cv şablonu - Department of GRAPHIC DESIGN


cv şablonu - Department of GRAPHIC DESIGN
Name Surname: Birsu Semra Çeltek
Contact Number: 290 1746
Office: 290 1746
Websites and blogs:
[1994 -1999] METU, Faculty of Science and Literature, Chemistry Department, Ankara
B.Sc. in Chemistry, CGPA 2.66
[1999 -2010] METU, Faculty of Science and Literature, Biochemistry Department, Ankara
M.Sc. in Biochemistry, CGPA 3.64, 1 article published (Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis)
[ 2001 -2005] Bilkent University, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Ankara B.A. in
Graphic Design, CGPA 3.77
Fields of Specialization
Identity Design
Professional Experience
July 2006 – March 2007, DWT Mandalina, Çankaya, Ankara, as Graphic Designer
June 2007 – June 2009 Cosmic Creative, Çankaya, Ankara, as Creative Director
September 2007 – present, UNDP Visibility Services, Çankaya, Ankara, as Graphic Design
September 2008 – present, Bilkent University, Graphic Design Department - Instructor
Publications / Exhibitions
• Beyaz Dua Evi Çocukları – Kipat Yayınları, 2005, illustrator
• Ayhan S. Demir, Özge Şeşenoğlu, Elif Eren, Birsu Hosrik, Martina Pohl, Elena
Janzen,Doris Kolter, Ralf Feldmann, Pascal Dünkelmann, Michael Müller,
“Enantioselective Synthesis of a-Hydroxy Ketones via Benzaldehyde Lyase Catalyzed
C-C Bond Formation Reaction” Adv. Synth. Catal. 2002, 344, 96-103.
• Logo Competition for Mardin Governorship, 2007 * Honorable Mention
• Starbucks Türkiye - Third Cup Design Competition for Invitation to the Pleasure of
Coffee, 2006 * First Place
• IAA, InterAd IX International Competition- Advertisement and Marketing Campaign
for Yahoo!, 2005 * Regional Winner for European Region * Worldwide Third
• IAA, InterAd National Competition- Marketing Campaign for Girls that are Deprived
of Education by their Parents , 2005 * Honorable Mention
• Starbucks Türkiye - Second Cup Design Competition for Invitation to the Pleasure of
Coffee, 2005 * Honorable Mention

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Mustafa Ozan Karsavuran - Bilkent University Computer

Mustafa Ozan Karsavuran - Bilkent University Computer Mustafa Ozan Karsavuran Address Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department Bilkent 06800 Ankara, Turkey e-mail:
