
Place and Date of Birth
Karanci (Yucesoy)
Ayse Nuray
METU, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology, 06531 Ankara/Turkey
+90 (312) 210 51 14, +90 (312) 210 31 82
+90 (312) 210 7975
Ankara, Turkey, 1951
Ph.D. University of Hull, Department of Psychology, U.K.
Thesis: Physiological and behavioral effects of cigarette smoking: Implications for
M.S. Psychology (Clinical): University of Liverpool, Department of Clinical
Psychology, U.K.
Thesis: An investigation of an interaction between “internal-external” locus of control
and “self –control” procedures in the modification of cigarette smoking
B.S., Middle East Technical University, Department of Social Sciences (Psychology,
Honor Degree)
High School Diploma, TED Ankara College, Ankara, Turkey
1992 - cont
1986 - 1992
1981 - 1986
1980 - 1981
Professor, METU, Department of Psychology
Associate Professor, METU, Department of Psychology
Assistant Professor, METU, Department of Psychology
Instructor, METU, Department of Psychology
2013 - cont Engelsiz ODTÜ Birimi, Member of the Executive Committee
2009 - 2011 METU, Psychology Department, UYAREM-Clinical Unit director
2009 - cont METU, Parlar Foundation Awards Committee Member (ODTÜ, Parlar Vakfı
Ödül Jürisi Üyesi)
2007 - 2008 Director of Disaster Management Implementation and Research Center (Afet
Yönetimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Müdürü)
2005 - 2008 Member of the Executive Committee, METU, Human Rights and Safety
International Research and Implementation Center (İnsan Hakları ve Güvenliği
Uluslararası Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi) (September, 2005)
2004 - 2007 Member of METU Senate – Elected member of the Faculty of Arts and
1997 - 2003 Chairperson, METU, Department of Psychology
2000 - 2007 The Turkish National Earthquake Council (Ulusal Deprem Konseyi) member
2002 - 2008 Vice-President: The International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of
Natural Hazards (NHS)
2000 - 2002 Member at large: The International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of
Natural Hazards (NHS)
1997 - cont Founding member and Executive Committee member, METU, Disaster
Management Implementation and Research Center (Afet Yönetimi Uygulama
ve Araştırma Merkezi)
1999 - 2006
1994 - 1997
1993 - 1994
1980 - 1982
1980 - 1985
Consultancy Committe Member, Ankara University, Psychiatric Crisis
Implementation and Research Centre
Assistant Director of The Graduate Institute of Social Sciences, METU
METU, Graduate Institute of Social Sciences, Executive Committee Member,
METU, Discipline Committee Member, METU
METU, Dormitory Executive Committee Member, METU
2000 - 2001
1991, 1993, 1997
1973 - 1980
Prof. Mustafa N. Parlar, “Ph.D. Thesis Advisor Award”, (for Ikizer, G.)
Prof. Mustafa N. Parlar, “M.S. Thesis Advisor Award”, (for Inandilar,
Prof. Mustafa N. Parlar, “M.S. Thesis Advisor Award”, (for Dirik, G.)
Fullbright Visiting Scholar Award
Prof. Mustafa N. Parlar, “M.S. Thesis Advisor Award”, (for Uner, N.)
British Council, Visiting Fellowship
British Psychological Society, “Young Psychologist of the Year Award”
Turkish Ministry of Education Fellowship
2014 - 2016
2013 - 2015
2011 - 2015
2013 - 2014
2014 - cont
2010 - 2011
2009 - 2012
2007 - 2009
2006 - 2007
FP7, European Union (FP7-SEC-2013-1; No. 608058), TACTIC Tools,
methods and training for communities and societies to better prepare for a
FP7, European Union (FP7-ENV.2013.6.4-3), ASTARTE. Assessment
strategy and risk reduction for tsunamis in Europe, researcher, led by Prof. A.
FP7, European Union (FP7-ENV-2011-1; No. 283201), emBRACE Building
Resilience amongst Communities in Europe
TUBITAK-SOBAG: (Rapid Support Fund). İzmir’de Travma Sonrası Stres
Bozukluğu, Travma Sonrası Gelişim, Yaygınlığı ve Yordayıcılarının Model
Çerçevesinde Test Edilmesi (112K617)
Psychosocial Support in Disasters online course as part of the web-based
Natural Disaster Risk Management Program by World Bank - GFDRR (Global
Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery) and METU Disaster
Management Center (Course developer/facilitator)
TUBITAK-SOBAG: PTSD and PTG among adults experiencing a traumatic life
event: Longitudinal study (Travmatik yaşantısı olan yetişkinlerde travma
sonrası stres bozukluğuve travma sonrası gelişim: Boylamsal bir çalışma),
Project Director, TUBİTAK, Rapid Funding, (109K592)
TUBITAK-SOBAG: Turkey & Pakistan collaborative project on psychosocial
capacity building for disasters, Researcher (Afetlere Yönelik Psikososyal
Hizmetler Alanında Kapasite Geliştirme amaçlı Türkiye Pakistan İşbirliği
Projesi, Araştırmacı) (1.02.2009-1.02.2012: 107K538)
TUBITAK-SOBAG: Prevalence of potentially traumatic events, post traumatic
stress disorder and posttraumatic growth in a representative community
sample from three provinces in Turkey, Project Director (Yetişkinlerde
Travmatik Yaşam Olay Yaşama Yaygınlığı, Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu
ve Travma Sonrası Gelişim’in Değerlendirilmesi, Proje Yürütücüsü)
(15.10.2007-15.04.2009: 107K323)
European Union, ÇESAV and Keçiören Municipality, Health Café Youth
Center Project, Capacity Building Manager.
