesine i etle itira e er “Tek tip hayat
tarzı ve belli bir mezhep ve ideolojiyle yaşlanan nesiller, donuk bir zihniyetle
odunlaşıp taşlaşmışlardır er
avet aali etlerine esne ir hare et alan sa la a ilme i in i tihat ve tec i
ncesini sonuna a ar savunan
sselam n u no ta a es i in ve
lt rel mirasa a
nem ara etme te ir u onu a
sselam n a n
Dinî miras ihmal edilmeden yeni düşüncelere ve yöntemlere açık olunmalıdır
e lin e etleme m m n r
mam Yasin ir tara tan ini lt rel miras n ter e ilme i gelece in
in as i in un an ararlanmas gere ti ini elirtir en ir tara tan a
u miras n enili i hare eti s n rlamamas a n artlar na g re geli i
hare etin ne v nema ulmas na engel te il etmemesi gere ti ine i aret
e er ununla era er elirtmeli i i mam Yasin n i tihat ve tec i
rin e tevhi e avet emri il maru ve neh i anil m n er a ma i ias la
mevcut si as
ene ar is an a r s a an a
t n a a ele
hir a mlar n a g r l
gi i tarihi lt rel miras ret ve in r e i
i e naslar n hir orumu la s r an a lama gi i ir a la m o tur Tam
tersine o ihsan e erleri le o rulmu enili i cihat hare etin e
n a
ve hiret ha at na air in
lt rel miras n sun u u ilgi ve iri im en
isti a e etmenin o nemli ol u una i aretle er i
Biz ihsan değerleriyle yoğrulmuş yöntem araştırmamızda tarihimizi göz ardı
edemeyiz. Bilakis tarihten ders çıkarmak, akıl sahiplerine has bir özelliktir.
Tarihimizi fehmetmek bizim için bir tezekkürdür. Ancak akıl sahipleri tezekkür
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi n e e i imin Temel rensi leri
ederler…. Tasavvufun sunduğu irfan, müstağni kalınamayacak bir servettir….
Fakihlerin fıkhî birikimleri bizim için bir servettir. Yine muhaddisler bize
görkemli bir bilgi ağı bırakmışlar, usulcüler din yorumu için bir kale
kurmuşlardır. İslam’ın geleceğini inşa sürecinde bunların hiçbirinden müstağni
Eğer tarihimizi atlarsak, ondan ibret alma fırsatını kaçırmış oluruz ve önümüzü
göremeyiz; öz ile kabuğu, cevher ile arazı ayırt edemeyiz. Bu imkânın kaçmasıyla
da, ihsan değerleri üzerine kurmayı arzuladığımız kendi hayatımızdan başlamak
üzere, değiştirmeyi istediğimiz realiteyle çatışırız.
sselam n u onu a i as l itira
elli tarihsel artlar n et isi le olu an
u tarihi miras n utsalla t r l a l ve
ncenin on urulmas na r u
a lam a etle er i
Eğer bu dini-kültürel mirasın ortaya çıkış sürecini
takip etmez, hangi coğrafyalarda hangi kaynaklardan beslendiğini, hangi
ellerden geçerek nerelerden gıdalandığını görmez, hangi ortamlarda neşvü
nema bulup, hangi baskılara maruz kaldıklarını ve ne oranda bastırıldıklarını
hesaba katmaz isek, kuşkusuz, bu kültür hazinesi bizim için muğlâk ve kapalı
sacas mam Yasin ini lt rel miras n ve iri mi ilmi servetin ar g r l
nas l a ve har sele
orumlara ur an e ilmesine ar
ma ta r u
er eve e ai Havva n n ra anili iman i ir ihsan ve ilme air aleme
ne s a lar n ver en i er an an onun te rci an n ele tirir
vrensel slam
ncesini nas ve te rci a
a s s n n ar s n rlar na
ha setme i
ir c ret arl olara nitelen irir H rri et i tihat ve
a l m a he il neslin rne al nmas n nerir a al
n Temi e n a m
gi i es i a a eni tarih ahsi etleri mo el alara hare et alan n s n rla an
geli me a ili etlerini itiren avet ileri ten it e er
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
3. Değişim, eğitimle olmalıdır.
sselam e g re ug n a anan geri
hnemi or a
enlerin slah etme ri eni
orunlu lma ta r n us er
e i im
eti tirilmesi le a la aca t r u e i imi o
ta i e ece tir ire sel e i imle irli te
or al ve es otlu tur
Yine ir g n Ha ile C hili e nin
ile Cahili enin t l slam n ahla
ar e li i ho g r ve merhamet e
ve ras ile C hili e
eni aras n a
alm l illetin en urtulma ve
ir neslin e itili eti tirilmesini
niteli li ve er emli nesillerin
al olara a
sos al e i im
r t lme en sos al e i im
le mesi a n lma r u vah in Ha
ile Cahili enin ars l
t n insanl n
erleri ile Cahili e asa i eti slam a leti
a anaca evrensel ir
le me olaca t r
te u a amal sos al ve si asi e i i ger e le tirece ve Cahili enin
me an o umalar la a e ece
a asiteli ve aliteli nesiller ir u neslin
eti mesin e nceli li rol e itime veren
sselam mmetin en temel tale i
ve ihti ac olan e itimin u
rol n Eğitim, sonra yine eğitim, sonra
yine eğitim... veci esi le ile getirir
Ha ile Cahili enin a er
le mesin e a ar l olman n s rr a iman slam
ve ihsan e erlerine g re e itili eti tirilmi a rolar n varl n a sa l r
sl man n slam mmetine ai i et uuru asa i et avmi et ili
a n an
aha st n olmal r
st n a asiteler ve eterlili lere sahi
ir slam
to lumu anca e itimli a rolarla urula ilir u e itimli a rolar
t n
n ta a ilece
mmetin varolu sal sorunlar n
e ilece
ir e itimle eti tirilmeli ir u a ro
ar an a l
n a ne a ar sa lam
g r n rse g r ns n sa
o lu una e il niteli sel st nl e a anan ir
a ro olmal r Niteli si sa
o lu u sel
gi i a ve g s
engelerini et ile ece hi ir a rl
ulunma an aresi ir ala al t r
llah n reh erli in e e itim ne a ar sa lam ve aliteli olursa cihat a o
a ar m m n olaca t r
si ta ir e llah tan ar m e leme e o ir
umut olara alaca t r
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi n e e i imin Temel rensi leri
l la e itimin
n a ve ahiret ha at n n temel il esi iman an sonra
orunlulu ol u unu hat rlatan mam
sselam n ha at
else esin e her e e ol u u gi i e itim e e te ric li ve ho g r esast r
Her es aha il ar la ma a hatta onuncu ar la ma a ahi u u u avet
cihat a r s na ica et etme e ilir
itim anneli tir a al t r tratt r
u se e le nesiller o al ollarla e itilmeli tr ir ihti a olara e itim
nesillere u um u um verilmeli t
ili lerine ve h crelerine a ar e itimi
i selle tiri ona i ice ans nlar
sselam e itim ter i e er en asla hir te e
n ve
g r n
astetme Tam tersine o a
ini avramlar n ervas ca t etilmesin en
a nr sr
g r n
se e i le her sa all a ava a am her a rt l e
m tesettire a a her silahl a m cahit enmesini re e er
na g re elli
ir ter i e en ge mi e itimli nesil ne sin e il her aman ha n an n a
uran inanan nesil ir
sl manlar n g ve ener ilerini a tma
erine irle tirme Ha n an n a urma i en
nce ve e lemlerin
o rulu unu tart ma an ir ta m mo el i ilerin e in en s r lenme ise
ne se u ma t r
selam sahte in arl lar ho g rme ve ir ere
en ini in ar olara a ettir i ten sonra onursu ahla s ve a ls ha at
s ren gen lerin u urumuna ha ret e er
sselam “tedeyyün” me humunu onur ere
ahsi et ve a lla ol urur
ve u i eri in en so utlanm sahte in arl
in e ar u e ilen te e
olara g rme
na g re er e ve a n olara
sl man ire in er emlili
ve i ili tera isine onan in arl n a g r le ilece en u a ir e si li
onu trat oruma a ili etin en e mahrum e ece tir nursu ir in arl
sa l l ir in arl
e il ir i ili ten o sun ir a l salahi etli ir a l
e il ir hla i e erler en o sun ir so lulu ma ul ir so lulu e il ir
ne enle e l in arl a artan ert ve to lulu lar te e
n n c i at n a
mutaass t rlar
a etler gi erler ve a m steha i a etlere ar m
gi i s s
a tutunurlar
sa i in e orlama ulunma
gi i me a at
ve a r l
a o tur Y ce llah tan ar m gelmesinin n art a n a
ha at n a Sünnetullah a ve Sünnetü’r-Resûl’e u ma t r
sselam Sünnetullah
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Sünnetullah s
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
inin c i at n a art r en
lli at n ihmal e en te e
n g r n ve
e li ata hasre en s g r l g ruhun u tav rlar n n ar as n a or un
ir ahla
o lu var r i i ha at else esin e u t r in arl a e e er
at etme en mam Yasin ha l olara İnsanlığın, ahlakın ve aklın en basit ilkesi
dahi bizde tezahür etmeden nasıl Müslüman olacağız?! ser eni ini a ar
ug n insanl n ula t
st n e erler olara
nsan Ha lar n her esten
sl manlar n savunu orumas gere ti inin alt n i er .
mam Yasin
e sel ve s
in arl
ine tarihten ane otlarla este ler u
a lam a uhar nin Sahih inin Fezâilü’l-Kur’ân ita n a H
i e en
na letti i u riva ete er verir
i e e ra l
ir a am gelir ve
Hangi kefen daha hayırlıdır
i e sorar
i e r anha
Yazıklar olsun sana. Bundan sana ne
onra ra l
Ey müminlerin annesi, Mushaf’ını bana göster
i e r anha
Ni in
i e sorunca
ra l
Belki sendeki nüshaya göre Kur’ân’ı tertip ederim
erine i e u u ar
a ar
Hangisini önce okursan oku, bundan ne zarar görürsün! İlk inen sûre, cennet
ve cehennemden bahseden mufassal sûrelerdendi. İnsanlar akın akın İslâm’a
girince, helal ve haram âyetleri indi. Eğer önce <içki içmeyin> hükmü inseydi,
<Biz asla içkiyi bırakmayız> derlerdi. <Zina etmeyin> hükmü inseydi, <Biz
asla zinadan vazgeçmeyiz> derlerdi…ilh
ura a vah in n ul n e i ilahi hi mete i aret e en H
i e il inen etlerin
llah n irli i inanc na avet e en etler ol u unu elirtmi tir nsanlar
traten al anl lar n ir an a ter e eme ece in en h
mler anca al ler
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi n e e i imin Temel rensi leri
imanla hu ur ul u tan sonra e er e inme e a lam t r
r ca lli atla
ilgilenme erine in e e e nem ar etme en ir c i at n e enin ince
a r nt s na giren ra l
minlerin annesi i e un an mene ere in e i
geni li e i ati e me gere i u mu tur
ne enle llah n as erlerinin i ti ar ele ge irmesi le slam anunlar n
orla a at hemen u gula a ilece ine inanan u u su a muas rlar n u
hu u mant na
sselam itira e er Ha tara tarlar n n in a atan ve
in en ne ret ettiren cell tlara n mesine g nl ra olma .
i er an an di ni emirlerin al t ve avete tevhitten a lama gere ti ini
de s leme . na g re vahi s reci tamamlanm t r . mmet
t n er‘ i
mler en sorumlu ur . nca h
mler u gulan r en te ricil il esinin
g etilmesi ve elli bi r e itim s recinin i lenmesi orunlu ur .
sselam Yasin sessiz sivil e i imi ger e le tirece niteli li
sl man
neslin a nsan e erler b
e erler ve c
l e erler erine
e itili eti tirilmesini öne rir . ert olara slam e erlerimi e ahla a l
ve ahsi et e erlerini ani insanl n te en eri ili tevar s etti i st n
a iletleri e atma
m s rece
sl man olama aca m i a e e en
sselam u a lam a er i Mescitlerde ağlayanlar, sürekli Kur’an
okuyup zikredenler, eğer insanlara karşı davranışlarında ahlak ve kişilik
değerlerini gözetmiyorlarsa, ilahi nur ve terbiyeyle yetişmiş kimseler olamazlar.
Oysa Müslümanlar bütün davranışlarını akıl, liyakat, yeterlilik, yararlılık ve
performans terazisinde tartmalıdırlar
un an a te mam
sselam e erler e itimin e iman ile ahla
g r r ve u onu a u ne ev ha isleri re erans g sterir
llah es l
ese e
İslam güzel söz söylemek ve yemek yedirmektir
İman nedir
mr er i
i e sor um
Sabretmek ve affetmektir
sselam Sünnetullah s
u ur u
u urur
e e er
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
Hangi Müslüman daha üstündür
re e i im
u ur u
i e sor um
Hangi iman daha üstündür
u ur u
ro lemleri ve
i e sor um
Müslümanların elinden ve dilinden emin oldukları
Güzel ahlak
Han el
mr r a er i llah l isi ir in s ve avran lar an u a t
he Sizin en iyileriniz, ahlakça en üstün olanlarınızdır u urur u
Han el uhar
llah es l
le u urmu tur
Ben güzel ahlakı tamamlamak için gönderildim
Sizin en hayırlınız, ailesine karşı en hayırlı olanınızdır. Ben, içinizde ailesine
karşı en hayırlı olanınızım
saca i a e etme gere irse mam Yasin in en
er i mmetin a eti
ve gelece i ir
mmetin gelece ini niteli si reme ve o alma a e il
to lumuna ararl olmas i in st n niteli lerle eti tirilmi
onan ml ve
er emli nesiller e g rme te ir la an st n us art n e itim a m n an
Y ce llah n mmeti imtihan olara e erlen irir u
en mmetin aha
ala al or ulara ve aha
i g c ne sahi olmas i in normalin erin e
n us art n orunlu g ren te e at lma
na g re te li sorumlulu u i e
nesil eti tirme g revini
leme te ir Hatta so a lar ahi u anlam a o
ra lama
a an n es i ir
sl man a a ocu unun
sl man olara
eti tirilmesin en mesul r evla n n Hristi anla t r lmas
ut erest
a lmas a a ser e ir a lmas ar s n a sessi
g re nce e eve nlerin e itilmesi gere me te ir i u sorumlulu u
lene ilsin emaneti oru a ilsinler
esele nesillerin gelece i ve
mmetin a eri meselesi ir
sl m
e al
uvatta H sn l-Hulu
sselam Sünnetullah s
Han el Müsned, II, 381.
sselam Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi n e e i imin Temel rensi leri
4. Mevcudu, Sünnetullah’a uygun olarak tedricîlik ve sabırla
değiştirmek esastır. Şiddet ve fanatizm asla değişimin aracı olamaz.
sselam Yasin in e i im else esin e aha evvel i a e e il i i gi i
nnetullah avram n n mer e i ir eri var r
nnetullah sonu lar n elli
se e ve artlara a lanmas r e i im e e
nnetullah a u gun olara
te ricili esast r To lumsal e i imin n art ire sel e i im ir ur an n
a i aret etti i gi i Y ce llah to lumsal e i imi ertlerin en ilerini
e i tirmeleri art na sava ta a er a anma
mana ar gere li uvveti
ha rlama art na
a lam t r
er o tur
hi ir arar
sava lar sos
u onu a
n e i im else esin e ntem olara i
na g re avet ve e i im ntemi olara
o tur i et ve sertli unlar n ol a t
al aralar ve ac lar he si il C hili e a
le er
et ve anati m asla
i etin ve sertli in
ir irini i le en anl
na ait il elli ler ir
Kanlı savaşlar ve saldırılar, ilk devir Câhiliyesinin genel karakteriydi.
Şiddet, istisnası olmayan bir kuraldı. Saldırı ve soygun iki temel geçim
kaynağıydı. Herhangi bir nefret, husumet, …. yıllarca sürecek kanlı bir savaşı
ert ve to lumlar n slah ve
n t r lmesin e hi met ve ilgeli in
ho g r n n a l ve sa u unun sa r ve tahamm l n aha et ili ol u una
re ten inanan
sselam Yasin ir an an slam avet ilerine i ete
a vurma an umu a slu la sa r ve tahamm lle te li va i elerini erine
getirme i aceleci avranmama tavsi e e er en i er an an mevcu u
r a te ir ar e le e i tiri
erine ha r ve e si si
i ame e e ilece ini sanan ha al erestleri e elili ve ha alcili le niteler
sselam Yasin e i imin ntemi olara i eti re etme le alma i eti
a r t ran avramlar n ullan lmas n ahi u gun g rme
esela en i ciha n l
n l
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Sünnetullah s
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
ihsan hare etini tan mlama i in i et
e ve is an gi i anlamlar a r t ran
sevre evrim is an
elimesi erine ha l ireni i ve ha
ha r
i a e e en kavme
m ta irini ullanma
e ler na g re avme
er en al mas ve u an n eme tir
evre nin a sine
sa r eme tir tahamm l eme tir e i im e teenn ve te ric li eme tir
Yine itira etti i ta irler en iri e ar u e ilen in arl i a e etme
ullan lan ilti am a l l
s c
sselam a g re iltizâm a
ullan m tarihi ge mi ve i eri i o alt lara a eta taassu ve te rle e anlaml
hale getirilmi avramlar an r
5. Değişim için tek bir yöntemde ısrar edilemez. Bilakis tarihsel ve
bölgesel şartlara göre en uygun ve en fonksiyoner yöntem tercih
t l n i alesi ve ha n i amesi i in te
ir olun
enimsenmesini o ru ulma ila is aman ve me an e i enlerine aralel
olara ar l ol ve ntemler ullan la ilece ini elirtir unlar n Ne ev
Y ntem en en u a olan ise silahl m ca ele ve i sava t r
sa slami
aali etler ho g r ve m samaha esaslar na g re
r t lmeli ir
evcu u hi metle e i tirmenin canl ir rne i olara
an i tecr esini
g steren
sselam otu
ll m ca elenin ar n an a n en
i ti arlar n an irini sivil itaatsizlik le eviren an i nin u a ar s n
inceleme e e er ulur Y netenleri ve
netilenleri olara
om le s a a sahi to lumlar olu turan
sl manlar n i ete aha
a la irenmeleri gere ti ini elirtir ira to lumun ir ar as olan er emli
ve mutta iler orunmas gere ir en ol an
m a n as lar a nasihat
s leri le o ru ola
nlen irilmeli irler
ug n
o un uslu
havalar a ha
ara anlar n o ru olu ulmalar g le mi tir u aos
ortam n a
sl man n a r lmas halin e Cahili e l m le lece i slam
r as e e ilece gi i e il ir
mam Yasin u a la m la H
e gam er in en isine en a r e i et
ve i enceleri reva g ren
e e hal na ar tuttu u e at olunu
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi n e e i imin Temel rensi leri
hat rlatma ta r iv ete g re a lar mele i en isine isterse h e e n i
e e i u atan i i a
irle tirere
e e i i in e ilerle irli te tarihten
sile ilece ini s le i in e o Hayır! Umarım ki Allah, onların sulbünden
kendisine ibadet edecek ve O’na hiçbir şeyi ortak koşmayacak nesiller çıkarır
u urara unu a ul etmemi tir
mam Yasin her rsatta avet ve e i im usul olara ho g r ve m samaha a
vurgu a ar
elli le esin elillerle ha ile t l a rt e ileme i i tne
nemlerin e u ntemin nemine i aret e er u onu a tne ola lar na
ula ma an a
a as ve
mer gi i saha leri rne
g sterir
sselam cihat avram na a g n manas n an aha geni ir
anlam verir u onu a i rne i ha at cihat ve m ca ele le ge en H
e gam er ir ar ret halin e silahl m ca ele i e a ul etme le irli te
slam te li aali etlerin e unu i incil ol olara g r r Temel ntem
ise hi met ve nasihattir
ne enle ciha ciha - asgar
cihat ve
ciha - e er
cihat i e i i s m a e erlen irir Ciha - asgar
manlarla m ca ele ve me an o umalarla
le me ir Ciha - e er
ise ne s m ca elesi ve ne si ar n rma r
lmas gere en as l engel
ne stir Ne s ter i esi al lerin ar n r lmas ha ol a se at e ilmesi
iman slam ve ihsan mer ivenlerinin
lma a al lmas he ne s
m ca elesinin irer ar as r
6. Esas olan, topluma katılmaktır. Hicret düşüncesiyle Müslüman
toplumu terk etmek büyük hatadır.
To lum ha at na at lma te vi e i hicret
ncesi le
sl man to lumun
ter e ilmesini i etle ele tiren mam Yasin u a n n mesne i e ine
llah l isi nin s a s to lulu la irli te hare et e ilmesi ve to lulu tan
o ulmamas
n n e i u ru ve u ar lar r llah l isi nin s a s
n e i u ru ve u ar lar n an a lar
le ir
Kim bir karış topluluktan ayrılırsa, boynundan İslam bağını çıkarıp atmıştır
u avu
uh ri
sl m C ha
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
Topluluktan sakın ayrılmayın. Sakın tefrikaya düşmeyin…. Cennetin
güzelliklerini isteyen, topluluktan ayrılmasın
mam Yasin ir tara tan Allah’a isyan edene itaat edilmez ha isi ve u
me an a gelen i er riva etlere g re im anlar ve ara lar iresin e alim
or a ve m ste it
netimlerle m ca ele e ilmesini tavsi e e er en ir
tara tan a ümmetin birlik ve beraberliği koruma a na s
ahi itaati emre en e o ha ise e i aret e er
lece mevcut netimlerle
ili iler e i rat ile te ritten u a engeli ve l ml ir si aset i lenmesini nerir
u a lam a mam Yasin
sl manlar tarihin e tecelli e en Sünnetullah’
anlat r en
elli le “fitne” me humunu ullan r ve unun e i
utu la
irli te eni en g n em olan “Câhiliye” avram n an tamamen a r lmas
gere ti ini elirtir i slam tan ma an in arc ve ateist to lumlar ile
a ant s na c hili e irleri ula m isti ametin en smen sa m olsa a hala
ini e erlerini oru an
sl man to lumlar ir irin en a rt e ile ilsin na
g re ug n
slam to lumlar la ili iler e u i i me hum aras n a i ar n
g etilmesi
nem ar etme te ir
mam Yasin e i
utu un ga retlerini ha ol a i se at n ve sala et-i
ini esini ta ir etme le irli te onu o u an ve onun i ealist slami
g r lerin en et ilenen sonra a i eali m en reali me ge me i a arama an
a anati gen lerin a r tutum ve avran lar n tasvi etme
na g re
u gen ler evrelerini u atan t l lerin et isi le umutsu lu a
to lumu te r etmi gi lili ve i et isvesi alt n a ast r lm i eali min
et isi le to lum ha at n ter etmi ler ir
mam Yasin ine hal n genelinin sathi e evi slam n a a
al lerine iman n girme i i al ler e ni a n egemen ol u u
at lma
he ar a n olu tara na a ar ve o timist ir a
o unun
ncesine e
la er i
İster atalarından tevarüs ederek, isterse müminlerle tanışıp onlardan
duydukları güzel sözlerin etkisinde kalarak olsun, insanlarda iman ve İslam’dan
eser varsa, böyle kalplerin bize karşı yumuşaması, bize dönmesi ve bizden
yararlanması her zaman umulur
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi n e e i imin Temel rensi leri
sselam a g re to lumu sa ece on a i ni a ve
r alametlerine
a ara Cahil olma la itham e i ilgi hima e ve su e le en aliteli tohum
misali al ler e i g el hasletleri g rmeme
nnet-i Ne ev i in ar etme
llah n ta i ve tarih aslar n i neme tir .
7. Hiçbir İslamî fırka ya da grup, hakkı tek başına temsil ettiği
iddiasında bulunamaz ve fırka-i nâciye olarak sadece kendini
u il e mam Yasin in
sl man gru ve cemaatlerin ir irleri le ili ilerinin
nas l olmas gere ti i n n e i
ncesini ans tmas a m n an nemli ir
na g re a n usul etra n a irle en
sl manlar n ur ata air ihtila ar n
a r l vesilesi a malar o ru e il ir u
sl manlar n g lerini a t r
ve he sini a at r ne enle a
sl man me he ve gru lar n sarahaten
ve a mnen en ilerini
sl man To lulu ilan e i
i erlerini i at i
ve is anc olara aralamalar na itira e er ug n
sl manlar n g ve
ener ilerinin a t lmas n n e il irle tirilmesinin aha a la ehemmi et ar
etti ini elirtir
u mam Yasin in i at sa nl ve o la ma enimse i i anlam na gelme
sla ila is o u tavsi eleri le te li g revi a an avet i ve a tivistlerin
slim a a ga e-i
slim muhata lar na ar umu a slu ullanmalar
hi met ve g el s le a la malar
aima i et ve a a slu lar an
a nmalar gere ti ine i ati e me ister Ciha -ihsan hare etin e hi ir
sl man gru a a cemaati
mmetin gelece in in a ro esin e
irli i etme a na hata ve seva lar la he sin en ararlanma ama lar
ir o a a slami hare etin a sine o s
gelene leri i at i olma la
su lama
erine tari atlar n rta s a o ra as n a i u an ve ih a
hare etlerin e o na lar rol ta ir e er e h ansur ve e h amil
gi i
a as
sl manlar n
rg tle i
ireni hare etlerini
mutasavv ar n u aali etlerini m r itleri etra n a enetlenere
eri erin ruhani etleri le om nistlerin sistemli insi le tirme oliti alar ve
atliamlara irenen tari at ehlinin u anl ireni lerini ver unu a ar en
her er e ve her aman tari atlar ve tari atlara ula an a i at hura e ve
sselam Sünnetullah s
he e
ol u
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
anlar ile getirmenin anlams l na i aret e er rta s a a i gal ve
le tirme oliti alar na irenenlerin sa re i gelene lerini oru anlar n
ca slami ir realite olara her er e varl n hissettiren tari atlar
unu vurgular
8. Müslümanlar küfür, dalalet, bi’dat ve şirkle itham edilemez.
mam Yasin e g re iman al ile tas i il ile i rar ve e en ile tat i tir ununla
era er ilen i le i leri g nahlar se e i le
sl manlar te re s ca a ma
sine slam airesinin ia a ahil muhteli r a ve me he leri i ine alaca
a ar geni ol u una inan r
ne enle
lim ai Hava ve nemli
ir ra l limi ia te r etmeleri se e i le ele tirir
u onu a er i
Eğer tepkisel davranır, kendimizi kontrol edemezsek, öfkeye ateşiyle mevcut
meydan okumaların tahriklerine kapılır ve burnumuzun dibindeki mayınlı
arazilere değil de İslam’ın uzun vadedeki geleceğine bakıp davranışlarımızı
adalet, af ve kardeşlik terazisinde tartamazsak, fitne kazanınını daha da
kaynatmaktan başka bir şey yapmamış oluruz. Bu şekilde ancak kötülüğün daha
da yayılmasına ve bir veba gibi ümmeti saran milletlerin kadim hastalığının
sağlıklı bedenlerimize daha da yerleşmesine katkı sağlarız
er eve e
sselam ire ler ve sivil to lum urulu lar olara
sl manlar n
gan m cahitlerine ar ma o tu lar n g r nce m ri
ol u lar gere esi le
ganl lara ar m etmenin inen cai olma
aran irta m sara limleri ile la c o a ve cahilleri a e ileme
su a orta ol u lar n
hata i le i lerini s le ere
nar ve
ten it e er
onusu lim m sve elerinin m cahitlerin mus a ta
t r e i aretleri a
tari at e hlerine intisa etti leri n n e i ha erlere
a anara
le ir h
m ver i lerini r
ir gere e le gan ciha na
ar ta n lar u olumsu tavr a r ir ille ele tirere
le er
Kirli meslekte, yani Müslümanları ayrım gözetmeksizin toptan tekfir edip
hepsini bid’atçilikle suçlama mesleğinde usta olan bu insanlar, minberlerde
<Biz bir kâfire karşı müşrike yardım etmeyiz> diyerek sürdürdükleri yıkıcı
faaliyetlerinin, büyük günah kısmına giren bu ağır sözlerinin, Allah ve
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi n e e i imin Temel rensi leri
Resulü’yle mücadele etmek, Allah ve Resulü’nün dostlarına karşı savaş ilan
etmek olduğunu bilmezler mi
en i i a esi le u tekfirci güruhun
rt anl n gere Ha ve gere se hal
ne in e utan ve ha al r l
la sonu lanaca n elirten mam Yasin e
g re avet ve evlette ta i e ilmesi geren temel ntem ho g r ve te ricili
olmal r
r n ve
manl n i har etme enlere ar a tala c
olma tan sa n lmal r Hatta insanlar n ha
inlemeleri ve aveti a ul
etmelerine engelli
aran or a neticiler sorunu ile m m nse ha ile
hal aras n a engel alma nca a a ar
evirere a a sa r cemil ve a
i na olu la a lma a al lmal r
9. Müslüman grup ve cemaatler arasında fitne çıkarmaktan şiddetle
mam Yasin
sl man gru ve cemaatler aras n a tne
ar lmas n an in
ve ne ret s lemini te li ve e i im arac e inme ten i etle sa n r r
i eti s e slam evleti urman n egane olu e inen gru lar ten it e ere
u uma ta olan tne canavar n u an rana lanet o ur
u a lam a at nin Müvafakât n a inin temel as llar n an iri olan
erin e o unla mas na i at
sıkıntı ve meşakkati kaldırma rensi i
e er en a r ca e inci ra it hali e mer
la i en r a ir ane ot
na le er
iva ete g re mer
la i e o lu
a ac m ni in h
u gulam orsun allahi ha u runa a an m
a nasa ile al rmam
a as a
le ceva verir
a ar aceleci olma evla m llah ur an a
i i i i i ere t le i anca
nc s n e asa la
er en insanlar
to tan ha a u ma a orlarsam or ar m i to tan ha
ter e erler ve
un an tne o ar
Sünnetullah s
Sünnetullah s
Sünnetullah s
Mecelle e e
le ma ele t r lm t r
a e
cel e er
a e
ol u ta aral
n a m ttesa olur gen ler
sselam Sünnetullah s
at te s r
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
mam Yasin ura an to lumsal ola lara m ahale e ve
sl manlar aras
ili iler e son erece titi avran lmas gere ine i aretle e im ntemi olara
ho g r ve te ric li i ne
ar r er i
Bazı İslamcılar, Allah Resulü’nün (s.a.s.), kuşkusuz, hepsi hak ve doğru olan
hayatının pozitif yönleri üzerinde yoğunlaşırlar, yirminci yüzyıl câhiliyesinin
terk ve boykot edilmesi, ondan uzak durulması çağrısı yaparlar. Bu çağrının
yüzeysel biçimde anlaşılması, Müslüman toplumların tekfirine kapı aralar
ve mutlak idealizme götürür. Mutlak idealizm düşüncesine kapılanlar,
Câhiliye gerçekliğini bir çırpıda yok edebileceklerini tasavvur ederler; asla
bekleyemezler, tedricîlik yöntemini uygulamazlar, muhakeme etmezler, sabır
slam tarihin e a anan
tne ola lar u ola lar a mmetin a a
ac lar s ralar en e elli le Cemel va as
n sava
am a Hucr
l r lmesi aha a t s
er ela acias Ye i in or usunun e ine e
sal rmas
uhtar es- e a
tnesi Haccac es- e a nin manc n larla
e e ve a e i v
e r i atletmesi gi i ha iselere
i aret e en mam Yasin
u tne ola lar n n olumsu sonu lar n ge mi te
ol u u gi i ug n e a a an slam mmetinin un an hem ini ve hem e
i tima si as ve i tisa ha atlar n n et ilen i ini elirtir
u tarihi ola lara ol a an tneleri i i tahlil e en mam Yas n inanm
ir to lulu un s er ir g ce nas l gali gelece ini t n aleme g steren
gan m cahitlerini ir tara tan us i gali ve ulm ne ar g ster i leri
anl ireni leri se e i le ver en i er tara tan u e i en eri g r lmemi
cihatta i gali i etin ar n an tne ola lar se e i le en i e imi le
cihatta a ar s olmalar n an u u u en i esini ile getirir
cihatta a a ar l olmalar i in Y ce evla a ua e er Yüce Allah’tan, ateş
ve füze çemberinden geçen bu muzaffer ordularına, kendilerini her yönden
kuşatan tarihî fitne olayları karşısında halklarının tevhidi ve kimlik inşası
için girecekleri büyük cihatlarında; nefis mücadelelerinde de lütfuyla yardım
etmesini dileriz
sselam Sünnetullah sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Sünnetullah s
sselam Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi n e e i imin Temel rensi leri
Ne a
i mam Yasin in tarihsel ng r s le ile getir i i u ile in e i a e
etme e al t
en i e ger e ol u
gan m cahitleri ne s m ca elesini
a ettiler
avmi et ili
ata l n a o ul ular C hili e
asa i eti le ir irlerine girere o aman a ar i ma i ve manevi t n
a an mlar n o ettiler
sselam Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Na ari esi n e er
e i im nemli ir er tutma ta r e i im gere li ir nca
i et ve hamaset e il ir ila is ho g r ve te r cili tir
ve to lumsal
unun olu asla
u a lam a
sselam evrensel ve erel artlara g re u gulana ilir esne
ir ntemin e i in i tihat ve tec i
ri erin e urur Naslar n ar la c
a s la orumlanmas n a a elli tarihsel artlarla olu an es i in
orumlar la hare et alan n n aralt lmas na itira e er en mevcut tarihsel
artlara g re inin aha geni ir ers e ti ten
g rce orumlanmas n
elli le ire sel e i im i in e
sos al e i imi ger e le tirece
eti tirilmesinin nemine i aret
nesillerin gelece in a e eme
oru ama aca n elirtir
itimin nemine i at e en
neslin insan ahla ve a l e erlerle
e er el
n en ar s nteli si
ece i gi i mecu u a isti amet
i er an an
sl manlar n ir irleri le ili ilerin e aha m samahal ve
sa g l avranmal uruatta i ihtila ar n ne
arara ir irlerini te r ve
te si etmemeleri m m n merte e te rcili ten sa nmalar gere ti ine
vurgu a ar e ilsel in arl
aran s
sl manlar n c i at
a art r en
lli at ihmal etmelerine itira e er
on olara
sselam a g re er
e i im en a lama
ere sos al
e i me e o ru u anan ir e i imi ger e le tire ilme i in to lumsal ha at
i tira etme nemli ir u se e le to lumu te r e i hicret etme slah ve
e i imin n n e uran en
han i a t r
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
ur n•
sselam Yasin Sünnetullah e •
r l- e
Han el Müsned
l n
uhamme Nas ru in el- l n Silsiletü’l-ehâdisi’s-sahîha ve
şey’ün min fıkhihâ ve fevâidihâ i a
• Mecelle, hmet Cev et a a Açıklamalaı Mecelle Mecelle-i Ahkâm-i
Adliye), h r li Himmet er i stan ul
Han el
ullah hme
Müsnedü Ahmed b. Hanbel, stan ul
l-H se in
stan ul a r Ya nlar
uh r
stan ul
• el-Muvatta,
Ya nlar
• Tirmi
Tirmizî -
ullah uhamme
a r Ya nlar
uhamme e - e
a r Ya nlar
Hacc c el- u e r Sahihu Müslim
smail el- uh r Sahihu’l-Buhârî
nes el-Muvattâ stan ul
sa uhame
evre esstan ul a r Ya nlar
lemi Tirmi
a r
İmam Abdüsselam Yasin’in Nebevi Yöntem
Felsefesinde Moderniteyi İslamlaştırma Düşüncesi
r Neslihan
i anet leri a anl
lent cevit niversitesi - Tur i e
mail nesli-er hotmail com
lasi sos olo i mo ernite ile ilgili al malar aln ca at to lumlar la
s n rlan rm t r lasi sos olo i gelene i i erisin e mo ernle me evrensel
o rular
n esin e ar n ran ir olu um olara g rse e at
n a alan
to lumlar n mo ernle mesi onusu g n eme getirilmeme te ir ola s la
art mo ernle me iste en to lumlar n a malar gere en evrensel ve
mo ern e erlerin temsilcisi at n n iri im en ararlanma ve onun a t
ol a ilerleme tir
o ern-gelene ili isinin at l olma an a geli mi
to lumlar i in e tart lma a a lanmas anca mo ernle me uram ile
irli te m m n olmu tur
elli le sos olo i ers e ti ten geli me sorununu
a lama i ias n a olan a la mlar ir an an mo ernite ve gelene in
hangi artlar a at
hangi artlar a ir iri le rt e ilece ini tart m lar
ir i er an an a gelene in geli me s reci n n e i engellerini ara t rma
onusu a m lar r
o ernitenin g r n te insanlar n ha at n ola la t ran ve aha m re eh
lan te nolo i iri ime ar n an et ileri e ir ha li n lana
m ve
mo ernitenin ele tirilerin e temel no talar olmu tur
t n
n an n erin e u la m ol u u insan ha ve g rl leri gi i
evrensel e erler mo erni m olara a lan r lan n a g r
tara n an
i isel arlara ve a g l to lum ve guru lar n men aatlerine hi met e en ara
e erlere n t r lm t r u sonuca ne en olan e in ne ol u u erin e
e ii
irler ne s r le ilir a at ura a a lan tahlile g re unun en
nemli ne eni mo erni min ger e li i aln ca ras onel ve ene sel olgularla
s n rlamas
ire selli i esas almas
in ve manevi e erleri geri lana
atmas r
t n u hususlar en ini mer e e alan encil ve ragmatist ir
insan mo elini orta a arm t r
lece ahl
e erler ve a onun a a ir
ltun ahrett n o ernle me uram stan ul
r nc
el u “Charles Ta lor a o ernl n
To lum l mler erg s
re Ya nlar
nt lar lara
n ara
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
i a esi olan temel ha ve h rri etler i ilerin ve a se in ve g l guru lar n
arlar na hi met e en ara e erlere n m t r u a netice e insanl a
s m rge hare etlerini
n a sava lar n atom om as n etni ve e onomi
ter r ve evre ela etleri gi i ro lemleri getirmi tir u ne enle insanl
ug n ren
r ve il ar g etme si in t n insanlar u atan Y ce
Yarat c n n t n insanl i in aratm ol u u nimet i ili ve g elli ler en
ine t n insanlar n ararlanmas n he e e en a l ve ilimin verileri le
irli te nebevî gelene in
n an a nlanan eni ir me eni ete muhta t r
a a slam
l ir e istemolo i alt a a sahi olmas
hase i le mo ern ulus ulu emo rasi ulus evlet mo ernite ve s m rgecili
gi i a m n sorunlar na ar
a c ve onar c rol stlenme otansi eline
sahi tir unlar sa ve olara s le ece olursa nceli le her es i in i eal
riterleri olan ir slami n a g r ne este verme sonra at
tarihin e orta a
an evasa to lumsal ve e onomi e i melerle unlar n
slam n as erin e i si asi ve entele t el et ileri a lam n a ci i olara
hesa la ma ve niha olara a a a to lumlar n ve slam n as n a i
e itim sisteminin gelene imi ve erli retim aali etlerimi a s n an normati
hale getirilmesi gere ti i savunulma ta r
o ernle me ro lemlerinin el i en
slam n en isi ile ilgili
e il ir slam si asi ailevi ve i isel mo ernle me e at
a a ilir mo ern
slam to lumunun elli le ini ihti a lar n et ili e il e ar la a ilir
slam mo ernitenin a na olmasa a a a sa ar a er alanlarla ir ara a
gele ilir
nceleri slam n mo ernite ile a a en stri el to lumun gere lili leri le
a a ma aca
ncesi ha im i Niha etin e mo ernite to lumsal alan a
evasa ir e i ime ar l gelme te ve mo ernle me a a
n an n en
rslan Hulus
hla n vrensell
lahi at a ltesi ergisi
u- a
rah m
o ernl ve a
s n an slam ve
a slam
o ern m
stan ul
stan ul Y nel Ya nlar
ellah o ert N
elene ve o ernle me ro lemler
l mler erg s
rnest ellner
sl man To lum stan ul a alc Ya nev
sl man To lum
n ara To lum
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
nemli ger e i olma ta r
olan ir realite ir
o ernite i slamla t rma
o ernite art g n m
e va g ilmesi im ans
at to lumunun en nemli elli i sahi ol u u emo rasi
lt r n en
gelme te ir emo rati ir to lum a o ulculu esast r i er ir i a e ile
emo rasi o unlu u netme sanat r una in o ulculu a hil ir
nca o ulcu to lum olaca
i e t n ar alaman n am lara a r
unlar at t rman n
lece emo rasi i aratma a al man n
elli le
milli evletlerini olu turamam to lumlar i in tehli eleri orta a r
in i leri ile n a i lerinin ir irin en a r lmas olara anla lan lai li hu u
ve si aset anla n a herhangi ir ine a al e erler erine in ir elli
ta ma an in
se ler e erlere nem verme e lin e tan mlana ilir
ai li in to lumsal lan a g lenen ans malar aras n a ilimsel al malar n
teolo inin et isin en u a
l nmas hu u ve ahla n inin n u un an
urtulmas ve e itimin g rle mesi sa la ilir ai li ve lai a lar aha
i a e a a emo rasiler e g r l r ve si asal otoritenin me rulu unu ine
a an rmamas anlam na gelir
at s m rgecili i ile
e alan
sl man to lumlar n
erin e
o unla t
onu varl lar n s r re ilme
a ms l lar n oruma
ve a l elerini i galciler en urtarma olmu tur
elli le ilim ve te nolo i
alan a ta olma
ere at n n a etti i ilerleme ve geli me lai
lt r n
st nl
ve a a l a ula man n olu olara e erlen irilme e a lam t r
ai li in a lma a a lamas la irli te sl m
n as n a orta a
a a geli mi li i in u olun mu o sa aha a a alternati ollar n m
enimsenmesi gere ti i tart malar ug n e evam etme te ir
Modernizm-Modernite ve İslam
ug n
meri al sos ologlar n a at l
ltun o
ha egan
slant r
ere mo ernle me e
ernle me uram
ar ush Yaral l n stan ul et s Ya nlar
n os olo s stan ul aml ca Ya nlar
ehmet l
n os olo s Ter mler
stan ul
et Ya nlar
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
avram var r unlar an il i mo ernle menin vru al la ma ve a
at l la ma ile e itle tirilmesi ir
le ir g r
e i me i in a na ve
u ar c lar n sa ece vru a ve a at l milletler en gel i i il esine a an r
sa mo ernle me es i ve eni ollar n ir sente i ir u se e le eni
unsurlar n aruri olara at an gelmesi e leneme
o ernle me e i inci
hata mo ernle menin t n n n i i ol u u
ncesi ir
le ir anla
tan m m a er almamal r o ernle me sa ece a al olanlar e il a at
a n aman a at ma ac ve ararlar a orta a o a ilir o ernle me e
anl ise mo ernle me s recinin te
o utlu olara
n lm
olmas r
sa mo ernle me te ir o utla l leme
ir imsenin
ha at stan ar na sahi olmas ve a mo ern i im e gi inmesi onun aruri
olara mo ern ve a mo ernle me olun a ol u u anlam na gelme Tersine
le ir imse tamamen gelene sel ir imli i e ans ta ilir u a m an
mo ernle me ir o unsurlar n ar l l et ile iminin ir r n
slam n as n n mo ern at la ar la mas ve u ar la man n ol u a
u un s ren ser veni hala evam etme te ir slam n as sos oe onomi
ol u u a ar si asi ve teolo i
nler e e u ser veni a a ara hem
ihin n as n a hem e rati ha atta eni urumlarla
le me hatta
ce elle me orun a alm t r Yeni urum hemen o u esimi ol u u gi i in
erine al an ilim a amlar n ve ini tutum ve tav rlar olu turan esimleri e
o un ir e il e et ilemi ve a a at a ve onun retti lerine ar ar l
re e sler geli mi tir
in olan n mo ernite le hesa la mas a rl l olara son
l n slam
ncesin e et in ir ere ve neme sahi tir at la ili ilerin nas l
o lanaca n an mo ernite a lam n a slami avran n hangi staslara g re
elirlenece ine a ar ir i i tart ma
sl man entele t ellerin en nemli
onular aras n a er alm t r ug n mo ernitenin i imlen irme e al t
slam n as en i onumunu eni en g en ge irme onusun a a a
teori ve rati t an l tan urtulma a hen
a ar l g r nmeme te ir
T r o an
e me- lt r ve os al
lme stan ul T r
n as
ra t rmalar a
a an r al
o ernl
n arl
u u um ve
r ma H s las n n tes n e
m n m
n arl
lgusu em o um Te l ve
a ereler stan ul
ur an ra t rmalar a
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
o ernite i slamla t rma
o ern ilimlerin mater alist se ler a
i ili i ve insani artlara ili in a saml
n a i in ise insana me enile tirici
llah r a ve rahmetini a anma ar usu ile
a lant urma ve insan n tut ular n
vah e ilmi tir
a s e istemolo i olara insan n
ir vi on an o sun ur ur an
elli leri i in motivas on sa lama
n n gere sinimleri aras n a
evi a am n tesine ta ma i in
o erni m avram n n a sam na sl mi manalar ulma
or ur
sl m a o ru ve ha i at olan t n a lar n st n e ir r ca geli me
ve ilerleme e a olan sl m te nolo i ve enili e ta ma a ire selli ler
gelene ve imli leri i ne en itle lt r n ona lamama ta r (4)
at ile slam l elerin e i mo ernite emalar
t n le ir irin en a r
elli te ir ra a tarihin sos al ger e li in o al sonucu olara eliren ir
hare et i en i er l eler e ir et ilenme, ta lit etme sonucun a ir i mi a ul
e i etmeme s nt s n n a an
ir hare ettir at n n en isi o ru an ve
ola l ir i im e en i mo erni mini i e a atma ta r
t n nesiller enile me ile slah i eal olara ger e le tirme le en ilerini
sorumlu g rmeli irler slam inin e g r len u eni en orumlama
at a i in e re orm e lin e alg lanama
inin esas temelleri hi ir
e il e e i tirilmemi tir a ece tarihte a anan a
anl tecr eler
a lanm t r lasi
nem ih a hare etleri le ili ili olara geli en slam
mo erni minin at tesiri le olu tu unu savunma ger e li e u gun e il ir
slam mo erni mi
nesans tan eri
n evi anla
e erlerle a ml olara ger e le me en ola lar ilerleme-geli me sa ma
g rl
enile me ve ilimsel a la m he e e en slam mo erni mi
m olara
ur an g r r ur an n g ncel ir e il e orumlanmas la
ro lemlerimi in gi erilece ine inan r
o erni min ger e le mesi ve reselle me insan aln l a ve g vensi li e
o ru g t rme te ir s i to lumlar a insanlar mensu i etlerinin oru uculu u
n ahsen e ran al
n Ne
e e en et stan ul ah a Ya nlar
aga er
u e r o ern a a lema stan ul Ya nc l
ren ece
n a g re T r To lumunun o ernle mes
st amet
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
alt n a en ilerini aha g ven e hisse i orlar
sl m unun uurun a
olara geli me i ur urma an i i i aln l a ve g vensi li e
rme en
mensu i et uurunu ert i ve er i et i tehli elere maru
ra ma an
irli teli i cemaat ruhunu ve ar e li i evam ettirme ten va ge me i
unun i in si asi sorumlulu lar a
le i
e mi te at a a mo ernite o tu gelece te olaca n n garantisi e
o tur Her nem e slam e itli me an o u u larla ar la m ve a lc
mlerle unlara ar l vermi tir
o ernite nin evren emas n a Tanr
o tur u a ma- ilgisi onlara ha at g r lme i
i im e e i tirece
aletler ma ineler ve me ani malar icat etme le irli te eni silahlar eni
sava aletleri a ma im n a ver i ve o ernitenin
aras i i
n a
sava orta a
n mo ernitenin h imi et uram n a g l olan n
ha atta almas var
o ernite en isin en a a ir me rui et mercii a ul etme
asitle tirici
ir i a e ile o ernite e ve mo ern insana slam n mesa n
le ras onel
ani sistemli ve tarihsel ger e lere u gun olara ta im etmelisini
o ernitenin orta a o u u sorunlar ut erest slam
ncesi to lumunun orta a
sorunlar ile en erli g sterir slam n
u a
tamamen e i tir i ini tarihsel ve sos olo i olara orta a
o ama san
ug n n a as na slam n ug n i in e alternati ol u unu
is at e eme sini
o ernitenin
le ir er i esinli le o tur o ernite
nas l ir insan nas l ir to lum nas l ir si asi a nas l ir i tisa i a nas l
ir hu u i a sorular n sorar en ini ir en i e e sahi e il ir o ernite
ir a an a rsatt r
un aman r ura an olan ihnimi e ir o et isi
a m ve i i
nme e sev etmi tir
slam tarihsel ers e ti en a l
n a a ama e illerini tan mla aca ve
et ili i im e i a e e ece ara lar reten ir i i i imsel avram terim
ve n a g r lerini i erme te ir aha geni ir ers e ti ten a l
n a
ise insanlar slam n s r ir in e il t nc l ir a am i imi ol u unu
s le ece ler ir nca u i ia a am n her an n n vahi tara n an s re li
ve e i me i im e
enlenece i anlam na gelme
ir a am i imi
e en Yumn slam n os olo
it i
r os olog olara
Tecr es stan ul
Ya nlar
Yorumu, stan ul rle Ya nc l
a lur ahman slam ve o ern m
a lur ahman
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
o ernite i slamla t rma
olara slam insan a am n n her an na ar l
reh er olma i ias n a r
gelen avran lar i in ir
slam ir ha at sturu olara a ul etme le
sl manlar H
aman n a e e ve e ine e a a an insanlar n mevcut te nolo ilerini
ullanma orunlulu unu astetme ler Ho gson a g re mo ernite nce slam
to lumun a orta a
m olsa
mo ern to lumun e itli i ve o mo olit
e ilimleri aha
se ir
e e olur u at l tecr e e a l ulus evletin
o as i erisin e var olma erine mo ern n a st
e ir ulema ve
ir insel hu u un hima esi alt n a e itli i evrensel ir evlet tara n an
ara teri e e ilmi olaca t
rta a n sonun a rt
o ur a ar n a u garl var ve unlar an
aln ca slam n mo ern
n a a sana i ncesi inanc n oru a il i i
g r lme te ir ir mmet ve sa lam ir gelene i a sa an ci i ir in olara
aln ca slam a a ta alma s r rme te ir
slam temel si asal tercihleri a m n an salt emo rati teo rati ve a totaliter
olmas m m n olma
n an i ti ar sorununu si aseti genel ir to lum
ro esinin o al ir ar as urumun a ele alara
e ilir alt emo rasi ile
ast e ilen rensi te emo rati e erler e il a t el u gulama a i mo ern
sorunlar ar s n a ir t r aresi li e
en ug n
emo rati e iller ir
ahi a na l ir in olara slam n on an ga r staslarla ele al nmas n n
nce mer e ine vah i alan staslarla e erlen irilmemesinin ve
on an isti a e e ilmemesinin slam
ncenin slam li ini e ele i i
n lme te ir ro lemlerin
m nceli le onlar sorunsalla t rma ta
atma ta r
g n ir meto olo i olma an sorunsalla t rman n m m n
olma aca
unun a mo ern al larla ger e le eme ece i ne
s r lme te ir
in ile mo erni m u la ama ir a a sahi tir o erni m inin t g r
n evile me i urumsalla t rm t r ilgi i utsal re erans n an o ar a la
sl man To lum
n ve
aset stan ul n l
ta ev
eriati l
e en et ve o ern m stan ul Yen
amanlar Ya nlar
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
a al ilgi urgulamas a m t r ola s la mo erni m a na gere i ini
ilgi i lam t r in mahremi eti te vi e er en mo erni m alen a ama
ve i a erine urulmu tur inin isra e i ini mo erni m ihti a olara
g stermi tir
o erni m ire selli i savunan ilahi re eranslar g ar e en
ire cili i getirmi tir inin ise ire sel n olma la era er to lumsal n
aha o n lana ma ta r in sos al ir a ant sunar en mo erni m ini
i isel inan alan na e me te ir o erni min getir i i se lerli mutla
ir in gerileme olmasa a ire ci ir ahla n o u s recini olu turmu tur
ai li ile a l g rle tirilmi in s n rlan r lm t r
o erni min sava a t
gelene e ar
uru enili tara tarl
a ma
erine gelene in sa lam a s na aslan gelece e air ih a aali etlerin e
ulunma ta sa nca o tur
in o al e i im sunan aman n a s na
u umlu ur anca
u e i im o al a n an o ar l
orlama ir e e
n m se ona u um sa lama orunlulu u o tur slam n
n oru u
onu a a a
a slam a u gun hale getirme m m n r
Modernite ve İslam ya da Moderniteyi İslamlaştırma
slam mo erni e etme ve a
o ernite i slamla t rma gi i i a elere
a l getirilmeli ir Yaln
ir a am i imi ve a
g r nt le mo ern
at mo ernite e orlu tarihi iri imi le ula m t r u tarihi tecr e
s reci a n aman a s re lili e i im e amanl l ve art amanl l halin e
varolmu tur u gerginli in me ana getir i i mo ernite ne o ma ne e
o rusal ir s re e lin e ir at n n g c u gerginli in aratt u ar c an
gelme te ir ve u a ihninin he arat c almas n sa lam t r o ernitenin
geli me i sa la an ener isi insan ilerleten ilginin e i ruhu arat c ve a ma
g c
sl man to lumlar a ilin haline gelmi mi ir
o ernitenin sonu lar her alan a te ni geli me olara a ul e ilmeli ir
anca to lumu eni ir Cahiliye e s r le en at n n sa n et isin en
orunma gere me te ir u ta i olara in ha at sos al ha at anca ir e
si aset alan n ilgilen irme te ir
htt a seco an com tr mo ern m n-cag as- slam- usunces ne-et s
Tal i
e ion un usulman Contem orain Casa lanca
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
o ernite i slamla t rma
Ha reti e gam er ir to lumun si asi ve in li eri olmu tur anca il
h le a-i ra i in H
u e ir mer sman ve li h l a lan ir Ümmeti
netmi ler ir hal e ne en at an esinlenilmi
netim ve organi as on
e illeri a ul e ilsin ve ne en ti i slam olan şura onse tine nere slam
miras n an al nmas n (3)
sselam Yasin
emo rasi en ahsetme
erine ani hal n
netimi st otorite olma an hal n en ini
netmesi anlam na gelen
isti are ani insanlar n e i tirme ha na sahi olma lar ah i tat i
i in orum a a tas on ve anla
a as anlam na gelen Şura terimini
ullanma tercih etme te ir
sl manlar n emo rasi sinin u Şura ol u unu ve
llar sonun a s
onusu olan emo rati ge i in
ur an Yasas an a r t r lama aca n
a lama ta r İslamcılar ise laik demokratlara, Müslüman toplumlara
empoze edilmeye çalışılan demokrasi oyununun kuralının Kur’an Yasası’yla
desteklenmedikçe hiçbir zaman kök salamayacağını anlatmakta ciddi zorluklar
yaşamktadırlar. İçimizdeki ve ‘büsbütün Müslüman’ olan laiklere Batı
demokrasisinin, doğuşuna ve gelişimine şahit olmuş tarihi sürecin dışında
tutulamayacağı nasıl anlatılabilir? Şimdiye kadar beklemede olan şuranın
Kur’an kontekstinden soyutlanamayacağı onlara hangi dilde anlatılmalıdır?
