Authorization Form


Authorization Form
Power of Attorney
With this document, I;
Surname, Name
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
T.R. No / Passport No
appoint the below mentioned person
Surname, Name
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
T.R. No / Passport No
As my attorney in order to make a visa application to iDATA Danışmanlık ve Hizmet Dış Ticaret Anonim Şirketi, to send the application
form, to make additions and changes to the application form and to sign the other statements related to the application form on my
behalf. The aforementioned attorney, is authorized to receive my passport from the Visa Section of the Foreign Representative Office
in ........................... (here the name of the city where it is located will be written), Germany or from the service provider company*.
I would like to take advantages of iDATA VIP Service.
Date: _______________
Signature: ____________________
Visa Fee: 60 EUR. Coordination: 26,27 EUR. (Including VAT) VIP Service Fee: 75 EUR. (Including VAT)
iDATA Coordination and iDATA VIP service fees are also accepted as TRY corresponding to the Euro amount and can be paid in cash
or with a credit card.
iDATA is the only official institution authorized for Germany visa application. Those outside the iDATA offices are not
affiliated with iDATA and the Embassy in any way. This message was officially approved by the Embassy of the Federal
Republic of Germany.
*Note: Passport will be collected from the office where the application has been made.