Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Eryurt


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Eryurt
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Eryurt
Bachelor’s Degree (1999), Sociology, Middle East Technical University, Faculty
of Arts and Science, Sociology Department, Ankara, Turkey
Minor Program (1997), Biology, Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts
and Science, Biology Department, Ankara, Turkey
Master’s Degree (2003), Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies,
Department of Economic and Social Demography, Ankara, Turkey.
M.A. Thesis: Fertility Inhibiting Strategies of Socio-economic and Cultural Groups
in Turkey (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Attila Hancıoğlu)
Ph.D. (2010), Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies, Department
of Technical Demography, Ankara, Turkey.
Ph.D. Thesis: Internal Migration and Fertility in Turkey: An Event History Analysis
(Supervisor: Prof. Dr. İsmet Koç)
Certificate, Demographic Aspects of Population Ageing and its Implications for
Socio-Economic Development, Policies and Plans, The International Institute on
Ageing (INIA), United Nations – Malta, October 2007.
Certificate, Applied Event History Analysis, International Max Planck Research
School for Demography, Rostock, Germany, October 2006 – March 2007.
Certificate, Research Tools and Presentation Skills, International Max Planck
Research School for Demography, Rostock, Germany, October 2006 - Ferbruary
Certificate: Qualitative Research Techniques, Sağlık için Sosyal Bilimler Dernegi,
Ankara, Turkey, June 2002.
Fellow: Laboratory on Contemporary European Fertility and Family Dynamics,
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock (Germany), October
2006-March 2007.
Academic Coordinator, 2013Erasmus Coordinator, 2013-
Published Articles
(click related publication to read)
Journal papers in SCI/SCI-Expanded/SSCI/AHCI
1) Eryurt, M.A., Koç, İ. (2013) “Child poverty and regional disparities in Turkey”,
The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 55(2): 140-151
2) Eryurt, M.A., Beşe-Canpolat, Ş., Koç, İ. (2013) “Population and Population
Policies in Turkey: Predictions and Recommendations”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi,
46(4): 129-156.
Journal papers in other international indexes
3) Eryurt, M.A., Koç, İ. (2012) “Internal Migration and Fertility in Turkey: KaplanMeier Survival Analysis“, International Journal of Population Research, Vol. 2012,
Article ID 329050, 11 pages, doi: 10.1155/2012/329050.
4) Yüksel-Alyanak, İ., Eryurt, M.A., Koç, İ. (2012) “Marriage Cycle of Women:
Dissolution of Marriage and Remarriage”, Kadın/Woman 2000-Journal for
Women’s Studies, Vol. 13(1), 93-127.
5) Koç, İ., Eryurt, M.A. (2011) “Trends in Timing and Extent of Under-five Mortality
in Turkey: 1978-2008”, Turkish Pediatric Journal, Vol. 54(1), 39-44.
6) Koç, İ., Eryurt, M.A. (2010) “Birth Registration Status of Children Under Five
Years in Turkey: 1993-2008”, Turkish Pediatric Journal, Vol. 53(2), 114-121.
7) Eryurt, M.A., Koç, İ. (2009) “Poverty and Child Mortality: The Effect of Household
Wealth Status on Child Mortality”, Turkish Pediatric Journal, Vol. 52(3), 113-121.
Journal papers in refereed journals
8) Eryurt, M.A., Akadlı-Ergöçmen, B. (2012) “Impact of Parent’s Education on
Fertility”, Nüfusbilim Dergisi-The Turkish Journal of Population Studies, Vol. 3031, 13-27.
9) Eryurt, M.A., Koç, İ. (2010) “Construction of Life Tables for Turkey Using the
Orphanhood Method”, Nüfusbilim Dergisi-The Turkish Journal of Population
Studies, Vol. 28-29, 47-60.
10) Tezcan, S., Eryurt, M.A. (2010) “Internal Migration and Child Health in Turkey”,
Nüfusbilim Dergisi-The Turkish Journal of Population Studies, Vol. 28-29, 15-28.
11) Eryurt, M.A., (2008) “The Proximate Determinants of Fertility in Turkey:
Looking at the Recent Period”, Nüfusbilim Dergisi-The Turkish Journal of
Population Studies, Vol. 27, 67-84.