Şura suresinde, siyasi olan sosyalden ayrıştırılamaz ve dini bütünleyicidir;
iktidar alanının ve organizasyonunun dinî tutumlardan ayrılmasını isteyen
laiklik saçmalığı neredendir
emo rasi i Yahu iler
n a hal lar n an ne ret etmeleri en i r lar la
gurur u malar servetlerini a alar la a la ma istememeleri ve i er
milletleri ha ir g rmeleri se e i le a ama a mah m ol u lar getto an
arm lar r emo rasi e onlar n gettolar a inlerce l r e olanm
o unla t r lm ve llanm olan ehirlerini i er milletlerin lt r gelene
ve si aset hav alar n a tam ir g rl le erite ilece leri geni to lumlara
malar n sa lam t r
u i ert ean amais
Yass ne slamiser la
Yas n
e n ai Cess
ren re l
ri ue
slamiser la o ernit , Casa lanca l
o ernit
nnetullah stan ul n l Ya nlar
itions arthala
m ressions
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
ater ali m e erleri le ol urulmu asr n ilinin s lemlerimi e h im
olmas n istemi oru
u no ta a ir ne e uru Yahu i erri Yahu i
om losu Yahu i in rc l ve Yahu i e tanl gi i onular i ler en ihin
ve al imi e ula m olmas muhtemel tne ve
e to lar n sil eleme
a a l ve mo ernite i lerin en urtulma isti oru
e mi te ir H risti an manev olara
e ar na a lan r
u i t nl a
ai li o mu tur ai li me he i ir
anal la her evir ve lge e giren n
ilise e ma
olara ise nemin
an in ile evleti ir irin en a ran
ve a r i e atoli H risti anl
a Yahu ili in en ge mi tir
Modernizm Karşısında İslam
sselam Yasin i in at
emo rasi si aha i a e ur an n
temelci ir orumlamas n an me ana gelmi a am ve netim urallar n n
u gulanmas n n u gun olaca slam me eni etine anca arar verece tir
i er an an insi li lai li i ale ti mater ali m a a nas onal sos ali m
avi esin en hare etle tarihimi i ras onel o itivist mant
la ele tirme e
sl manlar n tarihini vahi n
vvet llah a ve ahiret g n ne iman gi i
e erler en so utla ara orumlama he e e en ir a a r
Ha l ihni etli rans n altm sene nce i orumlar na at lm oru ira at
me eni etinin et ilerini g r
ve u amana a ar gere at me eni etinin
ve gere se aral s
evam e en mis onerli aali etlerin en o e ti
al r a at lan as erlerin simalar ar l ve ullan lan ntemler e itli olsa
a a lan o eras on te tir st n ve arla silahl ve engin me eni eti le
sal rgan tutum i le en at ruhu a n la aha nce il ha l se erini a latan
a a n n onu mas n a elli lerini o u u umu em er alist ha l ruhtur
ater alist
ar sist lai ve insi i ahi e else esi sl m a ne ret u an
em er alist urumlar isvesi le Yahu i H risti an inin en a as e il ir
u urumlara tarihin ir nemin e ransa ngiltere Hollan a ve s an a
enmi ti ug n e a n isimler alt n a evam etme te ir i e ar aha a la
Yas n
Yas n
Yas n
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
o ernite i slamla t rma
i oni m anl s ve aha sert ir i ti arla or ac l
o un e irme
a l a mah m etme ve or utma gi i ntemler ullanma ta rlar unlar i t
nl a lar r ir n le Yahu ilerle orta
lere sahi i onistle mi ir
r ununla meri a irle i
evletleri ni aste i orum i er n le
at mac else enin Yahu i urucusu ar s anal la i onistle en ir a
ar sist else e mater alist at me eni eti ervan n n hem ervan a ve
hi met isi hem e lanla c s ve u gula c s onumun a r
is onerli
te ilatlar sa ece onun i ini a m lar r ve a ma a a evam etme te irler
i im u un va eli avam ile sa va eli acil he e erimi in a ar l olmas
manlar n om lolar na ve m te e ir g lerin tu a lar na ra men
en imi i e i tirmemi e a l r en imi i e i tirmemi arametrelerimi i
sl m ve
l sl m ve at
sl m ve emo rasi sl m ve u
ve a u gi i mev ular n else esini a ma i in orum tart malar na girme
e il ir Teori tart malar n verimli u an hare etlerini te vi e ici ve geni
a s na sahi orumlara emin ha rla an la r lar i in e ir nemi
ulunsa a en imi i e i tirmemi rati ir mesele ir man n al ler e
erinle mesi m minlerin
l ahl
e erlerinin ihsan sai la se er er
olmas cihat hen e in e llah n as erlerinin lt rel ma a l ir e itim
erine u gulamal ir e itimle e itilmesi meselesi ir
emo rasi u gulama a i else e ve sistemlerinin otur u u elli tir nlar
i im i in ela et ve
man r anca en i i lerin e ir irlerini ontrol e erler
ve ulm nlerler Y netimi a la rlar ve o ulculu else esine sahi tirler
a alar n n g r lerine sa g u ar
ir ve ele tiri g rl
ne sahi tirler
ve netici as s n an u a t rlar ralar n a anun h imi eti var r
Churchill er i emo rasi en arars sistem ir emo rasinin s n rlar n ve
ararlar n ili orlar a at ula a il i leri en i i sistem e o ur i ler genelli le
i er i i g elli leri i ate alma an emo rasi i ele tiriri
emo rasinin en
i i n g r
ar l l lar n ir sisteme a lamas ve isti rar sa lamas r
n t tara ise sistem olara e eri ir anuna a anmas r arlamento
se imleri ve re eran um son s ve mutla otorite i temsil e er at l lar ne
Yas n
Yas n
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
llah n asas n tan rlar ne e
na sa g
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
u arlar
ar sist else e e g re to lumlar s n a r m n an a na lanan ul m
uvalar r i u te e g n m e ger e insanl avi esin en sa ece istih a
na ar la a
ge i or ve i oru i sl m a s n a r m o tur vet
sl m insanlar aras n a e ici ir s n n ulunmas n enimseme
a eci
ar sist ve Yahu i tarih orumu at mac
mler sunan e si ir orum ur
ug n us a a evrim en etmi
l sonra om nistler ar si m en
va ge i orlar s n a r m na ar u u lar ole ti ir
e le ur u lar
n an n en g l ve u retli evletini ra
li erali m ve emo rasi en
ram alma isti orlar
sselam Yasin a a
ncesin e
o ernite i
slamla t rma avram n n teoris enlerin en irisi ol u u o ru ur l ette
a aca
o ernite i slamla t rma avram
erin e urursa anlams
e erlen irile ilir anca
a n an incelen i in e Modernite’nin
Eleştirisi n e ve a r l lar n a a e ilme te ir e h Yasin e mo ernite i
slamla t rma avram her e en nce moderniteyi, postmoderniteyi,
modernist ideolojiyi, moderniteleri vs
nme i in ullan lm t r
elli le başka olan ir gelene ten v nen s lem ve re eranslar tan mama
i in mo ernite avram ve ve a mo ern olma gere lili i nin hat rlan
ir er eve e u
nce gere li ve a n lma g r lm t r u te e
İmam Adüsselam Yasin e
nemimi e ah in ani ne evi mesa hem
ur an hem e gam er mo eli onumu ha n a aha genel ir
a s n a a e ilmi tir er e ten İmam Abdüsselam Yasin i in genelli le
mo ern insan tara n an ar ai m ve o u lu sem ol olara alg lanan
ahi mo ernitenin a r l lar na are ola ilir anca unun i in ncesin e
‘ mod ernitenin ne olup olmadığı
n lmeli
o ernite i slamla t rma
ita n n il
l m n n a l
Modernite nedir ir ve e istemolo i
s n rlar avranmal r
sselam Yasin ir o lar gi i İslami bir perspektifte mode rnitenin
sa malar n temi leme i onu eterli lerin en urtarma
vs isti or u
Yas n
Yas n
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
o ernite ha n a u
bir modernite ara n a
a olma ta
o ernite i slamla t rma
nce e mam
sselam Yasin başka olan
a a slam
ncesinin a mlar n a t m le
o ernite i
slamla t rma
ita n a İmam Abdüsselam Yasin
evrensel ar la eni en a urma rsat n n slam o sa tu an ol u unu
hat rlatma ta r İmam Abdüsselam Yasin’e göre ‘siyasi-ekonomik tehdit’
olarak adlandırdığı küreselleşmenin zararlarından korunmak için, bu
tehlike sadece enerjilerin birleşmesiyle önlenebilir.
Tahri atlara ar orunma i in en sa aman a u a ar e mi ir hal n
eni en se er er olmas n sa lama o hassas ir g rev ir ve a ara ilmenin
te olu mam
sselam Yasin e g re hal as l ener i a na
slam ile
a na t rma t r
lama an u a to lumun t m atmanlar la a laca
slami ir a t
otansi elleri ve l enin i i ni etlilerini e erlen irme
sorunu u usu
ece tir o sa tu an t n surlar ele ge irece ve imse i
n a ra ma aca t r
sselam Yasin in ita n n ni et i slam n gelece ini
nme tir
at mo elini insan geli imi i in tehli eli olara g steren mam
Yasin at n n su orta olara lo al otorite i e a n o e e n t rme
isteme le su lama ta r
sselam Yasin ita Moderniteyi İslamlaştırma a
elli le
a la m erin e srar etme te ir Allah’a dönüş, Allah’ın Şahit ve Kefil
olarak alınacağı toplumlarımızın bileşenleri arasında bir anlaşma, bugün
değersizleştirilmiş ve tedavülden kaldırılmış ahlaki ve toplumsal faziletlerin
(dürüstlük, dayanışma, güven, samimiyet, iyi yapılmış iş, verilen söz, adalet)
çiçek açmasını sağlayacaktır.
Bir hukuk Devleti’nde Adalet ve herkesin hak garantisi sosyal istikrarın
iki şartıdır. İnançlı toplum asgari hayati adaleti garantilemelidir ki kimse
yaralanmasın ve herkes güvende olduğunu bilerek ortak çabaya katılsın.
Dışarıdan bize uygulanan adaletsizlikler sadece kendimize yaptığımız
adaletsizliklerin hak ettiği cezadır
ora i Chemse
a oi Nue
on etit
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
sselam Yasin
le evam e i or ilk şartı adalet olan bağlılık
yeminiyle Allah’a bağlı olan inananlara yapılan tavsiyeler daha kesindir. Nahl
suresi, inananlara gereken ibadetin ayrılmaz parçası olan tam bir sosyal ahlakın
tavsiye ve usulünü kapsamaktadır. Sadece sosyal alanın dinle hiçbir alakasının
olmadığını açıklayanı isteyen laisizm ancak şu iki ayetle en iyi yalanlanabilir:
“Şüphesiz Allah adaleti, iyilik yapmayı, yakınlara yardım etmeyi emreder;
hayâsızlığı, fenalık ve azgınlığı da yasaklar. O, düşünüp tutasınız diye size öğüt
veriyor. Antlaşma yaptığınız zaman, Allah’a karşı verdiğiniz sözü yerine getirin.
Allah’ı kendinize kefil kılarak pekiştirdikten sonra yeminlerinizi bozmayın.
Şüphesiz Allah, yaptıklarınızı bilir
ug ne a ar sl m tarihi o unca orta a an al ant lar a r l
e ilimleri
tne cere anlar n Cahiliye ann Cahiliye h m Cahiliye a -sa l ve
Cahiliye taassu unu i eren asa i et l s ne vura iliri
aman g r r
i asa i et a a
a sl m g lenmi tir
sa i et g len i e sl m
gerilemi tir unun i in ug n atei m ile lai li aras n a i a na ma a i aret
etmemi eterli ir u i i e ilim Cahiliye taassu u ur unlar n sl m n erine
netim oltu una oturmalar Cahiliye nin g lenmesine rne tir
a tan eri i i lt r aras n a e i tiril i i i im to lumlar m a ol u u gi i
a anc ir l e e na le ilmi emo rasi
salma re e i or ve ne t renle
im alanm onur o u ne e aceleci re ormlar ve a lmas at l teoris enlere
emanet e ilmi t
ler hi ir e e olmas n sa la ama
u ithal g reler
onu sa ece u a lar n n ucu la ve san i i i o s ler ger e i gi le e ilirmi
gi i a r t etilen eti -s c olan m hlet onlar n a eri o i olara
t etilme e ara an ir slogan olara g ren ir n a a emo rasi it isini
enile ilir ve sa l l lma a g s olara orta a ma ta r
aman a ve me n a emo rasi s c
n t rere ve emo rasi ile
şura aras n a aralelli olu turma a al r en a lan en ine ait olma an ir
i lim e l m esin ir u u a a ge irme tir anca
i im i in emo rasi
rose rleri ir renme o ulu ola ilece en ir emo rasi sahteli ini i e
ara ilme i in şura elime ve avram n mo ern emo rasi le
Yasin slamiser la o ernit ,
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
o ernite i slamla t rma
ar la t rara ta i tutul u u i lim e i i li i gi i ge ici ana roni m e ir
ar l ve elirsi li gettosuna şurayı s rmenin esin ollar r
emo rasi aln ca rose r ve lai li le ir aran n i i
retim o ulu ola ilir i e i emo rasi somut sonu lar alma ve i ti ar n
at ma urumlar n
netme i he e e en ir rose re in irgene ilir
eli mi mo ernite ve
netim sistemi ha n a ele tirmenlerin
s le i leri u ur
lah men eli genel il e olan şura resmi i ereni ahla ve manev o utunun
muhtevas n
r ma an emo rati ormlara o un e e ilir mi
a a ir
e i le arat laca ve mo ern ir to lumun ihti a lar na a a te e ilece slam
netim sistemi ilah ilham n o ma an ve e lin gere lili lerin en ola
n en va ge me en emo rasi en i ti ar n a ural netici ve urumsal
metotlar n
n ala ilir mi
emo rati s recin emo rasi en i evin e a l ol u u aman on si onel
ve et ili ger e li i in r e ileme ir geli mi to lumlar a a lan ele tiriler
ne olursa olsun amu olgusunu al t rman n en a
ntemi olara
alma a evam etme te ir
o ulu ir a nt n n etra na i ilen g el ir it gi i o u ve
a lama olan u g s
emo rasinin erine
g nl
ve insanlar n
t nl
i i olan r c l a ve a a te e ilememi ir
rose r n ne en olaca
e ormas onlara ar
oru u u ger e
şuranın urulmas n tale e i oru
emo rasinin inanc m a ters
mesin en or ma an ala ilece imi
ara lar na gelince emo rasinin temel rensi a t g ler a r l hi ir
slam u ru la at mama ta r a e
g rl
en nemli emo rati
urumlar n an iri ir
ai re imler alt na at ran ve arantina a alan
enetim en urtulmu ir slam as n her emo rati as n n si as ve ilgi
rol ne ilaveten e itim ahla ve manevi on si onu a g rmeli ir
Yasin slamiser la
Yasin slamiser la
o ernit ,
o ernit ,
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
sselam Yasin e g re ha at n anlam n ve Yarat c n n varl n ilme
il insan ha
i er t m ha lar u ire etra n a nme te ir
en to lum i in e inan in r a ul e ileme ir Her es en i
ire sel inan s l gettosuna e ilme te ser esttir mam
sselam Yasin
engi is onun ir
sl man ica olma
n n ve vic an a a n n a slam a
a ul e ilme i inin alt n i me te ir
i aisite nin to lum me an n a
inan tan
nme i ha rma ha n istemesinin to lumun temellerini
sarsaca n i a e etme te ir
sselam Yasin e g re en nemli sorunlar aras n a slam evriminin
cahiliye u gulamalar na son verece ini
sl man to lumunun t m
l mlerinin o sunlu ve e a rl a la m n n e it ir e il e gere tirece ini
a ule i i ha rlanmas i in to lumun e itiminin ol u u unutulmamal r
rt insanlar gelece slam evlet in ha ati ihti a lar ir sihirli u u la
ar la a ilece ine inan r lmamal r
n aman a acilen
sl manlara
o n arg getiren o u lu ve isi linsi li e me an o umal r mam
sselam Yasin
sl manlar n cahiliye’den a r lma a al r en t m
u manl alanlar n an ve iri mi insan ilgeli in en
renme g revini
g en a rmamalar gere ti ini hat rlatma ta r
sacas mo ernitenin
slamla t r lmas slam n as n n ilim alan na ve ilim ve te nolo i geli imi
onusuna eti mesi gere ece tir ararl sonu lar na atlanma a evam etti i
nl o u lu tarihi le u la ma an ir te his a mas ir e slam n o a
ve insanla s r rmesini tavsi e etti i ili i normlar na entele t el ve te ni
ilim ntemlerini a a te e ere ir slam gelece i icat etme i in se er er
olmas gere me te ir slam n as insan ve ma i a na lar la m emmel
ir se er erli olu la slam n manev ve ahla
e erlerini oru ara ir
a il e onomi sistem
neticileri hal tara n an se ilmi ve samimi olara
hi metin e olan ir si asi i ti ar urma
a araca t r
Cahili n u an anserin
n n a nmas
t l
n en s
ve i onist s m rgecili inin arar n n silinmesi i in mam
Yasin in ner i i
m hal n ger e
arlar n n insanl n urtar c s ve
ar e slam avas n n savunucular tara n an uvvetle u n e al t r lan
g l ir hare eti orta a arma olgusun a atma ta r
sselam Yasin e itli ve ar e li
onusun a slam o trininin
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
o ernite i slamla t rma
a alet ve in a
erine a an
n anlatma ta r
e ru ir i ti ar n
et inli inin ve to lumsal g lerin erin ir a lanma tara n an ser est
ra lmas n n insan n iman ve ameli salih e geli e ilmesi i in gere li olan
i i art olu tur u unu elirtme te ir
sselam Yasin e gam er nemin e i il slam to lumunun i leme
e lini u a an tan mlama ta r si asi a lanma rahatt sivil e ir e a n
e itimi alm her esin ilgisi hilin e en ini is atlam a n ehir e a a an
ve a
ir ava i in a n a a a at lan ol ar a a lar n an olu ma ta
emmel organi as onu ve il to lumun e a
slam to lumu emo rati
urumlara sahi
ir slam
evlet e lin e a lan r l
n a a ar s
olaca n savunma ta r
le ir ela etin n ne ge me i in mam
sselam Yasin in arl
ve ahla
st nl
usursu olan ir elitin slam to lumlar n n eni en
a lanmas n sa lamas n nerme te ir u elit a n aman a arga a a ar
m ca ele i ve il slam to lumu mo eline g re slam evleti ile e itim ve
retim sisteminin organi as onunu stlenmeli ir t ili ir e il e netilen
evrimci slam evleti mam
sselam Yasin e g re tasarru e itiminin
ilerlemesini te vi ve oruma i in entele t el ve si asi ir alan a lmal r u
to lumun elerinin ar l l verece leri
tler sa lam ve sa
olmal r
en ini ontrol a nlanma ve i ili in ararl ve a n o ulu ur a ti sevgi
sos oe onomi s n ar astlar ve i ti ar ta mlar olara a emeli a lar a
st ste gele ilece ar e e ir to lumun orta a
n n ahla
o ulu ur
Modern insanlar ancak nadiren ve bazen varoluş kaygısı duyarlar, zamanı
öldürmek ve mutlak düşman ölümün beklediği bir yaşam trajedisini unutmaya
da kendilerini canla başla verirler.
Zamanın kontrolünün kaybı, ‘zaman Kıtlığı’na ve ‘zamanı yaşama’ zorluğuna
çare bulamadan bu toplumların aydın eleştirmenlerinin kötü bulduğu modern
toplumların yapısındaki büyük çatlaklardan biridir
ia hat
tat e roit et la onne ouvernance elon la Th orie e
tho e
ro h ti ue u ro esseur
essalam Yassine l- u temer el- vvel Ne ari e el- inh c
en-Ne evi stan ul Yassine Con erences - ral
Yasin slamiser la o ernit ,
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
sselam Yasin iman e leme n t
n e orulma an i i amel
i leme e al i ir at l m iste
rsat ara
ima e en ir esinli olara
a lama ta r eriat olara a lan r lan slam hu u u llah a ta i ulun
u mas gere en ir ol isi linli ir al ma ir ha at i imi ir ire sel
ve to lumsal ha at n normati alan n t n n at e en ir ol ur eriat n
u tan m islamo o lar n eriatla a lant lan r lar ul m ve atliam
ima n
lama ta r
ur an ve s nnet eriat n temel a na lar n olu turma ta r mam
sselam Yasin sünneti en
se no tas na a ar umu a insan
olara nitele i i ir avran
i gisini ve olumlu ir urtulu ara n
retere insanlara olu g steren H
e gam er in e itim ve u gulamas la
tan mlama ta r mam
sselam Yasin eni en eriat n ce a
n ne
a la ma ta ve ce a ruhunun su un ce alan r l
ve urtta lar na garanti
etti i ha a ar va i e a mas n a gere tir i i ir to lum i in e sos al
ar n ir este er evesin e a e ilmesi gere ti ini elirtme te ir
eriat n ce a o utuna islamo o lar n ve a re imlerin a la lar
nemi relativi e etme i in mam
sselam Yasin eriat n ana a na olan
ur an n su u nleme
enlemelerine anca on
arg anla ma l tan
ahse en sa ece otu a ete er ver i ini anlatma ta r ur an n i er
a etlerine g re u a etlerin sa s n n s n rl ol u unu vurgulama gere ir
sselam Yasin e g re utsal ita metinlerinin temelinin reh erli
etra n a n
ve a insan n a i ile olan ili isi le ve sonsu mutlulu u
ha etme i in ura a i tenli le a mas gere en i i amellerle ala al onular
ele al
anlam na gelir
sselam Yasin insan n llah ile ili isine g re sos al ili ilerin
ar ve sava urumlar n n m l i et l m n n an n a ahla i i tisa i
si asi ve ailevi il eler t n n n ir ho g r ve ha ata sa g ruhu i in e ele
al n
n savunma ta r
lece onlars
a c hi ir al man n m m n
to lumsal
en ve ar n sa lanmas i in ha ati he e er olan
ha at a l ve m l i eti oruma ihti ac erin e srar e en mam
Yasin in e imi le u u ma l ve ne ret e il a ve a to lumsal ha at n
ia hat
l- u temer
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
o ernite i slamla t rma
enleme o ullar r
lece slam hu u u hu ur ve ilah
enlemesinin orunmas na a anan a t r mlar ng rm t r
sselam Yasin ir hu u evletin e
en ve ar n s r r lmesi
onusun a insan arg u gulamas o ullar ile
en ve ar n inan l
to lum a h
m s rmesini a ahatlerin ce alan r lmas n ve ar l
r le enleri et isi
l nmas n iste en llah n anununun u gulanmas
o ullar n ar la t rma ta r ununla irli te mam
sselam Yasin insan
arg i et ve orla c l te eline alan ir g c n orlamas la a at lan ir
hu u olur en
sl man to lumu a lan
vahi ha i atini temel il e
olara al
l e llah n anununun o as n n insan arg n n in en ar l
ol u unu elirtme te ir
sselam Yasin slam hu u unun artlar n n ger e ten ur an ve
nnette elirtilen temel il eler ol u unu savunma ta r anca sos al i tisa i
ve si asi a am a r nt s n a sama lar g
n ne al n
n a
sl man
asa o ucu anunu u gulama a o ma ve e i en o ullara u umlu hale
getirme i in ire sel asal a a s re lerini ullanmas gere me te ir u a
sl man hu u unun slam hu u unun inceli lerini ilmesini ve gere ti in e
asal a alar i leme e ilmesini gere tirme te ir Hu u evleti i i netimi
este leme te ir anca genel olara cehalet ve i etin sonucu olan ir t netim urumun a geli eme
Vizyonumuz kendimizi sıkışmış hissettiğimiz Ulus-devlet sınırlarında
kalmamaktadır, çünkü tek varlık halinde Müslüman halkların birliği Nihai
hedefimizdir ve Ümmetin yeniden birleşimi Bizim görevimizdir
u i i avram anali etme i in mam
sselam Yasin ur an a
a vurma ta r ve ur an a rt e te rarlanm
ra a ir terim olan ve
inan s l
t - netimi a nlar n a a lanmas n ve cahili a ilecili ine
i etli
nama i in ullan lm olan cahiliye avram n n anlam n
ans tt lar n n alt n i me te ir
ia hat
l- u temer
Yasin, slamiser la o ernit ,
ia hat
l- u temer
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
sselam Yasin her nemin en i a ilecili inan s l
t netim se e si li ve a aletsi li e li ol u unu a lama ta r nsan n ne en
var ol u unu ilme i i
sl man ve a
sl man olma an to lumlar n t netil i i anla ma l lar n a alet ruhu erine i g
sel i et rt leri le
mlen i i her er e cahiliye ol u unun alt n i me te ir
Cehalet ur an n retti i ve il fıtratın en o al e il e alg la
ma ta r ve mam
sselam Yasin e g re nceli le tesa en ve a
o una ura a olma
i e il irme ten i arettir onra i e Ha at m
u atan ve a t lar m an hesa verme ve e e i en
llen irilme
ve a ce alan r lma
ere o umumu an n a a i u ge ici varolu tan
mr m n onuna e i imi e a ar era erimi e olan
ilgi i
il irme te ir
Ni etimi emo rasi s recini a ma e il ir ura a i im i in emo rasinin
o u tan en inin olma an herhangi ir mutla eti ra t n en isinin en
ar l olan her t r eti e
man ol u unu elirtme
eterli olaca t r
emo rati tolerans n emo rati o ulculu un vs ar as n a gi lenen u
ra i al inhisarc l
te elcili mono oli m e s l ivi m
emo rasi i
en ine ar
n ren ve en i eti temelini o etme e iten l r c ir
me ani ma r
l eler a e en ve sa ma a olan emo rati mo ernite art sa ece i le en
ve sonu verene ha tan r emo rasinin i leme tar
uhumu u a ettirme en
ve ahla i
lerinin t enmemesini sa lama i in ir a ha i at r nt s
ara an geli mi mo ern to lumlar n ol u lar no ta a i i
rme en i im
i ti ar
netme ihti ac m ceva la a ilir mi
sselam Yasin onun g n e
i etsi li il esini savunma ta r unun
an hi nin in en ar l ol u unu elirtme
i etsi li
rne ini verere
a ilev ta
mo eline a anma ta r
ia hat
l- u temer
Yasin slamiser la o ernit ,
ia hat
l- u temer
slam hu u unun ir il esi olan
an n a slam n i etsi li inin
te ir n
l o unca a aletle
nl a ar sava an e gam er
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
o ernite i slamla t rma
Şura emo rasi mi in a
n ll ve a orla utulmu ve a lar n n
lt rel meta oli mas n n en i temeli olaca a ar asimile e ilmi ir lai
lt r tara n an a anc la m ve an r lm ihinler e anla la ilme i in
neler a lma
nlar i in ai m re ata at ta ulunma an herhangi ir
ir herhangi ir avram rahats
e inler tara n an salg lanan asit ir
sa mal olaca a ar r
u urum a aha a la a lama e ler en elli le inan la celen ir ortama
at l lai
emo rasi i erle tirme ten va ge mi ene im giri imlerinin
arars l n g stermesini e ler en şura i im emo rasimi ir Ya g n
lai mo ernite tara n an sinsice at l la ma te e
s n n s r er esini
aralama i in neler a lma
aten etimolo i olara
emo rasi ve şura’ terimlerinin ra i al ar l l lar
ir e il e g e ar ma ta r s ras la hal ve i ti ar anlam na gelen
dêmos ve kratos emo rasi nin i i unan
leri ir o hal e emo rasi
etimolo i olara hal n i ti ar anlam na gelme te ir ani hal n temsilcileri
se ilmi lerin egemenli ha
herhangi ir st otorite e an ma an u gun
g r
leri e il e asamalar r
Şura ve emo rasinin her iri
en olara ar l a na a a l r unanca
ir elime ve u gulama olan emo rasinin tarihi s reci şuran n in en tamamen
ar l r l inin temeli agan tina a a lar ve lai ateist ve ahla s
u gulama olara geli mi mo ern to lumlar a iter en i incisi in ar
e ine en a lar ve a la
on rt as r o unca ge erlili i almam
anun olur
Şura u gulama i in ura a a ar a erine o un e mi ve lt r nleri
hil i erlerinin r nlerini t etme orun a olmu
sl man hal lar slam
hu u unun normati il elerini enimseme i in ithal mo ern stan artlara
u sal leli o un uru un an sil inmeli ir i e i tat rl
n al
e il
al tsal hali eli ten en son ilerici re imlere e i mi tir mevcut as se im
am an alar arnaval na ra men lai si asi evrenin art
a arla ama
ir a o meti emo rasi a na u gulanma ta r Cehalet o uma a ma
Yasin slamiser la
o ernit ,
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
ilmeme ve se aletin a rl alt n a e il i in en a lanan emo rasi i
imse sorgulama a cesaret etmi or a
hal atlan or ve susu or sivil
to lum onunun va esi olma an emo rati le me en hesa soram or
emo rati
en i cennet urma an alla
ulla an ir ge i in sonunu
g rme te sa rs lan lma ta r
slamc lara gelince
ur an anunu ile
urum a ol u u
et e
sl man hal lara a atma a al lan emo rati o ununun
ural n n asla
salama aca n lai emo ratlara anlatma ta ci i s nt lar
var r i en olan ve tam
sl man olan lai lere at emo rasisinin
o umunu ve geli imini g rm tarihi s re
n a tasarlanama aca nas l
anlat la ilir
Şura suresin e si asi olan to lumsal olan an a r lma ve u inin a r lma ir
ar as r i ti ar alan n n ve organi as onunun in a g lar an a r lmas n
iste en lai sa mal
ura an gelme te ir ai o ulunun eti tir i i ihin
slam ar m na a t gi i i e amusal a am el a am an ve cami i
arlamento an a ran tuha a a oru
sselam Yasin e gam er retisine g re ho g r ve merhamet
onusun a
sl man to lumunun o ul ve
lar n n he sinin to lumlar n n
geli mesin e ararl at lar na ve geli imlerine elveri li artlar onlara
sa la aca ir slam evletinin orumas n an ve i irli in en ararlanmas
gere ti ini savunma ta r slam evleti ge mi e a anan e il e etene
ve verimlili lerine g re to lum
elerini e erlen irmeli ir u
sselam Yasin
e e nin ethin e es i i encecilerini a e en
e gam er s a v in mo elin e
t avranm olan her ese ar
eni ir
a ve ho g r sa as a lmas n n esas ol u unu
nme te ir e gam erin
u tavr a saml ir eni en a lanma a as n a her esin ola gele ilmesi
ve a na a ilmesi i in i i engeli olma a ve is anc ihni etler ile i et
e ilimleri le m a ere e motive etmeli ir
sselam Yasin cami i H e gam er nemin e ol u u gi i gen ler
i in reh erli me an na
n t rme isteme te ir anca
nceli le genel
Yasin, slamiser la
o ernit ,
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
o ernite i slamla t rma
e itim o uluna n mesi i in onu resmi etten urtarma gere me te ir n
sselam Yasin e g re cami nama i in s tl ir aman an sonra
hemen a at lan ir manast r erine eni en v l a an ir et inli in a lang
no tas olmas gere en i a et eri ve llah n utsal evi ir Ha reti e gam er
e ine e hicretin en sonra aali etlerine cami in as la a lam t r
Batı Modernitesinin Eleştirisi
ri e i u mo ernite slamla t r lmal r
slam n mo erni e e ilmesi
gere me Her aman ve neme a a te olan temelleri evrensel ir a sine
mo ernite i slamla t rma gere ir
in e a a
m to lum mo ern ir
anca slam la u umsu ur slam il eleri ile u umlu hale getirilmeli ir
u tan ma g re mam
sselam Yasin mo ernitenin her t r ar ai mi i in
ura an a lai le mesi orta an al r
ar r
o ernitenin
lai li i nas l retti ini ve unun mo ernite i nas l retti ini g sterme en mam
sselam Yasin mo ernite ve laisite i a r lma olara a ul etme te ir
u ili i i esme i in mo ernitenin lai elitler retme ece
e il e
slamile tirilmesi gere me te ir mam
sselam Yasin lai li ten a a
mo ernitenin a a Tanr s na ta an a itali mi i er i ini
nme te ir u
onu a i i a eleri u e il e ir
Her Müslüman’ın ve her Müslüman toplumun saygı göstermesi gerektiği
ilişkinin kurucu ilkelerini görmezden gelerek, vahşi kapitalizmin Ekonomimiz
üzerine neden olduğu hakaretlere maruz kalırken gözlerimizi kapatırsak, kolay
kurbanlar olarak kalırız, daha kötüsü, Kendi cinayetimizin suç ortağı oluruz
llah a hi er verme en laisite en
emo rasisini re etme te ir
sselam Yasin
Laik entelektüel ancak akıl ve metodolojik titizliği ile ant içerler. Biz
Allah’ın hukukunun egemenliğinden bahsederken onlar aklın egemenliğinden
bahsetmektedir. Evrensel ve ampirik bilim alanlarında aklın egemenliğinden
bahsettiğinde anlaşırız, yaşam yönetimi ve insan ihtiyacının organizasyonu
en lmosta a
ouvements slam ues au
ar s
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
(ekonomi, yönetim ve endüstri) alanlarından bahsettiğinde, ‘pratik’ aklın
insanlığın ortak yeteneği ve halklar arasındaki farklılıklara dayalı bir araç
olduğu gerçeğine dayanıyoruz. Ancak Batılı entelektüelin bize sunduğu
rasyonalist anlayış aklı kutsallaştırıyor ve insanı ilah düzeyine çıkarıyor
sselam Yasin san
ve insan ha lar na sa g gi i
ararl il e e sahi ol u unu
ithal e ilmemeli ir n gere
a r lma r
se imleri ana asa gere lili i i a e g rl
emo rasinin slam a ar olma an ir o
a ul etme te ir unun
n a emo rasi
tir i i i eolo i en ani lai li ve atei m en
o ernitenin ahla ve eti ten o sun l r c ve negati
mo ern te nolo i
ve ilimin ar n hi metin e olmas na m saa e etmeme te ir a sine hava
irlili i i lim o u lulu lar sava lar vs ile insanl
o etme te ir
sselam Yasin e g re en ilimleri gi i a n aman a ve elli le
sos al ilimler e i eolo i ile olan ili ileri ve ine ar u an r lar
he en ola te rar sorgulanmas gere ir u ilimlerin ras onelli i i i i
llah a g t rme
sine arat c s n an
helenme e s r ler u
slam ilimlerin te li e ilmesi a a aha o rusu ine hi met etme i in ilgi
ve ilimin slamla t r lmas acil ir anevi ilim ras onel ger e lere ur n
vah in st nl
n g sterme mis onu ile ras onelli in erini almal r
sselam Yasin a a
ri en ola
u mo ernitenin mo el
n g sterme te ir at to lumlar n a a l her aman a anmam t r
unun an t sava lar a i mler Na i m at malar vs e ulunma ta r u
hal e to lum her aman u mo ernitenin n n e gitmeme te ir ve u mo el
eni ar t a t rlerin geli tir i i a a mo eller tara n an a la ilir
sl man n as na ili in mo ernite geni l e ar an a at lm ir
me an o uma olara alg lanm t r ve evam etme te ir
sl man n as na
ans n giri i ta an ta ana t i i tutuma ol a m t r iri her aman ve tamamen
en lmosta a
en lmosta a
es ouvements slam ues au
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
o ernite i slamla t rma
sal r ve teh it olara alg lanma an ir mo ernite or usunun h im
ol u u ur i eri
sl man n as na na aran mo ern vru a n n st nl
elirtilerinin me ana getir i i ha ranl n h im ol u u ur
Hu u evleti ve i i netim mam
sselam Yasin in ger e le mesi i in
etin m ca eleler ver i i to lum ro esini i i i slami ntem teorisin e
nemli ere sahi tir slami ntem anla na g re insan ha lar
ur an n
n a an ge i in e
n a a mutlulu u ger e le tirme e
ha rlanmas n sa lamas i in sun u u ir g rev ve ha
sturu ir rota ve
reh erli
erine oturma ta r l ette u ur an
stur aten uluslararas
lai s le melerin al in e atan ve mam
sselam Yasin e g re ge erli ir
asal er eve i me ana getiren g rl
e itli ve a alet lehin e ir nca
onusu s le meler onun g n e insan n
ce olan ve en i
erin e i a a la er
n e llah n ce ar m na ha a an ra ilece
olan manevi o utunu o alt or
u ara a hu u
evletinin i i netimle a n ol u unun alt i ilmeli ir
irinin i eri olma an ger e le tirilmesi nere e se im ns
r u ne enle
sselam Yasin in slami ntemi inan ar e li ve i i amel i in e
et ili ve me ru ir si asi i ti ar n urulmas la ve to lumsal g lerin erin en
eni en a lanmas la insan n geli mesine elveri li artlar n arat lmas n
ng r or u n e urulaca slam evletinin g venilir ve et ili olmas i in
slami ntem slam cemi etinin in arl
ahla i r stl
ve et inli i
usursu olan ir elitine i lerin netiminin emanet e ilmesini nerme te ir
u elit slam to lumlar n n o u lu tan eni en a lan rmas n n ve slam
evletinin organi as onunun a a
n an n realitelerinin e hesa a atara
il slam cemi eti mo eline g re olmas n sa lamal r
sselam Yasin in nemli a g lar n an iri
ve g nl
n on an
almas r na evrensel slam tarihi ve mo ern realitenin t m verilerini hil
e ere reali m elli in en o sun ra mam t r
onu olara ha alci olma tan u a mam
sselam Yasin ar e li ehri
a n ver i i to lum ro esine varaca
e i im ro esini sonu lan rma
i in tarihe e a vurara g ncel realitenin titi ir incelemesine en ini
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
vermi tir
t n unlar o ru an ur an ve Ha reti e gam er nnetinin
getir i i e i im urallar n an esinlenere olmu tur Yani o rulu reali m
ve ers e tivi m mam
sselam Yasin tara n an tavsi e e ilen
neten anahtar elimeler ir
sselam Yasin in slam meto u o engin ve erin ir anca
g n m e ir o ra - slam l esin e ger e le me te ol u u hal e mam
sselam Yasin in teorile tir i i ve ger e le mesi i in u un m ca eleler
ver i i slam evrim ve mo ernitenin slamile tirilmesi ro eleri eteri a ar
tan nmama ta r
sselam Yasin in Ne evi Y ntem else esin e
o ernite i slamla t rma
u- a i rahim
Y neli Ya nlar
o ernli ve a
o ernle me uram
stan ul
rslan Hulusi
hla n vrenselli i
stan ul
lahi at a ltesi ergisi
e i
slant r
u i ert ean amais e n ai Cess
itions arthala
aga er
o ern a
ncesi stan ul
re Ya nlar
s n an slam ve
in os olo isi stan ul
u e ir
o erni m
aml ca Ya nlar
ren re l
a lema stan ul
ri ue
Ya nc l
a an r al
o ernli i ve in arl u u um ve r ma H s las n n
tesin e
m nm
in arl
lgusu em o um Te li
a ereleri stan ul ur an ra t rmalar a
o ert N
n ara To lum ilimleri ergisi
en lmosta a
in ahsen
Ya nlar
e ran
o ernle me
in Ne i e
a oi Nue
stan ul
on etit
it i
ir os olog olara a lur ahman slam ve
a lur ahman Tecr esi stan ul
Ya nlar
in ve i aset stan ul n l
e eni et
ora i Chemse
ro lemleri
ouvements slami ues au
ah a
ita evi
o erni m
ia hat
tat e roit et la onne ouvernance elon la
Th orie e
tho e ro h ti ue u ro esseur
essalam Yassine
lu temer el- vvel Ne ari e el- inh c en-Ne evi stan ul Yassine
Con erences - ral
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
ren ece
o ernle mesi sti amet
rnest ellner
sl man To lum stan ul
ehmet li
e en Yumni slam n os olo i Yorumu, stan ul
ha egan
e eni et ve
• Tal i ohame
itions e ennec
• Yassine
m ressions
• htt
stan ul
irle i Ya nc l
etis Ya nlar
o erni m stan ul Yeni amanlar Ya nlar
e ion
• T r o an rhan e i men as ra t rmalar a
• Yasin
stan ul
To lumunun
nt lar
a alc Ya nevi
in os olo isi Terimleri
ar ush Yaral
ro lemleri ve
n a g re T r
el u “Charles Ta lor a o ernli in
n ara To lum ilimleri ergisi
Ya nlar
re e i im
usulman Contem orain Casa lanca
lt r ve os al
nnetullah stan ul n l
slamiser la
lme stan ul T r
Ya nlar
o ernit , Casa lanca
a seco an com tr mo erni min-cag as-islam- usuncesine-et isi
e han T N
lent C
T niversitesi
gulamal ngili ce ve evirmenli - Tur i e
mail re hantuncel
gmail com
a n e at i et a i esi e erler st e erlere sahi ahman n emo luna
arma an rahmeti ir
em ale hisselam n varolu u la cennetten
a ar her evre e olaca olan a n ha ve at l ciha n a m cahi e imli i le
er e in an n a er alaca t r erim olan llah ur an a
en ileri ile
hu ur ulas n i e si in i in t r n en e ler aratmas ve aran a ir sevgi
ve merhamet var etmesi e nun varl n n ve u retinin elillerin en ir
a n hu ur a na olara s lemi tir
a n to lumun mimar
a n gelece nesillerin il
retmeni a n
e inin ar mc s g c
a n ocas n n Hira s olmu tur u mmetin nesli
a nlar n varl ile o alm mah eme-i
ra a e gam er e en imi in
sav v nece i nesillerin eti mesin e nemli g revi stlenmi tir
a na esas e eri veren a a lar alt na cenneti seren slam ini ir
emo lu
slam an nce a na ar en
g nah n en
n i lemi tir
unu temi leme e hi ir e a e il ir Tarih a n n er atlar ile olu ur
e i i co ra alar a s m r alt n a alan a nlar n er atlar n ita lar
u urma ta r Yunan to lumun a a n lt rel ha attan men e ili e tan
ilan e ilmi tir
ili hor g r lm t m ha lar elin en al nm t r v n len
oma a n n ha at ha
o enmi tir Cahili e e
ocu lar iri iri
to ra a g m l r en oma a eni o an
ocu lar so a a ra l
l me ter e ilmi tir Hint u garl n a ul a nlar iri iri a l r
Time ga etesi
tarihli n shas n a nla ara a nlar nas l
satt lar n anlatt
a nlar n e leri tara n an o unlar na tasma ta lara
a arlar a sat l
n a nla
illi et ga etesi
tarihli a n n
a oltaire
llar a rans
arlamentosu nun
a n insan m r e il mi ir onusunu tart t n
elirtmi tir a nlar ve a
lar ehvet mal emesi olara ullan lm t r ir
oma er e i
n ve ar s n a n an a iralama ve a satma sureti le
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
gelir el e etme ten e inmemi tir
sa lm t r a nlar
Yahu i
etti leri
eni a
e ersi
rta a
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
n a var ama
inin e a n n ir e eri
meti o tur unu ahu ilerin her sa ah
ua a g r oru Yahu iler her sa ah
eli ilah m
ainat n ral
n aratma
n i in sana ham olsun
u ua la a nlar n ne a ar
a a la c ir urum ol u unu g stertme te ir
irer e lence mal emesi olara g r lm cinsel ir o e erine onulmu ve
aram ar a e ilmi tir
r l
re at a na g rl
e il a na a n
ile vermemi tir a n e i ihmal etmi ha van an aha a a g rm t r
Yunan itolo isi n e a n t l
n simgesi haline gelmi e e i ata a
ans m t r Yunan i a ti iirinin a as i e an lan Hesio os a n n
t l
ha n a u m sralar s ler
ulutlar a g m
r e en eus
elas olara
a nlar so unu l ml insanlara
a ar i
ili e ar
t l
t l
t r i leri g leri
sa la
n m
at me eni etini rne g sterenler slam a a la anlar at n n
g nahlar n rtme e al anlar r slam n a na ver i i ha lar at vermi
gi i g sterenler a nlar hi e sa anlar r a n slam la varl n ilan etmi tir
a n narin a n r lgan g l sa r ta te e
r teve
l vesilesi a n
anne a n e
a n m cahi e slam la a n ir o ha lara sahi olmu
to lumun i imlenmesin e g rev alm t r a n n eri t n to lumlar a
tart ma onusu olmu en slam a na insanl n ve sa g nl n geri vermi
a n n a ms l n ilan e i
i ili ini a an rm t
slam ette a n ret m
Hes o os Theogon a s h los nc re urulmu
ronetheus s
rat a g e s
slam a na in ve i a et h rri eti getirmi tir
onomi sos al ve lt rel
ha atta er e ler a ar ha tan m t r a na a nl na la
i ler e al ma
ho g r s n getirmi tir a n n ev aile i leri i aresi le ocu e itimine
i tira ini sa lam t r Na i avran lmas n ve i ili ine sa g g sterilmesini
emretmi tir
le olma
n mmetin nesilleri i in mimar ol u unu e
ol u unu g stermi tir lim olan a ur an a
i i ir te ne sten aratan
ve on an a e ini aratan i isin en ir o er e ve a n me ana getiri
a an a ini e ar gelme ten sa n n
insanl n te ir ne sten me ana
gel i ini s lemi a n ve er e in a n er e ol u unu e it ol u unu
g stermi tir slam la ren r cinsi et a r m olma s n her es ir sa lm
al ve amellere g re e erlen irilme e a lanm t r una elil
ur an a a
i si i ir er e ve ir i i en aratt ve ir irini i
tan man i in si i o lara ve a ilelere a r
H risti anl n H
em e Havva n n cennetten ovulmas n H Havva a
a lamas ve t m a nlar n e tan ilan e ilmesine ar slam a n anneli
g revi le celtere cenneti n ne sermi tir e gam erimi H
sav a n er e a r m a ma an t m inananlar slam a a r
at ihni eti a na g rl
ahanesi le a n alesi olan ev en
a n ehvetine alet etmi tir a n ocas n an ailesin en a a
her esin hi met r olmu her ese re lam olmu tur
sa slam n incisi
a n salih amel i le i llah olun a m cahi e imli ini oru ara a a
ta ir e e e i cennette alaca
ur an a vah e il i
r e ve a a n
m min olara im i i amel i lerse onu mutla a g el ir ha at ile a at r
atlar n el ette a ma ta ol u lar n n en g eli ile veriri
Cahili e
nemin e nlar an irine
m elen i i aman
elenmi olara
a ara esilir
ocu una sahi olanlar a lan ala onusu olur en
en imi H
uhamme sav
i i hatt ir
ocu unu ha lar n
oru ara eti tiren a an n Cennette en isi le era er olaca n u ur u
N sa res
Hucurat res
Nahl res
Nahl res
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
a n n as olan onumuna gelmesi ur an a r e lerin a nlar erin e i
ha lar gi i a nlar n a er e ler erin e ha lar var r
eti le geri ia e
e ilmi tir a nlara i i avranma hususun a e gam erimi H
le u urmu tur
minlerin iman a m n an en m emmeli hu u
en i i olan r Ha rl n
a nlar na ar ha rl olanlar r
i er ir ha is-i
eri ise
ir imse ar s na in eslemesin nun ir hu unu e enme se
ir a a hu unu e enir
u urara a nlar ha n a er e leri ha ra
iletmi tir llah e gam eri H
uhamme sav er e leri aim a nlar
ha n a i a etmi tir Nite im en imi sav e a Hut esin e
a nlar
hususun a llah tan or un i onlar llah n emaneti olara al n
as r a ilise ca av na m
a nlar ir e a gi i al n sat lm
artm t r at ihni etinin g rl
unlar i en slam a a n a ama mal
m l sahi i olma ticaret a a ilme eriat ar s n a a aletle muamele g rme
e se e ilme ve aile ura ilme gi i onular a ha at n her evresin e er e le
a n ha lara sahi olmu tur lim renme ve retme i a et etme hususlar n a
h r ra lm
uhamme in mmeti a nlara emanet e ilmi tir e o
