Haluk Barbaros ORAL, MD MSc PhD


Haluk Barbaros ORAL, MD MSc PhD
Haluk Barbaros ORAL, MD MSc PhD
Place and Date of birth:
Bursa (Turkey) 26-07-1965
Marital status:
Arzu Yılmaztepe Oral
1 girl (Gülin Oral)
Turkish, English
Department of Microbiology & Infectious Diseases,
Immunology Unit
Uludag University Faculty of Medicine
Bursa / TURKEY
Tel: 090 224 2954114
Fax: 090 224 2954941
E-mail: oralb@uludag.edu.tr
Konak Mah. Seçkin Sok.
1. Yücelkent Sitesi, Mutlu Ap. Kat:2 No:6
Primary, secondary and high school in Bursa, Turkey
Medical Faculty of Uludag University Bursa, Turkey
Obligatory work as a general practitioner
Gercus, Mardin, Turkey
Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialisation. Uludag University
School of Medicine, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Department, Bursa, Turkey.
Thesis: Evaluation of specific protective immune response in tuberculous pleurisy by
different immunological parameters. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Güher Göral
MSc in Immunology. Department of Immunology, Imperial College Hammersmith
Hospital(Formerly; Royal Postgraduate Medical School), London, UK
Thesis: “The use of calcein-AM to measure the response of an endothelial derived
cell line (EA-hy-926) to hydrogen peroxide.”
Supervisors: Prof. Dorian Haskard & Prof. Andrew George
PhD in Immunology. Department of Immunology, Imperial College, Hammersmith
Hospital, London, UK
Thesis: “Use of gene transfer to protect cells from oxidant-mediated injury”
Supervisors: Prof. Dorian Haskard & Prof. Andrew George
Assistant Professor
Uludag University, Department of Microbiology, Immunology Unit, Bursa, Turkey
Lectures and courses on Immunology and Infectious diseases since 1998
Research fellow (for 3 months)
Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research,
In collaboration with Prof. C. Akdiş
Associate Professor of Microbiology / Immunology
Uludag University, Department of Microbiology, Immunology Unit, Bursa, Turkey
2007 -
Professor of Microbiology / Immunology
Uludag University, Department of Microbiology, Immunology Unit, Bursa, Turkey
Turkish Immunology Society for Immunology (Vice President)
Balkan Associations of Immunology Societies (General Secretary)
Molecular Cancer Research Society (Board Member)
Society of Turk Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
Turkish Microbiology Society
National Symposium of Infection Immunology, 21-24 March 2002 Bursa, TÜRKİYE
XVIIIth National Immunology Congress, 7-10 September 2005 Bursa, TÜRKİYE
2nd Mediterranean Clinical Immunology Meeting, 4-7 October 2008 Antalya, TÜRKİYE
XXth National Immunology Congress, 6-9 November 2009, Girne, REPUBLIC OF NORTHERN
Molecular Immunology & Imunogenetics Congress 2012 (MIMIC2012), 27-29 April 2012
Antalya, TÜRKİYE
T cell regulation in granulomatous infections (TB and Brucellosis). (Collaborators: Dr. A.
Cezmi Akdiş, Switzerland; Dr. A. Whelan, U.K.; Dr. S. Costa Oliveira, Brazil)
Development of Immunotherapy Strategies against Cancers by targeting apoptosis pathway.
(Collaborators: Dr. Salih Şanlıoğlu, Akdeniz U., Antalya-Turkey; Dr. Engin Ulukaya, Uludag U.,
Immunogenetics. Cytokine and cytokine-related gene polymorphisms in health and disease.
Gene Therapy. Development of Potential Immune gene therapy vectors and conditional gene
expression strategies.
1. Akdiş, A.C., K. Kılıçturgay, S. Helvacı, R. Mıstık, B. Oral. Immunologic evaluation of erythema
nodosum in tularemia. Brit. J. Dermatol. 129, 275-279 (1993).
2. Larkin, D.F.P., H.B. Oral, C.J.A. Ring, N.R. Lemoine, A.J.T. George. Adenovirus-mediated gene
delivery to the corneal endothelium. Transplantation 61, 363-370 (1996).
3. Fehervari, Z., S. Rayner, H.B. Oral, A.J.T. George, D.F.P. Larkin. Gene transfer to ex vivo stored
corneas. Cornea 16,459-464 (1996).
