A redescription of Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851)


A redescription of Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851)
A redescription of Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851)
(Crustacea: Copepoda: Cyclopoida) and some related taxa, with
a phylogeny of the E. serrulatus-group
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Accepted: 24 October 2005
Alekseev, V., Dumont, H. J., Pensaert, J., Baribwegure, D. & Vanfleteren J. R. (2006). A redescription of Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851) (Crustacea: Copepoda: Cyclopoida) and some related
taxa, with a phylogeny of the E. serrulatus-group. — Zoologica Scripta, 35, 123–147.
Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851), the type species of the genus Eucyclops, is redescribed from
specimens found in the St. Petersburg area, Russia (type locality) and compared with specimens
from Siberia, western Europe and North Africa. A neotype is selected. Cultures were set up,
and interpopulation hybridization as well as hybridization with related species was attempted.
The classical description of external body morphology was combined with pore signature
mapping and with DNA nuclear small subunit (18S) ribosomal gene sequence analysis.
Comparisons with E. dumonti Alekseev, 2000, E. hadjebensis Kiefer, E. speratus Lilljeborg,
E. turcomanus Lindberg, and E. pectinifer (Cragin, 1883) were carried out. A phylogenetic tree
based on molecular information shows that E. serrulatus and E. speratus should be regarded as
separate species. E. dumonti also deserves species status, but not E. hadjebensis. A cladistic tree
based on the pore pattern of the cephalosome agrees well with a tree based on the sequence
of the 18S rDNA gene. Cephalosome (and probably metasome) pore patterns seem useful to
elucidate relationships within genera, while urosomal pore patterns better reflect the relationship
between genera. E. serrulatus occurs in three morphological forms over most of its range; one of
these (C) might be a rare (‘recessive’) morphotype, while forms A and B differ in microhabitat
choice, but hybridize when living together. The same polymorphism also occurs in an American
species (E. prionophorus), and therefore two hypotheses regarding its origin are advanced: either
forms A and B evolved during the glacial episode (Pleistocene origin), separately on both sides of
the Atlantic, or the polymorphism was already present in the ancestor of the serrulatus-group,
and was later lost in some but not in all species (Pliocene origin.)
Victor Alekseev, Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 199034, St. Petersburg, Russia.
E-mail: valekseev@yahoo.com
Henri J. Dumont, Deo Baribwegure & Jacques R. Vanfleteren, Department of Biology, Ghent University,
Ledeganckstraat, B-9000, Ghent, Belgium
Jeannine Pensaert, Belgian Federal Public Service ‘Health, Food Safety and Environment’, Victor
Hortalaan, 1060 Brussels, Belgium
The taxonomy of the large cyclopoid genus Eucyclops, burdened
with faulty species descriptions, is complex and chaotic. To
a certain extent this is because the original description of the
type species of the genus, Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851),
was incomplete. This taxon was discovered in the mid-19th
century in a pond at Petershoff, the summer resort of the
Tsar close to St. Petersburg, Russia (Fischer 1851). An earlier
description, Cyclops agilis Koch, 1838, sometimes equated with
E. serrulatus, was published in the third volume of Koch’s
study on the fauna from Germany. Cyclops agilis is only one of
a series of copepods described by Koch, very few of which are
still valid because both his descriptions and figures were
extremely sketchy. The single illustration of C. agilis, collected
from around Regensburg, reproduced in Fig. 4: 1, shows a
cyclopoid that cannot be assigned to a particular genus. It could
belong to Eucyclops, but also to Metacyclops, Acanthocyclops,
Tropocyclops, Diacyclops, or even Thermocyclops. Only Sars (1918)
picked up the name agilis, based on the ‘agile swimming habits’
of the species, although this attribute holds for numerous other
cyclopoids. Generally, European authors except Gurney (1933)
did not follow him, but most American authors did. Thus, via
the link Koch-Sars-Gurney a serrulatus-like species that occurs
over most of Canada and the USA is still widely known under
© The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006 • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147
Revision of serrulatus group • V. Alekseev et al.
Fig. 1 Collecting sites of specimens of the Eucyclops serrulatus-group
(filled circles), except E. turcomanus (open circles); details in text.
the name of an animal of German origin. On the other hand,
the name and description given by Cragin (1883) to this animal
(see below) have remained unrecognized.
For well over a century, E. serrulatus has been reported from
water-bodies around the world (Dussart & Defaye 1985). Its
cosmopolitan nature remained unchallenged until some taxa
that superficially look like E. serrulatus were separated from
it (Dussart 1986; Reid 1995; Ishida 1997, 1998). Some of these
may indeed be valid species, others mere forms of E. serrulatus.
Progress in the taxonomy of this species-group is impossible
without a detailed re-description of E. serrulatus, the type species,
supported by information on inter- and infra-population
variability. One of us (J. P.) started working on E. serrulatus
in the late 1970s and became impressed with the strong
morphological variability of the species (hereafter referred
as forms A, B and C (morphological types)), even within the
population from the type locality at St. Petersburg. Therefore, the present study uses a number of methods, in which
results obtained by one method are used to verify those
obtained by other methods, in hopes of reaching a consensus
and of finding new criteria of species delimitation.
Materials and methods
Eucyclops serrulatus samples from the terra-type locality (sites
1, 2), western Europe (site 3), Siberia (site 4), and northern
Africa (site 7) were used for the various types of research outlined below (Fig. 1). Material used to study other species will
be specified under the heading of each species.
Type locality
For hybridization experiments, pore signature mapping and
molecular genetics, we used animals collected in May–June
1999 in Tavricheski Park, St. Petersburg, and in the main
accumulation pond of the Petershoff palace fountain (another
candidate for the status of type water-body). For comparative
morphological research, pore signature mapping and molecular
Fig. 2 Numbering system for micromorphological patterns in
Eucyclops: 1 — basipodite of A2, posterior; 2 — A2 basipodite,
anterior; 3 — intercoxal sclerite and coxa of P4.
genetics, we also collected animals in the Orlov Pond in Petershoff, in a roadside ditch on the way between Petershoff and
St. Petersburg, in the small River Sablinka, 50 km from St.
Petersburg in the direction of Moscow, and in the small River
Ravan, 100 km from St. Petersburg in the direction of
Moscow (Fig. 2, site 2). These samples yielded E. serrulatus,
but also E. speratus Lill. and E. macruroides, and were used in
DNA studies and for comparative morphology.
Western Europe (Ghent, Belgium: 51°05′N, 3°45′E). For
hybridization, pore signature mapping and molecular genetics
we collected material in the pond of the botanical garden of
Ghent University in June 1999, as well as animals from
roadside ditches in the vicinity of Ghent in July 1999.
Siberia (Tumen, Western Asian Russia: 57°N, 67°E). A pond
in the park of the Tumen Agriculture Academy, May 1999,
sampled to collect material for hybridization experiments,
pore mapping and molecular genetics. For comparative
morphological research we also used a population collected
in temporary ponds, near roadside ditches and marshes close
to Tumen in April–May 1999.
Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147 • © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006
V. Alekseev et al. • Revision of serrulatus group
Northern Africa. Material collected in the Atlas Mountains
(sites 7 and 8) since July 1971 includes a taxon hereinafter
referred to as E. serrulatus hadjebensis (Kiefer). In the foothills
and lowlands of Morocco and Algeria, a serrulatus-like animal
that corresponds to forms B and C sensu this paper was encountered, in an area that extended as far south as the central Saharan
Ahaggar mountains. This animal has a manuscript name (without taxonomic relevance), Eucyclops asymmetricus Dumont &
Pensaert, because its caudal rami often have an asymmetric
serra (Fig. 15: 11).
In all Eucyclops species examined, topotypical specimens
were used. For a comparison with other species of serrulatusgroup we included samples from Northern Africa (E. hadjebensis,
site 8), Norway (site 9) and a small river in the vicinity of
Lund, Sweden (type locality of E. speratus Lilljeborg, site 10),
Mali (site 6, for Afrocyclops gibsoni ), Afghanistan (site 11 type
locality of E. turcomanus, Lindberg), Jordan and Algeria (sites 12,
13, extra localities for E. turcomanus), and Pennsylvania, eastern
USA, for E. pectinifer Cragin (site not indicated in Fig. 1).
The material was collected from the littoral zone. For hybridization, animals collected in the field or animals collected from
type locality and reared under controlled conditions were
used. These experiments were conducted in the Zoological
Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For DNA and
pore signature analyses, animals preserved in 80% ethanol were
used. For morphological studies, specimens were preserved
in 80% ethanol or 4% formalin.
External morphology
Abbreviations used in the text, tables and figures: A1, antennula;
A2, antenna; P1–P4, swimming legs; P5–P6, rudimentary legs;
Enp, endopodite; Exp, Exopodite; II — anterolateral (lateral)
caudal seta; III — posterolateral (outermost) caudal seta; IV
— outer terminal (terminal median external) caudal seta; V —
inner terminal (terminal median internal) caudal seta; VI —
terminal accessory (innermost) caudal seta; VII — dorsal seta.
Animals were placed in glycerol, dissected under a stereomicroscope, and drawings were made at 1000× under a Leitz
Medilux compound microscope equipped with a camera
lucida. Drawings were scanned, corrected and scaled using
Adobe Photoshop (version 5.0). For micropatterns on both
sides of the antennal basipodite we applied the numerical
scheme illustrated in Fig. 2 based on accumulation in one
picture of most micropatterns of the appendages known in
cyclopids (after Huys & Boxshall 1991). For mapping rows of
spinules and setules on the coxa and intercoxal sclerite of P4
we mainly followed Einsle (1985).
Pore pattern mapping
The integumental perforation pattern was determined on
adult females, according to Fleminger (1973), Baribwegure
& Dumont (1999, 2001), and Alekseev & Naumova (2005).
Animals were heated for 3 h in KOH 10%, rinsed in distilled
water and 70% alcohol, and stained in 1% chlorazol black in
70% alcohol. Tungsten needles were used to dissect animals
under a Wild M3 dissecting microscope. Perforations were
observed and mapped at 1000× using an Olympus Medilux12 microscope equipped with a camera lucida. The mapping
of the integumental pore signature included the rostrum,
cephalosome, metasome, urosome and furca. A full mapping
required about 10 specimens. Thus, the body parts figured
are not from a single specimen and should not be used to
evaluate individual variation.
To compare perforations patterns between species, all positions
were numbered. In some positions near to the lateral curvature
of the cephalosome, difficulties were encountered and assignments
were tentative. In cases where pore migration was suspected,
and when positions had either a single or a double pore, the
position in question was always coded as 2 (with double pore).
