Extremadura (Spain) Charente-Maritime (France) Slaskie (Poland


Extremadura (Spain) Charente-Maritime (France) Slaskie (Poland
 Extremadura (Spain)
 Charente-Maritime (France)
 Slaskie (Poland)
 Kocaeli (Turkey)
 Lombardia (Italy)
Ilustración 1
Made by Spain
1. Landscapes
Extremadura (Spain)……………………….… 3
Charente-Maritime (France)….……….…...... 5
Slaskie (Poland)……………………………… 7
Kocaeli (Turkey)…………………………...…. 9
Lombardia (Italy)…………………………..... 11
2. Monuments
 Extremadura (Spain)………………………... 14
 Charente-Maritime (France)……..……….… 16
 Slaskie (Poland)……………………………... 18
 Kocaeli (Turkey)………………………….….. 20
 Lombardia (Italy)……………………………… 22
3. Gastronomy
Extremadura (Spain)……………..…………..
Charente-Maritime (France)….….……...…..
Slaskie (Poland)……………………..….…….
Kocaeli (Turkey)………………………..……..
Lombardia (Italy)…………………….…..……
4. Traditional costumes
Extremadura (Spain)……………..…………..
Charente-Maritime (France)…….…....……..
Slaskie (Poland)…………………..……….….
Kocaeli (Turkey)………………………………
Lombardia (Italy)……………………….……..
5. Festivals
Extremadura (Spain)…………………………. 47
Charente-Maritime (France)…….……….….. 49
Slaskie (Poland)…………………………….... 51
Kocaeli (Turkey)……………………………… 53
Lombardia (Italy)…………..………...………... 55
Extremadura is a land of great contrast and variety. The climate is basically
Mediterranean with influence from the Atlantic, with very hot summers and mild winters.
The result is a rich variety of natural landscapes, with an abundance of reservoirs and rivers.
(In fact, Extremadura has more inland “coast” than any other region in Western Europe).
Dehesa extremeña
Mediterranean forest
Cigüeña blanca - White stork
Extremadura es una tierra de gran contraste y diversidad. El clima es básicamente
mediterráneo con influencia atlántica, con veranos muy calurosos e inviernos suaves. El resultado
es una rica diversidad de paisajes naturales, con abundancia de embalses y ríos. (De hecho,
Extremadura tiene más costa interior que cualquier otra región de Europa Occidental.
Mina de la Jayona – Jayona Mine
Embalse de Cornalvo – Cornalvo Reservoir
Monfragüe National Park is one of the important raptor reserves in Europe and is the
best place in Spain for a glimpse of Black Vultures and the rare Spanish Imperial Eagle.
El Parque Nacional de Monfragüe es Reserva Mundial de la Biosfera
El Chorrituelo - Las Hurdes
Valle del Jerte – Jerte Valley
Three Islands in the department :
The Ré island
L’Ile de Ré
A typical village (St-Martin)
Un village typique (Saint Martin)
The brigde
Le ponte
The Oleron island, Fort-Boyard a military monument and a
L’île d’Oléron, Fort-Boyard, un bâtiment militaire et une plage.
The Aix island, a typical street and the ferry to go to the island (there is no
bridge and no car on this small island).
L’île d’Aix, une rue et le ferry pour se rendre sur l’île (il n’y a ni pont ni voiture
sur cette petite île).
The ostréicole area : where they produce oysters.
La zone ostréicole où sont élevées les huîtres.
The greatest port of Europe : Les Minimes
Le plus grand port d’Europe : les Minimes
Salt marshes : Marais salants
Upper Silesia Region is situated in the south of Poland and borders upon Czech Republic. The capital
of the province is called Katowice. It is very diverse region rich in mineral and natural resourses especially
coal. Apart from industry it consists of rural areas too. Although, there are many coal mines, factories,
companies and warehouses there is a lot of greenery. It is surrounded by forests, lakes, reservoirs, rivers and
parks. The most beautiful are Żywieckie Lake, Pogoria and Goczałkowicki Reservoir, The Przemsza and Vistula
Rivers. The south part of Silesia is dominated by mountains –the Beskidy with the highest mountain Barania
Góra (1220 m).
