Prof. Dr. Yeşim M. ATAMER, LL.M.


Prof. Dr. Yeşim M. ATAMER, LL.M.
Prof. Dr. Yeşim M. ATAMER, LL.M.
Born: Berlin, 11.06.1968
Kurtuluş Deresi Cad Nr : 47 Dolapdere Beyoğlu 34440 İstanbul/TURKEY
Tel : +90 (212) 3115187 Fax: +90 (212) 3615021 e-mail :
July 2012 – ...
Professor at Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Law
Courses taught: Introduction to Private Law, Law of Persons,
Family Law, Law of Obligations; Turkish and European Union
Consumer Law; Harmonization in European Law: Selected
Topics; Comparative Civil Law; International Sales Law
Main areas of research: Contracts, Harmonization of European
Contract Law, Law of Domestic and International Sale of Goods,
Turkish and EU Consumer Law
September 2011 - …
Rapporteur, for the CISG Advisory Council on Art. 78 CISG
June 2010 - …
Founding Director, İstanbul Bilgi University and Köln University
“Turkish-German Business Law Joint LL.M. Degree,
June 2007 – ...
Vice Director of Istanbul Bilgi University European Union
June 2006 – ...
Member of Boğaziçi University Human Research Ethics Board
July 2006 – June 2012
Associate Professor at Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Law
Sept. 2008 – Sept. 2010
Member of the Advisory Board to the Research Project “Swiss
Law of Obligations and European Contract Law” directed by Prof.
Dr. Claire Huguenin and Prof. Dr. Reto M. Hilty, funded by the
Swiss National Fund.
Oct. 2005 – Sept. 2009
Exchange Coordinator of Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of
Oct. 2005 – Sept. 2009
Board Member of Istanbul Bilgi University Research Fund
June 2006 – March 2009
Member of the Executive Board of Istanbul Bilgi University,
Faculty of Law
Nov. 2005 – March 2007
Consultant to the EU Twinning Project for Strengthening of the
Capacity of Turkey in its Efforts in the Full Alignment,
Enforcement and Implementation of Consumer Protection;
Turkish Ministry of Industry and Trade / German Ministry of
Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture
Oct. 2002 – Aug. 2003
Vice Dean, Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Law
Sept. 2001 – Aug. 2003
Founding Director of the LL.M. Program offered by Istanbul
Bilgi University, Faculty of Law
Sept. 2000 – June 2006
Assistant Professor Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Law
Oct. 1999 – June 2000
Research Assistant of Prof. em. Dr. Eugen Bucher in Bern,
Mar. 1992 – Aug. 2000
Research Assistant for civil law at Istanbul University, Faculty of
Courses conducted: Case studies in introduction to civil law, law
of persons, family law, real property law, law of successions,
contracts and torts
April 2012
University of St. Gallen, School of Law (24 hours, EU Consumer
September 2011, 2009,
Bucerius Law School, Hamburg (24 hours, EU Consumer Law)
March 29, 2011
LL.M. in International Trade Law, Contracts and Dispute
Resolution, Turin (6 hours, CISG)
Jan. – Feb. 2008
University of Pittsburgh, School of Law (24 hours, EU Consumer
PhD Degree in Law – Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul
University, Turkey
LL.M. Degree in Law – Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul
University, Turkey
LL.B. Degree in Law – Istanbul University Law Faculty, Turkey
Abitur, German High School, Istanbul, Turkey
Turkish, German, English, French (working knowledge)
Research Scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, Nov. 2010 Jan. 2011 (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhard Zimmermann)
Research Scholarship of the Ernst von Caemmerer Foundation, January/August 2010
Distinguished Young Scientist Award of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA), June
Research Scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, Sept. 2003 Feb. 2005 (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus J. Hopt)
Research Scholarship of the Max Planck Gesellschaft, Germany, June-Sept. 2001 and MarchAugust 2005
7th Consumer Award of the Turkish Ministry for Industry and Trade, March 22, 2004
Research Scholarship of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
(UNIDROIT), Rome, June-July 2003
Research Scholarship of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne, Nov.-Dec. 1997
Research Scholarship of the Süd-Ost-Europa Gesellschaft, München, Sept.-Oct. 1997
Jean Monnet Research Scholarship of the European Union, Oct. 1993-Sept. 1994
Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung, Germany
Society of European Contract Law, Germany
Freunde des Max-Planck-Instituts, Germany
Deutsch-Türkische Juristenvereinigung, Germany
European Law Institute
Deutscher Juristentag, Germany
International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law (since 2008)
International Academy of Comparative Law (Associate Member since 2010)
(The original name of the publication is given first; the English translation is given in brackets)
Uluslararası Satım Sözleşmelerine İlişkin Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması (CISG) Uyarınca
Satıcının Yükümlülükleri ve Sözleşmeye Aykırılığın Sonuçları [The Seller's Obligations and
Consequences of Breach of Contract According to the UN Convention on Contracts for the
International Sale of Goods (CISG)], Beta Publishers, Istanbul 2005, XLIV + 546 pp.