The number and position of pores on some metasome segments
of some species (e.g. E. macruroides) appeared erratic. Because of
the uncertainty involved, only the dorsum of the cephalosome
was used, rather than its rostral zone and flanks, for comparative
taxonomic and phylogenetic study (Fig. 3). Thus, a maximum
of 42 pore positions was specified, tabulated (0, absence of
pores, 1 pore, 2 pores, exceptionally 3 pores), and subjected
to phylogenetic analysis using the neighbor joining (NJ) and
maximum parsimony (MP) algorithms in PAUP* 4.0b8.
Bootstrap analyses were performed to assess the stability of
each branch-point in the tree. The NJ analysis used 1000
replicates to assess the reliability of individual branches in the
phylogenetic tree. The MP analysis used 1000 replicates to
assess the reliability of individual branches in the phylogenetic
tree obtained by a heuristic search with simple addition, tree
bisection reconnection (TBR) branch swapping, multiple trees
retained, no steepest descent, rearrangements limited to 100 000
and accelerated transformation. Trees were displayed with
TreeView 1.6.6 (Page 1996).
Hybridization experiments
Possible hybridization among forms and local populations
across two subsequent generations was assessed by reciprocal
crosses under laboratory conditions.
Males and females, collected in the field or reared under
controlled conditions, were separated at the copepodid V stage
in 50 mL transparent plastic containers. After maturing we put
females and males in every container. For each combination
of forms or populations we did at least two experiments with
opposite sex representation. Experiments took place at room
temperature (18–22 °C) and under standard feeding conditions.
To each container we added weekly several drops of a laboratory culture of Scenedesmus sp. mixed with recently collected
zooplankton killed by heating to 50–60 °C. The presence of
offspring was checked at 2–3 day intervals.
© The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006 • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147
Revision of serrulatus group • V. Alekseev et al.
Fig. 3 Integumental pore mapping in
Eucyclops: 1–3 — urosomal segments; 4 —
cephalosome, dorsal and lateral.
Molecular genetic analysis
Preparation of nucleic acids, PCR amplification, and sequencing
reactions. About 200 eggs from several females were isolated
under aseptic conditions, and washed with 70% ethanol solution to remove accompanying microorganisms. Total DNA was
prepared according to the protocol of the Puregene™ DNA
isolation kit type D-5000 A (Gentra Systems, Inc., BIOzym,
Landgraaf, The Netherlands). 18S rDNA was amplified using
the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with Qiagen DNA
polymerase (Westburg, Leusden, The Netherlands). Eukaryotespecific primers complementary to the 5′-terminus (5′TACCTGGTTGATCCTGCCAG-3′) and 3′-terminus
amplify the entire 18S rDNA gene (except for the 5′- and 3′primer sites). Cycling conditions were 95 °C for 1 min, 55 °C
for 1.5 min, and 72 °C for 2 min, for 35 cycles. PCR products
were used for direct sequencing employing BigDye™ technology and the protocol of the ABI Prism BigDye terminator
cycle sequencing ready reaction kit; they were subsequently
analysed on an ABI Prism 377 DNA sequencer (PE Applied
Biosystems, Nieuwerkerk a/d IJssel, The Netherlands). The
18S rDNA sequences were aligned using ClustalW (Thompson
et al. 1994) and optimized using Genedoc (Nicholas et al. 1997)
with published 18S rDNA sequences based on the conservation of both primary sequence data and secondary structure
features (http://www.psb.ugent.be/rRNA/ssu/index.html/).
Alignment and phylogenetic analysis
The DNA sequences of the complete 18S gene of all taxa were
aligned with ClustalW 1.64b (default settings) to create an
initial dataset. The alignment of the 18S gene was manually
optimized using Genedoc with published 18S rDNA sequences
based on the conservation of both primary sequence data and
inferred secondary structure features (Nelles et al. 1984)
(http://wwwrrna. uia.ac.be/ssu/index.html). First, the likelihood ratio test (LRT) and Akaike information criteria (AIC)
in ModelTest 3.06 (Posada & Crandall 1998) were used to
determine the appropriate substitution model of DNA
evolution that best fitted the dataset. Macrocyclops albidus and
Ectocyclops polyspinosus were used as outgroup. The dataset was
analysed with NJ, MP and the maximum likelihood (ML)
algorithms in PAUP* 4.0b10 to resolve the phylogenetic
relationships. Bootstrap analyses were performed to assess the
stability of each branch point in the tree and were considered
as an index of support for a particular clade, and not as a statement about probability in a statistical sense (Hillis & Bull
1993). For each dataset the appropriate DNA evolution model
with corresponding nucleotide frequencies, substitution rates
and types, and Ti/Tv ratios was determined by ModelTest
3.06, and used for NJ, MP and ML algorithms in PAUP*. NJ
analysis was performed with PAUP* by application of the selected
ML substitution model to the NJ algorithm. The nonparametric bootstrap analysis used 1000 replicates to assess the
reliability of individual branches in the phylogenetic tree
(Felsenstein 1985).
Equally weighted MP analyses were performed with PAUP*.
Heuristic search settings were: stepwise taxon addition, TBR
branch swapping, multiple trees retained, no steepest descent,
rearrangements limited to 10 000 000, and accelerated transformation. The nonparametric bootstrap analysis used 1000
Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147 • © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006
V. Alekseev et al. • Revision of serrulatus group
Fig. 4 Original illustrations of 1 — Cyclops
agilis; 2 — Cyclops serrulatus; 3 — Cyclops
pectinifer, body, 3a — caudal rami. 1, after
Koch (1838); 2, after Fischer (1851); 3, 3a,
after Cragin (1883).
replicates to assess the reliability of individual branches in the
phylogenetic tree obtained by heuristic search with stepwise
sequence addition (Felsenstein 1985). The consistency index
(CI) (Klug & Farris 1969), retention index (RI) and rescaled
consistency index (RC) (Farris 1989) were computed to estimate
the amount of phylogenetic signal available for parsimony
analysis. For ML analysis, the substitution model of DNA
evolution with corresponding parameters that best fitted the
data was determined by the LRT and AIC using ModelTest
3.06. Heuristic search settings were stepwise taxon addition,
TBR branch swapping, MulTrees option in effect, no steepest
descent, and rearrangements limited to 1 000 000. The nonparametric bootstrap analysis with 100 replicates was used to
assess the reliability of individual branches in the phylogenetic
tree obtained by heuristic search with stepwise sequence addition
(Felsenstein 1985). Pairwise sequence divergence data between
taxa were computed. Absolute distance values and distances
based on a ML distance matrix (PAUP*), with appropriate
parameters for the correct DNA evolution model (ModelTest) were calculated for the dataset. Trees were displayed
with TreeView 1.6.6.
1. Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851)
Synonymy: see Dussart & Defaye, 1985.
Eucyclops asymmetricus Dumont & Pensaert in Dumont
(1979) (nomen nudum).
Probable new synonyms: Eucyclops speratus Dumont & Decraemer, 1977; Eucyclops speratus ifniensis Dumont & Decraemer, 1977.
Material examined. Neotype: dissected female neotype, catalogue number 55031, dissected male (accession number 55032),
8 September 1983, from pond in Petershoff, possibly S. Fischer’s
type locality (Fischer 1851). The material was deposited in
the Federal Collection N 96-03-16, Zoological Institute of
the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.
Type locality: Petershoff, 18 km W of St. Petersburg, Russia
(60°00′N, 30°55′E).
Justification of neotype: Sebastian Fischer was a medical doctor,
a graduate of Munich University, who moved to St. Petersburg
around 1843 to work at the court of the Tsar. He was probably
invited by Dr Brandt, another copepodologist and employee
of the Russian court (Fischer 1848). His two major copepod
papers, published in 1851 and 1853, were based on work
carried out in his spare time. Although he was affiliated with
the Imperial Academy of Sciences, there is no trace of collections by Fischer at the Zoological Institute of the Academy of
Sciences in St. Petersburg. We also explored the zooplankton
collection of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University and no samples labelled with Fischer’s name or the
Petershoff area were found. After about a decade, Fischer
returned to Germany and continued to publish for a while,
but again, no evidence of any of his material surviving has
come to light. Consequently, we consider it lost. The description of Cyclops serrulatus, published in 1851, is not complete,
but the accompanying figures (Fig. 4) unequivocally show a
cyclopoid with a 12-segmented antennule and a serrated
furca of medium length. The setulation of the terminal setae
of the furca corresponds to ‘type A’ of the present paper.
Female neotype: corresponding to type A, as defined hereafter.
Body colour rusty brown, rarely dark brown or greyish. Full
length without caudal seta 1117 µm, with seta 1690 µm. Cephalosome as long as wide, maximum width close to posterior
margin (Fig. 5: 1). Last segment of prosome with group of
© The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006 • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147
Revision of serrulatus group • V. Alekseev et al.
Fig. 5 Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851) from
the type locality. 1 — female, dorsal view;
2 — male, dorsal view; 3–8 — female caudal
rami in forms A, B, C, and hybrids. Scale bar:
1,2 = 75 µm, 3–8 = 40 µm.
short lateral setules. Genital double somite as long as wide,
with seminal receptacle as in Fig. 9: C. Caudal rami 5 times
longer than wide, with longitudinal row of spinules along most
of outer edge of each ramus. Six setae at distal part of ramus.
