SUDiNO - Sanal Fuar


SUDiNO - Sanal Fuar
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The large area, which covers Turkistan, Middle Asia, and Western China, is considered to be the
motherland of apricot. About 5000 years ago, apricot was known in this area. Apricot was first
brought to Anatolia in the fourth century BC during the rnl'rtarv expeditions of the Great lskender ..
Apricot was taken to Italia and then to Greece during the Roman and Persian wars in the first century
BC, by the tradesmen. It took long years for apricot to spread to the other European countries from
Italy and Greece, and it was taken to Spain and England in the 13th century, and to France and USA in
the 17th century.
Today apricot is spread ~!r.1ost all over the world, but the main places are Mediterranean Countries,
Europe, Middle Asia, America, and Africa.
When we lno» at the world production and export of dried apricot, it can be seen that Turkey is the
leader without any serious competitors. Turkey realizes 82% of the total dried apricot trade of the
world. Apricot cultivation, which is spread in most of the agricultural regions of Turkey, finds its best
environment in the province of Malatya. Due to the composition arising from the ecology of the
province, Malatya origin apricots gained economic value in the form of dried apricots for years This
province, which is located in the Central Eastern Anatolian Region, produces nearly half of the crop.
Malatya, produces almost the export oriented dried apricot in Turkey.
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Through the organic and inorganic substances it contains, apricot affects human health positively.
Apricot contains a large amount of sugar, starch, protein, pectin, pectose, cellulose, vitamins and
acids; Apricot is very rich of the mineral potassium, and the vitamin B carotene. Vitamin A is
necessary for the health of the epithelium tissue surrounding the body and the organs, and for the
health of the eye, for the health of bones and teeth, and for the functions of the endocrine glands. A
diet of 200-250 grams of apricot contains sufficient oil, and 1/3 of the necessary amount of vitamin
A for one day. The property of apricot about being poor in sodium, and rich in potassium may help
the arrangement of some special diets. Sodium and potassium is necessary for the osmotic pressure
and the acid-base equilibrium of the body fluids. Sodium accumulation in the body leads to edemas.
Insufficiency of potassium leads to insufficiencv of glycogen. Apricot can conveniently be used in
diets where sodium is restricted, for example in diets for congestive cardiac insufficiency, in renal
illnesses, in hematite cirrhosis where, acid accumulates, and excess in the diets for persons having
long times of carticosteroide therapy.
_The cultivated fig (Ficus carica) probably originated in southwestern Asia and became a very
popular fruit throughout Turkey, Persia, Arabia, and the Mediterranean region when civilizations
and empires were just being born. Egyptians depicted figs in pictographs and hieroglyphics, and the
writings of the Greeks and Jews made many references to the plant. Figs are edible either fresh or
dry, and, like dates, the dried fig became an important staple in the diets of people on the move or
, living in dry areas, where fresh fruits were unattainable. Figs are high in calories, but the milky latex
in the plant isa laxative.
Figs, whose story starts with "Adam and Eve", are accepted as sacred fruit and commonly consumed
during Christmas all over the world. There are traces that figs were cultivated in their motherland
Anatolia in the years of 3000-2000 B.C. and they were spread through the Mediterranean from
Anatolia within time.
Cultivated figs grow on small trees with three-lobed, deciduous leaves. What is here called a fruit is
actually a "multiple fruit," which is an entire inflorescence of flowers. The vase-shaped multiple fruit
of a fig is sometimes called a syconium. The syconium evolved from a primitive form that looked like
a flat plate crowded with small flowers. Through evolution the plate arched upward into a ball.
Therefore, the f'owers are located on the inside, and there is a small hole (ostiole) at the top that is
hidden by some scaies, but is important as the entrance for the pollinator. Most species offigs in the
world (the genus Ficus has more than 600 species) are monoecious and have male and female
flowers within a single syconium. This is the condition also of the "caprifig," the wild goat fig (also
Ficus carica) of southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia. The charming but puzzling feature of
three other types of cultivated figs (Common, Smyrna, and San Pedro) is that no male flowers are
ever produced.
Nutrition ValuesDried fig is a healthy fruit Turkish figs are just dried in the sun at Aydin and Izmir
provinces. All basic nutrient radicals to synthesize proteins in contained in the dried fruits.
