CV pdf formu için tıklayınız! - Hacettepe Üniversitesi Psikoloji Bölümü


CV pdf formu için tıklayınız! - Hacettepe Üniversitesi Psikoloji Bölümü
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Psychology
Hacettepe University
Beytepe Campus
Ankara, TURKEY
Office: (+90) 312 7805333
Cell: (+90) 505 6613564
Academic Positions
September, 2005-May, 2009
May, 2009 -June, 2012
August, 2012-April 2013
April, 2013-February, 2015
February, 2015, present
Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey
Instructor, Department of Psychology
Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey
Instructor Dr., Department of Psychology
Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
University of Central Florida, Florida, Orlando, USA
Post-doctorate, Department of Political Science
(sponsored by TUBITAK, 12 months)
Project Title: Cross-cultural Comparison of Political
Leaders' Operational Codes
Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Mark Schafer
Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) in Psychology
Subfield: Social Psychology
Dissertation Title: Relationship between Values, Personality Culture
and Political Ideology: A Comparison of American and Turkish
University Students
Dissertation Committee: Prof.Dr.Ali Donmez, Prof.Dr.Selim
Hovardaoglu, Prof.Dr.Zehra Dokmen, Prof.Dr.Dogan Kokdemir,
Doc.Dr. Ayda Buyuksahin
Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey
Master of Arts in Eurasian Studies
Cross Cultural Psychology (Advisor: Prof.Dr.Nebi Sumer
Thesis Committee: Prof.Dr.Cem Şafak Çukur, Prof.Dr.Oktay
Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU), Munich, Germany
Master of Arts in Psychology
Psychology of Excellence (Advisor: Prof.Dr.Horst Juergen Helle)
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Major: Psychology
Cumulative GPA: 3.21
Soke Hilmi Firat Anatolian High School, Aydin, Turkey
Rank: 3/108
Research and Teaching Interests:
Political Psychology:
Cross-cultural Psychology:
Social Psychology:
Research and Statistics
Political Leadership, Political Ideology, Propaganda
Values of Post-communist Turkic Republics
Values, Personality, Self, Social Cognition
Research Methods, Statistical Analysis, Advanced Statistics, Experimental
Designs, Multivariate Statistics, SPSS, AMOS
Overseas Study
University of Central Florida, Florida, USA
Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
Spring 2004
London Center for Social Studies, London, United Kingdom
Summer 2003
Goldsmiths College, University of London, London, United Kingdom
Research Experience
Spring 2003
Summer 2003
Spring 2004
Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Central Florida, USA
“Cross-cultural comparison of Political Leaders’ Operational Codes”
Research Assistant, Ludwig Maximilians University, Germany
“Work related outcomes: Turnover intentions and absenteeism”
Research Assistant, Eurasian Research Center, Ankara
“The political Personality of Tony Blair”
Research Assistant, Goldsmith’s College, UK
“Searching rationality in terrorists’ behaviors”
Research Assistant, London Center for Social Studies, UK
“Social-psychological problems of Turkish students studying in UK”
Teaching Experience
Associate Professor, Hacettepe University (2015-Present)
PSL 105 Research Methods in Psychology (Turkish)
PSL 202 Social Psychology 1 (Turkish)
PSL 203 Social Psychology 2 (Turkish)
PSL 313 Statistical Applications in Psychology (Turkish)
PSL 321 Introduction to Political Psychology (Turkish)
PSL 645 Contemporary Research in Social Psychology (Graduate Level) (Turkish)
PSL 600 Special Topics (Graduate Level) (Turkish)
Associate Professor, Yildirim Beyazit University (2012-2015)
PSY 103 Research Methods in Psychology 1 (English)
PSY 104 Research Methods in Psychology 2 (English)
PSİ 103 Research Methods in Psychology 1 (Turkish)
PSİ 103 Research Methods in Psychology 2 (Turkish)
