curriculum vitae bayram tekin professor of


curriculum vitae bayram tekin professor of
Office Department of Physics,
Middle East Technical University
Ankara 06800
Phone: (312) 210-4340
Research Background
Theoretical High Energy Physics: Quantum Field Theory, String Theory and Gravity
Ph.D Thesis, Univ. of Minnesota, May 1999, Advisor: Professor Yutaka Hosotani
Non-perturbative Aspects of Quantum Field Theories and Gravity
Education and Professional Record
Winter 2011Summer 2008Fall 2007
Winter 2006 Spring 2005 Spring 2004Fall 2003– 2004
Fall 2001–Fall 2003
Fall 1999–Fall 2001
Fall 1994–Spring 1999
Fall 1991–Spring 1994
Full Professor METU, ( 22 Feb )
Visitor ( EE Dept.) UC Davis, California
Visitor (Math. Dept.) UC Davis, California
Assoc. Prof METU, ( 14 Feb )
Assoc. Prof. ( 18 April, YÖK-Higher Education Council of Turkey )
Asst. Prof. Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Instructor, Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Brandeis University
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Oxford
PhD, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
BS, Advanced Physics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Referee for
Phys. Rev. Letts., Phys. Rev. D, Class. Quantum Grav.
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., Annals of Physics, Gen. Relativity and Grav.,
Int. J. of Theor. Phys., J. of Math. Phys.
Found. of Phys., SIGMA, Turkish J. of Phys., New. J. of Phys. Turkish J. of Math. European
Physical Journal C., Advances in High Energy Physics, Acta Physica Polonica B, Nucl. Phys. B.
, Int. J. of Mod. Phys., Phys. Lett. B., AMS MathSciNet
Teaching Duties
2015 Spring
2015 Spring
2015 Fall
2015 Fall
2014 Spring
2014 Spring
2014 Fall
2014 Fall
2014 Summer
2013 Spring
2013 Spring
2013 Fall
2013 Fall
2012 Spring
2012 Spring
2012 Fall
2012 Fall
2012 Spring
2012 Spring
2012 Spring
2011 Fall
2011 Fall
2010 Fall
2010 Fall
2010 Spring
2010 Spring
2009 Fall
2009 Fall
2009 Spring
2009 Spring
2008 Fall
2008 Fall
2008 Spring
2007 Spring
2007 Spring
2007 Spring
2006 Fall
2006 Fall
2006 Summer
2006 Spring
2006 Spring
2006 Spring
2005 Fall
2005 Summer
2005 Summer
2004 Fall
2004 Fall
2004 Summer
2004 Summer
2004 Spring
2004 Spring
2003 Fall
2003 Fall
2003 Summer
2002 Spring
2001 Hillary, Trinity
Fall 1994–Spring 1998
Quantum Mechanics II (508) (Graduate )
Quantum Mechanics I ( 431 )
Quantum Mechanics I (507) (Graduate )
Quantum Mechanics I ( 431 )
Quantum Mechanics I (507) (Graduate )
Quantum Mechanics I ( 431 )
Quantum Mechanics II (508) (Graduate )
Quantum Physics (300)
TUBITAK Physics Olympiad Training Camp (Konya)
Quantum Mechanics II (508) (Graduate )
Quantum Physics (300)
Quantum Mechanics I (507) (Graduate )
Quantum Physics (300)
Quantum Field Theory-II (542) ( Graduate )
Quantum Mechanics I (507) (Graduate )
Quantum Field Theory-I (541) ( Graduate )
Quantum Mechanics I (507) (Graduate )
Effective Field Theories In HEP ( Graduate)
Methods of mathematical Physics II (504) ( Graduate)
Freshman Physics ( Electrical Eng. Dept.)
Methods of mathematical Physics II ( Graduate)
Freshman Physics ( Electrical Eng. Dept.)
Quantum Field Theory-I ( Graduate )
Methods of mathematical Physics II ( Graduate)
Methods of mathematical Physics II ( Graduate)
Freshman Physics (Mining Eng. Dept)
Methods of mathematical Physics II ( Graduate)
Freshman Physics (Mining Eng. Dept)
Methods of mathematical Physics II ( Graduate)
Quantum Field Theory-II ( Graduate )
Methods of mathematical Physics II ( Graduate)
Quantum Field Theory-I ( Graduate )
Freshman Physics METU ( Aerospace Eng. Dept.)
