TURGUT KEREM TUNCEL-trento sociologia cv


TURGUT KEREM TUNCEL-trento sociologia cv
Via Malpensada 90, 38123, Trento
Mobile: +39 3891298147
E-mail: turgut.tuncel@email.unitn.it
Nationality: Turkish
Sex: Male
Date and Place of Birth: 09.09.1977, Ankara/Turkey
Doctoral Student in the Doctoral School of Sociology and Social Research at the University
of Trento since 01. 10. 2009
2001-2002, M.A. Political Science and Public Administration, Bilkent University,
Department of Political Science, Ankara/Turkey.
Dissertation: Social and Spatial Transformations in Contemporary Metropolises with a focus
on the Disadvantaged
CGPA: 3. 91 / 4.00
1998-2001, Minor Degree in Sociology, Middle East Technical University, Department of
Sociology, Ankara/Turkey.
CGPA: 3.30 / 4.00
1997-2001, B.Sc. in Psychology, Middle East Technical University, Department of
Psychology, Ankara/Turkey.
CGPA: 3.35 / 4.00
1995-1997, Geological Engineering (no degree acquired), Middle East Technical University,
Department of Geological Engineering, Ankara/Turkey.
Political and social theory; Transnationalism; Diasporas; Collective memory; Turkish politics
and society; Armenian culture, society and politics; Armenian-Turkish relations; Armenian
Diaspora, Politics and society in Caucasus.
Fall 2001-Spring 2002, A Study of Migrant Groups in Ankara: Politicization Patterns of
Migrants of Different Ethnic and Religious Backgrounds in the Ege District, Ankara/Turkey.
In collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tahire ERMAN, Bilkent University, Department of
Political Science.
Summer 2001, Farklı Kesimlerden Gençlerin Değerleri (The Values of Youth from Different
Stratas of Society), In collaboration with Assoc. Prof . Dr. Sibel Kalaycıoğlu and Assist. Prof.
Dr. Helga Rittersberger-Tılıç, Middle East Technical University, Department of Sociology.
Spring 2001, GAP Bölgesinde Urfa, Harran, Diyarbakır’da Yaşayan Farklı Kesimlerde
Toplumsal, Kültürel, ve Ekonomik Değişim Beklentileri (Social, Cultural, and Economic
Change Expectations of Different Sections of Society Living in Urfa, Harran, Diyarbakir in
the South–Eastern Project Region), In collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sibel Kalaycıoğlu
and Assist. Prof. Dr. Helga Rittersberger-Tılıç, Middle East Technical University, Department
of Sociology.
Summer 2008, Armenian-Turkish Relations: Perspectives of the Armenian Intellectuals;
Yerevan/ Armenia.
Spring 1999, Politics of Migration: An Oral History of Urbanization and Politicization of
Migrant Families in Ankara; Ankara/Turkey
2006, Çocuklar Yoksulluğu Anlatıyor: ‘1001 Çocuk, 1001 Dilek’ Projesi-Çocuk Mektupları
(Children Tell Poverty: ‘1001 Children, 1001 Wishes’ Project-Children Letters), report
prepared by Pınar Uyan for Deniz Feneri Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Derneği,
(available at:http://www.deyam.org/raporlar/cocuk_yoksullugu_anlatiyor_2006.pdf).
“17.869.901Çelik Mermi: Türkiye’de Nüfus ve Siyaset (17.869.901 Bullets of Steel:
Population and Politics in Turkey).
2009, “Türkiye’de Yükselen Yahudi Karşıtlığı” (Rising Anti-Semitism in Turkey), in Barış
Çoban, (ed.), Medya, Milliyetçilik, Şiddet (Media, Nationalism, Violence), Đstanbul: Su.
2008, “Panopticon’dan Pelican Bay’e: Geç Modern Zamanlar için Yeni Bir Paradigma
Önerisi ve Kentsel Mekansal Bağlamda Örneklendirme Denemesi” (From Panopticon to
Pelican Bay: A Proposal of a New Paradigm for the Late Modern Times and a Trail to
Illustrate at Urban Space), in Esin Candan, Nida Kamil Özbolat, and Mustafa Öziş (eds.),
Bilim ve Đktidar (Science and Power), Ankara: Dipnot.
Since 01.10.2009,University of Trento Doctoral Grant.
September, 2001 – September 2002, “Bilkent University Graduate Scholarship” for MA study
at the Department of Political Science. Full-tuition fee waiver and maintenance.
September, 2001, Acceptance from the Middle East Technical University, Department of
Sociology for MA program and assistantship in the same department.
September 2001, Graduated from the Middle East Technical University, Department of
Psychology, as an Honor Student.
1997–2001, Four high–honor, three honor certificates from Middle East Technical University.
1995, Country–Wide University Entrance Examination: Ranked at the top 2% of the whole
students taking the exam in that year (nearly 1.000.000 students).
Lectures/ Seminars/ Forums/ Press Conferences
June 23, 2009, “Armenia between East and West: Challenges and Opportunities after the
Russo-Georgian War”, Paper to be presented at Conference “Armenia on the Intersection of
Communications”, Center for Civilization and Cultural Studies of the Yerevan State
University, Cakhkadzor, Armenia.
October 17, 2008, “Armenian-Turkish Relations from the Viewpoint of Armenian
Intellectuals”, Istanbul Bilgi University European Institute, Istanbul, Turkey.
September 25, 2008, “Current Political Picture of Turkey and the Issues”, Civil Society
Institute, Yerevan, Armenia.
September 24, 2008, “Armenian-Turkish Relations: The Present and Future Developments”,
“Pastark” Club, Yerevan, Armenia.
April 2009, “Armenian-Turkish Relations from the Perspective of the Armenian
Intellectuals”, Paper presented at the 14th Annual World Convention of the Association for