saha e e en ilerimi ve onlar n nesli H
i e vali emi en ilim renmi tir
n m nesli slam H
i e vali emi in na letti i ha islerle slam
ha atlar na u arlam lar r
a n n en i trat na u gun i ler e al mas na i in verilir en er e in
a a ilece i a r i ler en men e ilmi tir ava a
mas as er gi i g rev
a mas gi i orlanaca i ler en mua e ilmi evi oru u anneli g revini
a nl g revini en st
e e a lmas istenmi tir a n er e e er e te
a na e ol a can a olara arat lm t r a n er e si er e a ns
n leme
ur an a
a nlar si in i in irer el ise si e onlar
a eti le a n e inin e i ar s n n erine rt
i in irer el isesini
e er onu orur sl m
emo lunu ir t n olara ve ol u u gi i ele al r
a s n ve trat n n asl na u gun i im e a ul e er ve u a ul e ili ile
a ara
T rm
n Hu e
a ara
n Hu e me
onu t n ile celi lerin irvesine
al ini g r r a ar
ar r
alih amellerini e erlen irir
Netice olara a n slam n
n a hor g r l a a lanma a a r
alt n a e ilme e mah m e ilmi tir at ihni etinin g rl
alt n a cinsel
ir o e olara er alm t r a n as olan hu uru slam n geli i le ul u
uhamme in sav geli i le a n ol u unu e erli ol u unu rahmet
ere et ol u unu u la olma
ren i
slam a na cennetleri ver i g n llere sultan a lara ta e len i a n
er e ten e atli i evgi i retti
ini ailesini sev i r e a n an
cesur u ava ma g l olma
retti ar s n ocu lar n oru u evgi
ve cesaret ir ara a gel i slam n utlu nesillerinin o alaca
uvalar olu tu
ur an- erim ha is-i eri er e gam er en imi in sav
as rl slam tarihi a n n g rl ne ahit
utlu ha at ve
g revini
sselam Yasin Ne evi Y ntem e slam mmetinin
uru unu ciha n a
ir e il e orta a o mu tur
a nnn
sselam Yasin Ne evi Y ntem e a n ile ilgili s nt s n
i a e etmi tir
al lerimi e s ma an ir haslet a imi Y ce llah a
a t m
ir i et ve ir h n m
aha var r u a ti sinti ve as
to lumlar n a
sl man han mlar n e ti leri s nt lar an a na lanma ta r
tne so a lar n a ve uhu a arlar n a avall a nca lara er at e i
a ranlar unlar anca he si e ul m ve as ili ileri i in e
sistemler e mer ivenin en alt asama n a i ur anl lar r te u ni amlar
i im
lar m
ir lo ma e me isteme i in so a lara atma ta unlar
a anca g a lar la slatt lar o a lar na t anan ir lo ma e me ten
a as n ulamama ta r u a nca lar im ar n r
im onlara
gi ece ve i ece ver i unu onlara im a t
onra a i e sa lanan ir
han er gi i ra t sonsu ac
im g r orsa sa ece o onlara a ra ilir
a nlar cehennem va ileri le teh it e i onlar n erlerine tne
an armalar n a ran ilim o sulu avall i i Ne en elan n ve musi etin
esas n te il e en at a l s ve re ah i erisin e
en a sa
a nlar n o
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
h llerini ilme sin nlar n a lelerin e er alan orno ve ha s l
i at etme sin Ne en mallar n ellerin en e i a mala ara
a nlar n
ha s n s
alara mmetin mertli ini l ren m ste irleri nama s n
a n e iten im Cahil esat a m n an onu im oru u
im onu gi ir i ar n r
oru u r e i im e itti
e ir i
e le en urtlar an onlar
t n unlar a a ilen im varsa i te o er at e i a rma a ve ina e en
a n ha n a i llah n eriat gere i olan ha i u gulama a ha sahi i ir
a at netim alim en
r ve as l
a to lumu te e en t rna a istila
etmi en
le ir er a
asma anca a alar n o alama t r u so a
er esinin ar as n a ulunanlar saran ir t ts uman r
m n ise mam
llah n erleri olan m min a n l lerinin
n n e a n re alet ata l lar n an urtarma i in ol u a
g rev var r sl m evletinin n n e e u he e i in a aleti ve ha n
a erini ha rlama g revi var r itne to lumlar n a a n musta a ar n
en musta a ol u un an a n n
elmesi le e ev
elece in en
nesiller slah olaca n an a n n e itimi a m ve hima esi avet
ve evlet rogramlar n a sos al ve to lumsal nceli lerin en irincisi
olmal r
emi tir
a n n en temel sorunu a n n en ini e mesi ir e ine a na m cahi e
imli ini verece olan ine en isi ir en ini ilme veren e iten g l ve
orlu lara sa r g steren a n m ca ele e en a n slam n onuru ur slam
at n n em o e etti i i ren li ler en a n al en st ma ama
seltmi tir
mmetin a n salih ameller i le en tne e sava a an a n r
a n ile m min er e in evlenmesi le mmetin or usu aha g l ve sa lam
olaca t r ur an
erim e
min er e ler ve m min a nlar ir irlerinin
ll e
Hare et
ll e
Hare eti
u e
a -
ua eret
Ne ev Y ntem
t m Ya lanma
u e
a -
ua eret
Ne ev Y ntem
itim Ya lanma
velileri ir i i i emre er t l ten al orlar nama
larlar e t verirler
llah a ve e gam erine itaat e erler
a eti erimle net orta a onmu tur
min a n ilim sahi i olmal r unu este le en ha is ve a eti erimeler
var r lim tale etme ve renme her
sl mana ar r
minlerin he sinin to e n se ere sava a
malar u gun e il ir
le se her to lulu tan
sm sava a
ar en ir gru
a in
hususun a sa lam ilgi sahi i olma
in h
mleri renme i in al mal
ve sava a
anlar geri
lerin e
t l ler en sa nmalar mi i le
onlara u ilgilerini a tarara onlar u armal r
a et ve ha islere sar lan
sselam Yasin Ne evi Y ntem e
llah n a n ullar n n
llah n mescitlerine gitmelerine engel olunmamal r nlar a -nere e olursa
olsun- ilim hal alar na iman meclislerine ve ha r ama l aali etlere eriat n
ng r
a a ve isi lin urallar i erisin e at l rlar
emi tir
min a n
hare etlerine i
a n n ciha
sorumlulu u a
er e ve a n
uru a i at e
e e timsali olmal r
turu una onu mas na hal ve
at etmeli Namusunu orumal r a n n en ini orumas
r a n temsil etti i e erleri ilece ve erine verilen u
ul e i slam a amal r mam
sselam Yasin
t n insanlarla ili ilerin e ve oturum esnas n a g el h l ve
min er e lerin avet retim e itim ve ir a g revleri se e i le m min
a nlarla a lant urmalar h lin e i atle ve ararl l la er a a a
ria et etmeleri gere ir
i ere asl n a m min a n n a uru una i at
e mi tir
min a n ci i ir uru sergilemeli ir T m tav rlar n an
onu malar n an hare etlerin en
n e i i a e en
a lar n an
g l n en ne a ar i etli ve va arl ir imse ol u unu g stermeli ir et
timsali a n n o al ir asaleti g venilir ir i ili i var r a n namahrem
ar s n a
r amal r a n ne a ar ci i olursa ar cins o a ar ci i
Tev e res
n ace u a
Tev e
Ne ev Y ntem
Ne ev Y ntem
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
olur ve a n ci i al r
inlenen a n slam i e i im s recin e
o nar unun is at ise
n mer i or i Ha sa n n hu uruna gir im ana
ili or musun a an ar as n a ir ve il ra m or e i Ni in ra s n
e im unun erine Ha sa Ya mal e ince en e
u onu a onunla
onu ma a emin ettim
Ha is m min a n n evlet i lerin e rol al
an t r a n her alan a olmal r os al
lt rel e onomi si asal
r e - a n t n m minlerin irinci amac Y ce llah n r as na ula ma
olmal r llah n r as n el e etme e ise en o ciha e enler la t r
i en mam
sselam Yasin a n n a ciha etmesini istemi ve a n n
a m cahi e ol u unu i a e etmi tir a n slam n ona ver i i ha lar
ullanara a t ciha la slam n ilerle i in e ar mc olur nun ocu lar
o uru
tmesi ile llah n or usuna ir m cahi ve m cahi e aha
atmas or unun g lenmesi eme tir
slam a na se me ha
vermi tir ur an a
e gam er
a nlar llah a hi ir e i orta
o mama h rs l
a mama
etmeme ocu lar n l rmeme elleri le a a lar aras n a ir i tira u
getirmeme hi ir i i i te sana ar gelmeme onusun a sana iat
ere gel i leri aman iatlar n a ul et ve onlar i in llah tan a
llah o
a la an r o merhamet e en ir
hima esi alt na alm t r
a n
a n n varl
a tan a a ir g t r a n a lan u sava n tam ortas n a r
sselam ciha n a an lmas n a a n er e t m inanlarla olaca n
ita n a vurgulam t r
mmetin i lerinin ar u e ilen e il e os o ru ol a
r e ilmesi anca mmetin er e i le a n la
amiri le memuru la ha at n hare ete ge irmesi le orta hare et e i
t n
i lerini ontrol alt na almas la m m n olur
a n a ini i in elin e
gelini a mal gelece in m cahi lerini eti tirmeli
ine her alan a este verere her orlu a sa r g sterere m
at n
a in en e lemeli ir slam a n asla a olmamal
a na gelen her
sl m
ulhal m
Ne ev Y ntem
mtehine resi
Ne ev Y ntem
a slam a n ns lo e s
e e teve
l etmeli ir lmini art rmal te e
r lemine giri
orta a o mal r vini
mihra lara ar orumal slam alesi a mal r
Her esten nce ailesine este
mal r o i ler en tne en e i o u an
u a urmal her er e llah anlatmal r
min a n e ine la getirme en e inin namusunu ailesinin ere ni
oru an a n r
asulullah ( allallahu le hi ve ellem)
le u ur u
sl man n saliha han m na a t n a surur sevin
u mas ona ir e
emretti in e itaat etmesi en isinin o lu un a i etini muha a a etmesi ina
i inin a alan
e lerin en ha rl lar n an r.
u ha ise
a anara mam
sselam Yasin
a n a ocas n n g a n a ha n
orur ar as n
n gitti i aman a orumas gere en ne varsa onu hima e
e er
leli le ocas ar as n an elini raca a
mamas n an ana
emi a n n slami e i im s recin e i
emin olara ciha na gi er
et isini g stermi tir
a na h rri et a alt n a evlerin en so a a aran at ihni etine slam n
ver i i e erleri a e en a na mam
sselam irlerini ile getirmi tir
iras olara al
m sl m trat h l tnenin lleri aras n a anma a
evam etme te ir u ne enle a nlar en ilerini
eltece olu i le ece
olurlarsa eni sl m to lumunun urulmas n a en sa lam esas te il e erler
h l e m min a nlar n ce helerinin neresi ol u unu ilmeleri gere ir avet
erlerinin sl m evletinin urulu un an nce ve sonra a n n se aletine
mahrumi etine ve ma lumi etine ar gere li a alet ve insa sa lama
t n nceli lerin n ne ge irmeleri gere ir
slami e i im s recin e a n a t r n n slam inine g re i imlenmesi
irincil onu olmu tur a n e i meli a n m mine aliha olmal i temeli
sa lam eriat urallar olan evlet urula ilsin mam
sselam Yassin
Hal aras n a ulunan e itli hura elerin a na olan se alet ilgisi li
ul m ara an ge en u un aman a varl l ailelerin urumuna ha ranl ve
savurganl al anl lar n a onlar ta lit etme
hesi a nlar tesett re
e e ve ha a ve ta va a i er a nlar n
manl lar gi i hatta aha a
ni ace
Ne ev Y ntem
Ne ev Y ntem
u avu
H im
e ha i
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
ileri erece e
manl a itece urum a r
i ere a n e le en sorunu
g stermi
m n ine a n n asl na nere olu aca n slam evletinin
ana sorunlar n an irinin
lm olaca na e inmi tir
uhamme sav
n a a l a na ir met a alanma eri ir
u urmu tur i er ha is-i
n an n en ha rl nimeti e s liha a n r
eri te H
uhamme sav
aliha a n an aha
metli ir n a nimeti
u urmu tur slam evletini il nce evlerimi e urmam gere li
o tur
unun i in inanan mutmain ir al
llah n olun a s nnetin
n a
uran olu al lerle ger e le e tir l nce evimi i uran evi a mam
gere ir unun i in esulallah sav mmet i in rne tir elamullah ta llah
emi tir e gam er
llah n es l n e si in i in m emmel rne var r
en imi sav slam evletini urar en ona il este veren il inan e i H
Hatice olmu tur
a n amu a mal e en ihni ete ar mam
sselam Yassin sl m n
genel a a ile ahl lanmalar una enle i at etmeleri gere ir He si
e avet i ol u u i in to lumlar na ul lerine ve meclislerine girer en
to lant lara ve ire sel g r melere gi er en m min er e ve a n n
evin e anne a a a ra a ve om ularla irli te en o ullar a enstit ler e
a lteler e evlet airelerin e ve so a ta g r t leri va it ol u a ho
emi tir u a
tatl ve i i i en isine getiren ir esinti gi i olmal rlar
slami e i im e a n n avran ve uru unu g steri or
vine haram g t rme en er e gi i evine haram n girmemesine i at e en
a n a llah n erlerin en ir Ha sahi i ir m minin eceli aima g n n
n n e ir u se e le o insanlar n mallar n
t l ollarla ememe e o
i at e er
Ne ev Y ntem
slim a a
n ace N h
h a
Ne ev Y ntem
Ne ev Y ntem
Nes i Ni h
Han el el-
s l
slami e i im s recin e a n n ciha me an evi ir r e in
ol u lar ile a n n
ml l leri a n e il ir
l m n olu turan a nlar n ciha me anlar n an u a la t rma ciha
er e e a lama slami e i im s recin e a lan
ir hata r a n
a slam an sorumlu tutulmu tur a n a slam n
manlar la sava ma
orun a r
a n n evini orumas
a n n e olmas
a n n anneli i
slam a ciha r a n n evini temi lemesi eme i irmesi m cahi eli ini
g sterme
a n cinsel ir o e gi i g renler e i im s recinin a e enleri
olmu tur
a n mut a a ha setme
erine evini ciha
alesi a ara m cahi e
imli ini orta a o mal r a n n anneli i slam n gelece m cahitlerinin
mimarisi ir slam a a n n ciha
a t
salih ameller ve i a etleri ir
uhamme sav
ir a n e va it nama n lar namusunu orur
ocas ile i i ge inirse ile i i a an Cennete girer
u urmu tur
a n n namusu i in cihat e enler ol u u gi i a n n a en i namusu i in
g revlerini erine getirmesi cihatt r
cahi e a n en i sorumlulu lar n
ilmeli ha at n slam a g re u arlamal r
lenen sorumlulu
ailesi evresi ve slam n gelece i ir
Y ce ita m
ur an a ciha a
Ho unu a gitme i i hal e sava si e
hal e ir e i sevmemeni m m n
e i sevmeni e m m n r llah
n er
e t m inananlara ar l nm t r
i in i in aha ha rl ol u u
i in i in aha t ol u u hal e ir
si ilme sini
llah olun a llah i in elin en gelenin en i isini a ma t r
m min in llah i in a mas gere enler ana rahmin e a lar mellerin
st nlerin en irisi el i e en st n
llah olun a ciha etme tir on
a st n ehi
me tir
e anlar a sava ma er e lere veril i se
evin e ciha etme a na
m t r H
uhamme sav u ur u
hamileli in en o um a nca a a ar llah olun a ciha e en m cahi
Hi an
a ara resi
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
seva n al r u s re i erisin e ve at e erse e ehi seva n al r
girenin helal ve haram ol u unu ilmesi haram evine o mamas n
m mine a n olmal r vini oru an a n llah olun a ciha n
slam i e i im s recin e e i ime n vermi olur
a m
at n n em o e etmi ol u u ha at a a an slam n as il nce evlerin e
a etmi tir vini iman alesi slam ce hesi a an a n m cahi e olmu tur
esulullah a sav il vah in gelmesi na il inanan ve este veren e i H
Hatice olmu tur H Hatice nin este i ile moral ulmu umutlu olmu ve
n a a a m tr H
e gam er Hatice t Huve li in an na
gi ere
eni rt n
eni rt n
e i or usu gi ince e a ar onu
rtt ler onra H
e gam er a n an ge enleri H Hatice e anlatara
en im en or tum e i H Hatice Ha r llah a emin e erim i
llah seni asla utan rma
n sen a ra ana a ars n i ini g rme ten
aci olanlar n
lerini e ersin o sula verir hi ir e i olma ana a ta
ulunursun misa ri a rlars n ir ela ete u ra ana ar m e ersin e i
slam sa ece er e leri a sa an ir in e il ir slam aile i ire i to lumu
u atan ir in ir slam sa ece mescitler e a an lan ir in e il ir slam
ha at n her evresin e inanan t m er e
a n ve ocu lar a san in ir
a n n anneli i utsal ol u u a ar a n n e ine
celi ini g sterir
i i in s slenen a n ciha
min a n e ini ne a ar memnun e erse o a
ve a imin cennetine nail olur H
en isin en memnun olara l rse cennete girer
ar g revleri e a n n
e in e i a m olur
ar seva a anm olur
ir a n ocas
u ur u
a n n evin e a t i ler ocas na hi meti a n n ocas na olan sa a ati
ve sevgisin en ir Han mlar n eme ve e me i irmesi el ise
o as
rmesi ev i lerini terti ve
enlemesi ocas n n
n ha etme e
al mas ahla i irer g rev ir ve ere i ir hi mettir
en a Yah urh-ul a h C
uhar e u l-vah
n ace Ni ah
Hu u u slam e N lmen
min a n han me en i a n r etli ilgi sahi i a n r
min a n
s r utusu ur a ta ata o as s rlar olma
ere ir o sorun s nt
ans tma an a n slam n ara
saliha a n r ir a n m cahi e olunca
llah n r as n a anaca evini ailesini mutlu e ece ve hu ur ulaca t r
unu a an a n inine ve mmete ha rl i ler a m olaca ve slami e i im
s recin e ciha n ilerlemesin e a n a raca t r a n slami e i im
s recin e e i le irli te her alan a i i olan a ma a
t en u a la ma a
al r esulullah sav u ur u Cennetli a n u ur o uran sem ati
e i et e il i in e ve a etti in e e inin an na gi i elini e inin avucuna
o ara
en memnun olma an g m
a atma aca m i en a n
a n a tan a a m cahi e ir
Ha reti
uhamme sav
enim u mmet im rahmet g rm
mmet tir hirette a a
o tur nun a a
n a a i tneler e remler
ve l mler ir
i ere slam mmetinin a r s navlar an ge ece i ha er
vermi tir mmet a r s navlar an ge er en este isi a nlar m olaca t r
mut veren a nlar olaca t r
emo lunun saa etin en ir saliha ir han m geni ev rahat ine
ha isi eri mmetin ge irece i orlu lar a aliha e in saa et a na
ol u unu g stergesi ir aliha a n sa rl r g l
r i etli ir una sahi
e ise slam ha
her alan a al
este le savunur
slam a verilen ararlar a sava mal sonuna a ar Ha
savunmal r a n
ini le ertlenen m mine ir os al ha atta a n n a mas gere enler
g lerini haram an oruma
i im u am na i at etme Y ve elleri
n a t m e enini rtme Hare etlerin e ve uru un a va arl olma
onu malar n a ci i olmal r unlar i ate alan a n slami e i im
s recin e sorumlulu unun ar n a olmu olur
slam a a n n ilmin en a alan lm t r H
meseleler e aima H
i e nin g r n al r
ua uliman
u avu
T r i e i anet a
slam nsi lo e isi
mer a nlarla ilgili h
slam a n eri gelince
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
ha n savunmal r
slam a na onu ma ha n ver i H
a nlara verilen mehirlerin a ami mi tar n tes it etme ni eti le ir cuma
hut esin e
a nlara mehir verir en a r gitme in
emi ti unun erine
cemaatten ir a n a a a al ara
mer senin una ha n o
a et-i er me e Cena - Ha
irisine ir
alt n a vermi olsan
on an ir e alma n
u urmu tur e ince H
mer e a na ha ver i
ve u arar n an va ge ti
mine a n Ha
ha ran a n r
i er
ir tara tan a n n slam a a as n H
i e r a n a t ilim hi meti le
g r oru
uvvetli ha as sa esin e H e gam er in ha is ve s nnetinin
aha sonra i nesillere ula t r lmas n a emsalsi hi metler i a etti iva et
etti i ha islerin sa s
ur unlar an uh ri ve
slim in ah h lerin e
riva et etti leri
ha isin
her i i eser e
uh ri e
a aln
slim e er alma ta r
a nlar a slam n ir ar as olmu
a nlar a slam n a lmas n a at la ar Ha
savunmu lar r a n
ilmi le ciha etmi tir
a n n slam a i ciha
llah n erleri olaca m cahi ler eti tirme ir
a n il
retmen ir ocu una Ha
retece olan r slam n temelini
sa lamla t raca olan r a n n g revini e gam er sav
ocu sa n
solun an a r
aman nama
lmas n emre in
u urmu tur i er
ir ha is-i eri te
en imi H
uhamme sav
ocu lar n a il
retece ini elime
il he illallah olsun
u urmu tur slam n gelece
nesilleri a nlar m a ra lm t r a n n anneli i en utsal g revi ir ve
N sa res
lt nolu erg s
- l l a
T r e
anet a
slam ns lo e s
al t
urre a
slam ahla n olu turan ur an ve onu ta i e en en imi H
sav in s nneti ir uran ve s nnet ani ve a i ha at n genel s n rlar n
i mi urallar elirlemi tir u s n rlar i ersin e inanan t m er e ve a n n
sorumlulu lar ve a mas gere enler orta a onmu tur
a n n evin e
oturmas evin e hi met etmesi ha rl g r lm t r ma at ihni eti unu
a n sos al ha attan men etme olara alg lam ve slam n onura etti i a n
lele tirme olara em o e etme e al m t r
uhamme sav in ahla
ur an ahla
le i i her s
a t lar
asla ur an la eli memi tir
sav a na ha etti i e eri vermi tir a na
ur an a g re e er vermi
ur an a g re ha lar vermi tir ur an a g re
n ir ha is g r l
n e u urma ha is ol u unu unutmamal
slam a a lama
t leme i in a n erin en senar olar a ma ta r
ur an a n er e a n ha lara sahi ol u unu ha rma ta r
n m
artlar na a lara a n hala ul m i ersin e inine hi mette men
e ilme te ir mam
sselam Yassin g re a n slam n temel sorunlar n an
iri slami e i im s recin e
et isi olan a nlara slam n ver i i
ha lar geri verme gere ti ini s l or
mmet-i slam ana temeller erin e eni en in a etme m cahi ve m cahi e
olma uuruna sahi nesiller olma an ger e le me
u nesilleri eti tirece
olan a n r una ilave olara si asette e onomi e sos al ha atta hal n
eraiti a ullenece uura sahi olmas gere ir
mmetin slami
m tamamlamas
t l
e i tirme e sahi nesiller
eti tirme
a lan lan ve rogramlar
mmetin ire ve
esimlerinin gelece i a s n an eriat erine urulan slami ha at n ve a lan
ciha n ne anlam i a e etti ini g sterme g revimi ir Hila et sisteminin
urulmas n a a n n a rolu ol u unu ve a n n a mas gere enleri Ne evi
Y ntem in e ur an ve s nnet olu erin e i a e etmi tir
e tan n lesi olmu ve e tana al anlar gen nesillere esat tohumlar
e me e evam etme te ir llah tnecilerin amellerini
eltme ama onlar
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
temel en sarsar elamlar ve
nceleri inan r c l n a etmi tir en
m cahi ve m cahi eler o alm ciha me an llah n r as n a anma
iste en inananlarla olmu tur
eclis a n to lant lar n a te li ile slami
e i im o utlar anlat lara ir ire m minlerin sa ar na at l or
ullu va i esini tah i i imanla a ma t r man imtihan r man e en
imtihan erine e itilir ve iman er evesi i in e er al r llah n emirlerini
o ru e il e a anlara ur an ster er e ister a n olsun enim olum a
a a g sterenler en imsenin a as n o a arma aca m
l mran
Ne ev Y ntem
r H
C ro
erim e
lamal eali
nnet te Ni h ve
a a
i in e
r T
r Y
r T
stan ul
e a
ur an-
r T
i in e
r T
i in e
a lama Ya
nsi lo esi
stan ul T r i e i anet a
nsi lo esi
at ma T r i e i anet a
stan ul T r i e i anet a Ya nlar
i e T r i e i anet a
stan ul T r i e i anet a Ya nlar
nsi lo esi
htt s tr
a C
htt s tr i i e ia org
i i e ia org
i i
i i
sira net
sorularlaislami et com
a n e ile lmihali
Hatice T r i e
Ciha T r i e i anet a
slam nsi lo esi i in e
stan ul T r i e i anet a Ya nlar
i in e
Ya nlar
lt nolu
uh r ve
slim e a n n ahsi eti sl m a n nsi lo e isi
stan ul
n Ya nc l
stan ul
e ir
i anet a
Ya nlar
a C
si erarastirmalari org un anin-en- i metli-ha inesi-salih-ve-
ussel m Yasin in Ne ev Y ntem Teorisine
re e i im
ro lemleri ve
ilim un asi com muslumanin-evliligi ha isi-seri er ea in imo e
ha isler com
islam utu hanesi com
e note
eech at the n
nternational Con erence on the
Conce t o Change in Yassine s Thought hel
“Towards a Better Understanding of Yassine’s Thought and Attitudes”
a ies an gentlemen
ssalamu alei um
oul re er to give this s eech in ra ic a language ith hich eel
more com orta le ut have een as e to use nglish to ena le nonra ic s ea ing atten ees to ollo at least some s ea ers irectl at this
con erence ho e can get through ithout too much s eat
irst allo me to intro uce m sel am
have no n mam Yassine
or nearl
ears an am amiliar ith all his ritings an s eeches an
m h su ect is close to the theme o this con erence also no the
secrets ehin his success to oun an organisation eeme to a the
largest slamic movement in orocco Thus guess am in a etter osition
to rovi e some ti s that cannot e ignore to achieve a etter un erstan ing
o Yassine s thought an attitu es to ar s a num er o controversial issues
inclu ing the one ou are going to e ate in this con erence
ill ivi e m
tal into three sections
n the theme o the con erence an its im ortance in the thought o
hei h Yassine
n Yassine s ritings an st le an ho
regar ing the issue to e e amine
to i enti
• The ris s o acce ting secon -han criticism
or d ismissiv e
et us ta e each in turn
the true osition
hether it is su
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
Reasons for choosing the theme of reform (or change) for this
There are a num er o reasons
theme or this con erence
h the organi ers have chosen this
1) A dominant theme in the Arab and Muslim World
There is no ou t that the issue o re orm is one o the hottest to ics in most
i not all ra an
uslim countries
herever ou go in these countries
ou ill n that the uestion ith hich most eo le are concerne an
hich has een su ect to so much e ate is ho to get ri o authoritarian
rule consi ere the root cause o all the ma or crises acing these countries
oo s articles T an ra io rogrammes research centres re orts roun
ta le iscussions con erences ealing ith this su ect are too numerous
et the e ate is li el to continue to ra the attention o eo le
rom various isci lines insi e an outsi e these countries
uch eing the case it is no on er that hei h Yassine a rominent thin er
an scholar shoul have een concerne
ith this to ic or man ears n
act he ha investe a lot o e ort an energ even e ore he move on to
set u his organisation until he evelo e his o n vision on ho to achieve
the re uire re orm an overcome the resent re icament in hich most
ra an
uslim countries have oun themselves ecause o a long histor
o mismanagement an corru tion
o not mean that the ro ose vision is i eal or a ove criticism rather hat
oul li e to un erline is that hether e agree or isagree ith it totall
or artiall it has on the a reciation o a large num er o eo le insi e
an outsi e orocco an is thus orth o stu
s he himsel ointe
out on numerous occasions hat he ro ose
as the outcome o long
ears o re ection research rea ing an an in- e th stu o orl histor
an culture an re orm e eriences o man countries The intention o the
organisers o this con erence is to invite intellectuals researchers as ell as
activists to n out a out this line o thin ing an to see ho ar it coul go
to rovi e a lausi le ans er to the crucial uestion acing ra countries
that is ho to re orm government an societ eace ull
e note
eech To ar s a etter n erstan ing o Yassine s Thought an
ttitu es
2) Different theories
hat ma es this su ect o s ecial interest is that it has triggere a rolonge
e ate an theories seem to i er i el Those ho start rom a secular
orl vie have their o n i eas an conce ts an those ho start rom an
slamic oint o vie also have their o n i eas an conce ts t is orth o
note here that neither the secular nor the slamic cam is a monolithic loc
an that i erences in o inion an ers ective o e ist ithin each cam t
is there ore im ortant or researchers to e cautious so as not to ma e an
rash conclusions
Consi er the theme o this con erence or e am le t involves e loring a
num er o uestions hat is e actl meant re orm hich man eo le in
ra countries are tal ing a out an earning or Ho can it e achieve
hich is more a ro riate to o n or ottom u a roach houl the
ocus e on the human eing the s stem o rule or societ
oes it re uire
evolution or revolution continuit or iscontinuit
hat o stacles are
li el to encounter an re orming attem ts an
hat is the nature o these
o stacles n ho coul the e overcome
These are ust a e e am les o a lethora o uestions that shoul e
e lore in or er to ca ture the osition o the i erent la ers regar ing
the re orming issue The same thing a lies to other issues uthors an
researchers ill n in the ritings o hei h Yassine enough material to
e a le to assess his contri ution to the current re orming e ate as ell as
other contem orar issues
3) The politics of suppression and its consequences
Not much is no n a out Yassine s thought a roa an articularl his
vie s regar ing social an
olitical re orm in orocco This is ue to
various reasons irst the oroccan authorities have a o te a olic o
restrictions rom the outset that is since he starte in
to u lish his
ne i eas in the earl issues o al-Jamaa ournal hich as soon shut o n
rinting houses ere also or ere not to eal ith him
lot o e ort as
ma e in or er to circumvent these restrictions an have his oo s rinte
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
an istri ute rom han to han Though the situation im rove a little
later ecause o other alternatives to s rea one s i eas rovi e
the ne
technologies the oroccan authorities have never lost ho e to sti e hat
the consi er a istur ing voice
econ smear cam aigns have een launche regularl against him in or er
to istort his image an moc his i eas an eo le all o hom are lin e
irectl or in irectl to the regime or ust to oin e ort to com at a common
enem have ta en art in these cam aigns using all sorts o means rinting
material au io an vi eo recor ings an
e sites to ee the u lic a a
rom hat is escri e
some as venomous vie s
trangel enough
though these attac s in most cases ee on utile rumours an un oun e
allegations the i have their im act an
ere sometimes elieve even
some authors connecte to ell- no n research centres some e am les
ill e cite later on
Thir the o ortunities to reach out to a i er au ience have een re uce
e tensivel since he regaine his ree om in arch
Thus hen he
starte al-Jamaa ournal a ear later it as soon anne n
he ma e
another attem t an issue a ne
u lication calle as-Sobh the a n
ut it as shut o n imme iatel a ter its secon issue The same thing
ha ene to al-khitab The iscourse ne s a er launche in anuar
hen Yassine s movement al-Adl wal-Ihsan trie later on to overcome
these ar itrar measures through the use o the nternet its e sites ere
re uentl
loc e
hich as enounce at the time
omestic an
international human rights grou s The authorities ac e u or a hile ut
onl to evise other strategies to ursue the same un rien l olic
These an other actors com ine together have o structe the issemination
o Yassine s i eas es eciall outsi e orocco et ara o icall enough
the have not revente his movement rom gro ing continuousl nor have
the un ermine its a eal
Notes on Yassine’s works and writing style
There are a num er o oints that shoul e ta en into account in or er to
ensure a etter un erstan ing o Yassine s ritings
e note
eech To ar s a etter n erstan ing o Yassine s Thought an
ttitu es
1) The need to be sure of his final position on the subject to be
hei h Yassine has le t more than ort oo s in rose as ell as in oetr in
ra ic as ell as in rench an hun re s o au io an vi eo recor ings an
it is im ortant or an one een to uil his anal sis on accurate in ormation
to no ho to a roach these sources t oul e an error hich is uite
common to con ne onesel to one o Yassine s oo s an e sure o his nal
osition on the issue un er iscussion t all e en s it ma e so an it ma
e not There ore one has to e cautious in or er to use the right source an
not ma e an hast conclusions
2) The need to be attentive to the chronology of Yassine’s works
The oint here is that one shoul a hee not to the ate o u lication ut
rather to the ate hen the or
as com lete This is im ortant not onl
to ollo the evolution o Yassine s thought ut also to ma e sure o the nal
stance to ar s the issue to e e amine
or instance Yassine as initiall
against luralism in slamic activism He elieve at the time that all slamic
grou s shoul e unite un er a single organisation This is hat he sa s
in the rst e ition o one o his ma or oo s entitle Al-Minhaj An-Nabawi
The ro hetic etho
Ho ever Yassine changes his o inion regar ing
this oint an in the secon e ition o his oo he argues that luralism is
not onl ermitte ut unavoi a le Thus using the right e ition is crucial
to no the true osition
The same coul e sai a out other issues To cite one more e am le some
egree o cautiousness is necessar hen one re ers to the ritings o Yassine
e ore
an o his i eas have evolve a lot since then articularl in
the olitical s here t that time he use to e re ormist in his a roach
an e ecte the initiative to e ta en at the to
the monarch
ut hen
hat he ha ho e or i not occur he change his strateg Thus those
ho ocus on the or s com lete in that erio to no a out his olitical
vie s shoul no that the are rel ing on the rong sources
n the same
a shoul the re etition o some cha ter titles in some o his
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
oo s e e amine
e etition o titles oes not mean that the cha ter contents
are i entical urthermore to ta e into account the ate o com letion shoul
not e ignore in or er to no
hat comes rst an hat comes later an i
hat comes later is meant to mo i or ela orate urther on hat as raise
earlier or merel to corro orate a revious oint o vie
ith ne
n ings
3) The need to be attentive to Yassine’s writing style
care ul rea er cannot ail to notice the variet o to ics raise in Yassine s
ritings an articularl the a o a roaching those to ics an there
the au ience an rea ers This is ue to his i e rea ing in several cultures
an languages an his interest in various el s o no le ge slamic an
non- slamic Ho ever the most stri ing as ect in all o his or s is his
ocus on he hat he consi ers the crucial issue o the human eing that is
the meaning o their e istence an their ate in the herea ter
His em hasis on this issue has le him to ee some istance rom hat he
regar s as r intellectual iscourse an to a o t instea a multi- imensional
st le He elieves he has a message to conve e ectivel an to o so he
nee s to argue anal se escri e reach ersua e arn o the angers
esieging the mma an s rea the goo ne s o the rise o the uslim
orl a ter centuries o ecline He is ai e in all this
a remar a l ull
comman o ra ic shar intelligence an roa no le ge all o these
traits can e i enti e easil in his ritings Yassine is not una are o the
usual metho s o riting ut ins ire
hat he calls the uranic st le he
has evise his o n metho That is h
hether the su ect o e ate has
to o ith mo ern s stems o rule econom or evelo ment or an other
issue he oul not let the o ortunit go ithout remin ing his rea ers o
their Creator an invite them arml to thin seriousl o hat oul ma e
their lives more meaning ul an ri ge the ga et een li e on earth an the
herea ter
Yassine and his critics
have ha the chance to see most o the stu ies an articles on Yassine an
his movement un erta en
authors rom orocco as ell as other laces
e note
eech To ar s a etter n erstan ing o Yassine s Thought an
ttitu es
such as uro e sia
an Cana a roa l s ea ing the can e
classi e into t o categories ome authors have trie to steer a mi le a
an e air as ar as ossi le The have trie to gather as much in ormation
as the can an
es ite the arrier o language or non- ra ic s ea ing
riters have ro uce ieces orth o res ect
hether ou agree or not
ith their conclusions ou eel that a sincere e ort has een ma e in or er to
un erstan the su ect o their research an not s oil their anal ses
contrast other authors are ar rom air or o ective in an signi cant
manner This is h their or s are oun to su er rom serious a s an
unscholarl eatures t o o hich ill e mentione here as an illustration
1) Rash judgments and preconceived ideas
et us consi er the ollo ing e am le n an attem t to rove that hei h
Yassine as ever thing or his movement that is he ma e all the ecisions
an the ollo ers merel e ecute the or ers o their master ho ran the
movement as his ersonal e om
one researcher argues that hei h
Yassine use to nominate all o the hea s o the cells
This is a gross
error to the sa the least hich reveals a glaring lac o in ormation on
ho a large organisation is eing run s it conceiva le that mam Yassine
or an other erson ho ever talente coul manage a large movement li e
al- l al- hsan on his o n an a oint thousan s o ersons to lea small
grou s each o
hich is com ose o a num er ranging rom ve to ten
eo le ven i he ha thought o the i ea it oul have een racticall
im ossi le or him to carr it out urthermore this a small issue in hich
even a rovincial lea er is not e ecte to inter ere
secon e am le is even stranger ne researcher has trie to sho
some reason hich to this a
cannot gure out that there are certain
uote in rancesco Cavatorta Civil ociet slamism an emocratisation The Case
orocco The Journal of Modern African Studies vol
uhamma To Monarchie et islam politique au Maroc aris resses e ciences o
see also assem aha
oroccan slamists et een ntegration
Con rontation an
r inar
uslims Middle East Review of International Affairs(MERIA
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
curious oints o similarit et een ro het uhamma an mam Yassine
He claims that the ormer has an onl aughter an so has the latter an he
sets out to anal se this stri ing oint o similarit The gentleman seems to
e una are that through this eculiar com arison he has chosen to ignore
the har act that ro het uhamma has our aughters an three sons an
not an onl chil an that Yassine also has three aughters an three sons
ho are all still alive
shame ul error ou ma sa es eciall
hen e
no that to get the re uire in ormation is not har or out o reach h the
riter has not sought or the right in ormation casts a sha o o ou t u on
the innocence o his motives
2) A tendency to believe unfounded explanations
T o e am les oul e enough here n the rst some critics tr to e lain
h Yassine sent his amous letter Islam or the Deluge to the late ing
The claim that Yassine as craving or lea ershi an that
the onl
a to ul l his ream as to a ress the monarch o enl an in
such a o er ul manner as he actuall i This oul hel him to ac uire
the image o the righteous man ho e es the un ust sultan to uil the
ne has to ut his
necessar charisma he nee e or his olitical success
min asi e in or er to elieve such nonsense t is as i to rite to a monarch
li e Hassan an in such a clear an o er ul a
ere a leasant e ercise
or a sa e game hich an one coul tr
ithout earing or their lives leave
it there or ou es eciall those ho no s Hassan
ell to ma e our
o n comments
The secon e am le is rom a oo
a Tunisian ro essor in contem orar
slamic thought an li e at Harvar
niversit a ig name isn t it an is
escri e as an e ert in slam an slamic movements
e are there ore
re erring to a erson o high cali re ut lease see ho she translates the
ollo ing sentence rom Islam aw at-Tufan Islam or the Deluge e ore she
tries to e lain to her rea ers its allege signi cance The ra ic te t rea s
as ollo s
van Christo her nhorn Nasiha an
volution in eligious uthorit in ostColonial orocco
Thesis ueen s niversit
ntario Cana a ul
more etail see Henr
unson Religion and Power in Morocco Ne Haven Yale niversit
e note
eech To ar s a etter n erstan ing o Yassine s Thought an
ttitu es
... ‫ المبتلى بالجلوس على عرش أجداده‬... ‫إلى المولى الحسن بن محمد‬
This is ho
it is translate
To His Highness al-Hassan i n uhamma
mine the throne o his ancestors
tired from occupying
oes it ma e sense Have ou ever seen or hear o a ing ho is tire rom
occu ing the throne o his ancestors
onl e ha such a ing e oul
not e so cruel as to ee him in s ite o himsel
These e am les an there are man more sho that hen the intention
is to attac an un ermine others or s an thing ill e use even i
it is glaringl ina ro riate or irrelevant am not tal ing here a out the
ress or iase me ia ut a out a henomenon hich is also rett
i es rea in the aca emic orl here a signi cant egree o ru ence an
o ectivit is eeme o great im ortance There ore e nee to e cautious
hen e have to eal ith secon -han criticism or it ma un arrante l
e ismissive or su ortive an in either case this oul not serve in an
meaning ul a soun scholarshi
To conclu e mam Yassine has o ere a vision o com rehensive re orm
hich given the increasing su ort it still en o s in orocco nee s to e
e lore Ho ever to ensure a etter un erstan ing o this vision some
rere uisites are in or er irst one shoul no
here to go an ho to
get the right in ormation secon a signi cant egree o cautiousness is
crucial in or er not to iel to others conscious or unconscious iases or
misinter retations
Dr. Abdelouahed Motaouakil
essalam Yassine al-Islam aw at-Tufan slam or the eluge
aarra ech n
ali a eghal Islamism in Morocco: Religion, Authoritarianism and Electoral Politics
trans eorge Holoch rinceton ar u
iener u lishers
Third Scientific Session
Cultural and Philosophical Issues
on the Concept of Change
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus:
Dimensions of Humans’ Centrality in Imam Abdessalam
Yassine’s Vision of Prophetic Method
anaullah al-Na a i
ro essor o ra ic
uslim niversit - n ia
mail sanaullahna a i gmail com
The asic i ea o this a er revolves aroun the un amental uestion o
e istemolog in relation to ontolog oth per se an ab alio an the conse uent
eri her o cognitive culture that stan s central to human activit all ove r
the lo e. The arma a an rava o o h sical sciences nihilist hiloso h
an ositivist sociolog
hile a roaching the gran uestion o e istence in
ontological an sociological ers ectives ha ta en hollo pride in a lethora
o hal - a e ostulations hi ac e by the an agon o ar inists hose
e nition o the Human eve n lac s minimum uantum o re nement hich
man de serve s as an entity in the arena o e istence The estial tenets have
engrosse the material ro ections o man in all that he stan s or in terms
o h sical an tem oral re erences as to metamor hose him into an animal
de voi d o an di mensions that sur ass h sicalit in notions or acts associate
to membe rs o human societ . an as dr ive n by Charles ar in
into Homo-erects hile arl ar
a stracte him o all
social amica ilit by in using high d oses o ialectical materialism an antireligion ur . The last lo
as e erte by glo ali e consumerism that carves
ever thing into o ects o mun ane assion an testa ilit uele by high sta es
in the all Streets o ullions or the ar venues o laisse - aire s n icates.
