
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
: Ugur SELEK
Present Title
: Chair, Radiation Oncology Department, American Hospital
& Adjunct Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Department of Radiation Oncology, Houston, TX, USA
Office Address:
American Hospital,
Department of Radiation Oncology,
Güzelbahçe Sokak, No:20,
Tesvikiye, Sisli, 34365,
Istanbul, Turkey
Office Telephone
Mobile Phone
: +90 444 3 777 dect 7910
: +90 537 7243724
: +90 (212) 311 23 95
Home address:
Sakayık Sokak, Hadi Semi Apt, 19/3,
Tesvikiye / Sisli, 34365, Istanbul, Turkey
: Turkey
Place of Birth
: Turkey
Date of Birth
: August 10th, 1973
Marital Status
: Married
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
Ataturk Elementary School
Usak Anadolu High School
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
Residency - Hacettepe Univ. Radiation Oncology Dep.,
/ Turkey
Clinical Fellowship - Univ. of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Houston/ TX, USA
Clinical Fellowship - Univ. of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Houston/ TX, USA
Staff, Hacettepe University, Radiation Oncology Dept., Ankara,
Turkish Mandatory Military Service, Gulhane Military Medical
Faculty, Radiation Oncology Dept., Ankara, Turkey
Staff, Associate Professor, Hacettepe University, Radiation
Oncology Dept., Ankara, Turkey
Chair, American Hospital-MD Anderson Radiation Oncology
Center - Istanbul
Adjunct Associate Professor at Univ. of Texas, MD Anderson
Cancer Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Houston/ TX,
M.D. Degree (Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine)
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Radiation Oncologist / Turkey
Indefinite Revalidation of ECFMG Certificate
General Clinical Fellowship in MD Anderson Radiation Oncology Dept.,
Houston/ TX, USA
Stereotactic/IMRT Clinical Fellowship in MD Anderson Radiation
Oncology Dept., Houston/ TX, USA
Assistant Professorship, Hacettepe University, Radiation Oncology
Department, Ankara, Turkey
Associate Professorship, Hacettepe University, Radiation Oncology
Department, Ankara, Turkey
Adjunct Associate Professor at Univ. of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Houston/ TX, USA
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
Turkish Radiation Oncology Society
Turkish Lung Cancer Society
Moderatorship & Reviewership in International Meetings
2011 Abstract Reviewer, ASTRO’s 53rd Annual Meeting in Miami.
2010 Co-moderator in GU Scientific Session, ASTRO’s 52nd Annual Meeting in
San Diego.
2010 Abstract Reviewer, ASTRO’s 52nd Annual Meeting in San Diego.
2009 ASTRO Co-moderator in GU-Brachytherapy Poster Discussion session
2009 ASTRO Abstract Reviewer
2008 ASTRO Abstract Reviewer
Reviewership in Books
Clinical Fundamentals for Radiation Oncologists. Eds. Murshed H. Publisher:
Medical Physics Pub Corp; 2nd Edition edition (February 1, 2011) ISBN-10:
Reviewership in SCI & SCIE Journals
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics (ISSN: 0360-3016)
Head And Neck-Journal For The Sciences And Specialties Of The Head And
Neck (ISSN: 1043-3074)
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (ISSN: 1756-9966)
Tohoku Journal Of Experimental Medicine (ISSN: 0040-8727)
Journal of Palliative Medicine (ISSN: 1096-6218)
Journal of the National Medical Association (ISSN: 0027-9684)
Uluslararası Hematoloji-Onkoloji Dergisi (ISSN: 1306-133X)
Turkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi (ISSN: 1300-0292)
First Annual M.D. Anderson Radiation Oncology Fellow Research Award
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
International Book Chapters
1. Selek U, Lo SS, Chang EL. Radiation Therapy for brain metastasis, Decision
Making in Radiation Oncology, Medical Radiology, Springer, Volume 1, Section
I, 3-23, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-13832-4_1, 2011
2. Selek U, Testicular Cancer, Radiation Therapy for brain metastasis, Decision
Making in Radiation Oncology, Medical Radiology, Springer, Volume 2, Section
VI, 611-637, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16333-3_3, 2011
3. Selek U, Chang EL. Skull base and posterior fossa. In: Chao KSC, Ozyigit O,
Apisarnthanarax S, editors. Practical essentials of Intensity Modulated Radiation
Therapy. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005. pp. 82-104.