PSY 105 Statistics for Psychology 1 (English)
PSY 106 Statistics for Psychology 2 (English)
PSİ 105 Statistics for Psychology 1 (Turkish)
PSİ 106 Statistics for Psychology 2 (Turkish)
PSİ 214 Self (Turkish)
PSİ 309 Advanced Statistics (Turkish)
BUS 110 Social Psychology (to Management, Banking & Finance, International Trade & Business students)
SOC 124 Social Psychology (Turkish) (to Sociology Students)
PSİ 229 Social Psychology (Turkish) (to Philosophy Students)
PSY 515 Social Cognition (Graduate Level) (English)
PSY 541 Multivariate Statistics 1 (Graduate Level) (English)
PSY 502-602 Statistics in Psychology (Graduate Level) (English)
Instructor, Atilim University (2005-2012)
PSY 328 Political Psychology
PSY 316 Leadership: Theory and Practice
PSY 217 Social Psychology (to Law Students)
PSY 303 Experimental Design
PSY 318 Statistical Applications in Psychology (Using SPSS)
PSY 102 Introduction Psychology-II
PSY 201 Introduction to Social Psychology
PSY 101 Introduction Psychology-I
PSY 213 Research Methods in Psychology-I
PSY 213 Research Methods in Psychology-II
PSY 202 Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships
Adjunct, Turkish Military Academy (2009-Present)
Statistical Analysis (Graduate Level) (Turkish)
Social Psychology 1 (Turkish)
Social Psychology 2 (Turkish)
Adjunct, Middle East Technical University (2014-2015)
PSY 453 Political Psychology (English)
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
1. "Values and Behavior: Cross-Cultural Validation of Refined Value Theory" with Shalom H.
Schwartz, Claudio Torres, Jan Cieciuch and Michele Vecchione, European Journal of Social
Psychology, 2016.
2. "Turkish Adaptation of Revised PVQ5X Value Survey" with Dr. Kürşad Demirutku (Atilim
University) (work in process)
3. "Attachment, Anger, Anxiety and Self-Esttem in High Risk Pregnancy" with Assoc.Prof.Dr.
Gynecologist Kudret Erkenekli (Zekai Tahir Burak Maternity Hospital) and Assist.Prof. Hudayar
Cihan Güngör Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Research (under review).
4. "Cross-national Comparison of Political Leaders' Operational Codes" (Supervised by Prof. Mark
Schafer, University of Central Florida). International Journal of Psychology, 2016. DOI:
5. “Comparison of Human Values among Students from Post-Communist Turkic Republics and
Turkey” with Nebi Sumer (Middle east Technical University) in Journal of Cross-Cultural
Research, 47, 2013.
6. “Comparison of Women with Risk-free and High-Risk Pregnancy and Family Resilience”
with Assoc.Prof.Dr. Gynecologist Kudret Erkenekli (Zekai Tahir Burak Maternity Hospital) and
Assist.Prof. Hudayar Cihan Güngör. The Journal of Social Studies Research (under review)
7. “Sosyoekonomik statu ve sosyal degerler iliskisine yonelik bir inceleme” with Mehmet Erkenekli
(Turkish Military Academy) and Zafer Uzun (Turkish Military Academy) in Savunma Bilimleri
Dergisi,11, 2, 2012, 125-147.
8. “Gender-based Differences in Turkish Undergraduates’ Values” with Ayda Buyuksahin (University
of Ankara) in Sex Roles, 67, 9, 2012, 559-570. DOI 10.1007/s11199-012-0197-4.
9. “Refining the theory of basic individual values.” with Schwartz, S.H., Cieciuch, J., Vecchione, M.,
Davidov, E., Fischer, R., Beierlein,C., Ramos, A., Vesakalo, M., Lönnqvist, J.E., Demirutku, K. in
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,103, 4, 2012, 663-688. DOI: 10.1037/a0029393
10. “Who voted for whom? Comparing supporters of Obama and McCain on Value types and
Personality Traits” with Susan E. Cross (Iowa State University) and Ali Donmez (University of
Ankara) in Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42, 12, 2012, 2879-2900. DOI: 10.1111/j.15591816.2012.00965.x
11. “Differences in System Justification with respect to Gender, Political Conservatism, SocioEconomic Status and Religious Fundamentalism” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,30,
2011, 2612-2616.