Books and Book Chapters
International Books and Book Chapters
1) Eryurt, M.A., Koç, İ. (2015) “Demography of Ethnicity in Turkey”, book chapter
in The International Handbook of the Demography of Race and Ethnicity (Editors:
Saenz, R; Embrick, D.G.; Rodriguez, N.P.). Springer, International Handbook of
Population 4. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-8891-8
2) Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu, İ., Eryurt, M.A., Koç, İ., Çavlin, A. (2014) Mechanisms
behind the Skewed Sex Ratio at Birth in Azerbaijan: Qualitative and Quantitative
Analyses. UNFPA, Baku.
National Books and Book Chapters
3) Eryurt, M.A., Abbasoğlu-Özgören, A., Yayla, Z., Duman, M.Ö. (2015) "Chapter 3.
Pattern and Reasons of Internal Migration of Women in Turkey", book chapter in
2013 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Further Analysis Study (In Turkish).
Ankara. ISBN:978-975-491-412-2.
4) Eryurt, M.A., Seçkiner, P. (2015) “Chapter 6. Consequences of Violence against
Women", book chapter in Research on Domestic Violence Against Women in
Turkey, Ankara. ISBN 978-605-4628-75-9.
5) Koç¸ İ., Eryurt, M.A., Adalı, T., Çağatay, P. (2010). Demographic Transition in
Turkey: Fertility, Family Planning, Mother-Child Health and Changes in Under Five
Mortality (In Turkish) . Ankara. ISBN 978-975-491-285-2
6) Koç, İ., Eryurt, M.A., (2010) "Demographic Transition in Turkey: Past, Present
and Future", book chapter in Sociology Articles 3 (In Turkish). Ankara. ISBN:978975-491-302-6.
7) Eryurt, M.A., Adalı, T., Şahin, E., (2010) "Chapter 1. Demographic Transition in
Turkey: Sub-population Variations”, book chapter in Fertility, Reproductive Health
and Ageing in Turkey (In Turkish). Ankara. ISBN:978-975-491-290-6.
8) Yüksel, İ., Yıldız, D., Eryurt, M.A., İrez, M., (2010) "Chapter 2. Male
Contraceptive Methods in Turkey: Determinants of Withdrawal and Condom",
book chapter in Fertility, Reproductive Health and Ageing in Turkey (In Turkish).
Ankara. ISBN:978-975-491-290-6.
9) Koç, İ., Türkyılmaz, A.S., Eryurt, M.A. (2009) “Chapter 3. Characteristics of the
Household Population and the Respondents”, book chapter in Research on
Domestic Violence Against Women in Turkey. Ankara, KSGM Press. ISBN978-97519-4498-6.
International Conference Proceedings and Presentations
1) Eryurt, M.A., Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu, İ., Koç, İ., Çavlin, A. (2014) “A Qualitative
Research on Skewed Sex Ratio at Birth in Azerbaijan”, European Population
Conference, EAPS (Budapest-Hungary).
2) Kirdar, M., Eryurt, M.A., Koç, İ. (2012) “Could Infant Mortality Analysis with
Time-invariant Effects Could be Misleading? Evidence from Urban Turkey”,
European Population Conference, EAPS (Stockholm-Sweden).
3) Abbasoğlu-Özgören, A., Eryurt, M.A., Koç, İ. (2012) “Determinants of Women’s
Migration in Turkey”, European Population Conference, EAPS (StockholmSweden).
4) Eryurt, M.A. (2012) “Internal Migration and Fertility in Turkey”, Demographic
Transition in the Middle East and North Africa: Disciplines in Dialogue (AmmanÜrdün).
5) Eryurt, M.A., Koç, İ. (2010) “Internal Migration and Transition to Second Child:
The Case of Turkey”, European Population Conference, EAPS (Vienna-Austria).
6) Ergöçmen, B.A., Eryurt, M.A. (2010) “Whose Education is More Influential on
Fertility Behaviour: Mother’s or Father’s?”, European Population Conference, EAPS
7) Koç, İ., Eryurt, M.A. (2010) “Demographic Integration through Intermarriage of
Turks and Kurds in Turkey”, European Population Conference, EAPS (ViennaAustria).
