Country File Turkey - Association for the Prevention of Torture


Country File Turkey - Association for the Prevention of Torture
Country File
Last updated: July 2009
Legal system
Civil Law
UNCAT Ratification/
Accession (a)/
Succession (d)
Relevant Laws
2 August 1988
Relevant Articles
Languages Available
Constitution of 1982 (as amended on 17 October
Penal Code of 2004 (Law No. 5237, Official Gazette
No. 25611, 12 October 2004)
Prohibition of Torture: Article 17 of the
Definition of Torture: Article 94 of the Penal Code
Penalties: Articles 77, 94 and 95 of the Penal Code
1. Defences: Article 77 and 94 of the Penal
2. Extradition: Article 18 of the Penal Code
3. Participation in torture: Article 94 of the
Penal Code
Turkish (official language)
Other Relevant
Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT)
For any suggestions and/or comments, please contact us at
The APT does not guarantee that this data constitutes the latest applicable laws and/or that it represents the entire
national legal framework related to torture. The contents and use of this material, including links, do not imply any
responsibility from the part of the APT.
Relevant Articles – TURKEY
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasasi
Madde 17
Herkes, yaşama, maddî ve manevî varlığını koruma ve geliştirme hakkına
Tıbbî zorunluluklar ve kanunda yazılı haller dışında, kişinin vücut bütünlüğüne
dokunulamaz; rızası olmadan bilimsel ve tıbbî deneylere tâbi tutulamaz.
Kimseye işkence ve eziyet yapılamaz; kimse insan haysiyetiyle bağdaşmayan
bir cezaya veya muameleye tâbi tutulamaz.
Türk Ceza Kanunu
Madde 18
(1) …
(2) Uluslararası Ceza Divanına taraf olmanın gerektirdiği yükümlülükler hariç
olmak üzere, vatandaş suç sebebiyle yabancı bir ülkeye verilemez.
(3) Kişinin, talep eden devlete geri verilmesi hâlinde ırkı, dini, vatandaşlığı,
belli bir sosyal gruba mensubiyeti veya siyasî görüşleri nedeniyle
kovuşturulacağına veya cezalandırılacağına ya da işkence ve kötü
muameleye maruz kalacağına dair kuvvetli şüphe sebepleri varsa, talep
kabul edilmez.
(4) …
Madde 77
(1) Aşağıdaki fiillerin, siyasal, felsefî, ırkî veya dinî saiklerle toplumun bir
kesimine karşı bir plân doğrultusunda sistemli olarak işlenmesi, insanlığa
karşı suç oluşturur:
a) Kasten öldürme.
b) Kasten yaralama.
c) İşkence, eziyet veya köleleştirme.
d) Kişi hürriyetinden yoksun kılma.
e) Bilimsel deneylere tâbi kılma.
f) Cinsel saldırıda bulunma, çocukların cinsel istismarı.
g) Zorla hamile bırakma.
h) Zorla fuhşa sevketme.
(2) Birinci fıkranın (a) bendindeki fiilin işlenmesi halinde, fail hakkında
ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapis cezasına; diğer bentlerde tanımlanan fiillerin
işlenmesi halinde ise, sekiz yıldan az olmamak üzere hapis cezasına
Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT)
For any suggestions and/or comments, please contact us at
The APT does not guarantee that this data constitutes the latest applicable laws and/or that it represents the entire
national legal framework related to torture. The contents and use of this material, including links, do not imply any
responsibility from the part of the APT.
hükmolunur. Ancak, birinci fıkranın (a) ve (b) bentleri kapsamında işlenen
kasten öldürme ve kasten yaralama suçları açısından, belirlenen mağdur
sayısınca gerçek içtima hükümleri uygulanır.
(3) Bu suçlardan dolayı tüzel kişiler hakkında da güvenlik tedbirine
(4) Bu suçlardan dolayı zamanaşımı işlemez.
Madde 94
(1) Bir kişiye karşı insan onuruyla bağdaşmayan ve bedensel veya ruhsal
yönden acı çekmesine, algılama veya irade yeteneğinin etkilenmesine,
aşağılanmasına yol açacak davranışları gerçekleştiren kamu görevlisi
hakkında üç yıldan oniki yıla kadar hapis cezasına hükmolunur.
(2) Suçun;
a) Çocuğa, beden veya ruh bakımından kendisini savunamayacak
durumda bulunan kişiye ya da gebe kadına karşı,
b) Avukata veya diğer kamu görevlisine karşı görevi dolayısıyla,
İşlenmesi hâlinde, sekiz yıldan onbeş yıla kadar hapis cezasına
(3) Fiilin cinsel yönden taciz şeklinde gerçekleşmesi hâlinde, on yıldan onbeş
yıla kadar hapis cezasına hükmolunur.
(4) Bu suçun işlenişine iştirak eden diğer kişiler de kamu görevlisi gibi
(5) Bu suçun ihmali davranışla işlenmesi hâlinde, verilecek cezada bu nedenle
indirim yapılmaz.