Sözleşme Özgürlüğünün Sınırlandırılması Sorunu Çerçevesinde Genel İşlem Şartlarının
Denetlenmesi [Control of Standard Form Contracts in the Context of Restriction of Freedom
of Contract], Beta Publishers, 2nd ed. Istanbul 2001 (1st ed., Ist. 1999), XL + 321 pp.
Reviewed by Ansay, in: BATIDER, cilt XXI, 2001, pp. 257-260.
Haksız Fiillerden Doğan Sorumluluğun Sınırlandırılması - Özellikle Uygun Nedensellik Bağı
ve Normun Koruma Amacı Kuramları [Limitation of Liability for Damages Caused by Torts –
Especially the Theories of Adequate Causality and the Protection Scope of the Violated Norm],
Beta Publishers, Istanbul 1996, XII + 124 pp.
(With Ingeborg Schwenzer and Petra Butler) Current Issues in CISG and Arbitration,
Eleven Publishing, 2013 [forthcoming]
(With Stefan Grundmann) Financial Services, Financial Crisis and General European
Contract Law - Failure and Challenges of Contracting, Kluwer Law International, 2011,
XXIII + 324 pp.
(With Klaus J. Hopt) Kompatibilität des türkischen und europäischen Wirtschaftsrechts Der neue türkische HGB-Entwurf und benachbarte Rechtsgebiete [Compatibility of Turkish
and European Business Law – The new Draft Turkish Commercial Code and Neighboring
Legal Fields], Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht Nr. 91, Mohr
Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen 2009, XXVIII+ 335 pp.
Milletlerarası Satım Hukuku – Milletlerarası Mal Satımına İlişkin Sözleşmeler Hakkında
Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması (CISG) [International Sales Law – United Nations Convention
on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)], XII Levha Publishers, Istanbul 2008,
(2nd edition 2012), XXIV + 374 pp.
İnternet ve Hukuk [Internet and Law], Istanbul Bilgi University Publishers, Istanbul 2004,
XVI + 822 pp.
(With M. Murat İnceoğlu) Satım Sozleşmesınde Tuketıcının Seçımlık Hakları ve Avrupa
Bırlıgı Hukuku ıle Uyumu Sorunu [Remedies of the Consumer under the Sales Contract and
their Compatibility with EU Law], Publication of the Automobile Distributor Association,
May 2012, 75 pp.
Tacirlerin Genel İşlem Şartlarına Karşı Korunması Yolları [Protection of Merchants Against
Standard Form Contracts], Publication of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Nr. 2001-08,
Istanbul 2001, 54 pp.
‘Interest Claim under the CISG: Uniform or Domestic Law Approach?’, in: Current Issues in
CISG and Arbitration, Schwenzer/Atamer/Butler (eds.), 2013 [forthcoming]
(With M. Murat İnceoğlu) ‚Das neue türkische Obligationenrecht vom 11. Januar 2011 – ein
Überblick zu den wichtigsten Änderungen‘ [The new Turkish Code of Obligations of 11
January 2011- Outline of the most important Modifications], in: Zeitschrift des bernischen
Juristenvereins (ZBJV), 2013, Vol. 148/1 [forthcoming]
(With Samim Ünan) ‘Control of General and Special Conditions of Insurance Under Turkish
Law with Special Regard to the Transparency Requirement’, in: Transparency in Insurance
Law, Samim Ünan/Manfred Wandt (eds.), Istanbul 2012, pp. 65-88
‚Yeni Türk Borçlar Kanunu Hükümleri Uyarınca Genel İşlem Koşullarının Denetlenmesi –
TKHK m. 6 ve TTK m. 55, f.1, (f) ile Karşılaştırmalı Olarak ‘ [Control of Standard Form
Contracts According to the new Turkish Code of Obligations – In Comparison to Art. 6 Turkish
Consumer Code and Art. 55 Turkish Code of Commerce), Türk Hukukunda Genel İşlem
Şartları Sempozyumu, Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Enstitüsü Yayını [Publication of the
Institute for Banking and Trade Law], Ankara 2012, pp. 9-73
‚Yeni Türk Borçlar Kanununda Taşınır Satımı Sözleşmesi’ [Sales Law Provisions in the new
Turkish Code of Obligations], Türk Borçlar Kanunu Sempozyumu [Symposium on the new
Turkish Code of Obligations], Mehmet M. İnceoğlu (ed.), XII Levha Publishing, 2012, pp.