Geometry of Gauge Fields ( Graduate )
Physics for Students of Science II (Special Physics Students)
TUBITAK Physics Olympiad Training Camp (Antalya)
Quantum Field Theory-II ( Graduate )
Physics for Students of Science I (Special Physics Students)
TUBITAK Physics Olympiad Training Camp ( Pamukkale)
Quantum Field Theory-I (541 ) ( Graduate ) METU
Freshman Physics METU ( Ccmputer Eng. Dept)
Freshman Physics TOBB-ETU
Freshman Physics N-Cyprus, METU
TUBITAK Physics Olympiad Training Camp (Gebze)
Leader of the Turkish team, Phys. Olympiad, Salamanca, SPAIN
Gravitation and Cosmology I ( Graduate )
Freshman Physics, METU ( Chemical Eng. Dept.)
TUBITAK Physics Olympiad Training Camp ( Kizilcahamam)
Freshman Physics, METU
Quantum Field Theory II ( Graduate )
Freshman Physics, METU (Chemical Eng. Dept.)
Quantum Field Theory I ( Graduate )
Freshman Physics, METU ( Chemical Eng. Dept.
TUBITAK Physics Olympiad Training Camp (Nevsehir)
Brandeis University, Freshman Physics Course
Math. Lecturer in the Balliol College, University of Oxford
University of Minnesota, Teaching Assistant for Various Introductory
PhD Theses supervised
1. 2014 Summer
2. 2012 Summer
3. 2011 Fall
Suat Dengiz ”Weyl-invariant higher curvature gravity theories ”
Tahsin Cagri Sisman ”Born-Infeld Gravity Theories in D-dimensions”
Ibrahim Gullu ”Massive Higher Derivative Gravity Theories”
MS Theses supervised
1. 2015 Summer
Sahin Kurekci ”Basics of Mssive Gravity”
2. 2014 Summer
Gokcen Deniz Ozen ”Gravitomagnetism in General Relativity and Massive
3. 2014 Summer
Semih Dundar ”The Firewall Paradox”
4. 2013 Summer
Kezban Tasseten Ata ”Ricci and Cotton Flows In Three Dimensions”
5. 2011 Winter
Ulas Huyal ”Conformal Symmetry in Field Theory”
6. 2011 Winter
Sinan Deger ”Geometrical Phases and Magnetic Monopoles”
7. 2011 Winter
Suat Dengiz ” 3+1 Orthogonal and conformal decomposition of the Einstein
equation and the ADM formalism for general relativity”
8. 2010 Summer
9. 2009 Summer
Mehmet Ali Olpak ”Quantum mechanics on curved hypersurfaces”
Ibrahim Burak Ilhan ”Dynamics of Extended Objects In General Relativity”
10. 2007 Summer
Emre Sakarya ”Kaluza-Klein Monopole”
11. 2007 Summer
Sener Ozonder ”Viable Higher Derivative Theories ”
12. 2005 Summer
Ibrahim Gullu ”Conserved Charges In Gravity Theories”
1. 2014-2015 ( 1 year)
Dr. Ozgur Kelekci
2. 2013-2014 ( 2 years )
Dr. Cesim Dumlu ( Supported by TUBITAK Brain circulation pro-
3. 2013-2016 ( 3 years )
4. 2014-2016( 2 years)
Dr. Ibrahim Gullu (Supported by TUBITAK)
Dr. Suat Dengiz (Supported by TUBITAK)
5. 2011-2012 ( 10 months)
6. 2010-2011 (4 months)
Tehran )
7. 2010-2011(1 year)
Dr. Ibrahim Gullu (Supported by TUBITAK)
Dr. M. Reza Tanhayi ( Supported by Islamic Azad University,
Dr. Heeseung Zoe ( Supported by TUBITAK)
Honors and Awards and Grants
• 2014
METU, Performance Prize
• 2013
TUBITAK -project 113F155 ( 2013-2016)
• 2013
METU, Performance Prize
• 2012
Lecturer of the year, METU Mustafa Parlar Foundation
• 2011
METU, Performance Prize
• 2010
TUBITAK -project 110T339 ( 2010-2012)
• 2010
METU, Performance Prize
• 2009
TUBITAK, Junior Science Award
• 2008
METU, Performance Prize
• 2007
METU, Young Faculty Award ( Granted to 6 people in the University)
• 2005
METU, Performance Prize
• 2004
Turkish Journalists Society’s Sedat Simavi Praise
• 2005-2010
