Eylül 2011 - Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu


Eylül 2011 - Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu
Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu
2011 – 2012 Akademik Yılı
Lisans Hazırlık Düzey Belirleme Sınavı
23 Eylül 2011
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T.C. KİMLİK NUMARASI : ....................................................................
1. Bu soru kitapçığındaki test 80 sorudan oluşmaktadır ve verilen cevaplama süresi 180 dakikadır (3 saat).
2. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.
3. Test kitapçığındaki her sorunun yalnızca bir doğru cevabı vardır. Bir soru için birden fazla cevap yeri
işaretlenmişse o soru yanlış cevaplanmış sayılacaktır.
4. Bu kitapçıktaki soruların cevapları, kitapçıkla birlikte verilen cevap kağıdında ayrılmış olan yerlere, kurşun
kalemle işaretlenecektir. Cevap kağıdı buruşturulmayacak, üzerine gereksiz hiçbir işaret konulmayacaktır.
5. Bu sınavın değerlendirmesi doğru cevap sayısı üzerinden yapılacak, yanlış cevaplar dikkate
alınmayacaktır. Bu nedenle, her soruda size en doğru görünen cevabı işaretleyerek cevapsız soru
bırakmamanız yararınıza olacaktır.
6. Sınavda uyulacak diğer kurallar bu kitapçığın arka kapağında belirtilmiştir.
Giresun Üniversitesi
Yabancı Diller Bölümü
2011 – 2012 Akademik Yılı Lisans Hazırlık Düzey Belirleme Sınavı
1-27. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun
düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. John has been ………. from school for three days
a) sick
b) careless
c) serious
d) absent
e) participation
8. Archaeologists had never before ………….. such
findings as those in the area around Çatalhöyük.
a) Gone ahead
b) Come across
c) Seen off
d) Handed out
e) break up
2. Several England supporters were arrested and
………….. with disturbing the peace after the match.
9. Why are you trying to do everything by …………..
instead of asking for ………….. help?
a) exposed
b) fulfilled
c) charged
d) embraced
e) accused
a) yourself /others’
b) you/the others
c) your own/another
d) yours /someone’s
e) yourselves/anyone
3. I was a bit worried because I thought I might
………….. my train.
a) be late
b) not reach
c) lose
d) miss
e) catch
4. A surgeon’s knife must be very ………….. in order to
make the fine cuts required.
a) sharp
d) dull
b) heavy
e) big
c) wise
10. Connecticut was the fifth of the original thirteen
states ………….. the Constitution of the United
a) ratified
b) ratify
c) to ratify
d) have ratified
e) to be ratifying
11. The chemical composition of sandstone is the same
as …………..
a) rapidly
b) strangely
c) suddenly
d) safely
e) widely
a) that of sand
b) that sand is
c) sand is that
d) what of sand
e) which was sand
6. Though ………….. Rolex watches are very
expensive, you can buy fakes on the street cheaply.
12. If you ………….. to town tomorrow, will you do
some shopping for me?
a) realistic
b) alternative
c) interesting
d) genuine
e) exact
a) went
7. If this rain keeps ………….. like this, we will never
get home without getting wet.
13. Let’s draw a picture, ………….. ?
5. His novels have been ………….. praised for the
superb use of colloquial language.
a) getting off
b) pouring down
c) going out
d) breaking into
e) bringing up
b) will be going
c) go
d) will go
e) have gone
a) will we
b) will you
c) don’t you
d) shall we
e) shall you
14. James ………….. at the same company since he
………….. from university.
20. “Must I take my umbrella?” “No, you …………..
It’s not going to rain.”
a) was working/has graduated
b) works/was graduating
c) worked/had graduated
d) is working/would graduate
e) has worked/graduated
a) mustn’t
b) needn’t
c) have to
d) don’t
e) hadn’t
15. My mother ………….. delicious cakes but my sister
doesn’t like ………….. cakes.
a) However
b) On behalf of
c) Because of
d) In order for
e) Regardless of
a) is making/make
b) was making/to make
c) makes/making
d) make/makes
e) making/make
16. Unless we ………….. an alternative source of
energy, we ………….. up all the world’s petroleum
by the end of the next century.
a) are finding/are using
b) have found/are going to use
c) will have found/have used
d) find/will have used
e) were finding/were to use
21. ………….. working very long hours, Beşire strives
to exercise at least twice a week.