Indrustry of Silesia – A typical Coal Mine
The Beskidy Mountains - Szczyrk
Village Goczałkowice Zrój and
Goczałkowice Reservoir
Park in Świerklaniec ( It’s size is 180 ha)
Czarna Przemsza – The Black Przemsza River
Górny Śląsk znajduje się na południu polski i graniczy z Czechami. Stolicą
tego regionu są Katowice. Jest to bardzo zróżnicowany region bogaty w minerały
i bogactwa naturalne szczególnie węgiel. Poza przemysłem znajdują się tu
również obszary rolnicze. Poza wieloma zakładami, kopalniami fabrykami
występuje tu dużo zieleni. Jest on otoczony lasami, jeziorami, zalewami, rzekami
i parkami. Najpiękniejsze z nich to jezioro Żywieckie, zbiornik Goczałkowicki i
Pogoria, rzeka Przemsza i Wisła. Południowa częśd śląska zdominowana jest
przez góry – Beskidy z najwyższym szczytem Baranią Górą (1220 m .n.p.m).
The Pogoria Lake in our village
Forest in Siewierz
Bayramoğlu Bird Heaven Darıca Bird Heaven and Temalı Park, which are 38 km away from
Istanbul, are unique places for the residence of a variety of bird species. In the zoo at the
area, there exists 350 animal species, and more than 250 plant species. With the
aquarium, botanic gardens, playgrounds, cable railways, and restaurants it provides a
recreation potentiality.
Darıca Kuş Cenneti ve Temalı Parkı İstanbul’a
38 km uzaklıktadır ve içersinde birçok kuş türünü
barındırmaktadır.Hayvanat bahçesi bölümünde 350
hayvan türü 250 den fazla bitki türü bulunmaktadır.
Akvaryumu , botanic bahçeleri cocuk oyun alanları ,
ring seferleri ve restoranları ile bizlere eşsiz bir tatil
imkanı sağlamaktadır.
Kartepe is a ski center for
those ski lovers which is as
close as 1 hour drive from
Istanbul right after opening
season in December.
Yuvacik Dam
Süleyman Paşa Termal suları
İzmit’in Yukarı Pazar mevkiinde yer
edilmiştir.Bölgenin en eski Osmanlı
Kartepe İstanbuldan1 saat
uzaklığı ile kayak tutkunlarının
Aralık ayı sonrasındaki uğrak
yeri haline gelmiştir.
Süleyman Pasha Thermal Bath is
located in the Yukarı Pazar district of İzmit.
It had been constructed in the 14th
century. It is the oldest Ottoman building in
the region
Lake of Como – Lago di Como
The Alps - Alpi
The foothills of The Alps
The two branches of lake Como
Griguea - Prealpi
Due rami lago Como
Fishing village – Lake of Como
The Alps
Villaggio di pescatori- Lago Como
Paesaggio alpino
Landscape - Paesaggio
The vast artistic heritage that Extremadura preserves reflects the great variety
of peoples and cultures that have lived in these lands since prehistoric times.
El extenso patrimonio artístico que Extremadura conserva, refleja la gran variedad de
pueblos y culturas que desde épocas prehistóricas han habitado estas tierras.
Mérida preserves some of the most outstanding Roman monuments including
a colossal theatre, an amphitheatre, two aqueducts and a bridge.
Mérida conserva algunos de los más destacados monumentos romanos que
incluyen un teatro colosal, un anfiteatro, dos acueductos y un puente.
The old town of Caceres was declared a World Heritage City by
UNESCO in 1986.
La ciudad antigua de Cáceres fue declarada Patrimonio Mundial de
la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1986.
This beautiful town is dominated by a Mudejar style monastery which
preserves valuable works of art.
Esta hermosa población está dominada por un monasterio de
estilo mudéjar que conserva valiosas obras de arte.
It is well known for its beautiful main square. There are also a great
medieval castle and the well-preserved town-walls with seven doors.
The port of La Rochelle has been standing here since the XIIIth century. It was very
likely fortified from the beginning. The towers date back to the XIVth and XVth centuries.
They outlived the destruction of the ramparts after the Siege of 1628. On the left St Nicolas
Tower, the tallest, and opposite the Chain Tower both a lighthouse and a defense tower
which used to be linked to the latter by a defensive wall.
The Old Port
Le Vieux Port
The Great Clock Tower
La Tour de l’horloge
Le port de La Rochelle date du 13e siècle et a été joliment
fortifié à ses débuts. Les tours datent du 14e au 15e siècle. Les
remparts furent détruits après le siège de La Rochelle de 1628. Sur la
gauche, se trouvent la Tour Saint Nicolas, la plus grande, et à l’opposé
la Tour de la Chaîne, ainsi que la Tour de la Lanterne qui font parties
du mur défensif.