4. Ozyigit G, Selek U. Oral cavity. In: Chao KSC, Ozyigit O, Apisarnthanarax S,
editors. Practical essentials of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy.
Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005. pp. 153-165.
National Book Chapters
1. Selek U, Frank SJ. Baş boyun kanserli olgularda proton terapi. In: Kulak Burun
Boğaz Hastalıklarında İleri Teknoloji. Eds. Ergin NT. Amerikan Hastanesi
Yayınları. İstanbul, 2010.
2. Selek U, Ozyigit G. Akciğer kanserine bağlı beyin metastazlarına yaklaşımda
radyoterapi ve radyocerrahi. Eds.Gülhan M, Turay UY. Tüsad Eğitim Kitapları,
İstanbul, 2010.
3. Keles E, Aydın S, Selek U, Mandel NM. Düşük Dereceli Glial Tümörler. In:
Temel Nöroşirürji. Cilt 1. Eds. Korfalı E, Zileli M, Ziyal İ, Ünlü A. Türk
Nöroşirürji Derneği Yayınları, 2010
4. Zorlu F, Selek U. Beyin Tümörlerinde Radyoterapi. In: Temel Nöroşirürji. Cilt 2.
Eds. Korfalı E, Zileli M, Ziyal İ, Ünlü A. Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği Yayınları,
5. Selek U, Ozyigit G. Pediatrik tümörlerde radyoterapi. In: Pediatrik Onkoloji. Ed.
Ozkan A. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul, 2009.
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
Peer-Reviewed Publications indexed in SCI & SCIE Journals
Wang XS, Rhines LD, Shiu AS, Yang JN, Selek U, et al. Stereotactic body
radiation therapy for management of spinal metastases in patients without
spinal cord compression: a phase 1-2 trial. Lancet Oncol 2012;13:395-402.
Parlak C, Topkan E, Onal C, Rayhan M, Selek U. Prognostic value of gross
tumor volume delineated by FDG-PET-CT based radiotherapy treatment
planning in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer treated with
chemoradiotherapy. Radiat Oncol 2012;7:37.
Cengiz M, Dogan A, Ozyigit G, Erturk E, Yildiz F, Selek U, Ulger S, Colak
F, Zorlu F. Brachytherapy. Comparison of intracavitary brachytherapy and
stereotactic body radiotherapy dose distribution for cervical cancer. 2011
Dec 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Frank SJ, Selek U. Proton beam radiation therapy for head and neck
malignancies. Curr Oncol Rep. 2010 May;12(3):202-7.
Zorlu F, Selek U, Kiratli H. Initial Results Of Fractionated Cyberknife®
Radiosurgery For Uveal Melanoma. J Neurooncol. 2009;94(1):111-7.
Hurmuz P, Akyol F, Selek U, Ozyigit G, Dogan R, Ozdemir N, Tastepe I,
Cangir AK, Kara M, Demirkazik FB, Emri S. The Efficiency and Toxicity
of Hemithoracic Radiotherapy After Extra Pleural Pneumonectomy in
Malign Pleural Mesothelioma. Int J Hematol Oncol 2010;20(1):20-26.
Topkan E, Yildirim BA, Selek U, Yavuz MN. Cranial Prophylactic
Irradiation in Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma: Current
Status and Future Perspectives. Oncology. 2009;76(3):220-8. Epub 2009
Feb 13.
Zorlu AF, Selek U, Emri S, Gurkaynak M, Akyol FH. Second line
palliative endobronchial radiotherapy with HDR Ir 192 in recurrent lung
carcinoma. Yonsei Med J. 2008 Aug 30;49(4):620-4.
Harputluoglu H, Dizdar O, Aksoy S, Kilickap S, Dede DS, Ozisik Y, Guler
N, Barista I, Gullu I, Hayran M, Selek U, Cengiz M, Zorlu F, Tekuzman G,
Altundag K. Characteristics of breast cancer patients with central nervous
system metastases: a single-center experience. J Natl Med Assoc. 2008
Atahan IL, Ozyigit G, Yildiz F, Gurkaynak M, Selek U, Sari S, Hayran M.
