Microlink secures core banking system job Hari Raya Open House


Microlink secures core banking system job Hari Raya Open House
Volume 15
Experience the Result . Professional Partnership with Integrity
September 2012
Microlink secures core banking system job
Microlink Solutions Bhd has secured a RM35.49 million contract from a financial institution to upgrade its
core banking system, disaster recovery center host machine and server consolidation for web-based applications
in Q3 2012.
The project is expected to be completed in the second half of next financial year. This project will contribute positively towards Microlink’s current year and future earnings
Hari Raya Open House - Microlink and CA IT
4 September— The Holy Month of Ramadhan is over and everyone is joyously celebrating Hari Raya. It’s a common routine for the coming weeks where everyone goes
visiting from one open house to another.
This is the first year Microlink and CA IT had a joint open house and it was held at our
chairman’s, (Datuk Ali Kadir)’s residence.
It turns out to be very eventful event as a heavy downpour just an hour before the
event was due to start got everyone worried as we started to prepare sufficient umbrella for our guests. In spite of the weather, it turned out to be a great success.
Guests enjoyed the scrumptious Raya feast and various delicacies and everyone had a
great time with the crowd only slowing down at around 10:30pm.
Inside this issue:
What’s Up @
Microlink !
Hybird Technology
By Wong Hier Chai—
Head of R&D
Are you ready to
manage next generation? By Caren
Low—Acting Humana Resource
Risk and Risk Management with special reference to the
Al– Quran By Tuan
Haji Sabar
Three Blind Mice
Editor Note
microlink newsletter
CA Expo’12 IT at the speed of business
at Intercontinental Hotel, KL
Malaysian firms unlikely to cut IT spending despite global economy slowdown
Kuala Lumpur (Sept 12) - Malaysian corporations are unlikely to cut IT
spending despite the current slowdown in the global economy according to US-listed information technology (IT) and management
software solutions provider CA Technologies country manager for
Malaysia Zulklifi Md. Ghairi.
"The general feeling is that spending will not change but demand
growing tremendously, it is not a matter of budgets being cut but
how they can fully maximise the budget in this economy," he said at a
media briefing on Wednesday. - The Edge
MICPA’s President Award at 54th MICPA Annual Dinner
Kuala Lumpur( 14 Sept) - Congratulations to YBhg. Datuk Ali Kadir for winning President Award. Datuk Ali is our
Chairman and he was appointed to our Board on 29 April 2005.
Anugerah Presiden (President Award) was initiated by the Council of MICPA in 2002. Nomination and selection for
the Award is done by the Executive Committee of the Institute.The aim of Anugerah Presiden is to give public recognition to a member of MICPA who has made exceptional contributions to society, the profession and the Institute.The Award is presented to the recipient at the Institute’s Annual Dinner.
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The Edge - Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Rat Race for Charity 2012
Kuala Lumpur (26 Sept) - Its time for once a year Rat Race organize by The Edge and Bursa Malaysia.
Well done to all our runners - Azman, Wilson, Kosheliah, Chee Ling and Sugathi who took part in The Edge-Bursa
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Rat Race 2012 held on 25th September 2012. They ran for 4.5km through the streets of
Kuala Lumpur, starting and ending at the Bursa Malaysia building on Bukit Kewangan.
The Rat Race 2012 raised a record RM2.22million for 26 beneficiaries, surpassing last year's collection of RM1.93
million. More than 800 runners took to the streets of Kuala Lumpur in a euphoric atmosphere. 148 teams from
80 local companies have signed up for this year's rat race.
It iss the first Rat Race for Azman, Wilson, Kosheliah, Chee Ling and Sugathi. To the team, Rat Race is a good way
to help the needy while keeping them in shape. Let’s hear some comments from them…..
Azman : It is a great way to promote a healthier lifestyle for employees while performing charity. Corporate Malaysia should think about introducing a welfare system and setting up non-governmental bodies to regulate the
welfare system and to create public awareness.
Kosheliah : A big event such as this is a great opportunity for me to get to know more people. At the same time,
it is a fun activity that is great de-stressing from my daily routine at work.
Wilson : Rat race is aiming towards personal achievement and working towards company goal in CSR activities. I
have been jogging 3 times a week with incremental distance for this rat race.
Chee Ling : This is my first time participating in rat race, this allows me to gain experience in running races. Corporate Malaysia could help the less fortunate by leading and encouraging staff members to involve in charity
Sugathi : Rat race is an interesting event and good opportunity for company to
take part such wonderful event to help those needy people. Corporate Malaysia
should lend a hand through providing more educational facilities and hands-on
training for the needy, to equip them with the necessary skills to earn a living.