TUBITAK’s ”Kariyer Planlama ” Grant ( 104T177)
• 2004–2007 ”Talented Young Scientist Fellowship” of Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA)
• 2001–2003
Postdoctoral Fellowship, NSF, Brandeis University, USA
• 1999–2001
Postdoctoral Fellowship, PPARC, Oxford University, UK
• 1998–1999
Graduate School Dissertation Fellowship, University of Minnesota, USA
• 1994–1998
Teaching and Research Assistantships, University of Minnesota, USA
• 1992–1993
Scholarship from Turkish Physics Foundation
• June 1991
Represented Turkey in the International Physics Olympiads, Havana, Cuba
Schools & Key Conferences
• Extra Dimensions in the Era of the LHC, 12-14 Dec. 2011, Osaka Univ., Osaka
• Strings, Branes and Supergravity. 1-5 August 2011. Koc University, Istanbul,
• Quantization, Dualities and Integrable Systems ( from 2004 to 2012 )
• Continous Advances in QCD 2008, May 15-18 Minneapolis, USA
• Continous Advances in QCD 2006, May 11-14 Minneapolis, USA
• XXVIII Spanish Relativity Meeting, Oviedo (Asturias) Spain September 6-10, 2005
• Physics for Tomorrow, 13-16 January, 2005, Paris
• Quantum Particles, Fields and Strings - 3 13-19 September, 2004 Baku
• 11th Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics May 3 - 6, 2004 Tehran.
• APS meeting, March 1999, Atlanta, USA.
• String 98, June 1998, Santa-Barbara, USA.
• Spring School on Mathematics and String Theory, March 1998, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.
• Continuous Advances in QCD 1994–1996–1998, Minneapolis, USA.
• Various talks in U. of Minnesota, Oxford Univ., University of Connecticut, METU, Fatih U.,
Bilkent U., Bolu Izzet Baysal U., Koc U., Pamukkale U., UC Davis, Erzurum Ataturk U. ,
Ankara U., Eskisehir Anadolu U., Bogazici U., Feza Gursey Inst., Sabanci U., Hacettepe U.
THK University etc.
Popular Articles on Science in Turkish
1. Niels Bohr ve Atom Modeli TUBITAK Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi Aralik 2013
2. Radyoaktiviteden Atom Bombasina TUBITAK Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi Agustos 2013
3. Gunesin Yanmasi TUBITAK Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi Temmuz 2013
4. Var olabilen seyler ve var olmasi gereken seyler TUBITAK Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi Aralik
5. Kim korkar kara delikten !
TUBITAK Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi Ekim 2008
List of Publications and Preprints
1. B. Tekin, “Particle Content of Quadratic and f (Rµνσρ ) Theories in (A)dS,” Phys. Rev. D
93(R) , no. 10, 101502 (2016) [Rapid Communication]
2. M. Gurses, T. C. Sisman and B. Tekin, “From Smooth Curves to Universal Metrics,”
arXiv:1603.09655 [gr-qc].
3. M. Gurses, T. C. Sisman and B. Tekin, ”Kerr-Schild–Kundt Metrics are Universal,”
4. B. Tekin, “Inflation in pure gravity with only massless spin-2 fields,” arXiv:1602.08949 [gr-qc].
5. J. D. Edelstein, C. Gomez, E. Kilicarslan, M. Leoni and B. Tekin, “Causality in 3D Massive
Gravity Theories,” arXiv:1602.03376 [hep-th].
6. G. Alkac, E. Kilicarslan and B. Tekin, “Black Flowers in Flatland,” Phys. Rev. D 93, no. 8,
084003 (2016) arXiv:1601.06696 [hep-th].
7. E. Altas and B. Tekin, “Holographically Viable Extensions of Topologically Massive and
Minimal Massive Gravity?,” Phys. Rev. D 93 2, 025033 (2016) arXiv:1512.06651 [hep-th].