22. On several occasions, Benjamin has earnestly
considered ………….. to study for a PhD, yet he
relishes his job and enjoys ………….. such a high
a) returning / earning
b) to return / earning
c) returning / having earned
d) to return / to have earned
e) being returned / earning
23. It was Friday afternoon and the shops were full
……….. customers.
17. The problem of erosion has grown to …………..
bewildering proportions ………….. it can only be
corrected by coordinated government policies.
a) the most/as
b) such/that
c) too/that
d) so/as
e) more/than
18. The Internet connects people all ………….. the
world, yet relations ………….. people of different
nationalities do not seem to have improved.
a) among/of
b) about/through
c) along/about
d) over/between
e) of/around
19. By late July, the Information Technology staff
………….. to get file servers installed and initial
testing done.
a) of
b) in
d) with
c) by
e) for
24. Generally speaking, ………….. the knitting needles
used are, ………….. the finished stitching will
a) the larger / much looser
b) if / then
c) the larger / the looser
d) when / ......
e) unless / ......
25. Toussaint L’Ouverture, ………….. was the leader of
the 1793 Haitian insurgency, ………….. died in
a) who / when
b) who / who
c) that /as
d) who / when he
e) who / ......
a) will have been working
b) have been working
c) is working
d) works
e) have worked
26. We need to take enough money with ………….. for
drinks, postcards and any souvenirs …………..
might wish to purchase.
33-37. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da
ifadeyi bulunuz.
a) us / that
b) them / we
c) them / ......
d) our / themselves
e) us / we
Corn and potatoes are two vegetables from the New
World which are now part of the world’s diet. There is
(33) ………….. a corner of the world (34) …………..
these vegetables are not grown and eaten. Ironically,
until the discovery of the Americas the world had not
(35) ………….. these two crops. These food items,
however, were first harvested by the native Indians who
lived on the land and were later introduced into Europe
by the early explorers. The potato, (36) ………….., is
probably indigenous to the Andes and was not
introduced into North America (37) ………….. 1621
when it was brought to Virginia from Bermuda.
27. Take ………….. things or you’ll regret it; don’t take
………….. jewelry either .
a) a few / many
b) few / much
c) little / much
d) a little / many
e) few / many
28-32. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da
ifadeyi bulunuz.
Rome’s great amphitheater, the Colosseum, was
commissioned by the Emperor Vespasian in 72 A.D. It
was used for deadly gladiatorial combats and wild
animal fights. (28) ………….. were staged, free of
charge, by the emperor and wealthy citizens. It was built
with a very practical design (29) ………….. 80
entrances allowing easy access for 55 thousand (30)
………….. Excavations in the 19th century (31)
………….. a network of rooms under the arena, from
which animals (32) ……………
a) others
b) any
c) these
d) the rest
e) of which
a) with
b) for
c) from
d) out of
a) precisely
b) hardly
c) willingly
d) unknowingly
e) definitely
a) how
b) of which
c) whose
d) whatever
e) where
a) known of
b) slipped up
c) eaten out
d) taken back
e) picked up
a) despite
b) furthermore
c) since
d) thus
e) however
a) by
b) after
d) soon
c) until
e) while
e) to
a) crowds
b) inhabitants
c) invaders
d) spectators
e) population
a) supported
b) disturbed
c) compared
d) claimed
e) exposed
a) to have been released
b) to be released
c) will have been released
d) could be released
e) must be released
38-42. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da
ifadeyi bulunuz.
The Romantic Age in England was part of a movement
that affected all the countries of the Western World. The
forms of romanticism were (38) ………….. many and
varied that it is difficult to speak the movement as a
whole. It tended to align (39) ………….. with the
humanitarian spirit of the democratic revolutionaries.