cience hiloso h an
nostic s iritualit have either de moniz ed man
or di vi niz ed him ithin an erratic scheme o humani ation o
o an
ivini ation o
an. antheist Hin u Yogis
onist hiloso hers the
See my The Elements of Yoga in Sufism, in History of Yoga, vol. xvi, part 2, edited by S.P.
Singh. H C Centre or tu ies in Civili ations Ne
Reality in Islam a er resente at the nternational eminar on the Conce t o ltimate
une an
e artment o hiloso h
niversit o une - une
Man, Cosmos and God in the philosophical summae of Islam, rocee ings o the nternational
nter aith ialogue eminar
omai a harati a ans riti eetham omai a i avihar
Cam us
um ai on th to th e tem er
Beyond Hagiography: The
Great Saint of Ajmer Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti rocee ings o the nternational nter aith
ialogue eminar organi e
omai a harati a ans riti eetham um ai - an
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
a vocates o o hia Perennis gostino teuco
arsilio icino
iovanni ico ella iran ola
the uslim
ervish-mania atheistic e istentialism etc have e uall istorte the real
essence o man hile erroneousl locating him in a eri her least suita le in
terms o proportion. Hence an has be en oscillating et een t o e tremes o
im alance that ma e it har er or the average see er o truth to gure out the
realit an posit it in his thought an action.
n the contrar slam s ontological ro ection o humanit stems rom its
com rehensive orl vie that neve r allo s or an argain hen it comes to
values so vital to its core. So man is neither o nor animal. He is the most
venera le among all the creatures. ut this position en o e by him is solel
ecause o his no le de eds in a sence o hich he loses the ignit an gets
ushe into a ss o isres ect.
essalam Yassine
in his gran mission to reconstruct
religious social an olitical thought o slam has augmente the e istemological
omains o eing ith centralit o the human since it as man ho hol s the
position o llah s vicegerent khalifa ‫ خليفــة اهلل‬This khalifa is neither en o s
the position o o nor the ngel nor the D emon. He is the reci ient o Names
the onto-e istemological vi sion rom llah ‫وعلــم آدم األســماء‬
he represents a s here o e istential hierarch creatio ex-nihilio creation out
o nothing hence he is de voi d o an su stance o eternity an there ore is
governe by the la s o nature an romulgations o cosmic theolog est
illustrate in Imān aith Islām u mission
mam Yassine has ostulate all the eri heries o aith an u mission in
an onto-e istemological omain he calls Minhāj or hich he e icates three
su stantial volumes
The Sufi Pedagogy of India, a er resente at the national seminar on
ha ti an u sm e artment o Hin i
The ltimate in slam
as lenar s ea er in the international con erence on e ucation in all inclusive universal
s iritualit organi e
Chinma a nternational oun ation erala in colla oration ith
H N Cana a
- Nov
ee m t o oo s in ra ic
‫واالتجاهات الوجودية يف الشعر العربي الحديث‬
‫شعرآء وجوديون من غرب آسيا‬
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
etho o
ro het-hoo
rolegomena on
ea ershi o the
Minhāj al-Nobuwah ‫منهاج النبؤة‬
Muqaddimāt fi al-Minhāj ‫مقدمات ىف المنهاج‬
uslims ‫إمامة األمة‬
esi es these t o asic or s that osit the metho ological rinci les an
irectives the counter- ara igms loc a ing the aith- ase s stems ith all
their ugl aces are anal e an re ute in a series o or s such as
،‫ مقدمــات لمســتقبل اإلســام‬،‫ حــوار الماضــى والمســتقبل‬، ‫ الرســالة العلميــة‬،‫اإلســام والحداثــة‬
.....‫ محنــة العقــل المســلم‬،‫ نظــرات ىف الفقــه والتاريــخ‬،‫ رســلة اإلســام أو الطوفــان‬،‫الخافــة والملــك‬
The asic issues to e ealt in this a er are concerne
ith metho ological
en uir into the e istemological canon o consciousness an the nature an
amount o change arrante
the rocess o in uir itsel hile eli erating
on o ect-su ect im roglio The ocal oint on the issues o eing an no ing
has een eli erate in all the oo s o mam Yassine since the centralit o
cognition in all omains o e istence ut oo s such as Al-Islām wa Al-Hadātha,
Imāma Al-Umma an Al-Risāla Al-Ilmiya give rather ocuse eli eration
To e ne man as social or rational animal as one
hiloso hers ristotle
an others aves the a to an arra o resumes an resumes ossi l
usur e
esignate intellectual coteries or ositivist-nihilist en s hence
the call or revisiting the cognitive-e ressive canons ithin arameters o a
cognitive critical metho olog
ith more ragmatic avenues or re ressing
asic human concerns relate to the notions o eing the con uence o matter
an s irit The issues have een ealt ith
the successive tra itions an
schools o hiloso hical theological an scholastic thoughts n slamic
histor the sha ira an
aturi ia scholastic theologians an reconstructive
min s such as l- ha ali
n ush
Ta mi a
alal l- in l- umi
an others have contri ute to ar s the iscourse accor ing to
the s irit o their times mam
essalam Yassine s reconstruction o the
religious thought in mo ern times stan as asic oint o re erence hile
relocating man s osition in the hierarch o eing in regar to the su ecto ect harmon The a er en eavors to s nchroni e the onto-e istemological
an social centralit o man in mam mam Yassine s gran vision o slamic
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
orl vie
ithin arlance o Al-Minhāj al-Nabawi that accor s him greater
value hile e ning the ra is o all relate to human in ivi ual an societ
rom matter an e tra-matter t stems rom author s consi ere o inion
that all the themes ealt ith in the or s o mam
essalam Yassine e
ith s stematic a roaches urthering aca emic initiatives ith
an aim to visuali e the com le it ro oun ness an relevance o his thought
or the osterit
urther the author has ren ere mam Yassine s Al-Islām
wa al-Hadātha into r u in course o
hich he interacte
ee l
several o Yassine metho ological ers ectives on core issues o materialism
secularism an scientism
mam Yassine osits in his Minhāj that a ter esta lishment o slamic state the
uran its sciences an all that emerges rom it in the realm o is om ecome
cor us o culture e ucation an in ormation t aints the hole societ
the color o the uran the matchless ivine color ll the cosmic sciences ta en
the ositivist camara erie as oints o intimi ation ill e enlightene
the light o the uran an serve its goals The uran as is om trains the ill
as a a o li e enco es the silhouettes o social organi ation an stan s as
constitution or governance no le ge an the a aratus or ringing changes
in the orl
ne is calle u on to shun the nonsensical murmurs o ositivism
an its i eolog an get enrolle in the logic o uran s language that is the
language o tongue heart an aith Contrar to the ositivist nihilism the
Hikmah in the Yassine ers ectives stan s or cognition an action ithin the
arameters o religion mam Yassine re ers to mam ali an
n utai ah in
this res ect no le ge an action are riven ration The ration hen ase
ee m The Yassine ers ectives on in
evelation an the ltimate
etho ological
Criti ue o ositivism in riss a ul an
ohame l- ha i e s Religion and Mind:
Revisiting Imam Abdessalam Yassine’s Thought ri ue rient
essalam Yassine Al-Minhāj Al-Nabawi
‫ ليصطبغ‬،‫ وما تفرع عنه من حكمة مادة الثقافة والتعليم واإلعام‬،‫ وعلومه‬،‫وبعد قيام الدولة اإلسامية يصبح القرآن‬..
‫ ومن أحسن من اهلل صبغة؟ وتكون العلوم الكونية التي يبزنا فيها اليوم الجاهليون‬،‫ صبغة اهلل‬،‫المجتمع كله بصبغة القرآن‬
‫ والقرآن دستور‬،‫ والقرآن شريعة تضبط عائق التنظيم‬،‫القرآن ذكر يربي اإلرادة‬..‫مستنيرة بنور القرآن خادمة ألهدافه‬
‫ وهو حديث الفكر المادي الجاهلي وفلسفاته ونظرياته‬،‫ من هذيان ما قبل اإلسام‬..‫للحكم والعلم وتغيير العالم‬
.‫ أعني لغة اللسان والقلب واإليمان‬،‫ إلى لغة القرآن‬،‫اإليديولوجية‬
‫ صفحة رقم‬، ‫ المنهاج النبوي‬:‫اإلمام عبد السام يسين‬
.)‫(يف موسوعة السراج‬
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
on em iricist omains or hiloso hical con ectures har l transcen s humans
commonalit unli e the min that receives rom heart the ivine gi t o aith
an reveale gui ance The later shi ts in turn it gears to ar s esta lishing
the ill o o in the universe never a an oning en uir an e erimentation
since it is the min o the is om The is om com ines et een ivine
merc an rational outloo
hen it comes to no the aims an o ectives
o revelation The e erience ena les man to ta e cogni ance o the cosmic
movements an em lo his master over its correlations to enact the ivine
canon This stan s as se uential metho ological relu e to a roach the main
ontological uestion o eing an its o shoot in e istemolog ho to no
What is Being? What is Scientific?
Not ithstan ing the hiloso hical merits o ontological uestions
racticall remin s us is the act that the mo ern secular man nurture
the secular sciences holl concerne
ith change e oses the necessit o
intellectual reconstruction an sociological reha ilitation n un erstan ing
o tra itional meta h sics an cosmolog
ith a language o s m olism an
i eas o acre an
solute ill contri ute signi cantl to ar s ma ing
mo ern man revie his osition on the man-nature relationshi ront t coul
har l e e ate that human societ su ering rom enormous a sur ities o
mechani e an seculari e li e loo s or some alancing actors
is to e initiate or s irituali ation o materialit an humani ation o the
mechani e acts an am itions in a metho ologicall
ell-conceive scheme
ocuse on the reconstruction o a sacre
orl -vie
re- iscover o the
ontological an e istemological ostulations o s irit in relation to man an
cosmos that ositivel eal ith the as ects o the orl oul hel the mo ern
man ac uire a ne vision o the orl o nature an its signi cance esi es
ena ling him to i use his intensi e inner light in a orl o immense ghts
over- o ulation an ollution o air an
ater mam Yassine s iscourse o
reconstructing the cognitive in this res ect is re resente in a gamut o or s
es eciall his Winning the Modern World for Islam.
essalam Yassine Muqaddimat fi Al-Minhāj
c Siraj nc cl e ia
ee mam
essalam Yassine Winning the Modern World for Islam ustice an
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
mam Yassine hile eli erating u on Knowing outlines the s irit o mo ern
thin ing to e highl engrosse in materialit an ca tivit o senses He rites
The manner o thin ing that has anchore in mo ern societ
is ositivism noting e ists e ce t hat the senses erceive
Nothing e ists a art rom the al a le the concrete the material
n thing that is not scienti call veri a le an measura le is
merel con ecture The anthro ocentric uestions that see a
meaning o li e are in u ita le roo o mental ac ar ness The
el o scienti c research is concerne ith the unctional utilit
o things an the e cienc o their organi ation not ith utile
ram lings a out the un no a le o ern man seems resigne
to a li e ithout value to the tragic state o an inesca a le eath
utting an en to a li e ithout an en ur ose
ithout challenging the immense ositive use o the mo ern science an
technolog no one ails to a rehen the mis ee s o the seculari e sciences an
their threat to orl eace Human miser stemming rom con itions im ose
terrestrial e istence itsel coul not e etache rom the estruction o the
e uili rium et een man an nature through urther con uest an omination
o nature an ants to ominate nature not onl or economic motives ut
also or a m sti ue hich is irect resi ue o a one-time s iritual relation vis- vis nature The seculari e rocess o con uering the nature has resulte in the
loss o con ueror s value here the ver e istence o man is threatene The
mam s nchroni es the scene sa ing
The scene changes an changes again a hun re o ers a e in
the cultural gar en o arts an letters a thousan hiloso hical
s stems are erecte an ulle o n one a ter the ne t the
sciences rogress lea s an oun s technolog their o s ring
encroaches u on our lives an irects the ma song-an - ance
o orl mar ets ut human in sin s urther into ignorance
the roli c tools o technolog though earsome evices in
u lishing nc o a Cit
s eciall the cha ter Knowing.
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
men s han s o not allo ever one to lea a ecent an ro er
material li e nor hel us to n the a to meaning ulness in
our earthl li e The uran alone so neglecte treasure can
serve as gui e on the a o ell- eing
ver since man reache the level o sel -consciousness he has een ersistentl
en eavoring to iscover the realit o the universe in hich he n s himsel
resent all so su enl This is so ecause unless man iscovers the realit
o the universe he remains una are o his o n realit an o the nature o
his relationshi
ith the universe Hence the iscover o the universe is an
essential ste to ar s sel - iscover or man is himsel an im ortant art o
the universe He is een to n out the realit a out himsel so as to e a le to
etermine the su reme goal o his li e hich is a necessar asis or a ro er
t e o con uct that might lea him to the est ossi le results in this li e or
in the ne t i such a li e oes reall e ist He no s that i he succee s in
n ing out satis actor ans ers to the uestions hich arise regar ing the
universe he ill also succee in n ing out satis actor ans ers to uestions
concerning himsel
n in the light o these ans ers he ill e a le to n
correct solutions to all his ro lems an to ut his li e to goo use t is ecause
o this that one tries ith the utmost care to ashion his ractical li e in the
light o the i ea he orms regar ing the ultimate realit o the universe n other
or s the search or the realit o the universe is not an intellectual iversion
nor is it merel an issue o a theoretical or aca emic signi cance t is a serious
uestion o tremen ous ractical im ort a uestion so ro oun l ractical that
it etermines the minutest etails o one s a -to- a li e
or a thin er ith religious inclinations the conce t o the asic unit o the
universe is a sine ua non ecause he is convince that the Creator o the
universe is one an that it is His ur ose hich is eing ul lle throughout the
entire universe imilarl the hiloso hical attitu e o an i ealist too eman s
the same sort o aith in the unit o the universe hat ho ever is articularl
signi cant is the act that even materialist thin ers cannot a or to o a a
ith this conviction
essalam Yassine Winning the Modern World for Islam
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
mam Yassine em hasi es u on fitra the innateness to gras the harmonious
unit o eing This fitra
has no nee o ormulation or reasoning to erceive the
truth o e istence it is a eeling a meaning inscri e in the
rimor ial tissue o the human eing t is the irect orce an the
imme iate uest o Creator hen the intuition o hiloso hers
an ers aroun the create universe as one eats a out the
leaving the oor a ar to the rimor ial uestion ust
eing astonishe at this marvelousl arrange
orl is alrea
a great ste to ar a solute truth The great thin ers savants o
uncertaint rag on at a great length e ore this innatel natural
res onse li e ono an
ein erg the are occu ie
see ing an outcome that ill im rison them ur aca emic coauthors rather than as ing the rinci le uestion
ho ma e
m human content themselves ith as ing relevant uestions
such as here i the universe come rom
hat is realit
hat are the relationshi s et een conscience an matter
is there something rather than nothing These uestions stan
at the oun aries et een science an hiloso h an ring
to the latter ne i eas a out the material universe the o ect
o h sics uitton an his t o colleagues easil traverse the
oun aries et een the i eal universe o hiloso h an the
erce tion o mo ern h sics
hich the material is reveale
to e a sim le i ea
thorough metho ological anal sis o this short aragra h lea s us to a num er
o ontological-e istemological conclusions
1. The unit in luralit is im ossi le ithout some sort o or er an
or er eing unthin a le ithout a central rinci le there must e
some conce ts hich shoul constitute the rinci le o the unit o the
universe a rinci le to serve as the on that uni es the luralit o the
universe into a single hole
essalam Yassine Winning the Modern World for Islam
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
2. The rinci le o the unit o the universe shoul e the ltimate an
un amental ealit o the niverse o hich all the other acts o the
orl shoul e mere henomena or i the are not its henomena
the ultimate realit oul not e a le to give them unit an or er nor
oul such acts themselves ecause o the inherent con icts in their
nature a mit o an or er or unit
3. The unit o the universe shoul
e rationall com rehensi le
There ore it is necessar that all the acts o the universe shoul e
oun rationall to the un amental realit o the universe as also to
each other an this on or relationshi shoul ren er them into a chain
the rst an the last lin
hereo must e the same ltimate ealit
an urther that ever lin o this chain shoul lea to the ne t t is
this sort o chain o acts hich is esignate
the hiloso hers as a
hiloso hical
e un erta e to e lain the cause un erl ing an o the acts o
the orl that e lanation itsel
hile e laining that articular act
oul ring out a num er o uestions see ing ans er Then the ans er
to these uestions oul generate urther uestions an this oul go
on the universe ere to e ta en as a unit then it oul e necessar
that the ultimate ans er to these uestions coming u one a ter another
an the ultimate e lanation in res ect o each act must e no other
than the nature o that realit
hich is the realit o all realities
hile thousan s o i eas in res ect to the rinci le o unit or the
realit o the universe coul e entertaine there coul e onl one i ea
an not t o or more hich oul e the correct one or else the unit
o the universe oul vanish t is necessar that all the genuine acts
o the universe are scienti call an rationall relate to that i ea alone
an not to an
rong i ea o the realit o the universe urthermore
henever the correct hiloso hical s stem regar ing the universe
emerges its un amental or ivotal oint must necessaril e this ver
correct i ea o ealit houl there remain even a single scienti c act
hich is out o tune ith a hiloso hical s stem it oul onl mean
that that articular s stem is ase on some rong conce t o ealit
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
imilarl i a scienti c act hich is consi ere to e so is not in
harmon ith a hiloso hical s stem ase on a correct i ea o ealit
it oul mean that such a scienti c act oul not con orm to the true
stan ar s o science an reason an
oul not e a true scienti c act
at all rong i eas cannot n lace in a correct hiloso hical s stem
an vice versa correct i eas cannot t into the rame or o a rong
hiloso hical s stem correct hiloso hical s stem ho ever has the
ca a ilit in ever age to assimilate all correct i eas an conce ts an
herein lies the test o its soun ness
6. The unit o the universe im lies the e istence o a rational s stem
an organi ation in the acts o the universe an this creates an a nit
et een all the no n an the un no n acts an ena les us to go
on iscovering the hitherto un no n acts ith the hel o the no n
acts until all the acts o the universe in their rationall s stemati e
orm are gras e
us cientists an hiloso hers are oth engage
in this tas an as a result o their e orts the num er o no n acts
is increasing a a ter a
ith the increase in their num er their
scienti c relevance to the one true i ea o the realit o the universe ill
increase an corres on ingl their relevance to all the alse i eas o the
realit o the universe ill ecline Then ith the hel o our intuition
e shall e a le to state as to hich o the i eas o the realit o the
universe is in harmon ith these acts an hich o them is not Thus
e shall e a le to a roach the true i ea o the realit o the universe
an come closer to the true hiloso hical s stem ase on this i ea
That in the initial stage o its emergence the range o this true
hiloso hical s stem ill o necessit e limite
u se uentl as the
uantit o no n acts increases an is assimilate
that s stem the
s stem ill move to ar s greater egree o er ection
a rocess
hich ill continue till eternit
s a result o the su ort that it ill
receive rom the ever ne
iscovere scienti c acts the s stem ill
ecome more an more ela orate s stematic an rational an in
ro ortion to this evelo ment all alse hiloso hical s stems ill go
on losing their rational su ort until the entire intellectual orl ill e
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
orce to ac no le ge that this s stem alone is correct an satis actor
ter the emergence o this hiloso hical s stem all ne a vancements
in the various ranches o human no le ge ill er orce su ort this
s stem or else the ill not rove to e an a vancement at all
No the uestion is oes the unit o the universe stem rom the act that
the universe reall has a Creator an He is ne an
ne alone s it that the
unconscious intuitive elie o man in the unit o the universe stems rom
the urge o human nature to ac no le ge some eing as the creator o the
universe an that the Creator e ne alone t is not inten e here to urnish
an etaile ans er to these uestions t oul e ertinent ho ever to oint
out in assing that the Hol ur an has stresse the unit o the universe as one
o the roo s o the act that this universe has ne an onl
ne Creator The
uran sa s
No iscor ance ilt thou see in the creation o the ost racious
o turn th vision again eest thou an
gain turn th
vision a secon time th vision ill come ac to thee ull an
iscom te in a state orn out
o e see hat it is e invo e esi es o
ho me hat it
is the have create on earth or have the a share in the heavens
The mam correlates these ith concrete ara igms o aith an action in his oo Imamta
al-Ummah in categories such as
‫ الشخصية المؤمنة بااله و اليوم األخر‬.1
‫ الشخصية الصالحة لإلندماج ىف الجماعة‬.2
‫ الشخصية الصادقة الشجاعة ىف الحق التى يوثق هبا‬.3
‫ الشخصية الواعية بمسؤليتها عن اإلنتصار للمستضعفين ىف األرض‬.4
‫ الشخصية العالمة بعلم الحق و علم الكون‬.5
‫ الشخصية المتحركة النشيطة الخفيفة إلى عمل يرضه عنه اهلل‬.6
‫ الشخصية الصامدة أمام كل إعصار‬.7
‫ الشخصية المنتجة المقتصدة‬.8
.‫ الشخصية المجاهدة ىف سبيل اهلل‬.9
،‫(دار لبنان للطباعة و النشر‬
‫ ص‬،‫ إمامة األمة‬:‫اإلمام عبد السام يسين‬
ur an l vii ur an lvi
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
The su reme science o the eal is the onl science that can istinguish et een
solute an the relative a earance an realit an see each thing in
its lace in the total scheme o things in the microcosm an macrocosm
no le ge o the e ternal orl is ultimatel no le ge o onesel an even
an anal tical cosmological an natural science is not ivorce rom man s
entelech in the highest sense namel eliverance rom all limitations
n Yassine e istemological scheme ntellectual is om Al-Hikmah has to
e intrinsicall cou le Cohesive- ecisive intuitive iscourse Fasl Al-Khitāb
an necessar ormative ste s are to e ta en to ar such a reconstruction
o the cognitive canon The metho ological irectives re resent the uranic
metho o rea ing the material an s chic henomena not on the e clusivist
rinci les o ree Hellenistic or Neo-Hellenistic rationalism-em iricism uo
that islo ge evelation an ntuition in an hiloso hical iscourse
What is Man?
aleo-anthro ological human evolution theor consi ers humans the Homosa iens to e rimates originate rom the i a elist Homo-erectus a eli e
ancestors evolve over a erio o a ro imatel si million ears hile
a vance traits inclu ing com le s m olic e ression art an ela orate
cultural iversit emerging mainl uring the ast
ears The rocess o
evolution as thought evolutionists involve a series o natural changes that
cause s ecies to arise a a t to the environment an ecome e tinct through
the rocess o iological evolution an natural selection Human evolution
u non La Metaphysique orientale
The mam sa s
itions tra itionelles
‫ وتربية أبناء المسلمين وبناهتم على اإليمان بالطريقة الفطرية‬،‫يلزمنا اصطفاء النبهاء النبغاء من أبناء المسلمين وبناهتم‬
،‫ يقذف اهلل عز وجل يف قلوب من شاء من عباده هبة اإليمان ويقظة وجذوة التوق إلى اهلل‬،‫التي يومن هبا أولو األلباب‬
‫ ويقين االستكانة إلى الحق الذي بعث به رسله إلى‬،‫ وبرقة اليقين بوجود الخالق‬،‫وجمرة الشوق إلى معرفة الخالق‬
‫ لتلتحم جهودهم – وقد شبوا على‬،‫ المومنون القرآنيون‬،‫ويجند النبغاء النبهاء من أبناء المسلمين وبناهتم‬..‫الناس الخالق‬
‫ علم ال ينفصل فيه الدليل العلومي‬.‫التقوى وحصلوا العلوم وأسهموا يف تطويرها – يف بناء علم الحكمة وفصل الخطاب‬
‫ وال يستغني فيه الواعظ المجتهد يف‬.‫إلقناع الجاحد عن الجهد السياسي االقتصادي االجتماعي لبناء أمة قوية وتوحيدها‬
‫ كما ال يستغني الحاكم السائس واالقتصادي المنصرف إلى أرقامه‬،‫الدين وفقه شرائعه عن الباحث المنكب يف مخترباته‬
.‫وموازناته عن أهل القرآن‬
‫ ص‬،‫ الرسالة العلمية‬:‫اإلمام عبد السام يسين‬
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
too lace as ne genetic variations in earl ancestor o ulations avore ne
a ilities to a a t to environmental change an so altere the human a o li e
The theor is u
mam Yassine as Nihilist an Bestial The mam sa s
Torn et een t o histories et een t o min s secular
mo ernit has chosen to re u iate the rinci les an the
thin ing o its Christian religion hile reserving oliticall a
nostalgic ten erness or its u aic asis The trium hant science
o the last t o centuries is e e to the ositivist materialistic
hiloso h
reco-roman ol theism is nall re orn
un er the orm o t o h otheses hich are mutuall corollar
The rst tenet man is animal the ro uct o li e s slo evolving
an he is create entirel in res ect to nature s challenges o
survival The secon tenet There is no creator no o an thus
nothing a ter eath Thus the t o villainous rinci les on hich
mo ern thought is oun e concerning the reason o li e lea to
gratuitous an counter-natural certitu e
ut the evolution theor aile to satis scientists a ter Charles ar in
erha s the most ormi a le o ar in s critics as t eorge ivart
His ma or oo On the Genesis of Species too aim at the notion that
natural selection coul account or the accumulation o the inci ient stages o
use ul structures ouis gassi
critici e evolution theor sa ing
that et een t o successive geological erio s changes have ta en lace
among lants an animals ut none o those rimor ial orms o li e hich
naturalists call s ecies are no n to have change uring an o these erio s
t cannot e enie that the s ecies o i erent successive erio s are su ose
some naturalists to erive their istinguishing eatures rom changes hich
have ta en lace in those o rece ing ages ut this is a mere su osition
su orte neither
h siological nor
geological evi ence an the
ee o
o ert il oan How Humans Evolved rd e ition Ne Yor Norton
a ins The Ancestor’s Tale: A Pilgrimage to the dawn of Evolution oston
Houghton i in
a ell Human Evolution: A Philosophical Anthropology.
Ne Yor Colum ia niversit ress
essalam Yassine Winning the Modern World for Islam,
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
assum tion that animals an lants ma change in a similar manner uring one
an the same manner is e uall gratuitous
or ol gang mith the octrine
o evolution has s e t the orl not on the strength o its scienti c merits
ut recisel in its ca acit as a nostic m th t a rms in e ect that living
eings create themselves hich is in essence a meta h sical claim Thus in
the nal anal sis evolutionism is in truth a meta h sical octrine ec e out
in scienti c gar
nn argulis
sa s that histor ill ultimatel
u ge neo- ar inism as a minor t entieth-centur religious sect ithin the
s ra ling religious ersuasion o nglo- a on iolog
ichael enton
emolishe the evolution theor as great cosmogenic m th o the
t entieth centur
ierre aul rasse
sa s
To a our ut is to estro the m th o evolution consi ere as
a sim le un erstoo an e laine henomenon hich ee s
ra i l un ol ing e ore us iologists must e encourage to
thin a out the ea nesses an e tra olations that theoreticians
ut or ar or la o n as esta lishe truths The eceit is
sometimes unconscious ut not al a s since some eo le
o ing to their sectarianism ur osel overloo realit an re use
to ac no le ge the ina e uacies an alsit o their elie s
an accor ing to slamic orl vie
as create
o as com lete human
not an o s ring o Homo-ercectus a es He a eare in this orl to gain total
no le ge o things to ecome niversal an al-Insān al-Kāmil the mirror
re ecting all the ivine names an ualities Thus he is at the a is an center
o the cosmic milieu at once an custo ian o nature
an is given the right
ouis gassi Contributions to Natural History: Essay on Classification
mith ol gang Teilhar ism an the Ne
eligion Tan oo s an u lishers
oc or llinois
ichael ehe Darwin’s Black Box The ree ress
e erence given is to
cience ol
merican oologist
enton ichael Evolution: A Theory in Crisis urnett oo s
ar in on the rigin o
in urgh evie
rasse ierre- aul
Evolution of Living Organisms ca emic ress Ne Yor
al- arim al- ili al-Insān al-Kāmil tr into rench as De l’homme universal by
urc har t
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
over nature
virtue o his theomor hic ma e-u
o on earth not as a re el against haven
eing the vicegerent o
mam Yassine ela orates the slamic conce t o man in relation to the conce t
o eing as ase on o s act o creation He sa s
o create man an groome him or the grace he eserve in the
orl as son o
am ust as re are eternal liss or eternal agon
or his actions here The ivine rovision arrante the ro hetic
missions to gui e him to ar the aith that he has a o ho never
li es an com anions associate ith Him The ro hetic mission
also arrante that man must not cause an t rann to other ello
eings he must not e engrosse in orl l leasura le eceits
as to ma e him orget the herea ter He must not e into icate
the om ous o er as to enslave the ea an vulnera le nor e
lecherous an lustrous animal instincts sensualit an
mone -mongering as to orget that he has a heart on the iet o
hich rests his ha iness in the orl an therea ter
Nihilist hiloso h cou les ith e erimental science an metho ological
ou t an meticulous veri cation o results ails to conceive o man e on a
east evoi o signi cance struggling or survival an o a lin henomenon
o chemical action-reaction in vivo susce ti le o eing re ro uce in vitro.
an as e ase in a Nihilist gri
ecomes ea an um
lin an estial
To the e es o the lin e the astonishing harmonious universe is nothing ut
an acci ent ithout an artisan u e
a socio-cultural environment that sa s
nothing a out the central uestion o li e or victim o the active teaching o
atheism e ase man lives an ies ithout ever no ing the secret o li e
ithout ever as ing h
essalam Yassine Imāmah al-Ummah
essalam Yassine Winning the Modern World for Islam
‫ و من‬.‫إن اهلل خلق اإلنسان و هيأه لكرامته ىف الدنيا كما هيأه للخلود ىف النعيم أو العذاب ىف دار الخلود جزاء كسبه هنا‬
‫ و ال أن‬،‫ و أن ربه ال يريد له أن يشرك به شيئا‬،‫عناية ربنا جل و عا باإلنسان و حدبه عليه أن بعث إليه رسا بلغوه أن له ربا‬
‫ و ال تأخذه الشهوة و الحس و‬،‫ و ال أن تغره قوته فيستعبد الضعيف‬،‫ و ال أن تستفزه الدنيا فينسى اآلخرة‬،‫يظلم الناس‬
.‫المتاع فينسى أن له قلبا على صاحه مدار سعادته ىف الدنيا و اآلخرة‬
. ‫ ص‬،‫ إمامة األمة‬:‫اإلمام عبد السام يسين‬
‫‪The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod‬‬
‫‪Minhāj and Centrality of the Human in the Way‬‬
‫‪The mam s isagreement‬‬
‫‪ith the in-vogue aca emic hilolog is‬‬
‫‪metho ological in its nature since he comes o n heavil on the aca emia that‬‬
‫‪ The later is in accor ance‬منهــاج ‪ over minhāj‬منهــج ‪re ers the term manhaj‬‬
‫‪ith the t olog o uslim- aith canons‬‬
‫‪uran ai a‬‬
‫‪hile the ormer‬‬
‫‪is a - ro uct o seculari e rea anti-religious scientolog‬‬
‫‪or the mam‬‬
‫‪the i erence et een minh‬‬
‫‪an scienti c manha‬‬
‫‪metho is ase on the act that the cosmos the results o its‬‬
‫‪o servation e erimentations an h otheses that govern it‬‬
‫‪are su ect-matter o the later hile the minh eals ith man‬‬
‫‪an his uture in this orl an herea ter as su ect-matter‬‬
‫‪Cosmos an its la s are su ugate to man since it caters to‬‬
‫‪e his iological omain source o his livelihoo an illar‬‬
‫‪o sustenance The oth has a meeting oint in relation to the‬‬
‫‪in erential as the ormer give cosmic results hile the later‬‬
‫‪in er human results‬‬
‫‪o the ro hetic etho is to e e ne an illustrate in accor ance to the‬‬
‫‪orl vie o slam ith the uran an the com en iums o ro het s‬‬
‫أقصد بالحكمة «معرفة الدين والعمل به» كما فسر الكلمة اإلمام مالك رحمه اهلل‪ .‬قال ابن قتيبة‪« :‬الحكمة عند العرب العلم‬
‫والعمل»‪ .‬والعلم والعمل آلتهما العقل‪ .‬فإما عقل مصدر معرفته التجربة البشرية والتخمين الفلسفي وذاك عقل مشرتك بين‬
‫البشر‪ .‬وإما عقل يتلقى عن القلب رحمة اإليمان وهداية الوحي‪ ،‬ثم ينصرف إلى تنفيذ أمر اهلل سبحانه وتعالى يف الكون‪،‬‬
‫ال غنى له عن التجربة والفحص‪ ،‬فذاك عقل الحكمة‪.‬الرحمة قلبية‪ ،‬والحكمة عقلية راجعة يف معرفة األهداف والغاية‬
‫إلى الوحي‪ ،‬آخذة بالتجربة التي تمكن اإلنسان من ضبط حركة الكون والسيطرة على تفاعاته ليتسنى له تطبيق الشرع‪.‬‬
‫ىف موسوعة السراج‬
‫اإلمام عبد السام يسين‪ :‬مقدمات ىف المنهاج‪ ،‬صفحة رقم‬
‫وأنزلنا إليك الكتاب بالحق مصدقا لما بين يديه من الكتاب ومهيمنا عليه‪ .‬فاحكم بينهم بما أنزل اهلل‪ .‬وال تتبع‬
‫أهواءهم عما جاءك من الحق‪ .‬لكل جعلنا منكم شرعة ومنهاجا سورة المائدة‪ ،‬اآلية‬
‫وفرق بين المنهاج وبين «المنهجية العلمية» من كون المنهجية العلمية موضوعها الكون ونتائج ماحظتها وتجربتها‬
‫وافرتاضاهتا قوانين تحكم الكون وحركته‪ ،‬بينما المنهاج موضوعه اإلنسان‪ ،‬ومصير اإلنسان يف الدنيا واآلخرة‪ .‬والكون‬
‫وأسراره ونواميسه تابع لإلنسان‪ ،‬ال يستغني اإلنسان عنه ألنه مجاله الحيوي ومصدر معاشه وعماد بقائه وقوته‪ .‬ويجتمع‬
‫المنهج العلمي والمنهاج النبوي يف أن عملية ذاك تعطي نتائج كونية ويف أن هذا يعطي نتائج إنسانية‪.‬‬
‫اإلمام عبد السام يسين‪ :‬مقدمات ىف المنهاج‪ ،‬ص‬
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
or s ee s an a rovals Hadith as e clusive sources o legislation
Minhāj is im lementation o the uran an em o iment o its irectives
in in ivi ual s li e an human societ Minhāj is s non mous to Sunnah
ro hetic ara igms an act that en o s accor o no le ge a historical
act ro ecte in se uence o time
Minhāj is intrinsicall e istemological since the cognitive initiative is governe
it esi es its ractical lace in human li e or a -to- a gui ance an
or -incentives The cognitive is inse ara le rom actions as its realm o
rogramming an geo-tem oral strati cation t is invaria l associate
olitical social an economic orl scenario an the Ummah con ition so that
the high a s an cross-roa s o action are rogramme t see s a harmonious
meet o orl l goals an e tra- orl l su reme o ective oth running on
a single line ithout an contra iction or istraction t calls or a collective
coor inative a roach
mam Yassine s vision o minhāj is a com rehensive colla oration o all the
segments o Imān aith enumerate over sevent in a Hadith
‫ و‬،‫ و أدناهــا إماطــة األذى عــن الطريــق‬،‫ أفضلهــا قــول ال إلــه إال اهلل‬،‫اإليمــان بضــع و ســبعون شــعبة‬
.)‫الحيــاة شــعبة مــن اإليمــان (متفــق عليــه‬
mam s oo Minhāj al-Nobuwah ela orates all these aith-segments in all their
cognitive theological social moral economic an olitical even aesthetic
as ects The nal lue- rint is given in the ten attri utes-comman ants alkhīsāl al-‘ashr ‫ الخصــال العشــر‬rom com anion an grou ‫ الصحبــة والجماعــة‬to
action eati c silence econom non-e travagance an nall jihad stri e
in all its orms
‫ فالمنهاج إذن تطبيق للقرآن وتجسيد يف حياة‬.»‫ والمنهاج السنة‬،‫ «الشرعة القرآن‬:‫عبد ال ّله بن عباس رضي ال ّله عنهما‬
.‫ عمل تاريخي مرتب يف الزمان‬،‫ والسنة عمل تابع لعلم‬،‫ المنهاج عبارة عن السنة‬.‫الفرد وتاريخ البشر لتعاليمه‬
-‫ صفحة رقم‬،‫ المصدر السابق‬،‫اإلمام عبد السام يسين‬
،‫ ويطلب اإلنسان ليوضح له الطريق ويحفزه للعمل‬،‫لينح َو به المنحى العلمي اإلجرائي‬
ُ ‫يطلب المنهاج العلم‬
‫ ويطلب الواقع السياسي واالجتماعي واالقتصادي يف العالم ويف األمة ليخطط مرامي‬،‫ويطلب العمل ليربمجه ويمرحله‬
‫ ويطلب‬،‫ ويطلب األهداف الدنيوية والغاية األخروية ليضعها على خط واحد ال تتناقض وال تتنافر‬،‫العمل ومفاصله‬
.‫المجموع لينسق الجهود ويوجهها‬
-‫ صفحة رقم‬،‫ المصدر السابق‬،‫اإلمام عبد السام يسين‬
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
The centralit o
an in mam Yassine s vision o Minhāj al-Nobuwah is
a arent in his ela oration o the ver rst o the ten attri utes hen man
a ears in this orl in the cra le o his arents ho along ith societ ta e
care o his material o il e istence im i ing in him a sense o a liation to
a communit
ith a mission to a aith ami a aith ul an striving vigilant
eliever grou This single attri ute is a com ination o eleven rovisions love
o o an His essenger mutual love in o com an an reverence o
the aith ul re resenting the ro hetic mo el in relation to the eo le ithin
an outsi e amil nice con uct ith arents relatives an rien s marriage
as er slamic rules an ul llment o its o ligations an s amilial hea shi
an oman s rivac hos italit to eignoir an guest sa eguar o uslims
rights an reconciliation among eo les an
nall enevolence an ethical
soun ness
The Yassine iscourse on reason an aith are rml groun e in the centralit
o the human in the cognitive as ell as re resentative s heres o human
activities The ocal oint lies in the act that slamic haria can never e seen
in re uctionist ers ectives The Way the haria covers the entire normative
el o in ivi ual an social li e The ro het o slam as a gentle human
ro het a ro het ho sho s eo le the a
ho teaches them ho to act
an ho to see salvation
The haria encom asses all acets o human li e
an the entire gamut o societ s action-hierarchies t covers stages o human
li e rom irth to eath o in resent scenario o
orm eaten generations
slamic Way atten s the unha
chil hoo the uslim oman the a
‫ ثم رعاية وجوده الجسمي وكيانه‬،‫ هنا بروز العبد إلى الدنيا يف حضن والديه‬:‫ الصحبة والجماعة‬:‫الخصلة األولى‬
‫ وتعلقه القلبي بصاحب‬،‫ ووعيه بانتمائه ألمة ذات رسالة‬،‫المادي يف األسرة والمجتمع إلى أن ينضج وعيه بوجوده‬
‫ وهكذا يتخذ وجهته ليتكون‬.‫ محضن الجماعة المجاهدة‬،‫ ثم انخراطه يف محضن إيماين‬،‫الرسالة صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‬
‫ شعب الخصلة محبة ال ّله ورسوله التحاب يف ال ّله عز وجل صحبة المؤمنين وإكرامهم‬.‫يف مدرسة الجهاد‬
‫ التأسي به صلى اهلل عليه وسلم يف بيته اإلحسان إلى الوالدين‬.‫التأسي برسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وسلم يف خلقه‬
‫الزواج بآدابه اإلسامية وحقوقه قوامة الرجل وحافظية المرأة إكرام الجار والضيف‬
‫وذ الرحم والصديق‬
‫رعاية حقوق المسلمين واإلصاح بين الناس‬
.‫الرب وحسن الخلق‬
- ‫ صفحة رقم‬،‫ المصدر السابق‬،‫اإلمام عبد السام يسين‬
essalam Yassine Winning the Modern World for Islam
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
other the ost-mo ern an ost-moral the mo ern solitu e ignorance an
violence the convent an all that comes as constituent o societ s human
a ric
Chil hoo comes rst in the scheme o
iscourse He sa s
slamic Way in mam Yassine s
The is guring e ects o secular e agog
ill not e the onl
threat to the e ort to in chil ren ac to slam conomic an
social miser generate moral eca ence an s iritual ecline
To see to restore the eo le s fitrah an to e ucate them in moral
an s iritual righteousness ill e an vain enter rise unless the
roots o evil are attache
ithout rst atten ing the a -toa nee s o chil hoo announcing reha ilitation rogram on
the level o ethical values is merel a stroll through reamlan
the most urgent ill e that o guaranteeing chil ren a uture
rescuing them rom overt an res on ing to their istress
The s ectacle o chil ren in tattere rags living in the streets
as victims o criminal gangs is athetic Television e oses the
isgrace o oung eo le o io or Calcutta outh a an one to
egging or their ail rea or a han ul o coins to u a ose
o chea rugs The s ectacle o the a olescent engage in rug
tra c ing is as rightening as that o the rican chil le to ar
ith a alashni ov on a sling an singing o eath e are not
there et ut e are running in that irection o hel us
uslim oman comes ne t in the or er o re erence hose i eal ortrait
has een given
the Hol
uran in the urah l- ur an the Criterion ith
eleven moral an s iritual ualities re uire
the mo el o the aith ul men
omen cro ne an com lete
the ell eing o the amil an the
societ The model servants of God walk humbly upon earth and do not wish
to lose their time in vain controversies with unbelievers. They spend part of the
night prostrate before their Lord, praying that God may spare them the torment
of hell; and they spend a reasonable part of their income on charity. They never
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
call upon false gods; they never kill, they never fornicate; they never bear false
witness; nor do they frequent people who are occupied by the frivolities of life.