Microlink believes that Corporate Malaysia can do more to help the needy
through greater participation in CSR activities while not forgetting to donate
where it's needed most. It is our honor to be part of helping the community and
we are excited to participate and organize additional corporate social responsibility programs in the coming days.
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Hybrid Technology
Hybrid technology is a subject of tremendous interest among earth-friendly citizens, as well as citizens in general.
When we talk about Hybrid technology, the first thing that comes to mind is Hybrid Vehicles such as the Toyota
Prius, Honda Jazz and a lot more. However, Hybrid Vehicles is not only limited to just eco-cars and lowering CO2
emissions. In fact, it goes beyond these basic technologies as most hybrid cars come equipped with a number of
other features designed to make them both economically efficient and green. Such features include lightweight
materials to reduce overall weight, state-of-the-art aerodynamics and minimal-drag tires.
BUT, did you also
“Hybrid IT”?
know that in the world of Information Technology, there is a terminology called
Hybrid IT is an approach to enterprise computing in which an organization provides and manages some of its information technology (IT) resources in-house and uses cloud-based services for others. A hybrid approach allows an
enterprise to maintain a centralized approach to IT governance, while also experimenting with cloud computing.
Hybrid IT is a new paradigm for IT management, enabling organizations to benefit from cloud computing's low cost,
infinite storage, and powerful and flexible central processing unit (CPU) platforms. All of these positive capabilities
are accessible while still preserving the idea of maintaining control of data as if it were stored on premises.
There are three forces driving the
maintain control of data, the cost
software-as-a-service and storagement to respond as quickly as pos-
adoption of hybrid IT: an enterprise’s need to
effectiveness of cloud components such as
as-a-service and the desire for an IT departsible to rapidly changing business needs.
The term hybrid IT is often used
interchangeably with the term hybrid cloud,
which can also refer to as a cloud architecture in which a vendor who has a private cloud forms a partnership with
a public cloud provider.
New software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications are also sometimes referred to as "on-demand software", which is a
software delivery model in which software and its associated data are centrally hosted on the cloud. These Cloudpowered SaaS services enable organizations to strategically and tactically combine SaaS functions with on-premise
servers. This is an important development on two fronts. First, the ability to use hybrid functions allows the enterprise to on-ramp into the Cloud without making a wholesale conversion. Second, the Cloud is perfect for back office applications that are only used by a subset of employees. As businesses get more comfortable with the Cloud
they can then migrate more of their data processing needs to Cloud CPU and storage.
As a result of these technological advances, organizations are able to leverage the Cloud’s on-demand CPU to
power through terabytes of content for large searches or deep analytics. With better business intelligence culled
from the employee-generated content across the organization, businesses will unlock the previously inaccessible
value of their data and gain new insights to their customers and operations.
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Cloud-powered archiving will help organizations focus on long-term growth initiatives. Cloud-powered archiving
is an example of a Hybrid IT service. The customer retains their existing messaging server on-premises, but uses
a Cloud-based SaaS service to provide data archiving and analytics capabilities.
Hybrid IT is ushering in a new wave of computing that will be as profound as the change from mainframes to
minicomputers or client-server to the web. Hybrid IT will also help leverage the Cloud in a way that is comfortable to the early adopters, while also satisfying a valuable IT goal: “Doing More With Less”. Hybrid IT requires
new software development skills and technology frameworks to build SaaS applications that can use the Cloud's
positive attributes: scale and low cost. To leverage the Cloud also requires new IT management skills for the
individuals who manage SaaS applications, which will result in an enormous payoff for end users.
Tomorrow Green Start from Today US!Together We Create a Green New IT world!!
BY : Mr Wong Hier Chai, Head of R&D
microlink newsletter
In the next 10 years, the demographics of the workforce will change. Gen X will be approaching their retiring age,
the Gen Y will be in leadership position and they will make up majority of the workforce while Gen Z will be joining
the workforce and contributing to the economy and society. Understanding the traits of Gen Y will help us prepare
them to be effective leaders. You've hired Gen Y? Now how can you keep them around?
Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.
Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs with Blackberry, laptops,
cell phones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to
communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-to-face contact and prefers webinars and online
Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high pay for fewer
billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While old generations may view this attitude as
narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of
workplace expectations and prioritize family and personal life over work.
Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered by parents who did not want to make the mistake of the previous
generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high expectations of their
employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work
and a solid learning curve.
Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group activities. They
value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.
Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They appreciate being
kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance.
