Prof. Dr. Feroz AHMAD - Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi


Prof. Dr. Feroz AHMAD - Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi
1966 yılında Londra Üniversitesi'nde "The Committee of Union and
Progress in Turkish Politics, 1908-1913" isimli tezi ile doktora
derecesini elde etmiştir. Bu tez kapsamında, 1962-1964 yılları
arasında Türkiye'de alan çalışması yapmıştır.
1966 yılında, Columbia Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Okulu'na
(School of International Affairs) "Senior Research Fellow" olarak
1967 yılında Massachusetts Üniversitesi (Boston)'nde Yardımcı
Doçent olarak göreve başlamıştır. 1970 yılında Doçent ve 1978
yılında ise Profesör ünvanını almıştır.
1980-1981 yılları arasında, Harvard Üniversitesi Orta Doğu
Çalışmaları Merkezi'nde (Center for Middle Eastern Studies) H.A.R.
Gibb "Visiting Lecturer" olarak görev almıştır. 1983-1984 yılları
arasında,Türkiye ve İngiltere'de araştırmalar yapmıştır.
1987 yılında, Massachusetts Üniversitesi Sanat ve Bilim Koleji
(College of Arts and Sciences) tarafından kendisine "Outstanding
Achievement Award" verilmiştir.
1989 yılında, Wisconsin- Madison Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Bölümü
Havens Merkezi'nde (Havens Center) "Visiting Scholar" olarak görev
1991-1994 yılları arasında, Massachusetts Üniversitesi'ne "University
Research Professor" olarak atanmıştır.
1994 yılında, Cambridge History of Turkey dergisinin dördüncü
cildinin editörlüğünü yapmıştır.
1993-1999 yılları arasında, International Journal of Middle East
Studies dergisinin Editörlük Kurulunda görev almıştır.
1997-1998 yılları arasında ise, Türkiye'de Fulbright öğretim üyesi
olarak ders vermiştir.
2002-2003 ve 2004-2005 yılları arasında, Tufts Üniversitesi Fares
Merkezi'nde (Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies)
"Visiting Scholar" olarak, ve Fletcher Hukuk ve Diplomasi Okulu'nda
(Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy) "Adjunct Professor of
Diplomatic History" olarak görev almıştır.
Prof. Dr. Ahmad'ın aşağıda belirtilen kitaplarının önemli bir bölümü,
dilimize de çevrilerek Türkiye'de yayınlanmıştır.
-The Young Turks, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1969.
-İttihat ve Terakki, Istanbul 1971 (Turkish translation of The Young
Turks). New editions,İIstanbul 1984 and l986, 94, & 1999.
-The Turkish Experiment in Democracy, 1950-1975, The Royal
Institute of International Affairs, London 1977.
-with B. Ahmad, An Annotated Chronology of Multi-Party Politics in
Turkey, 1945-1971 (in Turkish), Bilgi Yayinevi, Ankara 1977.
-İttihatçılıktan Kemalizme ("From Unionism to Kemalism") Kaynak
Yayınevi, İstanbul 1985. (This is a book of essays on late Ottoman
and modern Turkish History published in Turkish).
-The Making of Modern Turkey, Routledge, London and New York
-Demokrasi Surecinde Turkiye (l945-l980), Hil Yayin : Istanbul,
August l994. (Translation of The Turkish Experiment in
Democracy l950-1975 updated to September l980).
-Modern Türkiye'nin Olusumu. Sarmal Yayınevi : İstanbul : 1995
(Translation of The Making of Modern Turkey)
-New revised edition, Kaynak Yayınlar : İstanbul, December 1999.
-Turkey: The Quest for Identity. One World: Oxford. 2003
Work in Progress :
-Turkey and the First World War, l914-1918 (forthcoming)
With Dr. A Ahuja, an annotated translation of A.D. Novichev,
Ekonomika Turtsii v period mirovoi (The Economy of Turkey during
the World War, Leningrad, l935) with annotations and introduction
by Feroz Ahmad.
"Great Britain's Relations with the Young Turks, 1908-l914" Middle
Eastern Studies, ii/4 (July 1966), pp. 302-329.