2005 - 2006
2004 - 2005
2004 - 2005
2001 - 2002
2000 - 2001
1998 - 1999
World Bank and Turkish Prime Ministry Office, “Feasibility Study for
Retrofitting of Selected Residential Buildings in Istanbul”, Team Leader for
Social Impact Analysis.
Comparative Methodologies Development for Comprehensive Urban
Earthquake Mitigation Intervention: The Cases of İstanbul and Athens
(Researcher) (1.01.2004-1.12.2005, 1021005).
Psychopathology and predictive personality characteristics: A Crosscultural
investigation (Psikopatoloji ve Yordayıcı Kişilik Özellikleri: Kültürler Arası Bir
Çalışma). METU, BAP, Project Director.
UNDP and Turkish Ministry of Public Works and Settlement, “Strengthening
community participation in disaster management; Earthquakes, landslides and
floods in Cankiri.”
ECHO-EU-UNDP, "Strengthening of coping capacities of populations affected
by the Marmara earthquake: Community training for disaster preparedness."
UNDP and Turkish Ministry of Public Works and Settlement, “Strengthening
community participation in a pilot province in Turkey.”
METU, Applied Research Fund, “Examination of the relationship between
anxiety and depression within a cognitive framework.”
METU, Applied Research Fund, “Perfectionism and life-events as predictors of
depressive symptomatology among university students.”
UNDP, “Dinar Earthquake: Institutional and psycho-social capacity building.”
METU, Applied Research Fund, “Distress reactions and coping strategies
following the 1995 Dinar earthquake.”
METU, Applied Research Fund, “Housing problems in high risk areas for
earthquakes: Community members’ preferences and attitudes.”
METU, Applied Research Fund, “Causal attributions of the caregivers of
schizophrenic patients.”
Turkish Psychological Association
The International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards
The International Sociological Association
The International Society for Traumatic Stress
2014 - cont
2011 - cont
2013 - cont
2010 - cont
Member of Editorial Board, Annals of Depression and Anxiety
Member of Scientific Committee for international congress
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Psychology and
Psychotherapy Research
Member of Christchurch Earthquake, New Zealand,
Psychosocial Recovery Advisory Group
Member of Organization Committee, ISMEP, İstanbul
International Conference on Seismic Risk Mitigation,
December, İstanbul.
Member of Editorial Board, The European Journal of
Psychotraumatology (EJPT)
Turkish republic, Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency
Management Directorate, Disaster and Emergency Training
Commission, member (T.C. Başbakanlık Afet ve Acil Durum
Yönetimi Başkanlığı, “Başkanlık Afet ve Acil Durum Eğitim
Kurulu üyeliği)
2009 - 2014
2009 -
2009 2008 -
2007 2006 2006 2005 2005 -
2005 - 2006
2005 -
2002 2002-
2000 2000 - 2002
1989 - 1990
1983 and 1987 (Summer)
Convenor, EFPA, Disaster, Crisis and Trauma Psychology
Standing Committee
Sakarya International Earthquake Symposium (Uluslararası
Deprem Sempozyumu) Member of Scientific Committee,
October, 2009
İstanbul International Conference on Seismic Risk Mitigation,
Member of Scientific Committee, December, İstanbul.
Member of the Advisory Board of “Erzincan Üniversitesi Sosyal
Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi” (Erzincan University Journal of the
Social Sciences Institute).
Turkish Psychological association, Head of Trauma Unit
International Sociological Association, International Research
Committee on Disasters, Board Member
Member of the Advisory Board of Ulusal Afet Dergisi (National
Disaster Journal)
Guest Editor of Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering Journal
European Federation of Psychological Associataions (EFPA)
Disaster, Trauma and Disasters Standing Comittee,
Representative Member for Turkish Psychological Association
Guest Editor (Together with Chadha, R. & Papadopoulos, G.A):
Special Issue on "Hazards and Disaster mitigation" of Natural
Hazards, 40(3).
Member of the Consultancy Comittee for Social and
Administrative Sciences Basic Area for Higher Education
Council (Üniversiteler Arası Kurul Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler
Temel Alan Danışma Komisyonu Üyesi).
Vice President , International Society for the Prevention and
Mitigation of Natural Hazards (NHS)
Chair, Local Organising Committee of the Ninth International
Symposium on Natural and Human-Made Hazards, The
International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of
Natural Hazards (NHS), Antalya, Turkey
National Earthquake Council-Member (Ulusal Deprem Konseyi)
Member at Large, International l Society for the Prevention and
Mitigation of Natural Hazards (NHS)
Fullbright fellow, Disaster Research Centre, University of
Consultant psychologist, Ankara Ruh Sağlığı Merkezi (Ankara
Mental Health Centre)
Locum clinical psychologist, Whiston Hospital, Department of
Clinical Psychology
Journal Advisory Boards:
Bilişsel Davranişçi Psikoterapi ve Araştirmalar Dergisi (Journal of
Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy and Research)
Türk Psikoloji Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Psychology)
Aile ve Toplum (Family and the Society)
3P: Psikiyatri, Psikofarmakoloji ve Psikoloji Dergisi (3P: Psychiatry,
Psychopharmacology and Psychology Journal)
Community participation in disaster management
Community resilience in disasters
Community awareness and risk perception
Emotional reactions following victimization in disasters-earthquakes and attitudes and
behavior related to mitigation and preparedness
Post traumatic and post traumatic growth in community samples following traumatic life
Classification of smokers on the basis of motives for smoking and self-efficacy expectations.
Causal attributions of psychiatric and medical patients for their illness and the relationship of
attributions with depression
Caretakers of schizophrenic patients: Expressed emotion, attributions, burdens and
expectations from health care staff
Ikizer, G., Karanci, A.N., & Doğulu, C. (2015). Exploring factors associated with psychological
resilience among earthquake survivors from Turkey. Journal of Loss & Trauma.
Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/15325024.2015.1108794
Ikizer, G., Karanci, A.N., & Doğulu, C. (2015). How does impact of objective and subjective
disaster exposure relate to the three clusters of posttraumatic stress symptoms?
Dirik, G., Karanci, A.N., & Yorulmaz, O. (2015). Assessment of Perceived Parenting Attitudes
in Childhood: Turkish Form of the S-EMBU for Children. Turkish Journal of
Psychiatry, 26(2), 123-130.
Arcan, K., & Karanci, A.N. (2015). Adaptation study of the Turkish version of the GamblingRelated Cognitions Scale (GRCS-T). Journal of Gambling Studies, 31(1), 211-224.
doi: 10.1007/s10899-013-9414-5.
Erkan, B.B., Karanci, A.N., Kalaycioglu, S., Özden, T., & Özakşehir, G. (2015). From
emergency response to recovery: Multiple impacts and lessons learned from 2011
Van earthqukaes. Earthquke Spectra, 31(1), 527-540. doi: 10.1193/060312EQS205M
Karanci, A.N. (2014). Concerns about schizophrenia or possession? Journal of Religion and
Health, 53(6), 1691-1692.
Haciomeroglu, B., & Karanci, A.N. (2014). Perceived parental rearing behaviors,
responsibility attitudes and life events as predictors of obsessive compulsive
symptomatology: test of a cognitive model. Behavioural and Cognitive
Psychotherapy, 42(6), 641-652, doi: 10.1017/S1352465813000581
Ayaz, T., Karanci, A.N., & Aker, T. (2014). The reliability and validity study of the Turkish
version of two track model of bereavement questionnaire. Turkish Journal of
Psychiatry, 25(4), 253-263.
Arcan, K., & Karanci, A.N. (2014). Adaptation, validity and reliability study of the five-factor
gambling motives scale. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 15(3), 248-256. doi:
Karanci, A.N., Isikli, S., Aker, A. T., Gul, E.I., Erkan, B.B., Özkol, H., & Güzel, H.Y. (2012).
Personality, posttraumatic stress and trauma type: factors contributing to
posttraumatic growth and its domains in a Turkish community sample. European
Journal of Psychotraumatology, 3. doi: 10.3402/ejpt.v3i0.17303.
Inozu, M., Karanci, A.N., & Clark, D. (2012). Why are religious individuals more obsessional?
The role of mental control beliefs and guilt in Muslims and Christians. Journal of
Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 43, 959-966.
Arikan, G., & Karanci, A.N. (2012). Attachment and coping as facilitators of posttraumatic
growth in Turkish university students experiencing traumatic events. Journal of
Trauma Dissociation, 13(2), 209-225. doi: 10.1080/15299732.2012.642746.
Inozu, M., Clark, D., & Karanci, N.A. (2012). Scrupulosity in Islam: A Comparison of Highly
Religious Turkish and Canadian Samples. Behavior Therapy,43(1), 190-202.
Johal, S., Chambers,R., Collins, S., de Terte, I., Gardner, D., Glavovic, B., Johnston, L.,
Karanci, A.N., Mooney, M.F., Paton, D., & Johnston, D. (2011). Potential social and
psychological consequences of the Rena incident: Lessons from an international
perspective. New Zealand Medical Journal, 124(1345), 86-89.
Mooney, M.F., Paton, D., De Terte,I., Johal, S., Karanci, A.N., Gardner, D., Collins,S.,
Glavovic, B., Huggins, T., Johston, L., Cahmbers,R., & Johnston, D.M.(2011).
Psychosocial recovery from disasters: A framework informed by evidence. New
Zealand Journal of Psychology: Psychology and Disasters, 40(4), 26-38.
Saari, S., Karanci, A.N., Yule, W. (2011). EFPA and work on disaster, crisis, and trauma
psychology. European Psychologist, 16(2), 141-148.
Koca-Atabey, M., Karanci, A.N., Dirik, G., & Aydemir, D. (2011). Psychological wellbeing of
Turkish university students with physical impairments: An evaluation within the stressvulnerability paradigm. International Journal of Psychology, 46(2), 106-118.
Dirik, G., & Karanci, A.N. (2010).Psychological distress in rheumatoid arthritis patients: An
evaluation within the conservation of resources theory. Psychology and Health, 25(5).
Yuksel, M.M., & Karanci, N. (2008). Screening attitudes towards schizophrenia. International
Journal of Psychology, 43 (3-4), 73-73.
Dirik, G., & Karanci, A.N. (2008). Variables related to posttraumatic growth in Turkish
rheumatoid arthritis patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 15,
Yorulmaz, O., Altin, M., & Karanci, A.N. (2008). Further support for responsibility in different
obsessive-compulsive symptoms in Turkish adolescents and young adults,
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36(5), 605-617.
Yorulmaz, O., Karanci, A.N., Bastug, B., Kisa, C., & Goka, E. (2008). Responsibility, thought
action fusion and thought suppression in Turkish patients with obsessive-compulsive
disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 64(3), 308-317.
Altin, M., & Karanci, A.N. (2008). How does locus of control and inflated sense of
responsibility relate to obsessive-compulsive symptoms in Turkish adolescents.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22, 1303-1315.
Karanci, A.N., Dirik, G., & Yorulmaz, O. (2007). Reliability and validity studies of Turkish
translation of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated.Turkish
Journal of Psychiatry, 18(3), 1-7.
Karanci, A.N., & Erkam, A. (2007). Variables related to stress-related growth among Turkish
breast cancer patients. Stress and Health, 23, 315-322.
