UNI 202


UNI 202
İstanbul Şehir University
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Political Science and International Relations
2014-2015 Spring Semester
Tuesday 17.00-18.00, Thursday 16.00-18.00
West Campus, #KS02
instructor: Hüseyin Alptekin
email: huseyinalptekin@sehir.edu.tr
office hours: Thursday 13.00-15.45 and/or by appointment
office location: South Campus # 319
Course Description: This course is intended to teach, discuss, and go through an overview of
Turkish political history since 1950. The course is not only structured chronologically but also
around certain core themes of the past seven decades. Such themes include democracy, the
military, political economy, Turkish foreign policy, the Cyprus dispute, Turkey-EU relations,
secularism, political Islam, and the Kurdish question. The course aims at providing a profound
understanding of the major political issues, actors, and processes of the specified era. Students are
expected to have a good grasp of both the continuities and ruptures of Turkish political history
discussed in this class by the end of the semester.
Course readings
Erik Zurcher, 2013. A Modern History of Turkey. Tauris
Feroz Ahmad, 1977. The Turkish Experiment in Democracy: 1950-1975. C. Hurst & Company.
Metin Heper and Jacob M. Landau (eds.), 1991. Political Parties and Democracy in Turkey, Tauris.
See the tentative course plan for other assigned readings.
The final grade assigned for the course should reflect the student’s overall performance in the
course, as described by the following guidelines:
A excellent work, complete mastery of course material
B good work, grasps most of the important concepts
C average work, grasps many but not all aspects of course material
D poor work, insufficient understanding of material
F failing
The assignment of letter grades is as follows:
A+ = 97-100
B+ = 87-89
C+ = 77-79
A = 94-96
B = 84-86
= 74-76
A- = 90-93
B- = 80-83
C- = 70-73
D+ = 67-69
F = < 60
No curves
= 64-66
D- = 60-63
I reserve the right to change the assignment of letter grades.
Students are required to do all assigned course readings and attend course meetings. You need to
keep up with the readings, attend class, and pay attention to lecture and class discussions in order
to do well on the exams. Grading is based upon two equally-weighted exams (a midterm exam and
a final exam, each making up 30% of your final course grade), four pop-up quizzes (each making
up 5% of your final course grade), attendance (10%) and in-class participation (10%).
Academic Honesty
Plagiarism is absolutely not tolerated. If you are not absolutely clear on what constitutes
plagiarism, contact University Writing Center or me for a detailed explanation.
Students should be aware that there are severe consequences for violations of academic integrity
such as cheating or plagiarism (turning in work that is not your own, without proper credit to the
original author). Students who are found to have cheated or committed plagiarism will face
disciplinary action under the İstanbul Şehir University Instruction for Ethics Committees 1 .
Students suspected of cheating and/or plagiarism will be subject to university policies, procedures
and sanctions as described in the “İstanbul ŞEHIR University Instruction for Ethics Committees”
found under “Bylaws and Instructions - Instructions”. Consequences of it may include any of the
following: No letter of recommendation, failing the assignment, failing the class, warning,
probation, suspension, and expulsion. As an instructor, I will penalize any student guilty of
plagiarism with an “F” for that assignment (ZERO GRADE), and a 10-point deduction on the final
semester grade. Depending on the nature of the violation, I may also refer the instance of
plagiarism to the Director of Student Affairs for possible suspension from the University.
Missed Exam Policy: If you miss an exam because of illness, submit a doctor's note within 5
calendar days and you will be given a make-up opportunity. If you need to miss an exam for other
professional or school-related commitment, bring documentation and make arrangements with the
professor at least 14 days in advance. Make up exams may not be in the format of the in-class
Laptops and Cellphones: Laptops and cellphones are not allowed in class because they are a
source of distraction. If you must use your computer or phone, please step out of the lecture hall.
Students with Disabilities: If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing
accommodations in this course, please make arrangements to meet with me.
İstanbul ŞEHIR University Instruction for Ethics Committees:
Tentative Course Plan
Week 1 (Feb. 17th & 19th) Introduction and Turkish state in perspective
 Şerif Mardin, 1973. “Center-Periphery Relations: A Key to Turkish Politics?” Daedalus,
102(1): 169-90.
