Information design for science Gökhan Ersan


Information design for science Gökhan Ersan
Information design for science
Gökhan Ersan
Image of Science seeks to facilitate the production and presentation of visual information in research
posters, texts, and articles for publication. Academic/scientific communities, in addition to the broader
ones of commerce and industry as well as government and policy making, all share a similar
dilemma—how to clearly and concisely present the complex relationships that exist amongst large
amounts of data, i.e., create a robust communication design product, accessible to a variety of
audiences. Image of Science addresses this challenge in its unique approach: an interdisciplinary teambased collaboration that uses technology based applications to disseminate research findings.
The Program’s seminars, workshops, tutorials, and design teams replicate the creative, dialogic process
through which research products are created, then fine-tuned, and revised for presentation or
publication. During a 12 month period (between June 2010 and July 2011) 3 workshops were
conducted and design work was completed. Image of Science’s 3 workshops of 37 participants from all
3 university faculties have resulted in 9 research posters/images; yielding 2 conference posters, 1
conference presentation and 3 publications. Further project outcomes are the creation of a resource tool,
a Design Compendium, and, most importantly, a website, a research portal that exhibits the design
process and interactive versions of the completed posters for prospective participants.
Image of Science, website and information portal:
Creators of research posters:
―Perturbation-response scanning for Calmodulin's molecular recognition mechanism‖
Deniz Cem Önduygu, Ayse Özlem Aykut, Gökhan Ersan, Nancy Karabeyoglu
―Influence of synthesis procedure as a Factor in the growth of Diblock Copdymer Brushes‖
Gökçe Ugur, Emre Parlak, Gökhan Ersan, Nancy Karabeyoglu
―Structural hybrid composites with Polymer/MWCNTs reinforced nanocomposite interlayers‖
Kaan Bilge, Elif Özden, Yusuf Mencelioglu, Melih Papila, Irmina Stanizewska, Gökhan Ersan, Nancy
―Modeling dynamics of Parallel Turning Operations‖
Erdem Öztürk, Erhan Budak, Emrah Kavlak, Gökhan Ersan, Nancy Karabeyoglu
―Anomie and political inefficacy demographics‖
Ali Çarkoglu, Emre Parlak, Gökhan Ersan, Nancy Karabeyoglu
―Stages of peace-building and actors‖
Zeynep Baser, Emrah Kavlak, Gökhan Ersan, Nancy Karabeyoglu
―Measuring scalp electric potential from brain activity"
Özge Batu, Irmina Stanizewska, Gökhan Ersan, Nancy Karabeyoglu
―Solution-Processed LiF for Work Function Tuning in Electrode Bilayers.‖
Aytun T, Turak A, Baikie I, Halek G, Ow-Yang CW; Deniz Cem Önduygu, Gökhan Ersan, Nancy
―Yalova Ulasim Senaryolari‖
Kevser Üstündag, (MSU), Meltem Parlak, Arzu Erturan, Erman Topgül, Emrah Kavlak, Gökhan Ersan,
Nancy Karabeyoglu
―Accuracy frustrums for object tracking‖
Murat Çelik Cansoy, Gökhan Ersan, Nancy Karabeyoglu
Accepted publications:
Aytun T, Turak A, Baikie I, Halek G, Ow-Yang CW, ―Solution-Processed LiF for Work Function
Tuning in Electrode Bilayers,‖ Nano Letters, 12.16.2011
Bilge K, Ozden E., Menceloglu Y. Z. and Papila M., ―Engineering Chemistry of Electrospun
Nanofibers and Interfaces in Nanocomposites for Superior Mechanical Properties,‖ Applied Materials
and Interfaces 2010, 2 (7), 1788
Üstündag K, Parlak M, Erturan A, Topgül E . (MSU) Organic Transportation, forthcoming
Conference participations:
Karabeyoglu, Nancy. ―Image of Science: Creating text and image in an Inter-Disciplinary
Collaboration of Researchers, Designers, and Writers at Sabanci University, Turkey 2010-11.‖
International Writing Center Association Annual Conference, November 4 – 6, 2010, Baltimore.
K.Bilge, E. Özden, E. Simsek, Y.Z. Menceloglu, M.Papila. ―Strength of Hybrid Composites
Reinforced with Surface Modified Polymer/MWCNTs Nano-Composite Interlayers,‖ International
Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 18) , 2011.
Üsdiken B, Bayazıt Z, Çetrez Ö. R, Yosun T. ―Fakülteden Üniversiteye, Kürsünden Anabilim Dalına:
Üniversitelerde Örgütsel Değişim ve Eskinin Etkileri,‖ 19. Ulusal Yonetim Organizasyon kongresi, 2628 Mayis 2011, Çanakkale.