8. I. Gullu, T. C. Sisman and B. Tekin, “Born-Infeld Gravity with a Unique Vacuum and a
Massless Graviton,” Phys.Rev. D 92 10, 104014 (2015) arXiv:1510.01184 [hep-th].
9. M. Gurses, T. C. Sisman and B. Tekin, ‘Gravity Waves in Three Dimensions,” Phys. Rev. D
92 8, 084016 (2015) arXiv:1509.03167 [hep-th].
10. B. Tekin, ”Stern-Gerlach Experiment with Higher Spins” , Eur.J.Phys. 37 (2016) 035401
arXiv:1506.04632 [physics.atom-ph]
11. K. Tasseten and B. Tekin, “Gravitomagnetism in Massive Gravity,” Phys. Rev. D 93 ) 4,
044068 (2016). arXiv:1506.03714 [hep-th].
12. B. Tekin, “A Bulk and Boundary Unitary Gravity in 3D: MMG2 ,” Phys.Rev. D92 2, 024008
(2015), arXiv:1503.07488 [hep-th]
13. E. Altas and B. Tekin, “On Exact Solutions and the Consistency of 3D Minimal Massive
Gravity,” Phys.Rev. D92 (2015) 2, 025033 arXiv:1503.04726 [hep-th].
14. E. Kilicarslan, S. Dengiz and B. Tekin ” More on Cotton Flow” JHEP 1506 (2015) 136,
arXiv:1502.02514 [hep-th]
15. T. C. Sisman, I. Gullu and B. Tekin, ” Born-Infeld Gravity with a Massless Graviton in Four
Dimensions ” Phys.Rev. D91 (2015) 044007 arXiv:1410.8033 [hep-th].
16. B. Tekin, “Minimal Massive Gravity: Conserved Charges, Excitations and the Chiral Gravity
Limit,” Phys.Rev. D90,081701 (2014) arXiv:1409.5358 [hep-th]. [Rapid Communication]
17. M. Gurses, T. C. Sisman and B. Tekin, “AdS-plane wave and pp-wave solutions of generic
gravity theories,” Phys. Rev. D 90, no. 12, 124005 (2014)
arXiv:1407.5301 [hep-th].
18. S. Dengiz, E. Kilicarslan and B. Tekin ”Scattering in Topologically Massive Gravity, Chiral
Gravity and the corresponding Anyon-Anyon Potential Energy ” Phys. Rev. D 89, 024033
(2014) arXiv:1311.4736 [hep-th]
19. I. Gullu, B. Tekin ”Spin-spin interactions in massive gravity and higher derivative gravity
theories” Phys. Lett. B 728, 268, (2014 ) arXiv:1305.5461 [gr-qc]
20. M.Gurses, S. Hervik, T. C. Sisman, B. Tekin ”Anti-de Sitter Wave Solutions of Higher Derivative Theories” Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 101101 (2013) arXiv:1305.1565 [hep-th]
21. C. Senturk, T. C. Sisman and B. Tekin, “Energy and Angular Momentum in Generic F(Riemann)
Theories,” Phys. Rev. D 86, 124030 (2012) arXiv:1209.2056 [hep-th].
22. S. Dengiz, E. Kilicarslan and B. Tekin ”Weyl-gauging of Topologically Massive Gravity” Phys.
Rev. D. 86, 104014 (2012) arXiv:1209.1251 [hep-th].
23. T. C. Sisman, I. Gullu and B. Tekin, “Spectra, vacua, and the unitarity of Lovelock gravity in
D-dimensional AdS spacetimes,” Phys. Rev. D 86, 044041 (2012) arXiv:1204.3814 [hep-th].
24. M. Gurses, T. C. Sisman and B. Tekin, “New Exact Solutions of Quadratic Curvature Gravity,” Phys. Rev. D 86, 024009 (2012) arXiv:1204.2215 [hep-th].
25. Avinash P. Nayak, Aaron M. Katzenmeyer, Yasuhiro Gosho, Bayram Tekin, M. Saif Islam ”
Sonochemical approach for rapid growth of zinc oxide nanowalls” Appl Phys A Vol 107, 661
26. M. R. Tanhayi, S. Dengiz, B. Tekin ”Weyl-Invariant Higher Curvature Gravity Theories in n
Dimensions.” Phys. Rev. D 85, 064016 (2012) arXiv:1201.5068 [hep-th].
