Name: Prof.Nedim Sezgin İlgi,Ph.D Date of Birth: 14 July 1948


Name: Prof.Nedim Sezgin İlgi,Ph.D Date of Birth: 14 July 1948
Name: Prof.Nedim Sezgin İlgi,Ph.D
Date of Birth: 14 July 1948
Education and Academic Qualification:
Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry, 1971
Research Assistant Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine,Anatomy 1971-1974
Instructor: Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Anatomy, 1974-1979
Assoc. Prof.: Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Anatomy, 1979-1988
Prof.: Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Anatomy, 1988-2012
Prof.: Near East University, Faculty of Medicine, Anatomy, 2009-
Management and supported thesis of MSc and PhD
Thesis of MSc: 2 students
Thesis of PhD: 5 students
Administrative Duties:
1981-1984 Hacettepe University, Health Science Institute, Delagate of Assoc. Prof.
1988-1997 Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine Phase II Coordinator
1994-1997 Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine , Member of Faculty Committee
1997-2000 Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine , Member of Executive Committee
1996-2009 Chief editor of Hacettepe Bulletin and Chairman of the editorial board.
1997-2001 Hacettepe University, Rector advisor related with Student Affairs,
Computer center, Library and Documantation Unit.
1997-2003 Hacettepe University, Director of Health Science Institute,
1997-2003 Hacettepe University, Member of Senate
1997-2009 Hacettepe University,Member of the University Education Commission
1998Director of Anti-doping Foundation
1999-2001Hacettepe University,Chairman of the appointment commission for
Associate Professorship and Professorship
1999-2003 Hacettepe University, Vice - Director of Scientific Research Unit
1999-2003 Hacettepe University, Member of University Executive Committee
2003-2009 Hacettepe University Chairman of Alumni Association
2009-2010 Near East University Faculty of Medicine Phase II Coordinator
2009- Near East University Member of Ethics Supreme Council
2009- Member of Ethics Supreme Council of Higher Education Planning, Evaluation,
Accreditation and Coordination Council (YÖDAK) (Delagate of NEU)
2010- Near East University, Faculty of Medicine Phase III and IV Coordinator
2010- Near East University, Faculty of Medicine Member of Senate
2011- Near East University, Faculty of Medicine Member of Executive Committee
Membership of Scientific Committee
Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy
European Association of Clinical Anatomy (EACA)
Lectures for last two years
Medicine Phase II
Dentistry I
Dentistry IV
Anatomy Faculty of Health
science - FTR
science - Nutrition and
Dentistry I
Theori Pratical
Dentistry IV
Published Articles in National/International Journals :
1.Coskun,N., Yuksel,M., Cevener ,M., Arican,R.Y., Ozdemir ,H.,Bircan,O., Sindel,T.,
Ilgi,S., Sindel ,M. Incidence of accessory ossicles and sesamoid bones in the feet:a
radiographic study of the Turkish subject. Surg and Radiol Anat. (2009)
2.Çelik, H.H., Aldur, M.M., Sargon, M.F., Dağdeviren, A., İlgi, S., Akşit, M.D. Threedimensional (3-D) reconstruction of the internal capsule. Surgical and Radiologic
Anatomy. (1999) 21:5th EACA meeting, Abstract book. Page 25.
3.Gözil, R., Çalgüner, E., İlgi, S., Keskil, S., Kemaloğlu, Y. (1996) The course of arteria
facialis within the submandibular region. Gazi Medical Journal, 7:19-21.
4. Kopuz, C., Yavuz, S., Cumhur, M., Tetik, S., İlgi, S. (1995) An unusual coursing of the
facial vein. Acta Anatomica Nipponica, 70(1):20-22.
5. Kopuz, C., İlgi, S., Yavuz, S., Önderoğlu, S. (1995) Morphology of the retromandibular
vein in relation to the facial nerve in the parotid gland. Acta Anat., 152:66-68.
6. Ozan, H., Şimşek, C., İlgi, S., Dağdeviren, A., Akkın, S.M., Oğur, E. (1995) A
persistent functional artery connecting the thyrocervical trunk and the aortic arch.
