Yusufoff CV online


Yusufoff CV online
Yasemin Yusufoff
Address: Cumhuriyet Cad. No 13/1, Taksim, Istanbul Turkey
Work: +90-212-361-5000
E-mail: yy256@nyu.edu
M.A., Education, International Christian University, Japan
B.A., Politics, New York University, New York
Exchange Student, Tohoku University, Japan
February-July 1999
Student, University of California, Riverside
Research Experience
M.A. thesis title: “The road from Lopushna to Varna: Language use and language
attitudes among bilingual ethnic Turks in Bulgaria”.
o Conducted research independently for six months in Bulgaria. Received a
grade of “A” for thesis.
o Thesis Advisor: Professor James W. Tollefson
Independent research from 2007-2012 in Istanbul, Turkey. Developed Bebek
Üniversitesi [Baby University], a child development and education program aimed at
parents and professionals, with the goal of optimizing development of babies and
children in the cognitive, socio-emotional and physical development spheres.
Authored three books.
Literature review and research proposal for the World Report on Perceptions of
Disability, World Disability Union.
Literature review on child sexual abuse prevention for Haydi Tut Elimi Association,
Literature review on adoption and foster parenting for Bahçelievler Çocuk Esirgeme
Kurumu [Child Protection Agency] at request of Director Emel Alanyalıoğlu, Istanbul.
Literature review on sign language teacher training materials for the Federation of
Hearing Impaired, Istanbul.
Yusufoff, Y. (2013, November). Language use and language attitudes of bilingual
Turks in Bulgaria. European Scientific Journal, Special Edition.
Yusufoff, Y. (2012). Pozitif Disiplin [Positive discipline]. Istanbul: Timaş.
Yusufoff, Y. (2011). Baby sign language and five more scientifically proven ways to
raise a smart & happy baby. Istanbul: Baby University.
Yusufoff, Y. (2011). Bebek işaret dili [Baby sign language]. Istanbul: Boyut.
Yusufoff, Y. (2005). Bulgaria's language policies towards the Turkish language 19442003. Society of ICU English Studies, pp. 16-30.
Native: Bulgarian, Turkish
Fluent: English, Japanese
Advanced: French
Intermediate: Spanish, Macedonian, Serbian, Russian
Beginner: Italian, Georgian
Yasemin Yusufoff
Selected Presentations
1. Working towards equal opportunities for persons with disabilities. Oral presentation at
the UN Association of Georgia (UNAG), Conference for Organizations Supporting
People with Disabilities, September 25, 2012.
2. The importance of the World Disability Union World Report on Perceptions of
Disability. Panelist at the United Nations Fifth Session of the Conference of States
Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, World Disability
Union Side-Event on the World Report on Perceptions of Disability, United Nations
Headquarters, New York, September 13, 2012.
3. Bebek işaret dili [Baby sign language]. Oral presentation at the Merkezefendi
Traditional Medicine Festival at Zeytinburnu Tıbbi Bitkiler Bahçesi, Istanbul, Turkey,
June 12, 2012.
4. Engellilik Algısı Dünya Raporu: Amacımız Ne? [The world report on perceptions of
disability: What is our goal?]. Oral presentation at Yeditepe University, Istanbul,
Turkey, May 16, 2012.
5. Annelik ve pozitif disiplin [Motherhood and positive discipline]. Oral presentation at
Eğitim-SEN Teachers’ Union, Sakarya, Turkey, May 12, 2012.
6. Anneler ve çocuklar için pozitif disiplin [Positive discipline for mothers and children].
Fatih Koleji Kadriye Faik Koparan Elementary School, May 8, 2012.
7. Çocuk bakımında pozitif psikolojinin önemi [The importance of positive psychology
while raising children]. Oral presentation at Kimse Yok Mu Association, Sakarya,
Turkey, March 8, 2012.
8. Bebek işaret dili [Baby sign language]. Oral presentation at the World Disability
Union General Assembly, Istanbul, Turkey, October 23, 2011.
9. Bebek işaret dili [Baby sign language]. Oral presentation at Alternatif Yaşam
Association, Sakarya, Turkey, May 5, 2011.
