CV Education Memberships Thesis Topics


CV Education Memberships Thesis Topics
Date of birth :03.04.1982
PhD: Istanbul University Institute for Experimental Medical Research, Genetics Department
Graduate: Istanbul University Institute for Experimental Medical Research, Genetics Dept.
Undergraduate: Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical School, Medical Biological Sciences
High School: Isparta Anatolian High School
Medical Biologists Society
Thesis Topics
“Investigating the expression of apoptosis related genes in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy”
Istanbul University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Genetics. Master’s Thesis.
Advisor: Prof.Dr. Uğur OZBEK (2011)
“Proteomics” Istanbul University, Biomedical Sciences Department, Bachelor’s Thesis
Advisor: Associate Prof. Dr. Ayhan DEVIREN (2006)
Work Experiences
Geneticist /
Research and
Istanbul University Hulusi Behcet Life Sciences
Center, Genomics and Biotechnology Department
“Functional Genomics and Neurobiology of
Epilepsy: a Basis for New Therapeutic Strategies”
European Union 6th Framework Project (EPICURE)
Application and Research Laboratory for
Experimental Animals, Istanbul University
Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty
2013 (Februaryongoing)
2007 (Jan-Aug)
/ 2009 - 2011
 GenSTAT: Statistical Approaches in Molecular Genetics, Istanbul Techical University
(26-27th April, 2013)
 “Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights Social Responsibility and
Health” UNESCO Turkish National Commission (24-26 April 2011)
 “10th National Neuroscience Congress” Istanbul University and Brain Research
Assosiation (9-12 April 2011)
 “From Genetic Models to Therapies” Suna Kıraç Workshop on Neurodegenerative
Disease, Bogazici University (18-21 January 2011)
 “Molecular Hematology Course for Physicians” Istanbul University Institute for
Experimental Medical Research (18 December 2010)
 “Nanomedicine Applications:Cancer,Aging and Stem Cell” Acıbadem University
Medical School (13 December 2010)
 Epicure Training Courses “From Gene Mutations to Animal Models of Epilepsy and
Back” Marseille ( Luminy’s Campus ) France (1-5 February 2010)
 Fourth Annual Epicure Meeting “Functional Genomics and Neurobiology of Epilepsy:
A Basis For New Therapeutic Strategies” Alcazar Regional Library Marseille France
(29-30 January 2010)
 “Proteomics Research Basic Knowledges and Applications” meeting Istanbul Bilim
University and TUBITAK - MAM (The Scientific and Technological Research
Council of Turkey - Marmara Research Center) (10-11 December 2009)
 “Neurology symposium for non-experts” Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical
School, Medical Education Department (January 2005)
 “1st Experimental Animals Research Applications and Ethic Course”
(6-7 January 2005)
 1st Medical Biological Sciences Congress and 4th Biomedical Sciences Students
Symposium Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical School (4-5 January 2005)
Internships ( Undergraduate and Graduate )
 Neurologische Klinik und Abt. Angewandte Physiologie der Universität Ulm
Prof. Dr. med. Holger Lerche’s lab. (15 March-15 April 2007)
 Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical School Biochemistry and Clinical
Biochemistry Department (February 2006)
 Forensic Science Biology Department, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice
(07-21 February 2005)
 Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical School Medical Biology Department
Molecular Genetics Lab. (October-November 2005)
 Istanbul University Institute for Experimental Medical Research Genetics Department
(June - September 2005)
 Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical School Application and Research Laboratory
for Experimental Animals (January – April 2005)
 Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical School Microbiology and Clinical
Microbiology Department (October 2004)
1. Epilepsia. 2013 Feb;54(2):256-64. doi: 10.1111/epi.12078. Epub 2013 Jan 7. Exondisrupting deletions of NRXN1 in idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Møller RS, Weber YG,
Klitten LL, Trucks H, Muhle H, Kunz WS, Mefford HC, Franke A, Kautza M, Wolf P,
Dennig D, Schreiber S, Rückert IM, Wichmann HE, Ernst JP, Schurmann C, Grabe HJ,
Tommerup N, Stephani U, Lerche H, Hjalgrim H, Helbig I, Sander T; EPICURE Consortium.