By understand the traits of young generation and their major characteristic, the next question is how do you manage them? Does the conventional management style suit to them? We might have to change our approach to fit in
the Gen Y workforce in future. The following are some guides to manage younger generation:
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Provide leadership and guidance Gen Ys want to look up to you, learn from you, and receive daily feedback from
you. They want to be “in” on the whole picture and to know the scoop. Plan to spend a lot of time teaching and
coaching and be aware of this commitment to Gen Y when you hire them. They deserve and want your very best
investment of time in their success.
Encourage the Gen Y’s self-assuredness, "can-do" attitude, and positive personal self-image. Gen Ys are ready to
take on the world. Their parents told them they can do it - they can. Encourage - don't squash them or contain
Take advantage of the Gen Y’s comfort level with teams. Encourage them to join. They are used to working in
groups and teams. In contrast to the lone ranger attitude of earlier generations, Gen Ys actually believe a team can
accomplish more and better - they've experienced team success. Not just related to age, watch who joins the volleyball match at the company picnic. Gen Y gather in groups and play on teams; you can also mentor, coach, and
train your Gen Y as a team.
Provide a life-work balanced workplace. Your Gen Ys are used to cramming their lives with multiple activities.
They may play on sports teams, walk for multiple causes, spend time as fans at company sports leagues, and spend
lots of time with family and friends. They work hard, but they are not into the sixty hour work weeks defined by the
Baby Boomers. Home, family, spending time with the children, families and friends, are priorities. Don’t lose sight
of this. Balance and multiple activities are important to these young employees. Ignore this to your peril.
Provide a fun, employee-centred workplace. Gen Ys want to enjoy their work. They want to enjoy their workplace.
They want to make friends in their workplace. Worry if your young employees aren’t laughing, going out with workplace friends for lunch, and helping plan the next company event or committee. Help your long-term employees
make room for the Gen Y.
By Internet research counts, 75,000,000 Gen Y are preparing to join or joining the workforce. These are desirable
employees. Make your young employees happy in a fun, yet structured setting, and you are building the foundation for the superior workforce you desire. You are developing the workforce of your future.
Win their heart and you will have their loyalty. They have refined the meaning of loyalty and ownership. You can’t
win Gen Y loyalty with a pay cheque. But when you win their hearts, by providing you and your organization is true
to your values, you win their loyalty. This loyalty extends beyond their tenure.
Inspirational: If you give Gen Y a chance you may be surprised by what they have to offer.
BY : Ms Caren Low , Acting Human Resource Manager
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Risk does not necessarily mean loss. Risk merely states that there is a probability that an unexpected loss may occur. If the loss is expected then it should no longer be considered a risk as such losses can and should be avoided.
This is because we can always take preventive measures to avoid such expected losses.
Let’s take a look at the Holy Quran to find out what it says with regards to risk. In the Chapter Yusuf (Chapter 12)
we will find some inferences on the subject of risk, both in the nature and the way risk is mitigated.
Chapter Yusuf, verse (43), “One day the king of Egypt said “I saw seven fat cows in my dream which were eaten up
by seven lean cows, likewise I saw seven green ears of corn and seven others that were dried up. O chiefs tell me
the meaning of my dream if you can interpret the dreams”. This dream was then referred to Prophet Yusuf. The
reply from Prophet Yusuf can be found in Verse 47, 48 and 49. “He replied: “You will cultivate for seven consecutive years. During this time you should leave the corn you reap in the ear, except what may sufficient for your food
(47). Then after that period , there will come upon you seven hard years which will eat away all that you had
stored except a little which you may have specifically set aside (48). After that period will come a year of abundant
rain, in which the people will squeeze the juice (49).”
From the verses above, it can be implied that the economy or the market moves in cycle of seven (7) years. The
issue now is that we do not know when the cycle begins and ends. It begins with seven prosperous years and then
followed by seven years of deflation. At the end of the seventh bad year there will be a year of abundance after
which the market and economic conditions will improve and the cycle will repeat itself. In other words a full cycle
will take fifteen years. As there is no research been conducted on the cyclical movement of the economy, it will
always remain as a risk to be managed.
It is also implied from the text that in order to mitigate the risk, the income economic activities should be divided
into three portions namely, one portion is to be consumed, the second is to be kept for future consumption and a
third is to be reinvested. This is the most prudent way of managing the risk.
The Holy Quran also suggests that in order to mitigate the risk, one should “not to put all eggs in one basket”. This
proposition can be found in the following verses:
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Prophet Ya’qoob (Jacob) had advised his children (Yusuf’s brothers), “My sons do not enter the capital city of
Egypt through one gate, enter from different gate. Not that I can avail you aught against Allah, this advice is just
a precaution, because none can accurately judge except Allah. In Him do I put my trust and in Him let all the reliant put their trust (67)” When they entered the city as their father had advised them, it did not avail them against
the will of Allah. Of course, Ya’qoob did his best to avert the fear he had in his heart. Indeed he possessed the
knowledge which We had given him, but most people do not know (68).”