Percent positive axillary involvement predicts for the development of brain
metastasis in high-risk patients with nonmetastatic breast cancer receiving
post-mastectomy radiotherapy. Breast J. 2008 May-Jun;14(3):245-9. Epub
2008 Apr 21.
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
Gultekin M, Selek U, Ozyigit G, Cengiz M, Yavas O, Yildiz F. Boost dose
back again in elderly. J Clin Oncol. 2007 Dec 20;25(36):5843-4; author
reply 5844-5.
Lale Atahan I, Yildiz F, Ozyigit G, Sari S, Gurkaynak M, Selek U, Hayran
M. Percent positive axillary lymph node metastasis predicts survival in
patients with non-metastatic breast cancer. Acta Oncol. 2008;47(2):232-8.
Cengiz M, Yildiz F, Selek U, Ozyigit G. Comment on "computed
tomography versus magnetic resonance imaging-based contouring in
cervical cancer brachtherapy: results of a prospective trial and preliminary
guidelines for standardized contours" by Viswanathan et Al. (Int j radiat
oncol biol phys 2007;68:491-498, 2007). Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007
Nov 1;69(3):963; author reply 963-4.
Yazici G, Selek U, Yildiz F, Ozyigit G, Cengiz M. Is mastectomy superior
to breast-conserving treatment for young women? In regard to Coulombe et
Al. (Int j radiat oncol biol phys 2007;67:1282-1290). Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys. 2007 Oct 1;69(2):640; author reply 640.
Cengiz M, Gürdalli S, Selek U, Yildiz F, Saglam Y, Ozyar E, Atahan IL.
Effect of bladder distension on dose distribution of intracavitary
brachytherapy for cervical cancer: three-dimensional computed tomography
plan evaluation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2008 Feb 1;70(2):464-8.
Epub 2007 Sep 4.
Ozyigit G, Selek U, Cengiz M, Yildiz F. Comment on "Cranial location of
level II lymph nodes in laryngeal cancer: implications for elective nodal
target volume delineation": in regard to Braam et al. (Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys 2007;67:462-468). Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007 Aug
1;68(5):1582-3; author reply 1583.
Selek U, Zorlu F, Hurmuz P, Cengiz M, Turker A, Soylemezoglu F,
Gurkaynak M. Craniospinal radiotherapy in adult medulloblastoma.
Strahlenther Onkol. 2007 May;183(5):236-40.
Atahan IL, Onal C, Ozyar E, Yiliz F, Selek U, Kose F. Long-term outcome
and prognostic factors in patients with cervical carcinoma: a retrospective
study. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2007 Jul-Aug;17(4):833-42. Epub 2007 Mar
Varan A, Akyüz C, Akalan N, Atahan L, Söylemezoglu F, Selek U, Yalçin
B, Kutluk T, Büyükpamukçu M. Astrocytic tumors in children: treatment
results from a single institution. Childs Nerv Syst. 2007 Mar;23(3):315-9.
Epub 2006 Oct 13.
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
Cengiz M, Cetin E, Yildiz F, Selek U, Aydinkarahaliloglu E. Change in
blood chemistry may explain higher toxicity of total body irradiation for
bone marrow transplantation. Med Hypotheses. 2007;68(3):554-7. Epub
2006 Oct 2.
Ozyar E, Selek U, Laskar S, Uzel O, Anacak Y, Ben-Arush M,
Polychronopoulou S, Akman F, Wolden SL, Sarihan S, Miller RC, Ozsahin
M, Abacioğlu U, Martin M, Caloglu M, Scandolaro L, Szutowicz E, Atahan
IL. Treatment results of 165 pediatric patients with non-metastatic
nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a Rare Cancer Network study. Radiother Oncol.
2006 Oct;81(1):39-46. Epub 2006 Sep 11.
Yildiz F, Genc M, Akyurek S, Cengiz M, Ozyar E, Selek U, Atahan IL.
Radiotherapy in the management of Kaposi's sarcoma: comparison of 8 Gy
versus 6 Gy. J Natl Med Assoc. 2006 Jul;98(7):1136-9.
Akyol F, Selek U, Ozyigit G, Onal C, Akdogan B, Karabulut E, Ozen H.
Preliminary results of bicalutamide monotherapy on biochemical failure of
localized prostate cancer. J Natl Med Assoc. 2006 Jul;98(7):1058-61.
Yazici G, Yildiz F, Cengiz M, Ozyigit G, Selek U, Genç M, Atahan IL. Use
of CT simulation for treatment of cervical cancer to assess the adequacy of
lymph node coverage of conventional pelvic fields based on bony
landmarks: In regard to Finlay et al. (Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
2006;64:205-209). Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2006 Aug 1;65(5):1594;
author reply 1594.