(40) ………….., romantics were not always democrats
and democrats were not always revolutionaries. Perhaps
the (41) ………….. things to say is that romanticism
represented an attempt (42) ………….. the wonder of
the world.
a) so
b) as
d) neither
c) both
e) thus
a) others
b) them
c) each
d) itself
e) themselves
a) even so
b) since
c) accordingly
d) in case
e) on the contrary
a) safe
b) safest
d) safely
c) safety
e) safer
a) having rediscovered
b) rediscovering
c) on rediscovering
d) to have rediscovered
e) to rediscover
43-45. sorularda verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en
yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
43. Ana babalar çocukları ödevlerini yapıncaya kadar
onların televizyon seyretmelerine izin vermemelidir.
a) Parents shouldn’t let their children watch TV until
they finish their homework.
b) Children shouldn’t watch TV until they finish their
c) Parents shouldn’t watch TV until their children finish
their homework.
d) Parents shouldn’t watch TV with their children while
they are doing homework.
e) Children should finish their homework before they
watch TV.
44. Bizimki sadece küçük bir bakkal dükkânı olduğu
için ne yazık ki tüm ürünleri satmamız olası değildir.
a) Since ours is only a small grocery unfortunately it is
not possible for us to sell all the products.
b) Though ours is quite a small grocery, it shouldn’t be
possible for us to sell all the products.
c) Because our grocery is rather small, we sometimes
manage to display all the products
d) I’m sorry but as this only a small grocery, it would be
unreasonable to expect to sell all the products.
e) A small grocery such as ours cannot reasonably be
expected to sell all the products.
45. Pasifik Okyanusu’nun Atlantik Okyanusu’ndan ayrı
olduğunu ilk fark eden Avrupalı, İspanyol kaşif
Vasco de Balboa idi.
a) Even so, it was the Spanish explorer Vasco de Balboa
who was the first European to notice that the Pacific
and the Atlantic were separate oceans.
b) The Spanish explorer Vasco de Balboa was the first
European to realize that the Pacific Ocean and the
Atlantic Ocean were separated.
c) The first European to recognize the Pacific Ocean as
distinct from the Atlantic Ocean was the Spanish
explorer Vasco de Balboa.
d) Vasco de Balboa of Spain was the first European to
discover that the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans were
e) Until the Spanish explorer Vasco de Balboa made the
discovery, Europeans did not realize that the Atlantic
Ocean and the Pacific Ocean were distinct.
46-48. sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca
en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
46. In February 1994, the US lifted its trade embargo on
Vietnam, which had been in place since it entered the
a) ABD, savaşa girdiğinden beri Vietnam üzerinde
uyguladığı ticaret ablukasını ancak Şubat 1994’te
b) ABD’nin Şubat 1994’te Vietnam üzerinden kaldırdığı
ticaret ablukası, savaşa girdiği yıldan beri
c) 1994 Şubat’ında Vietnam üzerinden kaldırılan ticaret
ablukasını, ABD, savaşa girdikten sonra uygulamaya
d) ABD, Şubat 1994’te, savaşa girdiğinden beri Vietnam
üzerinde uygulamış olduğu ticaret ablukasını
e) Şubat 1994’te Vietnam üzerinden kaldırılan ticaret
ablukası, ABD’nin savaşa girmesinden beri
47. Albania remained under Turkish rule for more than
four hundred years until it proclaimed its
independence on 28 November 1912.
a) Arnavutluk, dört yüz yıl Türk yönetiminde kaldıktan
sonra, 28 Kasım 1912’de bağımsızlığına
b) Dört yüz yıldan daha fazla Türk yönetiminde kalmış
olan Arnavutluk, bağımsızlığını 28 Kasım 1912’de
elde etmiştir.
c) Bağımsızlığına 28 Kasım 1912’de kavuşan
Arnavutluk, dört yüz yılı aşkın bir süre Türk
yönetiminde kalmıştır.
d) Arnavutluk, her ne kadar bağımsızlığını 28 Kasım
1912’de elde etmişse de, dört yüz yıldan fazla bir
süre Türk yönetiminde kalmıştır.
e) Arnavutluk, 28 Kasım 1912’de bağımsızlığını ilân
edinceye kadar, dört yüz yıldan fazla Türk
yönetiminde kalmıştır.
