Bahadır Pehlivantürk - Middle East Institute


Bahadır Pehlivantürk - Middle East Institute
Beyazgul Sitesi A-2 Blok, No:80, Cayyolu, Ankara, Turkey
Tel: +90 (312) 2401573 (Turkey), Cell: +90 (532) 7832851
Bahadır Pehlivantürk
2004 Kyoto University, Kyoto, JAPAN
Ph.D. in International Relations/Asian Studies
Research in Overseas Chinese Networks, Japanese Studies, Migration,
Southeast Asian Political Economy, Science of Networks, Social Capital
Doctoral Thesis Title: “’Small Worlds’ of Overseas Chinese Networks: A Network
Science Approach”
1998 Kyoto University, Kyoto, JAPAN
Worked as a researcher and studied Japanese language
1997 Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY.
MS. in International Relations
Master’s Thesis Title: ‘Japanese Economic Policy in Southeast Asia’
1996 Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY
MS. in Computer Engineering (Machine Translation, Computational Linguistics)
1992 Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY
BS. in Computer Engineering
Working Experience
2005 – 2006 TOBB ETU – Department of International Relations
2006 – 2010 Hacettepe University - Department of International Relations, Ankara
2005 – 2006 ASAM (Eurasian Strategic Studies Center), Ankara, Turkey
Asia-Pacific Specialist/Analyst
2004 – 2005 Junglebyte Pte Ltd., Singapore,
Business Development, Sales
1995 – 1997 Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY
Research Assistant in the Dept. of International Relations
1993 – 1995 Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY
Research Assistant in the Dept. of Computer Engineering
Cultural & Volunteer
1997-2002 Member of Kyoto University International Students Committee
(Chairman, 2001/4 – 2002/4)
1998-2002 Member of the Association of Turkish Students in Japan
(Chairman of the Western Japan Chapter, 1998/9 – 2001/5)
Awards Received
MONBUSHO Scholarship by the Japanese Government (1997-2000)
Kyoto University Honors Fellowship (Awarded twice: 2002, 2003)
Lottery Club Yamashina Research Support (2001)
Computer Skills
OS (Macintosh, Windows, Linux)
MS Office Applications (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.)
Web development (, PHP, etc.)
Web 2.0 (Social networking, Blogs, Wiki, etc.)
Turkish Native
English Fluent
Japanese Fluent (Japanese Proficiency Test, Level 1)
Additional Work
2000 – 2004
Language Teacher (Turkish And English)
(in various schools and Cultural Centers in Kyoto, Japan)
2001 – 2002
Kyoto University Cooperative Rune Computer Center
(Computer Support Division, Technical Support, Maintenance & Administrative Duties)
1997 – 2004
Freelance Translator (Japanese<->Turkish<->English)
(Made translations for the Turkish Embassy in Tokyo, Kyoto Municipality Police and Courts,
various business groups from Turkey, academic meetings, and other numerous occasions)
Kendo, Long Distance Bicycling, Asian Calligraphy, Latin Dancing
Iaido (Japanese Swordsmanship), Cooking (Indian, Chinese, Southeast Asian)
Teaching and
Experience &
Research Institutes
Classes given in the past at various universities (TOBB, Hacettepe, METU):
International Relations I&II (Theory and Introduction): This is basically a class on
IR Theory. First term is a class on IR theories and the second term is the
application of these theories to various IR issues and topics ranging from
Migration, Human Rights, Humanitarian Intervention, International Law, Poverty
and Development, Security, Environment, Gender Studies to Economic
Integration Arrangements, Nuclear Non-proliferation, Terror, Nationalism, Global
Governance, Globalization;
Nationalism and Ethnicity: This is a class on theories of nationalism, ethnic
conflict, culture and identity, and various world nationalisms;
Asia-Pacific International Relations: opened in graduate and under graduate level,
It is an extensive class on international relations of East Asia, Southeast Asia and
South Asia, where a wide variety of topics are analyzed;
Japanese Foreign Policy, this module is also opened in undergraduate level and
in graduate level in METU Middle East Technical University. While the name is
Japanese Foreign Policy issues such as Japanese modernization, domestic
politics, culture and religion, and economics are also covered as they are relevant
to foreign Policy;
Current Issues in World Politics, this is a class on current world issues, such as;
disarmament, development, terrorism, UN peacekeeping, environment, and
energy, Domestic and International conflicts such as Darfour and IsraeliPalestinian issues and etc. Syllabus changes according to recent developments in
the world. Basic teaching method is by discussions, research assignments, and
The teaching language of all these classes is English. Equivalents of all of these
classes are also given at graduate level.
Turkish Foreign Policy: This is a class on modern Turkish History as well as a
class on various institutions, norms, domestic politics, security and economic
considerations, and leadership factors that influence the formulation of Turkish
Foreign Policy.