Yalçınkaya-Alkar, Ö., & Karanci, A.N. (2007). What are the differences in decisional balance
and self-efficacy between Turkish smokers in different stages of change? Addictive
Behaviors, 32, 836-849.
Dirik, G., Kılıçarslan, M. A., Gençöz, T., & Karanci, N.A. (2006). Correlates of anxiety and
depression in Turkish complete denture patients. Social Behavior and Personality,
34(10), 1311-1322.
Yorulmaz, O., Karanci, A.N., & Tekok-Kılıç, A. (2006). What are the roles of responsibility
and perfectionism in checking and cleaning symptoms? Journal of Anxiety Disorders,
20, 312-327.
Haque, C. E., Dominey-Howes, D., Karanci, N., Papadopoulos, G., & Yalciner, A. (2006).
The need for an integrative scientific and societal approach to natural hazards.
Natural Hazards, 39(2), 155-157.
Karanci, A.N., & Acarturk, C. (2005). Post-traumatic growth among Marmara Earthquake
survivor involved in disaster preparedness as volunteers. Traumatology, 11(4), 307323.
Sümer, N., Karanci, A.N., Kazak Berument, S., & Güneş, H. (2005).Personal resources,
coping self-efficacy and quake exposure as predictors of psychological distress
following the 1999 Earthquake in Turkey. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 18(4), 331342.
Karanci, N.A., Aksit, B. & Dirik, G. (2005). Impact of a community disaster awareness training
program in Turkey: Does it influence hazard related cognitions and preparedness
behaviours. Social Behavior and Personality, 33(3), 243-258.
Karanci, N.A., & Dirik, G. (2003). Predictors of pre and post-operative anxiety in emergency
surgery patients. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 55(4), 363-369.
Karanci, N.A., & Inandilar, H. (2002). Predictors of components of expressed emotion in
major caregivers of Turkish patients with schizophrenia. Social Psychiatry and
Psychiatric Epidemiology, 37(2), 80-88.
Karanci, N.A., & Aksit, B. (2000). Building disaster resistant communities: Lessons learned
from past earthquakes in Turkey and suggestions for the future. International Journal
of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 18(3), 403-416.
Karanci, N.A., Alkan, N., Aksit, B., Sucuoglu, H., & Balta, E. (1999). Gender differences in
psychological distress, coping, social support and related variables following the 1995
Dinar (Turkey) earthquake. North American Journal of Psychology, 1(2), 189-204.
Karanci, N.A., & Aksit, B. (1999). Strengthening community participation in disaster
management by strengthening governmental and non-governmental organisations
and networks: A case study from Dinar and Bursa (Turkey). The Australian Journal of
Emergency Management, 13(4), 35-39.
Rustemli, A., & Karanci, N.A. (1999). Correlates of earthquake cognitions and preparedness
behaviour in victimised population. The Journal of Social Psychology, 139(1), 91-101.
Rustemli, A., & Karanci, N.A. (1996). Distress reactions and earthquake-related cognitions of
parents and their adolescent children in a victimised population. Journal of Social
Behaviour and Personality, 11(4), 767-780.
Karanci, N.A. (1995). Caregivers of Turkish schizophrenic patients: Causal attributions,
burdens and attitudes to help from the health professionals. Social Psychiatry and
Psychiatric Epidemiology, 30(6), 261-268.
Karanci, N.A., & Rustemli, A. (1995). Psychological consequences of the 1992 Erzincan
(Turkey) earthquake. Disasters, 19(1), 8-18.
Karanci, N.A. (1993). Causal attributions for illness among Turkish psychiatric out-patients
and differences between diagnostic groups. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric
Epidemiology, 28, 292-295.
Karanci, N.A. (1992). Self-efficacy based smoking situation factors: The effects of
contemplation to quit and relapse in a Turkish sample. The International Journal of
the Addictions, 27(6), 879-886.
Boyacioglu, G., & Karanci, N.A. (1992). The relationship of employment status, social
support and life-events with depressive symptomatology among married Turkish
women. International Journal of Psychology, 27(1), 61-71.
Karanci, N.A. (1988). Patterns of depression in medical patients and their relationship with
causal attributions for illness. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 50(4), 207-215.
Hortacsu, N., & Karanci, N.A. (1987). Premarital breakups in a Turkish sample: Attributional
dimensions and affective reactions. International Journal of Psychology, 22, 1-17.
Karanci, N.A., & Rustemli, A. (1987). Smoking typology in a Turkish sample. The
International Journal of the Addictions, 22(3), 289-299.
Karanci, N.A. (1986). Causal attributions for psychological illness among Turkish psychiatric
in-patients and their relationships with hope. The International Journal of Social
Psychiatry, 32(4), 3-13.
Karanci, N.A. (1985). Individual nicotine requirements: The relationship between differences
in nicotine intake and physiological response. Biological Psychology, 21, 27-42.
Bastug, G., & Karanci, A.N. (2015). The impact of caregivers’ expressed emotion and the
patients’ perception of expressed emotion on the positive and negative symptoms of
patients with schizophrenia in a sample from Turkey. Düşünen Adam: The Journal of
Yalçınkaya-Alkar, Ö. & Karanci, A.N. (2014). Examination of the mental health component of
quality of life of haemodialysis patients and its relationship to perceived expressed
emotion, coping self efficacy, optimism, self esteem, and social support. Journal of
Yorulmaz, O., Karanci, N.A., Dirik, G., Baştug, B., Kısa, C., Göka, E., & Burns, G. L. (2007).
Padua Envanteri-Washington Eyalet Üniversitesi Revizyonu: Türkçe versiyonunun
psikometrik özellikleri (Padua Inventory-Washington State University Revision:
Psychometric properties of the Turkish version). Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 10(20), 75-85.