4. Oral, H.B., D.F.P. Larkin, Z. Fehervari, A. Byrnes, A. Rankin, D.O. Haskard, M.J.A. Wood, M.J.
Dalmann, A.J.T. George.ş Ex vivo adenovirus-mediated gene transfer and immunomodulatory protein
production in human cornea. Gene Therapy, 4, 639-647 (1997).
5. Arancibia-Cárcamo, C.V., H.B. Oral, D.O. Haskard, D.F.P. Larkin, A.J.T. George. Lipoadenofection
mediated gene delivery to the corneal endothelium. Prospects for modulating graft rejection.
Transplantation 65, 62-67 (1998).
6. Oral, H.B., A.J.T. George, D.O. Haskard. A sensitive fluorometric assay for determining H2O2-mediated
sublethal and lethal cell injury. Endothelium 6, 143-151 (1998).
7. Oral, H.B., C.V. Arancibia-Cárcamo, D.O. Haskard, A.J.T. George. A method for determining the
cytoprotective effect of catalase in transiently transfected cell lines and corneal tissue. Anal. Biochem. 267,
196-202 (1999).
8. Cockerill, G.W., J. Saklatvala, S.H. Ridley, H. Yarwood, N.E. Miller, B. Oral, S. Nithyanathan, G.
Taylor, D.O. Haskard. High-density lipoproteins differentially modulate cytokine-induced expression of Eselectin and cyclooxygenase-2. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 19, 910-917 (1999).
9. Helvaci, S., S. Gedikoglu, H. Akalin, H.B. Oral. Tularemia in Bursa, Turkey: 205
cases in ten years. Eur. J. Epidemiol. 16, 271-276 (2000).
10. George, A.J.T., C.V. Arancibia-Cárcamo, H.M. Awad, R.M. Comer, Z. Fehervari, W.J. King, M.
Kadifachi, T. Hudde, C. Kerouedan-Lebossé, F. Mirza, H.B. Oral, S.A. Rayner, P.H. Tan, E. Tay, D.F.P.
Larkin. Gene delivery to the corneal endothelium. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 162, S194-S200 (2000).
11. Oral, H.B., C. Özakın, A.C. Akdiş. Back to the future: Antibody-based strategies for the treatment of
Infectious Diseases. Mol. Biotechnol. 24, 225-239, (2002).
12. Kılıç, S.S., H.B. Oral, F. Budak, H. Aydoğdu, B. Yavaşcaoğlu, G.Göral. Immunoglobulin subclasses
and HLA alleles in immunoglobulin A deficiency. Ind. J. Ped. 70, 389-392, (2003).
13. Tuncer, L.I., T. Alaçam, B. Oral. Substance P expression is elevated in inflamed human periradicular
tissue. J. Endodon. 30, 329-32 (2004).
14. Ersoy C., S. Imamoğlu, F. Budak, E. Tuncel, E. Ertürk, B. Oral. Effect of amlodipine on insulin
resistance & tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels in hypertensive obese type 3 patients. Indian J. Med. Res.
120, 481-8 (2004).
15. Yilmaz, E., M. Parlak, H. Akalin, Y. Heper, C. Ozakin, R. Mistik, B. Oral, S. Helvaci, O. Töre.
Brucella Spondylitis: Review of 25 cases. J. Clin. Rheumatol. 10, 300-7 (2004)
16. Baştürk, B., İ. Yavaşçaoğlu, H. Vuruşkan, G. Göral, B. Oktay, H.B. Oral. Cytokine gene
polymorphisms as potential risk and protective factors in renal cell carcinoma. CYTOKINE 30, 41-45
17. Gonullu, G., C. Ersoy, A. Ersoy, T. Evrensel, B. Basturk, E. Kurt, B. Oral, S. Gokgoz, O. Manavoglu.
Relation between insulin resistance and serum concentrations of IL-6 and TNF-α; in overweight or obese
women with early stage breast cancer. CYTOKINE 31, 264-269 (2005).
18. Koç, M., D. Ediger, F. Budak, M. Karadağ, H.B. Oral, E. Uzaslan, E. Ege, O. Gözü. Matrix
metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) elevated in serum, but not in bronchial lavage in lung cancer patients.
TUMORI 92, 149-154 (2006).