The Natural and History Museum - Musée d’Histoire
House of Henri II - Maison de Henri II
The Cathedral : La cathédrale
The train station : La gare
The Law Court : Tribunal d’Instance
St Sauveur church - Eglise Saint Sauveur
The below monuments have historical (are all historic buildings of technology
or culture and are connected with important events from the past) and leisure
values. They form a group of places which everyone should visit.
The Ballestrems Family Palace
in Pławniowice (XIX century)
The historic silver mine
in Tarnowskie Góry
Marian Sanctuary Jasna Góra
and the Pauline Monastery in
Częstochowa (XIV century)
Royal castle in Będzin (XIII-XIV)
Industry and Railway Museum
in Jaworzyna Śląska
Open-air Upper Silesian Ethnographic
Park in Chorzów
Poniższe zabytki mają zarówno walor
historyczny (są zabytkami techniki, kultury,
mają związek z ważnymi wydarzeniami z
przeszłości) jak i wypoczynkowy. Tworzą zbiór
miejsc gdzie po prostu warto się udad.
Palace in Pszczyna (XII century)
The Castle of Cracow’s Bishops
in Siewierz(XII-XIII century)
Eskihisar Osman Hamdi Bey : It had been constructed as a complex consisting of the
mansion, painting hall, and boathouse by Turkish Painter and art collector Osman Hamdi Bey
(1842-1910) at 1884, at Gebze Eskihisar. The flower paintings on the doors, which he had drawn
between 1901 – 1903, the mansion has the value of painting. The painter had drawn his most
famous paintings here, during the 26 years he lived here. The mansion had been restored in 1984.
It is being used as a museum since 19.08.1987, in which the paintings, photographs, and
reproductions of Osman Hamdi Bey.
Osman Hamdi Bey köşkü Gebze’nin Eskihisar semtinde bulunmaktadır.1884 yılında ünlü
türk ressam ve sanat eseri koleksiyoncusu Osman Hamdi Bey tarafından
resim salonu
,kayıkhane ve konak yapılarının mimarisinin karışımı olarak inşa edilmiştir.1901-1910 yılları
arasında kapılara çizdiği çiçek resimleri konağın en değerli çizimleridir.Ressam kendisinin en ünlü
tablosunu burada yaşadığı 26 yıl boyunca çizmiştir.1084 yılında konak restore edilmiştir.19-081987 yılından beri içinde resimlerini ,fotograflarını ve reprodüksiyonlarınıı barındıran bir müze
olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Clock Tower
Saat Kulesi Şehrin Tipik saat
The characteristic clock tower of
kulesi Atatürk büstü ve Av
the city, located between the
köşkünün arasına dönemin
hunting mansion and Atatürk
valisi Musa Kazım Bey tarafından
Sculpture has been constructed
Sultan 2.Abdülhamit’in Tahta
by İzmit governor Musa Kazım
geçişinin 25 yıl dönümü
Bey, for the 25th anniversary of
sebebiyetiyle inşa
Sultan Abdülhamit II's ascending
edilmiştir.Hereke Taşancıl’da
the throne. It has been
bulunan traverter taşlarından
constructed in Neoclassical
neoklasik tarzında yapılmıştır.
method and is made of Hereke
Tavşancıl and travertine stones.
Mimar (Architecture)
Sinan Bridge is at the east of
Gebze on the Dil stream. It had
been constructed in the 16th
century, by Architecture Sinan.
This stone bridge is 65 meters
long and it has three belts.
There are evacuation holes in
the middle of the columns of it.
KÖPRÜLER: Mimar Sinan Köprüsü
almaktadır ve16. yy da Mimar
edilmiştir.Taş köprü 65 m
uzunluğundadır ve 3 kemerden
Pembe Mansion: It had been constructed at the beginning of the 20th century. It has three floors,
and guillotine windows. It had been restored by the Governorship of Kocaeli. The wooden works of
the mansion had been arranged according to its original. Today it can be used by the public. It has a
cafeteria, and a coiffeur
PEMBE KÖŞK: 20. yy başlarında inşa edilmiştir.3 kattan ve giyotin şeklindeki pencerelerden
oluşmaktadır.Kocaeli valiliği tarafından restore edilmiştir.Ahşap işlemeler orjinaline sadık kalınarak
yeniden oluşturulmuştur.Bugün halk tarafından kullanılmaktadır.Kafeteryası ve kuaförü vardır.