8) Koç, İ., Eryurt, M.A. (2008) “The Timing of Women's Life Course Events in
Turkey: Cradle to the Grave”, European Population Conference, EAPS (BarcelonaSpain).
9) Eryurt, M.A. (2005) “Internal Migration, Poverty and Millenium Development
Goals in Turkey”, Sixth Annual Population Researcher Conference, Linkages
Between Population and Millennium Development Goals: The Asian Perspective,
PAA (Islamabad-Pakistan).
1) Tezcan, S., Eryurt M.A. (2008) “Internal Migration and Child Health in Turkey”,
European Population Conference, EAPS (Barcelona-Spain).
2) Eryurt, M.A. (2006) “Modernization and Fertility Inhibiting Strategies of Socioeconomic and Cultural Groups in Turkey”, European Population Conference, EAPS
3) Eryurt, M.A., Özdemir, E. (2005) “The Impact of Internal Migration on Fertility
Change in Turkey”, XV. Intenational World Population Conference, IUSSP (ToursFrance).
National Conference Proceedings and Presentations (Papers)
1) Yavuz, C.I., Güler, Ç. Eryurt, M.A., Vaizoğlu, S.A. (2014) “Türkiye’de Beş Yaş Altı
Çocuklarda İshalle İlişkili Çevresel Risk Faktörleri: 1998 ve 2008 TNSA Verilerinin
İkincil Analizi”, 17. Ulusal Halk Sağlığı Kongresi, Edirne.
2) Eryurt, M.A., Ergöçmen, B.A. (2009) “Eğitim ve Doğurganlık: Annelerin Eğitimi
mi Babaların Eğitimi mi Daha Önemli?”, 11. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Türk
Sosyal Bilimler Derneği, Ankara.
3) Eryurt, M.A., Koç, İ. (2007) “Yoksulluk ve Çocuk Ölümlülüğü: Hanehalkı Refah
Düzeyinin Çocuk Ölümlülüğü Üzerindeki Etkisi”, 10. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler
Kongresi, Türk Sosyal Bilimler Derneği, Ankara.
Guest Speaker
1) Ergöçmen, B.A., Eryurt, M.A. (2011) Demographic Transition and Changes in
Fertility, 6. National Mother and Child Health Congress, Antalya.
2) Eryurt, M.A., (2010) Internal Migration and Fertility in Turkey, HUKSAM,
Migration and Women Symposium, Ankara.
3) Eryurt, M.A., (2010) Demographic Transition in Turkey, Population Association of
Turkey (Nüfusbilim Derneği), I. Congress on Turkish Demography.
Published Researh Reports
1) Eryurt, M.A., Abbasoğlu-Özgören, A., Koç, İ. (2014) Household Population and
Housing Characteristics, 2013 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Main
Report: Chapter 2, Ankara-Turkey.
2) Adalı, T., Koç, İ. Eryurt, M.A. (2014) Abortions and Stillbirths, 2013 Turkey
Demographic and Health Survey Main Report: Chapter 6, Ankara-Turkey.
3) Ergöçmen, B.A., Eryurt, M.A., Çağatay, P. (2014) Other Proximate Determinants
of Fertility, 2013 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Main Report: Chapter 7,
4) Eryurt, M.A., Koç, İ., Abbasoğlu-Özgören (2014) Fertility Preferences, 2013
Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Main Report: Chapter 8, Ankara-Turkey.
5) Eryurt, M.A., Türkyılmaz, A.S., Koç, İ. (2009) Household Population and Housing
Characteristics, 2008 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Main Report:
Chapter 2, Ankara-Turkey.
6) Ergöçmen, B.A., Eryurt, M.A., Adalı, T. (2009) Other Proximate Determinants,
2008 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Main Report: Chapter 7, AnkaraTurkey.
7) Eryurt, M.A., Türkyılmaz, A.S., Çağatay, P. (2009) Fertility Preferences, 2008
Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Main Report: Chapter 8, Ankara-Turkey.
8) Koç, İ, Yüksel, İ., Eryurt, M.A. (2009) Infant and Child Mortality, 2008 Turkey
Demographic and Health Survey Main Report: Chapter 9, Ankara-Turkey.