48. The prospects of a permanent peace depend on how
well the interim arrangements can be made to work.
a) Sürekli barışın sağlanması, geçici anlaşmaların
bozulmaması için gösterilecek çabaya bağlı olacaktır.
b) Sürekli barış umudu, ara düzenlemelerin ne kadar iyi
işletilebileceğine bağlıdır.
c) Geçici anlaşmalara ne ölçüde uyulursa, sürekli barış
sağlanması olasılığı o kadar artacaktır.
d) Kalıcı bir barış umudu, geçici düzenlemelerin ne
kadar işe yarayacağına bağlıdır.
e) Barışın sürekli olup olmayacağı, iyi niyet çabalarının
karşılıklı olarak sürdürülmesine bağlıdır.
49-51. sorularda verilen cümlelere anlamca en yakın
olan cümleyi bulunuz.
49. Although the USA is the richest country in the
world, parts of their inner cities are as poor as the
typical urban areas of developing countries.
a) There aren’t any countries richer than the USA in the
world, and there are many poor places in
developing countries but not in the USA.
b) The people who live in the centers of the cities in the
USA are as poor as those who live in developing
c) The people in the typical urban areas of developing
countries are as rich as the people who live in the
d) The USA is the richest country in the world, but in its
inner cities the degree of poverty is the same as the
standard city areas of developing countries.
e) Though the USA is among the richest countries in the
World, some parts of their cities are poorer than the
typical urban areas of developing countries.
50. Mantı, which I ate with my boss last week, was the
first Turkish meal I had had in my life.
a) I had never been allowed to eat any Turkish meal
before, but I ate one, Mantı, with my boss last week.
b) I had never had Turkish meal until I ate with my boss
last week
c) I have never had any Turkish meal in my life, but my
boss had one last week
d) I had never cooked Turkish meal until I ate with my
boss last week.
e) Mantı is the only Turkish meal that I have had with
my boss in my life.
51. However hard he tries, he’ll never again enjoy the
confidence of the country as a whole.
a) Apparently he is quite confident that he does enjoy
the respect of most people in the country.
b) So long as he tries, there’s every chance that he will
gain the support of the whole country.
c) It will be hard to recover the respect of the country at
d) No matter what he does, he’ll never recover the trust
of the country as a whole.
e) If only he’d try a little harder he would gain the
respect of the whole country.
52-55. sorularda verilen cümleyi en uygun şekilde
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
52. ……………………… if all nations work together.
a) The threat to the environment can only be overcome
b) They wouldn’t have been in such a difficult position
c) The committee decided to sign the agreement
d) There would be little improvement in the company’s
trading position
e) The new manager has many problems to solve.
53. After working in an insurance company for more
than a year , ……………………..
a) the company officials might have decided to give him
a promotion
b) he had already left his job
c) he started his own firm
d) He is leaving the office early
e) later he will finish working
54. ………………………………, so I will know that
you have arrived safely.
a) Call me as soon as your plane lands
b) You were going to contact me
c) You have always been responsible to keep in touch
with me
d) I’m glad you were quick to tell me where you were
e) I wish you would write me more often
58. (I) In England about 5.000 people are killed in road
accidents each year. (II) Even so, the death rate is
well below that in most other Western European
countries. (III) For instance, it is about half the rate
of that in France. (IV) As British roads are in general
less adequate than the French, the difference seems
to indicate that the British drive more carefully. (V)
This is one reason why, in London, more and more
people are using the underground.