A) Refereed academic articles in English:
• PEHLIVANTURK, Bahadir. “Turkish-Japanese Relations:Turning Romanticism into
Rationality in Turkey’s Global Agenda”. International Journal (Vol.67, No.1, Winter
2012) Forthcoming. (SSCI).
• PEHLIVANTURK, Bahadir, “Japan, China, and Overseas Chinese Networks: A Science
of Networks Perspective”. 「社会システム研究」 (Shakai Shisutemu Kenkyu) [Social
Systems: Political, Legal, and Economic Studies], No.7, February 2004, pp.149-165
• PEHLIVANTURK, Bahadir, “The ‘Small World’ That Migration Has Created:
Overseas Chinese and the Underlying Power of Connections”. Ritsumeikan Journal of
Asia Pacific Studies. RCAPS: Japan. 2005 October. Volume 18.
International Book Chapter, refereed:
• PEHLIVANTURK Bahadir, “Dominance of SMEs Among Overseas Chinese Business
Networks: A Network Structural Approach”, ed. M. Parvizi Amineh, Amsterdam
University Press, State Society and International Relations in Asia, Brill Academic
Publishers. April 2010
B) Refereed academic articles in Turkish:
• PEHLİVANTÜRK Bahadır (Dr.). “Doğu Asya Dünya Düzeni ve Çin”. Avrasya
Dosyası. ASAM. 2006 Cilt 12 Sayı 1 ss.125-150.
• PEHLİVANTÜRK Bahadır, 2006, “’Bubble’ Döneminde Japonya’nın Güneydoğu
Asya’daki Ekonomik Etkinliği”, Asya-Pasifik Çalışmaları Türkiye Yıllığı, Cilt 1 Sayı 1
ss.36-60. (Basım Tarihi: Şubat 2007)
• PEHLİVANTÜRK Bahadır. 2006 Ekim. Stratejik öngörü 2023. "Asya-Pasifik ve Çin"
ASAM (Kitapçık olarak yayınlandı)
• PEHLİVANTÜRK Bahadır , 2010, “Japonya-Çin İlişkilerinde Tarih Sorunu”, Türkiz
Siyaset ve Kültür Dergisi, Yıl.1, Sayı.6, Kasım-Aralık.
C) Book Chapters in Turkish:
• PEHLİVANTÜRK Bahadır, “Çin Dış Politikası: Tarihin Aynasında Bugünkü Çin ve
Dünya Hegemonyası”, (Geçici başlık: Dünyadaki Büyük güçler Arası Dış Politika), Der:
İlhan Uzgel (2011 içinde yayınlanması bekleniyor)
• PEHLİVANTÜRK Bahadır, “Çin-Japon İlişkilerinin Dünü ve Bugünü”, Japon Dış
Politikası, der. A.Mete Tuncoku. (2011 içinde yayınlanması bekleniyor)
D) Semi-academic writings (in policy analysis journals )
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2006 Ağustos, "Doğu Asya Diken Üstünde" Stratejik
Analiz. ASAM: Ankara.
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2006 Eylül, "Tayland'da Müslüman-Malay Azınlık
Sancısı" Stratejik Analiz. ASAM: Ankara.
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2006 Aralık, "Kuzey Kore'nin Atom Bombası Testinin
Politik Serpintileri" Stratejik Analiz. ASAM: Ankara.
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2007 Şubat, "Çin'in Afrika Atağı ve Enerji" Stratejik
Analiz. ASAM: Ankara.
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2007 Eylül, "Japonya Başbakanı Şinzo Abe İstifa Etti "
Stratejik Analiz. ASAM: Ankara.
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2007 Haziran, “Japonya Anayasası, Ordu ve Japonya'nın
"Normalleşmesi", Stratejik Analiz. ASAM: Ankara.
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2007 Ekim, Japonya'nın Umudu Şinzo Abe Nasıl
Gözden Düştü?”, Stratejik Analiz. ASAM: Ankara
E) E-publications (policy analysis):
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2006, 18 Aralık, “Kuzey Kore Görüşmelerinde
Beklentiler Düşük”. ASAM.
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2006, 31 Ekim, “ABD ve Çin'in Kuzey Kore Çıkmazı”,
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2006, 20 Eylül, “Tayland’da Askerî Darbe”, ASAM.
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2006, 20 Eylül, “Japonya Yeni Başbakanını Seçiyor”,
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2006, 16 Ağustos, “Japon Başbakanın Tapınak Ziyareti
Tartışma Yarattı”, ASAM.
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2006, 11 Temmuz, “Kuzey Kore Japonya’yı
Silahlanmaya İtiyor”, ASAM.
• PEHLİVANTÜRK, Bahadır, 2006, 7 Temmuz, “Kuzey Kore Füze Denemeleri
Sonucunda Yaptırımlarla Karşı Karşıya”. ASAM.