19. Oral, H.B., S.V. Kotenko, M. Yılmaz, O. Mani, J. Zumkehr, K. Blaser, A.C. Akdis, M. Akdis.
Regulation of T cells and cytokines by interleukin-10-family cytokines IL-19, IL-20, IL-22, IL-24 and IL26. Eur. J. Immunol. 36, 380-388 (2006).
20. Kiyici, M, S.G. Nak, F. Budak, S. Gurel., B. Oral, E. Dolar, M. Gulten. Lymphocyte subsets and
cytokines in ascitic fluid of decompensated cirrhotic patients with and without spontaneous ascites
infection. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 21, 963-9 (2006)
21. Basturk, B., İ. Yavascaoglu., B. Oral, B. Oktay, G. Göral. Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms Can Alter
The Effect Of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) Immunotherapy. CYTOKINE 35, 1-5 (2006).
22. Oral, H.B., F. Budak, E.K. Uzaslan, B. Baştürk, A. Bekar, H. Akalın, E. Ege, B. Ener, G. Göral.
Interleukin-10 (IL-10) Gene Polymorphism As A Potential Host Susceptibility Factor In Tuberculosis.
CYTOKINE 35, 143-147 (2006).
23. Heper, Y., E.H.Akalın, R. Mıstık, S. Akgöz, O. Töre,G. Göral, B. Oral, F. Budak, S. Helvacı.
Evaluation of serum C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin-10
levels as diagnostic and prognostic parameters in patients with community acquired sepsis, severe sepsis,
and septic shock. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 25, 481–91 (2006)
24. Kiyici, S., E. Erturk, F. Budak, C. Ersoy, E. Tuncel, C. Duran, B. Oral, D. Sigirci, S. Imamoglu. Serum
monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and monocyte adhesion molecules in type 1 diabetic patients with
nephropathy. Arch Med Res. 37, 998-1003 (2006)
25. Ursavas, A., M. Karadag, E. Rodoplu, A. Yilmaztepe, H.B. Oral, R.O. Gozu. Circulating ICAM-1 and
VCAM-1 Levels in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Circulating ICAM-1 and VCAM-1
Levels in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Respiration 74, 525-32 (2007).
26. Bakir Ozbey, S, R. Mistik, E. Gürcüoğlu, B. Oral, G. Goral. Polyclonal activation due to Epstein-Barr
virus superinfection in a case with chronic hepatitis B. Mikrobiyol Bul. 41, 607-12 (2007).
27. Budak, F., G. Göral, Y. Heper, E. Yılmaz, F. Aymak, B. Baştürk, O. Töre, B. Ener, H.B. Oral. IL-10
and IL-6 gene polymorphisms as potential host susceptibility factors in Brucellosis. CYTOKINE 38, 32-36
28. Gonullu, G., B. Basturk, T. Evrensel, B. Oral, A. Gozkaman, O Manavoglu. Association of breast
cancer and cytokine gene polymorphism in Turkish women. Saudi Med J. 28, 1728-33 (2007).
28. Basturk, B., Z. Karasu, M. Kılıç, S. Ulukaya, S. Boyacioglu, B. Oral. Association of TNF-α -308
polymorphism with the outcome of Hepatitis B virus infection in Turkey. Infections, Genetics and
Evolution 8, 20-5 (2008).
29. Colakogullari, M, E. Ulukaya, A. Yilmaztepe-Oral, F. Aymak, B. Basturk, A. Ursavas, H.B. Oral. The
involvement of IL-10, IL-6, IFN-γ
and TGF-β gene plymorphisms among Turkish lung cancer patients.
Cell Biochemistry and Function Cell Biochem Funct. 26, 283-90 (2008).
30. Ursavas, A., M. Karadag, A.Yilmaztepe Oral, E. Demirdogen, H.B. Oral, E. Ege. Association between
serum neopterin, obesity and daytime sleepiness in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Respir Med. 102,
1193-7 (2008).
31. Bulent Gul, C.B., M. Gullulu, B. Oral, A. Aydinlar, O. Oz, F. Budak, Y. Yilmaz, M. Yurtkuran.
Urinary IL-18: a marker of contrast-induced nephropathy following percutaneous coronary intervention?
Clin Biochem. 41, 544-7 (2008).
32. Ersoy, C., S. Kiyici, F. Budak, B. Oral, M. Guclu, C. Duran, H. Selimoglu, E. Erturk, E. Tuncel,
Imamoglu S. The effect of metformin treatment on VEGF and PAI-1 levels in obese type 2 diabetic
patients. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 81, 56-60 (2008).