12. “Development of Criminal Profiling Instrument” with Fatih Aydin (Turkish Military Academy)
in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,30, 2011, 2607-2611.
13. “The Effect of Religiosity on Political Ideology via Value Types and Personality Traits: A
Comparison between Turkey and USA” in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 2010, 1217.
14. “International Relations from Social Psychological Perspective: Security and Human Rights” in
Democratic Platform, 16, 4, 2009, 25-36.
15. “What is Political Psychology?” Turkish Psychological Bulletin, 37, 11, 2006, 24-30.
16. “The working principles of editorial team” Psychological Essays, 1, 1999, 64.
17. “Political Leadership” Psychological Essays, 2, 1999, 22-23.
1. “Psychiatric Aspects of International Conflict” edited with E. Göka. ESCR (Eurasian Strategic
Research Center) Press, 2001.
2. "Siyaset Psikolojisi-Cilt 1" edited by O. Dirilen-Gumus. Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi-Nobel
Ortak Yayinciligi, Subat, 2015.
3. “Siyaset Psikolojisi-Cilt 2” edited by O. Dirilen-Gumus. Nobel Yayincilik (work in process).
Book Chapters
1. “Çatışma ve çatışma yönetiminin sosyal-psikolojik temelleri” edited by N. Akyeşilmen, Barışı
Konuşmak: Teori ve pratikte Çatışma Yönetimi, ODTU Yayıncılık, 2012, 61-86.
2. "Siyasi Liderlik" edited by O. Dirilen-Gumus, Siyaset Psikolojisi-Cilt 1, Yıldırım Beyazıt
Üniversitesi- Nobel Ortak Yayinciligi, Subat, 2015.
3. “The Psychology of Terrorists: Nazi Perpetrators, the Baader-Meinhof Gang, War Crimes in
Bosnia, Suicide Bombers, the Taliban, and the Al Qaeda”(translated article) edited by O.DirilenGumus, Siyaset Psikolojisi-Cilt 2, Nobel Yayincilik (work in process).
Conference Papers and Panels
1. "Family Resilience in normal and high risk pregnant women" with Assist.Prof. Hudayar CihanGüngör and Gynecologist Dr. Kudret Erkenekli (Zekai Tahir Burak Maternity Hospital), IFTA
Congress Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 2015. (accepted for OP).
2. "Cross-national Comparison of Political Leaders’ Operational Codes" with Prof. Dr. Bilal Sambur,
ISA Convention 2014, Toronto, Canada, 2014.
3. "Erdogan’s Operational Codes Across two Regions: Central Asia and Name Region" ISA
Convention 2014, Toronto, 2014.
4. "Sex Role Orientation and Hostile-benevolent Sexism" with Arif Büyüktuncay, First Ever
International Women’s Issues Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2014.
5. "Gender Differences in Criminal Profiling Performance" with Arif Büyüktuncay, First Ever
International Women’s Issues Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2014.
6. Panel: "Political Psychology: Its Status in Turkey and Issues Studied" with Prof.Dr. Nebi Sumer,
Prof.Dr. Dogan Kokdemir, Doc. Dr. Derya Hasta and Dr. Nevin Solak. 18. National Psychology
Conference, Bursa, Turkey, 2014.
7. "Cross-cultural comparison of political leaders' philosophical and instrumental beliefs"
Association for Research in Personality, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, June, 2013.
8. “Learning Political Science Online or Face-to-face: Do values make a difference” with Assoc.Dr.
Houman Sadri and Dr. Shiva Jahani. ISA Convention 2013, San Fransisco, USA, April, 2013.
9. “Differences in System Justification with respect to Gender, Political Conservatism, SocioEconomic Status and Religious Fundamentalism.” 2. World Conference on Psychology,
Counselling and Guidance, Antalya, Turkey, May, 2011.
10. “Development of Criminal Profiling Instrument” with F. Aydin, 2. World Conference on
Psychology, Counselling and Guidance, Antalya, Turkey, 2011.
11. “The Effect of Religiosity on Political Ideology via Value Types and Personality Traits: A
Comparison between Turkey and USA”. 1. World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and
Guidance, Antalya, Turkey, May, 2010.