the Study of Nationalities: Imagined Communities, Real Conflicts, and National Identities,
New York, USA.
March 2009, “The “Armenianness” and Citizenship in Armenia”, Paper to be presented at the
6th Annual Conference in Citizenship Studies: Representing Citizenship, Detroit, USA.
July 2008, “Wrestling for Self-Definition in Transnational Space: A Case Study of the
Identity Construction of Alevis in Turkey and Germany”, Paper presented at the 1st Global
Conference: Diasporas- Exploring Critical Issues, Oxford, United Kingdom (with Mehmet
April 2008, “Deterritorialization of Nation-Building and Ethnicization of the National
Narratives”, Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Nationalities 13th Annual
Convention, New York City, New York, USA (with Ayhan Kaya).
October 2007, “’Ulus-aşırılık’ve Modern Siyasetin Sınırları: Teritoryal-olmayan Siyaset
Üzerine Bir Deneme” (Transnationalism and the Limits of Modern Politics: An Essay on
Deterritorial Politics), Paper presented at Turkish Political Science Association Graduate
Conference, , Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey.
December 2006, “Uluslararası Hukukta Azınlık/Grup Hakları ve Türkiye’de Azınlıklar: Bir
Vaka Analizi Olarak Türkiye’de Yahudi Karşıtı Söylem” (Minority/Group Rights in
International Law and Minorities in Turkey: A Case Study of the Anti-Jewish Discourse in
Turkey), Paper presented at the Human Rights and Citizenship Conference, Türkiye ve Orta
Doğu Amme Đdaresi Enstitüsü (TODAĐE) Đnsan Hakları Araştırma ve Derleme Merkezi
(ĐHADM), Ankara, Turkey.
November 2006, “Türkiye’de Đslamcılık Akımı Literatürü Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Đnceleme” (A
Critical Analysis of the Literature on Islamist Movement in Turkey), Paper presented at
Turkish Political Science Association Graduate Conference, Süleyman Demirel University,
Isparta, Turkey.
October 2006, “Different Actors, Converging Interests and the “Islamic Revival: A
Sociological Inquiry of the Islamic Movement in the post-1980 Turkey”, Paper presented at
the 35th Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, “Muslim
Identities: Shifting Boundaries and Dialogues”, Hartford, Connecticut, USA (with Mehmet
September 2006, “Panopticon’dan Pelican Bay’e: Geç Modern Zamanlar için Yeni Bir
Paradigma Önerisi ve Kentsel Mekansal Bağlamda Örneklendirme Denemesi” (From
Panopticon to Pelican Bay: A Proposal of a New Paradigm for the Late Modern Times and a
Trail to Illustrate at Urban Space), Paper presented at Karaburun Science Congress,
Karaburun, Đzmir, Turkey.
November 2005, “1927-1950 Yılları Arasında “Nüfus Meselesinin” Türk Basınındaki
Yansımaları” (Reflections of “the Population Question” in Turkish Media Between 19271950), Paper presented at Turkish Political Science Association Graduate Conference, ,
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
November 2008, Turkish Political Science Association Graduate Conference, Istanbul Bilgi
University, Istanbul/Turkey.
October 2007, Turkish Political Science Association Graduate Conference, Erciyes
University, Kayseri/Turkey.
November 2006, Turkish Political Science Association Graduate Conference, Suleyman
Demirel University, Isparta/Turkey.
November 2005, Turkish Political Science Association Graduate Conference, Hacettepe
University, Ankara/Turkey.
February 2009, Model Caucasus Parliament: Pre-Simulation Programme, organized by
Caucasus Forum for Solidarity and Cooperation, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul/Turkey.
August 2005, First Global International Studies Conference, Istanbul Bilgi University,
November 2008, Chair of the Panel on “Turkish-Armenian Relations in History” at Turkish
Political Science Association Graduate Conference, Istanbul Bilgi University,
November 2005, Chair of the Panel on “Politics and Modernity” at Turkish Political Science
Association Graduate Conference, Hacettepe University, Ankara/Turkey.
Academic experience
Teaching & Research Assistantship
September 2005-September 2009, Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of International
Relations, Istanbul/Turkey.
Fall 2001–Summer 2004, Bilkent University, Department of Political Science,
Erasmus Exchange Program Coordinator Assistant
September 2005-September 2008, Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of International
Relations, Istanbul/Turkey.
Professional experince
Manager/Executive Psychologist
June 2005-September 2005, Kardeşler Pre-School Educational Center, Ankara/Turkey.
September 2004-June 2005, Yaren Pre-School Educational Center, Ankara/Turkey.
Turkish: native speaker
Armenian: intermediate ; Azerbaijani: good; English: very good Italian: beginner
Operating Systems: Windows
Software: Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint

Benzer belgeler

CV-Turgut Kerem Tuncel 2012

CV-Turgut Kerem Tuncel 2012 Government of Turkey may Recognize the Armenian Genocide”, The Detroit United Armenian Committee, AGBU Manoogian School, Dearborn, MI, USA. July 27, 2011, “Armenian Diasporan Youth Homeland Visits...



CURRICULUM VITAE SURNAME, NAME : KALAYCIOĞLU, H. Sibel Kalaycıoğlu, S., Rittersberger-Tılıç,H. (2001); “Coping With Poverty in Urban Families in Turkey: Women as Major Actors” ESA, 5th Conference of the European Sociological Association, August, Helsin...
