
1 • November 2013 / 1
November 2013 / Volume 1
This is the Bulletin of the University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
The Minister Of Food,
Agriculture And Livestock
Mehdi Eker Visited
Our University. (Page 3)
A cooperation protocol was signed between our
university and Aktif Industrialists and Businessmen
Association regarding the matters of education,
counseling, scholarship, employment, joint R&D
and Innovation. The protocol was signed by our
Rector Prof. Dr. Ünsal BAN and Aktif Industrialists
and Businessmen Association President Ufuk
Both our new students who have registered in the
2013-2014 Academic Year and our old students
came together in the Türkkuşu Campus of our
university and got the chance to meet with each
other in an enjoyable occasion. (Page 3)
“IFTE 2013”
Our University attended İstanbul
Flight Training Exhibition which
was held in Turkey for the first
time. (Page 2)
It is a unique experience to be in Ankara
during fall. If you still not went out to
discover Ankara, you should not waste
any more time. All you need is to make an
The man of action who set his heart on application to the Ankara Metropolitan
Turkish aviation history, Vecihi HÜRKUŞ… Municipality. (Page 10)
(Page 7)
Let’s have a closer look on our Rector…
(Page 8)
The plans of Logistics and Foreign Trade
Club for 2014…(Page 6)
A center of attraction situated on the
Southern coast of the Adriatic Sea…
ALBANIA (Page 11)
Sebastian Vettel made history (Page 16)
2 • November 2013 / 1
“Job-guarantee” graduate program
starts in collaboration with The
University of Turkish Aeronautical
Association (UTAA) and Turkish
Airlines. Following the Graduate
Program of Flight Training which will
last for 2 years approximately, Turkish
Airlines will employ all graduated
prospective pilots.
“It is an honor for
us to cooperate with
our country’s pride,
In the signing ceremony held with the
participation of Rector of UTAA Prof.
Dr. Ünsal BAN, the protocol was signed by the Head of Board of Trustees Osman
YILDIRIM and Turkish Airlines General Director Temel KOTİL.
After the graduate programs which will be initiated in Ankara, İstanbul and İzmir, all
prospective pilots will be employed in Turkish Airlines within the framework of the
Rector Prof. Dr. Ünsal BAN stated, “THY have its name written in letters of gold among the biggest airlines in the world.
Turkish Airlines is our pride. It is an honor to cooperate with such a great association with deep roots. We are proud of
being The University of Turkish Aeronautical Association founded by The Great Leader Atatürk 88 years ago. We are glad to
establish this cooperation. I wish the prospective graduate students in 2 years’ time will have their diplomas with joy and
Pilots to be trained within the framework of the criteria set by THY will start training programs as of November. The pilots
who will be trained in accordance with the THY criteria within the protocol will be directly employed in THY. Training
programs will be given in Ankara, İstanbul and İzmir. “It is an honor for us to cooperate with THY, the pride of our country.”
“IFTE 2013”
A cooperation protocol was signed between our university and
Aktif Industrialists and Businessmen Association regarding the
matters of education, counseling, scholarship, employment,
joint R&D and Innovation. The protocol was signed by
our Rector Prof. Dr. Ünsal BAN and Aktif Industrialists and
Businessmen Association President Ufuk BAYRAKTAR.
“We are creating a sparkle”
BAN has stated that their aim is to contribute to production
and emphasized that they have started a sparkle in the ield of
university-industry collaboration with this protocol.
Our university attended İstanbul Flight Training
Exhibition which was held in Turkey for the irst time.
Head of Board of Trustees Osman YILDIRIM and
our Rector Prof. Dr. Ünsal BAN attended the opening
ceremony of the exhibition hosted by İstanbul
WOW Convention Center. In the exhibition held on
September 27th and 28th 2013, the exhibition stand
of our university was the center of attention for sky
3 • November 2013 / 1
The Minister of Food, Agriculture and Livestock Mehdi EKER visited our university.
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Ünsal BAN, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Cengiz TAPLAMACIOĞLU and
Türkkuşu General Manager Giray HÜRGEZEN greeted our Minister of Food, Agriculture
and Livestock by the gates of the rectorate building. After the meeting held in our
rector’s ofice, the minister signed the guest book. Our Rector and Academicians
showed Mr. EKER around the simulation ield, hangars and campus and gave him
information about the university. After a short light with the simulator, Minister Mr.