Embryonic remnant or important aortic vas vasorum? Ann. Anat., 177:89-92.
7. Kopuz, C., Turgut, S., Yavuz, S., İlgi, S. (1994) Distribution of facial nerve in parotid
gland. Analysis of 50 cases. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn., 70(6):295-300.
8. Yılmaz, E., Çelik, H.H., Durgun, B., Atasever, A., İlgi, S. (1993) Arteria thyroidea ima
arising from the brachiocephalic trunk with bileteral absence of inferior thyroid arteries: A
case report surg. Radiol Anat, 15:197-199.
9.Şimşek, C., Us, D., İlgi, S., Ustaçelebi, Ş., Akşit, D. (1990) İnsan kadavra ve otopsi
materyallerinden elde edilen ganglion cervicale superiusÕlarda herpes simplex tip B
virusunun araştırılması. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni, 24(1):8-15.
10. İlgi, S. (1975) Glandula parotis accessoria. Hacettepe Tıp/Cerrahi Bülteni, (8) : 9498.
11. Akşit, D., İlgi, S., Cumhur, M. (1978) Variation of Plantaris Muscle, Hacettepe
Tıp/Cerrahi Bülteni, 11(1) : 1-5.
12. Akşit, D., İlgi, S., Benli, B. (1978) Single Coronary Artery. Hacettepe Tıp/Cerrahi
Bülteni, 11(2):1-14.
13. Akşit, D., Cumhur, M., İlgi, S. (1978) Double Inferior Venae Cavae. Hacettepe
Tıp/Cerrahi Bülteni, 11(3):1-6.
14. İlgi, S. (1979) Funtion of vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and rectus femoris in leg
extansion in sitting position with electromyographyFizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon Dergisi,
15. İlgi, S. (1981) Variation of the musculus abductor pollicis longus, Fizyoterapi
Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 3(4):197-200.
16. Benli, B., İlgi, S., Cumhur, M. (1985) The musculus digastricus with two belly.
Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi, 18(1):83-87.
17. İlgi, S., Erkut, S., Öztunç, S. (1985) Musculus soleus accessoria. Hacettepe Tıp
Dergisi, 18(3):216-218.
18. İlgi, S., Başar, R., Önderoğlu, S.(1987) Combine nervus medianus and nervus
musculocutaneus. Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi, 20(1):75-77.
19. Başar, R., Önderoğlu, S., İlgi, S., Karatay, S. (1987) Variation of the musculus
abductor pollicis longus. Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi, 20(4):281-285.
20. İlgi, S., Zağyapan, R., Cumhur, M. (1988) Right retrooesophageal arteria subclavia.
Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi, 21(1):53-56.
21. Önderoğlu, S., Başar, R., Akşit, D., İlgi, S., Süzen, B. (1988) Morphological aspect of
chordae tendineae in left ventricul Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi, 21(2):97-103.
22. Cumhur, M., Başar, R., Sihay, E., Atun, M., İlgi, S. (1988) Cervical costa. Fizyoterapi
Rehabilitasyon Dergisi.
23. Arık, Z., Cumhur, M., İlgi, S., Başar, R. (1988) Leonardo da Vinci and anatomy.
Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi, 21(4):295-302.
24. Cumhur, M., Sihay, E., İlgi, S., Zağyapan, R., Cumhur, T. (1988) Opening variation
of vena coronaria (vena gastrica sinistra) Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi, 1(4):281-285
25. İlgi, S., Taner, D., Önderoğlu, S., Başar, R., Sihay, E. (1990) Variations of the
brachial artery and its terminal branches. Hacettepe Medical Journal. 23(3-4):339-344
26. Tiryakioğlu, M., İlgi, S., Üner, H., Çağlar, M., Önderoğlu, S. (1990) The localization
of Ductus arteriosus. Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi. 23(3-4):205-209.
27. Önderoğlu, S., Durgun, M. B., İlgi, S., Başar, R., Yüksel, M. (1991) Variation of the
Musculus sartorius. Fizyoterapi-Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 6(6):33-35.