(With Kerem Cem Sanlı) ‚Hukuk ve Ekonomi Perspektifinden İmalatçının Kusursuz
Sorumluluğuna Dair Bir Değerlendirme‘ [Evaluation of the Strict Liability of the Producer
from a Law and Economics Perspective], in: Liber Amicorum Belgin Erdoğmuş, Mehmet M.
İnceoğlu (ed.), Der Publishing, 2011, pp. 769-813
‘Availability of Remedies other than Damages in Case of Exemption According to Art. 79
CISG’, in: Büchler/Müller-Chen (eds.), Private Law, National – Global – Comparative,
Festschrift für Ingeborg Schwenzer, Bern 2011, pp. 83-98
‘Haftung des gewerblichen Verkäufers für Schäden durch mangelhafte Ware: Ist das
Verschuldenserfordernis sachgerecht?’ [Liability of the professional seller for nonconforming goods: Is the fault principle appropriate?], Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht,
Helbing Lichtenhahn Publishers, ZSR Vol. 130 (2011) I, issue 4, pp. 449-478
(With Stefan Grundmann) ‘European Contract Law and Banking Contracts after the
Financial Crisis - Challenges for Contracting and Market Transactions’, in: Financial
Services, Financial Crisis and General European Contract Law - Failure and Challenges of
Contracting, Grundmann/Atamer (eds.), Kluwer Law International, 2011, pp. 3-31
‘Duty of Responsible Lending – Should the European Union Take Action?’, in: Financial
Services, Financial Crisis and General European Contract Law - Failure and Challenges of
Contracting, Grundmann/Atamer (eds.), Kluwer Law International, 2011, pp. 179-202
Commentary of Arts. 79 and 80 CISG in: UN-Convention on the International Sales of Goods
(CISG), Kröll/Mistelis/Perales Viscasillas (eds.), C.H.Beck, Hart, Nomos Publishers, 2011,
pp. 1054-1107
(With Kerem Cem Sanlı) ‘Kredi Kartı Faizleri ve Yıllık Ücretleri Örneğinde Fiyat Denetimi
ve Sınırları’ [Price Control and Its Limits – The Example of Credit Card Interest Rates and
Annual Fees], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal], Vol.
XXVI/4, 2010, pp. 17-60
İfa Engelleri Hukukunu Yeniden Sistematize Etmeyi Düşünmek: Borca Aykırılık Türleri
Yerine Yaptırımları Esas Alan Bir Sistematik [Rethinking the taxonomy of the law of nonperformance: from the cause approach to the remedy approach], Rona Serozan’a Armağan
[in: Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Rona Serozan], XII Levha Publishers, 2010, pp. 217- 260
Grenzen des Erfüllungsanspruchs im System des Leistungsstörungsrechts der PICC, PECL
und des DCFR im Vergleich zum CISG – Probleme und Änderungsvorschläge [Exceptions to
the right to claim performance under the PICC, PECL and DCFR in Comparison with the CISG
– Problems and Proposals for Modification], Festschrift für Klaus J. Hopt, Walter de Gruyter
Publishers, 2010, pp. 3-25
Tüketici Kredisi Hukukunda Reform Projeleri ve Avrupa Birliği Hukuku ile Uyumu [Reform
Projects Regarding Consumer Credits and their Compatibility with EU Law], Banka ve
Tüketici Hukuku Sorunları Sempozyumu, [Banking and Consumer Law Colloque], XII Levha
Publishers, 2010, pp. 241-273
“Erfüllung und ihre Surrogate” [Discharge by Performance or its Surrogates],
“Leistungspflicht [Performance and its Modalities]” und „Türkisches ZGB und OR“ [Turkish
Civil Code and Code of Obligations] in: Handwörterbuch des Europäischen Privatrechts,
Basedow/Hopt/Zimmermann (eds.), Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 2009, pp. 432-436; 1016-1020;
(With Hans W. Micklitz) Implementation of the EU Consumer Protection Directives in
Turkey, 27 Penn State International Law Review (2009), pp. 551-607
Third Persons’ Liability for Non-Conformity in Sales Contracts and Sellers’ Right of Redress
in Turkey, in: European Perspectives on Producers’ Liability - Direct Producers’ Liability
and the Sellers’ Right of Redress, Ebers/Janssen/Meyer (eds.), Sellier European Law
Publishers, 2009, pp. 579-600
Commentary of Arts. 6.1.1 - 6.1.17 (Performance in General), in: Commentary on the
Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts (2004), Stefan Vogenauer/Jan
Kleinheisterkamp (eds.), Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 611-708