Cağlar K, Varan A, Akyüz C, Selek U, Kutluk T, Yalçin B, Atahan IL,
Büyükpamukçu M. Second neoplasms in pediatric patients treated for
cancer: a center's 30-year experience. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2006
Atahan L, Yildiz F, Selek U, Sari S, Gurkaynak M. Postoperative
radiotherapy in the treatment of male breast carcinoma: a single institute
experience. J Natl Med Assoc. 2006 Apr;98(4):559-63.
Zorlu F, Selek U, Onal C, Söylemezoğlu F, Gurkaynak M. Postoperative
radiotherapy in cranial ganglioglioma. J Neurooncol. 2006 May;77(3):3214.
Zorlu F, Selek U, Soylemezoglu F, Oge K. Malignant giant cell tumor of
the skull base originating from clivus and sphenoid bone. J Neurooncol.
2006 Jan;76(2):149-52.
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
Zorlu F, Selek U, Akyuz C, Ozturk A, Soylemezoglu F, Akalan N. Spinal
seeding of a pilocytic astrocytoma following multiple subtotal resections.
Pediatr Neurosurg. 2005 Sep-Oct;41(5):248-52.
Zorlu F, Selek U, Ulger S, Donmez T, Erden E. Paraganglioma in sella. J
Neurooncol. 2005 Jul;73(3):265-7.
Akyol F, Ozyigit G, Selek U, Karabulut E. PSA bouncing after short term
androgen deprivation and 3D-conformal radiotherapy for localized prostate
adenocarcinoma and the relationship with the kinetics of testosterone. Eur
Urol. 2005 Jul;48(1):40-5.
Selek U, Cengiz M, Ozyigit G, Yildiz F, Lale Atahan I. Comment on: "HIV
infection and invasive cervical cancers, treatment with radiation therapy:
toxicity and outcome" [Radiother Oncol 2005;74:31-35, Shrivastava et al.].
Radiother Oncol. 2005 Jul;76(1):107-8; author reply 108.
Cengiz M, Selek U, Genç M, Aydinkarahaliloglu E, Yildiz F. Comment on
"Correlation between the treated volume, the GTV and the CTV at the time
of brachytherapy and histopathologic findings in 33 patients with operable
cervix carcinoma". Radiother Oncol. 2005 Jun;75(3):367-8; author reply
Chang EL, Selek U, Hassenbusch SJ 3rd, Maor MH, Allen PK, Mahajan A,
Sawaya R, Woo SY. Outcome variation among "radioresistant" brain
metastases treated with stereotactic radiosurgery. Neurosurgery. 2005
May;56(5):936-45; discussion 936-45.
Ozyigit G, Selek U, Cengiz M, Yildiz F. Comment on: "Target dose
conformity in 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy and intensity
modulated radiotherapy" Wu et al. [Radiother Oncol 2004; 71:201-206].
Radiother Oncol. 2005 Jan;74(1):78; author reply 78-9.
Cengiz M, Selek U, Yildiz F, Sari S. Comment on: "Escalated
hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy for locally advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer: a clinical Phase II trial" Radiother Oncol 71(2):157162, 2004 by Dr Chen et al.]. Radiother Oncol. 2005 Jan;74(1):76-7; author
reply 77-8.
Selek U, Ozyar E, Ozyigit G, Varan A, Buyukpamukcu M, Atahan IL.
Treatment results of 59 young patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Int J
Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2005 Feb;69(2):201-7.
Yildiz F, Kars A, Cengiz M, Yildiz O, Akyürek S, Selek U, Ozyigit G,
Atahan IL. 1,25-Dihydroxy vitamin D3: can it be an effective therapeutic
option for aggressive fibromatosis. Med Hypotheses. 2005;64(2):333-6.
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
Rosenthal DI, Barker JL Jr, El-Naggar AK, Glisson BS, Kies MS, Diaz EM
Jr, Clayman GL, Demonte F, Selek U, Morrison WH, Ang KK, Chao KS,
Garden AS. Sinonasal malignancies with neuroendocrine differentiation:
patterns of failure according to histologic phenotype. Cancer. 2004 Dec
Selek U, Chang EL, Hassenbusch SJ 3rd, Shiu AS, Lang FF, Allen P,
Weinberg J, Sawaya R, Maor MH. Stereotactic radiosurgical treatment in
103 patients for 153 cerebral melanoma metastases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys. 2004 Jul 15;59(4):1097-106.