20% of the •.•. ergv requirement is met by consuming 200 grams (lOfigs) while meeting about 14% of
protein requirement and while also meeting 34 percent of Recommended Daily Allowances for
Calcium, and 60 % of Iron, and 60 % of Magnesium minerals and also meeting 10.4 % of Vitamin Bl
and 9 %of Vitamin B2, these are all required for cell reconstruction.
Smyrna dried figs contain every kind of dietary fibers in high ratios. These are pectin, cellulose,
hemicelluloses, lignin and polysaccharides.
Dried iigs are in the class of foods containing highest quantities of dietary fiber. 200 grams of dried
figs contain about 13 grams of dietary fibers. The USA Dietetic Association recommends a daily fiber
intakeof20to35 grams from a variety of sources combined with a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet.
Figs contain Calcium as much as milk. 100 grams of milk meets 17% of the Recommended Dietary
Allowances for Calcium.
Dried figs contain the counterbalanced
amount of Phosphorus together with Calcium.
Smyrna (Izmir\ dried figs are the most natural delicious and healthy fruits.
_Turkey has the most suitable climate conditions for vine growing in the world and is tbe origin of
the vine genes. The archaeological findings in Anatolia proved that this culture of vine growing
dates back to 3500 BC.
Grape figures, found in different locations of Anatolia points out to the fact that growing grapes
has been the part of the culture for centuries.
In the period of Hittites; that is 1800-1550 BC; grape growing and wine making was developed
and during religious ceremonies these were votive offerings to the gods. Hittites had agricultural
laws similar to today's in order to protect the vine yards. Historical cclns with grape figures were
used in Western Anatolia.
Grape and wine have always played an important social and commercial role in We-;::.;fn Anatolia.
Yet, through out the history the region's major consumption has been either as table grape or as
dried fruit. Raisin juice, dried layersofraisin pulp was also being produced.
World sultana raisins production differs from year to year due to weather conditions. The average
production is between 665,000 and 800,000 metric tons. Turkey ranked as the second biggest
producer of sultana raisins in 1999 crop season with a tonnage of 214,000 metric tons that is 28%
of the 755,900 metric tons of total world production.
Sultanas form an important part of the agricultural exports in Turkey. Bigger portion of the
sultanas produced in Turkey is being exported. In 1999 season 191,126 metric tons of sultanas
which is 88% of the total production of that season, were exported. Over 57,000 families earn
their living from this industry. It also has importance in different stages of domestic and
international marketing after production and for being involved by many organizations.
Asotomatoes are harvested in Western part of Turkey like Izmir, Manisa, Aydin, and dried under
Mediterranean Sun according to hygienic rules.
Our sun dried tomatoes are salted or sulphured.
Available shapes are halves, diced, stripes or powder.
Packing sizes are generally in lOkg cartons. Vacuum Packages are available upon request.
Our tomatoes are hand picked at the peak of their maturity. Only the ideal tomatoes are picked
off their vine during the first pass. After passing inspection they go directly to the plant for
processing to avoid losing any of their flavor or color.
The tomatoes are gently washed in water to remove the soil and dust off the surface of the
tomatoes, followed by a fresh water rinse. The tomatoes then get sized in line. Sorters with keen
eyes and fast hands remove any tomatoes that are unacceptable off specially designed belts that
position the tomatoes. High speed blades, cut each tomato in half. Then the tomato halves are
cured with sulfur dioxide prior to drying. This fixes the bright color of the tomato, inhibits
microbiogical growth, and contributes to the unique flavor of the product.
After curing, the tomatoes are moved to the drying yard and are laid out, cut-side up, to allow full
exposure to the sun. The sulfur dioxide evaporates slowly from the tomatoes, and as it
evaporates it creates a natural barrier to rodents, birds and insects. Over a period of five to six
days the rays of the sun dry the tomatoes.
When the tomatoes have been sun dried to their optimum moisture, the tomatoes are taken to
the plant where the tomatoes are sorted again for any undesirables. After the initial sorting the
tomatoes are placed in bins for storage. Until the sun dried tomatoes are processed and packaged
for shipment they are kept in cold storage to maintain their color and flavor. Throughout the year,
when orders are received, the tomatoes are subjected to a final inspection by skilled sorters who
have been trained to remove unacceptable halves and foreign matter. The Sun uried Tomatoes
may also be treated with salt rather than sulphur dioxide, and also be sliced, diced or chopped
before packaging.