EKER left the university.
A total of 130 1st and 2nd grade students from
Sincan Melikşah Elementary School visited our university. After brief information was given to our
young visitors, our campus was shown to them.
The little students had exciting moments after
seeing the aircrafts so closely for the irst time.
Starting with the aim of becoming a world-renowed
educational institution, the University of Turkish
Aeronautical Association
will welcome students
coming from more than 90 different countries
including Venezuela, Great Britain, the USA, Maldives,
Sri Lanka and Georgia this year.
Both our new students who have registered in the 20132014 Academic Year and our old students came together in
the Türkkuşu Campus of our university and got the chance to
meet with each other in an enjoyable occasion. The Welcome
Party aiming to promote quicker adaptation of our students to
the dynamic environment of our university was like a carnival.
The Welcome party visited by both
our Rector Prof. Dr. Ünsal BAN and
our General Secretary Seda ŞİMŞEK
continued all day in a great enthusiasm.
In the activity where there were various
contests, our students had great time
with the DJ performance.
The Rector of the UTAA, Prof. Dr. Ünsal BAN, indicated that ranking among
the world-class universities is one of the most important objectives of the
establishment of the University of Turkish Aeronautical Association and added,
“We are glad to achieve this objective within a short period of time”.
4 • November 2013 / 1
A new life, with new hopes and dreams far, far away from home
Every teenager at the age of 17-18 has different views and ideals about where their life is heading towards. Thus,
in accordance with providing our foreign students with the best experience of studying in a foreign country, we, the
International Ofice (IO) would like to introduce you to our Ofice in our irst volume.
This semester, The University of Turkish Aeronautical Association has given students the opportunity to achieve their
dreams from many different countries around the world, and hope to have at least one student from every country in
the world throughout the years. Hence, being a new home to nearly 250 new students from more than 90 countries this
year, we aim to focus on the knowledge that we plant into the students’ personalities in order to make them leaders of
tomorrow’s international world.
As we have always pointed out “We are the World” and as the International Ofice (IO) we will continue to expand our
horizons with no limits in order to attain and provide the best environment for our students at all times.
We Are Not Only Beyond Your
Imagination; We Are Also
Internationally Beyond Your
5 • November 2013 / 1
Some international activities
IO in Dubai
IO in Ireland
IO in Yemen
IO in Erbil
IO in Pakistan
IO in Nigeria
Some visits to our university
Iraq Cultural Undersecretary Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iqbal ALMAHDY lying in the simulator
Counsellor of Cultural Affairs of Libya Prof. Dr. Fathalla M. Al-Yamani at our university
29 international students were hosted in our university within the scope of International Air Cadet Exchange
6 • November 2013 / 1
Logistics and Foreign Trade Student Club being one of the
irst and most active student clubs of the University of Turkish
Aeronautical Association was formed on May 4th, 2012 under
the chairmanship of 2nd grade student Mustafa AKIŞ with the
support of the university management (counseling provided
by Assist. Prof. Dr. M. Hakan KESKİN).
The aims and
objectives of the
club are:
ÜImproving the
background and
skills of member
students about
logistics and foreign
ÜIn this regard, enriching the social, cultural and academic
studies of members for their free time (with the resources
mostly provided by the university and supported by sponsor
ÜBuilding a platform which makes them get into contact
with professional actors about logistics and foreign trade,
ÜContributing to continuously growing logistics and foreign
trade sectors in
our country,
ÜMaking UTAA one of the regional centers for logistics and
foreign trade.
Activities Performed:
ÜHosting INTAVIC (International Aviation Management
Conference) held in Turkey for the irst time
ÜParticipation to Foreign Trade Course prepared by Ankara
Chamber of Commerce (Young Entrepreneur Council)
a ield trip to Ankara Logistic Site and Ankara
Esenboğa Airport
Activities Planned:
ÜInternational Logistics Summit
Dear Friends,
By considering the opinions
of students important and
granting students the right of
representation in management,
UTAA has aimed to be one
of the most democratic
universities of Turkey since it
was established. In this sense,
Student Council being on
duty for 2 years serves like a
bridge between the university
management and the students.