Articles : "Huseyin Hilmi"
"Hukma" (The Ottoman Empire)
"Hurriyet ve Itilaf" (with D.A. Rustow)
"Ibrahim Hakki"
"Ittihadi Muhammedi"
"Ittihad ve Terakki"
"Mehmed Salim al Kazimi"
"Mahmud Shawkat Pasha"
"Mukhtar Pasha, Gazi Ahmad"
"Rida Nur"
"Talat Pasha"
"Yegana, Ali Munif"
In Encyclopedia of Islam, 2nd ed., Leiden 1953"The Young Turk Revolution," Journal of Contemporary History, iii/3
(July 1970), 19-36.
Review Article on Ulrich Trumpener, Germany and the Ottoman
Empire, Princeton 1968 in Middle Eastern Studies, vi/1 (January
"1908-1914 Yillari Arasinda Buyuk Britanya'nin Jon Turkler'le
Munasebetleri," Turk Tarih Enstitusu Dergisi (Journal of the Historical
Institute, Istanbul University) no.2, 1971,153-180.
"The Turkish Guerillas: Symptom of a Deeper Malaise," New Middle
East, no.55 (April 1973), 13-16.
"The role of Ali Fuat Cebesoy in the Turkish Revolution, Notes and
Communication, International Journal of Middle East Studies, iv/3
(July 1973),365-366.
"The Secularisation of Politics in Turkey, Relevance for "India?" in
Zafer Imam (ed.) Muslims in India, Orient Longman, New Delhi
1974, 273-94.
with D.A. Rustow "The Parliament of the Second Constitutional
Period, 1908-1918," in Guney-Dogu Avrupa Arastirmalari Dergisi,
Istanbul 1976, 245-284.
"Vanguard of a Nascent Bourgeoisie: The Social and Economic
Policies of the Young Turks 1908-1918," in Osman Okyar and Halil
Inalcik (eds.), Social and Economic History of Turkey(1071-1920),
Ankara 1980,
"Turkey's Democratic Tradition," in Foreign Policy, (Ankara), vol.
VIII, nos. 3-4, Ankara 1981, 35-40
"The Political Economy of Kemalism," in Ali Kazancigil, and Ergun
Ozbudun (eds.), Ataturk Founder of a Modern State,London 1981,
145-63; French translation "L'économie politique du kemalisme" in
A. Kazancigil et E. Ozbudun (eds.), Ataturk fondateur de la Turquie
moderne, Paris 1984,139-56.
"Military intervention and the Crisis in Turkey", MERIP Reports, no.
93, January 1981, 5-24. Reprinted in Huseyin Ramazanoglu (ed.),
Turkey in the World Capitalist System, London l985, 191-219.
"The Islamic Assertion in Turkey: Pressures and State Response",
Arab Studies Quarterly, vol. 4, nos.1 & 2, Spring 1982,94-109.
"Unionist Relations with the Greek, Armenian and Jewish
Communities of the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1914" in Benjamin
Braude and Bernard Lewis (eds.), Christians and Jews in the
Ottoman Empire, vol.1, New York, 1982, 401-34
"The Agrarian Policy of the Young Turks 1908-1918," in Jean-Louis
Bacque-Grammont and Paul Dumont (eds.), Economie et Sociétés
dans L'Empire Ottoman, Paris 1983, 275-88.
"Turkiye'de Kemalizm ve Siyasetin Laiklesmesi" (Kemalism and the
Secularization of Politics in Turkey) in the proceedings of the 1981
International conference on Ataturk entitled Ataturk'un Dusunce ve
Uygulamalarinin Evrensel Boyutlari, Ankara 1983, 41-49.
"The Turkish Elections of 1983", Merip Reports, no.122, March-April
1984, 3-11.
"Local Elections Set Turkey's Political Configuration", Merip Reports
no. 124, June 1984.
"La politique extérieure turque", Les Temps Modernes, nos. 456-457,
Juillet-Aout 1984,156-74.