Rezeption und Weiterentwicklung des Schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuches in der Türkei
[Reception and Development of the Swiss Civil Code in Turkey], Rabels Zeitschrift für
ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Mohr Siebeck Publishers, RabelsZ 72
(2008), pp. 723-754
Paket Tur Sözleşmelerine İlişkin TKHK m.6/C’nin Revizyonuna İlişkin Teklifler [Article 6/C
of Consumer Protection Law on Package Tours – Proposals for Revision], Prof. Dr. Uğur
Alacakaptan Armağanı [Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Uğur Alacakaptan], İstanbul Bilgi
University Publishers, 2008, pp. 87-101
İnternet Bankacılığının Üçüncü Kişi Tarafından Hukuka Aykırı Şekilde Kullanılması
Halinde Doğan Zararları Kim Taşıyacaktır? [Who Is Going to Carry the Risk of Unlawful Use
of Internet Banking By Third Parties?], Banka Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu,
[Symposium on Banking Law and Decisions of the Court of Appeal], 2007, pp. 15-37
Tüketici Hukukunun Gelişimi: Dünü, Bugünü ve Yarını [The Evolution of Consumer Law and
Future Tendencies], Tüketicinin Korunması Semineri (ed. Ebru Ceylan), Yetkin Publishers,
Ankara 2007, pp. 21-32
Tüketici Satım Sözleşmelerine İlişkin TKHK m.4 – Eleştiriler ve Revizyon Teklifleri, [Article
4 of Consumer Protection Law on Consumer Sales – Critical Analysis and Proposals for
Revision] Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [in: Banking and Commercial Law Journal],
c.XXIV sy. 1, 2007, pp. 81-108
Revize Edilmiş Türk Borçlar Kanunu Tasarısı’na İlişkin Değerlendirme ve Teklifler
[Evaluations and Proposals Regarding the Revised Draft Turkish Code of Obligations],
Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi [in: Legal Perspectives], 2006, n.6, pp. 8-37
Sözleşme Boşluklarının Hakim Tarafından Doldurulması Sorununa İlişkin Bazı Düşünceler
[Some Thoughts About Filling Gaps in Incomplete Contracts], İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk
Fakültesi Mecmuası, [Law Review of the University of İstanbul], 2005, Vol. LXIII/n.1-2, pp.
TKHK m.9/A ve Mesafeli Sözleşmelere İlişkin Uygulama Usul ve Esasları Hakkında
Yönetmelik'in AB Mevzuatı İle Uyumuna İlişkin Görüş ve Değişiklik Önerileri, [How to
change Art.9/A of the Consumer Protection Act and the Statute Regarding Distance Contracts
to Achieve Harmonisation with EU-Legislation], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [in:
Banking and Commercial Law Journal], c.XXIII sy. 1, 2005, pp. 177-199
Die autonome Umsetzung der Verbrauchsgüterkaufrichtlinie 1999/44/EG in der Türkei zugleich ein Beitrag zum Stand des Verbraucherschutzes in der Türkei [The Autonomous
Implementation of Directive 99/44/EC on Consumer Sales in Turkey - Also a Contribution
regarding the Status of Consumer Protection in Turkey], Zeitschrift für Europäisches
Privatrecht, Beck Publishers, ZEuP 2005, pp. 566-595
The Legal Status of Transsexuals in Turkey, in: International Journal of Transgenderism,
The Haworth Press, Inc., Volume 8, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 65-71
Laenderbericht Türkei [National Report Turkey], in: Basedow/Scherpe (Eds.),
Transsexualitaet, Staatsangehörigkeit und internationales Privatrecht - Entwicklungen in
Europa, Amerika und Australien [Transsexuality, Nationality and International Private Law
- Developments in Europe, America and Australia], Mohr Siebeck Publishers, 2004, pp. 7479
Genel İşlem Şartlarının Denetiminde Yeni Açılımlar: Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında
Kanun m.6, Tüketici Sözleşmelerindeki Haksız Şartlar Hakkında Yönetmelik ve Borçlar
Kanunu Taslağı m.18a-f [New Perspectives for the Control of Standard Form Contracts: Art.6
of the Code of Consumer Protection, Statute on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts and the
Draft Code of Obligations Art.18 a-f], Prof. Dr. Necip Kocayusufpaşaoğlu'na Armağan [in:
Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Necip Kocayusufpaşaoğlu], Seçkin Publishers, Ankara 2004, pp.
