Gökhan Bakan Assistant Professor at Antalya International


Gökhan Bakan Assistant Professor at Antalya International
Gökhan Bakan
Assistant Professor at Antalya International University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Email address: gokhan.bakan@antalya.edu.tr
Personal webpage: gokhanbakan.wordpress.com
Google scholar account: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FNKE2xIAAAAJ
LinkedIn account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gokhanbakan
Professional interests:
Physics, fabrication and characterization of electronic and opto-electronic devices. Electrical, thermal and
thermoelectric transport at small scale.
Ph.D. August 2012 Electrical Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Thesis: Thermoelectric effects in self-heated silicon micro and nano-structures:
Study of high temperature electro-thermal transport accounting for thermoelectric effects, drift diffusion of carriers, and bipolar conduction on self-heated Si structures through electrical and optical
measurements and finite-element simulations.
B.S. May 2007 Electrical Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
Work Experience:
2015 - , Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, Antalya International University, Antalya, Turkey
2013 - , Research Associate, UNAM, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
Fabrication and electrothermal measurements/modeling of phase-change memory devices. Merging
phase-change materials and plasmonics.
2012 – 2013, Post-doctoral Researcher, Nanoelectronics Lab., University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Coordination of Ph.D. students who carry out electrical experiments and modeling of phase-change
memory devices.
2007 – 2012, Research Assistant, Nanoelectronics Lab., University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Electrical characterization of Si microwires and crystallization through rapid self-heating for highperformance thin-film transistors. Design of experiments for direct optical observation of thermoelectric
effects (Thomson Heat). Numerical modeling using COMSOL Multiphysics for analysis of all contributing
factors in carrier and heat transport under strong thermal gradients (~ 1 K/nm) and high temperatures.
2009 – 2012, Teaching Assistant, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Electrical circuits: Design and teaching of ECE 2001W (electric circuits) laboratories, grading writing and
technical content of weekly reports, and holding discussion sessions. Served as the laboratory
coordinator in Spring 2012 (~ 150 students).
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves: Holding problem solving sessions and grading course assignments.
Summer 2010, Summer Intern, GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY
Carrier density and mobility characterization (Hall measurements) of tin oxide (TOZ) and CdS thin films,
and micro-electroluminescence imaging of complete cells complete CdTe/CdS cells.
Summer 2008, Summer Intern, IBM, Hopewell Junction, NY
Stress-test measurements of SOI MOSFETs and characterization of on-chip thermal diodes. SAS
programming for plotting and analysis of large data sets of transistor parameters.
March 2014 – March 2016, TUBITAK 2232, Research budget: 25000 TL, Principal Investigator
Title: “Crystallization dynamics in phase-change memory devices”
This project involves fabrication, electrical characterization and electrothermal modeling of nanoscale
phase-change memory cells.
Journal Papers:
G. Bakan, A. Gokirmak, H. Silva, “Suppression of thermoelectric Thomson effect in silicon microwires
under large electrical bias and implications for phase-change memory devices,” Journal of Applied
Physics, vol. 116, 234507, 2014.
G. Bakan, N. Khan, H. Silva, A. Gokirmak. “High-temperature thermoelectric transport at small scales:
Thermal generation, transport and recombination of minority carriers,” Scientific Reports, vol. 3, 2724,
G. Bakan, L. Adnane, A. Gokirmak, H. Silva, “Extraction of temperature dependent electrical resistivity
and thermal conductivity from silicon microwires self-heated to melting temperature,” Journal of Applied
Physics vol. 112, p. 063527, 2012.
G. Bakan, N. Khan, A. Cywar, K. Cil, M. Akbulut, A. Gokirmak, H. Silva, “Self-heating of silicon
microwires: Crystallization and thermoelectric effects,” Journal of Materials Research, vol. 26, p. 1061,
2011. Invited Feature Paper.
G. Bakan, A. Cywar, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak, “Melting and crystallization of nanocrystalline silicon
microwires through rapid self-heating,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 94, p. 251910, 2009.
S. Ayas, G. Bakan, A. Dana, “Rounding corners of nano-square patches for multispectral plasmonic
metamaterial absorbers,” Optics Express (accepted).