Collaborators: Zimprich F, Mörzinger M, Feucht M, Suls A, Weckhuysen S, Claes L,
Deprez L, Smets K, Van Dyck T, Deconinck T, De Jonghe P, Velizarova R, Dimova P,
Radionova M, Tournev I, Kancheva D, Kaneva R, Jordanova A, Kolonivej D, Møller
RS, Kjelgaard DB, Hjalgrim H, Helsinki B, Lehesjoki AE, Siren A, Baulac S,
Leguern E, Campus K, Helbig I, Muhle H, von Spiczak S, Ostertag P, Stephani U,
Leber M, Leu C, Sander T, Toliat MR, Trucks H, Nürnberg P, Hempelmann A,
Rüschendorf F, Sander T, Elger CE, Kleefuß-Lie AA, Kunz W, Surges R, Gaus V, Janz
D, Sander T, Schmitz B, Klein KM, Reif PS, Oertel WH, Hamer HM, Rosenow F, Becker
F, Weber Y, Lerche H, Marini C, Guerrini R, Mei D, Norci V, Zara F, Striano P,
Robbiano A, Pezzella M, Bianchi A, Gambardella A, Tinuper P, La Neve A, Capovilla
G, Vigliano P, Crichiutti G, Vanadia F, Vignoli A, Coppola A, Striano S,
Giallonardo EM, Franceschetti S, Belcastro V, Benna P, Coppola G, De Palo A,
Ferlazzo E, Vecchi M, Martinelli V, Bisulli F, Beccaria F, Del Giudice E,
Mancardi M, Stranci G, Scabar A, Gobbi G, Giordano I, Koeleman BP, de Kovel C,
Lindhout D, de Haan GJ, Ozbeck U, Bebek N, Baykan B, Ozdemir O, Ugur S,
Kocasoy-Orhan E, Yücesan E, Cine N, Gokyigit A, Gurses C, Gul G, Yapici Z, Ozkara
C, Caglayan H, Yalcin O, Yapici Z, Yalcin D, Turkdogan D, Ozkara C, Dizdarer G.
2. Epilepsia. 2012 Feb;53(2):308-18. doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03379.x. Epub
2012 Jan 13.Genome-wide linkage meta-analysis identifies susceptibility loci at 2q34 and
13q31.3 for genetic generalized epilepsies. EPICURE Consortium, Leu C, de Kovel CG, Zara
F, Striano P, Pezzella M, Robbiano A, Bianchi A, Bisulli F, Coppola A, Giallonardo AT,
Beccaria F, Trenité DK, Lindhout D, Gaus V, Schmitz B, Janz D, Weber YG, Becker F,
Lerche H, Kleefuss-Lie AA, Hallman K, Kunz WS, Elger CE, Muhle H, Stephani U, Møller
RS, Hjalgrim H, Mullen S, Scheffer IE, Berkovic SF, Everett KV, Gardiner MR, Marini C,
Guerrini R, Lehesjoki AE, Siren A, Nabbout R, Baulac S, Leguern E, Serratosa JM, Rosenow
F, Feucht M, Unterberger I, Covanis A, Suls A, Weckhuysen S, Kaneva R, Caglayan H,
Turkdogan D, Baykan B, Bebek N, Ozbek U, Hempelmann A, Schulz H, Rüschendorf F,
Trucks H, Nürnberg P, Avanzini G, Koeleman BP, Sander T.
Collaborators: Zimprich F, Mçrzinger M, Feucht M, Suls A, Weckhuysen S, Claes L,
Deprez L, Smets K, Van Dyck T, Deconinck T, De Jonghe P, Velizarova R, Dimova P,
Radionova M, Tournev I, Kancheva D, Kaneva R, Jordanova A, Møller RS, Hjalgrim H,
Møller RS, Lehesjoki AE, Siren A, Baulac M, Baulac S, Gourfinkel-An I, Helbig I,
Muhle H, von Spiczak S, Ostertag P, Stephani U, Leber M, Leu C, Sander T, Toliat
MR, Trucks H, Nürnberg P, Hempelmann A, Rüschendorf F, Sander T, Elger CE,
Hallmann K, Kleefuss-Lie AA, Kunz WS, Gaus V, Janz D, Sander T, Schmitz B, Klein
KM, Reif PS, Oertel WH, Hamer HM, Rosenow F, Becker F, Weber Y, Lerche H, Marini
C, Guerrini R, Mei D, Norci V, Zara F, Striano P, Robbiano A, Pezzella M, Bianchi
A, Gambardella A, Tinuper P, La Neve A, Capovilla G, Vigliano P, Crichiutti G,
Vanadia F, Vignoli A, Coppola A, Striano S, Egeo G, Giallonardo AT, Franceschetti
S, Belcastro V, Benna P, Coppola G, De Palo A, Ferlazzo E, Vecchi M, Martinelli
V, Bisulli F, Beccaria F, Del Giudice E, Mancardi M, Stranci G, Scabar A, Gobbi
G, Giordano I, Guerero R, Giraldez BG, Serratosa JM, Koeleman BP, de Kovel C,
Lindhout D, de Haan GJ, Ozbek U, Bebek N, Baykan B, Ozdemir O, Ugur S,
Kocasoy-Orhan E, Yücesan E, Cine N, Gokyigit A, Gurses C, Gul G, Ayta S, Yapici
Z, Ozkara C, Caglayan H, Yalcin O, Yalcin D, Turkdogan D, Arslan K, Bozdemir H,
Dizdarer G, Uluduz D.