Madde 95
(1) İşkence fiilleri, mağdurun;
a) Duyularından veya organlarından birinin işlevinin sürekli
b) Konuşmasında sürekli zorluğa,
c) Yüzünde sabit ize,
d) Yaşamını tehlikeye sokan bir duruma,
e) Gebe bir kadına karşı işlenip de çocuğunun vaktinden önce
Neden olmuşsa, yukarıdaki maddeye göre belirlenen ceza, yarı oranında
(2) İşkence fiilleri, mağdurun;
a) İyileşmesi olanağı bulunmayan bir hastalığa veya bitkisel
hayata girmesine,
b) Duyularından veya organlarından birinin işlevinin yitirilmesine,
c) Konuşma ya da çocuk yapma yeteneklerinin kaybolmasına,
d) Yüzünün sürekli değişikliğine,
e) Gebe bir kadına karşı işlenip de çocuğunun düşmesine,
Neden olmuşsa, yukarıdaki maddeye göre belirlenen ceza, bir kat artırılır.
(3) İşkence fiillerinin vücutta kemik kırılmasına neden olması hâlinde, kırığın
hayat fonksiyonlarındaki etkisine göre sekiz yıldan onbeş yıla kadar hapis
cezasına hükmolunur.
Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT)
For any suggestions and/or comments, please contact us at
The APT does not guarantee that this data constitutes the latest applicable laws and/or that it represents the entire
national legal framework related to torture. The contents and use of this material, including links, do not imply any
responsibility from the part of the APT.
(4) İşkence sonucunda ölüm meydana gelmişse, ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapis
cezasına hükmolunur.
ENGLISH (Translation)
Constitution of 1982 (as amended on 17 October 2001)
Article 17
Everyone has the right to life and the right to protect and develop his material
and spiritual entity.
The physical integrity of the individual shall not be violated except under
medical necessity and in cases prescribed by law; and shall not be subjected
to scientific or medical experiments without his or her consent.
No one shall be subjected to torture or ill-treatment; no one shall be subjected
to penalties or treatment incompatible with human dignity.
Penal Code of 2004 (Law No. 5237, Official Gazette No. 25611, 12
October 2004)
Article 18 Extradition
(1) …
(2) Turkish citizens shall not be extradited for any crime except under
obligations arising from being a party to the International Criminal Court.
(3) An extradition demand shall not be accepted if there are strong grounds
for suspicion that - upon extradition - the person may be prosecuted or
punished on account of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a
particular social group or political opinion or may be exposed to torture or
(4) …
Article 77 Crimes against humanity
(1) The following acts inflicted systematically against a civilian group of the
population in line with a plan with political, philosophical, racial or religious
motives shall constitute crimes against humanity.
a) deliberate homicide.
b) deliberate wounding.
c) torture, inhuman treatment or slavery.
d) depriving persons of their liberty.
e) subjecting persons to biological experiments.
f) sexual assault and sexual abuse of children.
g) impregnation by force.
h) forced prostitution.
Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT)
For any suggestions and/or comments, please contact us at
The APT does not guarantee that this data constitutes the latest applicable laws and/or that it represents the entire
national legal framework related to torture. The contents and use of this material, including links, do not imply any
responsibility from the part of the APT.
(2) Where an offence in paragraph (a) of the first article has been committed,
the offender shall be punished with aggravated life imprisonment. If acts
mentioned in other paragraphs have been committed a penalty of not less
than eight years imprisonment shall be imposed. However, for acts of
deliberate homicide and deliberate wounding as defined in paragraphs (a)
and (b), aggregated sentences shall be applied in accordance with the
number of victims identified.
(3) Legal entities may also be subjected to security measures for these
(4) No limitation period shall apply to these offences.
Article 94 Torture
(1) Any civil servant who carries out actions against a person that lead to
bodily or mental pain incompatible with human dignity, that influences their
ability to perceive or their will or is degrading, will be punished by
imprisonment of between three and twelve years.
(2) If the offence is committed
a) against a child or someone unable to defend themselves bodily or
mentally, or against a pregnant woman,
b) against a lawyer or another civil servant because of their duty,
a sentence of between eight and fifteen years' imprisonment will be
(3) If the offence is committed in the form of sexual abuse, a sentence of
between ten and fifteen years' imprisonment will be passed.
(4) Any other person found to have participated in this offence shall be subject
to the same punishment as the civil servant.
(5) Where the offence arose out of an act of negligence, this shall not provide
grounds for reduction of sentence.
Article 95 Torture Aggravated by Consequences
(1) If the offence of torture leads to the victim
(a) suffering permanent weakening of one of their senses or organs,
(b) suffering permanently from speech difficulties,
(c) being marked on the face,
(d) being put in danger of their life,
(e) where a woman, being subjected to premature birth,
the above sentence be increased by one half.
(2) If the offence of torture leads to the victim
(a) suffering from an incurable illness or a vegetative state
(b) losing one of their senses or organs,
(c) losing their ability to speak or to have children,
(d) having a permanent disfigurement,
(e) where a woman, having a miscarriage
the above sentence be doubled.
(3) If the offence of torture leads to fractures, the sentence be between eight
and fifteen years' imprisonment according to the degree to which the
fractures in question affect life functions.
Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT)
For any suggestions and/or comments, please contact us at
The APT does not guarantee that this data constitutes the latest applicable laws and/or that it represents the entire
national legal framework related to torture. The contents and use of this material, including links, do not imply any
responsibility from the part of the APT.
(4) If death occurs as a result of torture a sentence of aggravated life
imprisonment be imposed.
Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT)
For any suggestions and/or comments, please contact us at
The APT does not guarantee that this data constitutes the latest applicable laws and/or that it represents the entire
national legal framework related to torture. The contents and use of this material, including links, do not imply any
responsibility from the part of the APT.