They listen attentively to the World of God. The mam attaches the se uence
to the im ortance o amil ha iness an amil
ell- eing
This oman at the hearth is the o osite o the insigni cant
an o resse creature that one sees these a s in our societies
illiterac an
eighe o n un ust macho tra itions
slam an its la an its mo el or oman have alrea
the ra oman uring the time o the ro het rom the a ss
o in ustice here she su ere mart r om t is urgent to eliver
the contem orar
oman allen again erha s even lo er
than her re- slamic sister an to ra her u rom the a ss o
in ustice an negligence here she languishes ur era is erha s
no more merci ul to ar oman than the one in hich a e rave
an inhumane ather coul cruell ur his ne orn in ant i
mis ortune it as oun to e a girl The mis ortune o to a s
uslim oman is t o ol
he lives torn et een the un ortunate
situation in hich local masculine in ustice has lace her an
the estern mo el hose a arent ree om attracts her he ill
metamor hose into an imitation o the uro ean oman as soon
as she has the means to o so he ill o this i she elongs to
an evolve social stratum ashione
one- si e ormation or
school in a oreign esta lishment the rest o the emale o ulation
vegetates in ignorance not aring to imagine the least it o
change The t o the emanci ate
oman an the other are
ignorant o all the rights that true slam gives them The veile
oung omen o Islam ho istur the schools an universities o
their resence an ho sha e o the o e o in ustice
among us are vanguar o a ne consciousness
slam s solitu e or a oman is so great that it turns into a s m ol o li e
ithin slamic scheme o things relate to societal gro th an material as ell
The uran
essalam Yassine Winning the Modern World for Islam
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
as s iritual rogress other is sacre in slam irres ective o her religious
a liations as illustrate in the e am le o the aughter o
u a r eing
a vise
ro het uhamma
H to elcome her an e generous
ith her in a ro hetic tra ition recor e
u hari an
uall im ortant or mam Yassine is to guar human ignit against the
onslaught o ethical an ehavioral estialit
hich has een atroni e
the atheistic mo ernism an
ost-moralist climate o ne
emogra hical
enominations Commenting on hiloso her an sociologist illes i ovets
an his a vocac o the com romise et een the outmo e
rigorous logic o the ast an a la ermissive moralit mam Yassine censors
him or his o osition o in ivi ual s rights to collective ut sel shness to
a negation ease to isci line grati e esires to sacri cial giving as these
are the hallmar o a societ that no longer has i eals a societ com ose o
in ivi uals ithout a solute to as ire to a societ ithout an moral moorings
societies at the en o evolutionar rocess overcoming all sense o moralit
in or er to ehave more an more li e mon e s
The mam accommo ates
estern sociologists an hiloso hers li e
gar orin orn
ro ose raternal soli arit among eo le an e tol a change or re orm in the
search or hat oul save human in rom catastro he
Imam Yassine, Mohammad Iqbal and European philosophers
mam Yassine in his oo s es eciall in Winning the Modern World for Islam,
re ers to a num er o scientist- hiloso hers an sociologists chie
orin ean uitton
arl o er
l a rigogine
an others oet- hiloso her ohamma
is no n or his encounters ith rie rich Niet sche
l re North hitehea
an others The
general uestions relate to the interest o mam Yassine an
al in estern
hiloso h an their use o it might she light on the argumentative as ects o
metho olog the a o te in their iscourses
al ten s to cite hiloso hers
to illustrate a general oint he is ma ing or to su ort a roa argument The
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
are largel cite as authorities to con rm a oint an it is ver rare to n
ra ing on a chain o reasoning in an e ten e ashion as to ear analogous
value to hiloso hical in erences t is noticea le that
al rarel corrects
another hiloso her s argument ne can see this in the cases o Niet sche an
ergson n isagreeing ith Niet sche he ten s not to reconstruct an correct
Niet sche s reasoning ut rather to voice isagreement ith Niet sche s vie s
roa l conceive
n the case o ergson his o ection is ver general
namel that the ergsonian in ivi ual lac s a telos.
mam Yassine s a o citing hiloso hers in artial su ort o a articular
case onl ears analogous value
al can e ruit ull rea as a re arative
reasoner someone concerne ith name ro lems in the orl an ith the
resources availa le or re airing them
al names certain ro lems in the
orl then goes on to consi er various resources or re airing those ro lems
The ro lems share
al an mam Yassine can e classi e into the
ollo ing
1. ro lems in the orl
stems o re air
3. ro lems in s stems o re air
n ivi ual la an tate are the three asic ro lems in the orl i enti e
al an mam Yassine The rchet al uro ean man a ergsonian man
the estial Nihilist man o mam Yassine is the ro lem relate to in ivi ual
hile in relation to slamic la the ro lem o a a ta ilit a a t or change
in the light o ne circumstances The ro lematic relate to tate is the
i cult o reconciling the universal reach o slam ith the articularities
o in ivi ual nation states ach o these ro lems in the orl call or re air
ra ing on cultural s stems o re air hose ur ose is to give the in s o
account o la o the state o the in ivi ual that can heal su ering in the orl
The econstructive iscourse o
al an mam Yassine is concerne
ith hiloso h an religion as a s stem o re air e ten ing into a variet o
al Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam
essalam Yassine Winning the Modern World for Islam,
ee mam
essalam Yassine Imāmah Al-Ummah
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
conte ts o iscussion The account o con ict et een matter an s irit or
reason an aith usuall centre aroun a it is urel rational
it sus ects
authorit c it is merel critical an ails to ma e ositive claims
it gras s
ealit iecemeal The aith is mar e
a it has something li e a cognitive
its octrines are s stems o general truths or irecting li e c it is
something ocal in re ection an
it gras s ealit in its holeness
al insiste that hiloso h an religion elong together an com lement
each other in unctioning as a s stem o re air or ro lems in the orl
eligion stan s in nee o a rational oun ation an hiloso h must recognise
the central osition o religion mam Yassine i the same though in a tune
i erent rom
al s ut the are not the Cartesian oun ationists to ro ose
that hiloso h rovi es an in e en ent asis or religion or the hiloso h
is a out escri ing arts an religion is a out escri ing holes an the t o
elong together i seen in right ers ective
The mutual inter la o hiloso h an religion is ailing to re air
ro lems in the orl
uring the last ve hun re ears religious thought in
slam has een racticall stationar
slam has ha centuries o intellectual
stu or hile the uro eans have een ma ing might stri es or ing out the
ro lems e ueathe
the slamic sages The o ern challenges call or
reconstruction o religious thought in slam The a ling e terior o uro ean
culture an the ve centuries o uro ean serious thin ing on the ig ro lems
lea recisel to the irection-less-ness o mo ern ersons an a re usal to
ta e religious li e seriousl as a logic o action an slam s intellectual stu or
has meant that slamic thin ers are launching themselves hea long to ar s
recisel the uro ean hiloso h that has le to this s iritual cul- e-sac The
ro lem articulate
al an mam Yassine is ver serious The s stem o
re air hiloso h religion is either evoi o s irit uro ean hiloso h or
stagnant slamic hiloso h
t thus stan s itsel in nee o re air
al Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam
ll his oo s es eciall Imāmah Al-Ummah, Al-Minhāj Al-Nabawi, Muqaddimāt Fi AlMinhāj, Mihnah Al-Aql Al-Muslim, Nazdhrāt fi Al-Fiqh wa Al-Tārikh, Al-Khilāfah Wa Al-Mulk,
Al-Islām Au Al-Tufān, etc
al Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
ut the ans er o oth
al an mam Yassine is une uivocal one must reach
ee into the ee est sources o re air in slam These are to e oun in
the ur an an in the atterns o reasoning hich it generates in the uslim
ne can see crossing lines o iscourses in natural theolog
something li e ohn oc e
riting The Reasonableness of
Christianity an the other a in o metho o correlation li e aul Tillich
riting his Systematic Theology.
hat ill e a real ans er to the uestion
ru ger
hat am oing here in this ma
The uestion might e as e
an a ositivist an e istentialist ith high oses
o angst an e istential a sur it an evolutionist a rotagonist o ialectical
materialism a ost-mo ern an ost-moral sociologist or even an acculturate
intellectual ho carr a uslim name ne is clearl a are o the act that such
uestions arise in the ac ro o culture- ash igote
materialist scientism
in mo ern times The theories o evolution natural selection ialectical
materialism an ositivism are not to e seen in isolation o the reco-roman
aganism inherite
all scientologists inclu ing Charles ar in an
ar The ultimate su erer as man or he as ro e o the asic attires
o ignit an value an re uce into a mere homo-erectus
the orl is
allo e to thin that man as animal an the universe i not have a creator
as vehementl ro ose
the Nihilist hiloso hies o ar inism an Neoar inism an augmente
Neo-im erialist glo ali ation ca italism an
consumerism then the asic uestions relate to li e-ca ital an investment
are sure to all victim to athetic hee lessness ren to sel - estruction mam
essalam Yassine oes not allo such in i erence on our art to ar
humanit an uture He rml elieves
The orl nee s to un erstan a message that gives meaning
an signi cance to li e an to the universe inning the mo ern
orl or slam means rst o all removing lin ers an
ena ling loc e ears to overcome the athological i cult
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
that interce ts the essage o o an censures the voice that
ells u in each o us hether savant cro ne hea or sim le
common mortal.
n the contem orar orl science is sought or the control an mani ulation
o the natural orl an human societies n a theistic conte t ho ever
science is sought or un erstan ing the natural orl an or solving
in ivi ual an societal ro lems goals hich lea to o s leasure Here
nature is vie e as a trust rom o hich shoul e han le ro erl Thus
all lans or scienti c rogress an technological innovations shoul
harmonious ith the cosmic or er ecause o the limitations o its sco e
science can onl res on to certain uestions o human concern t cannot
resent a com rehensive icture o the orl t sim l leaves unans ere
man uestions that arise in science itsel
urthermore it is silent a out
the meaning an ur ose o human li e an a out moralit
cience rame
instea in a more com rehensive rame or oes not con ne realit to the
em irical realm an
or s ithin a more inclusive meta h sical rame or
in hich higher levels o realit are recogni e
uch a rame or can shine
light on our meta-scienti c uestions s ut in
eorge llis e shoul
use roa criteria that ta e into account the hole range o human e erience
an not ust that art hich can e scienti call escri e
ne can har l ismiss that in the ac ro o mo ern science hich has acte
as a catal st uring the ast centuries or change in numerous el s Nature
an man s relation to it has een the most signi cant ocal oint o change an
trans ormation ith utmost su remac in the ers ective o the mo ern orl
The science o nature no n to mo ern man has vie e an revie e the
relation et een nature an man as ell as the nature o man an the universe
itsel in the light o u an change The currents o change are o er ul enough
to leave the contem orar man in a sorr state o e il erment es eciall hen
it comes to ro ose some avenues o ermanence in man s relation ith nature
an universe t is o ten orgotten that the mo ern man e ore revie ing his
relation to the nature in the ers ectives o evolution an change ha ecome
essalam Yassine Winning the Modern World for Islam
llis Before the Beginning on on o ars o er ean
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
in ar l etache rom the immuta le rinci le o the ntellect the nous
hich is the onl actor ca a le o acting as the ermanent an immuta le a is
or the mechani ation o human reason The ea ene s iritual-illuminative
an intellectual acult o the mo ern man uro ean inca a le o co ing
ith the gra uall evelo ing estrangement rom revelation an intellectual
intuition that act as o er ul sources o immuta ilit sta ilit an ermanence
has resulte into the emergence o nominalist tren s that estro hiloso hical
certaint an re uce man to his narro l human as ects Here a terrestrial man
emerges ho has een cut o rom all transcen ental elements in his thought
ehavior The scienti c revolution less incline even a ologeticall
to ar the me ievalist iritualistic an cholastic a roach has carrie the
seculari e version o man to its logical conclusion
essalam Yassine elieves li e n Ta mi a that a metho olog
hich can or
ithin the omain o an narro l e ne isci line cannot
or in other omains an certainl oes not hol or human
reasoning as hole Humanit nee s ro hetic etho that un erstan s the
h sical an s iritual nee s o human e istence an ena les human in ivi ual
an human grou s live harmoniousl in the orl
an has to move in the
right irection to transcen the ha itual that glues him to the ell-mell o ail
grin an that rescue him rom his amiliar environment an num ing routine
n nal anal sis mam Yassine s conce t o ro hetic etho ocuses on t o
central as ects to an true no le ge rstl its relevance an accurac in
un erstan ing the acre te ts secon l its a ilit to activate one s s iritualit
ter a li etime evote to reasoning rationalists have ecome isa ointe
ee ael
Halla Ibn Taymiyya Against the Greek Logicians
intro uction Claren on ress
essalam Yassine Winning the Modern World for Islam,
ith an
‫ ويرتنح إحساسه بالزمن‬،‫ وينحل عقده‬،‫فبنقض الدعائم اليقينية التي كان بنى عليه اإللحاد تخميناته تنتكث قبضته‬
‫ وذلك حين يتقدم علم الحكمة القرآنية وهداية اهلل تتمثل يف دعوة القائمين بالقسط شهداء هلل بعرض‬.‫والمكان والوجود‬
‫ ويشهد ملحد‬،‫ ويرجع إلى السكة زائغ‬،‫ عسى ينزجر جامح‬.‫ وخرب مصير اإلنسان بعد الموت‬،‫ وعقيدة التوحيد‬،‫اإلسام‬
.‫ جاء بالهدى ودين الحق ليظهره اهلل على الدين كله ولو كره المشركون‬،‫ وأن محمدا رسول اهلل‬،‫أن ال إله إال اهلل‬
.‫ ص‬،‫ الرسالة العلمية‬:‫اإلمام عبد السام يسين‬
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
ith reason altogether ecause it is una le to account or the most general
un amental an most o vious o all realities namel those humans are
intelligent an the orl is intelligi le to them that the orl seems to eman
an re ar human curiosit
eason cannot account or the e istence o reason
t is so ut reason cannot tell us h an ho it is so eason also cannot
account or ho an
e un erstan an res on to notions o value li e
love ustice truth eaut ha iness an their o osites These notions orm
the asis o all the im ortant ractical u gments e ma e in li e ho an hat
e li e or isli e hat e strive or our o n ehaviors an li est le an ho
e res on to others e cannot e ne these values in an a that ill a l
to all situations or e agree an acce te
all eo le ateriall engrosse
ositivist Humanit has lost its homelan o s iritual ell- eing n or s o
mam Yassine
search or a homelan or m min an heart ut not un er
the lac cloa o the tenets o estialism that lie at the ase o agan cultures
see it in the evelation that alone ans ers m rimor ial uestioning
The Yassine strateg to counter the ositivist- estial cognitive an ehavioral
tenets involves t o stages a metho ological re uttal o atheistic thought an
en eavors to reconstruct the slamic thought
The gi t o o u on man as the a ilit o his heart to love the remem rance
o o
nl the revival o a s iritual conce tion o nature ase on intellectual
an meta h sical octrines can ho e to neutrali e the havoc rought a out
the a lication o mo ern sciences an integrate this science itsel into a more
niversal ers ective
The cognitive ara igm in slam oes not allo a ree han at usage o certain
terminologies given
mo ern e istemolog
or e am le slam can not e
escri e to e an i eolog since it is ase on revelation su ugating all the
rational ormatives Those ho re er to slam as an i eolog asicall mean its
emerits on their accounts o com aring et een slam an an hiloso hical
essalam Yassine Winning the Modern World for Islam
mam Yassine calls them
.‫ وإزاحته بالحجة الدامغة‬،‫ التصدي للفكر اإللحادي‬.1
‫ السعي نحو تجديد الفكر اإلسامي‬.2
.‫ مقدمة‬.‫ الرسالة العلمية‬:‫اإلمام عبد السام يسين‬
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
or olitical thought im l ing et een the lines that slam re resents human
thoughts ne can un erstan the reason as to h our ello i eologues are
en eavoring har to re ute the in alli ilit o ration ith lots o em hasis
necessit o en ing an lace to it or revelation an the unseen
The loss o meta h sics is res onsi le or the loss o harmon et een man an
nature an o the role o the sciences o nature in the total scheme o no le ge
the ast is learning
com ulsion an necessit the estern techni ues o
omination over nature it is rom riental meta h sics that one must learn
ho to revent this omination rom ecoming sheer sel -annihilation H ri
scientism an h ri cultist s iritualism are e uall amaging to the Human
Al-Karāmah Al-Adamiyah
arrants that humans are not seen as
Homo-erectus mo ern re ators given to sensual measura ilit an volu tuous
ragmatism ith no room or e tra- h sical ontolog
essalam Yassine Muqaddimat fi Al-Minhāj
‫ فالذين‬.‫ ثم تجيء الصيغ الشرعية العقلية تابعة خادمة‬،‫لكن اإلسام يختلف مع اإلديولوجية من حيث أن مصدره الوحي‬
.‫ وإما يقارنون بين المذاهب الفلسفية السياسية وبين اإلسام‬،‫يصفون اإلسام بأنه إديولوجية إما يقصدون عيب اإلسام‬
‫ وألمر ما تجد فاسفة العصر من بني جلدتنا يذكرون العقل ويركزون‬.‫ أن اإلسام أفكار بشرية‬،‫ بل يلمزون‬،‫يحسبون‬
.‫ إصرارا على أن ال مكان يف القضية للوحي والغيب‬،‫ ونقد العقل‬،‫ وعلى تحرير العقل‬،‫على العقل‬
. ‫ صفحة رقم‬.‫ مقدمات ىف المنهاج‬:‫اإلمام عبد السام يسين‬
ee m The Theor o uranic iritualit
essalam Yassine s Criti ue o H ri
u sm in riss a ul
Markaziyat Al-Quran Al-Karim fi Nadhriyat Al-Minhāj AlNabawi Ind Al-Ustad Abdessalam Yassine vol Yassinecon erences net
ee mam
essalam Yassine Imamah al-Ummah
The Yassine Cognitive against the Nihilist Homo-erectus
ouis, Contributions to Natural History: Essay on
on on
o erts
l- ili
l-Na a i
anaullah The Yassine ers ectives on in
evelation an the ltimate
etho ological Criti ue o ositivism
in riss a ul an
l- ha i e s Religion and Mind:
Revisiting Imam Abdessalam Yassine’s Thought
ri ue rient
l-Na a i
anaullah The Theor o
essalam Yassine s Criti ue o H ri u sm in riss a ul
Markaziyat Al-Quran Al-Karim fi Nadhriyat Al-Minhāj Al-Nabawi
Ind Al-Ustad Abdessalam Yassine vol Yassinecon erences net
l-Na a i
an Cosmos an
o in the
hiloso hical summae o slam , rocee ings o the nternational
nter aith ialogue eminar
omai a harati a ans riti eetham
omai a i avihar Cam us um ai on th to th e tem er
- -
l-Na a i
anaullah The lements o Yoga in u sm in
History of Yoga, vol vi art e ite
ingh H C Centre
or tu ies in Civili ations Ne
- -
al- arim al-Insān al-Kāmil tr into rench as De l’homme
urc har t
merican oologist
ehe ichael Darwin’s Black Box The ree ress
o ert an
oan How Humans Evolved
N -
e ition Ne
10. a ins ichar , The Ancestor’s Tale: A Pilgrimage to the dawn of
Evolution oston
Houghton i in
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
11. enton
ichael Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
12. eorge
o er ean
urnett oo s
llis Before the Beginning
on on
13. rasse ierre- aul Evolution of Living Organisms
Ne Yor N Y
14. u non
La Metaphysique orientale.
tra itionelles
o ars
ca emic ress
15. Halla
Ibn Taymiyya Against the Greek Logicians Translate
ith an intro uction Claren on ress
- - 16.
ohamma Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam Ne
ita havan
N -
a ell
Ne Yor
ar , Human Evolution: A Philosophical Anthropology.
Colum ia niversit
19. cience ol
ar in on the
rigin o
in urgh evie
20. mith ol gang Teilhardism and the New Religion Tan
u lishers
oo s an
21. Yassine
essalam mam Al-Islām wa Al-Hadātha
translation as Winning the Modern World for Islam ustice an
u lishing nc o a Cit
22. Yassine
essalam mam Imāmah Al-Ummah
23. Yassine
ar u nan
essalam mam Muqaddimāt fi Al-Manāhij. n Siraj
24. Yassine
essalam mam Al-Risāla Al-Ilmiya. n ira Electronic
Abdessalam Yassine and Pervez:
A Comparative Study
ean acult o
al CH
rts an Humanities Chairman Histor
niversit o the un a
ahore a istan
slamic ritings in a istan
mail cha la i
ahoo com
e artment
There has een a massive literature on various to ics relate to e tremism in
the uslim orl
tremism is a ver recent henomenon an it is certainl
incorrect to sa that either the entire state machiner itsel in a ma or a or
its allie grou s in ma or or ecisive a s are its s onsors at an level n act
it is the ro uct o multi le actors inclu ing the events o
hich have
contri ute to the un leasant state o a airs thus ar resulting in the eaths
o thousan s o eo le ith great amage to eo les ro ert an harm
to the overall eace an tran uillit o the uslim orl This a er oul
attem t to sho that e tremist activities have never een en orse either
slam or an slamic state or societ The intellectuals o the uslim orl
inclu ing
essalam Yassine an
hulam hma arve have resiste this
e tremism through their ritings an have continue to reach the lessons o
mutual love eace an raternit
essalam Yassine orocco an hulam
hma arve
a istan la e remar a le roles in e ucating the uslims
in mo ern times in their res ective regions The m act o their riting in the
contem orar orl is immense an the have een success ul in creating their
in ivi ual schools o thought s a result re ecting the violent course o action
as a tool to solve their socio-economic an olitical ro lems the uslims
have een ollo ing the teaching o
uran unnah an the u s
ma ing a com rehensive stu o the henomenon o e tremism there ore
it is im ortant to un erstan the signi cance o the ritings on the overall
religious s che o the uslim orl
s the a er un ol s it ill sho that
the uslim intellectuals articularl o
orocco an a istan have sho n a
great sense o res onsi ilit hile engaging in the ialogue hich has s route
in the mo ern times
rie historical s ee o the henomena o e tremism in contem orar
times es eciall
ith regar s to uslims is in or er ince the vast ma orit
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
o the contem orar glo al nglish me ia hich is a source o ne s an
in ormation or a vast ma orit o regular olitical anal sts an aca emicians
re ominantl in the nglish-s ea ing orl in ost orl
erio has
achieve a glo al s rea an ro agates its vie s to rotect estern interests
all means necessar in hich truth is the rst casualt
There as a ell-s rea out geogra hicall s ea ing an a itter struggle
et een the est an the uslims eo les o outh merica an
rica most
o the latter ere non- uslims stretching rom late teenth centur till the
colla se o uslim rule in natolia in earl t entieth centur The geogra hical
area involve in this struggle et een the uslims an the ra i
estern an
ussian a vance on uslim Central sian lan s as vast an inclu e a vast
variet o nationalities tri es cultures ith a great variet o customs
uslims rom i erent lan s res on e i erentl to this ca ture estruction
an o ten attem ts at total annihilation o their li est le culture an even
o nright e istence as territories reviousl un er uslim control ere
overrun et een the si teenth an the nineteenth centuries s this occu ation
too sha e onl
uslim-ma orit riteria remaine a ree territor
ter a long
lull the uslims attem te to o en their e es an gauge the utter estruction
the ha su ere
lo l the immense loss orl i e a ne u on them
ut since the ha een e rive o all means o e ence let alone o ence the
a a ening too various orms irst there ere s eeches ne s a er articles
some calls or a revival o olitical an arme struggle in some areas the
ars in the Caucasus
ul a er s resistance in lgeria an similar
instances hich are goo e am les o this as ect
ter the near- e eat o nglan
erman in oth orl ars it as orce
to vacate territories un er its control t as so a o that it has ust ai the
rst installment on its
e t a centur ollo ing that con ict s start er
a recent ne s item This is a general comment t as save in oth instances
an or the oviet nion lthough ollo ing the
ere given nominal in e en ence ut ruling grou s an net or s o lo alists
to the est or ussia e en ing on the areas hich the controlle
ere le t
ehin to act as resi ent agents o the ormer colonial o ers an e t u the
e loitation o their ne l -in e en ent or ne l -li erate territories or the
istant olitical economic militar u et-masters
ssalam Yassine and P erve z : A Comparative Study
ith the assage o time an a ter innumera le acts o su ression
local agents o oreign o ers there has evolve a class o generall ver
e ucate
uslims oth men an
omen ho have a ee gras o ho the
so-calle sel - roclaime orl - o ers an other rising regional e loitative
o ers li e n ia are ent on re ressing the uslims ithin their lan s an
outsi e an e loiting their resources orever i the can hile ee ing the
local o ulations in servilit an overt
The orl has een s am e
ro agan a against this so-calle terrorism
n all this it is ver convenientl orgotten that millions o oor eo le-see
o n all o llen e in Chile a re ominantl Christian countr - ut es eciall
uslims have een totall ruine
outright om ings sanctions looting o
their cultural heritage agh a
useum an no
hole o
ria or e am le
ver a erio o more than a hun re ears in the su continent es eciall
since hma an smail hah s cam aigns in the North- est an the ar
to oust the ritish a ter each ailure there has al a s een a lull as
uslim grou s trie to regrou an thin o ne strategies
ter each ailure
uslims ith re in ar s ut the came ac ith ne er metho s a ter each
set ac
a recent e am le is the overthro o a ull legitimate government in
g t
isi an his generals un er instigation rom the est an its clients-an has ver ravel trie to hol their o n Ho ever the uslim ree omghters have resorte to ass metrical ar are o all in s an at all levels
in res onse uici e om ings are sim l a ea on o ar
eo le lac ing
other means o ghting regularl -traine an e ui e arme orces
n the last thirt ears or so man
uslim grou s have launche olitical
cam aigns to ring changes in their res ective countries The collusion o
corru t local orces -allie ith oreign interests- has al a s een a le to nulli
an negate them n these circumstances the oviet invasion o
rove li e a matchstic on oil an although oreign interests trie to use them
or their o n goals uslim ghters ha their o n in e en ent agen a hich
as not to e ente un er an circumstance
ince the oviet invasion o
ghanistan a re has een lit throughout
the uslim orl an ust as those governments o the orl
hich iel
enormous in uence in orl a airs through their creation an control o N
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
an other orl - i e organi ations
uslims o one region have evelo e
their o n s stem to hel
uslim ghting grou s in i erent regions This has
ose an e istential threat to the e isting orl or er an its mem ers have
trie all means to iscre it these uslims as terrorists
ho themselves have
no res ect or an o s li e or ro ert as can e seen rom o ens o uslim
countries the have inva e in recent times an have estro e an ille
countless eo le in the rocess uch slogans accom anie
man inci ents
uslim vs non- uslim con rontations in the est itsel
here uslims
have settle have caught on an over helming num er o
uslims ranging
rom Chechne a n ia a istan g t ra an a host o other countries have
starte to move to such hot- oints o
uslim vs the est rimaril con ict
rom all over the orl
To counter this vast an relentless cam aign against the est the uslims
grou s have learnt rom hat ha ene
uring the
- ear civil ar in
e anon an the master o human suici e om ings hich as er ecte
as a ea on o ar uring the ri an an civil ar To maintain their glo al
hegemon all in s o misla eling o glo al uslim struggle has een use
its o onents ho all seem to act in unison The attem t their est to e uate
slamic i eolog
ith e tremism
ost o the e lanations ut orth
estern me ia or iha i activities es eciall suici e om ings are ase on
m ths an assertions unsu stantiate
em irical evi ence
Ho ever the genesis o e tremism in the uslim orl can e trace to
the internal istur ances an e ternal aggression against the uslim orl
eginning rom eighteenth centur on ar s hich reache its enith ith the
colonial occu ation o nearl all the uslim lan s over the ne t
The resent clash is et een the North an outh an et een the est an
the uslim orl The North ants to maintain its control an omination
uslim lan s through various evices oth tra itional an ne
hile the
uslims have een ghting them through various a s o their o n ith limite
resources to regain control o their lan s an to e ercise real ree om in their
res ective countries The North erceives it rom the clash o civili ations
narrative res on ing to hich the uslims la el them as a violent orl ominating grou
ssalam Yassine and P erve z : A Comparative Study
The Response of the Muslim Intellectuals to Contemporary Challenges
t is o great im ortance to e lore an anal e the res onse o the uslims
to ar s these challenges
hile anal ing the evolution an gro th o
e tremism the author ta es the osition those uslim societies as a hole
more s eci call its intellectuals have is la e strong resistance to
e tremism reache or ractice
an grou or in ivi ual ntellectuals
rom the uslim orl
ere al a s in the ore ront in o osing e tremism
an reaching the rimar message o slam hich is eace an harmon
general stu an com arison o the literar
or s o
essalam Yassine
hulam hma er e
ill clearl re ect that
throughout the ast centur
uslim thin ers have never en orse acts hich
might have en angere human li e an have al a s stoo u against violence
an e tremism hile reaching true icture o slam the ere ull conscious
o the challenges ace
the uslim societies vis a vis the intention o the
est regar ing the outh
A Fresh Light on the Ideas of Abdessalam Yassine
essalam Yassine ro uce enormous literature in the sha e o oo s
monograms essa s s eeches an statements His central theme as the
revival o slamic un amentals hich to his min
oul hel
uslims to
co e ith the challenges in the mo ern times Yassine Muslim World His
o n countr li e other uslim countries in the North rica an the i le
ast e erience
estern colonialism The negative e ects o the colonial
rule in orocco ose serious threat to the ost-colonial state ormation an
the slamic societ uring an a ter the colonial rule Not onl
as the real
in e en ence o the countr a ig challenge ut the cultural invasion o the
North as alarming
essalam Yassine as e ucate in orocco an
as ull a are o these
challenges He too u the cause to e en his countr an socio- olitical an
cultural values o slam He too an active art or the olitical re orms in
the countr He launche an e ucational an re ormation movement or the
regeneration o slam in the orl His hiloso h revolves aroun the conce t
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
o o
ahi alat os ue Human ights an the esta lishment o a ure
slamic societ hich is ase u on the original an true un amentals o slam
Yassine Muslim World
The conce t o niversalit o slam emerge hen
uslim lan s ere coloni e
the estern nations ven to a the est
irectl or in irectl seems to e ercise uite a strong in uence in the olic
ecisions o the uslim countries
ccor ing to
essalam Yassine slam means su mission to ar s o
com lete an eace ul su mission t is non violent non u an non e tremist
This religion o eace is not out to annihilate others (Yassine Winning ).
es on ing to the critics o slam an religion he sa s that mo ern thin ers
ta e slam as an ol an e tremist religion ecause the are those ersons
ho thin that human eings are living in a orl governe
natural la s
hich ere iscovere
reasoning ccor ing to them to ecome a mo ernist
means to re el against the sacre an the ivine He oints out that o ernit
is not a sim le rocess slo l at rst enaissance came then enlightenment
change the orl social movements too ight violent i eologies nourishe
the revolutions rench revolution s rea the ame o change throughout the
uro e Yet another revolution in ustrial revolution ermitte uro e to arm
itsel so that uro ean states coul enter into the con icts Yassine Winning
ter mo ernism ost- mo ernism came hich is more aggressive an
o ensive stimulate
international com etition o ecoming su er o er
Yassine Winning
essalam Yassine is rou o the glor o slam an its tolerant olicies
to ar s non- uslims He maintains that or man centuries e s live si e
si e ith uslims in ain an en o e the status hich slam has guarantee
hen ionist
The e ish theme a a ene in uro e in the
movement as launche
ter orl
ar ne e s starte to migrate to ar s
alestine an uring orl
ar econ e s ho survive the massacre in
erman an ast uro e too re uge in alestine here cam aign or their
state as launche
hole o uro e es eciall merica su orte the e ish
state merica ha some reasons to su ort the e ish state
osing the real
intention o merica to su ort the e s
essalam Yassine oints out that
the most im ortant reason o them is ra states are har or o oil an merica
ssalam Yassine and P erve z : A Comparative Study
nee s a guar ian to atch over the treasures at close han
Yassine Winning
ith the esta lishment o srael in
the miser o alestine has starte
an continues to gro
ith the assage o time ut h ocris o uro e can
e e amine
certain inci ents
essalam Yassine as a are o the ou le stan ar s o the North an trie
to e ose this stan ar
ith e am les He narrates an inci ent an
rites that
some ears ago aruch ol stein entere in a mos ue o alestine an gunne
o n the uslims ho ere o ering ra er ut no his tom has ecome an
o ect o a cult a site o ilgrimage an a lace o orshi
ut i a uslim seeing
his house on re his chil ren gunne o n in the street his el s con scate
shoul attac a single e international rotest is imme iatel starte lea ing
to a me ia l nching ith use o e tremel hate ul an erogator terms li e
slamic terrorist ar arian e tremist etc This is certain t e o mo ernism o
uro e hich see s to ortra slam as a violent religion Yassine Winning
essalam Yassine is critical o merica s ou le stan ar s an consi ers it
the orst in o im erialist o mo ern times He rites that The nite tates
o merica ho is a su orter o human rights arms itsel ith international
legitimac an the uncon itional su ort o the ecurit Council in or er to
im ose
orce on the un er evelo e nations its o inion an the ul llment
o its o n interests n the case o alestine the nite tates regar s as a right
the occu ation o its territories an the e ulsion o its eo le
the e s
Yassine Winning
essalam Yassine also laments the e tinction o the uslims in osniaHer egovina gain critici ing the merican olic as ell as the anti- uslim
olic o the North
essalam Yassine sa s that merica overtl regar s as
a right the e tinction o
uslims in osnia an Her egovina
the er s
Com aring the su erings o the alestinian uslims ith the er ian uslims
essalam Yassine oints out that merica has intervene in alestine or the
last ort - ve ears to com lete the or o ritish colonialism hile it le t the
savage er s to carr out the carnage in osnia Yassine Winning
The invasion o ra
merica ithout the a roval o the nite Nation
ecurit Council is vie e as a am le roo a out the anti- slamic olicies o
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
the North to eliminate the uslim orl
essalam Yassine critici es the
merican olices an oints out that the ul ar an the estruction o ra
have emonstrate those rights that the orl s militar su er o er oes not
ermit to e touche
ra oil its rice control an the rotection o the stan ar o living o the
revere in ivi ual merica et the chil ren o ra an the eo le o ra ie
as a sacri ce or the sa e o the mir s throne an merica s oil ra lan s
rom the ul to the tlantic are one merican rotectorate
a l the est calls slam even ith these ual olicies as a terrorist religion
n act uro e ho has not orgotten hat alahu in i still consi ers slam
as an enem . The consi er it their right to rall international agencies against
uslims in or er to com at an eliminate their terrorism Yassine Muslim Mind
The consi er the or iha as istur ing an savage This hiloso h o
est ollute the hole orl an min s o the estern eo le
He tells histor o lgeria hen Ten thousan s o lgerian uslims ere
gunne o n uring an u heaval at eti in
an arm
hich ace
historic e eat in econ
ar He elieves that the torture o rench arm
on innocent eo le uring the lgerian revolution oul remain a ermanent
stain in the militar an civilian annals o colonialism This entire e iso e as
name as a crusa e ar
o the in an rea the storm ut hat ill e
harvest hen see is the storm rom outset
Yassine Muslim Mind
iving the escri tion o the real ace o slam he sa s that the uslims ere
never terrorists ecause uran as their thought an its la
as their s stem
an the o not ght or materialistic gains Yassine Muslim Mind
Chau hr hulam hma arve as b orn on ul
at atala istrict
ur as ur in ast un a n ia
hich as then a no n centre o uslim
religious activit .His gran ather as a ‘pir’ o the Chishtiya orde r an elonge
to the Hanafite school o thought. He as rought u b y his gran ather
ho as his irst teacher an
ante him to succee him as the ‘pir’. He
ssalam Yassine and P erve z : A Comparative Study
a sor e
esto e
ur anic e egetics uic l . arve
ith an in uisitive mind .
rom his earliest a s
hen llama
al critici e Ha
hera i an m sticism in his “Asrar-eKhudi”, a strong reaction arose rom the circles o the m stics. ut arve s
gran ather ho himsel elonge to a sufi orde r a reciate
al s criticism
an poetry . arve
ho as a rotestant to m sticism stu ie
al s ritings
an as greatl in uence b y his insight into m sticism.
hen arve came to ahore or a o he egan to meet llama
re uentl . Thus arve came to no the secrets o the ur an. He reali e that
ur an is a light an to see light e ternal means are improper. The rea er must
no the ra ic id ioms an prov erb s revailing at the time o its revelation.
ur an d oes not eal ith one su ect com letel at one lace. There ore
one shoul try to care ull un erstan all o its v erses an cha ters to
u ge the true essence o an issue. n a ition mod ern no le ge o all
in s o evelo ments is necessar .
ith this ac groun
arve starte to rite on various as ects o
societ . Some o his articles ere u lishe in ournals li e M’aaraf an
Tarjuman-al-Qur’an, hich earne him o ularit in intellectual circles. His
ma or criticism as on a s secular a roach to religion in hich he ha
lea e that all religions ere asicall e ual. arve commente that slam
as the est religion an that it as not a religion in the or inar sense o the
or ut a com lete s stem o government.
The lema s involvement in olitics in n ia increase ra i l a ter the
Khilafat ovement.
ma orit o them sid ed
ith the n ian National
Congress an opposed the ll- n ia uslim eague an its olicies. ter the
return o uai -i- am rom nglan in
the ll- n ia uslim eague
as reorgani e . ccor ing to arve
as in search o su ort rom
an institution or orum hich coul urther the eague s cause among
uslim masses an also coul counter the anti- uslim masses an the antiuslim eague religious grou s. n this struggle arve along ith Na ir
Nia i launche the Tulu-i- slam at uai s instance to ro agate uslim
eague s mission in elhi
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
He as one o those uslims ho reamt an struggle or the creation o
a istan an strongl d esired an slamic constitution or the ne nation.
n short arve as a ro uct o his age. or him slam as the name o rogress
an he tried to interpret it accor ing to the needs o the time. The ocal point o
his inter retation as olitical-economic theor . His conce ts ere not totall
ne . arve
as not ve ry original in his inter retations. arious uslims
an non- uslim thin ers ha e resse i eas on those lines in the ast. The
original cre it ue to him is that he as move d by the ro lems acing slam
an the uslims an tried to s nthesi e uranic rinci les an the needs o
contem orar times in his ritings.
essalam Yassine as orn e ucate
or e an
ro uce
literature in orocco North rica his i eas are almost i entical ith those
o hulam hma arve
ho elonge to a istan
ost ro a l a e
actors contri ute to their ro ucing similar literature rstl the e erience
estern colonialism secon l the
ere uslims thir l oth o them ha
thin ing min s an chose to use all tools articularl the en to e ress their
eelings on the causes an e ects o the egeneration o the uslim societies
an to suggest measures to a ress them
oth hulam hma
arve an
essalam Yassine elieve that the
revival o slam means going ac to slamic un amentals ne o the ma or
un amentals o slam is the conce t o o The conce t o an all- o er ul
llah is the most un amental conce t o slam hich is i erent rom
Christianit u aism an other religions Yassine sa s slam gave the conce t
o uni ueness o o gar ens o ara ise or elievers an Hell as estination
or non- elievers. arve Qurani Faisafy
There are no inches an ar s
et een o an His ollo ers These or s are use sim l to teach elievers
that to ac uire nearness o o a long ourne o aith an
orshi have to
ssalam Yassine and P erve z : A Comparative Study
e ma e
ollo e
eligion is li e a station here un erstan ing o slam comes rst
man an hsan
The conce t o o in arve s hiloso h o slam also occu ies a centralit
ust as in Yassine s arve
rites that the conce t o llah o in slam
is uite i erent rom that in other religions arve Islamic Ideology
elieves that ne can no
llah onl through the uran The conce t o
llah through ‘Wahy’ is the real one ther conce ts are creation o human
hich are s urious an a sur ecause human intellect cannot erceive
an a stract thing hich is a art o the realm o his o servation The uranic
o e ists o ectivel He as resent hen there as nothing an oul e ist
hen there oul e nothing le t llah is resent ith all His ttri utes
This conce t o llah gives a alance ersonalit to man hich results in
eace an ros erit in the societ
arve slam
ter o it is ro het uhamma
H ho occu ies the most im ortant
lace in the main o o slamic un amentals
essalam Yassine sa s The
ur ose o
essenger is not con ne to onl elivering the message he ha
to act accor ing to teachings o o an ha to ecome role mo el or other
elievers He ha the ollo ing uali cations
ortal li e
other human eings
He shoul e among them non- elievers hom he ha
to teach Yassine Muslim
Wahi or evelation is a means o transmission o llah s message in hich the
reci ient gets the ivine message transmitte irectl into his consciousness
llah a o ts various means to carr out this act Abdessalam Yassine stated
that sometimes o sen s His message to His ro hets
ust as he elivere it to oses or sometimes He sen s the angel a riel to
eliver His message to the chosen ro hets ns iration Ilham is another a
to reveal His message an sometimes He comman s to the angels as ell in
articular situations as He ins ire them on the occasion o the attle o a r
Yassine Muslim
imilarl Parvez believes that the Hol ro het ha t o ca acities ne as
o a messenger o o
hen he use to receive revelation the secon as o a
human eing an in that ca acit he as not in alli le His com anions ne
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
a out these ca acities an use to in uire rom him hether a s eci c or er
as in his ersonal ca acit or a reveale one he sai that that as his o n
o inion the eo le coul argue on that or instance once the Hol ro het
in his ersonal ca acit a vise his slave ai in Harith not to ivorce his
i e ut the latter i not acce t the a vice an ivorce her an a
Abdessalam Yassine says that
emocrac is secular in its irth an nature
hile our in o emocrac is Shura. n slamic type o emocrac Shura
olitics can not be se arate rom social li e an in social li e religion is
present. He on ers h the secular school o thought is ama e that ho
slam has mi e the t o s heres hile uslims are ama e at the oddne ss o
se arating rivate rom u lic li e an the mos ue rom arliament Yassine
The slamic i eal communit has a lace hich acilitates mutual
assistance an also strengthens the rotherl love. This lace is the mos ue
present in eve ry societ an in slamic s stem the government a ministers the
material li e o uslims hile mos ues orients an nourishes their s iritualit .