12. “Comparison between German and Turkish Education System” with E. Cete, World Congress of
Comparative Education Societies, Istanbul, Turkey, June, 2010.
13. “Giftedness and Acquisition of Expertise in Turkey: An Application to Political Leadership”,
UZYECDE Congress, Ankara, May 16-17, 2008.
14. “A Model explaining the Development of Giftedness and Acquisition of Expertise: Point Model”,
UZYECDE Congrees, Ankara, May 16-17, 2008.
15. “Relationship between Values and Culture: A Comparison of Central Asian and Turkish
University Students”with N. Sumer, 3rd European Spring Conference on Social Psychology, St.
Moritz, Switzerland, March, 2007.
16. “Relationships between values, culture and political ideology: Comparison of Central Asian and
Turkish students” with N. Sumer and A. Donmez, 1. Congress of Graduate Psychology Students,
Izmir, Turkey, 2007.
17. “Youth politics in Central Asian Countries and Turkey: A cross-cultural comparison”, X. National
Psychology Students’ Congress, Mersin, Turkey, 2005.
18. “Youth politics in Germany and Turkey: A cross-cultural comparison”, X. National Psychology
Students’ Congress, Mersin, Turkey, 2005.
19. “Reliability and Validity Studies of Eysenck’s Public Opinion Inventory”, X. National
Psychology Students’ Congress, Mersin, Turkey, 2005.
20. “The way suicide news are represented in media: A Descriptive study” with M. Demir and M.
Ozdemir, VI. National Psychology Students’ Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2000.
21. “Self Development during ages of 8-10 and 12” with M. Demir and S. Gunduzalp, VI. National
Psychology Students’ Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2000.
Non-Academic Publications
1. “Love” Fenomen, 7, 42, 1998.
2. “Political Leadership” Patikalar, 1999.
3. “Human rights from 3 different perspectives” Patikalar, 1999.
4. “What kind of Political Leaders is more effective?” Anafartalar Research Center Publications,
5. “Tony (Charles Lynton) Blair: The links between his personality traits and his Iraq policy in
2003” Eurasian Research Center, 2003.
6. “Generation Gap” Anafartalar Research Center, 2004.
7. “Job Satisfaction” Anafartalar Research Center, 2004.
8. “Self-Fulfilling Prophecy” Psychology for Kids, 1, 29-31, 2010.
9. “Super-powers” Psychology for Kids, 2, 5-8, 2010.
10. “Somebody is watching us” Psychology for Kids, 3, 11, 2011.
11. “Hierarchy of Needs” Psychology for Kids, 4, 20-21, 2011.
12. “Motivation: The power behind learning” Psychology for Kids, 5, 25-28, 2011.
13. “How to select what to read?” Psychology for Kids, (Accepted on the 22nd of September, 2011).
14. "Maslow's needs hierarchy" Yıldız Çocuk, 1.
Invited Talks
1. “Political Psychology” Middle East Technical University, Ankara, November 2005.
2. “Communication: The meeting of the University and the Society”, Golbasi, Ankara, February
3. “Social Psychology and Culture in Turkey” Iowa State University, August, 2007.
4. “Personality, values and political ideology: A Cross-cultural Approach” Uludag University, Bursa,
November, 2007.
5. “Rules of good communication between parents and children and its effect on OKS exam)” Birey
College, Birlik Mah. Subesi, Ankara, 2007.
6. “Coping with unwanted behaviors” Gazi Ahmet Muhtar Pasa Elementary School, Ankara,
December 7, 2010.
7. “Interpersonal Communcation: Certificate Program for Pre-School Teachers”, Doga College,
Ankara, February 26, 2011.
8. “Basic differences between leftists and rightists: Social Psychological Perspective” 16. National
Psychology Students’ Congress, Girne, Cyprus, July 22, 2011.
9. “Mate Selection and Marriage” Turkish Military Academy, Ankara, Turkey, January 9, 2012.
10. “Middle East Politics: Understanding different Cultures”, Guest Speaker, University of Central
Florida, Orlando, November 20, 2012.