Kredi Kartının Üçüncü Kişi Tarafından Hukuka Aykırı Şekilde Kullanılması Halinde Doğan
Zararları Kim Taşıyacaktır? [Who Is Going to Carry the Risk of Unlawful Use of Credit Cards
by Third Parties?], Bilgi Çağında Hukukun Evrimi, Prof. Dr. Ünal Tekinalp’e Armağan, cilt I
[in: The Evolution of Law in the Information Age, Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Ünal Tekinalp,
Volume I], Beta Publishers, İstanbul 2003, pp. 993-1031
Die Gleichbehandlung von Maennern und Frauen im türkischen Arbeits- und Sozialrecht
im Vergleich zum Recht der Europaeischen Union, [Equality Between Man and Woman in
Turkish Labour and Social Security Law Compared to European Union Law], in: Der Einfluss
des internationalen und supranationalen Rechts auf das türkische und das deutsche
Arbeits - und Sozialrecht und die Bedeutung des Rechtsvergleichs [in: The Influence of
International and Supranational Law on Turkish and German Labour and Social Security
Law and the Role of Comparative Law], Maydell/Ekonomi/Haenlein (Eds.), Nomos
Publishers, Baden-Baden 2003, pp. 173-190
Turkish version of the same article: Avrupa Birliği Hukuku ile Karşılaştırmalı Olarak Türk
İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukukunda Kadın Erkek Eşitliği Sorunu, in: Prof. Dr. Ömer Teoman’a
Armağan [in: Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Ömer Teoman], Beta Publishers, İstanbul 2002,
pp. 913-936
Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanunda Değişiklik Öngören Tasarının Sözleşme
Hukukunun Bazı Yönleri Açısından Avrupa Birliği Mevzuatıyla Karşılaştırılması [A
Comparative Analysis of EC-Law and of Certain Contract Law Related Issues within the Draft
Law Amending the Consumer Protecti754on Act], Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel
Hukuk Bülteni [in: Public and Private International Law Bulletin], 2001, Vol.21/n.1-2, pp. 132
Yapımcının Sorumluluğu, Kapıönü İşlemleri ve Tüketici Sözleşmelerinde Yer Alan
Dürüstlük Kuralına Aykırı Hükümler, [Product Liability, Unfair Terms in Consumer
Contracts and Contracts Negotiated Away From Business Premises], in: Türk Hukukunun
Avrupa Birliği Hukukuna Uyumu – Acquis Communautaire’in Alınması – Açıklamalar,
Değerlendirmeler, Öneriler [in: Harmonization of Turkish Law with EU Law – Adoption of
the Acquis Communautaire – Explanations, Evaluations, Proposals], Ünal Tekinalp (Ed.),
Research project and publication of the İstanbul University, İstanbul 2001, pp. 379-391
and 419-427
Avrupa Birliğinin Tüketici, Çevre ve Sosyal Politikaları [The Consumer, Environment and
Social Policy of the European Union], Avrupa Birliği Hukuku [in: European Union Law], Ünal
Tekinalp/Gülören Tekinalp (Eds.), Beta Publishers, 2nd ed. İstanbul 2000, XLVII + 895 pp.