Length proportions of four terminal setae, beginning from II
to VI 1/4.8/7.5/1.31. Dorsal seta about half the length of seta
VI, covered with long setules on both sides; II a spiny seta
with dense setules on both sides, but longer on inner margin,
about 3 times as long as dorsal seta yet distinctly shorter than
seta VI. Antennule 12-segmented, reaching caudal edge of first
free metasomal somite, with finely denticulated membrane
along three distalmost segments (Fig. 9: 1; 10: 1). Setation of
antennular segments, beginning from first, 8/4/2/6/4/2/2/3/
2/2/3/8. First segment with curved row of spinules at its base;
outermost spinules the longest. Antenna with 1-segmented
basipodite, 3-segmented endopodite. Exopodite represented
by a long, barbed seta. Posterior face of basipodite A2: apical
group N1 with 4 –6 long setules and group N2 with variable
number of the same setules (2– 4) subdistally along inner margin
(Fig. 3: 3); with three diagonal and parallel rows of spinules
(N3–5) and two groups of marginal spinules (N17) and (N15)
(Fig. 10: 3). Anterior face of basipodite A2: 3–5 strong spinules
subdistally (N8), long row of 15–17 relatively small spinules
medially (N11 + N12); N13 and N14 represented by two
isolated groups of spinules (Fig. 10: 2). Labrum (Fig. 10: 6)
with 10–12 large teeth in central part and with two groups
of small teeth on lateral outgrowths. Gnathobase of mandible
(Fig. 10: 5) with six teeth, rudiment of endopodial segment
with two long setae covered with long setules and one short
naked seta. Maxillula (Fig. 10: 4) with six strong teeth and two
strong setae; palp with seven setae, surface without ornamen128
tation. Maxilla (Fig. 10: 7) 4-segmented, praecoxa with two
strong median setae; syncoxopodite with two endites; proximal
endite with one, distal endite with two setae; basal endite with
two strong spines and one small seta near site of fusion of
rudimentary endopodite. The latter 2-segmented; first
segment with strong spine and slender seta; second segment
with three elements in all. Maxilliped (Fig. 10: 8) 4-segmented,
syncoxopodite with two strong setae medially and one small
seta distally. Basipodite with two setae of different lengths
and ornamented with strong spinules close to proximal setae
and with two sets of spinules medially and subdistally along
outer magin. First and second endopodal segments with
two elements each. Swimming legs 1– 4 (Figs 7 and 8) with
3-segmented rami, spine (roman numerals) and seta (arabic
numerals) formula as follows:
Leg 1
Leg 2
Leg 3
Leg 4
I-1; I-1; III-5
I-1; I-1; IV-5
I-1; I-1; IV-5
I-1; I-1; III-5
0–1; 0–2; 1,I,4
0–1; 0–2; I,4
0–1; 0–2; 1,I,4
0–1; 0–2; 1,II,2
Distal segment of P4Enp elongated, 2.6 times as long as wide,
with two strong apical spines; inner spine 1.32 times as long as
outer spine. All setae on all segments of P1–P4 uniformly setalike, not constricted, flanked with series of long setules at
both edges. Setules at least twice as long as distance between
them (Fig. 7: 8). Inner edge of basis of P1–4 with group of
long setules. Coxa of P1–4 (Fig. 2: 3) with strong spine, dense
hair-setae on inner side and large gap among short hair-setae
on inner side. Caudal side of coxa with tiny spinules on inner
Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147 • © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006
V. Alekseev et al. • Revision of serrulatus group
Fig. 6 Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851), female,
type locality. Variation in leg structure in forms
A, B and hybrids A × B: P5 form A (1, 5), form
B (2, 4) and hybrids A × B (3, 6, 7); intercoxal
sclerite and coxa, form A (10), form B (9) and
hybrids A × B (8, 11); distal segment exopodite
P4 form A (12), form B (14) and hybrids A ×
B (13); distal segment endopodite P4 form
A (15), form B (16) and hybrids A × B (17).
Scale bar = 50 µm.
Fig. 7 Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851), female
form A from the type locality: 1 — intercoxal
sclerite P1; 2 — P1, posterior; 3 — distal
segment of P1exopodite; 4 — distal segment
of P1 endopodite; 5 — intercoxal sclerite of
P2; 6 — P2, posterior; 7 — distal segment of
P2 exopodite; 8 — distal segment of P2
endopodite. Scale bar: 1, 3–5, 7–8 = 50 µm; 2,
6 = 100 µm.
side, not organized in groups, and groups of spinules and setules
representing formula A – B – C + D – E – H (Fig. 2: 3). Intercoxal sclerite of P1 (Fig. 7: 1) with two protuberances, a row
of small denticles around midway and two groups of finest
spinules on body of protuberances, not extending beyond edge.
Intercoxal sclerites P2–3 also with protuberances on free
edge and with groups of setules as shown in Figs 7: 5 and 8: 1.
Intercoxal sclerite P4 (Fig. 8: 8) with protuberances wide but
not extending beyond edge of sclerite; two groups of incurved
setules along edge, two groups of setules and spinules on
body of sclerite. Rudimentary P5 (Fig. 9: 3) 1-segmented,
with knife-like inner spine and two setae; outer seta sequal in
length to spine, middle seta about 1.3–1.5 times as long as
spine. Egg sacs with 35–40 eggs each.
© The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006 • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147
Revision of serrulatus group • V. Alekseev et al.
Fig. 8 Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1853), female
form A from the type locality: 1 — intercoxal
sclerite of P3; 2 — distal segment of P3
exopodite; 3 — distal segment of P3
endopodite; 4 — P2, posterior; 5 — intercoxal
sclerite of P4; 6 — distal segment of P4
exopodite; 7 — distal segment of P4
endopodite; 8 — P4, posterior. Scale bar: 1–
3, 5–7 = 40 µm; 4, 8 = 80 µm.
Male: body length 810 µm, with caudal setae 1230 µm. Cephalosome (Fig. 5: 2) 1.3 times as long as wide, with maximal
width close to its posterior end. Last segment of prosome
smooth, last urosomal segment with row of denticles on
caudal side. Caudal rami (Fig. 11: 7) 4.3 times longer than
wide, without lateral spinules. Slender innermost terminal seta
about twice the length of spine-like outermost seta. Lateral
seta shifted to dorsal side, with several spinules at base.
Dorsal seta near insertion of innermost seta, about 0.8 times
as long as outermost seta. Antennule (Fig. 9: 2) 14-segmented
with six setae and three aesthetascs on first segment. Segments
2, 3, 4, 6 and 10 also with aesthetascs. Antennal basipodite
(not shown) basically as in female, with 4 –6 long setules
posteriorly (N1, N2); anteriorly with three rows of strong
spinules and additional row of spinules subdistally. Morphology
of mouth parts and P1 basically as in female. Coxopodites and
intercoxal sclerites P1–P3 as shown in Fig. 11: 1–3. Inner
edge of basis P4 (Fig. 11: 4) with short setules, coxopodite P4
with strong spine, bearing 8–10 stiff inner hair-setae and 2–3
hair-setae at top and one at foot of spine. Coxopodite P4
(Fig. 11: 4) with narrow row of small spinules on inner side and
several groups of spinules A – B – C + D – F posterior. Intercoxal
sclerites P4 (Fig. 11: 4) with small protuberances, strong hairsetae on free edge, and three groups of setules on both sides.
Distal segment of endopodite of P4 3 times longer than wide,
with inner spine as long as segment and 1.4 times as long as
outer spine. P5 (Fig. 11: 5) with inner spine slightly shorter
than in female, outer seta as long as spine, middle seta 1.4 times
Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147 • © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006
V. Alekseev et al. • Revision of serrulatus group
as long as spine. P6 (Fig. 11: 6) with inner spine and two setae
with length proportions, beginning from outer seta, 1/0.75/1.1.
Fig. 9 Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1853), form A from type locality:
1 — A1, female; 2 — A1, male; 3 — genital double somite, female.
Scale bar: 1 = 175 µm; 2, 3 = 150 µm.
Intrapopulation variation: there was appreciable variation
between the topotypical specimens and other populations,
mainly in the setation of the swimming legs and caudal rami.
We identified three forms, of which specimens were deposited
under accession number 55033 in the St. Petersburg collection
mentioned earlier. A weak asymmetry (less than 5% totally)
in body proportions and micropatterns was found in the
topotypical population.
Form A (with long setules): plumose setae of the endopodite
and exopodite segments of P1–P4 (Fig. 6: 12,17) and caudal
setae with dense long setules (Fig. 5: 3). Intercoxal sclerite P4
(Fig. 6: 10) with dense long setules, sometimes as long as half
of sclerite width. Innermost apical spine of P4Enp3 1.5–1.6
times as long as outermost apical spine and about 1.4 times as
long as supporting segment. Outer seta relatively long, reaching
middle of outermost apical spine. P4Exp3 (Fig. 6: 12) with
relatively short distal spine, about 0.7 times as long as supporting
segment and about half as long as distalmost lateral seta. P5
with relatively slender spine as long as outer seta (Fig. 6: 5).
Caudal rami 5.0–5.7 times longer than wide, somewhat divergent; posterolateral spine-like seta with a row of spinules along
outer margin and with long setules on inner edge; terminal
accessory seta with long setules on both sides, about 1.3–1.5
times long than posterolateral seta (Fig. 5: 3). Inner and outer
terminal setae with dense and long setules. At some distance
from setal base, all individual setules are much longer than the
distance between them. For variation of microcharacters of
antennal basipodite and coxa of P4 in form A, see Tables 1, 2.
Table 1 Variation of microcharacters on antennal basipodite in Eucyclops. Hair-setae in roman, denticles in arabic numerals; numbers of
characters correspond to Fig. 2.
E. serrulatus form A
St. Petersburg, Russia
E. serrulatus form B
St. Petersburg
E.serrulatus form A
E. hadjebensis
Atlas Mts, Morocco
E. speratus
Lund, Sweden
E. dumonti
Central Mongolia
E. turcomanus
Herat Prov., Afganistan
E. pectinifer
Philadelphia, USA
E. macruroides
Lund, Sweden
© The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006 • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147
Revision of serrulatus group • V. Alekseev et al.
much shorter setules than on proximal part. Intercoxal sclerite
of P4 with short marginal setules of about 1/3 or less the
membrane width (Fig. 6: 9). Innermost distal spine of P4Enp3
(Fig. 6: 16). 1.25–1.44 (1.35 ± 0.02) times longer than outermost distal spine and 0.95–1.2 (1.04 ± 0.022) times longer than
supporting segment. Outer seta of this segment relatively
short, reaching distal part of outer distal process of segment
and 0.5 times as long as outer apical element. P4Exp3 (Fig. 6:
14) with relatively long apical spine about 0.9 times as long as
segment itself and about 0.7 times as long as nearest apical
seta. Caudal rami (Fig. 5: 4) 4.0–5.1 (4.6 ± 0.1) times longer
than wide; outermost spiny-form seta smooth; innermost seta
hairless, 0.95–1.09 (1.04 ± 0.02) times as long as outermost
seta. Inner spine of P5 (Fig. 6: 2) usually slightly longer than
outer seta. For microcharacters of antennal basipodite as well
of P4 coxa in form B, see Tables 1, 2.
Form C ( pitted form): similar to form A but provided with a
pitted cephalosome, urosome, caudal rami and first antennae
(Fig. 5: 5). In the Petershoff ponds, form C was rare during
spring (15%) but became more frequent in autumn (40%). Forms
A and B were most abundant in spring (about 40% each);
hybrids between them became dominant in summer and autumn.