F) Participation in national and international conferences
• Cumhuriyet’in 87.Yılında Anayasa ve Dış Politika Tartışmaları, “Tarih Asya Dünya
Sisteminden Bugüne YAnsımalar ve Çin”, Ankara, Hacettepe Üni. AIT, 2010/23/12
• “Turkey and Japan as Middle Powers: Engaging China and Russia”, Japonya, Tokyo,
2010/11/22 – 2010/11/28. Presented in conference:
第4回「日本とトルコとの海洋安全保障ダイアローグ」(The 4th Turkey-Japan
Dialogue on Ocean Security) held in Tokyo by OPRF Ocean Policy Research Foundation.
• “Current Affairs of Turkey-Japan Relations; A short survey of various aspects of
Turkey-Japan Relations”. Presented in the conference
第3回「日本とトルコとの海洋安全保障ダイアローグ」 (The 3rd Turkey-Japan
Dialogue on Ocean Security) held in Hacettepe University jointly by OPRF Ocean Policy
Research Foundation, Tokyo and Hacettepe University, Department of International
• Conflict Mitigation in the Middle East, “Democratication and Domestic Politics in
Turkey”, Doshisha University, Japan, Kyoto, 2010/11/15
• Conflict Mitigation in the Middle East, “Turkey and Japan as Civilian Middle
Powers”, Doshisha University, Japan, Kyoto, 2010/11/16
• “Asya-Pasifik Bölgesi’nde Yükselen Güçler ve Beklentiler”, [Stratejik Öngörü 2023:
Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Türkiye ve Dünya], Ekim 2006, Ankara: Avrasya Stratejik
Araştırmalar Merkezi (Konferans sunumu ayrıca ASAM yayını olarak aynı isimle
yayınlanmıştır, ss. 134-142. )
• “Doğu Asya’da Hegemonya ve Güç: Dünden Bugüne”, [Asya-Pasifik’te Siyaset,
Ekonomi ve Güç: Küreselleşme ve Değişim] konulu panelde konuşmacı, Başkent
Üniversitesi, 14 Mayıs 2008.
• “China and Asian World-System: A New Hegemonic Contender?” , Presented in:
Seventh METU conference on International Relations. METU June 18-20, 2008.
(Hegemony or Empire? Prospects for Contemporary World Order. )
• “Turkey’s Security Environment and Regional Situations”. Presented in the
conference 第2回「日本とトルコとの海洋安全保障ダイアローグ」(The 2nd
Turkey-Japan Dialogue on Ocean Security) held in Tokyo by OPRF Ocean Policy
Research Foundation.
• “’Small Worlds’ of Overseas Chinese: A Science of Networks Approach ”, Presented
in [International Convention of Asia Scholars ICAS3], August 2003, Singapore
• “Clusters, Hubs and Links: A Network Approach for the study of Overseas Chinese
Networks”, Presented in [International Convention of Asia Scholars ICAS4], August
2005, Shanghai
• July 2007, ICAS 5 “International Convention of Asia Scholars”, Kuala Lumpur 2007
(izleyici olarak katılım).
• “The New World Order: China, USA, and Hegemony”, to be presented under the
panel with title “Hegemony or Empire? Prospects for a Contemporary World Order”.
[METU Conference on International Relations], July 2008, METU, Ankara Turkey
G) Organized International and National Conferences and Workshops:
• “Ortadoğuda Barışın İnşası İçin Türk-Japon İşbirliği: Afganistan’a Özel Bakış”,
ORSAM-TEPAV işbirliği ile. 23 Mart 2011
• 第3回「日本とトルコとの海洋安全保障ダイアローグ」 (The 3rd Turkey-Japan
Dialogue on Ocean Security) organized in Hacettepe University, jointly by OPRF Ocean
Policy Research Foundation, Tokyo and Hacettepe University, Department of
International Relations. February, 2010
H) Media Participations
• Have been guest speaker in approximately 15 TV programs in public and private
• Have participated in approximately 20 Radio programs all in TRT (Gündem programı
ve Türkiye’nin Sesi)
I) Other
• Participated in many meetings in various government agencies (Dışişleri Bakanlığı,
Dışticaret Müsteşarlığı, Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı) and research institutes (USAK, SDE,
ORSAM, etc.).
• Had many public duties in the University: Erasmus, Coordinator, Public Relations
(Tanıtım koordinatörü), Web Commision, Student Advisor.

Benzer belgeler

II. Meşrutiyet Dönemi Türk Romanında Millî Kimlik

II. Meşrutiyet Dönemi Türk Romanında Millî Kimlik gallipoli campaign were penned advantage of the two old letter works that called “gallipoli campaign in great war" and " gallipoli campaign ". By treatment with these outlined two important points ...