Satım Sözleşmesinde Hasarın İntikal Anı - Hukuk Tarihi, Karşılaştırmalı Hukuk ve
Milletlerarası Hukuk Açısından BK m.183’ün Farklı Okunması Gereği [Transfer of Risk in
Sales Contracts: The Need to Reinterpret Art.183 of the Code of Obligations in the Light of
Legal History, Comparative Law and International Law], Prof. Dr. Kemal Oğuzman'a
Armağan [in: In Commemoration of Prof. Dr. Kemal Oğuzman], Beta Publishers, İstanbul
2000, pp. 131-167
Ölüden Organ Naklinin Beraberinde Getirdiği Bazı Hukuki Sorunlar [Some Juridical
Problems Related to Organ Transplantation from Deceased Persons], Milletlerarası Hukuk ve
Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni [in: Public and Private International Law Bulletin], 19992000, Vol.19-20/n.1-2, pp. 115-159
İşe Alınmada Kadın Erkek Eşitliği - Avrupa Topluluğu Hukuku Işığında Gelişen Alman
Modeli [Equality Between Man and Woman in Admission to Employment: The German Model
Developing Under the Influence of European Law], Prof. Dr. Selim Kaneti'ye Armağan [in
Commemoration of Prof. Dr. Selim Kaneti], Aybay Publishers, İstanbul 1996, pp. 166-184
Üçüncü Kişinin Uğradığı Zararların Sözleşmesel Sorumluluk Kurallarına Göre Tazmini
[Indemnification of Third Party Damages According to Contractual Liability Principles],
Yargıtay Dergisi [in: Court of Cassation Review], 1996, Vol. 22, pp. 99-132
Devletler Özel Hukukunda Tüketicinin Korunması [Protection of the Consumer in Private
International Law], İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası [in: Law Review of the
University of İstanbul], 1995-1996, Vol. LV/n.1-2, pp. 421-448
Birleşmiş Milletler Satım Hukukunun Uluslararası Uygulama Alanı [International Scope of
Application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of
Goods], İstanbul Barosu Dergisi [in: Law Review of the İstanbul Bar Association], 1995,
Vol.69/n.10-12, pp. 551-568
Avrupa Topluluğu Hukukunda İmalatçının Sorumluluğu [Product Liability in European
Community Law], Tüketicinin Korunması Semineri [Seminar on Consumer Protection] (ed.
Ebru Ceylan), Yetkin Publishers, Ankara 2007, pp. 73-84
Yeni Bir Milletlerarası Satım Hukukuna Doğru: Milletlerarası Mal Satımına İlişkin
Sözleşmeler Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması ve Türkiye [Towards a New
International Sales Law: United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of
Goods and Turkey], Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi [in: Legal Perspectives], 2006, n.8, pp. 158163
Borçlar Kanununu Tasarısı’nda Genel İşlem Şartlarının Denetlenmesi Sorunu (Tasarı m.2025) [Control of Standard Contract Terms in the Draft Code of Obligations (Draft Art.20-25)],
Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi [in: Legal Perspectives], 2005, n.4, pp. 109-115
Report of the "Türkisch-Schweizerische Juristenwoche" [Turkish-Swiss Law Week] held in
Lausanne 2-4 June 1999, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales Recht und
europaeisches Recht, 4-5/1999, pp. 717-722
Legal opinion prepared for the Commission of the European Union on the compatibility of
EU consumer law with the consumer law provisions of the Turkish Cypriots, together with
Prof. Dr. Hans-W. Micklitz, 2009
Legal opinion prepared for the Ministry of Industry and Trade on how to change the Code
of Consumer Protection and relevant bylaws to achieve full-harmonization with the
European Union consumer law, together with Prof. Dr. Hans-W. Micklitz, 2007
“Kişilik Haklarının Korunması ve Türkiye'de Kadın Olmak” [“Protection of Personality” and
“Being Woman in Turkey”], in: Dikkat! Haklarımız [Attention! Our Rights], together with
Batum/Nalbant/Tarhanlı/Tarhanlı/Inceoğlu/Erözden, Publication of the Helsinki Citizens
Assembly - Turkey Section, pp.184, İstanbul 1993, pp. 77-82; 129-147
Numerous published Turkish translations of German and English articles and judgments of
German High Courts
(The original name of the lecture is given first; the English translation is given in brackets)
‘Finans Sektöründe Kredi Verme ve Ücret/Faiz Belirleme Uygulamaları: Tüketiciyi Koruma
İhtiyacı Var Mıdır? [Credit Giving and Pricing Practices in the Financial Sector: Do we Need to
Protect Consumer? ], Finans Sektöründe Tüketici Hukuku ve Uygulama Alanları Sempozyumu