10. Pozitif disiplin [Positive discipline]. Oral presentation at Anadolu Agency, Ankara,
Turkey, April 13, 2011.
11. Bebek işaret dili [Baby sign language]. Oral presentation at Anadolu Agency, Ankara,
Turkey, April 13, 2011.
12. Koruyucu aileler için Mockingbird aile modeli [The Mockingbird family model for foster
parents]. Oral presentation at Kimse Yok Mu Association, January 11, 2011.
13. Bebek üniversitesi [Baby university]. Kimse Yok Mu Association, January 11, 2011.
14. The importance of teaching pragmatics to L2 learners and implications for Japan.
Oral presentation at International Christian University Language Study Workshop,
Tokyo, Japan, August 21, 2004.
Selected Media Citations
1. Yusufoff, Y. (2012, April 24). Derya’nin Dünyası [Derya’s world]. (D. Baykal,
Interviewer) KanalTürk. Istanbul.
2. Yusufoff, Y. (2011, October 23). Eğlence Pazarı [Sunday Fun]. (M. Şentürk, & D.
Rutkay, Interviewers) TRT1. Istanbul.
3. Yusufoff, Y. (2011, October 6). Hayatın İçinden [Within life]. (İ. Gürpınar, Interviewer)
Kanal 7. Istanbul.
4. Yusufoff, Y. (2011, June 4). Bebeğim [My baby]. (Ş. Özinal, Interviewer) KanalTürk.
5. Yusufoff, Y. (2011, February 21). 19:00 News. Television newscast. (C. Öğretir,
Interviewer) ATV. Istanbul.
Yasemin Yusufoff
1. Yusufoff, Y. (2013, October 7). Phone interview: Çocuklar, ceza ve ödül [Children,
punishment and rewards]. Mavi Mikrofon. (M. Saraçoğlu, Interviewer) Konya FM 99.5
2. Yusufoff, Y. (2013, February 14). Bebek işaret dili [Baby sign language]. Mavi Dünya.
(T. A. İnan, Interviewer) Moral FM 105.0 MHz. Istanbul.
3. Yusufoff, Y. (2012, June 11). Language development and bilingualism. Mavi Dünya.
(T. A. İnan, Interviewer) Moral FM 105.0 MHz. Istanbul.
4. Yusufoff, Y. (2012, May 24). Pozitif disiplin [Positive discipline]. Mavi Dünya. (T. A.
İnan, Interviewer) Moral FM 105.0 MHz. Istanbul.
5. Yusufoff, Y. (2012, May 23). Pozitif disiplin [Positive discipline]. Bezm-i Cihan. (S.
Öztürk, Interviewer) Burç FM 88.8 MHz. Istanbul.
6. Yusufoff, Y. (2011, October 18). Bebek işaret dili [Baby sign language]. Mavi Dünya.
(T. A. İnan, Interviewer) Moral FM 105.0 MHz. Istanbul.
7. Yusufoff, Y. (2009, November 9). Bebek üniversitesi [Baby university]. (G. Altay,
Interviewer) Medya FM 93.9. Istanbul.
1. Staff. (2012, May 24). Bebekler de konuşuyormuş! [Babies could talk too!]. Akdeniz
2. Staff. (2011, July). Bebek de konuşur [Babies also talk]. Bebek (19), pp. 76-9.
3. Tulpar, İ. (2011, April 23). Dünyayı siyasetle değiştiremeyeceğimi anladım [I realized I
could not improve the world with politics]. Posta.
4. Staff. (2011, April 15). Çocuğunuzu incitmeden eğitin! [Teach your child without
hurting him/her]. Bugün.
5. Staff. (2011, April 15). Çocukların pozitif gelişim için 'pozitif disiplin' [For the positive
development of children 'positive discipline']. Güneydoğu Ekspres.
6. Staff. (2011, March 5). Bebek için işaret dili [Sign language for babies]. HaberTürk.
7. Küçükkahraman, Ö. (2011, March). Röportaj: Yasemin Yusufoff [Interview: Yasemin
Yusufoff]. Klass Magazin (72), pp. 242-3.