We took up the position in December 2011 following
the elections held with the purpose of enabling the
democratic representation of our students. We have
shared the opinions of our students with the university
management within the framework of our vision
and mission since we came into ofice and we have
monitored the problems of the students. Although we
are of the opinion that we solved these problems with
the great support of our Distinguished Rector Prof. Dr.
Ünsal BAN, we are also aware of the fact that we have
a long way to go ahead of us. I would like to express
the honor I feel for being the student of UTAA, which
has become one of the leading universities of the
world in such a short period like 2 years.
By the end of 2012-2013 academic year, we held some
activities with a total of 24 Student Clubs in order
to improve the social life in our university. We think
that we successfully completed the last year with city
and intercity trips and activities, but we will keep on
organizing more social events and activities this year.
Thanks to the support given to student clubs by our
university management, I suppose there will be more
events this year. 1st Flying Spring Festival held on 9th10th May 2013 is an indicator of the possible success
of next festivals.
Congratulations to the newly-joined students for their
efforts in university exam. Welcome to our university
where you will have the time of your life, gain vocational
skills and participate in social activities. I wish you a
happy, healthy and successful university life.
Best regards
Gökdeniz SIRATAŞ
7 • November 2013 / 1
VECİHİ HÜRKUŞ, being one of the notable names of Turkish Aviation history and
one of those who built the irst Turkish aircrafts, a hero of War of Independence,
war and training pilot, the man of action who set his heart on Turkish aviation history.
Vecihi HÜRKUŞ born on January 6th, 1896 in İstanbul made lights in Caucasian Front in the
years of 1st World War following his military education. He made a Russian plane crashed and
won the irst Turkish air victory. He was taken captured by Russians in 1917. He was able to
escape after 4 months of captivity. HÜRKUŞ who was assigned in Yeşilköy based 9th War Aviation Troop at the beginning of summer in 1918 designed a ighter aircraft while he was on this
duty. This project was left half-inished due to the signature of Armistice of Moudros. Ateşkes
Anlaşması’nın imzalanmasıyla yarım kaldı.
Vecihi HÜRKUŞ engaged in the War of Independence and made successful
observation and supporting lights. He made a Greek aircraft crashed and he is
the person who made the irst and last lights of the War of Independence.
He rented a woodsman shop in 1930 in Kadıköy and built the irst Turkish civil aircraft - actually his second aircraft VECİHİ
K-XIV- within 3 months. He accomplished his irst light on September 16th, 1930 in Kadıköy Fikirtepe in front of a huge
crowd and media. Following this light, he lew to Yeşilköy and then Ankara with VECİHİ K-XIV. HÜRKUŞ, who opened
the irst Turkish Civil Aviation School in 1932 (Vecihi Civil Aviation School), trained 12 pilots together with the irst Turkish
female pilot Bedriye Gökmen. He designed, built and lew Vecihi XIV (in number), Vecihi XV (2 in number) and Vecihi XVI
aircrafts between 1932 and 1934. He founded the irst civil aviation company of Turkey, Hürkuş Airways in 1954 and he
passed away in Gülhane Military Medical Academy on July 16th, 1969. His grave is in Ankara Cebeci Cemetery.
From the archives of Aviator Vecihi Hürkuş Museum Association
8 • November 2013 / 1
We held a conversation with The University of Turkish Aeronautical
Association Rector Prof. Dr. Ünsal BAN about his university, his objectives
and private life. Here are the questions and the answers:
Could you tell us about yourself briely?
I was born in 1970 in Ankara. I completed my primary and secondary
education, high school and university in Ankara. My father is worker and
my mother is housewife. I have two siblings. After I graduated from
university in 1990, I worked in the private sector for three years. I also
did my military service during this period. I was the commando thirdlieutenant in Şırnak. I got my start by being academic after the military
service. I became an academician in the ield of Accounting-Finance in
Gazi University. I served as a lecturer in Gazi University until 2011. Then I walked into the television World as of 2000s. I
worked in TRT nearly for 5 years. I made a television program. It was a very successful and experience-yielding program.
When I became the rector, I quit this job; but I am now a columnist in Bugün Newspaper. I have been a lecturer and the
rector in the University of Turkish Aeronautical Association as of March, 2011. We have directly involved in every stage from
the establishment of the university. We are celebrating the 3rd year of our university.
“My dreams have
come true”
What are your objectives as UTAA?