[Symposium on Consumer Protection in the Financial Sector and Its Applications], 6 December
2012, BDDK/Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı/TBB, İstanbul, Turkey
‘Interest Claim under the CISG: Uniform or Domestic Law Approach?’, Global to Local, 2-4
August 2012, Arbitrator’s and Mediator’s Institute of New Zealand, Wellington
‘CISG Uyarınca Satım Sözleşmesinde Hasarın İntikali [Passing of risk under the CISG]’, The
New International Sales Law of Turkey: CISG, 25-26 May 2012, Istanbul Bilgi University,
(together with Samim Ünan) ‘Control of General and Special Conditions of Insurance Under
Turkish Law with Special Regard to the Transparency Requirement’, 4 May 2012, Joint
Seminar of the Turkish and German Insurance Law Associations as national chapters of
AIDA, İstanbul
‘Default interest under the CISG’, Albert H. Kritzer Conference on the Vienna Convention on
the International Sale of Goods, 3-4 November 2011, Federation of Industries of the State of
São Paulo, CISG Brazil Website Brazilian Arbitration Committee, São Paulo, Brazil
‚Yeni Türk Borçlar Kanunu’na Göre Genel İşlem Şartlarının Denetlenmesi’ [Control of
Standart Form Contracts according to the new Turkish Code of Obligations], Yeni Türk Borçlar
Kanunu ve Ticaret Kanunu Sempozyumu [Symposium on the new Turkish Code of Obligations
and Code of Commerce], 30-31 Mayıs 2011, TOBB ETÜ Hukuk Fakültesi, Ankara
‚Sözleşme Hukuku Açısından Genel İşlem Şartlarının Değerlendirilmesi’ [Standart Form
Contracts from the Perspective of Contract Law], 08.04.2011, Türk Hukukunda Genel İşlem
Şartları Sempozyumu [Symposium on Standart Form Contracts in Turkish Law], Banka ve
Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü [Banking and Trade Law Research Institute], Ankara
‚Yeni Türk Borçlar Kanunu’na göre Taşınır Satımı Sözleşmesi’ [Sales Contract According to
the new Turkish Code of Obligations], 02.04.2011, Türk Borçlar Kanunu Sempozyumu
[Symposium on the Turkish Code of Obligations], 1-2.04.2011, İstanbul Bilgi University,
‘Haftung des professionellen Verkäufers für Schäden durch mangelhafte Ware: Ist das
Verschuldenserfordernis sachgerecht?’ [Liability of the professional seller for non-conforming
goods: Is the fault principle appropriate?], 16.12.2010, Max Planck Institute for Comparative
and International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany
‘Duty of Responsible Lending’, Comparative Law Discussion Group, Institute of European
and Comparative Law, Oxford University, 24.11. 2010, Oxford, UK
İnternet Bankacılığının Hukuka Aykırı Kullanımı [Unlawful Use of Internet Banking], Türkiye
Bilişim Derneği 26. Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı [26th National Congress on Informatics], 18-20
November 2009, Ankara, Turkey
4077 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanunun Haksız Şartlara İlişkin
Düzenlemelerin Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the Provisions Regarding Unfair Contract
Terms in the Code of Consumer Protection Nr. 4077], Türkiye Bankalar Birliği [Turkish
Banking Association], 24 June 2009, İstanbul, Turkey
Tüketici Kredisi Hukukunda Reform Projeleri ve AB Hukuku ile Uyumu [Reform Projects in
the Law of Consumer Credits and their Compatibility with EU Law], Banka ve Tüketici Hukuku
Sorunları Sempozyumu, [Banking and Consumer Law Colloque], Istanbul University, 30-31
October 2008, İstanbul, Turkey
Turkish Consumer Code: Process and Problems of Codification, Biannual meeting of the
International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law, 31 July-02 August 2008,
Bamberg, Germany
Das türkische Privatrecht und EU-Recht [Turkish Privat Law and EU – Law], 200 Jahre
Einsamkeit – Der lange Weg der Türkei nach Europa, Europäische Akademie Berlin and
BATI, 02 May 2008, Berlin, Germany
4077 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanunda Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun
Tasarısı Taslağı [Draft Law amending the Code of Consumer Protection Nr. 4077], İstanbul
Barosu [İstanbul Bar Association], 02 April 2008, İstanbul
Turkey’s Accession to the European Union?, Center for International Legal Education,
University of Pittsburgh, School of Law, 30 January 2008, Pittsburgh, USA