"1914-1915 Yillarinda Istanbul'da Hint Milliyetci Devrimciler;"
(Turkish: Indian Nationalist Revolutionaries in Istanbul, 1914-1915),
in Yapit, no. 6, August-September 1984,5-15.
"The State and Intervention in Turkey" in Turcica revue d'etudes
Turques, vol. xvi, 1984, 51-64. Translated as "Turkiye'de Devlet ve
Mudahale" in Turkiye Sorunlari - l988 Yilligi, Alan, Istanbul, Feb.
l988, l36-l46.
"The Late Ottoman Empire" in Marian Kent (ed.), The Great Powers
and the End of the Ottoman Empire, London l984, 5-30.
"The Transition to Democracy in Turkey", Third World Quarterly, vol.
7, no. 2, April 1985, 211-26.
"Leon Trotsky's Writings on the Ottoman State, the 1908 Revolution,
and the Balkan Wars 1912-1913" (in Turkish) in Tarih ve Toplum,
no. 17, May 1985, 12-18.
"The Times (London) and the Kemalist Revolution l930-l939" in
Turkiye'de Yabanci Dilde Basin, Istanbul l985, 155-71.
"Turkiye'nin Cumhuriyet Donemi Siyasal Gelismeleri" (Political
Developments in Turkey during the Republican Period) in Cumhuriyet
Donemi Turkiye Ansiklopedisi (Turkey Encyclopaedia : the
Republican Period), 1991-98.
"Ittihat ve Terakki'nin Dis Politikasi (l908-l918)" (The Foreign Policy
of Union and Progress (l908-l918), in Tanzimat'tan Cumhuriyet'e
Turkiye Ansiklopedisi (Turkey Encyclopaedia : from the Tanzimat to
the Republic), Istanbul, l985-6, 293-303.
"The Kemalist Movement and India", Cahiers du GETC (Groupe
d'études sur Turquie contemporaine), no.3, Automne l987, ll2-26
(special number edited by Iskender Gokalp & Francois Georgeon).
"Islamic Reassertion in Turkey", Third World Quarterly, vol,10, no.2,
April l988, 750-69.
"War and Society under the Young Turks, l908-l918", Review
(Fernand Braudel Center) vol.xi, no.2, Spring l988, 265-86.
(Translated as "Jon Turkler doneminde Savas ve Toplum" in Tarih ve
Toplum (History and Society, no.64, 239-48).
"Die Suche nach einer Ideologie in der Kemalistischen Turkei l9l9l939" (The Search for Ideology in Kemalist Turkey, l9l9-l939) in
Linda Schatkowski Schilcheer & Claus Scharf (eds.), Der Nahe Osten
in der Zwischenkriegszeit l9l9-l939, Franz Steiner Verlag : Stuttgart,
l989, 341-354.
"Ottoman Armed Neutrality and Intervention : August-November
l914" in Studies on Ottoman Diplomatic History, no. iv, Sinan
Kuneralp (ed.) Istanbul : the Isis Press (n.d. l990?), 41-61.
"Politics and Islam in Modern Turkey", Middle Eastern Studies,
(London) vol.27/i, January 1991, 3-21.
"La politique etrangere de la Turquie dans les annes 80" in La
Turquie au Seuil de l'Europe , Paul Dumont & Francois Georgeon
(eds.) Paris : L'Harmattan, l991, 239-55.
"The Progressive Republican Party, l924-1925" in Political Parties and
Democracy in Turkey, Metin Heper and Jacob Landau (eds.), London
& New York : I.B. Tauris, l991, 65-82.
"Arab Nationalism, Radicalism, and the Specter of Neocolonialism" in
Monthly Review, vol. 42, February l991, pp. 30-37.
"A Note on the International Status of Kuwait before November l914"
in International Journal of Middle East Studies, vol. 24/i, Feb. l992,
The Politics of Islamic Reassertion (or 'Fundamentalism') : the Social
and Ideological Dimensions, Distinguished Lecture Series, 19911992, May l992, Office of Graduate Studies and Research, University
of Massachusetts at Boston,1-16.