 Metin Heper, 1992. “The Strong State as a Problem for the Consolidation of Democracy:
Turkey and Germany Compared,” Comparative Political Studies 25(2): 169-194.
Week 2 (Feb. 24th & 26th) Transition to democracy and the breakdown, 1945-1960
 Feroz Ahmad. The Turkish Experiment in Democracy: 1945-1950, chs.1&5, pp. 1-34 and 122146.
 Eric Zurcher, A Modern History of Turkey, ch.13 The Rule of Democratic Party, 1950-1960,
 Ali Yasar Sanbay, 1991. The Democratic Party, 1946-1960. In Metin Heper and Jacob
M.Landau (eds.). Political Parties and Democracy in Turkey. Tauris. Ch.8, pp. 119-133.
Week 3 (Mar. 3rd & 5th) Years in turmoil, 1960-1980
 Eric Zurcher. A Modern History of Turkey, ch.13 The Second Turkish Republic, 1960-1980,
 Frank Tachau, 1991. The Republican People's Party, 1945-1980. Heper and M.Landau (eds.).
Political Parties and Democracy in Turkey. Tauris. Ch.7, pp. 99-118.
 Avner Levi, 1991. The Justice Party, 1961-1980. Heper and M.Landau (eds.). Political Parties
and Democracy in Turkey. Tauris. Ch.9, pp. 134-151.
Week 4 (Mar. 10th & 12th) Turkish foreign policy and the Cyprus issue
 Feroz Ahmad. The Turkish Experiment in Democracy. Ch.14 Foreign Policy. pp. 389-430.
 Tozun Bahcheli, 2014. "Cyprus 1974: Turkey’s Military Success Followed by Political
Stalemate." Mediterranean Quarterly 25(1): 6-21.
 Sinem A. Acikmese and Dimitrios Triantaphyllou, 2012. "The NATO–EU–Turkey trilogy: the
impact of the Cyprus conundrum." Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 12(4): 555-573.
Week 5 (Mar. 17th & 19th) The coup d'états
 George S. Harris, 2011 "Military Coups and Turkish Democracy, 1960–1980." Turkish
Studies 12(2): 203-213.
 Metin Heper, 2011. “Civil Military Relations in Turkey: Towards a Liberal Model?” Turkish
Studies 12(2): 241-252.
 Ahmet Kuru, 2012. “The Rise and Fall of Military Tutelage in Turkey” Insight Turkey 14(2):
 Umit Cizre Sakallioglu, 2007. “The Anatomy of the Turkish Military’s Political Autonomy”
Comparative Politics 29(2) 151-166.
Week 6 (Mar. 24th & 26th) The neoliberal rise, 1980-2002
 Eric Zurcher. A Modern History of Turkey, ch.13 The Third Turkish Republic, Turkey since
1980, pp. 278-337.
 Ustun Erguder, 1991. The Motherland Party, 1983-1989. Metin Heper and Jacob M.Landau
(eds.). Political Parties and Democracy in Turkey. Tauris. Ch.10, pp. 152-169.
Week 7 (Mar. 31st & Apr. 2nd) The origins of political Islam in Turkey
 Feroz Ahmad. The Turkish Experiment in Democracy. Ch.13 Religion and politics. pp. 363388.
 Feroz Ahmad, 2008. “Politics and Islam in Modern Turkey,” in From Empire to Republic,
Istanbul Bilgi University Press, pp.303-331. (also available in Middle Eastern Studies, 27(1),
January 1991)
 Ahmet Kuru, 2007. "Passive and assertive secularism: Historical conditions, ideological
struggles, and state policies toward religion." World Politics 59(4): 568-594.
Week 8 (Apr. 7th & 9th) The rise of political Islam in Turkey
 Muzaffer Ercan Yilmaz, 2012. "The Rise of Political Islam in Turkey: The Case of the Welfare
Party." Turkish Studies 13(3): 363-378.
 Banu Elgur, 2010. The Soft Intervention of 1997 and the Islamist Social Movement, Cambridge
University Press. pp. 214-275.