Yassine Winning
arve believes that the aim o the achievement o a istan as to esta lish an
slamic s stem in the ne state The meaning o ‘Kalemat-al-Allah’ is to obe y
the rinci les o o
uslim has to elieve in ‘Kalemat-al-Allah
Thus sovereignt o o means acce tance o His la s as enunciate in
the uran arve Wirasat-e-Arz
These la s are unamen a le Ho ever
su lementar la s hich are not re ugnant to slamic s irit can e ma e
to meet ne challenges n a emocratic s stem o the estern t e a
arliament rames the constitution hile in a socialist countr the art ra ts
the constitution in oth cases man o e s irectl or in irectl other men ut
in an slamic state la s are not man-ma e ut are rovi e
o through
revelation To o e these la s means to o e o
arve Adam-e-Nau
essalam Yassine an arve are proud of the ast histor o slam an
this carries on to their ersonal ri e in themselves as uslims
Yassine argues that hat the est is oing is resenting slam as a cru e an
rutal religion an or this ur ose the raise slogan rom the Crusa es ut the
have orgotten that the in uence o uslim ain on uro e as all the more a
ssalam Yassine and P erve z : A Comparative Study
ene t or uro e The arts science cra ts tra e mathematics an astronom
rought an e traor inar out urst o no le ge rom rana a an Cor o a
Yassine Winning
essalam Yassine conce es that “ uro e has
ma e s il ul rogress in ever el
hile uslims have een le t ar ehin
t as the uslim s legac that uro e has no ac uire in ever arena ust
ester a ou ere li e us Ho i ou manage to ta e the lea in one single
e shall soon e osing this uestion to China an other nations
as the ass in ront o us hile e are loo ing at our useless orge clothes
Yassine Muslim
arve reali ing the causes o o n all o the uslim su remac in sociocultural an olitical el s points out that uslim gave u the ‘Qias’, hich
means analogical reasoning a in o Ijtihad. hen the uslims close the
oors o Qias a ter the all o agh a
uslim hiloso hers a an one
this rocess to avoi urther social chaos Thus slam hich is the cham ion o
movement as ossili e
arve Nizam-e-lslam
essalam Yassine sa s in his essa
um s an um s uro e ho has
not orgotten hat ala in i still consi ers slam as enem The consi er
it their right to rall international agencies against uslims in or er to com at
an eliminate their terrorism The consi er the or Jihad as istur ing an
savage This hiloso h o the est has ollute the hole orl an min s o
estern eo le Yassine Muslim
arve li e
essalam Yassine argues that the im act o Christian s a as
ha ar ous t rought a out the material conce t o li e hich ersua e man
to concentrate on sel - reservation sel -assertion an sel - ro uction ut ma e
him evoi o all human emotions an crushe his sel or material arve
Insan 6 He uotes ertran ussell that the resent ro lem o man as that
he ha iscovere an con uere the e ternal orl ut ha not een a le
to e lore the inner orl or sel arve hol s that similar is the case ith
emocrac an communism n emocrac there is no conce t o sovereignt
ma orit art assumes authorit over the minorit art hile in communism
one art controls all the o ers an en o s all the acilities an no one can
rotest against its ecisions arve Islam
Parvez says the slamic vie
o li e is a mo el or humanit
hich guarantees h sical as ell as s iritual
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
evelo ment o man t covers socio-economic an olitical thought o slam
arve elieves that the olitical vie s as enunciate in the uran i ractice
coul ma e an i eal societ
hich not onl motivates man to search hi en
resources o the cosmos ut also evelo s his ersonalit He argues that the
uran assures the success o the olitical s stem o slam
a o ting the
uranic a o li e it is ossi le to create a ne man ho coul ac uire human
merits to the ma imum limit arve Miraj-e-lnsaniyyat
The nite tates o merica ho is a su orter o human rights arms itsel
ith international legitimac an the uncon itional su ort o the ecurit
Council in or er to im ose
orce on the un er evelo e nations its o inion
an the ul llment o its o n interests He re ers to the cases o alestine
osnia lgeria an ra
essalam Muslim Yassine
arve dwells on the same theme an argues that estern thin ers have een
una le to evelo a er ect olitical s stem Theocrac as the ruit o Christian
rule in uro e hich resulte in moral an social corru tion arve Insan
essalam Yassine sa s “T o as ects o humanit are the asic o ect o
slamic concern The rotection an ell- eing o chil ren an omen shoul
e riorit o a uslim government Yassine Winning
ta ilit o a societ
lies ith the sta ilit o omen slam has given certain rights to elevate the
status o omen n er slamic la she has the right to choose her hus an to
as or ivorce to or an ac uire social an ro essional res onsi ilities an
to use her income reel
uslim omen shoul e in orme o her rights an
shoul e a le to reclaim their a lication n slam s vie
orl human in
an humans have a mission in this li e hich is ur ose o their eing Yassine
The ri t o estern mo ernit shoul e a lesson an
eo le shoul maintain a state o alert as the are esiege
a num er o
i culties
arve sa s that is an e cellent ela oration o un amental human rights in
o ernism
These rights are a lica le to uslims as ell as
non- uslims uran announces
“God honours the children of Adam”.
ssalam Yassine and P erve z : A Comparative Study
The uranic societ ma es no istinction et een man an oman ll human
eings male or emale elong to the same s ecies no one is su erior to the other
iological issimilarit is ue to natural e e ienc other ise the emale has
all the gi ts a male ossesses arve
n almost all societies class strati cation is ase on ealth o er or occu ation
ut in an slamic societ such a criterion oes not e ist Class is etermine
the no ilit o character n one can attain the highest station
uil ing u
his character arve
The con ict et een ree om an o e ience to the la coul not e settle
man uran has resolve this ilemma n an slamic tate su mission is
to llah through uranic or ers not to the ruler ree om o thought action
an s eech is an in ivi ual s irth-right arve Yeh Zamin Kis Ki Hay
ver one must receive com lete ages o his la our No one can re uce or ta e
a a his earnings There is no lace or arasites in the societ e ce t those
ho are h sicall han ica e
Parvez amplifies the rights and duties of women in an Islamic State. He
holds that Islam gives equal rights to man and woman. It is a fallacious
statement that a man can but a woman cannot develop certain qualities.
The Quran explicitly illustrates their merits. Both males and females have
talents and those who enhance these would go to paradise. Despite all
these features, woman has to perform certain specific duties. Child-birth
and fostering of children are painful functions which only an affectionate
woman can manage. (Parvez Tahira Kay Name 29)
i e ise Abdessalam Yassine says “The uslim societ re uires minimum
material com ort so that the s iritual an eternal com ort can e assure to oth
men an omen n an slamic societ ealth shoul e circulate an slamic
an ing s stem shoul e a o te
Yassine Muslim
The human
element human com etence the integrit an the goo ill o men an omen
are ecisive actors or oth evelo ment an soli arit The oremost riorit
o evelo ment is e ucation an a renticeshi so that human resources can e
ull re are to meet a etter tomorro He sa s h sical s iritual an moral
ell eing o a human e en s on the goo iological maintenance hich is
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
onl ossi le ecause o goo economic
Yassine Winning
olitical an social organi ation
Parvez maintains that the main concern o the uranic teachings is to evelo
the h sical an s iritual otentialities o man
un ance o oo
an securit are gi ts o o
n economicall strong countr ecomes reall
secure eath hunger an insecurit are curse o o
ne can u ge the
value o oo rom the historical event hen ro het rahim hile la ing
o n the oun ation o
a a ra e to llah or the rovision o lent o
oo or man in
uran recogni es its signi cance an ormulates a ellnit rogramme to romulgate the uranic conomic r er namel Rububia.
arve Communism and Islam
oth Yassine an arve em hasi e the evelo ment o science an technolog
hich in act as the societal heritage o slam in the me ieval times Yassine
sa s eing uslim our ut is to e master on mo ern sciences an then
uestion this mo ern technolog along ith the instruments o estruction that
it ro uces t ill e incum ent on us to ta e the heav tas o imagining the
uture ase on eace an ignit
Yassine Winning
Abdessalam Yassine confirms that there is no lace in the orl to a an
tomorro or ims entities nor an mission or ethnic grou s con ne in small
geogra hic territories That istant hori on is near i o
ill e glim se it
rom ehin ressing tas s an rom un erneath internal an e ternal cultural
an olitical stoc iles ictor comes onl rom o
lor e to o an
raise e to o Yassine Muslim
Parvez says that nationalism actionalism sectarianism an other similar
eelings are by - ro ucts o unscru ulous s stems hile the slamic r er
rea s through these impedi ments an see s to esta lish an international
rotherhoo an ma es man in an slamic mmah or Nation.
Though almost contem oraries the ace i erent challenges at their local
levels an there ore their un erstan ing a out religion as i erence an
ssalam Yassine and P erve z : A Comparative Study
naturall in some oints their inter retations o religion as also i erent
Parvez died in 1985---there ore as not ull a are o e tremism in
the uslim orl
hile Abdessalam Yassine died in 2012 an
as ull
conscious o the causes an e ects o the ar on terror
Parvez lays emphasis more on the material nee s to ensure the s iritual ruits
hereas Abdessalam Yassine stresses the rituals ra ers salat es eciall
oth Parvez and Abdessalam Yassine ocus on the un amental rights o
human eing es eciall the e ual rights given to omen ut inter retation o
Hi a is i erent rom each other
. Abdessalam Yassine gave im ortance to uran an Ha ith an tra itions
hereas Parvez gives aramount im ortance to uran an little im ortance to
tra itions or Ha iths
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
There is no en ing the act that estern culture has some virtues li e
in e en ent u iciar e ualit o la
ree om o e ression rogress in
science an technolog
ut their virtues are as man as our conventional aults
hich are ea ening slam an the mmah There ore oth
Yassine an arve maintain that in or er to regenerate the aith in hearts an
min s o oung generation o
uslims it is necessar to oint out the evils
o societ
osing the e tremism in the societ
oth hiloso hers argue
that slam is a message o human rotherhoo an
uslims earest vo is to
ma e no n the message o slam not to ignite ar or s rea hatre The slam
see s to esta lish an international rotherhoo an ma es man in an slamic
mmah or Nation to guarantee the el are o the hole humanit .
n a nutshell the uslims are a are o the ire nee o uniting the uslims
or the rotection an romotion o slam
usselam Yassine an arve
or e har to ring the slamic mmah un er the anner o slamic
organi ation
usselam Yassine as success ul in esta lishing a glo al
organi ation
e are success ul in s rea ing the message o the uran
an the ritings o these intellectuals to the uslim orl a a soon ill
come hen there ill e re ection o estern t rann an the slamic orl
ill ecome a vast hori on o en to eace ul coe istence Yassine inning
the o ern orl
t is e tremel im ortant that
usselam Yassine s
organi ation achieve this en
ssalam Yassine and P erve z : A Comparative Study
l-Hi r
on on
l- uran
Islam and Pakistan. Ne
Islamic Modernism in India and Pakistan: 1857- 1964.
i Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian Environment.
or : Claren on Press,
and a istan
hma Chau hr Ha i Allama Iqbal, Quaid-i-Azam, Parwez, Maududi
aur Tahrik-e-Pakistan r u aisala a
aulvi Noor Muslimano Kay Tahzibi
translated by Rahman Muznab. Lahore, 1971.
on rune aum Muslim Self-Statement in India
eis a en Harrasso it
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li Hami Omar, The Empire Builder, Commander of the Faithful.
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Hand Book in The History of Philosophy. Ne
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alam Khutbat-e-Azad
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Modern Muslim Koran Interpretations (1880-1860).
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The Cambridge History of ra ic iterature Cam ri ge
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The Idea of History. Ne
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Religious Thoughts of Sir Sayyid Ahmad
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Ibn K haldun: His life and Work . Chic a go
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The Mujadid’s concept of Tawhid. ahore
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Political thought; From Plato to the Present. Ne
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History of the Arabs, e
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Muslim Rule in India and Pakistan.
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al Culture of Isla: An Analysis of its Earliest Pattern. ahore
nstitute o slamic Culture
al Islamisation of Pakistan.
a i at-i-
ssalam Yassine and P erve z : A Comparative Study
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The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam,
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Islam and Modernism, Ne
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ehr hulam asul Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed,
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au u i
Tar um nul ur n
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han ali Hasan Fitna-e-lnkar-e-Hadith
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ehr ro Intellectual Modernism of Shibli Numani.
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Shah Wali Ullah: A Saint-Scholar of India. Michigan:
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Ne Yor Ne
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r u e
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The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
slam Trust
un-o-Ya an (Urdu), ed, v, ahore: Taloo-i-
hulam hma
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hulam hma Qurani Faisalay
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arve hulam hma . Qurani Qawanin
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• Parvez, hulam hma .Shakhar-e-Risalat
i- slam Trust
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• Parvez, hulam hma Khatm-e-Nubuwwat aur Tahrike- hma i
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A Short History of Aurangzeb,
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essalam The Muslim Mind on Trial Divine Revelation versus
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essalam Winning the Modern World for Islam. Translate
rom the rench
artin enni o a Cit
uhtar Hollan
ustice an
o a ustice an
u lishing nc
Canny Purchase of Modernity:
Incorporating Change into the IslamicDiscourse
Considering Modernity in Imam Yassine’s Theory
a aT
ssistant ro essor Histor
ovt College ure ala
a istan
mail ra ataimoor hotmail com
A. Introduction:
The uslim orl
irres ective o religious an mo ern actions has
conce e to the notion that the scienti c an technological a vancement is
value neutral an that these have nothing to o ith one s aith t is maintaine
that it is on the art o the use hich ma es some technological tool or some
scienti c a roach goo or a
or instance one can ro uce energ rom a
nuclear reactor an atomic om as ell Ho ever a micro level treatment
o this notion e ose its allac although this a roach coul not ecome
i es rea an most o the re ormists i not consi er science an technolog
as an o stacle in the a o their re ormist rogram hen the aile either to
ersua e the masses or an slamic societ or to s ee the olls herever the
too art in elections there arouse a criti ue that is the rose on the hori on
ith the slogan that the uture ill e o slam ut ithin a generation or t o
slamism lost the cre ence an is re lace
ost- slamism ost- slamism
enotes to the conce t o su er cialit o olitical slam t as the reason o
mam Yassine hich sense the ulse an reache the conclusion that slam
an mo ernit are actuall mutuall e clusive
rominent reason ehin the
ailure o slamism as maintaine
mam Yassine is locate in unchec e
e osure to the scienti c orl an its ro ucts Ho ever ith reoccu ation
o mo ern thought an ractice he evise a a out or the inesca a le
situation in terms o cann urchasers o the mo ernit The resent stu is all
a out to eigh an assess this statement o mam Yassine
Though mam Yassine is not the onl slamist to ra largel u on the est s
o n sel -criti ue to ma e his case He shares the metho
ith the u anese
Hasan at-Tura i an the Tunisian ashi al- hannushi
hat is signi cant
a out this a roach is that it a eals recisel to those uslims ho are more
uent in estern hiloso h than in the slamic tra ition t ra s in recisel
those oung ersons ho have ha at least a smattering o estern e ucation
an some e osure to estern mo ernit
- eit man Middle East Quarterly,
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
1. Research Question/Hypothesis
s research is a s stematic controlle em irical an critical investigation
o h othetical ro osition a out the resume relationshi among natural
e are han ica e in evelo ing a ure h othesis as e
are ealing ith social a ric o humanit Ho ever i e re lace natural
henomenon ith social one e can resent some sort o research uestion
e are to relate the religious change to the material change in thought rocess
o mam Yassine That is ho mam Yassine es his version o mo ernit
cannil urchase
into the iscourse o slam
B. The Fabric of Modernity: Transformation of the Worldview
The o ression o the Church in uro e coul not e ithout the reaction
Though the reaction ma e religiosit thin a out a re ormation the iscourse
coul not u hol the religion on ermanent ases ather this re ormation
rove to e a transition an the uro ean orl sto e at the com lete
negation o religion regar ing ractical co e o li e eligion oes e ist ut is
restricte to the alls o the church ven those ho vo to e religious cannot
e hi it its ractical value an ollo the norms o mo ernit in a to a
li e To un erstan
hat rom te to iscar religion in uro e let us have a
glim se on the causes o the rench evolution hich is su ose to e a ma or
atershe in ringing u the mo ernism in state an societ o uro e rench
evolution has een rove to e a ara o hich is attri ute to contra ictor
reasons rom this reasoning one can assess that it as the material o session
that lea to the overthro o authorit o religion an not the rationalit or
intellect hich actuall colore this o session a ter it esta lishe its stance
ctuall it as the technological a vancements through hich rationalism
accom lishe its hegemon
n ustrial an commercial change greatl a ecte the ualit o li e in ur an
rance in the last eca es o the ancient regime an so i the intellectual
revolution no n as the nlightenment The e ect o the nlightenment
ho ever is even har er to gauge than the egree o trans ormation that o e to
material circumstances To a it seems har l reasona le to su ose as i the
Canny P urchase of M ode rnity
rst historians o the evolution an man o its contem oraries as ell that the
hiloso hers irectl ore the res onsi ilit o evolution t is ver i cult to
trace recise connection et een the actions o olitical gures an the i eas
o s eci c hiloso hers ttem t to in oint this relationshi
an escri tions o the oo s that elonge to an
ere resuma l rea
renchmen e ore the evolution have rove largel inconclusive hat the
sho is that ean ac ue ousseau s olitical or The Social Contract ha a
ver small au ience in ee an that the most i el rea olitical hiloso her
o the thcentur
as ontes uieu ho ha ene to e the a ologist o
alance an aristocratic government
The rst hase o the evolution ha o ose i erent grou s in rench
societ to the rench state The secon hase oul e characteri e
a struggle et een the tra itionalists an the ur an re ormists as a hole
u se uentl an un er the ressure o events the unit o revolutionar
re ormist ervor oul rea u ver o ten along those same lines o social
class economic s chological an moral that ha ecome increasingl
visi le a ter
ut in
- the olitical ro lem i not et revolve
aroun those issues The se uence o events in those months is there ore to
e seen as the assertion against the rivilege tra itionalist or er an against
the state o the unite o er o the re ormists some o them ourgeoisie
some o them no les man o them in eterminate social status ul
as onl the vi rant an vivi s m ol o the e eat o the ancient regime
that ate the revolutionar movement ha een evelo ing or more than a
ear The aristocratic ron e against the state ha egun in the
an the
revolution o the ur an re ormists against state an rivilege as alrea a
act in late
The tas o the re ormists as much acilitate in the earl
months o
gra ual erosion o la an or er in the countr si e The
motives that rove the easants to revolt ere ar i erent rom those o the
re ormists oth ere intereste in the ro lem o ta ation ut although the
eller as concerne a out the e cienc an irrational e en iture
the easants ere sim l intereste in a ing less
Histor o
rance The New Encyclopedia Britanica vol
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
The a ove o ective etails im l that the target as not the religion an the
masses revolt coul not e attri ute to hiloso hical or s even to lesser
e tent as a ver small class o ourgeoisie ore the e ects o hiloso hers
t as the materialism hich sha e the uture o uro e an technological
a vancement ac e
ca italist stance gra uall relegate religion into the
ac groun
eligious classes ho coul not oresee the realit o technolog
ere not othere
the evelo ments as the i not consi er the revolution
against the religion There ere those ho oul sa
ith mun
ur e
that no the glor o uro e as gone orever an others ho oul heral
instea the a n o a ne age o li ert e ualit an raternit
hat as
certain ho ever as that rance an the orl
oul never again e as the
ha een e ore No mo ern eo le o not thin in terms o religion ut in
terms o material onl The are not concerne
ith ate o o ut are a ter
searching out cause an e ects o events
stu ing human activit onl
The uslims committe the same mista e
o ening arms to ar s the
science an technolog smelling nothing a rom these bida’. No mo ern
technolog has ecome i eals o
uslim societies the are con ronting ith
olemics rom those ho a o t mo ernit through intellectual activit The
have ecome highl rone to the i eas an evelo ments em lo e uring the
rench an sisters revolutions Hence the have ecome a ma or challenge or
slamists an their ollo ers ho have a o te highl a ologetic an e ensive
mo e in a usting technolog ith their religiosit
ctuall e are living in a
change orl ith a i erent orl vie ut are not rea to thro a a our
values as ell acing mo ernism ith religion is the tas to e rec one ith
C. From Islamism to Post-Islamism: The Standpoint of Imam
Yassine’s Paradigm
elate to the mo ernit is the conce t o slamism as the latter came on
the sur ace in reaction to the ormer s su remac over the orl
ith the
enetration o mo ernit into the
uslim societies slamism gra uall
trans orme into the ost- slamism as a result o ormer s seculari ation hich
has een un ergoing signi cant trans ormation over the ast eca e an one is
Canny P urchase of M ode rnity
o ten har resse to a to n a straight or ar ans er to the uestion ho
is an slamist This is in large measure a stor o ho conventional slamism
as re resente
the uslim rotherhoo
has rogressivel lost mar et
share in recent ears to a iverse range o alternative slamic socio- olitical
ro ects The classic ara igm o mo ernist olitical slam as remise on
the i ea that one s slamist ersona as e resse through ormal mem ershi
in a olitical organi ation n other or s eing an slamist as something one
ha to ma e time or as a se arate an iscrete com onent o social li e
contrast man o to a s slamist alternatives are organi e aroun s aces an
activities associate ith hat social theorist Henri e e vre enote the realm
o ever a li e Here eing an slamist has as much to o ith li est le ho
one consumes stu ies s en s leisure time as it oes ith oining a olitical
movement The lurali ation o slamic socio- olitical s ace an the uslim
rotherhoo s loss o mono ol over the claim to articulate an slamic social
or er is hence a ma or orce sha ing the uture o slamism
This articular account o slamist olitics is strongl associate
ith the
ost- slamism thesis a vance
scholars such as se a at an
o since at least the mi s
hile a at is to e cre ite or coining
the term ost- slamism in re erence to the ragmatist orientation o ran s
lea ershi a ter the eath o
homeini the rst su stantive treatment
o the theme is to e oun in livier o s oo The Failure of Political
original rench
. n this te t o argues that olitical
slam o the sort re resente
the uslim rotherhoo an the roa er
Ikhwani tra ition ha aile on t o accounts irst it ha never succee e in
ecoming a mass movement ca a le o ca turing signi cant vote shares t
the time o
as riting this as ver much the case ith the e ce tion o
the slamic alvation ront
in lgeria hose a ortive victor occurre
ust as the oo
as going to ress u se uent research in
ur man an lal Na vi con rme that most slamist arties ha attracte
less than
ercent o the vote in elections here the have stoo
hen controlling or e orts the state to inter ere ith the electoral rocess
viousl this situation change signi cantl in
ith the
eter an aville eorge ason niversit This memo as re are
Islamist Politics” con erence anuar
or the “Rethinking
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
strong electoral sho ings
in g t
nnah a in Tunisia an the ree om an
hich more elo
o s secon argument in Failure is even more interesting He o serves that
in the rocess o a a ting an integrating themselves into olitical rocesses
in the mo ern nation-state slamist movements an arties have ren ere
themselves i eologicall in istinctive That is to sa slamists have oun
it rogressivel more i cult to o er u istinctivel
slamic solutions to
asic ro lems o governance an econom
es ite the ell- no n slogan
slam is the solution
o sa s slamists i eas an olic ro osals i er
little rom those a vance
other arties in the center-right o the olitical
s ectrum s o uts it The olitical logic on out over the religious
o evelo s the ost- slamism thesis to its most mature orm in
a su se uent oo Globalized Islam ten ears later Here he notes that
increases in levels o iet in the uslim orl have een accom anie
arallel retreat o religiosit into the rivate omain n other or s uslims
ma e more religious ut the are increasingl isintereste in slami ing
societ via olitici e slam The ill to slamic normativit
o conten s
is no
rimaril rivati e an in ivi uali e
ut to tell the stor o our entr into ost- slamism as one here
a o t an e clusivel in ivi ualistic an oliticall uietist is osition
hich religiosit an ro-ca italist consum tion ractices intert ine
e to ignore other im ortant tren s at or in the changing lan sca e o uslim
olitics ther scholars have note that the shi t to ar more ersonali e
i ioms o religion oes not necessaril entail a re ection o slamic activism
n this account a esire on the art o uslims to engage in collective action
in or er to change societ to ar some conce tion o an slamic i eal is still
ver resent ather it is the nature an mo alities o that collective action that
seem to e changing ie e in this ers ective
as the changing nature o
slamic activism rather than its emise
it ecomes ossi le to ostulate the
emergence o various ost- slamist ormations an mo els li el to ecome
increasingl im ortant to the uture o uslim olitics
Canny P urchase of M ode rnity
l- a l al ihsan o mam Yassine can e segregate as such sort o ost- slamist
mo el in the sense that mam Yassine as ell a are o the evelo ment o
ost- slamism an he ne the shortcomings o classical slamism Ho ever
he oes not rule out serious thin ing among slamist movements et slamism
accor ing to him oul a ress its ro lems one a
D. Imam Yassine’s Analysis of Modernity
ccor ing to mam Yassine
o ernit is thus a sacrali ation o the natural la
o reason an a su mission to all that it entails To e mo ern it is su ose
means one must re el against the sacre against the ivine
mo ernism o es it to itsel to have as its goals isencum ering the a This is
the rationalism s violent in ictment o the irrational it is the crushing argument
against the tatters o tra ition
arme an ealth scienti c technolog
im lies that mam Yassine as ell verse in the stu o mo ernism there ore
he sho e no reservations in treating mo ernit His iconoclastic a roach lies
in connecting the mo ernit to gora o thens an the orum o ome n
this sense these t o centers o the ancient orl rove to e the origin oints
o mo ernit hence it is true to enote enaissance to the revival o the ree
an the oman thought ara igm at the en o the i le ges ccor ing
to mam Yassine the o cial settlement o the Christianit too lace aroun
these centers as a result o hich the Christianit orro e a lot rom ree
an oman thought The Christen om receive its terminologies rom ree
m tholog an
oman constitution an asse it to the mo ern emocratic
orl The mo ern civili ation uilt on technological a vance in turn is im ue
ith these terms an are acce te as such in the uslim orl That is h
one n s s mmetr o communication in three ma or eras o uro ean orl
an the uslim orl is eing stretche alongsi e in rocess o mo erni ation
The characteristic
a e role in the
emerge in a sim
so histication an
o terminologies is too im ortant to ignore as terms la
evelo ment o some civili ation slam on the contrar
le an original environment not ri le
ith civili ational
i lomac t i not orro an thing or its usiness rom
inning the o ern orl
uslim in on Trial
or slam
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
an revious s stem o norms an tra itions Though the ersian orl ecame
the custo ian o slamic civili ation ut the latter retaine its terms constitute
in the earl erio o ra ic sim licit mam Yassine allu e a lot to ar s this
imension The mos ue ag o iha auntless ehavior an no com romise
a roach o the com anions o the ro het
H are e
or s o mam
Yassine hile com aring slam ith mo ernit
nchec e cree ing in o mo ernit into the slamic iscourse ace high
contem t in mam s thought ara igm or e am le he too the greater
ilgrimage to ecca to emonstrate the e tent to hich secular i eologies
have sha e u lic iscourse even on religious to ics Commenting on a
maga ine article entitle The Ha
eligious itual hich Connects the
umma s ast ith its resent man Yassine is in ame He con emns oth
the language an the thought that in orms it as latantl nationalist an even
i olatrous ince it ortra s the ilgrimage as some in inherite ritual in
hich the ractitioner ecomes ac uainte
ith his i entit
imitating his
ancestors the article neglects the religious nature o the ha an resents it
onl as a means o strengthening the ilgrim s national i entit as mam
Yassine uts it
n contrast to such mo ern esterni e inter retations mam Yassine sees the
ha as an eternal ut as im ose
ivine comman in the ur an Com lete
the greater an lesser ilgrimages or o
That is not to sa that going on
ilgrimage is a urel in ivi ual o ligation so that the ma
itness things
that are o a vantage to them
an amongst the most glorious ene ts o
er orming the ilgrimage sa s mam Yassine is meeting one s rethren in
aith rom aroun the orl to e erience a eeling o unit an a glim se o
li e in the Herea ter ut also to see no le ge rom the learne men o the
communit an other more ractical ene ts
uch a vantages as the ilgrim ma erive rom the communal imension o
the ha remain secon ar The rst o ective is eing aith ul to o in one s
es ite the act that this i entit
in Yassine s sense
ur an
ur an
oul encom ass all
uslims it oul not e
Canny P urchase of M ode rnity
mam Yassine has nothing ut unmitigate scorn or su er cial
esterni e thought that has uslims s ea o the ilgrimage onl in terms
o a glo al con erence o hich the can oast ecause o its e tensive rituals
an the great multitu es artici ating
1. Imported Ideologies: Case of Modern Muslims
s mentione a ove this is onl an e am le em lo e
mam Yassine to
emonstrate the e tent to hich the iscourse o man slamists an
has ecome in uence
im orte i eologies
ccor ing to mam Yassine
their language an thought are evoi o s irit an all that remains is a
cultural o
reathing the air o jāhiliyya an s ea ing ith its tongue To
mam Yassine the issue o i entit as mani est in the a histor an societ
are inter rete is o s ecial im ortance He e licitl
arns his rea ers not
to use im orte terminolog or im orte intellectual tools an metho s to
anal e uslim realit To o so oul e tr ing to ght re ith re since
secular i eologies are the ver a ric o jāhiliyya an the tools
it is ro agate Conse uentl an attem t to change the umma accor ing
to schemes ro ose
those hose min s are thoughtless i e those
re ormers an oliticians asing their arguments on secular i eologies is
lea ing the umma urther astra
s mam Yassine uts it
n olitical or
social ro ect reamt u an im ose on the umma
those ho o not
elieve in o is nothing ut a ma e ithin a ma e mam Yassine attac s
es eciall an attem t to ma e sense o the resent situation o the uslim
means o olarities such as Heritage an resent or ra ism an
slam as irrelevant He sees the onl meaning ul olarit in a i
ut s
istinction et een slam an jāhiliyya.
2. Interpreters of Modernity: Material Speaks
n or er to consoli ate his reason mam Yassine allu e to the case o n ia
here acaula charte out a lan to ro uce a class o mi e cree
slam an mo ernism n oing so he rovi e irect translation into the
The im lication is that slam in this a o thin ing is stri
an there
erverte into a mere culture
e o all religious attri utes
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
ra ic rom acaula s
inute on n ian
elivere in
e must orm a class ho ma e inter reters et een us an the millions
hom e govern a class o ersons n ian in loo an color ut nglish
mam Yassine sti ulates that
in taste in o inion in morals an in intellect
even no a a s the lasting heritage o such colonial measures in the orm o
esterni e elites in oth olitics an culture cannot e ignore an must e
ta en into account hen evising an e ucational counter rogram o rene al
in the uest or the o literate
uslim i entit rom acaula s uote mam
Yassine a o ts the term o nter reters to escri e esterni e elites oth
intellectual an olitical in the uslim orl to a
hom he sees as a irect
ro uct o uro ean im erialism Ho ever mam Yassine oes not call or
violence against the class o inter reters He em hasi es that the are our
com atriots o our esh an color ith hom one must enter into ialogue
even i that ma ta e a long time ventuall he asserts the
ill e s e t
a a
the aves o events li e oam on the umma s sur ace
mam Yassine singles out or s ecial scorn the in o language the inter reters
s ea
arcasticall he uses e ressions orro e rom horse-racing an
gam ling to escri e the su ose reaction o the incum ent elites to the
reali ation that their olitical in uence is un er threat Thus in su orting
nationalism an an concomitant olitical i eolog the reali e that the
have lace their ets on a losing horse an have starte to a ect an slamic
a a e having notice that slam is the car that ta es the tric The currenc
o cal ues rom uro ean languages such as these lea mam Yassine to the
conclusion that the language o the inter reters is ruine makhrūb
3. Status of Jihad in Modernity: Canny Purchase of Weapons
hereas the greater jihād re ers to the internal struggle ith the esires o the
sel an the tem tations o the evil the lesser jihād is the struggle against
evils an rongs munkar outsi e the eliever s erson The lesser jihād ill
ecome a er ectl natural reaction to e ternal circumstances once a certain
Thomas a ington acaula st aron acaula
htt en i i e ia org i i or
Canny P urchase of M ode rnity
stage in the greater jihād has een attaine since all munkar ill ecome
trul intolera le to the eliever on a ver ersonal level instea o merel
as a theoretical rescri tion erive rom scri ture or sacre la Ho ever
mam Yassine conce es that not all eo le are e ual in their ca a ilities or
su ugating their selves n the contrar mam Yassine s vie o humanit in
this res ect is rather s e tical as ecomes eminentl clear hen he states that
the masses o the o ulace have greater otential or hate an anger than or
ollo ing these lo t morals
uch o mam Yassine s iscussion o the lesser jihād concentrates on rece ent
e am les set
u sha hs He goes to consi era le lengths to rove that
historical u sm as
no means the uietist other orl l henomenon it is
commonl erceive as an aims to reha ilitate it in the o ular imagination
as a actor hich etermine the course o histor Ho ever organi ing their
ollo ers into a orce or com at as not the onl avenue u sha hs e lore
ccor ing to mam Yassine the ractice o interce ing ith an un ust ruler on
ehal o the eo le as most i es rea in g t uring amlu times an
among the non- ra ic s ea ing ultans ho ere su ose l ear ul o the
im recations o these hol men an the miracles hich o
as elieve to
or through them
iven the ivi e nature o the umma into nation states mam Yassine argues
that ever sincere grou o elievers has to ght its o n jihād or the time
eing limite to their countr an their ossi ilities The most im ort rule
o this t e o jihād accor ing to mam Yassine can e oun in a ħadīth
attri ute to uhamma The t e o jihād earest to o is a or o truth
s o en to an un ust ruler To this mam Yassine a s en oining goo ee s
an or i ing ic e ones recruiting eo le or the cause to gain in uence
organi ing them into a movement an e ucating them s irituall
He ho
com ines all o these in his actions comes closer to al-iħsān ne har l nee s
to oint out the arallels et een these i eals hich mam Yassine resents in
a non-s eci c manner an his actual iogra h He is allu ing to his o en letter
to ing Hasan entitle slam or the eluge hen citing the ħadīth a out the
jihād earest to o
an his su se uent religio- olitical activism matches
the e nition o assem ling eo le into an e ective organi ation an e ucating
them religiousl
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
ven i
ilitar jihād ecomes necessar mam Yassine insists it oes not
a rogate olitical jihād hich nee s to rece e the ormer an e resume
a ter the struggle ith arms is ought an
tentimes he continues
olitical e ucational an constructive jihād is more i cult to con uct than
actual ar are or the uslim cause since the eliever in militar jihād can
e ect either mart r om or ivine intervention in the orm o miracles
olitical jihād mam Yassine oes not mean entering into the legitimate olitical
arena as e ne
the la s o the nation state n the contrar he e licitl
states that those ho e ert their e orts or the sa e o slam i er greatl rom
those ho lunge into the attle el o olitics
virtue o their lo alt
to o an enmit to ar s al-jāhiliyya
Those ho ecome involve in
the olitical s stem im ose
colonialism are automaticall trans orme
into inter reters o al-jāhiliyya oining the ran s o
acaula s Chil ren
hilst the true slamic o osition rom outsi e the s stem are inter reters o
o translating His truth an elivering His message to human in
4. Future Prospects: Version of Post-Islamism
to this oint one ma e clear that our iscussion revolves aroun the oint
o mam Yassine an emergence o ost- slamism hich is a ne
o ialogue et een slam an mo ernit Though scholarl version o ostslamism seems to e a criti ue u on slam itsel
allu ing slamism as
slamism is nothing else ut a is osition o slam erha s or this reason
mam Yassine i not rea il acce t the term o ost- slamism an remaine
content ith slamism an his critics too his movement as such This rove
to e the strength o mam Yassine as he as not a ter changing la els to
a ease his estern au ience etter ut it not to sell his i eolog Nonetheless
mam s ara igm ears the signs o ost- slamism ut one hich a resses the
ro lems o slamism to ma e it er ect ara igm or the rene al o slamic
or er mam Yassine s non-violent stance an ocus on in ivi ual character
ma e his ara igm e a eare as ost- slamism ut it is misun erstan ing
altogether mam Yassine o es ever as ect o slamism an un amental
slam ut stresses u on the gra ual a a tation o ractical values o slam
Ho ever remem ering all as ects o slam is the asic eature o mam s
Canny P urchase of M ode rnity
ara igm articularl to re ect the inevita ilit o science an technolog is
a uni ue eature o this version o ost- slamism To e cann urchasers o
mo ernit is the min o mam Yassine ut i e oat a com limentar touch
to this version o ost- slamism the icture arouse is that e shoul e a
consumers o mo ern mar et s stem Com ining cann urchase ith a
consumer oul o en ne arenas or ost- slamism hich in turn re airs the
a s o slamism
5. Secondary Sources on Imam Yassine: An Annotated Bibliography
ing to the uni ue a roach o mam Yassine estern scholarshi coul not
ignore to inclu e it in their criti ues ostl authors on slamism touche mam
Yassine an criticall anal e his a roach es ite non-violence nature o
Yassine s message e can eel the a rehensions o some scholars regar ing
uro ean outloo
elo are some or s rom the est on mam Yassine ith
annotate notes
Islam, Democracy and the State in North Africa
n iana niversit ress c
ne cha ter o this oo
olitical slam in the aghre
The Nonviolent imension the author classi es al-‘adl as re ormist
contrast to the other t o categories hich he ro oses or anal sis i e
religious an ra ical
ntelis outlines the socio-economic conte t
o orocco against hich slamist movements e ne them
as ier
i cult nheritance
MERIA olume No - e tem er
un er
as ier inclu es a section on the slamist challenge in hich he also
ac no le ges Yassine an al-‘adl as ier gives a actual account o
Yassine s iogra h an the histor o the movement s evelo ment
inclu ing an overvie o some o its ractical activities ollo e
an anal sis o the
emoran um To hom t a Concern
accor ing to as ier as a resse to the
ing o the oor i e
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
au i re H
ost- slamism an the
Yasin Cam ri ge niversit ress
iscourse o
al- alam
ne nota le e ce tion to the re ominantl olitical a roach scholars
have ta en in the stu o Yassine s thought is to e oun in Henri
au i re s article He argues that s iritualit occu ies at least an
e uall im ortant lace in Yassine s iscourse as o olitical social
an economic issues an that ost- slamist theor is una le to account
or the act that s iritualit has een central to
Yassine s iscourse
unson H r
Religion and Power in Morocco Ne Haven Yale
The or e icates one cha ter to un amentalism in ate th
or his anal sis o Yassine s thought an
im lication the i eolog o the movement as a hole
unson relies
heavil on al-islām aw al-ŧūfān He then lin s it to the oroccan
tra ition o naşīħa an e istolar genre em lo e
me iaeval hol
men to critici e the ruler thus creating a theoretical historical-cultural
continuum against hich to measure Yassine s letter This anal sis is
ollo e
a actual account o the movement s evelo ment u to the
s an Yassine eing lace un er house-arrest
Ne man H illing The oi
ith emocrac
n nvestigation nto
essalam Yassine s
Thesis urham niversit
n her aster s thesis hili a Hannah Ne man argues or a gra ual
shi t in al-‘adl s i eolog as concerns the movement s osition to ar s
he maintains that Yassine s outloo
as originall antiemocratic an that the movement has no a o te emocrac as one
o its values
ecularism an Nationalism The olitical iscourse o
al- alam Yassin in ue
Islamism and Secularism in North Africa
ma l in hahin neatl rea s o n the main in uences u on
Yassine s iscourse into three com onents rstl he i enti es u sm
Canny P urchase of M ode rnity
as the origin o Yassine s em hasis on sociali ation moral e ucation
an s iritual re aration secon l he traces the im ortance
hich Yassine attri utes to organi e activism an the socioolitical imension o change to the rece ent case o the uslim
rotherhoo an nall he characteri es Yassine s i eological
iscussions as erive rom the greater tra ition o salafiyya thought
since the are ase on the un amental sources o slam i e the
ur an an unna
Political Ascent: Contemporary Islamic Movements in North
Africa oul er Colora o estvie
hahin returns to the to ic o Yassine an al-‘adl three
in this oo n cha ter ve
n er the ha o o the
gives an account o the various slamist movements in
the time
e ages are also e icate to al-‘adl ut
actual histor o events there is no insight to e erive
that hich unson an hahin himsel ha alrea
earlier occasions
Monarchie et Islam Politique au Maroc
el- ar i
Yassine an
eries No
slamists an the utsi e orl
l al hssan
ha a n
ears later
mam he
orocco at
rom the rie
e on
lishe on
The Case o
esearch a er
This is ohamme Taha el- ar i s aster s thesis in hich he
ocuses on Yassine s an
e tension al-‘adl s erce tion o the est
es eciall
ith relation to emocrac an economic s stems or his
research el- ar i concentrate e clusivel on such u lications o
Yassine s as are consi ere
the mem ers o al-‘adl to e su si iar to
his main or s an re ect Yassine s attitu e to ar s articular to ics at
the time o riting ithout necessaril e ning the movement s olic
Justice and Development or Justice and Spirituality? The Challenges
of Morocco’s’ Non Violent Islamist Movements a aiting u lication
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
n his ortra al o al-‘adl
ichael illis is mainl concerne
etermining the movement s osition in the i er el o non-violent
slamist movements in orocco To this en he concentrates on the
inter la o olitical orces oth ithin orocco an on the international
level Ho ever illis also escri es al-‘adl as a movement in its o n
right as centere on the
ritings an i eas o
esslam Yassine
a characteristic hich he i enti es oth as a strength an a ea ness
since the o er ul ersonalit o Yassine len s the movement coherence
an a eal hile also utting it at ris
hen that lea ershi gure
eventuall ies n terms o the movement s agen a an o ectives
illis anal sis is con ne to short-term olitical goals
6. Conclusion:
The uslims have use their ea on o re orms in or er to su ue the
su remac o mo ernit a ter it ha overthro n uslim glor o the i le
ges Ho ever ailure o slamism lies in oor o un erstan ing o mo ernit
s the iscourse o slamism as a sincere move
the uslims it i not
en in com lete ailure igures li e mam Yassine came or ar
ith right
conclusions a ter ee stu o mo ernit an no the uslims are in rocess
o ecoming a are ith the a s o slamism ctuall it is rocess o
consoli ating slamic iscourse
utting it into the ormative hase here
a lution an ra ers are not ta en as unnecessar etails The uslims are
actuall again surroun e
Jahliyya o mo ernit rom all aroun ust li e
the case o the ro het - o less him an grant him eace- hen he starte
resenting slam to the orl The nee is to a to the ara igm o mam
Yassine so that a consensus coul e evelo e u on slam instea o slamism
an ost- slamism
The Role of the Ulama (Scholars) and the Umara (Rulers)
in Societal Change in the Light of Imam Abdessalam
Yassine’s Theory of Prophetic Method
r Ha
ssistant ro essor
e artment o slamic tu ies
ovt ostgra uate College ure ala
Higher ucation e artment un a
a istan
mail a malra oti gmail com
ociet comes rom
shara - Yu shiru hich means to live together literall
a societ consists in such a class o eo le that ossess s eci c rules s eci c
rites an rituals an a s eci c s stem an on the asis o the same eatures
the relate to each other an live together
llah has e t in a man oth evil an goo
the goo ers ective is ominant
a man is etter thanangels the evil ominates him no other creature is igger
enem o eace than man himsel The angels a rehen e the same thing at
the time o creation o human eings in the ollo ing or s
ill You create there one
cause loo she
ill s rea
isor er on the earth an
henever there have een an chaos an restlessness on the earth un ou te l
these eo le themselves have een res onsi le or that
Calamities have a eare on lan an sea ecause o
the eo le have earne
hat the han s o
ince a il till no
henever there have een an massacre an restlessness in
human eings there have al a s een a great nee o eace No human erio
has een evoi o this eman an entreat
e it the attle o a il or the
su eriorit o
an Thamu e it the t rann o Nimro or the s len i ness
o haraohs o g t e it the tales o ru eness an
rong oings o the
sraelites or the circumstances o ath an the centur e it the erio o ra s
ignorance or the revolutions o
th an
th centuries e ce t some o those
limite -circles here human eings ollo e the ath o lmight man coul
not get the real eace an calm es ite the rogress culture an civili ation
an in icte use an e loite man long- ith it this is also a act that
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
henever there has een t rann some re ormers arose rom the uslims ho
consi ering the ain an agon o the humanit trie to ee u the eace
re ormation an change
Change is such an elusive slogan o the contem orar age as is the art o ever
mani esto o an in ivi ual a grou or an organi ation Though this slogan
seems attractive to the e resse masses institutions or organi ations ho ever
this act cannot e enie that is its guise real motives are less achieve than
the interests an motives o a e certain eo le
essalamYassine a oroccan cholar an a great gui e o the recent ast
ho has im rinte in eli le im ression ith his thought on the hori on o
mma s no le ge is also a reacher o change ccor ing to him giving
u the teachings o evelation an ta ing u reason ase s stem is one o the
main causes o all the olitical economic an social issues o uslim countries
ccor ing to mam Yassine this is ust one o the latest causes the ma or one is
the earl eviation o the mma rom the rightl -gui e Cali hate to es otic
an t rannical ruling regimes
ea ing o change in his theor o ro hetic etho
never etaches himsel rom s iritual values n the glorious light o ur an an
unnah he ma es his s eech an i eas authentic an ta es into consi eration
that to get at the target o change e ma not get a a rom the goal o iet
His ac age o change is multi imensional He em hasi es much the role o
lama an the mara
The ur ose o this a er un er e ate is to e licit
essalamYassine s
angle o thought regar ing change an role o lama an the mara in this
regar This thought o change is common to all o his oo s es eciall in The
Muslim Mind on Trial Islam—or the Flood n en etter to the ate ing o
orocco Winning the Modern World for Islam Men of Uprising and Reform
The Prophetic Method an Tomorrow Islam.