S. Ayas, A. E. Topal, A. Cupallari, H. Guner, G. Bakan, A. Dana “Exploiting Native Al2O3 for Multispectral
Aluminum Plasmonics,” ACS Photonics, vol. 1(12), 1313–1321, 2014.
A. Faraclas, G. Bakan, L. Adnane, F. Dirisaglik, N. Williams, A. Gokirmak, H. Silva. “Modeling of
thermoelectric effects in phase-change memory cells,” Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 61, p. 372,
F. Dirisaglik, G.Bakan, A. Faraclas, A. Gokirmak, H. Silva, “Numerical Modeling of Thermoelectric
Thomson Effect in Phase Change Memory Bridge Structures,” Intl. Journal of High Speed Electronics and
Systems, vol. 23, p. 1450004, 2014.
H. Silva, G. Bakan, A. Cywar, N. Williams, N. Henry, F. Dirisaglik, A. Gokirmak, “Crystallization of silicon
microstructures through rapid self-heating for high-performance electronics on arbitrary substrates,”
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, vol. 4, pp. 970-976, 2012.
A. Cywar, G. Bakan, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak, “Nanosecond pulse generation in a silicon microwire,”
IEEE - Electron Device Letters, vol. 31, p. 1362, 2010.
A. Cywar, G. Bakan, C. Boztug, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak, “Phase-change oscillations in silicon
microwires,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 94, p. 072111, 2009.
A. Cywar, F. Dirisaglik, M. Akbulut, G. Bakan, S. Steen, H. Silva, A. Gokirmak, “Scaling of silicon phasechange oscillators,” IEEE - Electron Device Letters, vol. 32, p. 1486, 2011.
H.K. Peng, K. Cil, A. Gokirmak, G. Bakan, Y. Zhu, C.S. Lai, C.H. Lam, H. Silva, “Thickness dependence
of the amorphous-cubic and cubic-hexagonal phase transition temperatures of GeSbTe thin films on
silicon nitride,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 520, p. 2976, 2012.
Conference Proceedings:
G. Bakan, N. Khan, H. Silva, A. Gokirmak, “Thermoelectric effects in current induced crystallization of
silicon microwires,” MEMS and Nanotechnology, vol 4: Conference Proceedings of the Society for
Experimental Mechanics Series, p. 9, 2011.
G. Bakan, K. Cil, A. Cywar, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak, “Measurements of liquid silicon resistivity on silicon
microwires,” Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., vol. 1178, AA6.6, 2009.
G. Bakan, A. Cywar, K. Cil, F. Dirisaglik, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak. “Phase-change oscillations in silicon
wires," in Dig. 67th Device Research Conf. p. 79, 2009.
G. Bakan, A. Cywar, C. Boztug, M. Akbulut, H. Silva, A. Gokirmak, “Annealing of nanocrystalline silicon
micro-bridges with electrical stress,” Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., vol. 1144, LL03-25, 2009.
F. Dirisaglik, G. Bakan, A. Gokirmak, H. Silva, “Modeling of thermoelectric effects in phase change
memory cells,” IEEE-International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, 2011.
A. Faraclas, N.Williams, G. Bakan, A. Gokirmak, H. Silva, “Comparison of instantaneous crystallization
and metastable models in phase-change memory cells,” in Dig. 70th Device Research Conf. p. 145, 2012.
A. Cywar, G. Bakan, A. Gokirmak, H. Silva, “Silicon nanowire-based oscillator achieved through solidliquid phase switching,” IEEE-International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, 2011.
C. Boztug, G. Bakan, M. Akbulut, N. Henry, H. Silva, A. Gokirmak, “Numerical modeling of electrothermal
effects in silicon nanowires”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., vol. 1083, R04-11, 2008.
Oral and Poster Presentations:
G. Bakan, N. Khan, H. Silva, A. Gokirmak, “High-Temperature Thermoelectric Transport at Small Scales,”
Mat. Res. Soc. Fall Meeting, BB1.04, 2013.
G. Bakan, S. Muneer, A. Gokirmak, H. Silva, “Extraction of High Temperature Electrical and Thermal
Conductivity from Self-heated Silicon Microwires for Thermoelectric Transport Studies,” Mat. Res. Soc.
