2. Doğum Tarihi : 21/ Mart/ 1976 3. Unvanı : Dr. 4. Öğretim Durum


2. Doğum Tarihi : 21/ Mart/ 1976 3. Unvanı : Dr. 4. Öğretim Durum
1. Adı Soyadı
: tarbiatshirin@yahoo.com
2. Doğum Tarihi
: 21/ Mart/ 1976
3. Unvanı
: Dr.
4. Öğretim Durum
: Doktora
Uygulamalı Kimya
Tahran Azad İslam Üniversitesi,
Tahran, İran
Yüksek Lisans
Mysore Üniversitesi, Mysore,
Mysore Üniversitesi, Mysore,
5. Yüksek Lisans Tezi :
5.1. "Hippasa dan Proteazın Kısmi saflaştırılması ve karakterizasyonu Agelenoides
örümcek zehir bezi özü: Hemostazın Rolü ". (Eylül 2006 - Temmuz 2008)
“Partial Purification and characterization of Protease from Hippasa Agelenoides
spider venom gland extract: Role in Hemostasis.”
6. Doktora Tezi:
6.1. "Şifalı bitkiler Fitokimyasalların lipit düşürücü mekanizması üzerinde yapılan
çalışmalar." (Eylül 2009 - May 2013)
“Studies on the mechanism of lipid lowering Phytochemicals from medicinal
7. Yayınlar:
7.1. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makalelere
7.1.1. Shirin Tarbiat and Cletus J.M. D’Souza, “Obesity Epidemic: Genes, Sedentary Life
Style or Over nutrition to Blame?” Research and Reviews: Journal of Medical and
Health Sciences, Mar 20, 2013.
Shirin Tarbiat and Cletus J.M D’Souza,
“Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase (DGAT) Assay with Fluorescent Fatty Acid:
Potential for High Throughput Analysis”. Myscience 2013.
Shirin Tarbiat and Cletus J.M D’Souza,
“Inhibition of Lipoprotein oxidation in vitro by the antioxidant activity of
Artocarpus lakoocha”, J. Pharmacy Research (under review).
7.1.4. Prabhanjana Kattepura Venkatesh, Deepti Mahishi Vasuki, Shirin Tarbiat, Cletus
JM D’Souza,
“In vitro Mitochondrial β-oxidation is Enhanced by Phenolic Phytochemicals”,
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research.
Shirin Tarbiat project report,
“Biochemical characterization of miRNA biogenesis protein, PASH-1s”
IFCC Professional Scientific Exchange Program (PSEP), IFCC e-NewsLetter,
March-April 2014
7.2. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceeding)
7.2.1. September 2012: “Anti-obesity and Lipid Lowering Effects of Artocarpus
Lacoocha”, paper presented at International Conference on “Recent Trends in
Atherosclerosis and 25th Annual meeting of Indian society for Atherosclerosis
Research”, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, and India.
7.2.2. March 2012: “Artocarpus Lakoocha – A potential source for Lipid
Lowering Drugs”, paper presented at National Seminar On “Biomolecules &
Biocatalysts In bioprocesses”, ST Aloysius College, Mangalore, India.
7.2.3. November 2011: “Monocolonal antibodies”, Poster presented at
“Immunology today: Recent Developments in Health and diseases”,
University of Mysore, India.
7.2.4. February 2011: “Antiobesity and hypolipidemic effect of Artocarpus”,
Poster presented at workshop on “Clinical Research Methodology”,
University of Mysore, India.
7.2.5. January 2011: “Lipid lowering and other biological activities of an extract
from Artocarpus Species: potential for treatment of hyperlipidemia”,
Paper presented at “The Sixth International Multi-Disciplinary Conference:
Knowledge in New Millennium”, University of Mysore, India.
7.2.6. November 2010: “Inhibition of Malic Enzyme by an extract of Artocarpus
Species”, Poster presented at “23rd Annual conference of Indian Society for
Atherosclerosis Research”, University College of Medical Sciences of Delhi.
7.2.7. September 2012: Workshop on “Ethical Treatment of Experimental
Animals and alternatives to Animal Models”, University of Mysore, India.
7.2.8. September 2011: Workshop on “Advance Training in Proteomics and
genomics”, University of Mysore, India.
7.2.9. June 2011: Orientation Program on SPSS, University of Mysore, India.
7.2.10. March 2011: “World congress on Biotechnology”, OMICS publishing group
and Editor(s)-Journal of Microbial and Biochemical Technology applaud,
Hyderabad, India.
7.2.11. September 2010: Workshop on “Recent Scenario in SCAR (Stem cells,
Cancer AIDS and Raman spectroscopy)”, Shridevi Institute of Engineering
and Technology, Tumkur, India
8. Projeler
“Biochemical characterization of miRNA biogenesis protein, PASH-1s”
IFCC Professional Scientific Exchange Program (PSEP), IFCC e-NewsLetter, March-April
9. İdari Görevler
2009- 2013: Mysore Üniversitesi, Hindistan Öğretim Görevlisi:
Yüksek lisans öğrencileri için yardımcı Öğretim Görevlisi.
Deney için yüksek lisans öğrencileri Denetleme.
10. Bilimsel Kurulular Üyelikleri
10.1. Associate Life membership of ACBI. & IFCC (International federation of clinical
10.2. Associate member of ISAR (Indian society for Atherosclerosis Research).
11. Ödüller
IFCC Professional Scientific Exchange Program (PSEP), Eylül 2013 -April 2014
12. Dil Becerileri
• İngilizce, Türkçe (Akıcı)
• Farsça, Azeri (yerli)
• Arapça (acemi)