Türk Tüketici Hukukunun Avrupa Birliği Hukuku ile Uyum Düzeyi [Compatibility of Turkish
Consumer Law and EU Law], Türk Ekonomi Hukukunun Avrupa Birliği Hukuku ile Uyumu
Sempozyumu [Symposium on Compatibility of Turkish Business Law and EU Law], İstanbul
Bilgi University and Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, 1415 December 2007, Istanbul, Turkey
Rezeption und Fortentwicklung des schweizerischen ZGB in der Türkei [Reception and
Development of the Swiss Civil Code in Turkey], Hundert Jahre schweizerisches ZGB,
Jahrestreffen der Freunde des Hamburger Max-Planck-Instituts, 23 June 2007, Hamburg,
İnternet Bankacılığının Üçüncü Kişiler Tarafından Hukuka Aykırı Kullanımı Nedeniyle Doğan
Zararı Kim Taşır? [Who is going to carry the risk of unlawful use of internet banking by third
parties?], Banka Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu, [Symposium on Banking Law
and Decisions of the Court of Appeal], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü, 8 June
2007, Istanbul, Turkey
Reformbestrebungen im türkischen Kaufrecht – CISG, Europaeisches Gemeinschaftsrecht
und innerstaatliches Recht im Spannungsverhaeltnis [Reform Efforts in Turkish Sales Law –
CISG, European Union Law and National Law In Conflict], Österreichische Gesellschaft für
Rechtsvergleichung und Institut für Zivilrecht der Universitaet Wien, 29 March 2007, Vienna,
Uluslararası Satım Sözleşmelerine İlişkin Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması Uyarınca İfa
Engelleri Sistemine Genel Bir Bakış ve Türk Hukuku ile Mukayese [The System of NonPerformance in the United Nations Convention on International Sales and a Comparison with
Turkish Law], United Nations Convention on International Sales Contracts (CISG) and
Turkish Sales Law, İstanbul Bilgi University, 17-18 November 2006, İstanbul, Turkey
Tüketicinin korunması alanında ayrı bir kanuna ihtiyaç var mıdır? [Do We Need a Special
Code for Consumer Protection?], Seminar on Consumer Protection, Council of Europe and
Turkish Justice Academy, 02-04 November 2006, Ankara, Turkey
İmalatçının sorumluluğu alanında son gelişmeler [Latest Developments in Product Liability],
Seminar on Consumer Protection, Council of Europe and Turkish Justice Academy, 02-04
November 2006, Ankara, Turkey
Die Europaeisierung des türkischen Rechts - Kurze Rezeptionsgeschichte der Türkei [The
Europeanization of Turkish Law - Short History of Reception in Turkey], April 5, 2004, Council
of the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign Private and Private International Law, Hamburg,
Harmonisierungsbestraebungen im Bereich des Verbraucherschutzrechts - Ein Überblick zu
den Aenderungen im türkischen Verbraucherschutzgesetz im Jahre 2003 [Harmonisation
Efforts in the Area of Consumer Protection - A Review of the Changes Made in the Turkish Code
of Consumer Protection in 2003], Conference of the German-Turkish Law Association,
September 12-13, 2003, Hannover, Germany
Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanunda Sözleşme Hukuku Alanında Yapılan Değişiklikler
[Changes in the Code of Consumer Protection Related to Contracts], 7th Consumer Council
organised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, April 10-11, 2003, Ankara, Turkey
Transseksüellik ve Hukuk [Transsexuality and Law], 4th National Conference on Sexual
Function and Disorder, March 29-31, 2002, İstanbul, Turkey
Die Gleichbehandlung von Maennern und Frauen im türkischen Arbeits- und Sozialrecht im
Vergleich zum Recht der Europaeischen Union [Equality Between Man and Woman in the
Turkish Labour and Social Security Law Compared to the European Union Law], Conference
organised by the Turkish and German National Committees on Labour and Social Security
Law in collaboration with the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Social Law,
July 11-14, 2001, Tegernsee, Germany
Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanunda Değişiklik Öngören Tasarının Sözleşme
Hukukunun Bazı Yönleri Açısından Avrupa Birliği Mevzuatıyla Karşılaştırılması [A
Comparative Analysis of EC-Law and of Certain Contract Law Related Issues within the Draft
Law Amending the Consumer Protection Act], 5th Consumer Council organised by the
Ministry of Industry and Trade, March 19-20, 2001, Ankara, Turkey