Selek U, Cheung R, Lii M, Allen P, Steadham RE, Vantreese TR Jr, Little
DJ, Rosen II, Kuban D. Erectile dysfunction and radiation dose to penile
base structures: a lack of correlation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2004 Jul
Selek U, Garden AS, Morrison WH, El-Naggar AK, Rosenthal DI, Ang KK.
Radiation therapy for early-stage carcinoma of the oropharynx. Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys. 2004 Jul 1;59(3):743-51.
Soyuer S, Chang EL, Selek U, Shi W, Maor MH, DeMonte F. Radiotherapy
after surgery for benign cerebral meningioma. Radiother Oncol. 2004
Soyuer S, Chang EL, Selek U, McCutcheon IE, Maor MH. Intracranial
meningeal hemangiopericytoma: the role of radiotherapy: report of 29 cases
and review of the literature. Cancer. 2004 Apr 1;100(7):1491-7. Review.
Selek U, Lee A, Levy L, Kuban DA. Utility of the percentage of positive
prostate biopsies in predicting PSA outcome after radiotherapy for patients
with clinically localized prostate cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2003
Nov 15;57(4):963-7.
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
Peer-Reviewed Publications in Journals indexed other than SCI & SCIE
Zorlu F, Selek U. Role Of Radiotherapy In Rectum Cancer. Turkiye
Klinikleri J Med Oncol-Special Topics 2008;1:10-17.
Hurmuz P, Selek U, Zorlu AF, et al. Lung Adenocarcinoma with Skin
Metastasis. International Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2008;18:3941.
Onal C, Ozyigit G, Akyurek S, Selek U et al. Primary intracranial solitary
melanoma: a rare case with long survival. Turkish Journal Cancer
Selek U, Akyol F. Küçük Hücreli Dışı Akciğer Kanseri Tedavisinde
Radyoterapi. Remisyon Güncel Onkoloji Dergisi 2005;7 (3):115-120.
Topkan E, Selek U. Utility of Octreotide As Second Lıne Treatment In
Concurrent Chemoradiation Induced Diarrhea: Preliminary Results In 20
Patients. International Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2004 14:6167.
Ozyigit G, Selek U, Chao KSC. Clinical implementation of Intensity
modulated radiation therapy in head and neck cancer. International Journal
of Hematology and Oncology 2003;13:44-53.
Selek U, Akyol F, Özyar E, et al. Daily high dose per fraction radiotherapy
in early glottic laryngeal tumors with concurrent analysis of voice quality
and vocal function. International Journal of Hematology and Oncology
2003;13 (4):190-199.
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
Meeting Abstracts of International Congresses published in supplements of
Journals indexed in SCI & SCIE
1. Prospective observational clinical study evaluating the efficiency and toxicity
of hemithoracic radiotherapy after extra pleural pneumonectomy in malign
pleural mesothelioma. Akyol F, Hurmuz P, Ozyigit G, Selek U, Emri S.
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2008: 88 (Suppl 2), p901, 288.
2. Utility of "Over D1" or D1 nodal dissections in predicting outcome of patients
with gastric adenocarcinoma treated with postoperative concurrent
chemoradiotherapy. Zorlu F, Selek U, Hurmuz P, Ozyigit G, Yalcin S, Cengiz
M, Gurkaynak M. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2007: 69(3), p2165, 293.
3. Stereotactic body radiosurgery versus intracavitary brachytherapy for cervical
cancer: A dosimetric comparison study. Cengiz M, Erturk E, Dogan A, Ulger
S, Colak F, Ozyigit G, Yildiz F, Selek U, Zorlu F. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys 2008: 72(1), p2928, 585.
4. Retrospective analysis of 271 patients with T1N0M0 glottic laryngeal cancer.
Gultekin M, Ozyar E, Cengiz M, Selek U, Ozyigit G, Akyol F. Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys 2008: 72(1), p2573, 425.
5. The radioprotective effect of amifostine on rat retina. Ozyigit G, Yildirim BA,
Selek U, Yildiz F, Cengiz M, Usubutun A, Uner A, Surucu S, Atahan L.