Fig. 10 Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1853), female form A from type
locality: 1 — first segment of A1, 2 — basipodite of A2, anterior; 3
— basipodite A2, posterior; 4 — maxillule; 5 — mandible; 6 —
labrum, 7 — maxilla; 8 — maxilliped. Scale bar: 1 = 4, 7, 8–50 µm; 5,
6 = 40 µm.
Form B (with short setules): typified by a reduction of the
length of the setules of exopodal (Fig. 6: 14) and endopodal
(Fig. 6: 16) setae of at least P4 and of the setae of the caudal
rami (Fig. 5: 4). Distal half of setae of P4Enp3 and most setae
of P4Exp3 (Fig. 6: 14,16) stylet-shaped, narrowed and with
Interpopulation variation in morphology: forms A, B, and C were
also found in Ghent, but only forms A and B were present in
the Tumen population. Most North African populations of
E. serrulatus, including E. serrulatus hadjebensis, belong to or
are close to form B. Forms A and B did not show variation
in antennal basipodite microcharacters and these are consequently used here to define E. serrulatus (Tables 1, 2). Eucyclops
speratus ifniensis Dumont & Decraemer, from the high
mountain lake Ifni in the Morocco Atlas Mountains, is really
a representative of form C of E. serrulatus. In North African
populations, such phenotypes were rare.
Pore signature analysis: specimens of Eucyclops serrulatus from
the type locality, from Ghent and from Tumen were compared.
Table 2 Micro-characters on coxa and intercoxal sclerite of P4 in Eucyclops. Coding corresponds to Fig. 2.
Hair–setae on
E. serrulatus A StPetsb
E. serrulatus B StPetsb
E. serrulatus A Norway
E. serrulatus A Ghent
E. s. hadjebensis
E. speratus
E. dumonti
E. macruroides
E. turcomanus
E. pectinifer
Y, present; N, absent; ?, character not seen; H, hair-setae; LH, long hair-setae; SH, short hair-setae.
Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147 • © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006
V. Alekseev et al. • Revision of serrulatus group
Fig. 12 Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1853), female, pore signatures: 1
— dorsal part of cephalosome, form B from the type locality; 2 —
dorsal part of cephalosome, form A from Ghent, Belgium; 3-1-3 free
somites of metasome, form A from the type locality; 4 — dorsal
part of cephalosome, form A from the type locality. Scale
bar = 250 µm.
Fig. 11 Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1853), male form A from type
locality: 1–4 — coxa with intercoxal sclerite of P1–4; 5 — P 5; 6 —
P6; 7 — caudal rami, ventral. Scale bar: 1–6 = 50 µm; 1 = 100 µm.
The pore signature of the type population from Petershoff is
described and remarks on the differences with other populations
are given. In general, all pores were distributed symmetrically
to the medio-sagittal axis of the body. The pore signature of
E. serrulatus is described in detail, including zones not
necessarily documented in other species. The rostrum has
eight pores in four positions (I–IV), symmetrically distributed,
and ten, again in four groups, posterior to the rostrum on
the convex dorsum of the cephalosome (V–IX) (Fig. 3: 4).
Cephalosome (Fig. 12): number of perforations 141–165;
131–155 dorsally, 21–22 laterally. The population from
Belgium (155 pores) had more pores than that from Russia
(131–136). Within the same population, variation in the
number of pores affected positions 10, 11, 12, 16, 22, 24, 29,
30 and 32. This variation may involve positions completely
missing (10, 22, 32), or doubletons being transformed to
singletons or vice versa. In some cases, pores appear to form
functional groups and can migrate from one position to another
(e.g. exchange of pores was seen between groups 11 and 12).
In one specimen from Ghent, position 15, otherwise fixed,
was fragmented into four small pores. This appears to be a
malformation. All other positions (1–9, 13–15, 21, 26, 28–31,
33–37) were constant in the three populations. Pore pairs 33–
34 together form a U-shape, close to the mid-distal margin,
which is characteristic of the serrulatus-group (see below for
more examples). Metasome 1 (second pedigerous segment)
(Fig. 12: 3a) has 25 perforations; in some Russian specimens
(St. Petersburg and Tumen) it had 29 pores. Metasome 2 (third
pedigerous segment) (Fig. 12: 3b): all three populations had
33 pores arranged in a similar pattern. Metasome 3 (fourth
pediger) (Fig. 12: 3c): Belgian specimens had 28 pores, those
from Russia, 21. Fifth pediger (Fig. 3: 3): two pores. Urosome
(Fig. 3: 1,2,3): three populations with a constant number of
46 pores (20 dorsal, 17 ventral and 9 lateral) on urosome and
furca, as follows: eight dorsal, six ventral and two lateral on the
genital double-somite; three dorsal, three ventral and two lateral
on second somite. Third somite with five pores: one dorsal, two
lateral and two ventral. Anal somite with six pores: four dorsal
and two ventral. Caudal rami (Fig. 3: 3): each ramus with four
pores (two dorsal, two ventral), a pore close to the distal margin
of the anal somite and a posterior one close to the insertion site
of the dorsal seta (Fig. 3: 3). There is a ventrolateral pore close
to the insertion site of the lateral setae, and one at the distal
margin of the caual rami, as described by Fiers et al. (1996).
© The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006 • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147
Revision of serrulatus group • V. Alekseev et al.
Table 3 Hybridization of forms A, B, and C from Ghent in
intrapopulation trials.
Table 5 Hybridization of Eucyclops serrulatus from St. Petersburg
(StPetsb), Tumen and Ghent.
Offspring in
first generation?
Hybrids in
Offspring in
second generation?
Type A × Type B
Type A × Type C
Type B × Type C
Type A × Type A
Type B × Type B
Type C × Type C
Table 4 Hybridization of Eucyclops serrulatus from Tumen and
St. Petersburg (StPetsb).
Sex ratio
Offspring in
first generation
Offspring in
second generation
Tumen males x
StPetsb females
Tumen females x
StPetsb males
Tumen males x
Tumen females
StPetsb males x
StPetsb females
Sex ratio
Offspring in
first generation
Offspring in
second generation
StPetsb males x
Ghent Females
StPetsb females x
Ghent males
StPetsb male x
StPetsb females
Ghent males x
Ghent females
Tumen females x
Ghent males
in caudal proportions and setal armament. Such intermediate
forms were also found in samples collected from the field
(Figs 5–8). Form C seems to be a recessive form, appearing
only by combining parents with the same genotype. It was
rare in natural populations at all three sites. In Petershoff its
abundance increased in the autumn.
Interpopulation hybridization: we hybridized ‘distant’ populations in two steps. In May 1999 we hybridized populations from
Tumen and St. Petersburg using form A from Tumen and forms
A and B from St. Petersburg. The next set of experiments was
done in Ghent. We hybridized animals from St. Petersburg
(forms A–C) with animals from Ghent (Ge). We also hybridized
animals from Tumen (form A) with animals from Ghent
(forms A–C) (Table 5). These experiments revealed no genetic
isolation among these three widely disjunct populations.
Hybridization experiments
Intrapopulation hybridization: for these experiments forms A, B
and C from Ghent were used (Table 3). A preliminary survey on
E. serrulatus from the type locality in 1983 had revealed much
intrapopulation variability. Based on differences in caudal
seta construction, caudal rami proportion and presence of
spine patterns on the body surface, morphotypes A, B,
and C were identified (Figs 5, 6, Tables 1, 2). In 1999, these
forms were found to co-occur in the same water-bodies, in
ponds in Tavricheski Garden, St. Petersburg, in the botanical
garden of the University of Ghent and in the park of the Agriculture Academy of Tumen (A and B only). No reproductive
isolation was found among any of them. Hybridization of
forms A and B produced animals with intermediate characters
Interspecies hybridization: we tested the hybridization of three
species: E. serrulatus from the type locality (all three forms) with
E. speratus (St. Petersburg area, Tavricheski Park) and with
E. macruroides (St. Petersburg area, Tavricheski Park);
E. macruroides was also crossed with E. speratus. No hybrids
between E. serrulatus, E. speratus and E. macruroides were
obtained (Table 6).
Table 6 Hybridization of three forms of Eucyclops serrulatus with E. speratus and E. macruroides (all from St. Petersburg, May–June 1999).
Females E. serrulatus Type A
Females E. serrulatus Type B
Females E. serrulatus Type C
Males E. serrulatus Type A
Males E. serrulatus Type B
Males E. serrulatus Type C
Females E. macruroides
Females E. speratus
E. speratus
E. speratus
E. macruroides
E. macruroides
Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147 • © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006
V. Alekseev et al. • Revision of serrulatus group
Fig. 13 Eucyclops serrulatus hadjebensis Kiefer,
1926 comb. nov., female from type locality,
Source Vittel at El Hajeb, Middle Atlas
Mountains, Morocco (1–10) and Eucyclops
‘asymmetricus’ = hybrid E. serrulatus forma
A × Eucyclops serrulatus hadjebensis (11): 1, 2,
6 — cephalosome pore signature in different
specimens; 3–5 — metasomite 2–4 pore
signature; 7, 8 — urosomite, dorsal and ventral
view, respectively; 9 — caudal rami, dorsal;
10 — caudal rami, ventral (another specimen);
11 — caudal rami, dorsal. Scale bar: 1–8 =
100 µm; 9, 10–75 µm; 9, 11 = 60 µm.
2. Eucyclops serrulatus hadjebensis Kiefer, 1926 comb. nov.
Material examined: holotype on slides N 00834, 00835 and
00836 of Kiefer’s collection in Karlsruhe, Germany, from a well
in Oued Guigou, Morocco (leg. Dollfus). Specimens from
the presumed type locality, Source Vittel near El Hajeb
(loc. 8), Middle Atlas, Morocco, July 1971 (leg H. Dumont &
W. Decraemer).
Reported from El Hajeb in the Middle Atlas (Kiefer 1926)
and later found in an artesian pond at Guelma, Algeria (Roy
& Gauthier 1927). Found in great numbers in a cold-water
mineral spring (‘Source Vittel’) close to the type locality
(Dumont & Decraemer 1977). Kiefer (1954) indicated the
strong variability in serrulatus-like animals in Morocco.
Description: with short furcal rami (L/W = 3.5); longitudinal
row of small spinules along outer margin of caudal rami located
on distal half reduced to between half and one third the length
of a ramus. Outermost seta with spinules on both sides,
innermost seta with short stiff setules (Fig. 13: 9). Antennule
of 12 segments with hyaline, finely denticulated membrane
along three distalmost segments. Mouthparts (not shown) as
in E. serrulatus. Basipodite of antenna with six hair-setae in
position N1 and one setule in position N2 posteriorly, most
other characters on both sides as in E. serrulatus (Table 1).