"Postage Stamps, Politics and Ideology in the Late Ottoman Empire"
(in Turkish) in Tarik Zafer Tunaya'ya Armagan, Istanbul, l992, 335342
"War and Socety under the Young Turks l908-1918" in Albert
Hourani, Philip Khoury, and Mary Wilson (eds.), The Modern Middle
East : A Reader, I.B. Tauris : London & New York, l993, 125-143.
(Reprint of the article first published in Revue, Spring l988)
Articles: 1) 'Kemal Ataturk'; 2) 'Turkey'; and 3) 'Young Turks' in The
Oxford Companion to the Politics of the World, Joel Krieger, editorin-chief. Oxford University Press, New York, l993
"The Development of Class Consciousness in Turkey" in Workers and
Working Classes in the Middle East : Struggles, Histories,
Historiographies, Zachary Lockman (ed.), SUNY : Albany, l994, pp.
"Some Thoughts on the Role of Ethnic and Religious Minorities in the
Genesis and Development of the Socialist Movement in Turkey
(1876-1923)" in Mete Tuncay and Erik Jan Zurcher (eds.), Socialism
and Nationalism in the Ottoman Empire l976-l923. British Academic
Press in association with The International Institute of Social History,
Amsterdam, I.B.Tauris: London/New York, l994, pp. 13-25 and 169171(Notes).
Articles: 1) 'Anavatan Partisi; 2) 'Demokrat Parti'; 3) 'Enver Pasha'
4)'Ittihad-i Muhammedi Cemiyeti'; 5) 'Pan-Turanism';6) 'Said Halim
Pasha'; 7) 'Turkey'; and 8) 'Young Turks' in Encyclopedia of the
Modern Islamic World. John Esposito, editor-in-chief. Oxford
University Press, New York, l995
"Ottoman Perceptions of the Capitulations 1800-1914" in Journal of
Islamic Studies, 11/i, January 2000, 1-20.
"Ideology and War Aims of the Unionist Government, 1914-1918" in
Annales de la Faculté de Droit d'Istanbul. 33/50, 2001, 1-13.
With Jacob Landau, 'Conclusion: Opting Out of the Nation' in Identity
Politics in Central Asia and the Muslim World. Willem van Schendel
and Erik Zürcher (eds.), I.B. Tauris: London & New York, 2001,
"The Special Relationship: the Committee of Union and Progress and
the Ottoman-Jewish Political Elite l908-1918" in Jews, Turks,
Ottomans, Avigdor Levy (ed.), Syracuse university press: Syracuse,
New York, 2002, pp. 212-230 & notes, 332-5.
1. Leon B. Poullada, Reform and Rebellion in Afghanistan, l9l9-l929 King Amanullah's failure to modernize a tribal society. IthacaLondon: Cornell University Press, l973, in Journal of Asian History,
ix/1, l975, pp. 82-3
2. Clifford Edmund Bosworth, The Later Ghaznavids : Splendor and
Decay. The Dynasty in Afghanistan and India, l040-ll86. Edinburgh
University Presss, l977, in Journal of Asian History, xv/i, l981, 73-4.
3. David Kushner, The Rise of Turkish Nationalism, l976-l908,
London: Frank Cass, l977, in International Journal of Middle East
Studies (IJMES), xii,/4, l980, 552-3.
4. C.H. Dodd, Democracy and Development in Turkey, N.
Humberside: The Eothen Press, l979, in IJMES, Xiii/2, 254-5
5. Binnaz Toprak, Islam and Political Development in Turkey, Leiden:
E.J. Brill, l981 and
*Jacob M. Landau, Pan-Turkism in Turkey : a Study of Irredentism,
London : C. Hurst & Co., l981 in Turcica (Paris) vol.xv, l983, 397402.
6. Joseph Heller, British Policy towards the Ottoman Empire l908l914, London : Frank Cass, l983, in Middle East Studies Association
Bulletin, vol.xviii, no1, July l984, 73-4.
7. Robert Bianchi, Interest Groups and Political Development in
Turkey, Princeton University Press, l984, in Third World Quarterly,
vol.vii, no.3, 758-9.