We will be the Aeronautics and Astronautics center of Middle East,
Central Asia and Balkans. This is our prior objective. We would
like to be a university which is well-known with our R&D activities,
patents, projects and recognized as maintaining the universityindustry cooperation best in Turkey rather than the number of our
students. We have students from more than 90 countries this year.
This points out that we are unique in aeronautics and astronautics
in Turkey. We are the only university with nearly 80 aircrafts and
jets in Turkey. The whole world witnessed our education quality in
the ield of aviation as UTAA. It is a source of pleasure for us to
see the esteemed students of the World in our University. These
students will be the messenger of aviation in the name of our
country in the future when they graduate, and they will contribute
to the promotion of our country. We create the safest environment
in order to educate students thinking analytically, aiming to enrich
the society they live in, being modern, having the self-conidence
which will enable them to overcome all kinds of problems they
encounter in working life. Our prospective graduates will achieve
huge success in their working life not only thanks to the technical
qualities, but also to the leadership characteristics they attain
during their education.
9 • November 2013 / 1
Let’s talk about your wife and children…
My wife is dentist. Her name is Gülcan BAN. We got married on
July 17th, 1994. I have two children. My son Emre Buğra is 14
and my daughter Ece Gizay is 18 years old.
How is your relationship with children?
“We are like friends.”
We are like friends. There isn’t a big age gap between us. As I
became a father at a young age, we don’t have much problem in
communication. I can talk everything with my daughter. We do
many things together. I play computer games, go to match with
my son. We are highly energetic now and we can have great
time together.
And your hobbies?
Flying will be my hobby soon. I am having training. I will take license. I will ly just like our previous YÖK (The Council of
Higher Education) President Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya Özcan. Model aircraft and lying a helicopter is also my hobby. I enjoy these
hobbies with my children as occasion serves.
How is your relation with sports?
I do walking. I used to play basketball and football when my children were
little but I cannot say that I am good with sports. For example I don’t
support a team. It can be perceived as being discreet. As after seeing the
football fanaticism in Turkey, I sometimes think that not supporting a team
is a better idea. My daughter supports Galatasaray and my son supports
Fenerbahçe. The irst time I went to a match in my life was the last year
for Fenerbahçe-Galatasaray match. It was my irst and last time. It was
too dificult to protect my children there. Then they decided not to go to a
football match after seeing the things happened.
What about foods?
My wife is from Bolu Mengen. She cooks delicious food. I am not good at
cooking. I can only make soft-boiled egg. If my wife isn’t at home and I am
with my children at home, we prefer to order. But my son is very skillful at cooking; he has a good taste like a gourmet. He
also cooks great.
Do you have any pets?
We don’t feed pets at home but my children love. We have a small house in Gölbaşı. We used to feed a dog in the garden
of that house.
Have you ever dreamt about being a rector?
Every academician thinks being a rector for sure. As every person
would like to be on the top. S/he wants to work there in order
to realize the projects in her/his head. It was a dificult dream
at that time. I saw that it is not so far, rather so close. I can say
that my dreams have come true. Turkey is a country where the
dreams can come true. Climbing up the ladder is so dificult in
Europe and America. Obstacles are put in front of everybody but
it is so easy in Turkey.
What comes to your mind irst when speaking of Ankara?
It is one of the most organized cities of the Republic. Urbanization
comes to my mind. Ankara has grown in a very organized way through the history. So much green areas are an indicator
of this.
(Taken from the interview of the reporter Esra Kaya from Hürriyet Newspaper on May 27th, 2013).
10 • November 2013 / 1
It is a unique experience to be in Ankara during fall. If you still not went out to discover Ankara, you
should not waste any more time. All you need is to make an application to the Ankara Metropolitan
Free of charge sightseeing tours are organized by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality in groups
of at least 35 people. Providing bus and guide services to the visitors, the metropolitan municipality
offers a chance to see the historical and touristic places and amusement parks of Ankara. Applications for attending the
tours are made to the Cultural and Social Affairs Department (Tourism Branch) of the municipality. As an important step in
developing the tourism industry of Ankara, all visitors are provided with an opportunity to enjoy a pleasant tour.
Anıtkabir, Ankara Castle, Haci Bayram Veli Mosque, Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Lake Eymir, Seğmenler Park and
many more are waiting for you.