Karanci, N.A. (2007). Kendi kendine yardım ve değişim aşamaları. In N.A. Karanci, F.
Gençöz, & Ö. Bozo (Eds), How Can We Maintain Our Psychological Health? II:
Adulthood and Old Age. (Psikolojik Sağlığımızı Nasıl Koruruz? I: Yetişkinlik ve
Yaşlılık), ISBN: 9944-344-32-6, pp. 5-21, ODTÜ Yayıncılık, Ankara.
Karanci, N.A. (2005). Psychological Reactions of Disaster Survivors and
Preparedness/Mitigation Behaviors (Afetzede Psikolojisi ve Hazırlıklılık/Zarar Azaltma
Davranışları). Afet Yönetiminin Temel İlkeleri. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti İçişleri Bakanlığı
ve Japonya Uluslararası İşbirliği Ajansı (JICA), Güzeliş Ofset Matbaacılık Ltd.,
Karanci, N.A. (2003). Depremlerle başa çıkmak ve psikoloji (Coping with earthquakes and
psychology). Mavi Gezegen, 7, 4-7.
Karanci, N.A. (2001). Doğal afetler, toplumun ruh sağlığı ve afet zararlarının azaltılmasında
toplumun katılımı (Natural disasters, mental health and community participation for
disaster mitigation). Toplum ve Hekim, 16(4), 290-294.
Karanci, N.A. (1999). 17 Ağustos öncesi durum: Psikoloji ve depremler (The situation prior to
the 17 August earthquake: Psychology and earthquakes). Türk Psikoloji Bülteni,
5(15), 41-46.
Karanci, N.A. (1999). Afetlerin psiko-sosyal boyutları (Psycho-social dimensions of
disasters). In Deprem Güvenli Konut Sempozyumu Kitabı (pp. 95-99). Ankara: Mesa
Karanci, N.A. (1999). Depremin psiko-sosyal boyutları: Erzincan, Dinar ve 17 Ağustos 1999
Marmara depremleri (Psychosocial dimensions of the Erzincan, Dinar and the 17
August Marmara earthquakes). Türk Psikoloji Bülteni, Deprem Özel Sayısı, 5(14), 5559.
Karanci, N.A. (1997). Şizofren hasta yakınlarının dünyası: Nedensel atıflar, yükler ve umutlar
(The families of schizophrenic patients: Attributions, burdens and hopes). 3P:
Psikiyatri, Psikoloji ve Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi, 5(Ek-2), 42-45.
Akşit, B., Karanci, N.A., & Balta, E. (1997). Ekim 1995 Dinar depremi ve GODOT Beklentisi
(The October 1995 Dinar earthquake and GODOT Expectations). 3P: Psikiyatri,
Psikoloji ve Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi, 5(ek-2), 51-55.
Karanci, N.A. (1997). Farklılıkla yaşamak: Şizofren hasta ailelerinin sağlık personelinden
beklentileri. In N.A. Karanci (Ed.), Farklılıkla yaşamak: Aile ve toplumun farklı
gereksinimleri olan bireylerle birlikteliği (Living with exceptionality: Expectations of the
family and the community). Ankara: Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, 57-66.
Karanci, N.A., Akşit, B., & Sucuoğlu, H. (1996). Dinar’da afet yönetiminin psiko-sosyal
boyutları. Erzincan ve Dinar Deneyimleri ışığında Türkiye’nin deprem sorunlarına
çözüm arayışları (The psychosocial aspects of disaster management in Dinar).
TÜBİTAK, Deprem Sempozyumu, Bildiri kitabı, 273-283.
Karanci, N.A. (1996). Afetlerin psiko-sosyal boyutları (The psycho-social dimensions of
disasters). Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanlığı ile Belediyeler, 32, 18-20.
Karanci, N.A., Rüstemli, A., & Sucuoğlu, H. (1995). 1992 Erzincan depreminin sosyal ve
psikolojik boyutları (Psychosocial consequences of 1992 Erzincan earthquake).
Üçüncü Ulusal Deprem Mühendisliği Konferansı Kitabı, 748-758.
Karanci, N.A., & Kökdemir, D. (1995). Akıl hastası: Tanımlaması, yarattığı rahatsızlık ve
davranışları ile başa çıkma (Mental illness: Descriptions, perceived distress and
coping). Kriz Dergisi, 3(1-2), 237-240.
Karanci, N.A., & Rüstemli, A. (1994). Erzincan depremi sonrası stres tepkileri (Stress
reactions following the Erzincan earthquake). Turkish Psychological Association, VIII.
Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi bilimsel çalışmaları, 58-67.
Akkök, F., Aşkar, P., & Karanci, N.A. (1992). Özürlü bir çocuğa sahip anne-babalardaki
stresin yordanması (Predictors of distress in-parents of retarded children). Özel
Eğitim Dergisi, 1(2), 8-12.
Karanci, N.A. (1989). Göğüs cerrahisi hastalarında, hastalık için yapılan nedensel atıflar ve
sosyal destek ile depresyonun ilişkileri (Causal attributions of medical patients for
their illness and their relationship with patterns of depression). XXXV. Ulusal Psikiyatri
ve Nörolojik Bilimler Kongresi bilimsel çalışmaları, 712-716. Ankara: UDK Yayınları.
Hortaçsu, N., & Karanci, N. (1989). Üniversite gençliğinde kız-erkek arkadaşlıkları
(Heterosexual relationships among university students). I. Felsefe ve Sosyal İlimler
Kongresi bildiriler kitabı. 268-280. Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Karanci, N.A. (1989). Bilişsel-davranış terapilerinde kaygı bozuklukları modeli ve terapi
yaklaşımı (Cognitive behavioral anxiety disorders model and treatment). Psikiyatrik
Tedaviler ve Davranışçı Teknikler Sempozyumu Kitabı, 107-116. Sivas: Dilek Matbaa.