8. Donald Quataert, Social Disintegration and Popular Resistance in
the Ottoman Empire, l88l-l908: reaction to European penetration,
New York & London, New York University Press, l983, and
9. J.M. Landau, Tekinalp, Turkish Patriot l883-l961, Istanbul:
Netherlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut, l984 in Turcica,
(Paris) vol.xvii, l985, 296-8.
10. Niyazi Berkes, Ataturk ve Devrimler, Istanbul : Adam Yayincilik,
l982 and Teokrasi ve Laiklik, Istanbul: Adam Yayincilik, l984 in
Cumhuriyet (Istanbul), l6 August l984.
11. Leon Trotsky, The Balkan Wars l912-13: the war correspondence
of Leon Trotsky, Monad Press : New York, l980 in Tarih ve Toplum,
no.l7, May l985, 12-l8; appeared in Turkish under the title "Osmanli
Devleti'nde l908 Devrime ve l912-13 Balkan Savaslari Ustune Lev
Trocki'nin Yazdiklari"
12. Halil Mentese, Halil Mentese'nin Anilari, Giris: Ismail Arar,
Hurriyet Vakfi Yayinlari : Istanbul, l986, in Cumhuriyet, 25 June
13. Vamik Volkan & Norman Itzkowitz, The Immortal Ataturk : A
Psychobiography, University of Chicago Press : Chicago, l984, in
Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, no. 21, l987, 71-3.
14. Erik Jan Zurcher, The Unionist Factor :the role of the Committee
of Union and Progress in the Turkish nationalist movement l905l926, E.J. Brill : Leiden, l984, in Journal of Economic and
Administrative Sciences (Istanbul), vol.i, no.2, Winter l987, 261-2.
15. Francois Georgeon, Aux Origines du Nationalisme Turc: Yusuf
Akçura (l876-l935), Paris, l980 and
16. Taha Parla, The Social and Political Thought of Ziya Gokalp l988l924, E.J. Brill: Leiden, l985 in New Perspectives on Turkey, vol. ii,
no.1, Spring l988, 51-6. (Turkish review of Parla's book in
Cumhuriyet 23 Mart l989.
16. Paul Watanabe, Ethnic Groups, Congress, and American Foreign
Policy: the politics of the Turkish arms embargo, Greenwood Press :
in Cumhuriyet, 20 October l988.
17. Huri Islamoglu-Inan (ed.), The Otoman Empire and the World
Economy, Cambridge University Press : New York, l987 in MESA
Bulletin, vol.xxii, no.2 , December l988,206-7.
18. Caglar Keyder, State and Class in Turkey : a study in capitalist
development, Verso : London, l987, in Middle East Studies
Association Bulletin vol.xxii, no.2, December l988, 226-7.
19 Review article of Walter Weiker, The Unseen Israelis :the Jews
from Turkey in Israel, published in Turkish translation in Tarih ve
Toplum, no. 68, August l989, pp.124-6.
20. Irvin Schick and E.A. Tonak (eds.), Turkey in Transition : New
Perspectives, New York: OUP, l987, in American Historical Review,
Dec.l990, pp.1595-6.
21. Sevket Pamuk, The Ottoman Empire and European Capitalism,
l820-l913. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P. l987 and
22. Resat Kasaba, The Ottoman Empire and the World Economy :
the Nineteenth Century, New York : SUNY, l988, in Journal of the
American Oriental Society, lll.i (l99l), pp. 163-65.
23. Selim Deringil, Turkish Foreign Policy during the Second World
War, Cambridge : CUP, l989 in International Journal of Middle East
Studies, vol.23, no.3, Aug. l991, pp. 424-6.
24. C.M.Hann, Tea and the Domestication of the Turkish State,
Eothen Press, Huntington l990 in Middle East Studies Association
Bulletin, vol.26, no. i, July l992, pp.59-60
25. Richard Tapper (ed.), Islam in Modern Turkey : Religion, Politics
and Literature in a Secular State, London and New York : I.B. Tauris,
l991 in Journal of Islamic Studies, vol.4, no.1, January l993, pp.11114.