Castello Sforzesco
The Cathedral- Duomo
S. Maria delle Grazie: The Last Supper
L’Ultima Cena (Leonardo da Vinci)
Peace Arch - Arco della
Teatro La Scala
Pavia is a universsity city
near Milan with interesting
places to visit.
The Certosa di Pavia, shrine
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mother of Grace, is a monastery
and complex in Lombardy built
in 1396-1495. It is renowned for
architecture in both the Gothic
and Reanissance styles and fo
itscollection of artworks.
La Certosa
The bridge over the Po
Il ponte sul Po
It is a town nearby Pavia. Lots of tourists visit it because of its
history, monuments and traditions.
Vigevano: Piazza Ducale
Montava is a little jewel in the north of
Italy. It has an important role in the history of
opera and the city is known for its several
architectural treasures, elegant palaces and its
medieval and Renaissance cityscape. It is also
the town where Romeo was banished in
Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet.
The quality of Extremaduran gastronomy stems from the excellent
quality of its basic ingredients, which is the reason why the region has one of
the most extensive lists of “Denominaciones de Origen” in the whole of
Spain. Such success is mainly the result of maintaining traditional large scale
production methods generally associated with the pasturelands and with the
concept of sustainable development which reconciles high productivity with
respect for the environment.
Cheese from Extremadura
Quesos de Extremadura
Iberian ham
Jamón ibérico
La calidad de la gastronomía extremeña se debe a la excelente calidad de sus
ingredientes básicos, que es la razón por la cual la región tiene una de las listas más
extensas de "Denominaciones de Origen" en el conjunto de España. Este éxito se debe
principalmente al mantenimiento de los métodos tradicionales de producción a gran
escala, por lo general, asociados con la dehesa y con el concepto de desarrollo
sostenible que concilia la alta productividad con el respeto por el medio ambiente.
Gazpacho is a cold tomatobased raw vegetable soup
Lamb stew
Caldereta de cordero
Extremaduran desserts and sweets are mostly prepared using wheat flour, honey,
pork fat, milk, sugar and olive oil.
Los postres y dulces extremeños son en su mayoría elaborados con harina de
trigo, miel, manteca de cerdo, leche, azúcar y aceite de oliva.
Roscas fritas
Oysters: The Charente
Maritime is France’s
largest oyster producer
and the Marennes
are particularly prized.
Huîtres: La Charente
Maritime est le plus
grand poducteur de
France et celle de
Marennes est très
Oysters from Marennes
Mussels: They can be eaten all the year, but
they are their best from May through the summer. Mussels can
be eaten with Mouclade, a creamy, lightly curry-flavoured sauce.
Moules: elles peuvent être mangées toute l’année, mais sont
meilleures de mai à l’été. Les moules peuvent être dégustées en
mouclade, une sauce à la crème et au curry.
Fish: Plenty of seawater fish are on the menu:
sea bass, sea bream, skate, sardines …
Poissons: Beaucoup de poissons de mer sont
au menu : bar, daurade, raie, sardines ...
Salt marsh of Ré Island
Salt: The salt from the
Charente Maritime is
world-famous. From the
salt marshes, during the
summer, it comes plain or
favoured with herbs
and spices.
Sel: Le sel de Charente Maritime est connu partout dans le monde. Il provient des
marais salants et arrive pur ou mélangé à des herbes et des épices.
Potatoes: L’île de Ré is famous for
its lightly skinned potato …
Pommes de terre: L’Ile de Ré est
célèbre pour sa pomme de terre ...
Butter: Butter made in Poitou-Charente
is an AOC butter coming from Surgères.
Beurre: Le beurre de Poitou-Charente
est un beurre AOC et provient de
Pineau: Eating out in the Charente Maritime, you are bound
to be offered an aperitif of Pineau. It’s a fortified wine that’s
made with a blend of unfermented grape and cognac.
Pineau: On vous offrira un verre de pineau en Charente
Maritime comme apéritif. C’est un vin cuit à base de raisins
fermentés et de cognac.
Silesian cuisine has been influenced by middle European cuisines,
but it distinguishes by specific features. For centuries it has mixed up with
cuisines of many nations, particularly Czech, German, Hungarian,
and Polish. In turn, it influenced the culinary tradition of those nations.