8. Staff. (2011, March). Bebek işaret dili [Baby sign language book review]. Çayyolu
9. Staff. (2011, February 21). Agudan önce işaret dili [Sign language before cooing].
10. Staff. (2011, February 21). Bebek bezinden sonra en iyi buluş! [The best invention
since diapers!]. Zaman.
11. Staff. (2011, February 20). Bebek iletişiminde mucize buluş: İşaret dili [A miracle in
communicating with babies: Sign language]. Star.
1. Bıyıklı, S. (2012, May 20). Bebekler de konuşuyormuş [Babies talk too]. Retrieved
from Anadolu Ajansı: https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/ozel-haberler/52404--bebekler-dekonusuyormus
2. Milliyet. (2012, April 26). Bebek bezinden sonraki en önemli buluş [The most
important discovery since diapers]. Retrieved from Milliyet:
3. Kimse Yok Mu Association. (2011, May 11). Yasemin Yusufoff yılın annesi seçildi
[Yasemin Yusufoff was chosen mother of the year]. Retrieved from Kimse Yok Mu :
4. Psikoloji.com.tr. (2011, April 19). Çocuğun pozitif gelişimi için pozitif disiplin [Positive
discipline for the positive development of your child]. Retrieved from Psikoloji.com.tr:
Yasemin Yusufoff
5. Kanal D. (2011, April 15). Bu haber ebeveynlere [This news is for parents]. Retrieved
from Kanal D: http://haber.kanald.com.tr/Haber/Saglik-35/Bu-haber-ebeveynlere16610.aspx
6. NTV-MSNBC. (2011, April 14). Yanlışı acı vermeden söyleyin [Correct without
hurting]. Retrieved from NTVMSNBC: http://www.ntvmsnbc.com/id/25202801/
7. HaberTürk. (2011, April 14). Çocuğunuzu böyle eğitin! [Teach your child like this!].
Retrieved from HaberTürk : http://www.haberturk.com/saglik/haber/620755cocugunuzu-boyle-egitin
8. CNNTürk. (2011, February 20). İşaret diliyle daha az ağlayan bebekler [Babies cry
less thanks to sign language]. Retrieved from
Mother of the Year 2011, awarded by Kimse Yok Mu Association and Anafen
Employment History
Secretary-General, World Disability Union (Volunteer)
11/2011 – Present
• Provide strategic leadership for the World Disability Union (WDU).
• Report on the overall implementation of the WDU’s activities, internally and
• Represent the WDU externally and develop strong relations with member
organizations and other individuals and entities related to international activities.
• Draft meeting agendas for the Board of Directors and conduct monthly meetings
• Facilitate nomination and election procedures.
• Research feasibility of proposed projects.
• Conduct literature review and write project proposals for academic projects.
• Translate to/from English/Turkish/French/Russian/Japanese/Italian/Serbian.
General Manager, EyeSTAR Lasik Institute
01/2006 – Present
• Manage clinic according to German TÜV-SÜD ISO 9001: 2008 quality management
• Oversee all non-medical aspects of clinic, including human resources, marketing,
public relations, patient communications, IT and accounting.
• Develop goals for the stable growth of the clinic.
• Establish presences in a number of countries to increase diversity of patients.
• Determine, measure, analyze and improve processes.
• Implement decisions made by the medical director.
English Teacher, Tokyo YMCA
• Taught English through songs and games to preschoolers.
08/2003 - 04/2004
Headhunter, TMT Tokyo
02/2003 - 08/2003
• Identified potential candidates to fill positions at client businesses.
• Searched for and interviewed business executives and doctors.
Sales & Marketing Manager, Regency Plaza Hotel, San Diego
06/2001 - 12/2002
• Conducted all sales and marketing activities of hotel.
• Identified leads, contacted potential clients, distributed marketing materials and
secured new business.
Front Desk Agent, Loews Regency Hotel, New York
01/2000 - 06/2001
• Provided elite guests with superior service, handling hotel registration, payments,
complaints and other requests.

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