27. M. Gurses, T.C. Sisman, B. Tekin ” Some exact solutions of all f(Ricci) theories in three
dimensions” Phys. Rev. D 86, 024001 (2012) arXiv:1112.6346 [hep-th].
28. M. R. Tanhayi, S. Dengiz, B. Tekin ” Unitarity of Weyl-Invariant New Massive Gravity and
Generation of Graviton Mass via Symmetry Breaking” Phys. Rev. D 85, 064008 (2012)
arXiv:1112.2338 [hep-th].
29. C. Nazaroglu, Y. Nutku, B. Tekin ” Covariant Symplectic Structure and Conserved Charges
of Topologically Massive Gravity” Phys. Rev. D 83, 124039 (2011) arXiv:1104.3404 [hep-th].
30. S. Dengiz, B. Tekin ”Higgs Mechanism for New Massive Gravity and Weyl Invariant Extensions of Higher Derivative Theories” Phys. Rev. D 84, 024033 (2011) arXiv:1104.0601
31. T.C. Sisman, I. Gullu, B. Tekin ” All unitary cubic curvature gravities in D dimensions”
Class.Quant.Grav. 28, 195004 (2011) arXiv:1103.2307 [hep-th].
32. I. Gullu, M. Gurses, T. C. Sisman, B Tekin ”AdS waves as exact solutions to quadratic
gravity” Phys. Rev. D 83, 084015 (2011) arXiv:1102.1921 [hep-th]
33. S. Deser, H. Liu, H. Lu, C.N. Pope, T.C. Sisman and B.Tekin, “Critical Points of DDimensional Extended Gravities, Phys.Rev.D83:061502,(2011) ”
arXiv:1101.4009 [hep-th]. [Rapid Communication]
34. I. Gullu, T. C. Sisman, B Tekin ” All Bulk and Boundary Unitary Cubic Curvature Theories
in Three Dimensions Phys. Rev. D 83, 024033 (2011) ” arXiv:1011.2419 [hep-th]
35. I. Gullu, T. C. Sisman, B Tekin ”Unitarity analysis of general Born-Infeld gravity theories”
Phys.Rev.D82:124023, (2010) arXiv:1010.2411 [hep-th]
36. I. Gullu, T. C. Sisman, B Tekin ”c-functions in the Born-Infeld extended New Massive Gravity” Phys. Rev. D82:024032, (2010) arXiv:1005.3214 [hep-th]
37. I. Gullu, T. C. Sisman, B Tekin ”Born-Infeld-Horava gravity” Phys.Rev.D81:104018,(2010)
arXiv:1004.0611 [hep-th]
38. I. Gullu, T. C. Sisman, B Tekin ”Born-Infeld extension of new massive gravity” Class. Quant.
Grav. 27:162001,(2010) arXiv:1003.3935 [hep-th]
39. I. Gullu, T. C. Sisman, B Tekin ”Canonical structure of higher derivative gravity in 3D”
Phys.Rev.D81:104017,(2010) arXiv:1002.3778 [hep-th]
40. T. C. Sisman, B Tekin “ Green’s Matrix for a Second Order Self-Adjoint Matrix Differential
Operator” J. of Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43: 125205 (2010) arXiv:0908.0223 [math-ph]
41. I. Gullu, B. Tekin ”Massive Higher Derivative Gravity in D-dimensional Anti-de Sitter Spacetimes ” Phys. Rev. D80:064033 (2009) arXiv:0906.0102 [hep-th]
42. O. Sarioglu, B. Tekin ” Self-dual solutions of Yang-Mills theory on Euclidean AdS Space”
Phys. Rev. D79:104024 (2009) arXiv:0903.3803 [hep-th]
43. O. Sarioglu , B. Tekin “A note on cosmological Levi-Civita spacetimes in higher dimensions”
Phys. Rev. D 79: 087502 (2009) arXiv:0901.1242 [gr-qc]
44. O. Sarioglu , B. Tekin ” Comment on the new AdS universe” Class. Quantum Grav. 26
048001 (2009) arXiv:0811.3683 [gr-qc]
45. H. Cebeci, O. Sarioglu , B. Tekin ” Finite mass gravitating Yang monopoles” Phys. Rev. D
78: 125016 (2008) arXiv:0809.0806 [hep-th]
46. Ali Ulas Ozgur Kisisel, Ozgur Sarioglu, Bayram Tekin ”Cotton Flow” Class. Quantum Grav
25:165019,2008, arXiv:0803.1603 [hep-th]
47. Aaron Katzenmeyer, Logeeswaran VJ, Bayram Tekin, M. Saif Islam “ Impact of Casimir Force
in Molecular Electronic Switching Junctions” arXiv:0801.0476 ( 2008 2nd IEEE International
Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC 2008) IEEE Proceedings, Beijing)