11. “International Organizations: Understanding the differences”, Guest Speaker, University of
Central Florida, Orlando, November 20, 2012.
12. “Turkey: Social, Economic, Political Issues within and outside of the country”, Guest speaker,
Rollins College, Orlando, March 20, 2013.
13. “Operational Codes of Political Leaders”, UCF, Political Science Department, Orlando, February
1, 2013.
14. “Mate Selection and Marriage” Turkish Military Academy, Ankara, Turkey, 2014.
15. Training "Mate Selection and Marriage" (2 sections) Bolu Training Brigade Command, Bolu,
Turkey, 2014.
16. "Political Leadership" Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu, 2014.
17. "Communication within a Triad: Student, Teacher and Parents" Yakacık Anadolu Lisesi, 2014.
18. "Siyasi Liderik- Operasyonel Kod Analizi" Toplumsal Sorunlar ve Siyaset Psikolojisi Çalıştayı,
Ankara Üniversitesi, Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, Psikoloji Bölümü, Subat, 2015.
Supervised Student Research
1. “The factors that Determine the Teacher-Student interaction styles” by E. Cete and D. Ertas,
Paper Presented at 11. National Psychology Students’ Congress, Izmir, Turkey, 2006.
2. “The effect of teacher-student communication quality on student outcomes”, by K.Arli, C.
Asilturk, G. Basar, B. Cifci, & P. Daldikler, Paper Presented at 11. National Psychology Students’
Congress, Izmir, Turkey, 2006.
3. “The relationship between anger and depression”by F. Akcay, A. Toprak, A. Copur, S.
Kucukkumurler, and N. Ulger. Paper presented at 12. National Psychology Students’ Congress,
Lefkosa, Cyprus, 2007.
4. “The relationship between attachment styles and self-esteem” by Y.Y. Tizgili, E. Yavuzturk, A.C.
Ulker, B. Belen, and E. Ceylan. Paper presented at 12. National Psychology Students’ Congress,
Lefkosa, Cyprus, 2007.
5. “Self-esteem and attitudes toward love” by K. Arli, C. Asilturk, B. Cifci, P. Daldikler, and G.
Basar. Paper presented at 12. National Psychology Students’ Congress, Lefkosa, Cyprus, 2007.
“Parental attitudes and Aggression” by E. Ekinci, I. Cesur, Y. Oltulu, and R. Keskin. Paper
presented at 12. National Psychology Students’ Congress, Lefkosa, Cyprus.
7. “The Relationship between Social Identification and Political Trust” by N. Avci, A. Acik, T.D.
Ekinci, E. Aygun, and C. Sakınc. Paper presented at 16. National Psychology Students’ Congress,
Girne, Cyprus, 2011.
“Leadership from performance, personality and interpersonal relationships perspectives” by Y.
Yılmaz, B. Ates, N.D. Keskin, D.Yaran, and T. Ozturk. Paper presented at 16. National
Psychology Students’ Congress, Girne, Cyprus, 2011.
9. “The relationship between depression and parental divorce” by N. Avci, C. Sakinc, E. Aygun and
T. Ekinci. Paper presented at 17. National Psychology Students’ Congress, Istanbul, Turkey,
10. "Cinsiyet Faktörünün Benlik Saygısı, Suçluluk ve Utanç Değişkenleri Üzerine Etkisi" by Ayşe
Yılmaz, Başak Gülsüm Gürses, Cansel Dinar, Dilan Doğan and Merve Alparslan. Paper presented
at 19.National Psychology Students’ Congress, Samsun, Turkey, 2014. (Ranked 2nd best paper).
11. "Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Olumlama Yanlılıkları: Yıldırım Beyazıt Örneklemi" by Ayşe Tuna,
Şeyma Sevgican, Hasan Seçilmiş, Eren Yıldız. Paper presented at 19.National Psychology
Students’ Congress, Samsun, Turkey, 2014.
Master’s Thesis Committee Chair
1. “The Effect of Criminal Profiling Education and Expertise on the Profiling Performance: The
Application on a Murder Case” by F. Aydin, Turkish Military Academy, Defense Sciences
Institute, Crime Investigation Master’s Program, (2009-2010).