It becomes the responsibility of Muslim researchers to conduct further research on the subject of risk and it
should be based on the guidance given by the Holy Quran. The risk management found in Islamic Financial Institutions would not be effective if it merely mirrors those used by Conventional Financial Institutions. This is because
both institutions have different framework and parameters. Risk will remain unknown to us and only Allah knows
best. However we should research and equip ourselves with the necessary knowledge to manage the risks embedded in the business effectively.
By : Tuan Haji Sabar, Consultant
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Feel bored at work, sitting on your chair whole 8 hours, how about a short story?
It’s a story that I found in one of the website which I would like to share………….enjoy reading
When we go through tough times in our lives... sometimes, we wish we could forget how to feel for a moment... so
we won't get hurt, so we won't cry, so we won't feel empty, so we won't be sad, yet we won't be happy, we won't be
glad, we won't be joyful, we wouldn't smile if we do not feel at all.
Our senses tell us that there are always two things we have to understand as we live.
The "Yes" and the "No".
Every encounter we have, every experience has required you a "Yes" and a "No" before you have gone through it.
A matter of knowing what to say "yes" to and which to say "no" to.
Life is a conflict of one and another. Only two sides exist.
The "Yes" and the "No".
Of all of which, we get to learn.
We fail, fail again, and fail better.
We succeed, succeed again, and succeed better.
Life is a medley song, continuous, could be a sad love song, a happy headbanging body shaking beat or a solemn lullaby... Your "Yes" and "No" would not stop the song, but would determine the length of time you linger to each song
part that you have. Your decision decides how long the sad love song plays in the air for you, whether you will transition to a headbanging rock 'n roll to the beat of a high way drive, or you'll transition it to a groovy beat of trance that
will make you take a break for some time... or transition to a happy thankful song for having gone through that part of
your medley.
And in as much, please do not stop your medley. Just let it be. Do not stop it. For there are also others that want to
hear yours and be happy to play their own in relation to your melody.
For every "Yes" and "No", there comes acceptance and appreciation. We have to feel both, say "yes" to feel both. It's
a great feeling.
When you accept things while you did your best to keep them the best way you want them to. Being objective in the
sense that you go for the common good. No selfishness. No lies. Open arms and open heart, an accepting mind for
thoughts for the benefit of most.
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Learning to appreciate and doing it. Appreciation of things that may come as you think of possibilities or possible outcomes of what you'd say a "yes" and a "no" to. Appreciation of things you have accepted. Appreciation of the learning
you gained. Appreciation of your life and how it relates with others.
Remember that we live not to be happy, but to be worthy of happiness.
If you think that you live to be happy, selfishness may come over you, greed over everything that you think may make
you happy. It's a "No" for that. But a "Yes" to being worthy of happiness.
How do you know that you are worthy of happiness?
It's how you keep what you have, make it grow without taking from another. Living a fair life in the sense that you
won't walk on another's shadow. To each his own. It's yours when it's yours. No greed. No lies.
Suffering is just in the mind.
Pain is a feeling we can get by and overcome with decisions that will make things better for us.
Know that nothing is perfect but there is always something better. But when you put in mind that you already have
the best, you won't have to look for something else.
It's always a "yes" and a "no".
microlink newsletter
Editor’s Note
Dear Readers
Welcome to our 3rd edition newsletter for this year.
Hi, I am the new editor for Microlink Newsletter. In mid– August, our previous editor Ms
Josephine Kong has decided to take a rest.
Malaysia is such a nice country to stay as we have a multitude of celebrations all year long
as we are multi racial country.
We are just at the tail end Hari Raya Aidilfitri and now we are already preparing for Deepavali and Christmas.
I would like to take up this opportunity to wish our Indian friends ‘ Happy Deepavali’ in advance and to our Christian friends “ Merry Xmas”
Stay tune to our year end newsletter.
With Best Wishes
Ginny Lim
E-mail: ginny-lim@microlink.com.my
Editorial Team
Ginny Lim
We would love to hear
Mr Wong Hier Chai, Ms. Caren Low, Tuan Haji Sabar, Mr Felix Chong
from you. Do email to Ms.
Ginny Lim( ginnylim@microlink.com.my) on
your subject of interest and
Concept and Design:
we will endeavor to publish it
Ginny Lim
in our upcoming issues.
All Rights Reserved. Material in this publication may not be
reproduced in any form. The publication has been prepared
for general information only and is not to be taken as containing any securities advice or securities advice or securities
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