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2008: 88 (Suppl 2), p1458, 464.
6. Zorlu, F., S. Sari, G. Özyigit, U. Selek, S. Ülger, M. Gürkaynak, A. Kars, A.
Türker, “Therapeutic results in patients with anaplastic astrocytoma (AA) or
glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) receiving postoperative radiotherapy and
concomitant Temozolomide,” European Journal of Cancer Supplements
Volume 3, No. 2, Page 145 (Abstract: 522), October 2005.
7. Sari, S., U. Selek, F. Yildiz, M. Gurkaynak ve L. Atahan, “Postoperative
radiotherapy in male breast cancer,” European Journal of Cancer Supplements
Volume 3, No. 2, Page 111 (Abstract: 396), October 2005.
8. Akyol, F., G. Ozyigit, U. Selek, C. Onal, E. Karabulut ve H. Ozen,
“Biochemical response to neoadjuvant hormonoterapy may predict
biochemical control rate and distant metastasis free survival after total short
term androgen deprivation and conformal radiotherapy in the treatment of
prostate adenocarcinoma,” European Journal of Cancer Supplements Volume
3, No. 2, Page 248 (Abstract: 862), October 2005.
9. Akyol, F., G. Ozyigit, U. Selek ve E. Karabulut, “PSA bouncing after shortterm androgen deprivation and 3-D conformal radiotherapy for localized
prostate adenocarcinoma and the relationship with the kinetics of
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
testosterone,” European Journal of Cancer Supplements Volume 3, No. 2,
Page 240 (Abstract 837), October 2005.
10. Ozyar, E., U. Selek, S. Laskar, O. Uzel, Y. Anacak, M. Ben-Arush, S.
Polychronopoulou, F. Akman, S. Wolden, S. Sarihan, R. Miller ve M.
Ozsahin, “Treatment Results of 165 Pediatric Patients with Non-Metastatic
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Rare Cancer Network Study,” International
Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 63, Supplement 1 (1
October), 23-24, 2005.
11. Cengiz, M., S. Gurdalli, U. Selek, F. Yildiz, E. Özyar ve I.L. Atahan,
“Comparison of dose volume histograms of 3D-Brachytherapy planning for
cervical cancer with empty and full bladder,” Radiotherapy & Oncology, vol
71, suppl 2, 70 (p145), 2004.
12. Chang, E.L., S. Soyuer, U. Selek, W. Shi, F. DeMonte ve M. H. Maor,
“Adjuvant or delayed radiotherapy after surgery for benign cerebral
meningioma,” Abstracts from the Society for Neuro-Oncology 8th Annual
Meeting, 342 (RT-301), 2004.
13. Garden, A.S., J.A. Asper, E.M. Sturgis, U. Selek, W.H. Morrison, D.I.
Rosenthal, K.C. Chao ve K.K. Ang, “Impact of Cervical Adenopathy on
Outcome of Patients with Small Primary Carcinomas of the Oropharynx,” 6th
International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer Final Program and
Abstract Book, 176 (p172-155), 2004.
14. Soyuer, S., E.L. Chang, U. Selek, M.H. Maor ve F. Demonte, “Operable
benign meningioma patients appear to have expected survival that is
equivalent to a normal United States population,” Journal of Clinical
Oncology, 2004 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting
Edition)(July 15 Supplement), vol 22, No 14S, 1543, 2004.
15. Topkan E, Selek U. Use of octreotide as second-line treatment for concurrent
chemoradiation induced diarrhea refractory to loperamide. Journal of Clinical
Oncology, 2004 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting
Edition)(July 15 Supplement). 2004;Vol 22:No 14S: 3704.
16. Soyuer S, Chang EL, Selek U, Maor MH, Demonte F. Adjuvant or delayed
radiotherapy after surgery for benign cerebral meningioma. Poster
presentation at the 8th annual meeting of Society of Neuro-Oncology, Nov 1316, 2003, Key Stone, Colorado, USA.
17. Rosenthal D, Barker JL, El-Naggar AK, Glisson BS, Kies MS, Diaz EM,
Clayman GL, Demonte F, Selek U, Morrison WM, Ang KK, Garden AS.
Sinonasal carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation: patterns of failure
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
according to histologic phenotype. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.