48. B. Tekin ”Chern-Simons modified General relativity: conserved charges” Phys. Rev. D.
77:024005 2008, arXiv:0710.2528 [gr-qc]
49. O. Sarioglu and B. Tekin ”Towards a proof of positive gravitational energy theorem in Ddimensions” arXiv:0709.0407 [gr-qc]
50. S. Deser, O. Sarioglu and B. Tekin ”Spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein + nonpolynomial gravities” Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 40, 1-7, 2008, arXiv:0705.1669 [gr-qc]
51. S. Deser and B. Tekin “New energy definition for higher curvature gravities,” Phys.Rev.D75:084032,
2007 arXiv:gr-qc/0701140
52. B. Tekin ” Energy in AdS” Published in Minneapolis 2006, Continuous advances in QCD
53. H. Cebeci, O Sarioglu and B Tekin, ”Gravitational charges of transverse asymptotically AdS
spacetimes.” Phys. Rev. D74:124021,2006, [arXiv: hep-th/0611011]
54. I. Gullu and B. Tekin ”Charges in AdS spacetimes” Turk. J. Phys., 30, (2006), 419-436.
55. S. Deser and B. Tekin, “Conformal properties of charges in scalar-tensor gravities,” [arXiv:grqc/0609111 ]. Class. Quantum Grav. 23, 7479 (2006)
56. O Sarioglu and B Tekin, “Topologically massive gravity as a Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator,” Class.
Quantum Grav. 23, 7541 (2006) [gr-qc/0608085].
57. H. Cebeci, O Sarioglu and B Tekin, ” Negative mass solitons in gravity” Phys. Rev. D73:064020,2006
[ hep-th/0602117].
58. S.Olmez, O.Sarioglu and B.Tekin, “Mass and angular momentum of asymptotically AdS or
flat solutions in the topologically massive gravity,” Class. Quant. Grav. 22, 4355,2005
59. S. Deser, I. Kanik and B. Tekin, “Conserved charges of higher D Kerr-AdS spacetimes,” Class.
Quan. Grav.22, 1(2005)[ gr-qc/0506057].
60. S. Deser, J. Franklin and B. Tekin, “Shortcuts to Spherically Symmetric Solutions: A Cautionary Note,”
Class.Quant.Grav. 21:5295,2004 [gr-qc/0404120].
61. S. Deser and B. Tekin, “Energy in topologically massive gravity”,
Class.Quant.Grav.20:L259,2003 [gr-qc/0307073].
62. S. Deser and B. Tekin, “Shortcuts to high symmetry solutions in gravitational theories”,
Class.Quant.Grav.20:4877-4884,2003 [gr-qc/0306114].
63. B. Tekin, “Partially massless spin-2 fields in string generated models”,
64. V. K. Onemli and B. Tekin, “Kaluza-Klein monopole in AdS spacetime”,
Phys. Rev. D 68, 064017 (2003) ; [hep-th/0301027].
65. S. Deser and B. Tekin, “Energy in generic higher curvature gravity theories”,
Phys. Rev. D 67, 084009 (2003); [hep-th/0212292]. v
66. S. Deser and B. Tekin, “Gravitational energy in quadratic curvature gravities”,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 101101 (2002); [hep-th/0205318].
67. S. Deser and B. Tekin, “Massive, topologically massive, models”,
Class. Quant. Grav. 19, L97 (2002); [hep-th/0203273].
68. B. Tekin, “Yang-Mills solutions on Euclidean Schwarzschild space”,
Phys. Rev. D 65, 084035 (2002); [hep-th/0201050].