2. “The effect of gender, gender role orientation and sexism on the effectiveness of criminal
profiling” by A. Buyuktuncay, Turkish Military Academy, Defense Sciences Institute, Crime
Investigation Master’s Program, (2012-2014).
3. "Self Regulation and its Correlates" by Safiye Gündoğdu, Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Social
Science Institute, Psychology Master's Program, (2013-2014).
4. "Problems of Health Policy in Turkey" by Ömer Ceylan, Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Social
Science Institute, Social Policy Master's Program, (2014-2015).
Translated Articles
Suedfeld, P. (2002). Postmodernism, Identity politics, and other Political Influences in Political
Psychology. K.R. Monroe (Ed.), Political Psychology (pp.315-328). New Jersey: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
a. Translated to Turkish: “Post-modernlik, kimlik siyaset ve siyaset psikolojisi üzerindeki diger
siyasi etkiler” Turkish Psychological Bulletin, 11, 31-37, 2006.
Fagot, B.I., Rodgers, C.S., & Leinbach, M.D. (2000). Theories of gender socialization. In T.
Eckes and H.M. Trautner, (Eds.), The developmental social psychology of gender (pp. 65-90).
London: Lawrence Erlbaum.
a. Translated to Turkish: “Toplumsal Cinsiyet Sosyalleşmesine İlişkin Kuramlar” Turkish
Psychological Bulletin, 12, 92-99, 2006.
Carli, L.L., & Bukatko, D. (2000). Gender, communication, and social influence: A
developmental perspective. In T. Eckes and H.M. Trautner, (Eds.), The developmental social
psychology of gender (pp. 65-90). London: Lawrence Erlbaum.
a. Translated to Turkish: “Toplumsal Cinsiyet, iletişim ve sosyal etki: Gelişimsel bir bakış
açısı”Turkish Psychological Bulletin, 12, 92-99, 2007.
Zillmer, E.A. (2012). The Psychology of Terrorists: Nazi Perpetrators, the Baader-Meinhof Gang,
War Crimes in Bosnia, Suicide Bombers, the Taliban, and the Al Qaeda. In C.H. Kennedy and
E.A. Zillmer, (Eds.), Military Psychology (331-359). New York: Guilford Press.
a. Translated to Turkish: “Teröristlerin Psikolojisi: Nazi Askerleri, Baader-Meinhof Çetesi,
Bosna’daki savaş suçları, İntihar Bombacıları, Taliban ve El Kaide”. Askeri Psikoloji. Ankara:
Nobel Yayıncılık.
Spring 2003
Summer 2003
Fall 2003
Spring 2004
Eurasian Strategic Research Centre, European Studies Department, Turkey
University of London, Goldsmith’s College, London, United Kingdom
Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
London Centre for Social Studies, London, United Kingdom
Fluent in English and Turkish
Advanced German
Intermediate Russian
Beginner Albanian
PROFILER PLUS (with English and Turkish Texts), AMOS, TERF, XERF, LISREL, SPSS.
Professional Affiliations
Turkish Psychogical Association
International Society for Political Psychology
International Studies Association
London Centre for Social Studies
Eurasian Strategic Research Centre
METU Alumni Society
Editorial Positions
Ad Hoc Associate Editor of Psychological Essays
Editorial Board of Psychology for Kids
Editorial Board of Yıldız Çocuk
Peer Review Process
International Journal of Psychology
Turkish Psychological Journal
Journal of Defense Sciences
Journal of Family and Society
Turkish Psychiatry Journal
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
Türk Psikoloji Yazıları
Human Rights Certificate Program (by International Free Thinking Club, METU, Ankara), 2001
Fast Reading Private Course (by a Private Radio Channel, Ankara), 1999.
Computer Operator Certificate (by Uyanis Computer Course, Aydin), 1997.
English Language Course (Speaking) (by International House Insititute, London), 2003.
Family Therapy Approaches (by Turkish Social Psychiatry Association, Ankara), 2007.
Family Therapy: Supervision I (by Turkish Social Psychiatry Association, Ankara), 2008.
