Egyptian Names


Egyptian Names
Egyptian Names
Abasi - Serious
Abayomi – Joy bringer
Abubakar – Noble, good
Akhenaten (Also known as Akhenaton) – Name of a pharaoh (18th dynasty), it means devoted
to the sun god
Akil – Intelligent, smart
Akins – Brave
Ammon – Greek name of the Egyptian god of mystery and hieroglyphs
Amun – Another name for Ammon, god of mystery
Anpu – God of the dead
Anubis – God of the afterlife
Apophis – God depicted as a snake, enemy of Ra
Astennu – God of the moon
Aswad – Black
Aten – Sun
Azizi – Adored, precious
Baba – The first son of Osiris
Baniti – Teacher
Bes – Bringer of joy
Bomani – Fighter, warrior
Cheops – Greek name of a pharaoh of the old kingdom (4th dynasty)
Chisisi – Mysterious, secret
Dakarai – Happy
Darwishi – Holy man
Donkor – Humble
Fadil – Generous
Gahiji – Hunter
Garai – Established
Gyasi – Wonderful
Hamadi – Admired
Hapi – God of the Nile
Horemheb – Name of the last pharaoh of the 18th dynasty
Heru – Sun God, another name for Horus
Horus – Sun God, god of the sky, war god
Husani – Handsome
Imhotep – Started out as a wise man and ended up as a god
Ishaq – Laughter
Jabari - Brave
Jafari – Brook
Jahi – Dignified, honorable
Kaphiri – Hilltop
Kazemde – Ambassador
Khafra (also known as Khafre) – Name of a pharaoh of the 4th dynasty
Khalid – Immortal one
Khenfu – Son of Amun-Ra and Mut
Kephera – Another form of Ra
Khufu – Name of a pharaoh (4th dynasty), also known as Cheops
Manu – Second son
Menkaura – Name of a pharaoh of the 4th dynasty
Mensah – Third son
Min – Egyptian fertility god
Moyses (Also Moses, Moshe) – Rescued from the waters, son (Biblical)
Moswen – White
Musim – With faith
Nassor – Triumphant, victorious
Nile – The famous river
Nuru – Child of the light
Omari – High born
Pharaoh – King, ruler of Ancient Egytp
Ptolemy – (Ptolemaic dynasty) – All the male rulers of this family took the name Ptolemy
Qeb (also known as Geb) – God of the Eath
Ra – The sun
Ramesses – Name of two pharaohs
Runihura – The destroyer
Sadiki – Faithful, loyal
Sebek – One of the gods of the underworld, he was depicted as a cocodrile
Set – God of darkness and evil
Seti – Name of two pharaohs
Sphinx – Ancient Egyptian mythological being depicted as a lion with a human head
Thutmose – Name of several pharaohs
Ur - Great