P4: spine of coxopodite with a gap in the setules lining its
outer margin, intercoxal sclerite with long setules along
outer margin, other characters of P4 coxopodite as in
E. serrulatus (Table 2). A feature stressed as diagnostic by
Kiefer was that the setae on the distal segment of P4
exopodite are knife-shaped, with the constricted margin set
with spinules, while the inner rim has ‘normal’ setules. This,
in fact applies to P3 and P2 as well; only P1 has more or
© The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006 • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147
Revision of serrulatus group • V. Alekseev et al.
Fig. 14 Eucyclops speratus (Lilljeborg, 1901),
female from the type locality, Lund area,
Sweden: 1 — pore signature on cephalosome;
2 — rostral zone; 3–5 — urosome; 6–8 —
metasome; 9 — labrum; 10 — genital double
somite, ventral; 11 — A2 basipodite, posterior;
12 — caudal rami, dorsal. Scale bar: 1, 3–8,
10 = 100 µm; 2, 12 = 75 µm, 9, 11 = 50 µm.
less ‘normal’ cylindrical setae (but see Discussion for the
significance of this character).
The pore pattern of the cephalosome and pedigers is shown
in Fig. 13. The similarity with E. serrulatus is striking, with the
typical U-shaped positions created by pore positions 33–34
(Fig. 13: 6) present. Some variability was noted, with positions
21 and 22 occasionally absent and, in one case, a couple of extra
pores present in the opening to the ‘U’. Pore pattern on urosome
(Fig. 13: 7–8) indistinguishable from that of E. serrulatus.
3. Eucyclops speratus (Lilljeborg, 1901)
Synonymy: see Dussart & Defaye 1985.
Material examined: a number of females (accession number
55036 in collection N 96-03-16 of the Zoological Institute,
Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg) from a small river
in the vicinity of Lund, Sweden (Lilljeborg’s type locality). From
these, a female neotype was selected earlier by V. Alekseev
and deposited under number 55034 in the collection of the
Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Description: full body length without setae 1090 µm; with
caudal setae, 1490 µm.
Cephalosome as long as wide. Last segment of prosome
with group of long seta-like spinules in lateral margin. Genital
double somite (Fig. 14: 10) as long as wide, seminal receptacle
typical for Eucyclops. Caudal rami (Fig. 14: 12) about 6.5 times
longer than wide, with longitudinal row of small spinules
along outer margin dorsally in distal half (but with significant
variation in this row length in type group, range: 0.25–0.75
of caudal rami length). Length proportion of four terminal
setae, beginning from III to VI 1/5/8/1.5. Dorsal seta about
half as long as VI seta, and II seta about half as long as III seta.
Antennule 12-segmented, reaching posterior border of first
Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147 • © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006
V. Alekseev et al. • Revision of serrulatus group
thoracic somite, with a finely serrated hyaline membrane
along last three segments (Fig. 14: 6). Setation of antennular
segments, beginning with first, 8/4/2/6/4/2/2/3/2/2/3/7.
Antennal basipodite without group of hair-setae distally on
posterior face, with three parallel rows of spinules placed
diagonally in central part and with two groups of spinules and
setules laterally (Fig. 14: 11). On posterior face, four strong
spinules on distal outgrowth, several spinules near base of
long seta, with two rows of 10 –12 spinules medially and two
groups of two spinules (Table 1). Labrum with 6 –8 teeth on
distal edge, similar to that of E. serrulatus. Gnathobase of
mandible with six teeth, rudiment of endopodal segment with
two long setae and short naked seta. Maxillule with six strong
teeth and two setae, strong seta in praecoxal arthrite; palp
with seven setae, and row of spinules. Maxilla 4-segmented,
praecoxa with two strong setae; coxa with medial strong spine
and small seta and strong spine distally; basal endite with two
strong spines and small setae close to endopodite, bearing two
long spines, one plumose seta and two bare elements. Maxilliped
4-segmented, praecoxa and coxa with two strong medial setae
and small setae distally; basis with two setae of different length
and group of strong spinules near insertion of setae; first segment
of endopodite with strong spine and group of setules around
segments of endopodite, bearing one strong spine and two
hairless setae. P1Exp3 and P4 with four spines and five setae;
P2–3 with four spines and five setae. P1–3Enp3 with one spine
and five setae. P4Enp3 elongated, 2.6 times as long as wide, with
two strong distal spines, inner spine 1.4–1.6 times as long as outer
spine. Inner edge of basis of P1–P4 with long setules. Coxa of
P1–P4 with spine, bearing dense setules on both sides. Coxa
P4 with row of long spines (25–27) along distal border and several
other groups of spinules and setules posteriorly (Table 2).
Intercoxal sclerite of P1 with protuberances, row of small
spinules in middle part and without setules distally. Intercoxal
sclerites of P2–P3 with protuberances and with groups of hairsetae distally. Intercoxal sclerite P4 without protuberances,
with long and dense setules distally, and with two other groups
of long setules on posterior face (Table 1). P5 1-segmented,
with knife-like inner spine and two setae, outer seta shorter
or slightly longer than spine, middle seta about 1.8 times as
long as spine (Fig. 14: 10). Egg sacs with about 20 eggs each.
Male: not studied.
Pore pattern shown on Fig. 14: 1–8. Urosomal pore signature
as in E. serrulatus.
4. Eucyclops turcomanus Lindberg, 1959
Synonymy: Eucylops abdelkader Dumont & Pensaert in Dumont
(1979) (nomen nudum).
Material examined: ten females from Lindberg’s original
material and type locality, the spring Tagao Boraq at Qal’eh
Nou, Herat Province, 990 m, Afghanistan, 24 October 1957.
From these, a lectotype was selected and mounted on a slide in
glycerol sealed with Canadian balsam, deposited in the Institute
of Natural Sciences, Brussels (accession number of lectotype
30252). Eighteen females from Lake Oubeira, Algeria, 24
March 1977, and 12 females from a pond (‘birket’), 165 km
S. of Amman, Jordan (30°35′N, 35°50′E), 16 April 1978.
Described by Lindberg (1959) from Afghanistan, and found
here again in 1960 (Lindberg 1960). The Mediterranean
findings are the first non-mesasiatic records of what
appears to be a species with an Irano-Turanian geographical
Brief description and pore patterns
Female: colour and habitus as in E. serrulatus. Antennule 12segmented, with hyaline membrane fringing the last three
segments. Mouthparts and genital segment basically as in
E. serrulatus. Armament of basipodite of antenna as in Fig. 15:
3– 4. P1: intercoxal sclerite with well-developed protuberances;
some spinules at about half of sclerite width. Spine on inner
distal corner of basipodite particularly strong, extending to
halfway third segment of endopodite. P2 also with protruding
tubercles on free margin of intercoxal sclerite, and semicircle of
setules. Spines on exopodite robust. P3 with small protruding
tubercles on intercoxal sclerite and two rows of stiff setae.
Four of the five internal setae of the exopodite stylet-like. P4:
apex of intercoxal sclerite fringed with long setules, divided
into three groups. A series of 4–5 long and fine basal spines,
and three rows of juxtaposed short spinules at about half
length. Apical segment of exopodite with apical stylet-like
seta. P4Enp3 and P5 as in E. serrulatus. Caudal rami about
5 times as long as wide, with complete longitudinal row of
spinules. II spiny seta with row of spinules along outer
margin, and three or four spinules along inner margin. Seta
VI naked, slightly longer than outermost seta. IV–V setae
peculiar, naked for about 3/5 of their length, and apical 2/5
set with numerous short spines.
Pore pattern (Fig. 15: 1): rostral and postrostral pores as in
E. serrulatus. Axial pores 15 and 27 missing; positions 10, 11
and 21 also missing. Positions 18 and 23 with three, not two or
a single pore. Posterior U (positions 33 and 34), and posterior
doublets 35–37 typical for the serrulatus-group. First and third
metasomal segments largely as in E. serrulatus, but second with
several extra pairs of pores, especially in posterior-median
sector. Urosomal pore pattern as in E. serrulatus.
Male: not studied.
5. Eucyclops dumonti Alekseev, 2000
Material examined: 26 females from the type locality, lake BurNuur, c. 100 km N. of Ulan Bator, Central Mongolia. Type series
© The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006 • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147
Revision of serrulatus group • V. Alekseev et al.
Fig. 15 Eucyclops turcomanus Lindberg, 1952, female from type
locality, spring Tagao Boraq at Qal’eh Nou, Herat Province,
Afghanistan. 1 — cephalosome pore signature; 2 — coxa with
intercoxal sclerite of P4, posterior; 3, 4 — basipodite of A2 in
anterior and posterior view, respectively. Arrow indicates spinule
pattern missing in E. serrulatus. Scale bar: 1 = 100 µm; 2 = 75 µm, 3,
4 = 50 µm.
in the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
St. Petersburg (holotype accession number N 55021).
Brief description and differential diagnosis: for a full description,
see the original paper (Alekseev 2000). Female length (without
setae c. 930 µm) and habitus much like that of E. serrulatus.
Caudal rami short, about 2.9 times al long as wide, similar to
E. hadjebensis, but with complete longitudinal row of spinules
(Fig. 16: 3). Shape and ornamentation of caudal setae similar
to E. serrulatus type A. Mouthparts as in E. serrulatus. Basipodite
of antenna on posterior face without long setules subdistally
as in E. serrulatus (Fig. 16: 4 –5). Highly diagnostic armament
of leg base of P4, which is setulose in E. serrulatus and all
serrulatus-like taxa studied here, but naked in E. dumonti
(Fig. 16: 2, arrow). Coxal spine of P4 fully setulated along its
outer margin in E. dumonti (Fig. 16: 2), while there is a gap in
the setulation in E. serrulatus.
For a full description of the male, which is structurally
similar to the female, see Alekseev (2000).
Pore patterns: the pore pattern of the cephalosome (Fig. 16:
1) reveals most of the typical pores found also in E. serrulatus,
Fig. 16 Eucyclops dumonti Alekseev, 2000, female from type locality,
Lake Bur-Nuur, Central Mongolia: 1 — cephalosome pore
signature; 2 — P4; 3 — caudal rami dorsal; 4 — A2, anterior; 5 —
A2, posterior. Scale bar: 1 = 100 µm; 2–3 = 75 µm; 4 –5 = 60 µm.
including the mid-posterior U formed by positions 33 and
34. However, some extra positions occur, both caudally (38
and 39) and frontally (40). The metasomal pattern (not shown)
is similar to that in E. serrulatus, and the urosomal pattern
conforms to that of the genus. For information on the 18S
rDNA gene, and the position of E. dumonti in the phylogeny
of the E. serrulatus-group, see below.