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV
e) V
55. Some comets have such long orbits
a) while some asteroids may be burnt up comets
b) in case they come from a region outside the Solar
c) since they are often visible from the Earth
d) that they pass near the Earth only once every million
e) just as their dust tails stretch up to 10 million
kilometers across the sky
59-61. Sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan
yerinde söylenmiş olabilecek sözü işaretleyiniz.
59. Mrs. Brooks: You’re late dear. What happened?
Mr. Brooks: The car broke down again and it took
me an hour to get it fixed.
Mrs. Brooks: …………..
Mr. Brooks: Yes, I suppose that’s the only way.
56-58. sorularda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
a) Did you get the brakes checked too?
b) Well, stop worrying. You haven’t been hurt.
c) You’ll just have to sell it and get a new one.
d) I was worried in case you’d had an accident.
e) It’s lucky that you understand engines and know what
to do.
56. (I) Since the 1950s, scientists have suggested that
the source of the magnetic field is the Earth’s core.
(II) At the heart of the Earth, 2,900 km from our feet,
lies a solid ball of iron surrounded by a ball of liquid
iron. (III) All mater has gravitational force. (IV) The
combination of electric currents and the motion of
the liquid iron acts as a geo- dynamo, producing the
Earth’s magnetic field. (V) But the details of the geodynamo are still very detailed and there are
unanswered questions.
60. Redger: I hear Peter’s not going to Amsterdam
Congress. Is that true?
Nancy: It is. His wife has to have an operation; so he
asked not to be sent.
Redger: …………..
Nancy: It is still not definite.
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV
e) V
57. (I) Sir Walter Raleigh was an outstanding example
of the versatile Renaissance man. (II) Though he was
a famous seaman, his real importance lies in other
accomplishments. (III) As the Renaissance
developed in Italy and other European countries, it
began to take on added dimensions. (IV) He was a
poet, a musician, a scientist, a historian, an explorer
and even a pirate. (V) He also took an active part in
the colonization of America.
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV
e) V
a) Too bad. Who’ll go in his place?
b) What bad luck! He was looking forward to going.
c) I wish I were going too.
d) That’s really very unfortunate.
e) What a pity! I know he is a very gifted man.
61. Peter: What are you working on?
Gordon: The feasibility report concerning the
construction of the new railway.
Peter: …………..
Gordon: No, that one will be constructed in the
South of the country.
a) The ministry has withdrawn the proposal, hasn’t it?
b) Are you really satisfied with it?
c) Why is the transportation of goods so important?
d) May I take a look at the figures?
e) Do you mean the one to be financed by an
international consortium?
62-64. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun düşen
ifadeyi bulunuz.
65-68. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun
düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.
62. In board meeting a young colleague has put forward
a new policy suggestion which conflicts to the
general policy of the firm. You think it is right and,
therefore, you want to support it, so you say:
65. In this age crime has become everyday event, and
this has had an effect on our reading. Readers no
longer look for an escape when they pick up a crime
novel. ………… That is, they want to learn
something about the real world, and about those good
and bad, who inhabit it.
a) The general policy of our firm should at all costs be
b) What he has suggested can really be ignored.
c) Our young colleague’s suggestion really deserves our
serious consideration.
d) As far as I’m concerned, there is little to be said.
e) Our young colleague seems to have weakened the
traditions of the firm.
63. You have been invited to attend a conference on
drug trafficking. However, as you have been in poor
health for some time you feel you must decline the
invitation, so you say:
a) Conferences of this kind bore me greatly.
b) Although I’ve recently had an operation, that needn’t
prevent me from attending.
c) Normally I’d have been pleased to attend, but on
health grounds, I must be excused.
d) Since drug trafficking is a major world problem, I’m
sure the conference will be a great success.
e) I believe the medical aspects of drugs should be taken
into account at the conference.
64. A friend of yours has been a heavy smoker for years
and clearly this is seriously affecting his health. You
a) Your health is rapidly deteriorating; Why don’t you
give up smoking altogether?
b) I know you enjoy a smoke. I think, you should
continue to smoke heavily.
c) I can understand why, after all these years, you smoke
so heavily.
d) More and more people are cutting down on their
smoking, but I think you shouldn’t.
e) I presume it is only at work that you smoke so
a) Crime novelists cannot be dismissed simply because
the incidents they describe are inherently more
interesting than those in other kinds
b) Today the crime novel, in all its forms, proceeds
more surely and satisfactorily from character
c) Most novelists see crime as a fascinating topic when
they creatively write about
d) They read it for the same reasons they read novels of
any other kind
e) A great majority of readers regard incidents in a crime
novel as more fantasy
66. I passed all the other courses that I took at my
University, but I could never pass botany. …………..
This used to make my instructor very angry. He
would wander around the laboratory and be pleased
with the work of all the other students. Then he
would come to me. I would be standing there, doing
a) I always made sure that the microscope was placed on
the table properly
b) In fact, this was a course I enjoyed enormously
c) I was very much interested in the study of the
structure of flower cells
d) However, other students were very good at drawing
pictures of plant cells in their notebooks
e) This was because I could never see through the
67. ………….. This area is called a reservoir. The water
stored in it can be used for irrigation or power
generation; it can also be used to supply water to
homes and industry.
a) A dam is a wall, generally constructed across a
valley, to enclose an area in which water is stored
b) A dam is a complex structure, consisting of various
c) The GAP Project has already brought great benefits to
the region
d) The site for any dam has to be chosen with great care
e) South East Turkey is obviously even richer in water
68. Following World War II, there was an era of great
optimism, economic growth and affluence. It lasted,
however, for only a short period of time. …………...
This was largely due to continuous economic
recession and a whole series of world crises
a) The super powers should be held responsible for this
state of affairs
b) Especially in the West the growth in the population
was noticeable
c) Many people looked forward to a better future for all
d) Indeed the European Community took serious
measures aimed at reducing unemployment
e) From the 1970s onwards a new mood of frustration
and disillusionment set in
69-71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Born in Pisa on 15 February 1564, Galileo was the son
of a court musician to the Duke of Tuscany. At the age
of 17, he entered the University of Pisa to study
medicine, at his father’s insistence. But Galileo secretly
attended lectures given by Ostilio Ricci, court
mathematician, and heard of a revolutionary idea that
mathematics could explain natural phenomena like the
movement of the planets. This hardly seems surprising
today, but back in 16th century most cosmos came from
once source: the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
69. It is pointed out in the passage that in the age of
Galileo, ………….. .
a) medicine was the most popular subject taught at the
b) most Italian noblemen felt it was necessary to employ
a musician
c) mathematics was, for the first time, regarded as the
key to an understanding of nature
d) all physicists rejected the idea that the planets could
move in orbits
e) the Duke of Tuscany was by far the most influential
nobleman in Italy
71. We understand from the passage that the ideas of
Aristotle ………….. .
a) were still usually accepted as completely true in the
16th century
b) were still regarded as revolutionary in the 16th century
c) suddenly came back in favor in the 16th century
d) regarding the cosmos, were surprisingly accurate
e) were all based on mathematical principles
72-74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
England is famous for its gardens, and most people like
gardening. This is probably one reason why so many
people prefer to live in houses rather than in flats.
Particularly in suburban areas it is possible to pass row
after row of ordinary small houses, each one with its
neatly kept patch of grass surrounded by a great variety
of flowers and shrubs. Enthusiasts of gardening get a
great deal of helpful advice from the television and
72. The passage points out that, because many English
people are fond of gardening ………….. .
a) they don’t want to live in suburban areas
b) houses are more popular than flats
c) they can spare little time for the television
d) the price of land is constantly going up
e) they grow flowers but not grass and fruit trees
73. The passage stresses that people interested in
gardening ………… .
a) find it necessary to move out to distant rural areas
b) need large gardens in order to get satisfaction
c) are in a minority in England
d) get very little encouragement from the media
e) are supplied with information and guidance by both
the television and the press
74. The passage is concerned with ………….. .
70. It is clear from the passage that, even though Galileo
was supposed to be studying medicine, ………….. .
a) he followed his father’s advice and took courses in
b) it was mathematics that really interested him
c) he spent a great deal of time studying Aristotle’s
d) he soon discovered that this was not well taught
e) he would much rather have been a musician like his
a) the increasing demand for new varsities of flowers
and shrubs
b) the problems of gardening in suburban areas
c) the new techniques in gardening
d) the enthusiasm of people in England for gardens and
e) how to look after the grass in gardens
75-77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
78-80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Obesity, smoking and other obsessions are said to be the
most deadly of all diseases, but the deadliest of diseases
are poverty and ignorance. They result in war,
survivalist protectionism and far too many deaths, and
under their umbrella are included those deaths caused by
unhealthy obsessions. Because of these reasons,
education is the most effective tool to combat all
diseases around the globe.
Şeker Ahmet Paşa was one of the great painters of the
19th century Ottoman society. His nickname ‘Şeker’ was
acquired on account of his kind and cheerful personality,
which won him affection and a wide circle of friends.
Although he started his education at the Medical School,
he proved so talented in art that he resolved to become a
painter. In pursuit of his ambition, he entered the
military academy, where art was the important part of
the curriculum. His paintings attracted the attention of
Sultan Abdulaziz, who sent him to Paris to study art.
After returning to İstanbul, he spent many years teaching
painting at the Technical College and organizing art
exhibitions, which aroused great public interest. He was
the key figure in the transition from traditional Turkish
miniature to modern painting. His paintings reflect the
European art and his masterful use of the contrast
between light and shade. They include calm and quiet
landscapes and still- lives in addition to a notable selfportrait.
75) The author points out that education is …………..
a) feeding the soul, and ignorance so that they can
address their physical existence
b) the most effective way of defying all diseases around
the globe
c) gaining a sense of not only the wretchedness of life,
but the beauty of it
d) a point which can also be observed in the fine arts
e) an issue which they have dragged themselves out of it
78. According to the passage, it is true that ………….. .
76) In this paragraph, the author defines education
a) as a server of peace and health in the world
b) which ought to be applied physically
c) for people to have a chance to raise themselves out of
d) by becoming personally involved with such works
e) an individual can see how others have experienced
a) Şeker Ahmet Paşa was actually a doctor
b) 19th century was the time when Turkish miniature had
a rise
c) the Sultan forced Ahmet Paşa to study arts
d) Şeker Ahmet was influenced by the art movement in
e) when alive, Şeker Ahmet Paşa was not a popular artist
79. Ahmet Paşa’s paintings ………….. .
77) According to the author the deadliest of diseases are
poverty and ignorance …………..
a) which cause homelessness instead of strong ideals
b) serve not only the body, but the soul
c) through a soul search on these different observations
of life
d) that seek pleasure and those who suffers from love
e) because they cause too many deaths
a) were exhibited in Paris
b) were technically poor
c) depicted peaceful sceneries
d) consisted of many human figures
e) were mostly about war scenes
80. Ahmet Paşa was important in Turkish art as
………….. .
a) he was the first Turkish painter in Istanbul.
b) he was the forerunner of modern art in Turkey
c) the public really liked a painter for the first time
d) he was the first Turkish painter to make his own
e) he organized the first exhibition in Turkish history
1. Sınava girecek öğrencilerin fotoğraflı kimlik
belgelerinin (Öğrenci kimliği, Pasaport, Nüfus
Cüzdanı, Sürücü belgesi) asıllarını yanlarında
getirmeleri gerekmektedir. Fotokopi veya faksı ile
sınava öğrenci alınmayacaktır.
2. Sınav salonuna yalnızca aşağıda belirtilenlerle
a. Kurşun kalem
b. Silgi
c. Cep telefonu ve benzeri hiçbir elektronik
iletişim cihazı ve sözlük sınav salonuna
d. Getirilenler, sınav başlamadan önce
3. Bu sınavda cevaplama için verilen toplam süre 180
dakikadır. Öğrenciler, sınavın ilk 15 dakikasından
sonra sınav salonuna kabul edilemez ve öğrenciler
sınavın ilk 60 dakikası tamamlanmadan sınav
salonunu terk edemezler. Cevaplamayı size verilen
süre bitmeden tamamlarsanız cevap kağıdınızı ve
soru kitapçığınızı Salon Görevlilerine teslim ederek
salondan ayrılabilirsiniz. Sınav salonunu terk
etmeden önce yoklama kâğıdını imzaladığınızdan
emin olunuz.
4. Sınav evrakını teslim ederek salonu terk eden öğrenci
her ne sebeple olursa olsun tekrar sınava
5. Sınav süresince görevlilerle konuşmak ve soru
sormak yasaktır. Aynı şekilde görevlilerin de
öğrencilerle yakından ve alçak sesle konuşmaları;
ayrıca öğrencilerin birbirlerinden kalem, silgi vb.
şeyleri istemeleri kesinlikle yasaktır.
6. Sınav salonuna yerleştikten sonra, optik formunuzun
ve/veya sınav kitapçığınızın üzerindeki boşluklara
gerekli bilgileri kodladığınızdan emin olunuz.
Gerekli yönlendirmeler sınav görevlisi tarafından
yapılacaktır. Sınav kitapçığınızı alır almaz, sayfaların
eksik olup olmadığını, kitapçıkta basım hatalarının
bulunup bulunmadığını kontrol ediniz. Sınav
kitapçığınızın sayfası eksik veya basımı hatalı ise
değiştirilmesi için derhal sınav görevlisine
başvurunuz. Sınavın başladığı bildirilmeden, soruları
yanıtlamaya başlamayınız.
7. Kopya çekme durumu hangi biçimde olursa olsun,
kopya çekildiğine ilişkin olarak sınav görevlilerinin
şüphelenmesine ya da tespitine dayanan her türlü
davranış “Yükseköğretim Kurumları Öğrenci
Disiplin Yönetmeliği” ne göre soruşturma açılmasını
gerektirir. Soruşturmanın sonuçları ve belirlenen
cezalar, öğrencinin kendisine, ailesine, kayıtlı olduğu
bölümüne ve Kredi ve Yurtlar Kurumu’na
bildirilmek zorundadır. Sınav sırasında kopya çeken,
çekmeye kalkışan, kopya veren, kopya çekilmesine
yardım edenlerin kimlikleri, Salon Sınav Tutanağına
yazılacak ve bu adayların sınavları geçersiz
sayılacaktır. Görevliler kopya çekmeye veya
vermeye kalkışanları uyarmak zorunda değildir.
Kopya çekme suçunun getireceği tüm cezai
uygulamaların sorumluluğu, bu suça yeltenen,
gerçekleştiren ya da gerçekleştirilmesine yardımcı
olan öğrencilere aittir.
8. Sınav süresinin bittiği ilân edilip optik formlar
ve/veya sınav kitapçıkları sınav görevlileri tarafından
toplanıncaya kadar yerlerinizde kalınız ve optik
formunuzda ve/veya sınav kitapçığınızda herhangi
bir işaretleme yapmayınız.
9. Öğrenciler görevlilerin her türlü uyarılarına uymak
zorundadır. Görevliler gerektiğinde oturduğunuz yeri
de değiştirebilirler.
10. Cevap kağıdında doldurmanız gereken alanlar
bulunmaktadır. Bu alanları eksiksiz doldurunuz.
Cevapların cevap kağıdına işaretlenmiş olması
gerekir. Soru kitapçığına işaretlenen cevaplar geçerli
kabul edilmeyecektir.
11. Soru kitapçığındaki boş yerleri müsvedde için
12. Soruları ve bu sorulara verdiğiniz cevapları ayrı bir
kağıda yazıp bu kağıdı dışarı çıkarmanız kesinlikle
13. Sınav salonundan ayrılmadan önce cevap kağıdını
ve soru kitapçığını eksiksiz olarak salon
görevlilerine teslim ettiğinizden emin olunuz.