26. Jacob M. Landau. The Politics of Pan-Islam : Ideology and
Organization, New York : OUP, l991, 438 pp., in Journal of
Interdisciplinary History, vol.24, no.1, Summer,l993, pp.202-204
27. Igor P. Lipovsky, The Socialist Movement in Turkey l960-1980,
Leiden & New York, l992 in International Journal of Middle East
Studies, vol.25, no.4, 1993, pp. 681-83
28. Clement Dodd (ed.), Turkish Foreign Policy : new prospects,
Huntington, l992 in TASG NEWS (Newsletter of the Turkish Area
Studies Group), no.36, March l993, pp.3-4.
29. Stanford J. Shaw. Turkey and the Holocaust. New York: NYU
press, l993, forthcoming in Middle East Studies Association Bulletin,
vol.28, no.1, July l994, pp.88-9.
30. Alan Duben & Cem Behar. Istanbul Households - marriage,
family and fertility, l880-l940. Cambridge & New York, l991, Journal
of Islamic Studies, vol.5, no.2, July l994, pp.289-91.
31. Norman Daniel, Islam and the West, the making of an image,
Oxford : One World, l993, forthcoming in International Journal of
Middle East Studies, vol. 26, no.3, August1994, pp.510-11
32. H.T. Norris, Islam in the Balkans : religion and society between
Europe and the Arab world, University of South Carolina Press, l993,
forthcoming in International Journal of Middle East Studies, 27.iv,
l995, 506-7..
33. Review B.R. Tomlinson (ed.), The New Cambridge History of
India, 1860-l970 forthcoming in Journal of Third World Studies,
vol.xi, no.i, Spring l994, pp.438-40.
34. Aron Rodrogue, Images of Sephardi and Eastern Jewries in
Transition : The Teachers of the Alliance Israelite, l860-l939, in
Shofar, vol.13, no.3, Spring, l995
35. William Hale, Turkish Politics and the Military. Journal of Islamic
Studies, 7/i, January 1996, 126-8.
36. Sukru Hanioglu, The Young Turks in Opposition. New York : OUP,
1995, In American Historical Review, December, 1996, 1589
37. Vojtech Mastany and R. Craig Nation (eds.), Turkey between
East and West : New Challenges for a Rising Regional Power; and
Cigdem Balim et al. (eds.), Turkey : Political, Social and Economic
Challenges in the 1990s, in Journal of Islamic Studies, 9/i, January
1998, 103-106.
38. Irene L. Gendzier, Notes from the Minefield : United States
Intervention in Lebanon and the Middle East, 1945-1958, in New
Political Science, 21/iii, 1999, 426-9.
39. Elizabeth Ozdalga, The Veiling Issue : Official Secularism and
Popular Islam in Modern Turkey. Journal of Islamic Studies, 10/iii,
September, 1999, 334-6.
40. Christopher Clay. Gold for the Sultan: Western Bankers and
Ottoman Finance, 1856-1881: A Contribution to Ottoman and to
International Financial History. London and New York: I.B. Tauris.
2000. The International History Review, xxiv/2 June 2002, 429-431.
41. Kemal Karpat, The politicization of Islam" reconstructing identity,
state, faith, and community in the late Ottoman State. Oxford, 2001.
Journal of Islamic Studies, xiii/3, September 2002, 346-48.
42. Andrew Mango, Ataturk: the Biography of the Fonder of Modern
Turkey. New York: Overlook Press, 2000. Journal of Southeast
European and Black Sea Studies, iii/2, May 2003, 218-26.
1] Fanny Davis, The Ottoman Lady: a social history from l718 to
l918, (l986) in Choice, Oct. l986.
2] Sultan Muhammad Qasimi, The myth of piracy in the Gulf, (l986),
in Choice, Nov. l986
3] Michael Johnson, Class and client in Beirut: the Sunni Muslim
community and the Lebanese state, (l986), in Choice, July-August
4] Nikshoy Chaterji, A History of the modern Middle East,(l987), in
Choice, Oct. l987.