6. Eucylops pectinifer (Cragin, 1883)
Material examined: 56 individuals (17 females, 10 males and 29
copepodites) from the littoral of Gees Lake near Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA, in the same general area (New England)
as Cragin’s type locality (a pond on the campus of Harvard
University) were studied. Female neotype bears accession
number 55037 and is deposited in the Federal Collection of
the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
St. Petersburg, Russia.
Justification of a neotype: Francis W. Cragin, a native of Kansas,
spent the year 1880–1 at the Lawrence Scientific School of
Harvard College and was invited to the laboratory of marine
biology of Alexander Agassiz at Newport, RI. Although mainly
Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147 • © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006
V. Alekseev et al. • Revision of serrulatus group
Fig. 17 Eucyclops pectinifer (Cragin, 1883) neotype from Gees Lake near Philadelphia, PA, USA. 1–8 female, 9–15 male: 1 — body, dorsal; 2 —
urosomites and caudal rami, ventral; 3 — P5; 4 — maxillule; 5 — maxilliped; 6 — maxilla; 7, 8 — A2 basipodite, anterior and posterior, respectively;
9 — body, dorsal; 10 — caudal rami, dorsal; 11 — urosomites with P5–P6; 12, 13 — basipodite of A2, posterior and anterior, respectively;
14 — P1; 15 — distal segment of P4 endopodite. Scale bar: 1, 9 = 400 µm; 2, 10 = 200 µm, 14 = 150 µm; 14 = 75 µm; 3–6, 12, 13, 15 = 70 µm.
a herpetologist, he collected plankton at Cambridge, MA, and
published a paper (Cragin 1883) about the copepods found
therein. He later returned to Kansas, became an administrator,
and never published on zooplankton again (Willard 1938).
He seems not to have conserved his early 1880s collections.
Nothing could be found in Harvard Museum, and nothing in
the Smithsonian Institution either (fide Frank Ferrari); we are
therefore compelled to accept that all material, including
types, has been lost.
Female: body dark brown, sometimes black; length without
caudal setae 1030 µm; with caudal setae, 1610 µm. Cephalosome
(Fig. 17: 1) 1.2 times as long as wide, maximum width at last
third. Last segment of prosome with lateral group of stiff
setules. Genital double somite as long as wide; seminal receptacle as shown in Fig. 17. Caudal rami (Fig. 17: 2) 5 times
longer than wide, with longitudinal row of spinules along most
of outer edge of each ramus. Lateral seta about half dorsal seta
and about 0.3 times the outermost seta. Length proportions
of four terminal setae, beginning from III to VI 1/3.2/8.7/1.1.
Antennule 12-segmented, with fine denticulated or almost
smooth hyaline membrane along three distalmost segments.
Setation of antennular segments beginning from first: 8/4/2/
6/4/2/2/3/2/3/3/8. First segment with curved row of spinules
at its base. Anterior surface of antennal basipodite (Fig. 17: 7)
with group of spinules near insertion of single seta; six long
spinules near insertion of two setae along inner margin;
longitudinal group with one long setule in distal part (arrow);
several groups of tiny spinules. Posterior face of antennal
basipodite (Fig. 17: 8) with seven long setules subdistally and
group of short setules along inner margin distally; with three
diagonal and parallel rows of spinules (N3–5) and one group of
marginal spinules (N17). Labrum (not shown) as in E. serrulatus.
© The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006 • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147
Revision of serrulatus group • V. Alekseev et al.
Fig. 18 Eucyclops pectinifer (Cragin, 1883)
female, neotype from Gees Lake: 1 —
cephalosome pore signature; 2–4 —
metasomal pore signatures; 5–8 = P1 – P4.
Scale bar: 1– 4 = 150 µm; 5–8 = 75 µm.
Gnathobase of mandible (Fig. 17) with six large teeth, basis
of mandible with long row of long setules around rudiment
of endopodital segment with two long and one small seta
distally. Maxillule (Fig. 17: 4) biramous with seven strong
teeth and two small and one strong seta at praecoxal arthrite;
palp with seven setae, surface without ornamentation. Maxilla
(Fig. 17: 6): praecoxa with two strong median setae. Maxilliped
(Fig. 17: 5) 4-segmented, syncoxopodite with two endites;
proximal endite with one, distal endite with two setae; basal
endite with two strong spines, one small seta and group of
strong spinules near site of fusion of rudimentary endopodite.
The latter 2-segmented; first segment with two strong spines
and slender seta; second segment with three elements in
all. Swimming legs 1–4 with 3-segmented rami (Fig. 18: 5–8),
spine (roman numerals) and seta (arabic numerals) formula as
Leg 1
Leg 2
Leg 3
Leg 4
I-1; I-1; III-5
I-1; I-1; IV-5
I-1; I-1; IV-5
I-1; I-1; III-5
0–1; 0–2; 1,I,4
0–1; 0–2; 1,I,4
0–1; 0–2; 1,I,4
0–1; 0–2; 1,II,2
Distal segment of P4Enp elongated, 3.2 times as long as
wide, with two strong apical spines; inner spine 1.32 times as
long as outer spine. Inner margin of basis P1– 4 with long
setules. Coxa of P1– 4 with strong spine, dense hair-setae on
inner side and large gap among short hair-setae on inner
side. Caudal side of coxa with tiny spinules on inner side, not
organized in groups, and groups of spinules and setules
representing formula A – B – C + D – E – H (Fig. 18: 8). Intercoxal sclerite of P1 (Fig. 18: 5) with two protuberances, a row of
small denticles around midway and two groups of finest spinules
on body of protuberances, not extending beyond edge. Intercoxal sclerites of P2–P3 also with high protuberances on free
edge and groups of setules as shown in Fig. 18: 6,7. Intercoxal
sclerite of P4 (Fig. 18: 8) without protuberances with row of
stiff incurved setae near outer edge and group of spinules at
mid-length; two groups of incurved setae along edge, two
groups of setules and spinules on body of sclerite. Coxa of P4
with strong spine bearing stiff setae on inner margin and only
1–2 setae on outer margin. Setae of P4Exp3 and apical seta of
P4Enp3 knife-shaped, as in type B of E. serrulatus. All other
limb setae cylindrical. P5 (Fig. 17: 3) 1-segmented with short
inner spine and two setae; outer seta subequal in length to
spine, middle seta about 2.5 times as long as spine. Egg sacs
(Fig. 17: 1) divergent, with 20–25 eggs each.
Male: body length 716 µm; with caudal setae, 1266 µm.
Cephalosome (Fig. 17: 9) 1.2 times as long as wide, with
maximal width close to its posterior end. Last segment of
prosome without lateral setae. Caudal rami (Fig. 17: 10) 4.3
times longer than wide, seta III about half of seta VI; V seta
2.8 times longer than seta IV. Antennule 14-segmented;
antennal basipodite (Fig. 17: 12–13) as in female, with four
long setules posterior (N1, N2) and two diagonal rows of
4–5 spines each; anterior with fewer shorter and slender spines
than in female. Morphology of mouth parts (not shown)
and P1 (Fig. 17: 14) as in female. Coxopodites and intercoxal
sclerites P1 as shown in Fig. 17: 14. Intercoxal sclerites P4
Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147 • © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006
V. Alekseev et al. • Revision of serrulatus group
(not shown) and spinules on coxal segment basically as in
female. Distal segment of endopodite of P4 3.1 times as long
as wide, with inner spine 1.8 times as long as outer spine
(Fig. 17: 15). P5 (Fig. 17: 11) with inner spine shorter than in
female, outer seta 1.15 as long as spine, middle seta about 3
times as long as spine. P6 (Fig. 17: 11) with strong inner spine
reaching fourth pediger and two setae with length proportions,
beginning from outer seta, 1/0.87/1.8.
Differential diagnosis: Cragin’s picture of E. pectinifer (Fig. 4:
3) shows an unmistakable Eucyclops of the serrulatus group,
with strong serra and setulation of the terminal furcal setae of
type A. He found the female of his species easy to separate
from E. serrulatus by the length of the furcal setae: the outer
seta is less than half as long as the inner one. Additional
distinctive characters occur on the caudal side of the antennal
basipodite: the lateral group of hair-setae is more than 3 times
shorter than the top group, and the first (top) diagonal line
consists of long spines similar in length to the spines of the
second line. In E. serrulatus and most other species studied,
the longest spines of the antennal basipodite are in the second
row. The frontal side of the antennal basipodite has a longitudinal group with at least one long hair-like spine in its distal
part. Morphometric differences between E. pectinifer and
E. serrulatus from Petershoff, type A are given in Table 7.
Pore pattern (Fig. 18: 1– 4): rostral and postrostral pores as in
E. serrulatus. Cephalosome with axial pore position 15 lacking.
Position 10 apparently absent (but this also happens at times
in E. serrulatus); asymmetries (no pore, or single pore on one
half of the body, double pore on the other) in positions 17, 23,
24, 25, 29, 42. Specific and supplementary positions 41 and
42 present (asymmetric). Typical posterior U of serrulatus
group present. In one specimen, an axial pair of pores inside
the opening of the U. Positions 23–24 –25 again seem to form
a functional unit, with pore capable of migrating between
positions (identity of position 23 is slightly uncertain). Metasome 1 with position 2 absent, metasome 2 with position 8
absent. Metasome 3 with an extra pair of lateral pores and
positions 6 and 7 double (single in serrulatus). Urosomal pore
pattern as in E. serrulatus.
Male: not studied.
7. Eucyclops macruroides (Lilljeborg, 1901)
Material examined: 12 males, 23 females, collected in a small
river in the vicinity of Lund, Sweden (terra typica), in collection
of V. Alekseev.
Eucycops macruroides does not belong to the serrulatus group;
it has a row of robust denticles along the terminal segment of
the 12-segmented antennule, and extremely long caudal rami.
Numerous other anatomical microcharacters also set it well
aside (see Table 2). It is here included to serve as an in-genus
outgroup in the phylogenetic evaluation of the pore signature.