Żurek śląski
Sour rye soup
Silesian Roulade
Śląska rolada
Kluski Śląskie
Silesian Dumplings
Kuchnia śląska należy do kuchni środkowoeuropejskich, wyróżnia się
jednak pośród nich charakterystycznymi cechami. Przez wieki mieszała się tu
kuchnia rdzenna z kuchnią polską, czeską, węgierska i niemiecką. Ze względu na
wielonarodowościowy charakter tej krainy, tutejsza kuchnia jest niejednolita w
swym charakterze.
Modra kapusta
Red Cabbage
Śląskie Oblaty
Silesian Waffer
Poppy-seed dessert
Typical for Christmas Eve
Simit is a circular bread with
sesame seed and is a popular food
during breakfast in Turkey.
Simit Türkiye’nin kahvaltıda
kullanılan en popular yiyeceğidir.Şekli
yuvarlaktır ve üzerinde susamlar
Doner: An old Turkish favourite. Compressed lamb and beef
combination slowly grilled on a vertical rotisserie by open flame. As
it turns, the meat is slowly carved down in very thin slices with a
very long knife. It can be served on a plate, but also on pita bread,
together with your choice tomato sauce, onions and lettuce.
Döner: Eski bir Türk yiyeceğidir.Sıkıştırılmış koyun ve büftek
eti karışımından oluşmuştur.Bu karışım dikey olarak yerleştirilir ve
yavaşça açık ateşte pişirilir.Döndükçe uzun bir bıçak yardımıyla çok
ince dilimler halinde et kesilir. Tabakta sade olarak servis edildiği gibi
pide ile beraber üzerine domates sosu dökülerek yanında soğan ve
marulla beraber de yenilebilir.
Lahmacun: The delicious "Turkish pizza" as
also called, on a thin layer of pastry mince
meat is spread - with tomato, onion, salt and
parsley - spiced with red pepper from mild
to hot.
Lahmacum: Lezzetli bir Türk yiyeceğidir.
Aynı zamanda türk pizzası olarakta bilinir.
İnce hamura üzerine soğan domates tuz ile
birlikte kıyma serpilir. Yavaş yavaş fırında
Kumpir: Simply made from potatoes. Various kinds of food such as Russian salade, pickles,
pea, mushroom are mixed and put into a baked potato, together with cheese.
KUMPİR: Sadece patatesten yapılmıştır.Rus salatası,turşu ,bezelye,mantar gibi çeşitli
yityecekler karıştırılır haşlanmış patatesin içine konur ve peynir ile servis edilir.
Anchovy: Fish is an important item of Turkish
food especially in winter when the summer
vegetables are scarce. The best fish in Turkey is
the 'Hamsi'. The Turks have fifty ways of cooking
HAMSİ: Yaz sebzelerinin nadir olduğu kış
mevsiminin vazgeçilmez yiyeceği balıktır.Hamsi
Türkiye’deki en iyi balık türüdür.Hamsiyi 50 çeşit
pişirme yöntemi vardır.
“Pişmaniye” which is the local dessert of
kocaeli is made by giving the sugar the
shape of fibre.
Kocaeli şehrinin yerel
tatlısıdır ve şekerin iplik şekli verilerek
pişirilmesiyle oluşur.
The regional cuisine of Lombardy is heavily based
upon ingredients like maize, rice, beef, pork, butter,
and lard. Rice dishes are very popular in this region,
often found in soups as well as risotto.
Pizzoccheri are a type of short tagliatelle, a
flat ribbon pasta, made with 80% buckwheat
flour and 20% wheat flour. They are cooked
along with greens and cubed potatoes.
Pizzoccheri: una sorta di tagliatelle spesse 2
o 3 mm, larghe 1 cm e lunghe 7 cm ricavate
da un impasto preparato con due terzi di
farina di grano saraceno, che denota la loro
colorazione grigiastra, ed un terzo di farina
di frumento.
Risotto alla Milanese is flavoured with
saffron and typically served with many
typical Milanese main courses.
Bresaola is air-dried salted beef that has
been aged two or three months until it
becomes hard and turns a dark red,
almost purple colour.
Panettone is a type of sweet bread loaf
originally from Milan usually prepared and
enjoyed for Christmas and New Year.
Il Panettone è un tipico dolce milanese,
associato alle tradizioni gastronomiche del
Torta Paesana: a typical homemade cake. Very
simple ingredients are used: stale bread, milk,
sugar, cocoa powder and pine kernels.
Franciacorta is a sparkling wine from Lombardy
with DOCG status produced from grapes grown
within the boundaries of the territory of
Franciacorta, on the hills of a series of townships
to the south of Lake Iseo in the Province of
In Extremadura there are many traditional
costumes, here are some examples from
different areas.
tradicionales, estos son algunos ejemplos de
distintas comarcas.
Extremaduran folk music can be characterized by a melancholy sound, and
Portuguese influences, as well as the predominance of the zambomba drum. There is
also a rich repertoire of tabor music. Popular songs include: de ronda; de bodas; de
quintos; de Nochebuena. Jota is also common, here played with triangles, castanets,
guitars, tambourines, accordions and zambombas.
La música tradicional extremeña se caracteriza por un sonido melancólico, y las
influencias portuguesas, así como el predominio de la zambomba. También hay un rico
repertorio de música de tamboril. Las canciones más populares incluyen: de ronda, de
bodas, de quintos, de Nochebuena. Jota también es común, aquí toca con triángulos,
castañuelas, guitarras, panderetas, acordeones y zambombas.
La zambomba
El tamboril
Traditional costumes of our region.
The traditional dances of our region are named : scottish, valses, polka, marzuka,
circassienne, quadrille, bâton ad circles.
Dance of circles
Some traditional costumes of our region
Quelques costumes traditionnels de notre región.
Kołomajka to taniec Beskidu Śląskiego. Polega na dwóch podskokach w prawo ze złączeniem
nóg, następnie noga lewa wysuwana jest do przodu i szybko powraca ona na miejsce. Ten sam ruch
robiony jest w lewo, ale do przodu wysuwana jest noga prawa.
Kolomajka is traditional dance from Silesian Beskidy. The dancers jump twice with joined legs,
and then the left leg is moved forward and quickly back on its place. The same move is done to the left
but this time the right leg is moved forward.
Polonez – reprezentacyjny polski taniec ludowy. Pochodzi z XVI/XVII wieku.
Taoczony był na rozpoczęcie balów, również obecnie inauguruje niektóre imprezy,
dla podkreślenia ich uroczystego charakteru (np. studniówki).
Polonez – representative Polish folk dance. It dates back to XVI/XVII century.
It was danced at the beginning of balls, nowadays it opens some events to underline
their formal aspect (e.g. prom)
The dancers make two lines one consists of girls only and the second one
consists of boys. There’s always one boy more than girls. One boy stands in the moddle
with a broom, and he is a “broomer”(“Mietlorz”). During the dance he brooms and
touches the legs of the dancers. He is also watching the girl he wants to dance with.
The name Mietlorz is taken from the word broom- miotła.
Mietlorz to kolejny śląski taniec ludowy, wykonywany w szeregach składających się z
tancerzy i tancerek. Chłopcy i dziewczęta, stają w naprzeciw siebie. Chłopców zawsze
jest o jednego więcej niż dziewcząt. Dodatkowy stoi w środku sali z miotłą i jest
"mietlorzem". Podczas taoca "zamiata", zawadzając umyślnie o nogi pozostałych
tancerzy i upatruje tancerki z którą zechce zataoczyd. Nazwa taoca pochodzi od
rekwizytu używanego podczas zabawy jakim jest: miotła.
Kaziorajka jest taoczona w trójkach, chłopiec i dwie
dziewczynki tworzą kółko.
Kaziorajka is danced in circles - one boy and two girls.
Characteristic features of Turkish traditional dress include the layering of garments,
distinctive surface or woven-in decoration on the fabrics, and a geometriccut. Wool, silk,
and cotton, fibers indigenous to Turkey, are commonly used for apparel. Separate
garments are layered to accommodate the need for adjustments according to climate; to
create storage areas for coins and other small items in fabric folds; and to create a system
for holding garments onto the body. Careful cutting exposes portions of garments
underneath the top layers. Surface design is achieved by embroidering, dyeing, or weaving.