Established by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the farm is
a frequently visited recreational area that houses
a zoo, restaurants, parks, picnic areas as well as
offering visitors an excellent way to experience the
natural beauty and a chance to sample the farm
products. Public transport vehicles are available
to the farm. We highly recommend you to try the
nostalgic AOÇ ice cream. J
The museum is a real treasure in terms of giving an insight to
the places we live in and the whole process of cultural identity
formation. It is a center of attraction for all the foreign visitors
and tourists. Within this Ottoman building, the museum has
a number of exhibits of Anatolian Archeology chronologically
arranged from the Paleolithic Era to the present. The museum
is ranked among the most important museums in the World
due to its unique collection.
Çengelhan Rahmi M. Koç Museum is the irst and only industrial museum in
Ankara. Like its namesake, it is dedicated to the history of transport, industry
and communications, with additional material on Ankara and the founder
of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Housed in a magniicent
building before the entrance to the Ankara Citadel, the collection contains
hundreds of items from miniatures to full size boats and vehicles.
Beypazarı is a settlement with its historical and visual richness thanks
to its old houses situated in steep slopes, its characteristic structure
consisting of downtown and traditional houses and its natural view.
100-year-old houses carry the typical features of Ottoman houses and
traditional Turkish houses.
11 • November 2013 / 1
An unspoiled tourism area situated on the southern coast of the Adriatic Sea... A center
of attraction with its architecture handed down from the periods of Italian, Ottoman and
Russian rule... Albania.
One of our students, Andi Hoxha is coming from the city of Elbasan, located right in the
middle of Albania.
Here is Albania from the eyes of Andi, an undergraduate from the Department of Aeronautical
What are the distinctive features of Albania? Could you please tell us about your
Albania is a small country. Its capital is Tirana. The people from Albania are called Albanian people. They are mostly known
as their personal characteristics such as being strong, brave and helpful. With plenty of natural beauties, rich vegetation and
various animal species, Albania is a country surrounded by the Albanian Alps and covered with dense forest on the north
and south. The country has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the west and on the Ionian Sea to the southwest. Since it is an
old country, it has many historical places. Moreover, I would like to mention a little about the large lakes on the eastern side
of the country, especially the Lake Shkodra which has a great touristic value.
In your opinion, are there any similarities between Albania and Turkey?
As we all know from the historical resources, most of the Balkans was under the Ottoman rule and, as Albanian people, we
had lived together with the Turkish people within the same borders for almost 500 years. Turks and Albanians share the
same characteristics of being brave, smart and helpful. They also physically look like each other.
How would you deine the Albanian Culture?
Albania is an old country and an old Greek author mentioned about its population. Albania has a rich cultural heritage, the
family ties are extremely strong and crowded families have always lived together. However, recently, younger Albanians
prefer to live as a nuclear family. The country also has a speciic cuisine of its own which contains mostly vegetables, spices,
meat and seafood. Its roots are assumed to be based on the Turkish and Italian cuisine. Traditional clothing for women is
extremely colorful and richly embroidered. The traditional garment for men is a white skirt called “Fustanella”. However, the
way of dressing changed so much to this date. Both the teenagers and elders are now wearing jeans, skirts and dresses.
Out of all the Albanian people, 70% are Muslim, 20% are Christian and 10% believes in other religions.
What are the places to visit when in Albania?
Albania has plenty of natural beauties and historical places. The most well-known cities are Saranda, Gjirokastra, Durres,
Tirana, Shkodra, Vlora and Korçe. You can ind lots of historical places, sandy beaches and natural beauties in these cities.
Could you please tell us about the Albanian cuisine?
Albanian cuisine is mostly based on vegetables, spices, meat and seafood. Furthermore, there are many foods such as olive,
grapes, thyme and lamb that make the Albanian cuisine much closer to the Middle East cuisine. Among the most well-known
Albanian dishes are stew, tarhana, casserole with yoghurt and fergese Tirana. We share pretty much the same cuisine with
the Turkish people.
What about the social life?
What do the teenagers do in
their spare time?
Teenagers mostly spend their time
in cafes or on the internet. A few
of them read books or spend time
playing outside with their friends.
12 • November 2013 / 1
According to a study conducted in the US, you do not need to do heavy exercises to lose weight.