Female pore pattern (Figs 19, 20): rostral and postrostral positions as in E. serrulatus, and therefore likely to be diagnostic
at the genus level only. Cephalosome with reduced pore
complement. Positions 8, 10, 11, 15, 19 (?), 22, 23 (?), 31, 32 and
34 missing. The last couple of pores particularly significant,
because they are part of the posterior U-shape, which is only
partly expressed in this species. Some positions are single,
against double in the serrulatus-group (4, 5 and 30), but here
as well as in other species, left-right asymmetries occur (e.g.
position 2, which could be either a singleton or a doubleton).
The metasomal pattern is puzzling, because many small, asymmetric pores were found. It appears that metasome segments
1 and 2 have at least two extra pairs of lateral pores, while
metasomal segment 3 has extra pores in the basal zone of the
mid-dorsum. Apparently, this species shows a tendency for a
Table 7 Morphometric comparison of Eucyclops pectinifer with E. serrulatus.
and indices
Length (µm)
L/W gen. som.
L/W c.r.
Si/So c.r.
Si/L c.r.
Smi/Smo c.r.
L/W endP4
SPi/SPe endP4
SPi/L endP4
E. pectinifer
E. serrulatus StPetsb area
Mean ± SD
1028 ± 0.015
1.01 ± 0.011
5.15 ± 0.031
1.14 ± 0.015
0.583 ± 0.16
2.15 ± 0.082
3.18 ± 0.234
1.79 ± 0.115
1.1 ± 0.051
1.41 ± 0.061
Mean ± SD
1043 ± 0.018
0.942 ± 0.034
4.79 ± 0.061
1.486 ± 0.16
0.690 ± 0.126
1.482 ± 0.085
2.54 ± 0.247
1.317 ± 0.105
1.04 ± 0.069
1.427 ± 0.082
SD, standard deviation; n, number; StPetsb, St. Petersburg; L/W, length to width ratio; gen. som., genital somite; c.r., caudal rami; Si/Se, ratio of innermost setae to outermost seta;
Si/L c.r., ratio of innermost setae to caudal ramus. Smi/Sme, ratio of inner medial setae to outer medial seta; endP4, terminal endopodite segment of P4; SPi/SPe, internal to outer
spine ratio; SPi/L, ratio of internal spine to length of distal endopodite segment of P4; AS1/AS3, ratio of first to third segment of antennula.
© The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006 • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147
Revision of serrulatus group • V. Alekseev et al.
Fig. 19 Eucyclops macruroides (Lill.), female
from Lund, Sweden: 1–4 — metasomal pore
signatures; 5 — rostral signature; 6 —
cephalosome pore signature, central part.
Scale bar: 1–4 = 100 µm; 5–6 = 85 µm.
8. Afrocyclops gibsoni (Brady, 1904)
Material examined: two females, littoral of Lake Faguibine,
Internal delta of Niger River, Mali, 1 March 1976 (for more
information about the locality, see Dumont et al. 1981).
The type locality is Natal, South Africa, but the species is
distributed Africa-wide.
decision. Free metasome segment 1 (Fig. 20: 2) with only six
pores on either side of the longitudinal axis is also relatively
deficient in pores, but metasome segment 2 has a surplus of
pores (Fig. 20: 3–4), which seem to vary quite a bit. Metasome
segment 3 has seven pores on each side of the midline, of which
one is a triplet (Fig. 20: 5). Urosome pore pattern distinct from
that of Eucyclops (Fig. 20: 2–5): genital segment dorsally with
a triplet of pores about halfway, and a row of four posterior
pores. Second segment dorsally as in Eucylops, but third also with
three pores, and anal segment with six dorsal pores (against
four in Eucyclops).
Brief description: habitus, size and gross morphology much
like a Eucyclops, but caudal rami strongly elongated (up to 10
times as long as wide) and completely devoid of longitudinal
row of spinules (Fig. 20: 6–7). Pore pattern: see Fig. 20: 1–5.
Even though Afrocyclops is generically distinct from Eucyclops,
it proved possible to homologize many pore positions. On
the cephalosome, even more positions are vacant than in
E. macruroides: 4, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, and
34. The number of axial positions is reduced to two, and the
posterior U is absent. Positions 2, 20, 21 and 22 were singletons, position 18 was asymmetric, and position 19 had three
pores (pore exchange between 19 and 20?). It should be noted
that 21 and 22 could have been interpreted as a single position;
that both are represented by a singleton was thus an arbitrary
Phylogenetic relationships
Cephalosome pore pattern-based phylogeny: the coding system
defining the state of the pore-characters is shown in Table 8.
A consensus tree including eight taxa, with E. macruroides and
A. gibsoni as outgroups, is shown in Fig. 21: it reveals all taxa
in the serrulatus-group to be closely related. E. serrulatus and
E. hadjebensis cluster together, and form a clade distinct from
that containing E. speratus, E. dumonti and E. pectinifer. Eucylops
dumonti and E. speratus come out as close relatives, a position
also supported by morphology. E. turcomanus is the most
distant member of this group although with low bootstrap
support. Eucyclops macruroides and Afrocyclops gibsoni have high
bootstrap support and belong to a clade that could be called
a ‘non-serrulatus group’.
fragmentation of pores into porules. Urosomal pore pattern
as in E. serrulatus.
Male: not studied.
Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147 • © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006
V. Alekseev et al. • Revision of serrulatus group
Table 8 Coding system for pore positions on dorsum of cephalosome (0 = position vacant, 1 = 1 pore, 2 = doublet; 3 = triplet).
serrulatus Petersburg type B
Afrocyclops gibsoni
Fig. 21 Maximum parsimony (MP) tree based on pore signature
data. The MP analysis used 1000 replicates to assess the reliability of
individual branches in the phylogenetic tree; bootstrap support
expressed as a percentage.
Fig. 20 Afrocyclops gibsoni, female from Mali, pore signature: 1 —
cephalosome; 2–5 — metasomites 2–5; 6, 7 — urosomites in ventral
and dorsal view. Scale bar 1–7 = 75 µm.
18S rDNA-based phylogeny: we obtained 18S rDNA gene
sequences for three populations of E. serrulatus and for four
related congeners (not exactly the same taxa as in the porepattern study). The gene is 1808–9 base pairs long, and its
G + C content varies between 49.14% (E. speratus) and 50.61%
(M. albidus) (Table 9). There is no sequence variation among
the five E. serrulatus populations studied. Unfortunately, no
representative from the North African Atlas Mountains could
be included. Phylogenetic analysis, using the methods described
above, resulted in the tree shown in Fig. 22. The tree topology,
genetic distances and absolute nucleotide differences between
taxa show that populations of E. serrulatus from Petershoff
and Ghent and their hybrids cluster closely, including forms
A and B, with E. speratus closely related but definitely a distinct taxon. A North American E. serrulatus sequence taken
from the data bank stands well away from this ‘serrulatus
s. str. group’. The sequence was deposited by Dr T. Spears
(Tallahassee), who told us that its origin was a culture obtained
from a commercial supplier in the north-east USA. It is definitely
not serrulatus, and its origin suggests it is E. pectinifer. A final
clade, grouping E. dumonti and E. macruroides, is somewhat
surprising in that E. dumonti is morphologically closer to the
serrulatus-group than to E. macruroides, but this clade may
represent an artifact that would disappear if more species
were included in the tree.
By any standard and method, considerable intra- and interpopulation variability was encountered in E. serrulatus. The type
population contained three forms (A, B and C) that differ in
setae morphology of the caudal rami and the swimming legs
(Table 1), but all easily mated and had fertile offspring across
© The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006 • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147
Revision of serrulatus group • V. Alekseev et al.
Table 9 Gene length, GC content and accession number of the ribosomal 18S gene and geographical origin of the species used in this study.
18S (bp)
GC percentage
EMBL acc.
Geographical origin
Eucyclops serrulatus FA
Eucyclops serrulatus FA × FB
Eucyclops serrulatus FA
Eucyclops serrulatus FA
Eucyclops ‘serrulatus’
Eucyclops speratus
Eucyclops dumonti
Eucyclops macruroides
Ectocyclops polyspinosus
Macrocyclops albidus
St. Petersburg, Russia
St. Petersburg, Russia
Tumen, Russia
Ghent, Belgium
north-east USA
St. Petersburg, Russia
Central Mongolia
St. Petersburg, Russia
Montreal, Canada
Ghent, Belgium
V. Alekseev
V. Alekseev
V. Alekseev
V. Alekseev
T. Spears
V. Alekseev
V. Alekseev
V. Alekseev
V. Alekseev
V. Alekseev
Fig. 22 Phylogeny based on 18S ribosomal DNA sequences; consensus
tree for neighbor joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP) and
maximum likelihood (ML) methods. The NJ analysis used the
optimality criterion distance, a bootstrap method with NJ search,
ties broken randomly and distance measure set to maximum
likelihood using the data as determined by ModelTest. The MP
analysis generated three most parsimonious trees (MPTs) of 98 steps
(CI = 0.9388, RI = 0.8333, RC = 0.7823). Bootstrap method with
heuristic search, stepwise taxon addition, TBR branch swapping,
MULTREES option, no steepest descent, rearrangements limited to
10 000 000, and accelerated transformation. The ML analysis with
GTR + G + I, gamma correction, R = (0.9413, 1.6963, 0.7570, 0.5504,
3.3251), Pinv = 0.7499, and gamma shape parameter = 0.8368 generated
a tree with a log likelihood of −3109.09943. The numbers along the
branches indicate NJ (first number), MP (second number) and ML
(third number) bootstrap support, and are expressed as a percentage.
two generations. Hybrids were morphologically identifiable
and also occurred in the natural population of the type locality.
Cross-breeding was equally easy between specimens of groups
A, B and C obtained from Siberia (Tumen) and western
Europe (Ghent). A single substitution in the 18S rDNA gene
between forms A and B can therefore not have much taxonomic weight. Forms attributable to forms A–C were also
found in North Africa by Kiefer (1954) and by ourselves, and
at least two groups (probably A and B) were reported from
Britain by Gurney (1933). Eucyclops hadjebensis Kiefer was found
to be so close in all microcharacters examined (unfortunately
no specimens were available for cross-breeding or for genetic
analysis), that we reduce it to a subspecies of serrulatus,
geographically isolated in springs in the Atlas mountains of
North Africa. The comparative rarity of form C over the entire
range of E. serrulatus suggests that a recessive gene controls
the pit-pattern. Pit-patterned phenotypes are also known in
other cyclopids, like Acanthocyclops signifer Mazepova from
Lake Baikal and in Eucyclops speratus infniensis Dumont &
Decraemer, 1977 from Morocco. The latter was singled out
as a subspecies based on evidence of its extended furcal rami,
but it is here considered to represent form C of E. serrulatus.