Men in traditional dress at the festival of Edirne in 1954
Common items are the salvar (baggy trouser), gomlek (chemise), ucetek (three-skirted cloak),
and elaborate headgear that always includes one or more headscarves for women. Sleeveless vests and
waist-length jackets are also common, as are aprons for women. The layers are held together by a girdle
or belt, or by a shawl (sal kusak) that is folded and wrapped around the waist. With the exception of the
face, the body completely covered. Portions of the men's body are left exposed, such as the head, face,
and neck, with the exception of a headdress. In the traditional dress of some areas of Turkey, portions of
the legs are exposed. Turkish traditional dress was relatively unisex, but certain distinguishing features
clearly indicated gender. Primary among these was the style of headdress. In the Ottoman court, male
headdress distinguished social and economic positions. Head-dresses such as the turban, used throughout
the Ottoman empire from before the Turks' capture of Constantinople in 1453 to the early nineteenth
century, and the fez, used for about 100 years after the demise of the turban, became symbols of identity
for Turkish men during their respective periods of use. Both were outlawed: the turban in 1829 when the
fez was adopted, and the fez in 1925—in favor of the Western-style brimmed hat.
GELENEKSEL TÜRK GİYSİ ÇEŞİTLERİ: Geleneksel Türk giysi tarzı kumaş üzerine işlenmiş ,geometrik
kesimlerden oluşmuş bir tarzı içermektedir.Yün ,ipek ve pamuk Türkiye’nin yerel dokuma ürünleridir ve
süs olarak kullanılmaktaydı.Farklı ayrı kumaşlar havanın durumuna göre , bozuk para koymak için ve
vücutta taşınmak istenen diğer eşyaları taşımak için bu giysilerin üzerine sarılarak
kullanılmaktaydı.Kumaşın yüzeyi işlemelerle, boyamayla ve örgüyle süslenmiştir.
Genel olarak şalvar , gömlek , 3 etek ve şık başörtüleri kullanılmaktaydı ki kadınlar için bu birden fazla
başörtüsü anlamına gelmekteydi.Kolsuz yelekler ve boydan ceketler ayrıca çok kullanılmaktaydı.Kadınlar
için ise önlükler populerdi.Katmanları bele bağlanan bir kuşak yada şal ile yüzü ve vücudu tamamen
kapatması amacıyla bir arada tutturulurdu.Erke vücutlarının yüz kafa boyun gibi bazı bölgeleri açık
bırakılabilinirdi.Türkiyenin bazı bölgelerinde ise bacakların bir kısmıda açık bırakılabilinirdi.Türklerin
geleneksel giysisi unisextir fakat bazı kesinleşmiş cinsiyet ayrımı yapan giysilerde vardır.En önemlisi ,
kavukların şekilleridir ki bu şekiller kişilerin sosyal ve ekonomik durumlarını ayırt etmede
kullanılırdı.Türban 1453 te Türklerin İstanbulu’u keşfinden önce Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminden 19.
yy başlarına kadar kullanılmıştır. kullanılmaya başlanmıştır.Fes türbanın kaldırılmasından sonra 100 yıl
boyunca kullanılmıştır ve saygı ifadesi amacıyla türk erkekleri tarafından kullanılmıştır.Her ikiside
sonradan kaldırıldı : türban fes geldiği zaman 1825 ‘de fes ise kıyafet inkılabı yapıldığı zaman 1925’de
tedavülden kaldırıldı.
The typical boat of Lake of Como
Tipica barca Lago di Como
Renzo adn Lucia, the main characters
in “The betrothed” by A. Manzoni.
Lucia e Renzo costumei.
Typical costumes from Pregnana,
a little villaje near Como.
The carding
Costumi traditionali di Pregnana.
Costume contadino carditrice di lana
Traditional Carnival Costumes
Extremadura holds major events all year round in the fields of music, cinema,
literature, theatre and folklore, and they take place in venues such as castles, arched
town squares and historic centres. The calendar is completed with summer theatre
festivals in the towns of Mérida, Cáceres, Alcántara and Alburquerque.
Classical Theatre Festival in Mérida
Medieval Festival in Cáceres
Extremadura tiene grandes eventos durante todo el año en
los campos de la música, el cine, la literatura, el teatro y el folclore,
y se llevan a cabo en lugares como castillos, plazas porticadas de las
ciudades y centros históricos. El calendario se completa con los
festivales estivales de teatro en las ciudades de Mérida, Cáceres,
Alcántara y Alburquerque.
Medieval Festival in Alburquerque
Classical Theatre Festival in Alcántara
Extremadura has an extraordinary number of tourist
interest festivals. Ancestral origins, historical celebrations,
religious fervor and love and respect for nature are
identification signs of these celebrations.
El Jarramplas in Piornal
Las Carantoñas in Acehúche
Extremadura cuenta con un extraordinario número de
fiestas de interés turístico. Orígenes ancestrales, celebraciones
históricas, fervor religioso y amor y respeto a la naturaleza son
signos identificativos de ellas.
The Holy Cross in Feria
La Encamisá in Torrejoncillo
Every year, for six days in July, La Rochelle is taken over by
music. The Francofolies is a festival and a veritable institution. Rock,
pop, jazz or rap: the 150 000 people who invade the town each year will
find something to their taste.
Chaque année, pendant 6 jours en juillet, La
Rochelle est la capitale de la musique. Les Francofolies
sont un festival et une véritable institution. Rock, pop,
jazz ou rap : les 150 000 personnes qui envahissent la
ville chaque année trouvent toujours quelque chose à
Cinemas is catered too with four
International film festival, the TV fiction
festival, the Adventure film festival, the
Sunny side of the doc !
Les cinémas participent également à
quatre festivals et peuvent rivaliser avec
Cannes : Le festival international du film,
le festival des fictions TV, le festival du
film d’aventure, ...
For water lovers, La Rochelle also hosts major nautical shows
as Le Grand Pavois and prestigious races, such the Solitaire du
Figaro, the Charente Maritime-Bahia transatlantic race …
Pour les amoureux de la mer, La Rochelle
accueillent aussi des événements nautiques
importants comme Le Grand pavois, et des courses
prestigieuses comme la Solitaire du figaro, ou la
Course transatlantique Charente Maritime-Bahia ….
Harvest Festival called ‘Dozynki” is the biggest annual farmers holiday which is held
after all important field work has ended and crops, especially grain crops, have been gathered.
This is a day of farmers’ celebrations as a reward for their labor and effort.
Święto Żniw “Dożynki” jest największym dorocznym świętem rolników. Obchodzone po
tym, jak cała ważna praca na polu została zakooczona a zbiory, szczególnie zboże zostało
zebrane. Święto to jest nagrodą za wysiłek i ciężką pracę.
Every year in June our local community celebrate an annual event called
‘Siewierz Days’. This event is usually held at the weekend and lasts for three
days. During these days local residents and visitors can spend their free time
having fun, playing games, visiting the castle, watching concerts, sports
competitions and knights’ fights.
Każdego roku w czerwcu nasza społecznośd obchodzi “Dni Siewierza”. To
wydarzenie odbywa się w weekend i trwa trzy dni. Podczas tych kilku dni
mieszkaocy oraz goście spędzają swój czas dobrze się bawiąc, uczestnicząc w
różnych zabawach, zwiedzając zamek, oglądając koncerty, zawody sportowe czy
walki rycerskie.
Barbórka, Miners' Day is one of the most celebrated days in the Upper Silesia.
St. Barbara is a patron of coal miners and the festival is held annually on December
4th.Miners' profession was always considered dangerous but prestigious therefore this
day has been celebrated for centuries in a spectacular way. Miners are dressed in the
special uniforms during Barbórka. The uniform consists of black suit and a hat with a
feather. Miners from coal-mines of Silesia and Zagłębie do not work underground
during this day but participate in festivities.
Barbórka, Święto Górników jest jednym z najbardziej
świątecznych dni na Górnym Śląsku, odbywa się corocznie 4
grudnia. W Barbórkę górnicy ubrani są w świąteczne
mundury składające się z czarnego garnituru i kapelusza z
pióropuszem. Górnicy ze śląska i zagłębia nie pracują pod
ziemią w tym dniu, ale uczestniczą w uroczystościach.
Istanbul International Film Festival, April
1915 Sea Victory Celebration - Canakkale, March
Tulip Festival - Istanbul, April – May
International Offshore Races - Istanbul, Izmir, June
International Kus Cenneti Culture and Tourism, June
Tekirdag Cherry Festival, June
Traditional Kirkpinar Wrestling - Edirne, June- July
International Bursa Festival - Bursa, June- July
The typical Bonfire on the last
Thursday of January.
The “Giubiana”, the witch.
The three Wise Men on January 6th – Re Magi Milano
Paho of the geese. It takes place in Mortara
Paho delle oche Mortara
“Carroccio” in Legnano