18. Selek U, Chang EL, Hassenbusch SJ, 3rd, Shiu AS, Lang FF, Allen P,
Weinberg J, Sawaya R, Maor MH. Stereotactic radiosurgical treatment in 103
patients for 153 cerebral melanoma metastases. Eur J Cancer. 2003;1 (Suppl
19. Selek U, Garden AS, Morrison WH, Rosenthal DI, Ang KK. Results of
radiation for early-stage carcinoma of the oropharynx. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys. 2003;57:S404.
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
Last search on April 18th 2012 ( revealed total 615 citations.
43 of these citations were in textbook chapters based on
Citation indices
All Since 2007
Citations 615 512
14 12
i10-index 16 15
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
Lectures and Panels in International Congresses
1. Advances in radiotherapy for head&neck tumors. IFNOS Current concepts in
Head&Neck Surgery and oncology, Panel: Larynx – Pharynx, October 7-9,
Antalya, 2010.
2. 2nd MMOF Mediterranean Multidisciplinary Oncology Forum, The Art of
Radiotherapy for Rectal Cancer, 17-21 November 2011, Istanbul
Lectures and Panels In National Congresses
1. III. Ulusal Radyasyon Onkolojisi Kongresi, Gastrointestinal Sistem Tümörleri
Tartışmacısı, 19-23 Nisan 2008, Antalya
2. IX. Ulusal Radyasyon Onkolojisi Kongresi, Münazara: Yüksek Riskli Prostat
Adenokanserlerinde Elektif Lenfatik Radyoterapi Gereklidir, 21-25 Nisan 2010,
Girne, Kıbrıs.
3. III.Baş Boyun Kanserleri Kongresi, İnteraktif Vaka: Loko - Rejyonel İleri
Hastalık 14-18 Ekim 2009, Antalya
4. III. Tıbbi Onkoloji Kongresi, panel: Küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanserinde tedavi,
24 – 28 Mart 2010, Antalya
5. Onkoloji 2010, Lokal İleri Evre Prostat Kanserinde Tedavi ve İzlem:
Radyoterapi-Hormonal Tedavi ve Sonrası İzlem, 26 – 27 Kasım 2010, Ankara
6. IV. Ulusal Akciğer Kanseri Kongresi, Oturum Başkanı: Küşük Hücreli Dışı
Akciğer Knaserinde Robotik Radyocerrahi, 10-14 Kasım 2010, Antalya
7. VI. Torasik Onkoloji Kongresi, Timoma Tedavisinde Konsensus: Radyasyon
Onkolojisi Yaklaşımı, 19-22 Mayıs 2011, Bodrum
8. 19. Ulusal Kanser Kongresi, Medulloblastoma/PNET Paneli: Radyoterapi, 20-24
Nisan 2011, Antalya
9. XVII. Ulusal Kanser Kongresi, Gastrointestinal Sistem Kanserleri (mide,
kolorektal) İnteraktif Vaka Tartışması, 19 - 23 Nisan 2007, Antalya
10. XVII. Ulusal Kanser Kongresi, Konformal Radyoterapi ve Özel Teknikleri Kursu:
Akciğer Tümörlerinde Solunum Kontrolü, 19-23 Nisan 2007, Antalya
11. Akciğer Kanserinde Az Konuşulanlar Sempozyumu, Vena Kava Superior
Sendromu, 24 - 27 Mayıs 2007, Kayseri
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
12. Onkoloji 2007, Beyin Tümörlerinde Yenilikler: Radyoterapi, 22-24 Kasım 2007,
13. Onkoloji 2008, Akciğer kanserinde güncel yaklaşımlar: Radyoterapi, 20-22
Kasım 2008, Ankara
14. 3. Ulusal Akciğer Kongresi, Münazara, KHDAK N2 Hastalıkta Postoperatif
Adjuvan Radyoterapi Gereklidir, 5 – 9 Kasım 2008, İzmir
15. XVIII. Ulusal Kanser Kongresi, Medikal ve Pediatrik Onkologlar İçin Modern
Radyoterapi Teknikleri, 21 – 26 Nisan 2009, Antalya
16. 5. Ulusal Akciğer Kanseri Kongresi, Münazara: KHDAK T1 BT ve PET-BT Lenf
Nodları Negatif Olguda Tedavi Stereotaktik Radyocerrahidir, 23 – 26 Şubat 2012
17. TURNOG 'Yeni Olan Ne Var' Sempozyumu, Sfenoid Kanat/Kavernöz Sinüs
Tümörlerinde Alternatif Tedavi, 23-24 Aralık 2011, İstanbul
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
International Oral Presentations
1- Rosenthal DI, Barker JL, Selek U et al. Sinonasal carcinoma with neuroendocrine
differentiation: patterns of failure according to histologic phenotype. Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys. 2003 Oct 1; 57(2 Suppl):S248-9.