Similarly, analysis of the pore signature revealed only small
differences between forms A and B (Fig. 12: 1–2, Tables 1, 2),
and these differences (pore positions expressed as either
singletons or doubletons, or present on one side of the
integument but not on the other) were equally common within
and between groups. They are therefore considered as
individual variations. Other minor interpopulation differences
include spine group 13 of the antennal basipodite of form B
in the type population, but this was also present in form A
from localities in Scandinavia (Table 1). Also, a difference in
the length of the setules of the coxal membrane of P4 in forms
A and B exists (setules long, short, absent) (Fig. 6: 9–10), but
such differences cannot be more than individual variation
(Tables 2, 3). Eucyclops serrulatus (including E. hadjebensis) can,
however, be unequivocally diagnosed by the following
morphological characters: caudal side of basipodite of A2 with
two groups of long setules, one subdistally, one on the distal
inner margin, frontal side of basipodite A2 without spinule
group 9, Coxa of P4 with row of 12–14 stong denticles subdistally (groups C + D), coxal spine with a gap in the strong
setules on outer margin (Fig. 8: 8, arrow, and Fig. 11: 4, arrow),
and basis of P4 with long dense setules on inner surface.
To separate E. speratus from E. serrulatus, the length-offurca character is not very useful, as broad overlap occurs.
However, in E. speratus there are no setules on the caudal side
of the antennal basipodite, no gap in the setules on the outer
margin of the coxal spine of P4, but a high number of spinules
in groups C + D (25–28) and in E (8) on the coxa of P4.
Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147 • © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006
V. Alekseev et al. • Revision of serrulatus group
Eucyclops dumonti lacks setules on the inner surface of the
basipodite of P4 (Fig. 16: 2, arrow). Additionally, it has only
15–18 spines in groups C + D. Apart from that, it shares more
characters with E. speratus than with E. serrulatus (except for
the large difference in length/width ratio of the caudal rami):
no hair-setae on posterior face basipodite of A2, anterior face
of basipodite A2 with a group of spines at position 9, both
sides of coxal spine of P4 homogeneously setulose. Eucyclops
turcomanus is close to E. serrulatus but a spine group 9 is
present on anterior face of the basipodite of A2, and the coxa
of P4 has a reduced number (< 12) of spines in groups A + D.
Eucyclops pectinifer is also close to E. serrulatus (see differences
in size, Table 8) but the posterior surface of the basipodite of
A2 has only one group of setules subdistally (1), while group 2
is represented by strong spinules (Fig. 17, arrow). In the medial
row (12), the anterior surface shows one or two long spines
(arrow), and the coxa of P4 has about 10 long setae instead of
denticles in groups A + D. All this suggests a closely related
group of species, confirmed by the phylogenetic tree based
on cephalosomal pore patterns (Fig. 21). As might be expected,
E. serrulatus and E. hadjebensis cluster together, as do E. speratus
and E. dumonti; E. turcomanus appears to be the most distant
member of what could be called the ‘serrulatus-group’.
Morphological characters uniting this group include a
12-segmented A1 with a finely serrated membrane along the
three distalmost segments, caudal rami of variable length but
always at least partly with longitudinal row of setules on the
outer margins; antennal basipodite posteriori at least with
one group of long setules subdistally (groups 1, 2). The base
of the cephalosome has a medial U-shaped figure formed
by the eight pores of positions 33 and 34, and an identical poreconfiguration of the metasomal and urosomal segments.
Eucyclops macruroides differs by a coarsely spinulated antennal
apex, an extremely long furca practically devoid of spinules on
its outer margins, and absence of the dorsal U-shaped pore
figure of the base of the cephalosome. The pore configuration
on the metasomal segments might also be diagnostic, but needs
more study. The 18 S rDNA-based tree reveals the identity of
the different morphotypes of E. serrulatus and their hybrids,
confirms E. speratus as a separate taxon, and also strongly
suggests that the E. serrulatus from North America taken
from the DNA database is different from E. serrulatus known
in Europe and Asia. It either represents E. pectinifer or another
related North American taxon. Somewhat puzzling is the
clustering of E. dumonti with E. macruroides, but this may be
an artefact that might disappear with more extensive taxon
sampling. At the genus level, Afrocyclops and Eucyclops can be
separated by the morphological characters currently considered
standard for these genera, but also by the pore pattern on
the cephalosome, metasome and urosome. This opens new
possibilities for study, the hypothesis to be tested being that
closely related cyclopoid species can be identified by specific
pore configurations on the cephalosome, while species groups
additionally have differences in the metasome pore configurations, and related genera differ by the number and position
of their urosomal pores.
A question that needs to be addressed is that of the origin
of the two main forms of E. serrulatus, and how these forms
persist in shallow lakes with no apparent possibility to avoid
mixing. Eucyclops serrulatus is well adapted to inhabit the
littoral and near-bottom zone of lakes. In Lake Sevan, for
example, one of us (V. A.) collected specimens from depths of
5–6 m to 120 m. But even in such a large lake, the near-shore
area is at risk of drying up in summer, which is the time for
reproduction of this cyclopoid. Lakes under a strong selecting
factor like a summer drought in their littoral could support the
coexistence of two forms if one were adapted to deep seasonal
changes in the littoral and the other to stable limnetic conditions. Form A indeed seems adapted to survive in biotopes at
risk of drying up; it is found in temporary water bodies, while
form B occurs mainly in permanent waters and springs.
This speculation should be checked experimentally against a
similar adaptation reported in the near bottom-thermophilic
Macrocyclops albidus (Alekseev 1985, 1990). Here, a population
collected in the near-shore area of Lake Uchenoe showed
alternative photoperiodic responses in producing diapausing
stages. While one part of the population produced a maximum
of diapausing stages under a long-day photoperiod, another part
did so under short-day conditions. Hybrids showed intermediate
photoperiodic responses. A diapause during summer (long day)
would be adaptive in temporarily drying-up environments like
shallow bays or near-shore pools, an environment relatively
shielded from fish predation. Alternatively, the population
living in deep water can breed longer and at the best time, but
is exposed to a higher risk of fish predation.
It is possible that a comparable difference in habitat choice,
linked to a different cue for initiating dormancy, perpetuates
the coexistence of the two forms of E. serrulatus. But what is
the origin of these two forms? One possibility is that they are
of glacial age. In the Old World, the existence of two main
Pleistocene refuge areas, one in the west (Iberia-North Africa),
one in the east (the Balkans and West Asia as far as the PontoCaspian depression) is well known (De Lattin 1967). Here,
plants and animals retreated during glacial advances, and
evolved in isolation. Each time the glaciers retreated, they
recolonized the vacated territories, at various speeds, hybridizing where the east and west re-invading fronts met (Hewitt
2000). Eucyclops serulatus is a rapid invader, and may quickly
have extended north and west, with the ecological differences
between the forms preventing the formation of a typical cline
or hybrid zone, and slowing down introgression.
In North America, two coalescing ice-sheets, the Laurentide
and the Cordilleran, divided the continent into two blocs:
Beringia in the north-west, and an area below the Great Lakes
© The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2006 • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 2, March 2006, pp123– 147
Revision of serrulatus group • V. Alekseev et al.
in the south (Pielou 1991). The possibility of independent
evolution in disjunct refugia therefore also exists in the New
World. To the best of our knowledge, E. pectinifer does not
show polymorphism, but yet another member of the serrulatusgroup, E. prionophorus (Kiefer) does. Although no fresh
specimens were available for DNA and pore-pattern analysis,
we found that variation similar to that in E. serrulatus occurs
in the armament of caudal seta and distal segment of P4.
Eucyclops prionophorus females have only one group of setules
at the top of the caudal side of basipodite A2, and a short A1
that does not reach the first free somite, while males have a
much longer spine on P6 than E. serrulatus.
Upon checking the types of E. prionophorus (Kiefer collection, Karlsruhe Museum of Natural History), we found that
slides NN1506–1508 from New Haven (north-east USA)
can be attributed to form A, while specimens from a southern
population (Paraguay) belong to forms A, B and hybrids between
them (slides NN 3103–3106). One possibility, therefore, is
that form A originated close to, or north-west of, the glaciers;
this hypothesis implies that the polymorphism embodied in
the existence of forms A and B arose at least twice during the
Pleistocene. An alternative hypothesis is that these two forms
were already present in the common ancestor of E. serrulatus
and E. prionophorus, and were retained in some, but not all, of its
descendents. This would place the origin of the polymorphism
back in the Pliocene at least. Testing which of these hypotheses
is nearer to the truth will need additional molecular and
morphological analysis.
A final word needs to be said about the geographical range
of E. serrulatus sensu lato. Clearly, it extends from North Africa,
the Mediterranean basin, continental Europe and Russia to
most of Siberia and perhaps Central Asia. In North (and
possibly) South America, it is, however, replaced by related
species. In South-east Asia we know of serrulatus-like specimens
close to type A of the type population (Northern Thailand and
Southern China, Guangdong Province). On the Mongolian
plateau, it seems to be replaced by E. dumonti, and related
but possibly distinct species occur in Japan (Ishida 1997, 1998)
and perhaps elsewhere in the Far East and in Lake Baikal
(Alekseev 1989). In Australia, serrulatus-like animals occur, but
preliminary cross-breeding experiments by one of us ( J. P.)
established a genetic incompatibility between specimens from
South Australia and from Ghent. In Africa south of the Sahara,
finally, countless records have claimed to establish the presence
of E. serrulatus, but all of these are based on identifications using
obsolete species definitions, and are therefore up for revision.
This study was supported by NATO Linkage Grant no. 974986
to H. J. Dumont, a Biodiversity grant from the Presidium of
the Russian Academy of Sciences, and grant N 04-04-49053
from RFBR to V. Alekseev. Dr P. Weekers (Ghent) assisted
with the technical molecular work and calculated the phylogenetic trees. Dr Hans Mittmann (Karlsruhe Natural History
Museum, Germany) helped one of us (V. A.) during his examination of Kiefer’s collection. Dr Frank Ferrari (Smithsonian
Institution, Washington DC, USA) kindly assisted us with
inquiries into the fate of Cragin’s collections. Dr Trisha Spears
(Florida, USA) provided information about the origin of an
Eucyclops ‘serrulatus’ from the US, used in gene sequencing.
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