28. Kopuz, C., Cumhur, M., İlgi, S., Yavuz, S. (1992) Morphometric analyses of
extracranial part of facial nerve. Tr J of Medical Sciencec, (16):825-831.
29. Doral, M.N., Tandoğan , R.N., Leblebicioğlu, G., Demirkan, F., Dağdeviren, A., İlgi,
S., Surat, A., Göğüş, T. (1993) PDS Band augmentation of ACL reconstructions. Early
clinical results and histological evaluation. Hacettepe Ortopedi Dergisi, 3(1):15-18.
30. Şimşek, C., Ozan, H., İlgi, S. (1994) Anatomy of the lobes of liver. Cerrahpaşa Tıp
Fakültesi Dergisi, 25:265-271.
International Proceedings
1. Çelik, H.H., Aldur, M.M., Sargon, M.F., Dağdeviren, A., İlgi, S., Akşit, M.D. Threedimensional (3-D) reconstruction of the internal capsule. Surgical and Radiologic
Anatomy. (1999) 21:5th EACA meeting, Abstract book. Page 25.
Writed National/ International Books:
1. Saraçoğlu, Ö.F.(Editör). İlgi, S. (1989) Basic and Clinically Science. I. Part.
Anatomy chapter. Güneş Kitabevi, Ankara.
2. Sayek, İ. (Editör). İlgi, S. (1991) General Surgery. Anatomy of Gastrointestinal
System. Güneş Kitabevi, Ankara.
3. Taner, D. (Editör). Taner, D., Sancak, B., Akşit, D., Cumhur, M., İlgi, S., Kural, E.,
Taşcıoğlu, A.B., Başar, R., Yener, N., Önderoğlu, S., Tuncel, M., Durgun, M.B.,
Atasever, A., Zağyapan, R., Çelik, H.H., Özkul, E. (1996) Functional Anatomy I.
Extremities and Dorsal Region. Hekimler Yayın Birliği, Ankara.
4. Taner, D. (Editör). Taner, D., Sancak, B., Akşit, D., Cumhur, M., İlgi, S., Kural, E.,
Taşcıoğlu, A.B., Başar, Atasever, A., Çelik, H.H., Sargon, M.F., Sürücü, H.S.,
Özkul, E. (1997) Functional Neuroanatomy. ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı Yayıncılık ve
İletişim A.Ş.
5. Sancak, B., Cumhur, M.(Editör). Sancak, B., Akşit, D., Cumhur, M., İlgi, S., Kural,
E., Taşcıoğlu, B., Başar, R., Yener, N., Önderoğlu, S., Durgun, B., Çelik, H.,
Tuncel, M., Sargon, M.F., Sürücü, S.H., Erbil, M., Aldur, M.M. (1999) Functional
Anatomy Head and Neck Regions and Organs. ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı Yayıncılık ve
İletişim A.Ş.
6. Cumhur, M. (Editör). Taner D., Sancak B., Akşit D., Cumhur M., İlgi S., Başar R.,
Taşcıoğlu B., Yener N., Önderoğlu S., Tuncel M., Çelik H., Durgun B., Atasever A.,
Sargon M.F., Sürücü H.S., Zağyapan R., Erbil K.M., Aldur M.M., Denk C.C., Özkul
E., Bayramoğlu A., Demiryürek D. (2001) Basic Anatomy. ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı
Yayıncılık ve İletişim A.Ş.
7. İlgi S., Güler Ç. Anatomy Dictionary (2000) Çağdaş Medikal Yayın Dağıtım.
8. Cumhur, M.(Editör). İlgi, S.(2008) Atlas for Human Anatomy. Frank H. Netter.
Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri İstanbul
9. İlgi, S. (Editör) (2009) Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy. Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri
10. İlgi, S. (Editör) (2010) Woelfel’in Atlas of Teeth. Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri.
11. İlgi, S. (Editör) (2010) Dorland’s Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy. Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri.