20 Sep 1977 - 1973 Bitburg Barons


20 Sep 1977 - 1973 Bitburg Barons
Tuesday, September 20, 1977
Perez, Gauer, star in cross-country
Frankfurt's Rick Perez broke his brother's course record, teammate Bridget
Gauer beat out 1976's two top performers
arid the Heidelberg boys and girls turned in
impressive performances to highlight the
first weekend of DODDSEUR cross-country competition.
Perez, only a sophomore, made his scholastic competition debut an impressive
one. touring the rugged Frankfurt course
in twenty-one minutes and 55 seconds. Dan
Perez, the Frankfurt cross-country and
track star who was graduated last June,
set the old mark of 22:19 last fall. Karlsruhe's Chuck Schwarz, who spent last year
in the States but returned this year, was
second, 13 seconds under Dan Perez's old
Gauer beat out teammate Kristan
Dinges and Berlin's Becky Brunam. who
finished one-two, respectively, in last fall's
German regionals, with a 15:06 clocking.
She was 12 seconds off the course record,
but finished well ahead of the rest of the
The Heidelberg girls and boys completely dominated the Mannheim quadrangular, the girls taking the first seven slots
and the boys the top five. Jeanetle Leduc
won the event in 14:06 and Kathi and Debi
Dassonville, Cindy Perkins and Susan
Adams all finished within five seconds of
Randy Perkins took the boys race, beating out Arnie Sowelt. Bill Adams, Brian
Gallardo and John Delavne.
Up at Bonn. Monique Lauffcnburger
took a full .second off the course record as
she led the girls across the finish line with
an 11:54 clocking over the two-mile course.
Bonn won the meet as Pat Lane and Velma
Chamblee came in third and fourth, respectively. The boys competition was close
with Hahn and Brussels tying for first with
48 points, oi.'y four ahead of the Crusaders.
Bonn's Adi Gon took individual laurels.
Ansbach's Charles Brachel set a course
record of 25:05, but Hanau prevailed in the
team competition at Ansbach with all
seven of its runners finishing in the top 10.
Hanau was the only school with a girls
team and Darcey Messner led her compatriots across the finish line.
Matt Bradach of Baumholder beat out
Bitburg's Alan Jankanus by five seconds in
the boys race and Zweibrucken's Charlene
Carter nipped Matt's sister, Mary, by only
one second in the girls chase to highlight
the action in the Zweibrucken triangular.
Up at Wurzburg, Mark Burdan paced
the boys and Betsy Paul led the girls to victory in a triangular meet. Mark, the third
Burdan to compete in DODDSEUR, nee
USDESEA, cross-country, was timed in
21:34 as he won handily. John Burdan was
a harrier and track star at Bitburg and
Paul ran for Zweibrucken. Betsy Paul
posted a seven-second win over Kaisers-
ISB wins
(Continued from Page 25)
yards on the ground while being held to
only three yards passing.
Halfback Jim Hennahane's 55-yard run
in the first quarter and Bob Scheiffer's successful PAT, staked ISB to a 7-0 lead.
Quarterback John Ealy dove over from
the two in the second quarter for ISB's
second TD and then tossed a 60-yard aerial
to Bill Thompson in the third stanza for a
19-0 advantage. Hennahane picked up his
second TD of the game in the final period
when he ran two yards off tackle.
The Bucs were harnessed by the Raiders
defense, especially in the passing department with only one pass in eight attempts
Although they committed only one turnover in the game and averaged 31.7 yards
on seven punts, the Bucs couldn't stop
ISB's wishbone attack as they doubled
Baumholder's output in rushing with 181
yards while Ealy pin-pointed another 100,
completing four of 10 attempts
6 6 6-25
o o a o-o
ISB-Hennahane 55 run (Schaefler kick)
ISB—Ealy 2 run (kick failed)
ISB-Thompson 60 pass from Ealy (kick filled)
ISB—Hennahane 2 run (kick failed)
lautern's Parcria Johnson in the girls
Frankfurt Triangular
1. Rick Perez ( F > ; 2 Chuck Schwarz ( K ) ; 3. Richard
Duartc ( F ) ; 4. Phim Giannakis (F); 5. Mark Hopson ( F ) ;
6. Harold Abbenhaui ( F ) ; 7. Mike Borchers ( K ) ; 8. (tie)
David Herriott ( F) and John McGuire (F); 10. Er) Phillips
(0), 21:55, new course record; old record 22:19 by Dan
Perez, Frankturt 19/6.
Team scoring - Frankfurt 15, Berlin 50.
1. Bridget Gauer ( F ) ; 2. Kristan Dinges ( F ) ; 3. Bocky
Branam ( B); 4. Gretchen Akkerhuis ( K ) ; 5. Debbie Astor
(B); 6. Cindy Schlieler ( B ) , 7. Lisa Farnsworth ( F ) ; 8.
Maggie Lee ( K ) ; 9. Veronica Kosevich (B); 10. Pam Wilkinson ( K ) , 15:05.
Team scoring— Frankfurt 32, Berlin 39, Karlsruhe 50.
Ansbach triangular
1. Charles Brachel (Ans); 2. Tom Holrhauer (H); 3.
Billy Spencer ( A u g ) ; 4. David Stamps (H); 5. David
Anciso (H); 6. Stove Mathews (Aug); 7. Arthur York (H);
8. Dennis Williams ( H); 9. Mickey Webb (Ails); 10. Robert
Hauskins (H), 25:05, new course record.
Team scoring —Hanau 26, Augsburg 53, Ansbach 53.
1. Darcey Messner (H); 2. Cathy Hall (H); 3. Sunone
Schratzmeier (H); 4 Cathy Hanson (H); 5. Lynn Clough
(H), 14:36. (Other schoolsdidnt have girls teams).
ZweibrUcken triangular
1. Matt Bradach (Baum); 2. Alan Jankanus ( B i t ) ; 3. Jim
Knight (Z); 4. Ken Floyd (Baum); 5. Alan Atkinson
(Baum); 6. Paul Holland (Bit); 7. Kevin Murphy ( B i t ) ; 8.
John Knight (Zwei) 9, Chuck Huston (Baum); 10. Paul
Haupt (Bau),23:01.
Team scoring- Baumholder 29, Bitburg 44, Zweibrucken
1. Charlone Carter ( Z ) ; 2. Mary Bradach (Bau); 3. Vera
Wilcox (Bau); 4. Wendy Whittenberger (Z); 5. Denise
Horn (Z); 6. Dyan Mohr (Z); ;. Julie Daubney (Bit); 8.
Monika i/Vilcox (Baum); 9. Laura McCann ( Z ) : 10. Tish
Shrock ( Z ) , 13:30.
Taam scoring -Zweibruecken 24, Baumholder 33, (Bitburg didn't have complete team).
Incirlik at Ankara
1. Bill Pearce (A); 2. Jonn Vanderpyle (I); 3. Steve
Koz/an ( I / ; 4. Eric Micha ( I ) ; 5. Rick Marty (A); i. Eric
Nelson ( A ) ; 7. Terry Shannon I); 8. Chri5 Abbott ( A ) ; 9.
JonnKuhnsd); 10. Scott Keeney (0,25:00.
Team scoring —Incirlik 25, Ankara 31.
1. Rhonda Randolph (I); 2. B-'th Rumpel (A); 3. Sue
Hornung (I); 4. Phyllis Young (I); 5. Cheryl Fayebrother
(I); 6. Helen artin (A); 7. Tracy Leeper (A); 8. April
Redtke ( A ) ; 9. Kim weber (I); 10. Kathy O'Brien (A),
Team scoring—Ankara 27, Incirlik 29.
WUrzburg triangular
BOYS RESULTS 1. Mark Burdan (K); 2. Bob Engel
(K); 3. Dave Giogowski (K); 4. Mike Taylor (W); 5. Mike
Ball (W); 6. Tim Davis (K); 7. Alan Koemg (K}; 3. Tyrone
Haubich (K); 9. Floyd Johnson (K); 10. Alex McBride
Team scoring— Kaiserslautern 19, Wurzburg 54,
(Munich did not have complete game).
1. Betsy Paul (M); 2. Patricia Jackson (K); 3. Lori Cook
(W); 4. Conn.e Gumulauskis (K); 5. Kellie Bohannon (M);
6. Ju;lie Rausch (W); 7. Jill Sabin (K); 8. Cyndi Carr (K);
9. Linda Sabin (K); 10. Grace Lewis (K), 12:58.
Team scoring—Kaiserslautern 30, Munich 48, Wfjrzburg
Volleyball roundup
Bonn ups win streak
to 37 at quadrangular
"The varsity teams in the Benelux have
come of age. The improvement can not be
rated," said Bonn coach Betty Keitel as
the Crusaders battled to run their record to
37 straight wins without a loss to highlight
the opening weekend of DODDSEUR volleyball competition.
Jennifer Lukomski, who has had only
one week's practice, served 21 winners in
two of the three games the Crusaders
swept in a quadrangular at Bonn Saturday.
Playing before, standing-room crowds
only, Bonn opened with a 15-4, 15-7 win
over Hahn, upended the solid team of ISB
15-6, 15-9, and then beat Brussels 16-14 and
15-1 to keep its winning record in tact as
defensive star Cheryl Sievert, who was everywhere on the court, made numerous
Other outstanding players in the meet
were Michell Jackson who helped pace
Hahn to a three-game victory over ISB, 715, 15-9, 15-5 with her serving and defense,
while Lois Tanner's serving helped propel
Brussels over Hahn in another long match,
15-13,4-15, 15-11.
Sisters Barbara and Marianne Reed
helped lift Bonn to two wins and a sweep of
the junior varsity competition. Brussels
and ISB both finished the meet with 2-1
In a triangular at Stuttgart, Wiesbaden
upended the home team 15-3, 7-15, 15-8 in
the first match and then downed Nurnberg
15-12, 15-0 to win the meet. The Eagletes
came back to take second place with a 1-1
record, defeating winless Stuttgart 15-12,
15-4, 15-12 in the finale.
The Nurnberg JVs swept their competition with a 2-0 slate with victories over
Wiesbaden and Stuttgart. It took three
games to subdue Wiesbaden 17-15, 4-15, 154 and then a tougher three to garner its
second win over Stuttgart 10-15, 16-14, 1512.
The Stuttgart volleyballers nabbed their
only win in the final match against Wiesbaden, taking it in two games 16-14 and 15-2.
Both the visiting Hanau varsity and
junior varsity squads won their divisions in
a triangular Saturday at Ansbach.
Hanau's varsity team opened the competition with two wins over Ansbach, 15-4,
15-7, and then struggled to two more over
Augsburg, 15-9 and 17-15. The Apaches
drounced Ansbach 15-1, 15-5 to gather its
only win.
In the first triangular meet of the volleyball campaign at Frankfurt, the Berlin
Bears showed their early season strength
with a variety of skills to record victories
over host Frankfurt and Karlsruhe.
The Bears, demonstrating fast, accurate
serving, good setting with several spikes
and teamwork, knocked off Frankfurt 15-4,
16-14 in the opener. Berlin came right back
in the day's second match, led by Debbie
Pennock and Kathy Atkins' serving and
good ball placement by Chondra Dennis
and Laurie Stuhmiller, to whip Karlsruhe
15-2, 15-13 despite the outstanding playing
of Michelle Golden. In the only other
match, Frankfurt bounced back to beat
Karlsruhe 15-6,15-6.
In JV action, Frankfurt defeated Berlin,
15-6, 15-10, and Berlin held off Karlsruhe,
15-2,15-13. Karlsruhe topped off the competition with a 15-3,15-4 wins over Frankfurt.
It was a split-decision at a triangular
meet in Wurzburg as the home team, Kaiserslautern and Munich all came out winners while each suffered one lost.
Linda McDuffy, Trish Lewis and Mary
Leavitt, with excellent serving and spiking, paced K-Town over Wurzburg in the
opener, 15-5, 12-15, 15-10. However,
Munich, behind the serving of Anne Robinson and Gloria Simmons, stopped K-Town
in three games, 15-8, 7-15, 15-7, and then
Wurzburg destroyed Munich 15-9, 15-5
behind the outstanding play of Daphne Holland, Dorthy Baillie and Pam Emmons.
The K-Town JVs took their competition,
defeating Wurzburg 15-6, 15-9 and Munich
The volleyball team from SHAPE was
the overall winner in a quadrangular meet
on the home court of AFCENT at Brunssum, the Netherlands, as they turned back
the Bremerhaven Blackhawks 15-11, 8-15,
15-8; St.John's 15-13, 15-11 and the Lionesses 9-15,15-11,15-6.
The Blackhawks chalked up two wins
over AFCENT 15-4, 15-3 and St. John's 15-7,
16-14, 15-10, while AFCENT picked up its
sole win in the finale over St. John's 15-9,
Three teams recorded a win each in the
JV competition as Bremerhaven downed
St. John's 8-15, 15-4, 15-4 and then lost to
the same team 15-9, 15-8, before bowing to
AFCENT 15-12,14-16,15-10.
In Turkey competition, Ankara took its
home opener over Incirlik 15-12, 15-8, 15-5
behind the serving and setting of Debbie
Simons, Sue Hitter and Diane Garcia.
Bonn quadrangular
1. Adi Gon (Bo); 2. Greg Johnson (H); 3. Plasten Nyirenda (Bo); 4. Rick Bowers (Br); 5. Dave Hoeralh (H); 6.
Mike Moffitt (ISB); 7. Hemmy McFarlane (H); B.Craig
Gleason (ISB); 9. Rich Laquement (Br); 10. Ron Gracey
Team scoring— Hahn 48, Brussels 48, Bonn 52, I SB 70.
1. Monique Lauffenberger (Bo); 2. Jill Sternberg (H); 3.
Pat Lane (Bo); 4. Velma Chamblee (Bo); 5. Robin Renfrew (H); 6. Shona MacLachlan (ISB); 7. Anne Okene
(Bo); 8. Midari Kohara (ISB); 9. Anne Robinson (H); 10.
Astried Bender (Bo), 11:54.
Team scoring—Bonn 25, Hahn 45, (Brussels and ISB did
not have complete teams).
Mannheim quadrangular
1. Randy Perkins (H); 2. Anrie Sowell (H); 3. Bill
Adams (H); 4. Brian Gallardo (H); 5. John Delavne (H) •
6. Mark Schiltz (M); 7. John Girvan (H); 8. Martin Glenday (FIS); 9. James Scovil (BK),22:59.
Team scoring-Heidelberg 15, Mannheim 37 Bad Kreu/nach83, FIS97.
G'RJ-S RESULTS 1- Jeanette Leduc (H); 2. Kathi Dassonville (H); 3. Debi Dassonville (H); 4. Cindy Perkins
(H); 5. Susan Adams (H); 6. Suan Wharton (H); 7 Ella
Lane (H); 8. Anne O'Brien (M); 9. Beth Mathis ( B K ) - 10
Karen Goff (M),14:06.
Team scoring—Heidelberg 15, Mannheim 66, FIS 8 Bad
AFCENT quadrangular
1. Jon Zebrowski (SH); 2. D.J. Hammond < S H > - 3
Mauten DeJong (SJ); 4. Greg Petrequin (SH) • 5 Joe
Arnold (SH); 6. Joe Arnold (SH); 7. Mark Dunham (A); 8
Scott Dunham (A); 9. Steve Mozel (Brem); 10. Jim Sullivan (A), 24:55.
Team scoring-SHAPE 18, AFCENT 52, St. John's 68
(Bremerhaven did not have'complete team).
1Kate Ebert (SH); 2. JoChittick (SJ); 3. Tracey Hor;on
(A); 4. Rita Quiliano (SJ); 5. Carol Cnittick (SJ); 6. Ann
Garner (Brem); 7. Christine Perkins (Brem); . Peg
Truesdale (Brem); 9. Jill Herian (A); 10. Cheryl Ference
(Brem), 14:35.
Team scoring-St. John's 39, AFCENT 49, Bremerha/en
50, (SHAPE did not have complete team).
Lakenheath vs. Woodbridge
1. Tim Vandy (L); 2. Vaughn E.liott (L); 3. Steve RiosSanabria (L); 4. Wayne Brownfield (L); 5. Jeff Carter
(L); 6. Kim Gilland ((L); 7. Mike Skinner (W) • 8. Gareth
Smith (W); 9. Gareth Bahlman (W), 10. Mark Lang (W),
Team scoring —Lakenheath 15, Woodbridge 45,
Ralston fires
U.S. quint to
GSM crown
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — With Jyronna
Ralston scoring 32 points, the United
States Armed Forces team won the Conseil
International du Sport Militare (CISM)
basketball championship by defeating
Greece, 95-88, here Sunday night.
Ralston, the 6-foot-2 speedster from
Finder Barracks in Nurnberg, brought the
Americans from behind after Greece
erased a 47-43 halftime deficit and moved
on top 53-51 with 15 minutes left.
Connecting from outside as well as repeatedly driving inside for layups, Ralston
tied the score at 53 on a 30-foot jumper,
then added two more quick buckets as the
U.S. moved ahead to stay.
Playing tough defense and displaying
fine shooting, the Americans raced to a 9177 lead with six minutes remaining, then
held off Greece to win their fourth straight
CISM cage crown.
The runnerup Greeks stayed in the
game until losing 7-2 center Demetrius Kakalakis, who had scored 18 points, on personals with 13 minutes remaining. The
leading scorer for the losers was Alex
Kontos with 24.
Other Americans in double figures were
Ed Brown with 14, Pierre Russell with 12
and George Hester and Al Fornay with 10
Officials called 63 fouls in the rugged
battle, 34 on the American team which lost
four players on personals. Four Greek
cages also fouled out.
Italy, Syria, Eygpt and Iran placed third
through sixth, respectively, in the tournament.
U.S. (95) - George Hester 4 2 10; Jyronna Ralston 10 12
32; Trimmer Green 00 3; Stev.-MimsOOO; Larry Rogers 0
1 I; Al Fornay 5 3 10; Ed Brown 1 6 14; Sam Berry 1 3 5;
Pierre Russell 6 0 1 2 ; Rich McGuire 0 ) 0; Ron Brown 1 2 4;
James Penn 3 1 7 . Totals 34 27 95.
GREECE (88) — Kontos 7 10 24; Fosses 3 3 9; Tskoungas
0 2 2; Zakos 1 0 2; Kalis 0 0 0; Poulos 2 0 4; Missas 6 1 13;
Denrions 2 0 4; F. Papaquriou 102; H. Papaquriou 5 0 10;
Kakalakis5818. Totals32 3488.
Halftime score— United States 47, Greece 43.
Fouled out—United States, Hester, Fornay, Russell,
Penn; Greece, Kontos, Zakos, H. Papaquriou, Kakalakis.
Total fouls-United States 34, Greece 32.