Just climb the stairs and get off the bus one or two stops early to walk the rest of the way to your
One-hour short but frequent bursts of high intensity effort is a lot more effective. People usually
believe that longer hours of exercises must be done to lose some weight. However, the scientiic
explanations showed us losing weight is not that hard.
According to a study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion, one minute of extra brisk
exercise per day is suficient to lose unwanted fat. Researchers found that each additional daily minute
men or women spent in short bouts of high-intensity exercise resulted in a small reduction in their
Body Mass Index, a ratio of their weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in meters.
All you need to do is to take the stairs instead of the elevator and park your car a few blocks away from your workplace.
It is indisputable that the internet has brought signiicant
advantages to our lives. However, the share of “excess weight” in
these advantages is gradually increasing. Internet addiction triggers
the world-wide health problem, obesity. The results of a joint study
conducted by the academic people from different universities of
Turkey had a broad repercussion at the international level.
Following are some of the remarkable results of the research
conducted among 1938 students:
• 8.9% of the adolescents reported they had “‘occasional or frequent problems’’ and 3.5% reported “signiicant”
problems. Overall, 12.4% of adolescents meet the criteria for internet addiction.
• It is found that the mean time these students spend online is 4.5 hours per week.
• There is a linear relation between the Body Mass Index and the time spent on the internet. It was also found
that adolescents who spent more recreational time on the Internet were more likely to be overweight.
• 3.8% of those with internet addiction and 5.3% of those with average internet use were found to have a
possible eating disorder. Prevalence statistics of internet addiction in adolescents vary widely from 2% to 20%
within the same age group depending on different cultures and societies.
There is an old proverb that says “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince,
and dinner like a pauper”. A recent research by the Israeli scientists proved this old
proverb right.
A research conducted in the Tel Aviv University revealed that having a big breakfast
helps reducing the risk of heart diseases, diabetes and hyper tension. The study
also showed that obesity is less common in those who ate their largest daily meal at
breakfast. 93 obese women were involved in the study and all the participants were
divided into two different groups. The irst group consumed 700 calories at breakfast, 500 at lunch and 200 at dinner for a
period of 3 months. The second group ate a 200-calorie breakfast, 500-calorie lunch and 700-calorie dinner.
The study found that participants in the irst groups had lost an average of 8 kilograms each and eight centimeters off their
waist lines, compared to 3.5 kilograms and 3.5 centimeter loss for participants in the second group.
Scientists explained that those in the big breakfast group had signiicantly lower levels of the hunger-regulating hormone,
an indication they were more satiated and had less desire for snacking later in the day than their counterparts in the
second groups. Eating the right foods at the wrong times can not only slow down weight loss, it can also be harmful, they
13 • November 2013 / 1
Throughout the history of aerospace, scientists have
brought in numerous experiments. Standing out among
these experiments are those conducted on animals. It was
also found out that the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration had been sending thousands of jellyishes
to space for almost 20 years.
According to the news published in The Atlantic, the space
shuttle Columbia launched into space a payload of 2,478
jellyish polyps—creatures contained within lasks and
bags that were illed with artiicial seawater within the
scope of the Spacelab Life Sciences mission. Astronauts
injected chemicals into those bags that would induce the polyps to swim freely
and reproduce. Over the course of the mission, the creatures proliferated: By
mission’s close, there were some 60,000 jellies orbiting Earth.
The study gave us a chance to observe how jellyish developed from polyp to
medusa in a microgravity environment and ind out that jellyish are like humans
in one very particular manner: They orient themselves according to gravity.
US technology giant Apple has oficially
announced the latest version of its iPad
tablet, named the IPad Air. It’s lighter and
25% thinner than the previous versions.
7.5mm in thickness and just 450 gr in
weight, the Ipad Air will incorporate the
same A7 processor used in the Iphone
5S. 16 GB versions of the device will start
at USD 499. The Ipad Air offers faster
performance and opens the iles of larger
IPad Air gives you up to twice the Wi-Fi performance thanks to two antennas and MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output)
technology. The dual microphones incorporated into the device offer a higher quality sound. Its camera provides a low-light
performance, helping to take better quality pictures. The Ipad Air offers up to ten hours battery life and will come in silver/
white and grey/black color schemes.
TUBITAK started up a new support program called “National New Ideas
and Products Research Support Program (1005)” for the researchers
working in university and public R&D centers.