69. I. I. Kogan, M. Schvellinger and B. Tekin, “Gauge field theory beta-functions, holographic
RG flow and Wilson loops”,
4th Workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 12-14 May 2000
70. S. Deser and B. Tekin, “Newtonian counterparts of spin 2 massless discontinuities”,
Class. Quant. Grav. 18, L171 (2001); [gr-qc/0109091].
71. B. Tekin, “Fluctuations of a (tensionless) brane world”,
72. B. Tekin, “Higher dimensional operators or large extra dimensions?”,
73. V. K. Onemli, M. Tas and B. Tekin, “Phase transition in compact QED3 and the Josephson
JHEP 0108, 046 (2001); [hep-th/0105157].
74. I. I. Kogan, A. Kovner and B. Tekin, “Deconfinement at N > 2: SU(N) Georgi-Glashow
model in 2+1 dimensions”,
JHEP 0105, 062 (2001); [hep-th/0104047].
75. I. I. Kogan, A. Kovner and B. Tekin, “Instanton molecules at high temperature: The GeorgiGlashow model and beyond”
JHEP 0103, 021 (2001); [hep-th/0101171].
76. I. I. Kogan, A. Kovner and B. Tekin, “The chicken or the egg: Or who ordered the chiral
phase transition?”,
Phys. Rev. D 63, 116007 (2001); [hep-ph/0101040].
77. V. K. Onemli and B. Tekin, “Kaluza-Klein vortices”,
JHEP 0101, 034 (2001); [hep-th/0011287].
78. G. V. Dunne and B. Tekin, “Calorons in Weyl gauge”,
Phys. Rev. D 63, 085004 (2001); [hep-th/0011169].
79. G. V. Dunne, I. I. Kogan, A. Kovner and B. Tekin, “Deconfining phase transition in 2+1 D:
The Georgi-Glashow model”,
JHEP 0101, 032 (2001); [hep-th/0010201].
80. G. V. Dunne, A. Kovner and B. Tekin, “Magnetic symmetries and vortices in Chern-Simons
Phys. Rev. D 63, 025009 (2001); [hep-th/0008139].
81. B. Tekin, “Multi-instantons in R4 and minimal surfaces in R(2,1) ”,
JHEP 0008, 049 (2000); [hep-th/0006135].
82. I. Kogan, M. Schvellinger and B. Tekin, “Holographic renormalization group flow, Wilson
loops and field-theory beta-functions”,
Nucl. Phys. B 588, 213 (2000); [hep-th/0004185].
83. P. Castelo Ferreira, I. I. Kogan and B. Tekin, “Toroidal compactification in string theory
from Chern-Simons theory”,
Nucl. Phys. B 589, 167 (2000); [hep-th/0004078].
84. B. Tekin, “Nonperturbative Aspects Of Quantum Field Theory”,
85. A. Ferstl, B. Tekin and V. Weir, “Gravitating instantons in 3 dimensional anti de Sitter
Phys. Rev. D 62, 064003 (2000); [hep-th/0002019].
86. B. Tekin, “On the relevance of singular solutions in dS(3) and AdS(3) gravity”,
87. B. Tekin, “Dimensional reduction of three dimensional gravity”,
88. Y. Hosotani, B. Tekin and K. Saririan, “Complex monopoles in the path integral”,
89. Y. Hosotani, K. Saririan and B. Tekin, “Complex monopoles and Gribov copies”,
90. B. Tekin, K. Saririan and Y. Hosotani, “Complex monopoles in YM + Chern-Simons theory
in 3 dimensions”,
91. B. Tekin, K. Saririan and Y. Hosotani, “Complex monopoles in the Georgi-Glashow-ChernSimons model”,
Nucl. Phys. B 539, 720 (1999); [hep-th/9808045].
92. J. Jalilian-Marian and B. Tekin, “Temperature dependence of eta and eta’ masses”,
Phys. Rev. D 57, 5593 (1998); [hep-ph/9711475].
93. P. N. Tan, B. Tekin and Y. Hosotani, “Maxwell-Chern-Simons scalar electrodynamics at two
Nucl. Phys. B 502, 483 (1997); [hep-th/9703121].
94. P. N. Tan, B. Tekin and Y. Hosotani, “Spontaneous symmetry breaking at two loop in 3-d
massless scalar electrodynamics”,
Phys. Lett. B 388, 611 (1996); [hep-th/9607233].

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