MIDTERM (April 9th)
Week 9 (Apr. 14th & 16th) The Justice and Development Party years, 2002-present
 Ali Carkoglu, 2012. “Economic evaluations vs. ideology: Diagnosing the sources of electoral
change in Turkey, 2002- 2011,” Electoral Politics, 31:513-521.
 Ersin Kalaycioglu, 2010. “Justice and Development Party at the Helm: Resurgence of Islam or
Restitution of the Right-of-Center Predominant Party?” Turkish Studies 11(1): 29-44.
 Mustafa Sen, 2010. “Transformation of Turkish Islamism and the Rise of the Justice and
Development Party” Turkish Studies 11(1): 59-84.
Week 10 (Apr. 21st & 23rd) Spring Break!
Week 11 (Apr. 28th & 30th) Changes in the role of the military
 Metin Heper, 2011. “Civil Military Relations in Turkey: Towards a Liberal Model?” Turkish
Studies 12(2): 241-252.
 Ahmet Kuru, 2012. “The Rise and Fall of Military Tutelage in Turkey” Insight Turkey 14(2):
 Umit Cizre Sakallioglu, 2007. “The Anatomy of the Turkish Military’s Political Autonomy”
Comparative Politics 29(2): 151-166.
Week 12 (May 5th & 7th) Turkish foreign policy, 2002-present
 Hasan Basri Yalçın, 2011. "The Concept of “Middle Power” and the Recent Turkish Foreign
Policy Activism." Afro Eurasian Studies 1.
 Ziya Öniş and Şuhnaz Yilmaz, 2009. "Between Europeanization and Euro‐asianism: Foreign
policy activism in Turkey during the AKP era," Turkish Studies 10(1): 7-24.
 Bülent Aras, 2009. "The Davutoğlu era in Turkish foreign policy," Insight Turkey 11(3): 127142.
 Ömer Taşpınar, 2012. "Turkey's Strategic Vision and Syria." The Washington Quarterly 35(3):
 Ersin Kalaycıoğlu, 2011. “The Turkish–EU Odyssey and Political Regime Change in Turkey,”
South European Society & Politics, 16(2): 265-278.
Week 13 (May 12th & 14th) Turkish political economy
 Ziya Öniş, 2010. "Crises and transformations in Turkish political economy." Turkish Policy
Quarterly 9(3): 45-61.
 Ziya Öniş, 2012. "The triumph of conservative globalism: the political economy of the AKP
era." Turkish Studies 13(2): 135-152.
 Nilgun Onder, 2008. "The Turkish project of globalization and new regionalism." Alternatives:
Turkish Journal of International Relations 7(2): 86-110.
 Ozlem A. Arconian, 2013. "Turkey's graduation from the International Monetary
Fund." Middle East Policy 20(2): 122-136.
Week 14 (May 19th & 21st) The Kurdish question, 2002-present
 Huseyin Alptekin, 2012. "Ethnic incorporation policies and peripheral reactions: How are
Turkey’s Kurds treated by the state and how do they perceive their treatment," Afro Eurasian
Studies 1(2): 97-119.
 Zeki Sarigil and Omer Fazlioglu. 2013. "Religion and ethno‐nationalism: Turkey's Kurdish
issue," Nations and Nationalism 19(3): 551-571.
 Michael Gunter, 2013. "Reopening Turkey's closed Kurdish opening?" Middle East
Policy 20(2): 88-98.
Week 15 (May 26th & 28th) Other identity issues in Turkish political history and conclusion
 Talha Köse, 2010 "Alevi opening and the democratization initiative in Turkey," SETAV.
 Talha Köse, 2012. "Ideological or religious? Contending visions on the future of Alevi
identity." Identities 19(5): 576-596.
 Suat Kolukirik and Şule Toktaş, 2007. "Turkey's Roma: Political participation and
organization," Middle Eastern Studies 43(5): 761-777.
 Cagla Diner and Şule Toktaş, 2010. "Waves of feminism in Turkey: Kemalist, Islamist and
Kurdish women's movements in an era of globalization." Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern
Studies 12(1): 41-57.