Within the scope of the program carried out by TUBITAK Academic
R&D Funding Directorate, new products capable to compete with
the world will be manufactured through the means of improving the
imported equipment and materials commonly used in Turkey.
The amount of support is for the selected projects will be maximum 200,000 TL and support duration will be maximum 18
months. All university and public R&D center staff may apply. A monthly scholarship of 3,000 TL will be granted within the
scope of the program. A travel funding of up to 10,000 TL will be awarded for scientiic meetings and studies. Incentive
payment of 1,000 TL for the project coordinators and 500 TL for the researchers will be paid.
14 • November 2013 / 1
“Kelebeğin Rüyası” (The Butterly’s Dream) will represent Turkey in the best
foreign-language ilm category at the Academy Awards.
Yılmaz Erdoğan’s feature ilm “Kelebeğin Rüyasi” have been nominated to
run in the “Best Foreign Film” category of the 86th Oscar Academy Awards,
to be held on March 2th, 2014. The Commission of Artistic Activity, consisting
of representatives from the ilm trade associations, has decided on “Kelebeğin
Rüyasi” attending to the contest by a majority of vote.
Each year about 70 countries submit a ilm to the Oscar Awards for the “Best
Foreign Language Film” category. Then, a special committee of Academy Award
voters winnows the 70 ilms down to a short list of nine, and then the inal ive
nominees are chosen from that. The closest a Turkish ilm has come to being
nominated was back in 2009 when “Üç Maymun” (Three Monkeys), by Nuri Bilge
Ceylan, was among the shortlist of nine ilms.
The 50th Golden Orange awards were announced with a resplendent
ceremony. The ilms “Cennetten Kovulmak” and “Kusursuzlar” shared
the “Best Film” award. The award for the best actor went to Hakan
Yufkacıgil who starred in the ilm “Uzun Yol” (Little Happiness),
while Zeynep Çamcı got the best actress award for her convincing
performance in the ilm “Meryem”. The director of “Kusursuzlar”,
Ramin Matin, received the award for the best director.
Last Vegas:
Ender’s Game
Catching Fire: Air Date:
November 22nd, 2013
Air Date: November 1st, 2013
Air Date: November 8th, 2013
Air Date: November 15th, 2013
Su ve Ateş
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
15 • November 2013 / 1
Prof. Dr. Ünsal BAN- Bir Liderin Ekonomi Gündemi 365
Addressing all segments of society, this book discusses the recent developments in
Turkey experienced within a period of one and a half year since 2011 and speciic
problems arising out them from an economic perspective, but with a holistic approach.
Incorporating foreign policy developments and even current sports events, this book will
allow you to feel as if you are in a journey.
Orhan Pamuk- Ben Bir Ağacım
Published by Yapı Kredi Doğan Kardeş Publishing, “Ben Bir Ağacım”
includes the best pages of the forty-year life of Nobel Laureate author
Orhan Pamuk as well as the simple pictures he specially drew for this
book and a section from the book “Kafamda Bir Tuhalık” which is planned
to be published in 2014.
Khaled HOSSEINI- And the Mountains Echoed
In his new novel, Khaled Hosseini depicts the story of Abdullah and his
sister Peri. These two motherless siblings mean everything to each other.
Their father sets out on a journey to provide them with a better life.
Mehmet Erdem
November 8th, 2013 22:00
Jolly Joker Ankara, Ankara
November 8th, 2013 23:00
Hayal Kahvesi Ankara,
Arash - Ozan Doğulu
November 23th, 2013
Anadolu Gösteri ve Kongre
Merkezi, Ankara
16 • November 2013 / 1
With only 3 races left of the
season, Red Bull Renault’s
German Driver Sebastian
Vettel won his 10th race of
the season in the Indian
Grand Prix, the 16th race of
the season and secured his
fourth consecutive Formula
1 world title. He also roared
into the history books
as Formula One’s
In 2013 International Women’s Tennis Tournament TEB
BNP Paribas WTA Championships, the World’s number one
female tennis player Serena Williams won the title for the
4th time in her career.
The American Serena Williams successfully defended her title, beating Li Na in the inal, 2–6, 6–3, 6–0. She has
made her 8th appearance at the WTA Championships so far. For the irst time in her career, in 2001, she won
the cup without playing the inals when Lindsay Davenport withdrew from the tournament because of her injury.