essalam Yassine s narrative st le is ver ositive nice an logical
He is convince that the goal o change is not ossi le until an unless e get
ri o reason ase s stems or hich e are a ing a ver heav ransom This
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
target cannot e achieve
an the mara
ithout the ositive role an con uct o these lama
Themain goal o our stu is to e lain the role o lama an the
conce t o change in mam
essalamYassine s ro hetic metho
The secon aim is to ma e the lama an
mara reali e their res onsi ilit
so that in the resent era the ma la their ositive role in all the social
olitical an religious el s ollo ing the ootste s o their religious mentors
inall our stu is going to sho the outstan ing signi cance o conce t o
change o mam
essalamYassine in contem orar slamic thought
Research Questions
s there an nee
s there an role o
or societal change in the resent era
lama an
mara in changing the to a societ
s there an gui eline an role o lama an
in vie s o mam sessalamYassine
mara in societal change
art rom the intro uction an the conclusion this article consists on the
ollo ing sections
intro uces mara an
lama meanings an social status
ection a resses the conce t o change in mam
essalamYassine s
ro het etho
ection e lains the role o the lama in re orming the
societ in the light o mam
essalamYassine s ro hetic metho
section resents role o the mara in the re ormation o societ in the light o
essalam s ro hetic metho
1- Umara and Ulama Meanings and Social Status:
marahave la e a rominent role in s oiling re orming an
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
changing the societ t is a visa le to un erstan the meaning an conte t
o these or s e ore going into etaile iscussion lama is the lural orm
o lim an in usual conte t it is use or a no le gea le erson hereas in
r u it is generall associate ith the religious scholars
This or has een use
times in i erent orm in the Hol
times in the ollo ing or s
»‫« َا َو َل ْم َي ُك ْن َّل ُه ْم ٰا َي ًة َا ْن َّي ْع َل َمه ُع َل ٰم ُؤا َبن ِ ْٓي اِ ْس َر ِاء ْي َل‬
s it not a roo or them that the no le gea le o the chil ren o sra il
recogni e him the ro het
i e ise
ِ ‫«إِنَّما ي ْخ َشى اهلل مِن ِعب‬
»‫اد ِه ا ْل ُع َل َما ُء‬
َ ْ َ
َ َ
nl those o His slaves ear llah ho are no le gea le
This is the lural orm o
hich means the ruler
The religious scholars an the rulers are irectl in contact ith the masses
ne grou o these t o ee s missionar assion hile the other is rominent
in o er oth these grou s are o ular an in uencing in the masses The
s oiling or re orming the societ greatl e en s on their negative or ositive
roles This is h the ro het - o less him an grant him eace- sai
eo le have t o in s hen the are re orme the societ is re orme
hen the are not there is chaos in the societ The are lama
an mara
ul Ha ee
il a i is ah-ul-lugat
ma ta a l-mee an ahore a istan
ahee -ul- aman asmi l amoos ul- ahee
ara slamiat ahore a istan
l- amoos-ul- ahee
l- utta i li in Hussam l-Hin i an -ul-ummal
unan-ilal al- aal vol
a ta a l- hamila
lmana i llama ai -ul- a eer harah l ame l- agheer vol
ar-ul- aar a
airoot a nan
essalamYassine l- slam ao l-Tu an
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
e stu the orl histor rom this articular angle it is uite evi ent that
most o the orl revolutions revolve aroun these characters oth o these
grou s intimate
ith eo le ecause o their religious value an high status
There is a Ha ith a out the religious scholars
ِ ‫«إِ َّن ا ْلع َلماء ور َث ُة األَ ْنبِي‬
ََ َ َ ُ
The scholars are the heirs o the ro hets
lama an
mara s o ularit an in uence can e gauge rom these inci ents
l-Hassan asri
e lease
ith him
or e or reaching an
re ormation or si t ears His sincerit religious evotion an o ularit as
such high asthe entire asra cit as his great an hen he ie in
Hi ri the
hole o cit ent along ith uneral This as the onl occasion in the histor
o asra that sar ra er as not sai in the main mos ue ecause the hole
o ulation o the cit oine his uneral
ith all his ro al grace Harun-r- ashi
as resi ing at Thar a The amous
riter o Ha ith an the virtuous
ullah u ara came the locals o the cit
le t to receive him The Cali h as le t alone ehin
mai o Haroon as
itnessing rom the o ce she as e hat the matter as The eo le tol that
a scholar rom hurasan ha come name
ullah in u ara He sai that
it as the real ingshi as com are to Haroon s hich al a s egge or the
olice an the sentinels
nce Hisham in ali
the ensit o the cro
egan to ait or the is
lac stone ean hile
is erse He circumam
at the time o his role came or circumam ulation
i not let him e near the sacre lac stone n he
ersion o the cro
so that he might iss the sacre
li in Hussain came as soon as he came the cro
ulate an isse the lac stone easil
l-Tirm i
u- esa
in esa mam
l- ami l-Tirm i Ha ith
u hari
in smaeel mam l-l ahih l- u hari Ha ith No
a ta a ahmania ahore a istan
l-Na i
-ul-Hasan li Tari h-e- a at-o- eeemat vol
a lasNashriate- slam arachi a istan
i vol
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
he ent or asse
eo le gave groun out o reverence Hasham as e him
eigne l ho he as
amous oet rom the mvi erio
ar a a in verses
s ontaneousl re lie to his retention an intro uce
li in Hussain in a
gran st le
-u - in is one o the greatest scholars o th centur Hi ri
ama ing an ver im ortant inci ent o his li e an o histor o slam is that he
auctione the mraa o the ultanate ho ere the ossession o the uslim s
house o treasur an
ere not li erate ollo ing the haria These mara
elonge to Tur threa an the ominate the g t omain these mara
the rich ere not ree in accor ance ith haria their ealings coul not e
a t to it t as not acce ta le or the mara to e humiliate u licall
mara trie to ma e him avoi all this
threats an gree n the same e ort
the ultan uttere some un leasant or s e ore mam mam got o en e
an inten e to leave g t an set out on his ourne There as a great
u heaval in Cairo hen the eo le got to no his e arture
large cro
inclu ing scholars re ormers an the tra ers ollo e him The sultanate
oul e ecline i mam
u- - in le t the countr
ultan himsel came
or the reconciliation an re uite him on this con ition that he himsel oul
uestion the mara mam sol them out on a heav amount an the mone
as s ent on the el are o the uslims This is a matchless rece ent o a
scholar s ignit regar an ame
hen mam asse a a his uneral asse un er the ort an sultan itnesse
the oo o the eo le an sai to one o his near ones
guess m ing om
got strength to a
coul lose m ominion ith his single gesture
ter his
eath am contente ith m rule
i e lama the mara are o ular ith the masses an have a great in uence
there is a amous ra ic ma im
l- u i Ta - l- in in li Ta
l- hamila
i vol
at-ul-sha a al- u ra vol
- Hi ar li-Nashar m ta a
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
»‫«الناس على دين ملوكهم‬
eo le ersist on the religion o their ings
llah Himsel eclares the in uence o the mara in the societ
n the a
o u gment hen the transgressors ill e uestione or their iso e ience
the ill ans er that their maraare the cause o it Ta e a loo
The a their aces ill e rolle in the re the ill sa
h oul
that e ha o e e
llah an o e e the essenger n the
ur or
e o e e our chie s an our el ers an the ma e us to
go astra rom the ath ur or give them t ice the unishment an
sen a curse on them an enormous curse
orth remem ering is the
argue ith each other in the ire
ere arrogant urel
e use to
stan or us in su ering at least a
time hen the the in els ill
o the ea
ill sa to those ho
e our ollo ers oul ou then
art o the unishment o ire
The in uence o the Tughli Taimoor s em racing slam
ranch o the Tatari nations entere slam
as that a com lete
The tri e o a s em race slam ue to the slam o their chie
a si o e lease ith him
u- mar-a-
a a sho has een a amous n ian ing n his time the Hin u societ
as ivi e into i erent casts an there as a rule o in ustice i e his
re ecessors this ing too use to go or e ansion an o ressing measures
Ho ever he got in uence rom the u hism that as onl a sect ith his
in uence emerge as an international religion The unimagine social re orms
ere racticall seen
l- samin uhamma
in aleh a mu-ul- ata a al-usamin vol
m ta a
l- hamila
a lasal ahooth-ul- slamia ma alla al ahooth-ul- slamia vol
m ta a l- hamila
Tari h-e- a at-o- eeemat vol
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
u h himsel as a mem er o a ro al amil He racticall
or e to run
the societ on right lines s he came o a ro al amil an
as racticall a
or er this too raise the h e o this religion
n ran ingshi as a ho ia in u lic that i someone reame to go against
the ing he oul commit suici e or his relative slaine him n the in anc o
the slamic histor some sects li e u ta ili ere also cause
the in uence
o the eo le in authorit
n the su -continent the emergence o
ar s leverage
in-e- lahi
as also rought a out
e can also see the results o cali hate in Tur e
usta a amal s erio
secular government an thoughts o the ruling class in the resent era
2. The Concept of Change in Imam AbdessalamYassine’s
Prophetic Method:
These a s the asic nee o the uslim mma to mam Yassine is the societal
change He ishes to esta lish such a ious an re ne
uslim societ as is
uilt u on the teachings o slam an unnah a s stem ase on revelation
rom llah a social revelation ase on the oun ations on hich the ro het
- o less him an grant him eace- revolutioni e the orl mam rites
thehouse o the aith o all uslims is not ase on the rm
oun ationconsisting o the sincere intention o
uri cation an
ollo ing o the ro het s etho our tate
uslim is nothing ut
a village o ants
ccor ing to mam
essalam there are i erent s stems in vogue in the
hich have t o oun ations ne s stem moves on the revelation rom
llah an the other is e en ent on the human is om solel The revelation
is not there in this s stem
ar shah na ee
a i Ni am-e-saltnat
i lasNishriat slam arachi a istan
u ti a eer-ul- in slam a Ni am-e- mn
aee Com am arachi a istan
essalamYassine The uslim in on trial
ustice an
iritualit u lishing
o a Cit o a
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
lthough the attle et een is om an revelation starts rom the eginning
o the time ut e see that the eginning o the attle gro s rom reece
escri ing the eginning o rationalism mam
essalamYassine rites
The uslim min
as orn there ore in the court ar o the a a
in the acre
os ue Thus egan the histor o slam an thehistor
o the slamic min The uslim min as orn in the os ue hile
the hiloso hic min
as orn in the u lic arena the gora The
gora is the ree name or the u lic arena in the cit center
ccor ing to
essalamYassine the Centre o slamic thin inghas
as i an that has een su or inate to the teachings o revelation
rom the
t o ourne
on histor
illusions o
long as e
in ants
os ue in ecca an rom the u lic arenas in thens an ome
s egan or the human min The t o ne orn a ies ha an im act
hose re ercussions e are still acing to a
e cannot esca e the
olitics mo ernit rationalit an eclarations o human rights so
ail to scrutini e hat human rights re resent or each o those
The attle et een these t o s stems has een going on or centuries ho ever
or the last e eca es the s stem ase on is om not onl ros ere in nonuslim countries ut also ra e u the uslim countries
eaving their tra itions culture an civili ation the uslims either have given
vogue to the reason ase estern s stems in their countries or are us in the
same e orts t is the common ilemma o the uslim orl to a
n the near ast seeing the uslims re uentl assimilating ith the estern
values llama sa
o e lease ith him ogge them in these or s
The ten enc to imitate a oreign civili ation is invaria l the outcome
o a eeling o in eriorit
This an nothing else is the matter ith
uslims ho imitate
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
civili ation The contrast its o er an technical s ill an rilliant
sur ace ith the sa miser o the orl o slam an the egin to
elieve that in our time there is no a ut the estern a To lame
slam or our o n shortcomings is the ashion o the a
t est our
so-calle intellectuals a o t an a ologetic attitu e an tr to convince
themselves an others that slam is com ati le ith the a o tion o
estern values
The orl o slam ith its gro ing ten enc to imitate the est an to
assimilate estern i eas an i eals is gra uall cutting a a the on s
hich lin it ith its ast an is losing there ore not onl its cultural
ut also its s iritual roots t resem les a tree that as strong as long
as it as ee l roote in the soil ut the mountain torrent o estern
civili ation has ashe those roots are an the tree slo l eca s or
ant o nourishment ts leaves all its ranches ither a a
t the
en the trun itsel stan s in anger o colla sing
s er sai
ul Hassan li l-Na i in almost all the uslim countries
there is an intellectual con ict or etter sa in a t or s an intellectual ar is
going on hich e can e ne as a attle et een slamic thought an values
estern thought an values The ancient histories o these countries the
love an attachment o the uslim nations ith slam the name these countries
ought an
on their ree om ars on or the o er these countries leane on
to guar their ree om all roclaim that onl the slamic thoughts an values
can rule these countries ut contrar to that the authorit o these countries is
such a han that intellectualism training an its ersonal an olitical is om
eman that estern thoughts an values shoul e romote in these countries
an these shoul e run on the oot rints o the estern countries The religious
conce ts national ha its co es o li e rules an tra itions hich resist in this
ur ose shoul e revise an cancelle To e recise the countr an the
societ shoul e trans orme into estern st le gra uall
ccor ing to mam
l-Na i
ash ma ash
essalam Yassine to a
more than ninet
sa slam t The Cross oa
aral- n alus i raltar
-ul-Hasan li
uslim mumali me slamiat ur aghra iat i
a lisNashriat-e- slam arachi a istan
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
o ulation o the uslims is living in ignorance essimism an shallo ness
hereas the eo le in authorit o these countries are living a lu urious li e an
striving har or the com letion o their estern masters
ccor ing to mam
essalam Yassine all the causes o this grim situation
are the same as mentione in the Ha ith o ro het - o less him an grant
him eace- o an narrate that the Hol ro het - o less him an grant him
eace- sai
The ro het - o less him an grant him eace- sai The eo le
ill soon summon one another to attac ou as eo le hen eating
invite others to share their ish omeone as e
ill that e ecause o
our small num ers at that time He re lie No ou ill e numerous
at that time ut ou ill e scum an ru ish li e that carrie o n
a torrent an llah ill ta e ear o ou rom the reasts o our enem
an last enervation into our hearts omeone as e
hat is ahn
ostle o llah - o less him an grant him eace- He
re lie
ove o the orl an isli e o eath
The Ha ith stirs us that e have given s ace to i erent esires in our hearts
e are having e ectations rom our enemies an have orgotten the eath
hile our enemies are imitating us ur rulers are o e ing their agen as an
the unish those hoever s ea against them mam
essalam Yassine
ants a soli change in it
These a s the uslims are ivi e into i erent sects The are victims o
sel - is la The thin themselves right al a s an criticise others The are
consumingtheir energies or negative en s The are calling others agans
This situation must e change
To a
uslims are asting their otentialities in e en ing or con emning
the ersonalities o the ast The have got entangle in the ale ul ractice o
terminologies t has ut an en to their constructive tas s mam ants to cause
an over helming change
essalamYassine Islam or the Flood
u a oo ulaiman in ash ath unan
‫االسام او الطوفان‬
ira enc clo e ia
i a oo Ha ith No
ma ta a ehmania
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
The uslims are o the o inion that stic ing to ra er an ee ing ast
is the com lete Din ut the calm societal eace uri cation o hearts
sho ing concern or others an raternit seen in the time o ro het - o
less him an grant him eace- an his Cali hs all are e tinct to a These
are the real contents an the illars o slam uch an attitu e nee s to e
mam rites
You must change hat is in oursel so that o ma change hat is
in ou You must ra near to Him
means o hat He has ecree
or ou cleanliness ritual ra er the alms- ue asting ilgrimage
remem rance o o an righteous or s
s ou ra nearer inch
inch the
recom ensean shorten the istances
ou le the
To mam
essalam man o the scholars are victims o e e ienc an
re rain rom the truth ome o them are the tools o the ruling class an have
curtaine the Herea ter or their orl l ursuits The are thought to e the
heirs to the ro hets uch a ractice oes not com l ith their uties on their
asts e ormation an change are re uire in the lives o these scholars even
The uslims eing a nation are in ulge in
ahn ‫ وهن‬love or the orl
an isli ing or eath Cutting o the teachings o the revelation the have
close their e es to the u gement The love or the orl has settle in their
hearts The outcome o these en eavours is onl the orl mam oes not
a hor the orl ut he is against the ehaviour o thin ing the orl the onl
ish to e achieve an neglecting the Herea ter that is the lace o true success
or ailure The Hol
uran has eclare the success at the a o u gement
the real achievement
o hoever has een e t a a
has reall succee e
rom the ire an a mitte to ara ise
eo le are not e nite a out this or t is not con emna le
Hol uran calls this orl His lessing
essalamYassine i al-ul- a mati al slah
The uslim in on trial
llah in the
anshoorat l- a a il inta
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
Then once the alah is over
o llah
is erse in the lan
llah lmight himsel has taught ho to ra in a goo
an see the grace
ur or give us goo in this orl an goo in the Herea ter an
save us rom the unishment o ire
The orl in itsel is not a ho ever this is the lessing o llah This is the
nee o man i it remains in the column o nee
it arises rom a nee to a
ur ose it is con emna le the real ur ose is the Herea ter an ou ecome
the o ner o the entire orl slam oes not an it
ur- ahman in u o e lease ith him is one o those aha a ho
ere given the goo ne s o annah in the orl
hen the ie the gol as
in am le measure in their legac that it as cut ith a es to e ivi e among
the heirs
The orl is li e a oat hich essentiall re uires ater to run ut i the same
ater enters the oat it s allo s it i e ise i the orl remains in the art
o nee it is use ul other ise it is harm ul
essalamYassine is also o the same vie He o ines that eo le have
consi ere it the real cause an have orgotten the Herea ter o this vie on
the art o the eo le shoul e change
one gets the real conce t o the
Herea ter this goal o social change ecomes ver eas
esalamYassine ants a re ormation an change in the societ rom
a nation s oint o vie He sa s llah has intro uce the mma ith such a
class as ma get together on the same oint n mara there have een so man
ious no le an en eavoring eo le ho have al a s remem ere llah an
in lama a vast ma orit has een o - earing an ious Ho ever unless the
or har in unit an evelo the mutual relations the goal o change cannot
e attaine
r aseem
u ti Ha rat
onthl shra
ahore an ar
Islam or the Flood
-ur- ahman
ith him
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
3. The Role of the Scholars in Reforming’ the Society, in the Light of
Imam AbdessalamYassine’s Prophetic Method.
The Hol
ro het - o
less him an grant him eace- sa s
ِ ‫«إِ َّن ا ْلع َلماء ور َث ُة األَ ْنبِي‬
ََ َ َ ُ
The scholars are the heirs o the ro het
To mam
essalamYassine the revolution in the societ is not ossi le
ithout the active role o scholars He thin s o them the essence o
mma The e iso e o revolutionar struggle o these scholars is uite
long Ho ever the teach the scholars incline to atter mam Yassine
has mentione some genuine scholars ho ent through ever
in o
o ression to raise the truth ut the never surren ere or sol themselves
neither i the
ith ra their stan
iscussing the role o the scholars
essalam has ritten
The ages o our histor are re lete ith such ractical scholars as
raise the ust or s in the courts o monarchs ings The came o
othur an areas an villages schools an mos ues the serve e uall
in ars an mar ets an never ell ac in an cam aign
ccor ing to mam
essalam in resent a s in or er to ring a out an
change in ro hetic metho the scholars shoul or on the ollo ing lines
1. To strengthen the ties with Allah and consolidate the mutual relations of
the scholars.
The rst line o action hich e n in mam s i erent ritings is thatthe
scholars nee to strengthen the ties ith llah an consoli ate their mutual
relations The shoul
ithstan their e iso ic i erences o en hearte l t
ill not onl s irituali e their tas o reaching an re ormation ut ill also
im rove their mutual unit
unan i a oo Ha ith No
Islam or the Flood
i al-ul- a mati al slah
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
2. Kindness in preaching.
mam s rocess o change in ro hetic metho contains a gui ing rule or
scholars an that is in ness n a letter to the ruler o
orocco mam
oints to it
stics have taught me the lesson o love an in ness
a ectionate to ou an since ou come o ro het s - o
grant him eace- amil an consi er the or er o love
ut the love lac ing in an iece o a vice an
cheating ou is a horrent
hen llah sent t o o his messengers to his greatest enem
a vise them in these or s
am in an
less him an
or ro het s
the in ness
haraoh He
o oth o ou to haraoh he has in ee transgresse all the limits
o s ea to him in so t or s a e he acce ts the a vice or ears .
ur ro het - o less him an grant him eace- has too em hasi e the nee
o in ness He - o less him an grant him eace- state
He ho is e rive o ten erl
eelings is in act e rive o goo
esha o e lease ith him states a vising her
him an grant him eace- sai
uhamma - o
isha veril llah is in an He loves in ness an con ers
u on in ness hich He oes not con er u on severit an oes
not con er u on an thing else esi es it
He - o
less him an grant him eace- sai
in ness is not to e oun in an thing ut that it a s to its
eaut an it is not ith ra n rom an thing ut it ma es it
e ective
Islam or the Flood
usim in Hu a ahih uslim Ha ith No
a ta a ehmania
l- a eeni uhamma in Ya ee sunan n-e-ma a Ha ith No
ahore a istan
ahih uslim Ha ith No
ahih uslim Ha ith No
ahore a istan
a ta a ehmania
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
4. Wisdom and good Counsel:
is om is an im ortant invitational rule or the scholars
a ellant s attri utes llah states as an or er
entioning the
nvite eo le to the a o our or ith is om an goo counsel
an argue ith them in the est o manners .
n the rocess o inviting eo le criticism is also seen This in icts harm
instea o giving an ene t mam
essalamem hasises to ta e u is om
in lace o criticism He sa s
ome oul enter the mos ue li e the rover ial hirl in
accusingthis erson o heres invali ating another s ritual ra er an
causingtrou le an istress n the other han
ou oul n some
ith ra n
hat ise a roach shoul e use there ore
in or erto a ress eo le o all stri es ithout a o ting a tone that
is conciliator con escen ing an e eatist or one that is hostile an
uming ith grie an im otence erha s among these intellectuals
there are great an alert hearts thatare re are to hear the truth i it
comes rom the mouth o ise menan omen
e n man such e am les in
eace- li e
ro het s - o
less him an grant him
hen a elegation rom the tri e o the anuTha i came to meet
ro het - o less him an grant him eace- the ut or ar some
im ractica le con itions The
ere eman ing to e e em te
rom ra er a at an
ght or the cause o
llah an see ing
ermission to get interest an rin ine the also ante to have the
er etuit o their ancient i ol home tam le an Tai to e a igni e
lace li e a ah ro het - o less him an grant him eacerestraine them isel rom ersisting on these im ro er eman s
through ise st le o reaching
The uslim in on Trial
ira o t
n-e-Hishaam in u
u uhamma
l- eerah
ia vol
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
esert ra came an stoo u an egan to urinate in the mos ue
The Com anions o llah s essenger
o less him an grant him
eace- sai
to sto
ut the essenger o llah
o less him
an grant him eace- sai
on t interru t him leave him alone The
le t him alone an
hen he nishe urinating llah s essenger
o less him an grant him eace- calle him an sai to him These
mos ues are not the laces meant or urine an lth ut are onl or
the remem rance o llah ra er an the recitation o the ur an or
llah s essenger sai something li e that
is om i es out the im ossi ilities
e stu the slamic histor it
ecomes evi ent that the Tatari shoo u the oun ations o the slamic
orl The hung eath on the uslim orl an no one ever in icte
such great harm to the uslims as the Tatari nation i
e can assess
this horri ing crusa e rom the amous sa ing
»‫«إذا قيل لك أن التتار اهنزموا فا تصدق‬
t is eas to agree on an
elieve ever thing e ce t the Tatari s e eat
n such circumstances
a lana amalu in s one ise sa ing got the Tatari
acce t slam Tughla Taimoor s threa occu ing ran ecame uslim ith
onl one sentence The Chie o this line in e treme e as eration sai to
re ou more res ecta le or m
t cannot e eci e et
a lana re lie solemnl He sai
hat o ou
ie uslim on aith
a lana sai
am more res ecta le an
llah or i en i
ie aithless then our og is more res ecta le than
ul- ail arut
n-e- sir uhamma in l- amil i al-Tari h vol
ar-ul- uta al- lmia eirut
ansoor uri a i alman ahma-tulil- lamin vol
slami uta hana ahore
a istan
ahih uslim Ha ith No
l-Na i
u-al-Hasan li
hut at-e- li ian vol No
ar-ulsha at arachi
l-Na i
u-al-Hasan li
e Tari h-e- a at-o- eemat ol
a lis
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
5. Determination/Perseverance.
The scholars are the heirs o the ro het - o less him an grant him
eace- s the ro hets o llah to en is utes an istur ances in their
time an territories an to cause change in societ accor ing to llah s or ers
i not ee themselves a a rom an sacri ce The sho e rmness an
erseverance through thic an thin o shoul e the case ith the ro het s
heirs These heirs o ro hets also ma e histor in ever age
hen ro het - o less him an grant him eace- curtaine rom the orl
a ostas tem tation raise among some o the ra tri es t that time
a r s o e lease ith him statement change the course o histor an
turne the stream o inci ents He o e lease ith him sai
»‫«أينقص الدين وأنا حي‬
Ho can turmoil s ring u in ro het s religion Din
u a r is alive
These are the or s ut the emotions an the heart elt ain attache to these
or s cannot e ta en o n
This is the im act o this heritage hich has een asse on to the mma in
general an to the vices o the ro het - o less him an grant him eace- i e
the scholars
The shoul reali e that in their resence the o n all o slam coul n t e
imagine even This eeling is the ase o all the revolutions an religious
essalam has articularl mentione the erseverance o Hassan asri
mam u hani a mam ali mam ha ai mam hme in Han al mam
ul slam mam
u in Hassan l- anna an
utu - o e lease
ith them all
Nashriat-e- slam arachi
hut at-e- li ian vol
or etails lease see
essalam Yassine
i al-ul- a mati- al- slah
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
6. The Training of Missionaries
n re orming a societ scholars an missionaries come across the eo le
o loathsome a roach n this scenario i the a ove mentione eo le get
ho eless an sit a art rom the societ leaving it on the merc o the on goings
then change is over an one ith t is a ire nee o the hour to train the
scholars an missionaries to ace such circumstances
ointing out this nee
essalam states
ight con uct an the ro hetic ui ance eman that the so ourn
in the osom o e ucation shoul e a ormative stage or training the
missionaries in armth an rece tivit genuine in ness re nement o
s eech an conve ing gla ti ings to societ as a hole The unction
o the small e ucational organi e grou is to s rea its gui ance in
societ as a hole
striving to ensure that its meetings are a reciate
that eo le rush to atten its mos ue an that its lea ershi is acce te
the small grou
ith ra s into seclusion goes on the o ensive or
issues charges o un elie it ill cut itsel o rom the o o the
mma an a omina le an lame orth attri ution o urit to itsel
t ill turn sterile an con emn itsel to er ition Those ho retire an
isolate themselves ma e nearer to sa et
utsi e the e ucational nurser is the scorching heat o a societ o
hatre an the anger o melting in an environment oo e
ith the
clamor o li e the i eas o the hili a an the o stacles o eviations
ntering into the turmoil o the clamor con icting i eas an urious
u heavals is art o the training o those engage in ih
t is one
o the o stacles on their ath an a test to emonstrate the e tent o
their atience to assume res onsi ilit or the el are o the mma
iving the e licit role o the scholars in societal change an in icating the
iminutions o the scholars mam
essalam a vises in these or s
es ecte scholars
in on Trial
ou are the essence o this
mma an a great
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
asset in case i ou resign rom arsimon
enn - inching sense
o su eriorit an avarice The sic ness o ours an this mma
ro het - o less him an grant him eace- is
The reason o our eing su ugate
our e ilit an sectarianism is
han i e love or the orl an hatre or eath
ur ro het - o
less him an grant him eace- sai
The scholars are the heirs o the ro hets an accor ing to
Hurairah o e lease
ith him The Hol
uran o llah is the
No the uestion is ho eserves this legac
The eo le ho ractice the
uran or those ho recite it urel those ho ractise the Hol
an sho goo con uct to the eo le an the heirs o the ro hets
7. To refrain from self-display:
ccor ing to mam
essalamYassine one ig im e iment in the a o
change is the scholars an missionaries involvement in ersonal romotion
This not onl ee s a man aloo rom the societ ut also alls ehin the
re ormation o the societ an the real target o the change long ith it the
element o sel - is la also s routs u an man eels himsel shut in its cage
mam rites
ne o the angersis that the ne comer an his hosts ma concentrate
on the im rovement o their o n souls the en o ment o the armth o
love theair o serenit an the intimac o com anionshi n so oing
the ecome isengage rom the missionar unction shrin together
an retire into a close circle
That is a e cienc in un erstan ing a e ect in the min an a aral sisis
in action utsi e the e ucational nurser are the scorchingheat o the
societ o hatre the a omina le or s an ee s an the ro ning
ga e o the sons an aughters o this orl The ne comeran his
Islam or the Flood
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
hosts ma there ore recoil rom overcoming o stacles gloom an
intracta le an resort to a com orting haven
n their isolation the ma ee
hich is isa rove an or i
or a time on the attri ution o
en in o s sa ing
o o not attri ute urit to ourselves He is
ho ractices true evotion
urit to the sel
are o him
The attri ution o urit that is isa rove or i en an lame orth is the
conceite ri e o the or er in his or the orshi er in his ritual ra er
an the ear e man in his ear
Those ho attri ute urit to themselves ee
their sel -im ortance on a
melancholic time Their sel - im ortance istorts their vision to such an e tent
that the see all other eo le oome to er ition hile the
ill e save
that all are astra
hile the are rightl gui e that all are un elievers hile
the are elievers The emerge a ter that as an a iction on man in an the
envi ronment.
hich o the t o grou s is arthest rom the ro hetic
e ucational etho the sel -a sor e or the aggressive
ui ance an the
8. To be bold in uttering the truth;
To e ol in uttering the truth shoul e the ractice o the istinctive ma est
i-e the scholars hatever e the toll o it n this res ect mam
uotes the sa ing o ro het - o less him an grant him eacehen the anu srail lunge into sin their ulama issua e them ut
the i not cease The ulama atten e their com an sat ith them ate
an ran
ith them o llah reconcile their hearts ith each other
an He curse them ith the tongue o a u
eace e u on Him
an o ssa i n ar am eace e u on Him ecause the is elieve
an transgresse the limits
The uslim
The uslim
in on Trial
in on Trial
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
The narrator ent on to sa that llah s essenger - o less him an
grant him eace- ho as sitting in a recline manner sat u straight
an sai No
Him ho has m soul in His han not until ou sto
the o ressor rom committing o ression on others
The Hol
ro het - o
less him an grant him eace-sai
an one sees a rong he must revent it ith his han
ut i he is
not a le then ith his tongue an i he is una le then ith his heart an
that is the ea est egree o aith
llah tells the reason o His rath u on the
rom committing rong llah sa s
ani srael that i not revent
n those ho is elieve rom among the chil ren o sra il a curse
as ronounce
a u an lsa on o
ar am ll this ecause
the iso e e an use to cross the limits The i not or i each
other rom an evil the committe
vil in ee is hat the have een
essalamYassine has not onl stresse the nee o s ea ing the truth
ut also ractise it himsel n an o en letter to the ing o the Hassan
name Al Islam Wa-Ttufan mam has critici e his ee s istracting rom
hariah an has a vise him to set out on the right ath an moul the s stem
accor ing to hari a
ter in icating the non- slamic acts o the ruler o the time mam
en eavour to gui e ou to the truth
have no a out e ce t
accentuating on ou an our com anions that llah an His ro het
- o less him an grant him eace- have nothing to o ith our
ee s
ou o not come out o this sel -ma e ivi ing line et een
slam an aganism no teaching is e ectual or ou
ame l-Tirm i Ha ith No
ame l-Tirm i Ha ith No
Islam or the Flood
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
ogging the ing mam sa s
You thin ou are on the right ath an the scholars are ith ou
it is so num er the scholars ho are ith ou Those ith ou
are engage in ma ing mone heightening the uil ings giving the
inter retations o the rituals to their ill telling lies an
angling the
or i en ealth The are lust or this orl onl an the thin
that the have ul lle their res onsi ilities The ersist on atter
ho can a vise among them
m rother gran son o ro het - o less him an grant him eaceou are ollo ing such a olic as has nothing to o ith gui ance
no le ge an the Hol
uran an ou are o ering such a itions
in religion slam Din as have no connection ith it in
ho e
this letter o mine ill give ou a chance to a a en oursel or our
com utation
9. Inadvertent
To mam
essalamYassine these a s scholars sho ina vertent ehaviour
an it hin ers the course o change ccosting the scholars mam rites
es ecta le scholars ou are the earest to me amongst all long
ith m m stic ello s ou are the most honoure to me You are a
ona e resum tion o ene action essence o hearts an a ho e or
slam an the uslims ut our ee ing ac rom the truth our
negligence an stagnanc ham er the rocess o change .
He rites on another lace
scholars i ou neither get rea to ace the challenges in teaching
the truth nor treat our
ahn the treatment is rare action
ou o
not e lo oursel ollo ing the ro het - o less him an grant him
eace- there is no chance o slamic su eriorit an clima
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
10. Aversion
n vie o mam
essalamYassine this mma has een clutche in
aversion an con icts This roves to e oisonous or mma The scholars
nee to e isincline to such aversions an to the elements utting orth such
isagreements The thin o their aith im licit an others las hemous
nless the uslim scholars are a art rom such eo le the change can onl e
reame You eigh nothing until ou ace the challenges an heal our sores
11. To escape vain argumentation
essalam consi ers it an o struction to hinge u on the ast in causing
change o he a vises the scholars to renounce such utilities He sa sassessing
the histor
cholars an reaches o religion Din shoul not tangle ith it The
shoul not chi e their ore athers Though the shoul have com lete
no le ge an e nite o inion a out their histor the shoul avoi
criticism Criticism can ring orth sectarianism an vanish the s irit o
the class e n in the erio o ro het - o less him an grant him
eace- an his Cali hs
The uslims shoul not call orth their energies in a roving or
isa roving the results o taine in ast the shoul neither ra l on
i erent cants an terminologies
hatever someone i or sai he
ill e re ar e or unishe accor ing to it llah ill not ta e us into
account or other s actions
e ee involve in such ett issues
the training o the uslims in rati cation ill e one or an the
eenness to see llah ill e no more t is reall itia le
art rom the a ove-mentione oints sel -censorshi continuous stri e
aloo ness to arouse the rich or the or o el are an to uit atter are also
some eatures o the olic o societal change
Islam or the Flood
i al-ul- a mati al slah
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
12. Role of the Rich in the Reformation of Society, in the Light of Imam
Abdessalam’s Prophetic Method;
t is a amous ra ic sa ing that eo le ersist on the religion o their rulers
the rulers an the authorities are on the right route their ollo ers are also
traile on the same ath mam oints to it
The sic ness o this mma lies in their hea s The cannot e
re orme
ithout their hea s eing cure an their hea s are their
rulers an chie
ie ing the histor
e get to no that the sic ness iagnose
essalam is uite a t t is evi ent rom the ages o the histor that the
ious rulers revaile eace an serenit in the societ ut the iminutions o
the rulers esta ili e the calm o the societ
t the time o great cali hs an mar in
ul i there as a less eace
in the societ ut hen ominion asse on to the mun ane han s the con ition
o u heaval in the societ as same that e ace these a s
mam ul- Hassan li Na
an its im act on the societ
i iscusses the ma ing an marring o the rulers
The Tataris ho con uere slam
religiousl e ucationall an mentall
ere themselves come over
The too the reins o the slamic orl an ecame its sentinels t
is an interesting event hich can e a historical revelation or some
eo le that e ore the Tatari s crusa e the a ition o a - in in the
names o the rulers an ings is rare The com oun names ith a in as secon art o the names ere not seen among the ruling class
These names are o ten seen a ter the Tatari s acce te slam The reason
or this is that the Tataris ante to eclare themselves the su orters
o slam Have a loo over the names o the ughal em erors ho
elonge to the Tatari s threa The oun er o the ominion as ahiru - in a ar his son Nasir-u - in Huma un his son alal-u - in
Islam or the Flood
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
ar his son Noor-u - in ahangir his son
ahan an his son oh -u - in urang e
s a mo el mamYassine in an o en letter to the ing o
some valua le suggestions
haha -u - in
oints out
n the into ication o ruling man rulers neglect the teachings o
the religion an
llah s or ers There ore the outh ill misinter ret
slam ee ing in vie the o ression is utes an in ustice This is
con emna le an
ill istort slam This is h the ruling class must
avoi such ste s as ma resent the rong icture o the religion Din
henever slamic s stem is iscusse a arent eatures o slam i e ra ers ast
etc are em hasi e
hereas the grace an calm heart-ease the uri cation
o heart an the accom lishment oun in the lives o the ro hets an his
com anions are not iscusse n act the a ove-mentione eatures are the
soul an illars o a societ to attain these heights
ost o the ruling classes live a lu urious li e an the masses are e t
in ignorance a versit an es eration The orst o it is that the
misconstrue themselves the gillies o the mma The are in e treme
misun erstan ing an e ame slam ith their miscon uct Change
ith such activities is onl a ream
n a letter to ing mam
essalam has given the rece ent o mar in
ul i
o e lease ith him e ore cali hate mar in
ul i
o e lease ith him as amous or his ro al taste eo le coul acclaim
him ith the ragrance lingering in the streets a ter he ha asse through them
ut a ter shoul ering the cali hhoo his li e change altogether He re uite all
the aronies e osite his i e s e elr to the house o treasur an assume
such a ious li e as coul not e oun among m stics an saints even
hut at-e- li ian vol No
Islam or the Flood
i al-ul- a mati al slah
Islam or the Flood
- Tari h-e- a at-o-
eeemat vol
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
Change is loc e ecause o the rong a s o the rulers an the
rich ho generate a grou o a e scholars These so calle scholars
legali e the illegal activities o the rulers an are thus sho ere
mun ane riches an the trash o the orl
uch class e ists in ever
age Change is ossi le onl
hen the rulers all o such scholars as
is mentione a ove
The rich shoul evelo a s irit o re ormation in them to ring a out
the societal change The shoul uil u ne us ith the scholars an
the virtuous an ee as ing or sermons an goo ieces o a vice n
the ast all the virtuous ings have een oven in such connections
essalam has Yassine uote the e ate et een ula man
ul ali an
u Ha im o e lease
ith him a out
ula man s re ormation an the el are an change in the societ
National Treasure is a trust suall the mara consume it as their
o n ossession The esto their es-men uch ractices cast an evil
e ect on the societ an mar the rocess o change an re ormation
The virtuous an ious ings cautiousl s en even a enn rom the
national treasure mar in
o e lease
ith him
receive an a lication rom u a r in Ha m the atron o a ina
The content o the a lication as a eman or a er or o cial uties
mar in
ul i
o e lease ith him re lie
har en the en an
rite in close or s an use a a er or a num er o
nee s or the uslims o not nee to etail out the matters as it uts a ur en
on the house o treasur
mam a vises the rich the scholars an the masses e uall to have ear
o llah in their hearts the eo le ee in vie the ear o llah an
the herea ter it ill e a tonic to cause a change in societ
or etails lease see l- slam ao l-Tu an
Tari h-e- a at-o- eeemat vol
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
ll the societies in the orl rest on t o t es o oun ations ne t e ollo s
is om onl an the other ollo s revelation The ormer aims at the orl l
ursuits an the later urges or the success an salvation in the li e herea ter
The uslim societies stan on the revelation ut these a s the uslims
ass the teachings o revelation an have orgotten their true target altogether
The vie each o their achievements in the scenario o materialism This is
h the are er etuall alling a re to o n all an con icts The uslim
societies are in ire nee to re orm them to shun the turmoil an tri ulations
the are con ronte
ith This rocess o change is multi- imensional an
re uires the role o i erent classes o eo le
n vie o mam
essalamYassine in the rocess o societal change the
most e ective role elongs to the lama an to the mara These t o classes
are closer an more in uencing to the masses than others ut un ortunatel
the a ove mentione classes have greater ten enc to materialism than to the
rocess o re ormation o the societ The grou o scholars nee s some measures
to a o t i e to consoli ate their ties ith llah to e in an a ectionate in
reaching to ractise is om to uit atter to e courageous in s ea ing
the truth an to ut u
ith its res onse ith atience an erseverance to
im rove unit re raining rom sel - is la an sectarianism among their
classes an to i are ell to the aseless e ates on ast hile on the other
han the marahave some other stran s to ca ture i e to have ear o llah
in their hearts to e etermine on air ealings in ruling to ul ll the nee s
o the u lic to sa eguar s the or ers o llah to e honest in consuming the
House o Treasur an a ormi a le connection ith the scholars to see their
gui ance
llah gui e us to la a ositive role in the rocess o change
The R ole of the U lama ( Scholars) and t he U mara ( R ulers) in Societal Change...
l- uran
essalamYassine The muslim min on trial
o t are
ihnah al-
s ira al
l al- uslim
unir o t are
s ira
essalamYassine Rijal-ul-qoumatiwalIslah, AsSiraj al Munir Software.
l- slam ao l-Tu an
ul Ha ee
a istan
u a oo
lmana i
llama ai -ul- a eer harah l ame
aar a airoot a nan
l- utta i
ali al aal
il a i
s ira al
is ah-ul-lughat ma ta a lmee an
ulaiman in asheth unan
in Hussam
l-Hin i
a ta a l- hamila
i a oo ma ta a ehmania
l- agheer
an -ul-ummal
l-Na i
uslim mumali
slamiat ur aghra iat i ash ma ash ma lasnashriat-e- slam arachi
a istan
l-Na i
arachi a istan
l-Na i
a lasNashriat-e- slam arachi a istan
unir o t are
l- a eeni
MaktabaRehmania, Lahore, Pakistan
l- u
i Ta -ul- in in li Ta
l-Tirm i
in esa
hut at-e- li
ar-ul- sha at
Tari h-e- a at-o-
Ya ee
at-ul-sha aal- u ra Hi ar li-Nashar
u- esa
ami Tirm i
a ta a
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
l- saiman uhamma
usamin ar-ul- atan
u hari
ahore a istan
n-e- seer uhamma
uta al lmia airut
n-e-Hishaam in u
ail airoot
ansoor uri a i
ahore a istan
u ti
a eer-ul- in
a istan
in smaeel
a mu-ul- ata a al-
ahih u hari
a ta a ahmania
u uhamma
l- amil i al-Tari h
l- eerah l-Na
slami uta
ahmat u-lil- lamin
slam ani am-e- mn
aee Com am
llama Islam at The Cross Road, dar-al-undalus,
uslim in Hu a , SahihMuslim, MaktabaRehmania, Lahore, Pakistan.
• Na ee
a i
a istan
in alih in
ar hah Ni am-e-saltnat
ahee -ul- aman asmi
a istan
i lasNishriat slam
l amoos ul- ahee
ara slamiat
The Place of Language
in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception
for Sociopolitical Change
n ohr niversit
ga ir - orocco
mail m elgha i ui ac ma
1. General Introduction
A Significant Scene
recent vi eo that circulate several times in social me ia as a out not
hat ou sa
ut ho
ou sa it n the ver short vi eo lm a lin man
as as ing or charit
iththese or s on a oar “I am blind, I cannot
see; please help me”. ut no o gave him mone
assing oman too the oar an
beautiful day—but I can’t see it”.
rote on the other si e o it “It’s a
e estrians assing
starte thro ing mone on the lan er in ront o
him the vi eo en s ith these or s Change your words… and you
change your world…
This short lm illustrates the o er o or s hen ou ra icall change
our message ou can ra icall alter our con itions oel cott steen
ut it this a
You can change your world by changing your words...
Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue”. o it all
e en s on our language
anguage constitutes one o the central varia les that e nes our social
i entities an limit our cultural an linguistic communit
ore im ortantl
-though im licitl - language is also the me ium through hich e engage
in uence esta lish relationshi s an at the same time set oun aries
et een each other
oel cott steen orn arch
is an merican reacher televangelist author an
the enior astor o a e oo Church the largest rotestant church in the nite tates in
Houston Te as
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
Yet language has too o ten een neglecte as a crucial catal er o
socio olitical change an an im ortant actor in human evelo ment n
this a er ver much ho e to she light on this issue an contri ute to
clari ing the role o language in socio olitical change e a ress this to ic
as conceive
the reno ne
uslim revivalist mam
essalam Yassine
the mam hence orth
ithin the rame or o his ro hetic etho
ore s eci call
ill tr to e lain an e en the mam s claim
that language is a socio-cultural com onent hich ermeates all actors
that trigger socio olitical change
ill sho that this vie
n s su ort
in amous linguists an hiloso hers conce tion o language n a amous
uote attri ute to ohn tuart ill language is the light o the min
that sha es thought there ore hen use ro erl an s ill ull it can
lea eo le to ul ll re etermine socio olitical o ectives
essalam is ell no n or his contri utions in slamic thought
he is es eciall recogni e or his theor o the ro hetic etho
constitutes a com rehensive inter retation an ractical organi ation o the
ranches o the slamic aith n his oo al-Minhaj an-Nabawi the mam
s stematicall
resents the sevent -seven ranches o Iman e laining
ho the o erationall contri ute to sha ing the uslim ersonalit an
re aring the elievers to a vocate or religious re orm Ho ever ver little
is no n a out the mam s contri utions in such issue as language an its
role in economic evelo ment an socio olitical change This a er is an
attem t to unveil this im ortant socio-cultural as ect o mam Yassine s
revivalist com rehensive theor or socio olitical change
The issue:
uslim scholars an social activists have o ten ignore linguistic an other
socio-cultural resources in their search or solutions to socio olitical ro lems
o the uslim mmah hen linguistic issues are a resse at all the are
given a marginal so t role com are to other actors irectl contri uting to
socioeconomic evelo ment oreover the act that there is a multi licit o
languages in uslim countries is o ten seen as a hin rance to the uni cation
C htt
goo rea s com uotes
-language-is-the-light-o -the-min
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
o the mmah The single uni ing language o
uslims tan ar
ra ic
is vehementl attac e
mo ernists as a ac ar language no longer
suita le to sustain technological an economic evelo ment
The theme o this a er consi ers ho language la s a consi era le role
in socio olitical change
hile consi ering the actors o socio olitical
change the linguistic actors have o ten een given trivial attention There
are at least t o reasons or this a arent neglect o the language issue
c rah
• The rst is that socio olitical change is o ten conceive o in a rather
narro sense n an attem t to anal e the mmah s situation most
eo le o ten ocus on olitical an or economic situations The
conse uences o this materialistic a roach to olitical re orm an
social evelo ment are that economic in icators are o ten erroneousl
e uate
ith national evelo ment an societal ell- eing n this
narro sense then the role o language in a uslim nation s revival
ma rather e seen as too marginal to e ta en seriousl
• The other reason h the language issue has not een central in
either olitician s or uslim intellectual s iscourse is that the nature
an role o language in societ are o ten largel misun erstoo This
is ro a l the result o historical rece ents here in our ra
conte t- the situation o tan ar
ra ic has never een uestione
an its e istence has never een elt threatene
Contrar to all these uestiona le lines o reasoning mam Yassine sho s
throughout his ritings that the language issue is un amental to an
religious re orm an ivotal or an socio olitical ro ect o change in the
uslim orl
Research Questions
This a er ocuses on the relationshi et een language an socio olitical
change t also o ers a s eci c ro osal or a ressing issues o language
olic an lanning rom the slamic ers ective through mam
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
Yassine s theor o the ro hetic
the ollo ing uestions
hat is socio- olitical change an
reali ation
ccor ingl
it see s to ans er
hat is the role o language in its
• Ho
oes mam
Yassine conceive o language as an in uential
actor contri uting to the reali ation o socio- olitical change
hat is the lace o the
hat is mam Yassine s ro osal to solve the tension es eciall in
the ra
et een the eo le s right to reserve their mother
tongue an the necessit or a uni ue uni ing language namel
tan ar
ra ic
ra ic language in an
slamic revival
Research Method
n our stu
e collecte relevant an ertinent te ts scattere throughout
mam Yassine s oo s e anal e them an reconstructe his theor or
change lacing language in its ue an right ul osition ccor ingl the
stu im lemente t o com lementar metho s
- The rst metho
as anal tic t as use to e ne e conce ts an
ma e necessar terminological s eci cations
- The secon metho as in uctive t as use to in uce the hierarchical
rocess o socio- olitical change a vance
mam Yassine in his oo s
t as also use to n out a e uate solutions or the ro lematic situation
language iversit an rights in the ra o- slamic conte t
an the cultural necessit or a uni e language to uni the mmah
Paper Organization
This a er is organi e as ollo s
ter the intro uction here the research
ro lematic the research uestions an its metho olog are intro uce
the conce tual oun ations an theoretical rame or are e laine in
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
n section
e iscuss mam Yassine s erce tion o the role o
language in socio olitical change ection a resses the osition o the
ra ic language an the linguistic situation in the ra o- slamic conte t as
vie e
mam Yassine ection
ocuses on the challenges to language
in uslim nations an then in ection
e ro ose ossi le solutions to
the tension et een the eo le s right or language iversit an the sought
or a uni ing language in the ra o- slamic orl The a er en s ith
conclu ing remar s an ractical recommen ations
1. Conceptual Foundations and Theoretical Assumptions
Key Concepts
ocio olitical change involves oth social an olitical actors there ore
the e nition o this com oun conce t re uires an e lanation o its t o
constituents olitical change an social change
1.1.1. On the Notion of Political Change
olitical change occurs hen the rulers in a countr lose o er or hen the
t e o governance in the countr changes nthon or an
There are
t o ossi le causes or olitical change internal or e ternal though at times
oth o them ma cons ire to create change i i
External political change: The olitical situation is mani ulate
o ers t ma e initiate
economic em argoes removal o militar an
i lomatic rotection or through a irect invasion or cou
tat The result
is a change o lea ers an the st le o governance i i
Internal political change olitical change is initiate
the eo le o
the countr t ma e achieve
emocratic electoral or other eace ul
means to change emonstrations sit-ins etc or an in o mass u rising
culminating either in government resignation or the lea ers orce ul overthro
e ster s Ne
orl College ictionar
arrangement ith ohn ile
ons nc
u lishing nc Clevelan
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
nternal olitical change see s to achieve a change in lea ershi or -more
im ortantl - a change in olicies emanating rom a change in the i eological
ases o governance st le hen a change in olic an its i eological ases is
re uire
e most o ten consi er this t e o change a social movement t is at
this e act oint o intersection here olitical change an social change meet
anguage has a erce ti le role in the achievement o socio olitical change at
all levels t erva es all events an in uses all actions carrie out uring an
rocess that re rames un erstan ing anguage is a so t ea on use
si es o con ict in a countr
ro onents an o onents uring the events
o the ra s ring the rotestors ere escri e as re els revolutionar
ra icals e tremists anarchists mercenaries rioters or as ree om ghters
li erators an mo erni ers
n the other si e the incum ent governors
ere escri e as t rants ictators totalitarians an es ots or as e en ers
o sta ilit an tra ition
The a s in hich eo le can ress or change inclu e oth violent an
non-violent metho s Nonviolent metho s es eciall use language as a
tool or change That is h mam Yassine insists on the use o the term
ua ma u rising instea o tha ra re ellion to re er to the in o
slamic change he as ires or Thawra involves violence an is entangle
ith ahili intentions The term
ua ma ho ever is loa e
signi cant re erence to the religiousness o the actors an their eace ul
means Yassine
mam Yassine oul n t have insiste on the
change o the term i not or his acute a areness a out the role o language
in sha ing in ivi ual thin ing
1.1.2. On the Notion of Social Change
There are i erent e nitions or the term social change ormulate
i erent sociologists r unan N
resents a slice o the range o
e nitions
ll these e nitions are cite in r unan N
ases o
ucation n
ala a Yuga u lications
hiloso hical an
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
un erg ocial change re ers to an mo i cations in the esta lishe
atterns o inter-human relationshi an stan ar o con uct
ocial change is a term use to escri e variations in or
mo i cations o an as ect o social rocess social atterns social
interaction or social organi ations
• H T a um ar
ocial change ma e e ne as a ne ashion or
mo e either mo i ing or re lacing the ol in the li e o eo le or
in the o eration o societ
close consi eration o the a ove e nitions o social an olitical change
reveals the ollo ing characteristics o socio olitical change
 t is a rocess
 t means human change
 t is a change in social relationshi s mores an mo es o living
 t inclu es changes in olitical institutions an or economic s stems
 t is a change in social class structure an
organi ations
unctions o socio olitical
ast ut not least the henomenon o socio olitical change is com le
a vast an com licate
rocess t is a rocess ull o ro lems in its
con itions orms limitations causes an a ove all in its conse uences
ocio olitical issue is ell e em li e
the ro lem o language
con icts in a multilingual countr
anguage con icts ma result rom oth
social attitu es to ar s co-e isting languages an rom olitical olicies
1.1.3. On Socio-political Change in Imam Yassine’s View
ocio olitical change is treate
a multi licit o a roaches ithin the
el o olitical theor
n the socialist vie
or e am le change is the
outcome o con ict et een social classes interests occurring hen the
great roletariat masses rise u against the ourgeoisie to claim their rights
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
The masses action is the culmination o a long rocess o intellectuals
sensiti ation an cultivation n this vie change results rom the eo le s
historic a areness ith the im lication that no act o change oul e ossi le
until the eo le ecome a are o the rocess o histor an ull un erstan
the era in hich the live an ho it re ares them to enter a ne one
This socialist conce t o change is there ore a historical an collective one
n mam Yassine s erce tion the motto o change is ra n rom the ur anic
verse “Verily God does not change the situation of any people unless they
change what is in their souls”(1) o an rocess o change starts rom
the in ivi uals inner sel their elie s their manners their convictions
an their vie o the universe n this res ect the mam e lains that his
en eavor is a long-term an a ver ar-reaching ro ect it consists o ee
change that results rom e ucation an ersuasion Yassine
re eate l an in various conte ts insists that ee ra ical change starts
rom the elievers male an emale re entance Yassine
no e ucation ersuasion or re entance e ists ithout ersonal conviction
i e ise no conviction is attaine e ce t via ialogue an communication
t is at this ver oint here the language actor intervenes
anguage is inter oven ith cognitive s chological an cultural as ects o
the human eing n the mam s vie there is no change ithout the e istence
o t o rere uisites a a rinci le catal er actor o change almojadid’
a means o change that consists o a verbal action s m oli e in
the testimon o slam The essence o this ver al action re uires a ersonal
conviction t is the one allu e to at the ver outset o revelation
eternal ivine or er a resse to the ro het ohamma
sa s
ea n the Name o our or
ho has create all that e ists
The ra ic ver ?iqra? rea
erive rom qira?a rea ing is a ver o
action ertaining to communication nee less to reiterate that language is the
root o communication
ur an
ur an
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
There a ears to e some consensus that socio olitical change oes not ust
involve the coercive su stitution o one olitical regime or another n act
it is a com lete trans ormation o the religious socio-cultural olitical an
economic elie s stems o ever in ivi ual in a articular societ to suit the
o ectives o the revolutionar action n this res ect mam Yassine asserts
that our hori on is a ro oun change hich can e uilt an le onl
the hel
o o
ertinent continuous movement Yassine
Key Conceptions
1.2.1. On the Definition of Language
n mo ern linguistic literature the term language is use to re er to t o
com lementar co es rst it re ers to the universal human ca acit to
ro uce an un erstan s eech n ur anic terminolog this is calle
albayan meaning the au itor -oral ca acit to e ress hatever one li es
t is a linguistic conce t close to hat
e aussure the
iss oun er o
mo ern linguistics calls langue as o ose to parole or hat N Choms
calls competence as o ose to er ormance Choms
the term language also re ers to the actual reali ation o the a orementione
ca acit in eo le s ever a intercourse n e aussurian an Choms ian
ers ective this is calle parole an performance res ectivel
here as in
the ra o- slamic culture these are re erre to as al-lisāne it the tongue .
n more technical terminolog al-lisāne re ers to ever language variet
sociolect an or even ever in ivi uals i iolect That is h the mam cites
the amous an insight ul ra uote n ee an in ivi ual ins rivilege
ecause o his little organs his heart an his tongue Yassine
The uote articulates the un erstan ing that eo le are avore one over
another on the asis o their t o uali ing an
istinctive ro erties
heart an tongue stan ing or reason and speech res ectivel Note that
the rover a s tri ute to s eech ut not to language the general human
ca acit ossesse
ever human eing There ore hat istinguishes
eo le one rom the other is the ualit o their s eech in other or s the
communicative s ills the have
ou uet
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
mam Yassine urther e lains that it is not convenient to escri e the
a orementione human attri utes as eing little Though the heart an
the tongue are little organs in si e the are giants hen it comes to their
unctions n this regar the mam rea usts the uote s terms an reverses
the meaning to ecome as ollo s
n ivi uals are in ee rivilege
their t o great organs the heart an the tongue i i
This conce tion o language versus s eech allo s us to ca ture an im ortant
insight a out the role o language in human change an evelo ment not
an one can use language as a tool to ul ll change onl those orators ho
are s ill ul enough can use their elo uence to in uence others an urge them
to change their con uct an ehavior That is h the histor o humanit
still recor s those moments hen s ill ul orators change the se uence
o events turning e eat to victor an eelings o isa ointment to
enthusiasm n accor ingl the succee e in mar ing im ortant turning
oints in the histor o their nations ust
the a their elo uent s eech
rame the moment
1.2.2. On the Impact of Language on People’s Life:
Theoretical Assumptions
The im act o language on eo le s li e can an has een stu ie rom
i erent oints or the ur ose o this stu
e con ne ourselves to t o
im ortant ones rst the Theor o inguistic elativism it states that
language etermines eo le s thought an
erce tion econ
eechct Theor
hich claims that language has the o er to trans orm or s
into things
The Theory of Linguistic Relativism:
The theor o linguistic relativism maintains that language rovi es a
rame or or our thoughts an it is ver
i cult to thin outsi e this
rame or The ioneers o this theor are the t o merican linguists
ar a ir an en amin hor The same vie
as a ter ar s a o te
other scholars rom other el s o in uir such as the erman hiloso her
u ig
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
n the asis o em irical linguistic stu ies
a ir conclu e that
Human beings do not live in the objective world alone, nor alone in
the world of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much
at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium
of expression for their society. It is quite an illusion to imagine that
one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that
language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems
of communication or reflection. The fact of the matter is that the ‘real
world’ is to a large extent unconsciously built up on the language habits
of the group...We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely
as we do because the language habits of our community predispose
certain choices of interpretation
a ir
a ir urther e lains that language is not onl a vehicle or the e ression
o thoughts erce tions sentiments an values o a communit it also
re resents a un amental e ression o social i entit
a ir asserte that
the mere act o a common s eech serves as a otent s m ol o the social
soli arit o those ho s ea the language i i
or en amin hor language sha es thoughts an emotions etermining
one s erce tion o realit That is conce ts an
a s o thin ing var
accor ing to the language e s ea
eo le ho s ea signi cantl i erent
languages then vie the orl i erentl
hor ase his stu ies on the
Ho i language The latter e resse statements a out time in im ortantl
issimilar a s than other languages This e lains h the Ho i hel a
i erent conce tion o time than other eo les
elate to linguistic relativit is linguistic eterminism t a vocates the
vie that languages etermine ho their native s ea ers thin ever one
necessar thin s ithin the oun s o one s language n this res ect the
erman hiloso her u ig ittgenstein also ma es a strong claim he
straight or ar l states that The limits o m language are the limits o m
t in Hic mann a a
This means that all e no is
hat e can name n thing ou on t name oesn t have a lace
in our min
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
Speech-Act Theory
This theor is art o research inaugurate
several nglo- a on
hiloso hers es eciallil ustin an earle an rench the linguists mile
enveniste an
s al
ucrot n mo ern hiloso h o language
ustin an ohn earle s s eech-act theor rovi es more su ort to the
e ecutive o er o language ccor ing to ustin s ea ers o a language
can er orm actions onl
or s The title o ustin s che oeuvre How
to Do Things with Words is a ver e ressive slogan in this line o reasoning
that is or s are the a
e act on the orl
The essence o the eech- ct Theor is that eclarative sentences serve less
to sa than to o something
sa ing
eclare ou hus an an
a cleric esta lishes an eternal marital status et een a man an a oman
i e ise in the slamic tra ition hen the hus an sa s to his i e ou
are ivorce
the marital status is imme iatel issolve
e then reali e
that all statements serve to o something since
their utterance a certain
t e o s eech act ul lls or er re uest a vice romise etc The hrases
themselves are the instruments
hich e accom lish these acts an li e
an tool the are sha e to their unction a man ator sentence orm or
e am le is use to comman the listener to o something a eclarative
sentence serves to in orm an an interrogative one is use to as a uestion
n the same line o reasoning
rgen Ha ermas e en s the vie that
language is the me ium o the li e- orl
analog he claims that in the
same a that mone an o er are the me ia o the economic an olitical
s stems res ectivel so is language the o er ul that changes the s stems
o human relationshi s utchins
this vie Ha ermas la s the
groun or or the osition e en e
mam Yassine that language is the
e contri utor to social change Ha ermas asserts that The a almost
ever thing can e turne into mone an mone can e converte into
almost an thing again so language can a sor the orl an then reissue it
or e ten it ac into social realit again cite in utchins
rom the a ove- escri e insights
e see that language is oth a re ositor
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
o the orl -vie o its s ea ers as ell as our means o creating an recreating that orl
articular language est contains an e resses
the in igenous elie s stems - socio-cultural olitical economic an
technological - o an societ that unctions ithin that language Ne elie
s stems are imme iatel relate to these e isting s stems
ith this rie overvie o the nature an role o language in societ in min
let us loo at the a mam Yassine vie s the role o language an ho its
a ove-mentione unctions are central to an socio olitical change ro ect
Ho ever e ore that let us give a s no sis o the mam s auto iogra h to
see ho lia le he is to s ea an
rite on such a su ect as this one
2. Language and sociopolitical change in Imam Yassine’s Thought
2.1. The Imam’s liability to speak about the subject of language
and sociopolitical change
essalam Yassine is a
oroccan slamist uslim intellectual an
socio olitical activist He as orn in
in arra esh to a er er an
heri an amil He is ell- no n or his strong an rm o osition to the
e h en vi Historicall e orative term use to escri e the oroccan
es otic regime an or his s iritual gui ance an olitical lea ershi to the
largest oroccan slamist movement He is also recogni e in the aca emic
an intellectual s heres or his insight ul theoretical oo s ealing ith
man as ects o socio olitical an religious re orm There ore it is in line
ith his el o in uir to e lore language an socio olitical change n
act man as ects o his li e o uali him to tac le such to ic
irst he is an e ert e agogue t the outset o his career mam Yassine
as a government o cial or ing as ins ector or teachers o the ra ic
language This occu ation inaugurate his rst interest in language an its
im ortance in human evelo ment He remaine on this career ath or ten
ears uring hich he ma e various ourne s a roa or training ur oses
essalam Yassine uto iogra h htt
escent rom the ro het uhamma
eace an
en assine net ol er
lessing e u on him
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
oth across the ra - uslim orl as ell as to the
e erience also increase his a areness o the role o
ersonal evelo ment
an rance This
oreign languages in
mam Yassine as an a mira le s iritual gui e
mar e
the rst ma or turning oint on his religious convictions an elie s He
e erience a s iritual crisis that rom te him to oin the utshishi a u
or er o hich he remaine a mem er or nearl seven ears T o ears
a ter the eath o his shei h Ha
as in
mam Yassine uit the
or er There ere t o main reasons ere ehin his s lit ith the a i a
rst he critici e the or er or ecoming su er cial an ostentatious in
their m sticism econ he isagree
ith the a i a lea ers or ailing
to commit themselves to social issues
ince then the mam inaugurate
a ne metho o s iritual gui ance ase on hat he calls The ro hetic
etho to Human Change
Thir he is a rominent olitical activist n
he rote an u lishe a
letter a resse to ing Hassan o orocco in hich he critici e his olic
an calle him or re entance in the manner o the ma a Cali h mar
ul- i
ter u lishing the missive the mam as etaine at a
s chiatric hos ital or more than three ears Ho ever this un rece ente
initiative also earne him i es rea recognition ater uring the
the mam issue a erio ical an t o a ers in hich he e laine his vie s
or religious re orm critici e the oroccan regime an calle or olitical
course these overtl critical a ers ere anne as soon as the
a eare an the mam as su ecte to a secon term in etention this
time or t o ears n various occasions he roclaime his right to have a
olitical art ut all his attem ts aile as he i not ant to a here to hat
he calle the im licit malicious rules o the olitical game in orocco
The ourth actor that uali es the mam to s ea
ith authorit a out
language an change is his talent or learning an using oreign languages
slam or the eluge
in the tra ition o the na a-genre i e ious a monitions
a resse to the ruler or a etaile iscussion o the e istle an its contents in historicalcultural ers ective c
unson H r
eligion an o er in orocco Ne Haven Yale
or the ull original te ts o Yassine s e istles c slam a Ttou ane at htt sira net
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
The mam is a rilliant multilingual rom his chil hoo he learne
ra ic
rom rominent ra ist tra itional teachers el ing on his ersonal e orts
he also succee e in mastering rench nglish ussian an ersian His
ac uaintance ith these languages gave him consi era le no le ge o
linguistic issues an allo e him to a reciate the ro erties o ra ic
oreover an i one acce ts the theories o linguistic eterminism the more
languages one no s the roa er one s min ecomes
i th the mam see s to rene the religious elie s in the uslim orl
an accor ingl to change the socio olitical s stems in the slamic orl
To reach his o ectives the mam has ritten o ens o theoretical oo s
an has also oun e a ell structure slamic association t is consistentl
recruiting ne ollo ers an ul lls a variet o activities such as rovi ing
s iritual an social services organi ing in uential emonstrations an
contri uting in rotests as ier
i th in e tem er
he oun e an ecame the s iritual lea er o
the grou name al amaa hich later ecame al- a l a al-i s n ustice an
ovement though the change in the name oes not at all entail
an internal changes in the movement iscourse or i eolog
t is one o the
largest socio olitical slamic movements in the ra
eventh the mam is no stranger to a versit an o ression The oroccan
regime attem te to ut an en to the movement
etaining all the mem ers
o its
a lis l- rsha
the oar o irectors an on th ecem er
lace mam Yassine un er house arrest or more than ten ears until th
uring this erio an contrar to the o cials e ectations the
num er o the movement s a liates signi cantl increase an the Yassine
net e site as launche
ver since the mam an his movement have
een tr ing to e loit the o er o the internet ro agate their theor or
change an their ositions vis- -vis man current issues an to roa en their
contacts orl i e
To conclu e mam
essalam Yassine is an outstan ing gui e o s iritual
e ucation an a ver
i el rea contem orar theorist or slamic revival
ut he oes not tac le the su ect o language an change as a scienti c
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
linguist or sociologist ather the mam is ee l a are o the im ortance o
language in human evelo ment He is at home in the language o s iritual
e ucation rituals an a e t in intricacies o the m stic e ressions uttere
amous u s such as n ra i al-Halla
ouYa ii al- astami an others
n short the mam s long ourne in the el o e ucation his vast no le ge
o s iritual e ucation oth in theor an
ractice his master oreign
languages are all actors that shar ene the his com etence an a titu e to
on er an iscuss the issue o language relationshi to change in general
2.2. Imam Yassine’s and the Role of Language in Sociopolitical
t this stage o our a er the ollo ing uestion seems in or er to hat e tent
has mam Yassine in his theor o slamic revival an change a roache the
relationshi et een language an socio olitical change n anal sis o the
issue in his oo s es eciall Dialogue with an Amazighist Friend shoul
rovi e some ans ers n this su section
rst e lore the mam s claim
that language ermeates all the actors un erl ing socio olitical change
ter ar s she light on his statement that anguage is a great olitical
clari his comments on ro essor Cha s e istential
s ea there ore e ist
3.1.1. Language Permeates all the Factors Underlying Sociopolitical
hen mam
essalam Yassine consi ers socio olitical change he insists
on the act that it is a continuous rocess n in o human change can
never e an a ru t in e en ent action ocio olitical change is a long-term
an continuous rocess o interrelate actions c section
a ove n this
res ect the mam escri es an im ortant chain o interrelate actors that
contri ute to a sustaina le change
anguage accor ing to the mam is the most essential element that
ermeates all the actors o socio olitical change He consi ers anguage
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
a source o ri e or ever human eing t is a ma or com onent o
our in ivi ual an collective character Yassine
That is h it
occu ies a avore lace in the soul has an outstan ing osition in thought
an la s an in uential role in mol ing ethics orming a erson s ehavior
an sha ing the in ivi uals an the communit s li e st le
its istinctive
ro erties i i
To illustrate his vie the mam allu es to a concrete e am le the case
o He re in the e ish state
srael He uts or ar the ollo ing
o servation the e s vehementl as ire or a ros erous uture there ore
the strongl elieve in the actors lea ing to having a osition in the
orl the elieve in the role o language an ut great em hasis on it The
elieve that language is the most essential element that ermeates all the
actors lea ing to socio olitical change i i
o hat is the mam s
suggeste hierarchical rocess or socio olitical change
The ollo ing com lementar
rocess or olitical change
e tracts sum u
the mam s hierarchical
Extract 1:
Key to political stability, and in the center of its heart, education
lodges; it mobilizes efforts. Then comes economic development
promoted by well-trained and qualified brains making it suitable
for international competition. And upon this scientifically planned
development, a thorough justice is established. In the same way, upon
the foundation of justice, we set unity..…We pondered upon the entire
edifice; we discovered that language is the best cherished claim and
the most appreciated demand ever. Yassine
Extract 2:
Union is sustained by justice, but justice without a sustainably
developed foundation remains a shallow dream... In other words;
union, justice, and development lean on each other, and depend
on each other… Following this interrelated sequential track, we
inevitably get into the linguistic basis. i i
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
Extract 3:
Reviewing the building edifice from bottom to top, we find out
that the unity of language, the power of language to unite, is the base
of the foundation, and the corner stone that once shook the whole
building becomes destabilized and might subsequently collapse.
i i
This means that the rocess o socio olitical change accor ing to mam
Yassine is su ecte to the ollo ing interactive hierarchical chain
Figure 1: Imam Yassine’s Interactive Hierarchical Chain for Sociopolitical Change
The uestion in or er no is hether it is ece tive to hol that a asic
language in uces a social s stemic change
hether that in o o er
reall inheres in language n the ro hetic tra ition the main source o
ins iration to the mam the ro het
sa s The rhetoric is a in o
magical o session meaning that language hen use s ill ull consists
o a high egree o ascination an s chological im act t can in uence
thought an irect ehavior to the en s o the orator
Ha ith cite in al- ou hari No
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
n olitics or e am le im osition o one s elie s can e achieve in a
num er o
a s through h sical coercion in ictatorial regimes an
through emocratic coercion through the legal s stem ut it is much more
e ective to ersua e eo le to act voluntaril in the a ou ant To secure
o er it ma es sense to ersua e ever one else that hat ou ant is also
hat the
ant To achieve this a set o i eological conce ts nee s to e
esta lishe
eological conce ts are use here in the sense o elie s that
a ear logical an natural to the eo le ho hol them Nee less to sa
language has a magic role in this res ect oliticians an lea ers throughout
the ages have o e much o their success to their s ill ul use o rhetoric as
the attem t to ersua e their au ience o the vali it o their vie s
mam Yassine insists ase on the rules o nature an e eriences o the
eo le that no socio olitical change ma e achieve
ithout o er no
o er e ists ithout union no union is attaine
ithout ustice no ustice
is accom lishe
ithout a s stem o values Ihsan in mam Yassine s
no s stem o values stan s rm ithout evelo ment no
evelo ment ma e reali e
ithout a success ul e ucation an
nothing is oun e e ce t on a asic language The hole inter e en ent
chain is re resente in the ollo ing chart
is achieved
is attained
is accomplished
A system of values
system of values
stand firm
is realized
A successful education
is founded
A basic language
Figure 2: Imam Yassine’s Conception of Interdependent Factors Involved in
Sociopolitical Change
t is in this roa er interactive vie o socio olitical change that the language
actor eighs heavil on issues o re orm in ever societ
change involves
the union o eo le as a rere uisite to o er an that union involves the
ee the mam s oo s The ro hetic etho
slamists an overnance
ui e to elieving
al- inh
an-Na a i
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
trans ormation o the value s stems an cultural elie s
hich in turn
involves the evelo ment o the olitical an economic structures an i
language is seen as a tool or the e ression an communication o these ver
cultural olitical an economic elie s stems o the societ then it ollo s
that a success ul sensiti ation conce tuali ation an im lementation o
this societal trans ormation can onl e achieve through the use o asic
languages in igenous to the societ that re resents its religious cultural an
civili ational heritage
Ho ever the uestion or those ho elieve in o must e a out the lace
o estin in all this mechanical chain o change n other or s can o
change a nation s estin via language To ans er this uestion re er to
one o the rominent re ormists in the est namel
artin uther uther
o course certainl a vocates the vie that o changes the orl an
esta lishes religious convictions via language
hen uther triggere his cam aign or religious re orm language more
s eci call the or o o
as un amental He elieve that the or
as not the creature o the church ut the church as the creature o the
n other or s the e istence o the church e en s on the or s o
ut not the reverse
this to en the or s o o are eternal an the
realit the re resent is also eternal That is h it is o no sur rise that the
rst verse in the i le states n the eginning as the or
hile on the su ect it is orth mentioning that the Hol
ur an ver
ama ingl re ers to esus Christ as the or o
o The er ormative
o er o the or is asserte in the slamic tra ition an it is clearl state
in the ur anic verse hich con rms
hen He ecrees a thing He onl
sa s
e an it is
The osition accor e to language
mam Yassine in the hierarch o
socio olitical change institutions is reminiscent o uther s hierarchical
Cite in eter re
The Impact of Language on Society. an ose ectures or
Conce t
The rst verse in the os el o ohn ohn
ur an
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
osition his revolutionar religious re orm against the church hegemon
over all the ecclesiastical s stem t also resem les to a great e tent ohn
earle s escri tion o language as a social institution c su section
This oint aves the a to s ea a out one o mam Yassine s strongest
claims that language is a great olitical institution Yassine
1.1.2. Language is “a great political institution”
nstitution is an esta lishe o cial organi ation having an im ortant role
in a societ such as the Church or arliament
art rom this structural
e nition institutions are vie e
rom another ehavioral as ect an
institution is a consistent an organi e attern o ehavior or activities
esta lishe
la or custom that is sel -regulating in accor ance ith
generall acce te norms
ccor ing to Huntington the are sta le
value recurring atterns o ehavior Huntington
The role o structural olitical institutions is to organi e citi ens an mo ili e
the mass masses to clear o ectives ut language vie e as a olitical
institution is i enti e
ith roa er social ur oses an communicative
unctions t transcen s in ivi uals communities an all other structural
olitical o ies t me iates norms rules an all regulations that govern
human ehavior an social interaction n short language as an institution
means an esta lishe co e o communication that contri utes to a s eci c
orientation o social ehavior .
There are am le e am les that serve to illustrate the vie o language as a
great olitical institution
t the international level linguistic im erialism
is a goo e am le o ho language is i lomaticall institutionali e
ea more at
usiness ictionar com e nition institution html i
ht u
earle argues that all institutions inclu ing language o erate constitutive rules an the
sim le linguistic rule that su lies the ormula hich constructs social realities is
as Y in conte t C e g a ac age o cigarettes
counts as mone Y in the colla se o
u lic con ence in the ussian currenc C or earle i language esca es a static an
a stract logic an enters a namic concrete ialectical logic then it ecomes the emolition
reconstruction an emergent source o all social institutions
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
m erial anguages are com eting to a to gain more s ea ers an to e ten
their territories nglish eing the most o vious e am le n rica hal o
hich as rench- ominate urious an loo struggles are eing ought
ecause o linguistic rivalr n this res ect the mam notes that anguage is
a olitical instrument an i eological institution e loite or states ene ts
or instance ritain merica an rance ta e a vantage o their languages
an e ten their hegemon an stretch their i lomatic strings all over the
orl Yassine
t the national level revolutionar movements e loit the cause o one
language against another to in ate the nationalistic ervor either to enhance
calls or nation uni cation or to trigger revolutionar activism or se aration
an in e en ence nstances o this can e oun all over the orl in the
e n the ur s in the mi le-east an ma ighens in North
rica in uro e cases o Catalan an as ue in northern ain the elgium
ro lem et een the lemish an the alloon communities etc ll over
the orl man cases o con icts are triggere an uelle
These e am les clearl sho that language is an im ortant olitical institution
that is use to in uence eo le s ehavior sha e their olitical movement
create their vie s an esta lish their ositions vis- -vis current issues
Hence the mam in various occasions in his oo s iterates that language is
an issue o one s religion an issue o li e an eath i i
inall language or the mam is a great olitical institution as it ul lls
the ollo ing unctions languages es eciall small ones are ghettos o
thought The mam e lains that
hen ou move or ar in the realm
o ma or crucial issues ith a small cause such as the one o a small
language mani ulate
iscreet ngers then ou reveal that ou have
a shrun en thought an ou enclose our min in ver con ne language
i i
urthermore language is a olitical instrument in the han s o
es otic regimes that might e use to iverge eo le s interest rom their
real concerns an ee them a a rom the real con ict arena i i
anguage is also a tool that ma es s m olic oun aries
ersonal names
erect s m olic linguistic or ers se arating their linguistic national i entit
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
an rotecting them rom the threat o iluting cultural i entit an sel olitical ris
i i
n short
anguage is a s m olic tool that loosens
a lin an connects another i i
1.1.3. Language Reflects Identity: The Existential Cogito: “I
speak, therefore I exist”.
s ea there ore e ist is an e ression that mam
essalam Yassine
orro s rom ro
ohamma ha
t is an a a te orm o the
amous Cartesian e istential cogito that groun s the in ivi ual s su stantial
e istence on the asis o his cognitive a ilit to thin
ha s a a tation o
escartes e ression is reminiscent o the a ir- hor h othesis hich
has it that an in ivi ual s erce tion an a areness is etermine
language he s ea s t also converges ith the mam s evi ent statement
assum tion that language is the ivotal core an un amental illar o
i entit an
ith the e istential as ect o language that is allu e to
rench hiloso her ac ue erri a ho claims that language is the structure
o e istence Yassine
The ha uian e ression is not an invitation to a linguistic an uet it
rather re ects a hiloso h o li e a rogram o li e Yassine
ccor ing to the mam it im licitl entails the ollo ing i ea
one s
mother tongue is the language o one s heart an the anci ul lan sca e o
one s reams an ho es so he oul consi er enem all that rags him
a a rom it or the mam the t e o one s e istence its taste its color
stem rom the t e o language that over helms one s heart an soul The
sta ilit o one s e istence e en s un enia l on the language one s ea s
hen one s i entit is torn to shre s ecause o the lac o a asic language
so his e istence is also orn out
There ore i the language o the ur an ra ic is the language o one s
s irit the language uslims use to rea the verses o the ur an an to
orshi so the cannot stan an other com eting language Ho ever
mem er o the ca em o
thin there ore e ist
orocco an
rominent ma igh activist an
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
even though ra ic the language o the ur an is essential or enco ing
religious iscourse or achieving other social an olitical o ectives is it
ractical an use ul hen it comes to satis ing economic an evelo mental
re uirements
3. Language and change in the Arabo-Islamic Context in Imam Yassine’s
anguage s im act on societ is un enia le an a e element o language is
that each language is culture-s eci c each one s stematicall i erent rom
other languages in the sense that each has a articular a o arranging the
signs that enco e meaning an communicating the orl to its s ea ers n that
sense ever language is an e cient tool evolve to enco e the eculiarities
o the articular environment in hich a eo le live ach language has its
o n a o in uencing the mem ers o its s eech communit There ore in
this section e ill a ress the ollo ing uestion to hat e tent has mam
Yassine a roache the issue o the ra ic language in the ra o- slamic
conte t
3.1. The Problematic Situation of Standard Arabic and the Need
for Development
ecentl collo uial varieties vi
ammi a ari a in the ra
orl are
ostere an cham ione or nationalistic an i eological reasons though
their romoters also a vance other rete t or instance that national ialects
are most e cient at increasing stu ents e ucational achievements oreign
languages are also nee e or scienti c an usiness reasons es eciall
nglish in the i le ast an rench in North rica eo le learn them
sim l ecause the nee them in the o mar et or aca emic a vancement
or sim l or social an cultural reasons
vocates o collo uial languages
sa the romote national or ethnic unit an a vocates o oreign languages
sa the romote international connection
ctuall evelo ment oes not ust involve some narro -min e calculation
o national incomes
evelo ment is rather a contentious an com le
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
rocess t involves the com lete trans ormation o the socio-cultural
olitical an economic elie s stems o a articular societ to suit its resent
nee s Nom uso
evelo ment or mam Yassine is an issue o
science technolog e ertise training smart rains an a strong language
e ore an a ove all Yassine
Ho ever the situation o the ra language in the ra
orl is nott
n the one han
ra ic is an in is ensa le re uisite an corner stone o
ra uni cation n the other han its ominance is conteste
com etition rom oth collo uial varieties as ell as oreign languages The
challenges to tan ar
ra ic have man other acets
3.2. First Problem: National Language vs. Foreign Business
To uil national i entit the ra nationalists em hasi e
ra i ation
To a s ra i e elite i enti themselves as ra s or even as
This correlation et een ra ic an
slam cuts across all ethnic or
socioeconomic grou s to eelings o soli arit across a roa er nationhoo
Ho ever there is an o osition et een the nee or a uni ing language
an the re uirements or technological evelo ment that necessitates an
international language such as nglish mam Yassine asserts this situation in
the ollo ing remar
The units o the e i ce i e the hierarchical rami
re resenting the socio olitical actors o change se uentiall continue
to su ort one another rom the less im ortant to the most im ortant
rom nation uni cation
hose essential re uisite is language to science
an technolog
hose most crucial eman is also language
hat shoul e one i the cherishe language the language o the social
uni cation intersects ith the language re uire in the el s o science an
technolog Ho to reconcile et een the uni ing language sought an the
evelo mental usiness language re ueste es eciall i the latter e clu es
or at least ea ens the ormer Yassine
mam Yassine e lains that this is no great ro lem or states not evote to
the or s message i e slam such as the ma orit o sian countries This
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
ilemma ho ever oes ace all
message the nation o the Hol
i i
Tai an
ut the
uslim nations the nation o the ivine
ur an an the language o the ur an
ment an technological a vancement are straight or ar l attaine
le governe
alienate regimes in countries such as outh orea
inga ore etc These counties achieve much in orl tra e mar et
have no orries a out the language channel use
e it national or
i i
3.3. Second Problem: The Unifying National Language Imperative
vs. The Democratic Language Diversity Right:
The uestion is ho to reconcile et een the eman s o a linguisticall
uni e nation an the right o s eech communities to reserve an enhance
their mother tongues even though this might lea to a er le ing multilingual
communit mam Yassine reiterates the same ara o ical state o a airs
econsi ering the e i ce rom ottom to to
e n that a common
language a o er ul language an a uni ing language is the root o the
oun ation an har cornerstone that -i esta ili e - causes the hole
uil ing to colla se i i
ut as hol ers an re resentatives o the ivine message o slam uslims
are re ueste to con orm to the teaching an rinci les o their religion
n authentic essential an o er ul com onent o the message o slam
is enco e in the ur anic verse that sa s an or ere them to mutual
uslims ecome h ocritical elievers an mutant monsters i
the o not a i e this ivine gui ance urging them to mutual consultation
e ore ta ing ecisions in signi cant matters ib id
So hat is the a
out o this tight spot
4. Imam Yassine’s Proposed Solutions
s a s iritual gui e the mam s main ro ose solution revolves aroun
the necessit o a s stem an co e o values ase on s iritual e ucation
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
Ho ever there is no s stem or co e o values ithout a hiloso hical
an or religious rame o re erence n the case o the uslim nation the
aramount rame o re erence or values is slam ut the scri tures o
slam the authenticit o hich is un enia le as al a s lia le to various
inter retations mam Yassine argues that an un erstan ing o slam shoul
ta e into account three un amental sources a the te tual message enco e
in slamic scri tures
the logical reasoning as or aine
the human
min c an nall the inter reters etermination to change the con itions
o the uslim nation or hat the mam calls the ersistent etermination to
a vocate or the cause o slam That is h mam
essalam Yassine
ut or ar the theor o the ro hetic metho a com rehensive theor or
slamic revival
4.1. Proposal 1: Spiritual and Educational Procedures
The essence o the ro hetic metho is that an change or solution or ethical
social an olitical ro lems must start ith a change in the convictions an
gui ing rinci les o the eo le This is the lesson learnt rom the ur anic
verse veril
o oes not change the situation o an eo le unless the
change hat is in their souls”(2). n relation to our to ic this entails accor ing
to mam Yassine that the e istence o a uni ue national language alone oes
not guarant the nation s uni cation
the national language
an ethnic relations uni e eo le then Cana a oul not have e iste
se aratel rom its neigh or to the south nor oul relan e in e en ent
o reat ritain i i
n mam Yassine s vie
the e cient metho to eliminate the causes
o con icts et een istinct communities is slamic e ucation in its
com rehensive sense n the secon cha ter o his oo Alminhaj Annabawi
mam Yassine escri es in etail his ractical metho or slamic e ucation
He argues that slamic e ucation is ase on three un amental re uisites a
com anionshi
orshi c an ersonal motivation c Yassine
Aljmaa maga ine vol
ur an
uharram an
a ar
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
The e ecte result o such e ucation is an inverte version o
r Cha s cogito
e ist there ore s ea
meaning hen ou have
a uslim i entit a strong elie in o an his messenger hich ma es
our e istence rm an
ell ase
hen our ain ul orl l issues o not
reoccu the totalit o our thought then an onl then it oes matter
hat language ou s ea
c Yassine
4.2. Proposal 2: Pedagogical procedures
earning a language in a ition to the mother tongue im lies choices
Choosing to learn a secon language is o ten more than a sim le ractical
ecision t im lies as irations or the uture or ourselves an our amilies
that e oul e e tremel un ise to ignore
ore im ortantl it also
im lies ne resources o acculturation or our nation
ore s eci call
it entails the acce tance o the target language culture an li e st le as an
a itional com onent o our chil ren s i entit
Ho ever it is inevita le that such ecisions must e ma e an so e must
e re are to a the costs mam Yassine challenges this crisis ith serene
con ence
e are not than s o
orrie a out our chil ren hen the
learn oreign languages or e ucational an scienti c ur oses Yassine
n the contrar mam Yassine thin s that oreign languages ut
not all o them- are e s to o en vast hori ons an ne
ros ects or our
chil ren He states or instance that oreign languages oul most ro a l
o en the learners min s to the orl sgoo an evil these languages ill
ma e them a are o the orl s hot issues an intricacies i i
Nonetheless mam Yassine uts or ar a con ition he clari es that the
rst nine ears o our chil ren s evolving li e are crucial n this erio
the mam e lains the oun ations o their ersonalit are esta lishe
their thought eelings lo alt an motivation are so n There ore he
insists that uring this erio
e shoul ee our chil ren a a rom irt
aters unless the stu o a oreign language is one ith an slamic content
em hasi ing the ur anic message Yassine
Conclu ing
mam Yassine remar s that
hen the t o ro ose solutions
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
are a e uatel im lemente the result is a ell-e ucate an s ill ull
traine generation Nee less to sa that ell e ui e human resources
constitute a lever or civili e evelo ment hich in turn rovi es a ertile
environment or enhancing a nation s language That is another con ition or
the ra ic language to ecome in e en ent an lant its roots ee in the
el s o e ertise science an international usiness an iscoveries ut
mean hile mam Yassine ac no le ges that oreign languages remain an
essential e to access high circles o science an mo ernit i i
5. Concluding Remarks and Recommendations
n this a er e a resse the issue o language in its role in socio olitical
change t o ers a s eci c ro osal or a ressing issues o language olic
in the ra
orl rom an slamic ers ective ur contri ution gains its
im ortance an novelt rom the act that it ocuses on the issue o language
in its relation to social changes ithin the rame or o the ro hetic etho
Theor as evelo e
the uslim revivalist mam
essalam Yassine
mam Yassine consi ers language a ma or
crucial an un amental to an re ormator
Yassine states that he has ee l on ere u
change an iscovere that it is su ecte to
olitical institution
hich is
constructive ro ect mam
on the rocess o re orm an
the ollo ing intricate chain
n socio olitical change sta ilit sti ulates o er an
o er is the
outcome o unit
nit is esta lishe u on ustice ustice is set u u on a
s stem o values Ihsan in the mam s terminolog
i e ise an s stem
o values remains sha an vulnera le unless it is sustaine
an technological evelo ment evelo ment itsel necessitates e ucation
an training inall the mam maintains that language ermeates all the
revious lin s o the chain
ccor ingl the ollo ing remar s an recommen ations are in or er
ocio olitical change is a continuous rocess
t inclu es olitical measures cultural rere uisites religious re orm
as ell as e ucational re arations
The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
anguage is an integral art o all those com onents
anguage has a crucial im act on eo le s a o thin ing a ecting
their eeling o elonging an more im ortantl in uencing their
ehaviors an orienting their ever a choices
• There ore an ro ect o socio olitical change must not ignore the
crucial role o language
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
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How to do things with words
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Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and
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some ne irections
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King Muhammad VI,
inguistic relativit an linguistic eterminism
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i cult nheritance
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• Nom uso lamini
Challenges an ossi ilities
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The Concept of Change in Imam Ab de ssalam Yassine’s Theory of the Prophetic M ethod
evelo ment in
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Language and Politics in Pakistan
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N a ir
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Ideology, Politics, and Language Policies.
The tatus o
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niversit o Cali ornia ress
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Ho to rea
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e ster s Ne
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Cam ri ge
anguage Thought an
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• Yassine
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• Yassine
e anon
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al- inh
h ra an
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• Yassine
u lications Casa lanca
ialog ith an ma ighi rien
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• Yassine
u lications Casa lanca
Al-‘Ad; al-Islàmiyyon wal Hokm,
ssa ae
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artin enni ustice an
iritualit u lishing o a
The Place of Language in Imam A. Yassine’s Perception for Sociopolitical Change.
• Yassine
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versus Secular Rationalism. Translate
uhtar Hollan o a ustice
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• Yassine
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