Poster Presentations
• Özkan Özdemir, Feyza Nur Tuncer, Emrah Yücesan, Mustafa Calık, Akın İşcan,
Güneş Uzun Altıokka, Sibel Aylin Uğur İşeri, Uğur Özbek. Genome-wide SNP
analysis in a large consanguineous Turkish family reveals diagnosis as UnverrichtLundborg Disease.10th National Medical Genetics Congress Bursa Turkey
(December 19-23, 2012)
İ.Karacan, S. Uğur İşeri, H. Maraş, Ö. Özdemir, F. N. Tuncer, E. Yücesan, B. Kara,
U.Özbek. Identification of a De Novo Splice-site Mutation in SLC2A1 Gene Causing
Glut1 Deficiency Syndrome in a Turkish Patient. European Human Genetics
Conference 2012 Nürnberg, Germany (June 23-26, 2012
• Emrah YÜCESAN, İlker KARACAN, Sibel A. Uğur İŞERİ, Feyza N. TUNCER,
Özkan ÖZDEMİR, Nerses BEBEK, Betül BAYKAN, Sinan ÇOMU, Uğur ÖZBEK
Whole Genome Linkage Analysis in Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy Families.
8th. National Epilepsy Congress, Bodrum Turkey (May 24-27 2012)
• Nerses Bebek, Emrah Yucesan, Ozkan Ozdemir, Sibel A. Ugur Iseri, Candan Gürses,
Betül Baykan, Altay Sencer, Ali Canbolat, Ayşen Gökyiğit, Ugur Ozbek. Expression
analysis of apoptosis related genes in human hippocampal sclerosis. American
Epilepsy Society 65th Annual Meeting. Baltimore-Maryland USA (2-6th December
• Karacan I, Ugur Iseri SA, Ozdemir O, Tuncer FN, Yucesan E, Bebek N, Baykan B,
Ozbek U. Genetic Analysis of SLC2A1 Gene Coding Glucose Transporter GLUT1 In
Turkish Ididpathic Generalized Epilepsy Patients. 29th International Epilepsy
Congress, Rome, Italy. Epilepsia, 52(Suppl. 6):23–263, 2011. (28 August-1 September
• F. N. Tuncer, E. Yucesan, O. Ozdemir, I. Karacan, S. A. Ugur İseri, N. Bebek, B.
Baykan, U. Ozbek. Whole Genome Linkage Analysis in a Large Consanguineous
Turkish Family with Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy. European Human Genetics
Conference. Amsterdam RAI,The Netherlands. European Journal of Human Genetics
Volume 19,Suppl. 2, P08.28 (Page 253) May 2011 (28-31th May 2011)
Emrah Yücesan, Nerses Bebek, Özkan Özdemir, Feyza N. Tuncer, Sibel A. Uğur
İşeri, Uğur Özbek. Mezyal Temporal Lob Epilepsisi Patogenezinde Apoptoza Yol Açan
Genlerin Ekspresyonlarının Araştırılması. National Neuroscience Congress Istanbul
University (9-12th April 2011)
Özkan Özdemir, Nerses Bebek, Müge Aydın Sayitoğlu, Emrah Yücesan, Candan
Gürses, Betül Baykan, Altay Sencer, İbrahim İzin, Ali Canbolat, Ayşen Gökyiğit,Uğur
Özbek. Mezyal Temporal Lob Epilepsisi Patogenezinde Sitokinlerin Rolü.
7th National Epilepsy Congress Kapadokya Nigde (9-12th June 2010)
Emrah Yucesan, Snezana Maljevic, Nerses Bebek, Betul Baykan, Elif Ugurel, Inci
Ozyer, Naci Cine, Ozkan Ozdemir, Holger Lerche, Ugur Ozbek. Determination of
E352K mutation in the GABA receptor alpha-subunit causing juvenile myoclonic
epilepsy. Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies (IGE): Developmental Aspects; Bridging
Basic Science and Clinical Research. Antalya Turkey (3-6th October 2007)
Ozkan Ozdemir, Emrah Yucesan, Elif Kocasoy Orhan, Nerses Bebek, Naci Cine,
Betul Baykan, Ugur Ozbek. Epilepsy DNA Bank Project in Istanbul University.
Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies (IGE): Developmental Aspects; Bridging Basic
Science and Clinical Research. Antalya Turkey (3-6th October 2007)

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