Karanci, N.A. (1988). Kaygı ile davranışsal ve bilişsel başa çıkma teknikleri (Cognitivebehavioural anxiety management techniques). XXIV. Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik
Bilimler Kongresi kitabı, 226-228.
Karanci, N.A. (1987). Bilişsel-davranış terapileri (Cognitive-behavioral therapies). Psikoloji
Dergisi, 6(21), 13-15.
Karanci, N.A. (1987). Psikiyatri hastalarının ruhsal rahatsızlıklarını algılama boyutları ve bu
boyutların gelecek beklentisi ile ilişkileri (Causal attributions of psychiatric patients
and their relationships with future expectations). Psikoloji Dergisi, 6(21), 102-107.
Ikizer, G., Karanci, A.N., & Dogulu, C. (2015, July). What affects psychological resilience in
earthquake survivors from Van, Turkey? 14th European Congress of Psychology,
Milan, Italy.
Ikizer, G., Karanci, A.N., & Dogulu, C. (2015, July). Post-disaster adversity and psychological
resilience: does how people cope matter? 14th European Congress of Psychology,
Milan, Italy.
Özekin-Üncüer, F. & Karanci, N. (2015, July). Reliability and validity studies of Turkish
translation of Self-Ambivalence Measure. 14th European Congress of Psychology,
Milan, Italy.
Karanci, A.N. (2015, May). Psychological distress and resilience in the aftermath of the Van,
2011 Earthquakes in Turkey. Symposium on the Problems of Psychological
Consequences Connected with Radiation Accidents and Other Emergency Situations,
Moscow, Russia.
Gül, E. & Karanci, A.N. (2014, July). Contributing roles of rumination to posttraumatic growth
through coping strategies in a community sample. In “Coping Research: Applications
from the early years through to adulthood”. 28th International Congress of Applied
Psychology, Paris, France.
Ikizer, G., Doğulu, C., & Karanci, A.N. (2014, July). Psychological impacts of earthquakes
and psychological resilience. In “Earthquakes: psychosocial effects and risk
perception”, 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France.
Ikizer, G., Karanci, A.N., & Doğulu, C. (2014, July). Differential effects of objective and
subjective exposure severity on PTSD symptom clusters among earthquake survivors
from Turkey. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France.
Baptista, M.A., Yalciner, A., Canals, M., Behrens, J., Fuhrman, D., Gonzalez, M., Harbitz,
C., Kanoglu, U., Karanci, N., Lavigne,F., Lorito, S., Meghraoui, M., Melis, N.S.,
Necmioglu , O., Papadopoulos, G.A., Rudloff, A., Schindele, F., Terrinha, P., Tinti, S.,
and the ASTARTE Team (2014, May). Improving Tsunami Resilience in EuropeASTARTE. European Geosciences Union-EGU, Vienne, Austria.
Karanci, A.N., Köse, M.R., Parin, S., Özceylan, D., İkizer, G., & Doğulu, C. (2013, October).
Community resilience following the Van earthquakes: Preliminary findings from the
emBRACE Project. 2013 International Van Earthquake Symposium, Van, Turkey.
Öztan, N., Karanci, N., Erden, G., Işıklı, S., Tüzün, Z., & Yılmaz, B. (2013, October).
Psychosocial interventions by Turkish Psychological Association (TPA) after Van
earthquake. 2013 International Van Earthquake Symposium, Van, Turkey.
Karanci, A.N. (2013, September). Psychosocial aspects of natural disasters. 26th
International Tsunami Symposium, Göcek, Turkey.
Ayaz, T., & Karanci, A.N. (2013, July). The contributory roles of coping styles and attachment
styles on bereavement. 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Karanci, A.N. (2013, July). Crisis, and Disaster, impacts, recovery and psychosocial support.
Symposium. 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Karanci, A.N., Ikizer, G., Doğulu, C., & Ar, Y. (2013, July). How do Turkish earthquake
survivors perceive psychosocial impacts and psychological resilience? Poster
presented at the 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Karanci, A.N. (2013, June). Psychosocial interventions in the aftermath of disasters: views of
EFPA Standing Committee for crises, trauma, and disasters. XIII Congress of the
European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Bologna, Italy.
Arcan, K., & Karanci, A.N. (2012, May). Gambling related cognitions and motives as
predictors of risky gambling in a sample from Turkey. International Psychological
Applications Conference and Trends 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
Johal, S., Collins,S., Chambers,R., Gardner,D., Glavovic, B., Johnston, D., Johnston,D.,
Huggins,T.J., Karanci, A.N., Terte, I., Mooney,M.F., & Paton, D. (2012, August).
Supporting Psychosocial Recovery from Disasters: How an Advisory Group Can Help
Increase Capacity. 6th Australasian Natural Hazards Conference, Christchurch, New
Karanci, A.N., Özkol, H., Aker, T., & Işıklı, S. (2011, July). Psychological effects of traumatic
events: A qualitative analysis. 12th European Congress of Psychology, İstanbul,
Karanci, A.N., Özkol, H., Aker, T., & Işıklı, S. (2011, July). Adaptation of the Trauma
Screening Questionnaire for Turkish samples. 12th European Congress of
Psychology, İstanbul, Turkey.
Işıklı, S., Karanci, A.N., Aker, T., & Özkol, H. (2011, July). Epidemiology of traumatic events
and posttraumatic stress disorder in an adult sample from Turkey: a longitudinal
analyses. 12th European Congress of Psychology, İstanbul, Turkey.
Işıklı, S., Karanci, A.N., Aker, T., & Özkol, H. (2011, July). How does the impact of traumatic
events and post-traumatic growth change over time: A longitudinal analyses of the
roles of personality, social support and ways of coping in an adult sample from
Turkey. 12th European Congress of Psychology, İstanbul, Turkey.
Yüksel, M., & Karanci, A.N. (2011, July). Schizophrenia as a journey with the families of
patients with schizophrenia. 12th European Congress of Psychology, İstanbul, Turkey.
Ayaz,T., Önen, P., Aker, T., & Karanci, A.N. (2011, July). The adaptation and the validation
of the turkish version of the Two Track Model of Bereavement Questionnaire. The
12th European Congress of Psychology, İstanbul, Turkey.
Karanci, A.N. (2011, July). Psychosocial interventions in the aftermath of disasters (State of
art presentation). 12th European Congress of Psychology, İstanbul, Turkey.
Karanci, A.N. (2011, July). What is the role of the Turkish Psychological Association in
disaster psycho-social support: Experiences, organizational framework and
collaborations. 12th European Congress of Psychology, İstanbul, Turkey.
Karanci, N., Gökler-Danışman, I., Yılmaz, B., ve Aker, T. (2011, June). Identifying the
pathways to provide psychosocial support for disaster survivors: preliminary findings
of a comprehensive study. 12th European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Vienna,
Aker, T.,Yilmaz, B., Danisman, I.G., & Karanci, N. (2011, June). Capacity building for disaster
psychosocial services: A collaborative project. 12th European Conference on
Traumatic Stress, Vienna, Austria.
Karanci, A.N. (2011, July). Family Perspective: Needs and burdens of caregivers of patients
with schizophrenia. 12th European Congress of Psychology, İstanbul, Turkey.
Eremsoy, C.E., Karanci, N., & Kazak-Berument, S. (2011, May). Psychometric properties of
the Antisocial Process Screening Device in a non-clinical sample of Turkish children.
2nd World Conference on Psychology, Counselling & Guidance, Antalya, Turkey.
Karanci, A.N. (2010, August). What are the barriers to community involvement in mitigation?
Findings from İstanbul, Turkey. Australasian Hazards Management Conference,
Wellington, New Zealand.
Eremsoy, C.E., Karanci, A.N., & Kazak-Berument, S.K. (2010, May). How do the predictors
of conduct problems /hyperactivity and callous-unemotional (CU) traits in children
differ according to mothers’ and teachers’ ratings. 2nd World Conference on
Psychology, Counselling and Guidance, Antalya, Turkey.
Karanci, A.N., & Johnston, D. (2009, December). Overcoming social and economic barriers
to seismic retrofitting of residential buildings in Turkey and New Zealand. İstanbul
International Conference on Seismic Risk Mitigation, İstanbul.
Karanci, A.N. (2009, December). Travmalarla başa çıkmanın getirebileceği olumlu
dönüşümler: Türkiye örneği. Uluslararası Travma Toplantıları VI, İstanbul.
Işıklı, S., Karanci, A.N., Aker, T., Basbug, B.B., İzmit, E., Yavuz, H., & Önen, P. (2009, June).
Epidemiology of traumatic events and posttraumatic stress disorder in an adult
sample from Turkey. 11th ECOTS, Oslo, Norway.
Karanci, A.N., Aker, T., Işıklı, S., Başbuğ Erkan, B.B. Gül, E., Yavuz, H., Önen, P. (2009,
June). Personality, impact of traumatic event and post-traumatic growth in an adult
sample from Turkey. 11th ECOTS, Oslo, Norway.
Karanci, N.A. (2008, September). How to facilitate preparedness for natural disasters
through community awareness and participation programs. Emergency Situations and
Psycho-Social Assistance. 3rd National Conference on Psychosocial Assistance and
Emergency. Ministry of Interior – Directorate General of Fire rescue Services of the
Czech Republic and the ADRA Foundation, Prague, Czech Republic.
Yüksel, M.M., & Karanci, A.N. (2008, July). Screening attitudes towards schizophrenia. XXIX
International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
Eremsoy, E., Karanci, N., & Kazak Berument, S. (2008, September). Psychometric properties
of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in a sample of Turkish children. 29th
International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
Altin, M., Clark, D.A., & Karanci, N. (2008, September). The role of religious fundamentalism,
guilt, and Obsessive Beliefs in Aggravating the Scrupulosity Symptoms in Muslim
Students. 38th EABCT08 Annual Congress, Helsinki, Finland.
Eremsoy, E., Karanci, N., & Kazak Berument, S. (2008, April-May). Psychometric properties
of the School-Age Temperament Inventory in a sample of Turkish children. 18th World
Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and
Allied Professions, İstanbul.
Altin, M., Clark, D. A., & Karanci, N. (2007, June). The role of religiosity in obsessiveCompulsive Cognitions and Symptoms: A Comparison of Canadian and Turkish
Samples. V. World Cogress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelona, Spain.
Altin, M., Karanci, N., Clark, D.A. (2007). Current research findings with International
Intrusive Thoughts Interview Schedule (IITIS): The Canada/Turkey experience. Paper
presented at OCCWG-cross-cultural preconference research meeting, Barcelona.
Karanci, A.N. (2007, July). Fostering preparedness for natural disasters through community
awareness and participation programs. 10th European Congress of Psychology,
Prague, Czech Republic.
Yorulmaz, O., Karanci, A.N., Bastug, B., & Kısa, C. (2007, July). Responsibility, thoughtaction fusion and thought suppression in Turkish patients with obsessive-compulsive
disorder. 10th European Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.
Karanci, A.N. (2007, April). Facilitating disaster awareness in the community, the importance
of training and collaboration (Toplumda afet bilincinin oluşturulması, eğitim ve
işbirliğinin önemi). I. International Conference on National and International
Coordination, Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance in Natural Disaster and
State of Emergency Management, Girne, Cyprus.