Fall Meeting, B12.20, 2012.
G. Bakan, A. Gokirmak, H. Silva, “Thermoelectric transport under large temperature gradients in selfheated silicon microwires,” Mat. Res. Soc. Fall Meeting, W6.10, 2011.
G. Bakan, N. Khan, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak, “Optical observations and numerical modeling of the
thermoelectric Thomson effect on self-heating silicon microwires,” Mat. Res. Soc. Fall Meeting, LL8.2,
G. Bakan, N. Khan, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak, “Optical observations of strong thermoelectric Thomson
Effect on self-heated nanocrystalline silicon microwires,” Mat. Res. Soc. Fall Meeting, CC1.5, 2009.
G. Bakan, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak, “Electrical conduction and heat transfer simulations of
nanocrystalline silicon microwires including the thermoelectric Thomson Effect,” Mat. Res. Soc. Fall
Meeting, LL5.22, 2009.
G. Bakan, M. Akbulut, C. Boztug, N. Henry, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak, “Crystallization of nanocrystalline
Si wires through self-heating,” Mat. Res. Soc. Spring Meeting, A17.1, 2008.
A. Gokirmak, G. Bakan, N. Khan, H. Silva, “Melting a Wire at One End: High-Temperature Thermoelectric
Transport via Generation-Transport-Recombination of Minority Carriers in Highly Doped Semiconductors,”
Mat. Res. Soc. Spring Meeting, P6.18, 2014.
F. Dirisaglik, G. Bakan, A. Gokirmak, H. Silva, “Numerical modeling of the thermoelectric effects on selfheated GST bridge structures,” Mat. Res. Soc. Spring Meeting, R1.9, 2012.
N. Khan, G. Bakan, A. Gokirmak and H. Silva, “Analysis of light emission from self-heated nanocrystalline
silicon microwires,” Mat. Res. Soc. Fall Meeting, vol. W7.5, 2011.
S. Ayas, G. Bakan, N. E. Williams, A. Gokirmak and H. Silva, “Finite element simulation of filamentation in
nanocrystalline silicon films under electrical stress,” Mat. Res. Soc. Fall Meeting, AA17.64, 2010.
N. Khan, G. Bakan, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak, “Optical observations of thermoelectric effects on selfheated nanocrystalline microwires,” Mat. Res. Soc. Fall Meeting, AA12.5, 2010.
A. Cywar, G. Bakan, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak, “Electromigration of liquid silicon in nanocrystalline silicon
microwires during phase-change oscillations,” Mat. Res. Soc. Spring Meeting, A8.5, 2010.
A. Gokirmak, G. Bakan, A. Cywar, K. Cil, F. Dirisaglik, N. Khan, N. Williams, M. Akbulut, H. Silva, “Growth
from melt and phase change oscillations in silicon micro- and nano-wires,” Mat. Res. Soc. Spring
Meeting, P13.17, 2010.
A. Cywar, G. Bakan, F. Dirisaglik, K. Cil, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak, “Rapid solid-liquid phase-change
oscillations in nanocrystalline silicon wires,” Mat. Res. Soc. Fall Meeting, MM7.7, 2009.
A. Gokirmak, G. Bakan, A. Cywar, K. Cil, N. Williams and H. Silva, “Crystallization of patterned
nanocrystalline micro-structures through self-heating,” Mat. Res. Soc. Fall Meeting, C2.3, 2009.
H. Silva, G. Bakan and A. Gokirmak, “Electron-phonon Interactions in silicon microwires under extreme
electrical stress,” Mat. Res. Soc. Fall Meeting, Z6.2, 2009.
A. Cywar, G. Bakan, C. Boztug, H. Silva and A. Gokirmak, “Phase-change oscillations in silicon microwires,” Mat. Res. Soc. Spring Meeting, A11.4, 2009.
A. Gokirmak, G. Bakan, C. Boztug, A. Cywar and H. Silva, “Observation of strong phonon-drag effect in
pulse voltage stressed silicon micro-bridges,” Mat. Res. Soc. Spring Meeting, T6.8, 2009.

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