5] Peter Knaus, The persistence of patriarchy: class, gender, and
ideology in twentieth Algeria, (l987) in Choice, Feb. l988.
6] Soha Abdel Kader, Egyptian women in a changing society, l989l987, (l987) in Choice June l988
7] M.E. Yapp, The making of the modern Near East, l792-l923,
(l987) in Choice Sept. l988
8] Ibrahim Kafesoglu, A History of the Seljuks, (l988) in Choice Feb.
9] Robert Brenton Betts, The Druze, (l988) in Choice April l989.
10] Resat Kasaba, The Ottoman empire and the word economy: the
nineteenth century, (l988) in Choice June l989.
11] Selim Deringil, Turkish foreign policy during the Second World
War : an 'active' neutrality, (l989) in Choice Feb. l990.
12] Carter Vaugn Findley, Ottoman civil officialdom : a social history,
(l989) in Choice April l990.
13] George Horton Kelling, Dountdown to rebellion : British Policy in
Cyprus, l939-l955, (l990) in Choice Oct. l990.
14] Ander Wink, Al-Hind : the making of the Indo-Islamic world,
vol.1, Brill, l990, in Choice, Feb.l991
15] Arlene Macloed, Accomodating Protest : working women, the
new veiling, and change in Cairo, Columbia U.P. l990, in Choice, May
16] Nancy Gallagher, Egypt's Other Wars : epidemics and politics of
public health, Syracuse, l990, in Choice, July/Aug. l991.
17] Seteney Shami et al., Women in Arab Society, Berg/Unesco,
l991, in Choice, July/Aug l991.
18] Khaldoun Hasan al-naqeeb, Society and State in the Gulf and
Arab Peninsula : a different perspective, Routledge l991, in Choice
Oct. l991
19] Hisham Sharabi (ed.), theory, Politics and the Arab World :
critical responses, Routledge, l991, Choice Dec. 1991
20] Fatma Mernissi, The Veil and the Male Elite : a feminist
interpretation of women's rights in Islam, Addison-Wesley l991,
Choice Feb. l992
21] Richard Antoun & Donald Quataert (eds.). Syria : Society,
Culture, and Polity, SUNY l991, Choice April l992.
22] Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,
Syracuse l991, Choice April l992.
23] Arai Masami, Turkish Nationalism in the Young Turk Era, Brill
l991, Choice, May l992
24] Bouthaina Shaaban, Both Right and Left Handed : Arab Women
Talk about their Lives, Indiana l991, Choice May l992.
25] Nikki Keddie & Beth Baron (eds.), Women in Middle Eastern
History : shifting boundries in sex and gender, Yale l992, Choice Oct.
26] Walter Weiker, Ottomans, Turks, and the Jewish Polity: a history
of the Jews on Turkey, l992, Choice January l993
27] Sherifa Zuhur. Revealing Reveiling : Islamist gender ideology in
Contemporary Egypt. SUNY : New York, l992, Choice, January l993
28] Avigdor Levy, The Sephardim in the Ottoman Empire, Darwin
Press, l992. Choice, April l993.
29] Andre Clot. Suleiman the Magnificent , Choice, July/Aug 1993
30] Speros Vryonis. The Turkish State and History : Clio meets the
Grey Wolf, l993, Choice, September l993.
31] Jeremy Salt. Imperialism, Evangelism and the Ottoman
Armenians, l878-l896. Cass : London, l993, Choice, Feb '94
32] Gerard Chaliand (ed.), A people without a country : the Kurds
and Kurdistan, l993, Choice, March '94
33] Erik Zurcher, Turkey A Modern History. Choice, April '94.
34] Palmira Brummett. Ottoman seapower and Levantine diplomacy
in the age of dixcovery. Suny l994 in Choice, June '94
35] Jenny Whire. Money makes us relatives : women's labor in urban
Turkey. Texas, l994, Choice, September '94.
36] Selma Mardam Bey. Syria's Quest for Independence. Ithaca,
l994, Choice, November '94
38] Karen Barkey. Bandits and bureaucrate : the Ottoman route to
state centralization. Cornell, l994, Choice, January l995.
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