Family Therapy: Supervision II (by Turkish Social Psychiatry Association, Ankara), 2008.
Project Cycle Management Training for EU Projects (by Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara), 2014.
Structural Equation Modelling and related Analyses by using AMOS (by Kara Karp Okulu, Ankara),
Scholarships and Awards
Room & Board Scholarship, METU, 1997-2002
Student Scholarship, METU, 1998-2002
Rotary Scholarship, Soke Rotary Club, 1998-2002
President’s High Honour and Honour Lists, METU, 1998-2002
Travel Grants, Atilim University, 2005-2011
Post-doc Scholarship, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2012-2013
Extracurricular Activities
Head of International Free Thinking Club (at METU)
Executive member of Psychology Club (at METU)
Member of Communication Club (at METU)
Member of Education Policies Institute (ARI Movement, Ankara)
Member of Young Civils (A Turkish Political Youth Club)
Conference Organizations
Organisation Committee member of XVI. EFPSA Congress (European Federation of Psychology
Students’ Association Congress)
Organisation Committee member of First Ever International Women’s Issues Conference, Orlando,
FL, USA, February 2014.
Organisation Committee member of 1.International Women's Issues Conference, Ankara, TURKEY,
March, 2015.
Leadership and Service
Panel Chair and Discussant, “International Politics: Global Issues, IPE, and Human Rights,” 84th
SPSA Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, January 3, 2013.
Panel Moderator, " Those who have ear ought to hear: The dark corners of experiences," First Ever
International Women’s Issues Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, February 2014.
Assessment Committee Member for "45. TUBİTAK Inter-High School Research Projects
Competition" with Prof.Dr.Nebi Sümer and Prof.Dr. Hamit Coşkun, February-March 2014.
Atilim University
 Committee Service
Academic Advisor of Psychology Students' Association (2005-2010).
 Invited Speakers
Spring, 2012, Assoc.Prof. Bryan Porter, Old Dominion University, "Türk sürücülerin
davranışsal incelemesi ve çocuklar için araç koltuğu kullanımı"
Spring, 2012, Prof. Cem Şafak Çukur, Yıldırım Beyazıt University, "Duygusal Düzenleme ve
Duygusal İşçilik"
Spring 2011, Msc. Burcu Aşan, BB Human Resources, Training and Consultancy Center,
"Brief Introduction to Industrial Psychology"
Spring, 2009, Prof. Doğan Kökdemir, Baskent University, "Dayanılmaz Dehşet Kaçınılmaz
Son: Ölüm"
Spring, 2009, Assoc. Prof. Ayda Büyükşahin, Ankara University, "İkili İlişkiler ve Yakın
Spring, 2007, Msc.Nalan Peker,Ministry of Justice, "Brief Introduction to Forensic
Spring, 2007, Assoc. Prof.Türker Özkan, Middle East Technical University, " Brief
Introduction to Traffic Psychology"
Spring, 2006, Prof.Dr. Giray Uraz, Hacettepe University, ‘Kadın-Erkek İlişkileri’
Yildirim Beyazit University
 Committee Service
Assistant Chair (2013-2015)
Director of Social/Political Psychology Lab.(2013-2014)
Director of Project Coordination Center (2014-2015)
Internationalization of the Department-Committee Member (2013-2015)
Mevlana International Exchange Program Faculty Representative (2013-2015)
 Thesis Committees
Nazan Avcı, "The Investigation of Attitudes toward the Solution of Kurdish Question in terms
of Basic Human Values", Middle East Technical University, August, 2014.
Burçak Sönmez, "Political Trust: An Investigation from the Perspectives of Religiosity,
Authoritarianism, System Justification and Human Values", Ankara University, August 2014.
Tugba Kocak, "Mikelenjelo etkisi ve sosyal degerler iliskisi", Ankara University, December,
Mustafa Kemal Topcu, "Calisanlarin kisilik ozelliklerinin orgutsel ozdeslesme ve isten
ayrilma niyeti uzerine etkisinde psikolojik sozlesme algisinin rolu", Kara Harp Okulu,
January, 2015.