The Black5ea region has the ideal climatic conditions and soil for hazelnuts. Hazelnut is classified
under the flowering botanical group and is the only plant on earth blooming And fertillzing during
the winter. The green leaves of the female flower form the cup like cupula of the h:>. -Inut. There
are several varieties of hazelnut. Hazelnuts grow inOur country are breeds of Corylus Avellana
and Coryjis Maxima with heights reaching up to 5·6 meters.After maturing in August, the
hazelnuts are dried, and after being treated through different processes, brought to the Market
in September and October. The most organized
Hazelnut Growing AreasGrown along the between the 36·41 parallels of the world, and requiring
a special limate, hazelnut bush mostly bears fruit at places not more than 750-1000 meters high
and maximum of 30 kilometers from the seashore. Turkey, Italy, Spain and the USA are the main
hazel nut growing countries.
Turkey realize approximately 65·75 % of annual production of the world.
Turkish hazelnuts being a determinant of standard of in the world, are divided into two as Giresun
and Levant, in terms of quality.
Giresun quality is a premium class whit ratio of fat in its content and taste, superior to all
hazelnuts in the world. Levant quality is low in fat content. Grown in Trabzon and some areas of
Ordu, Samsun, Bolu, Sakarya, Zonguldakand Bartin
CAPE~Capers and Caper Fruits:
Capers are the floral bud of a thorny plant called "Capparl$ Spinosa' The ti~ es:: oucs grow
at the tips and as you progress down the branch tney become progressive , arger. If left
unpicked, they will eventually turn Into a beautiful flower, and subsequently into an edible
fruit (Caper Fruit].
Capers have a sharp piquant flavor and add pungency, a pleasantly peculiar aroma and
saltiness to foods such as pasta sauces, pizza, fish, meats and salads. The flavor of caper may
be described as being similar to that of mustard and black pepper. In fact, the caper's strong
flavor comes from mustard oil, "methyl isothiocyanate arising from crushed plant tissues.
Food Safety for every day - Aso Food's business environment is people's everyday life.
Our products play an important part in people's lives, that is, in bringing dried fruits, nuts and ingredients for every day. Our focus is on processing
products that bring safety for every day.
Consumers experience the comfort for everyday life offered by Aso Food in the form of high product quality and safety every single day.
Aso Food's aim is to become the leading Turkish dried fruits, nuts and ingredients exporter company in selected markets in Europe, America and Asia.
Aso Food's business operations are based on the needs of customers and consumers and a dear knowledge of the market the company operates in.
Aso Food is a strong, highly focused company with a clearly defined area of business.
Within the company there is a strong focus on developing common working practices. Best practices are born out of a common set of values and the
commitment of the entire personnel to the company's strategy.
Aso Food's values
• Creating added value
• Trust
• Continuous improvement
• We do it
Aso Food's values are reflected in the way the company operates. We want to create added value for our customers by bringing them the best
solutions on a win-win basis. Professionalism and quality provide further value for the customer. Trust means we keep our promises, in other words,
we are reliable.
Through continuous improvement we encourage new ideas, we are proactive and act fast to meet customers' needs. "We do it" means that we
develop our operatiorrs according to the market, and we focus on continuity and long-term partnerships.
Aso Food's strategic objective is to achieve dynamic growth in selected markets.
In order to reach its strategic objectives, Aso Food seeks to strengthen those areas where it has a competitive advantage in the face of increasing
competition. The values defined by the company support implementation of the strategy.
Aso Food focuses on:
• Customer and market orientation
• A wide range of high quality products
• Premium product and close customer cooperation
• Total profitability
• Innovativeness
• Environmental soundness
Aso Food is a strong, highly focused company with a clearly defined area of business. The short decision-making chain allows the company to work
efficiently and quickly. In the near future, the focus will be on making activities more efficient and on developing dried fruits, nuts, dried vegetables
and ingredients that bring safety for every day.
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FACTORY: ITOB OSB, Ekrem Dernirtos Cad. No: 11 Tekeli, Menderes, izmir/ TURKiYE
Tel :+90 232 799 0292 • Fax :+90 232 799 0113
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