9) Ünalan, T., Yavuz, S., Civelek, Y., Eryurt, M.A. (2005) Fertility Preferences, 2003
Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Further Analysis Report, Ankara-Turkey.
10) Ergöçmen, B.A., Eryurt, M.A. (2004) Other Proximate Determinants, 2003
Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Main Report: Chapter 6, Ankara-Turkey.
Survey Experience
1) Project Manager, Research on Profiles and Living Conditions of Foreigners
Legally Residing in Turkey, HUIPS, T.R. Ministry of Interior Directorate General of
Migration Management, 2014-2016.
2) Project Manager, Socio-economic Profiling of Asylum Seekers Residing in
Salellite Cities in Turkey, HUIPS, T.R. Ministry of Interior Directorate General of
Migration Management, 2014-2015.
3) Project Manager, An Analysis on Afghan Nationals Living in Turkey, Who are
International Protection Applicants, and Those Under International Protection:
Their Reasons for Arrival and Stay in Turkey, Their Future Plans and Goals,
HUIPS, T.R. Ministry of Interior Directorate General of Migration Management,
4) Researcher, Trainer, Field Coordinator, 2013 Turkey Demographic and Health
Survey, HUIPS, T.R. Ministry of Development, 2012-2014.
5) Researcher, Questionnaire Preparation, Trainer, Field Coordinator, Turkey
National Research on Domestic Violence in Turkey, HUIPS, Ministry of Family and
Social Policies, 2013-2014.
6) Researcher, Project on Projections for the Development of Stretegies and
Systems on Teacher’s Employment: Projections of School Age Population, 20122023, Ministry of Education, Ankara University Faculty of Education and EDUSER.
7) Researcher, The Causal Relationship between Consanguineous Marriages and
Infant Mortality in Turkey, (TÜBİTAK 1001 Project No:111K335), 2012.
Researcher, Questionnaire Preparation and Design, Listing Field
Coordinator, Trainer, Field Coordinator, 2008 Turkey Demographic and Health
Survey, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Health
and State Planning Organization, 2007-2011.
Researcher, Questionnaire Preparation, Trainer, Field Coordinator,
Turkey National Research on Domestic Violence in Turkey, Hacettepe University
Institute of Population Studies, The General Directorate of Woman Status,
European Union, 2007-2008.
10) Researcher, Trainer, Field Coordinator, Data Entry Coordinator, Turkey
Migration and Internally Displaced Persons Survey, State Planning Organization,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior and Hacettepe University Institute
of Population Studies, 2004-2006
11) Researcher, Turkey, National Maternal Mortality Study Qualitative Survey,
European Union, Ministry of Health, Hacettepe University Institute of Population
Studies, 2004-2006.
12) Researcher, 2003 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, Qualitative Study,
Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2002.
13) Supervisor, 1998 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, Hacettepe University
Institute of Population Studies, Macro International Inc/USAID, and UNFPA, 1998.
International Consultancy
1) International Expert, The Population Projections under Different Sex Ratio at
Birth Scenarios in Azerbaijan, UNFPA-Azerbaijan, 2014-2015
2) International Expert, Skewed Sex Ratio at Birth in Azerbaijan, UNFPAAzerbaijan, 2012-2013
B.A. Courses
AKT 306 Demography (2004)
BES 108 Demographic Structure and Health (2006 and 2007)
SHO 238 Demography (2015)
M.A. Courses
DEM 603 Demographic Models (2010, 2011, 2012, 2014)
DEM 608 Internal Migration and Urbanization (2011, 2013, 2014, 2015)
PhD Courses
TKD 713 Computer Applications in Demography (2005)
DEM 703 Analysis of Migration (2008, 2010, 2013)
DEM 705 Analysis of Mortality (2011, 2012, 2013, 2015)
DEM 708 Evaluation and Correction of Demographic Data (2011, 2014)
Asylum-seekers and Refugees
Migration and urbanization
Mortality, life tables, child mortality
Population policies
Population projections
Child poverty
Survival analysis
Field surveys
Data entry, data quality, data analysis
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Member.
European Association of Population Studies (EAPS), Member.
Asian Population Association, Member
Tel: +90 312 3051115/146
Fax: +90 312 3118141

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