Oral Poster presentation at the 45th annual meeting of ASTRO, Salt Lake City,
USA, 2002.
International Poster Presentations
1. E. Özyar, U. Selek, F.H. Akyol, I.L. Atahan. Cytoprotection with Amifostine
during radiotherapy of head and neck tumors. Radiotherapy & Oncology. 2000,
vol 56 suppl 1, s156, p 588. Poster presentation at 19th annual ESTRO meeting,
Istanbul, Turkey, 2000.
2. Selek U, Chang EL, Hassenbusch III SJ, et al. Stereotactic radiosurgical treatment
in 103 patients for 153 cerebral melanoma metastases. Eur J Cancer. 2003 Sep,
vol 1;5 (Suppl):S95. Poster presentation at the 12th annual meeting of ECCO,
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2003.
3. Selek U, Garden AS, Morrison WH et al. Results of radiation for early-stage
carcinoma of the oropharynx. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2003 Oct 1;57(2
Suppl):S404. Poster presentation at the 45th annual meeting of ASTRO, New
Orleans, USA, 2003.
4. Chang EL, Soyuer S, Selek U, et al. Adjuvant or delayed radiotherapy after
surgery for benign cerebral meningioma. Abstracts from the Society for NeuroOncology 8th Annual Meeting 2004:342 (RT-301). Poster presentation at the 8th
annual meeting of Society of Neuro-Oncology, Key Stone, Colorado, USA, Nov
13-16, 2003.
5. Soyuer S, Chang EL, Selek U, et al. Operable benign meningioma patients appear
to have expected survival that is equivalent to a normal United States population.
Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 2004; 23:117 (abstr 1543). Poster presentation at the
2004 ASCO Annual meeting, New Orleans, TX, USA, June, 2004.
6. Topkan E, Selek U. Use of octreotide as second-line treatment for concurrent
chemoradiation induced diarrhea refractory to loperamide. Proc Am Soc Clin
Oncol 2004; 23:295 (abstr 3704). Poster presentation at the 2004 ASCO Annual
meeting, New Orleans, TX, USA, June, 2004.
7. Cengiz M, Gurdalli S, Selek U, et al. Comparison of dose volume histograms of
3D-Brachytherapy planning for cervical cancer with empty and full bladder.
Radiotherapy & Oncology 2004;vol 71, suppl 2:70 (p145). Poster presentation at
Ugur SELEK, M.D.
the Joint Brachytherapy Meeting GEC/ESTRO-GLAC-ABS, Barcelona, Spain,
May, 2004.
8. Garden AS, Asper JA, Sturgis EM, Selek U, et al. Impact of Cervical Adenopathy
on Outcome of Patients with Small Primary Carcinomas of the Oropharynx. 6th
International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer Final Program and
Abstract Book 2004:176 (p172-155). Poster presentation at the 6th International
Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, Washington, DC, USA, August, 2004.
National Oral Presentations
1- F. Akyol, E. Özyar, G. Özyiğit, U. Selek et al. Radiotherapy in T1-2 glottic larynx
cancer. 13. Ulusal Kanser Kongresi, Antalya, Nisan 1999.
2- U. Selek, R. Cheung, M. Lii, P. Allen, R.E. Steadham, T.R.Vantreese, D.J. Little, I.I.
Rosen, D. Kuban. Prostat kanseri radyoterapisinde penis tabanı dokuların aldığı doz
ile erektil disfonksiyon arasındaki ilişki. 6. Ulusal Radyasyon Onkolojisi Kongresi,
Antalya, 21-25 Nisan 2004

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CURRICULUM VITAE Doç. Dr. Uğur SELEK Amerikan Hastanesi Yildiz F, Kars A, Cengiz M, Yildiz O, Akyürek S, Selek U, Ozyigit G, Atahan IL. 1,25-Dihydroxy vitamin D3: can it be an effective therapeutic option for aggressive fibromatosis. Med Hypotheses. 200...


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