33. Budak, F., E.K. Uzaslan, S. Cangür, G. Göral, H.B. Oral. Increased Pleural Soluble Fas Ligand (sFasL)
Levels in Tuberculosis Pleurisy and Its Relation with T-helper Type 1 Cytokines. Lung 186, 337-43 (2008).
34. Budak, F., G. Göral, H.B. Oral. Saccharomyces CerevisiaeBeta-Glucan Induces Interferon-Gamma
Production in Human T Cells Via IL-12. Tr J Immunol. 13, 21-6 (2008).
35. Oral, H.B., G. Deniz, M. Zouali. Functional imaging in the immune system. Eur J Immunol. 39, 7-10
36. Deniz, G., H.B. Oral, M. Zouali. Frontiers in clinical immunology 2008. Scand J Immunol. 2009
37. Dilek, K., A.A. Özçimen, H. Sarıcaoglu, D. Saba, A. Yücel, M. Yurtkuran, M. Yurtkuran, H.B. Oral.
Cytokine gene polymorphisms in Behçet's disease and their association with clinical and laboratory
findings. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2009; 27 (suppl.53): S73-S78.
38. Ozerkan, K., G. Uncu, B. Oral. Mannose-binding lectin levels in endometriosis. Fertil Steril. 94(2),
775-6 (2010).
39. Kazak, E., S.C. Oliveira, G. Goral, H. Akalin, E. Yilmaz, Y. Heper, H.B. Oral. Brucella abortus L7/L12
recombinant protein induces strong Th1 response in acute brucellosis patients. Iran J Immunol. 7: 132-41
40. Gürcüoğlu, E., H. Akalın, B. Ener, G. Ocakoğlu, M. Sınırtaş, Sevim Akçağlar, E. Yılmaz, C. Evci, B.
Oral. Nosocomial candidemia in adults: Risk and prognostic factors. Journal de Mycologie Médicale 20:
269-78 (2010).
41. Oral, H.B., K. Dilek, K, A.A. Özçimen, Ö. Taşkapılıoğlu, Ü. Bingöl, A. Sarandöl, H. Sarıcaoğlu, M.
Yurtkuran, M.A. Yurtkuran. Interleukin-4 gene polymorphisms confer Behçet’s Disease in Turkish
Population. Scand J Immunol 73: 594-601 (2011).
42. A.A. Özçimen, K. Dilek, Ü. Bingöl, H. Sarıcaoğlu, A. Sarandöl, Ö. Taşkapılıoğlu, M. Yurtkuran, M.A.
Yurtkuran, H.B. Oral. IL-1 cluster gene polymorphisms in Turkish patients with Behçet’s Disease. Int J
Immunogenet 38: 295-301 (2011).
43. Karali, Z., S. Tanir Basaranoglu, Y. Karali, B. Oral, S.S. Kilic. Autoimmunity and Hepatitis A
Vaccine in Children. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 21: 389-93 (2011).
44. Özkan, H., N. Köksal, M. Çetinkaya, Ş. Kılıç, S. Çelebi, B. Oral, F. Budak. Serum Mannose Binding
Lectin (MBL) Gene Polymorphism and Low MBL Levels Are Associated with Neonatal Sepsis and
Pneumonia. J Perinatology (in press)
Archives of Medical Research
BMC Medical Genetics
Clinical Applications of Immunology
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology
Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarker
Human Immunology
International Journal of Immunogenetics
Iranian Journal of Immunology
Journal of Biological & Environmental Sciences (JBES)
Journal of Clinical Immunology & Allergy
Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine
Klimik Journal
Turkish Journal of Immunology
Turkish Journal of Immunology
Clinical Applications of Immunology
Klimik Journal
Zoltan Fehervari, MSc (1995-1996) (Imperial College, London)
Carolina Arancibia, MSc (1996-1997) (Imperial College, London)
Esra Kazak, MD (2001-2006) (Uludag University, Turkey)
Ferah Budak, PhD (2001-2006) (Uludag University, Turkey)
Arzu Yılmaztepe Oral, PhD (Pending) (2005-Current)
Emel Bülbül Başkan, PhD (Pending) (2006-Current)
Ümit Bingöl, PhD (Pending) (2007-Current)
Ayşe Ayarcı, MD (Pending) (2007-Current)
Salih Haldun Bal, PhD (Pending) (2008-Current)