Kılıçarslan, M. A., Dirik, G., Gençöz, T., & Karanci, A.N. (2006, September). Psychological
distress in complete denture patients. IADR PEF, Trinity College, Dublin.
Karanci, A.N., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Glavak, R., Richter, J., Bridges, K. R., Dirik, G.,
Yorulmaz, O., van der Ende, J., Eisemann, M. & Arrindell, W. A. (2006, June).
Extending the cross-national invariance of the parental warmth and rejection
dimensions: Evidence from Arab countries, Croatia, and Turkey by applying the shortEMBU. Oral Presentation, 1st Congress of International Acceptance and Rejection,
Askeri Müze Kültür Merkezi, Istanbul, Turkey.
Johnston, D.M., Karanci, A.N., Arikan, M., & Hopkins, D. C. (2006, April). Residential
retrofitting in Istanbul, Turkey: Social and economic considerations. EERI
Conference, San Fransisco, USA.
Karanci, A.N. (2005, December). Post-traumatic growth and its predictors. IV. International
Psychological Trauma Meetings, İstanbul.
Güneş, H., Karanci, N.A., Sümer, N., & Kazak Berument, S. (2005, June). Stress-Related
Growth among the Survivors of the 1999 Marmara, Turkey Earthquake. 6th
International Seminar of Positive Psychotherapy: The Challenge to be Positive
Psychotherapist in the 21th Century. Romania.
Karanci, A.N., & Tanridagli, C. (2004, December). The effects of working as a neighbourhood
disaster volunteer on general distress and post-traumatic growth for the survivors of
the 1999 Marmara, Turkey Earthquake. Hazards 2004, Hyderababad, India.
Karanci, N.A. (2002, November). Addressing post-disaster community trauma. The Third
International Workshop on Earthquakes and Megacities, Shanghai, China.
Aksit, B., Karanci, N.A., & Anafarta, M. (2002, October). Disaster preparedness training
through local trainers: An implementation and assessment in a province of Turkey.
Hazards2002, Antalya, Turkey.
Sumer, N., Karanci, N., Berument, Kazak S., & Gunes, H. (2002, June). The role of
attachment style in adjustment to eartquake. SPSSI Convention, Toronto, Canada.
Karanci, N.A., & Aksit, B. (2000, May). Building community participation in disaster
management: lessons learned from past earthquakes and suggestions for the future.
Hazards 2000: 8th International Symposium on Natural and Technological Hazards,
16-17. Tokushima, Japan.
Karanci, N.A., & Tumer, F. (1999, April). Psychosocial aspects of disaster management:
Dinar (Turkey) case. International Conference on Mountain Natural Hazards. Risques
naturels en montagne, 460-464. Grenoble, France.
Karanci, N.A., & Aksit, B. (1998, November). Strengthening community participation in
disaster management by strengthening governmental and non-governmental
organizations and networks: A case study from Dinar and Bursa (Turkey). Disaster
Management: Crisis and Opportunity, Cairns, Australia.
Aksit, B., & Karanci, N.A. (1998, July-August). Local, national and global in time-space of a
disaster stricken community: Out and return migration in two communities in Turkey.
14th World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, Canada.
Karanci, N.A., Aksit, B., Balta, E., & Uner, N. (1997, August). Gender, education and status
in the assessment of state built disaster housing and other aspects of disaster
management in Dinar, Turkey. European Sociological Association Congress, 20th
Century Europe: Inclusions/Exclusions. University of Essex, UK.
Karanci, N.A., Aksit, B., & Sucuogu, H. (1996, July). The psycho-social aspects of disaster
management: Dinar (Turkey) 1995 earthquake. Hazards-96, Sixth International
Symposium on Natural and Man-Made Hazards, Toronto, Canada.
Karanci, N.A. (1995, May). Psychological impacts of the 1992 Erzincan earthquake.
European Symposium of Gender Approaches to Emergency Situations: Women’s
Realities. Athens, Greece.
Karanci, N.A. (1994, February). Causal attributions of caregivers of schizophrenic patients.
Schizophrenia: New Perspectives on Development and Treatment, Oslo, Norway.
Yucesoy, N.A. (1979). Are some smokers pharmacologically addicted to nicotine? BPS
Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK.
Karanci, A. N., Doğulu, C., İkizer, G., & Bayraktar, H. (2015, January). TACTIC Projesi:
Toplumların bir krize karşı daha iyi hazırlanması için araçlar, yöntemler ve eğitim
(TACTIC Project: Tools, methods and training for communities and society to better
prepare for a crisis). Afet Yönetimi Merkezi 17. Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı (METU
Disaster Management Center 12th Round Table Meeting), Ankara.
Gül, E. & Karanci, A.N. (2014, April). Kişilik, olaya-ilişkin ruminasyon ve başetme yollarının
travma sonrası stres semptomları üzerindeki rolü (Role of personality, event-related
rumination and coping styles on posttraumatic stress symptoms). 18. Ulusal Psikoloji
Kongresi (18. National Congress of Psychology), Bursa.
Doğulu, C., Karanci, A. N., İkizer, G., & Parin, S. (2014, January). Afetlere karşı toplumsal
dayanıklılık göstergeleri (Indicators of community resilience to disasters). Afet
Yönetimi Merkezi 16. Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı (METU Disaster Management Center
12th Round Table Meeting), Ankara.
Karanci, A.N. (2013, June). Community resilience in the framework of the emBRACE.
Workshop on Natural Disasters: Psychosocial Consequences and Support, METU,
Karanci, A.N. (2013, May). Deprem travması ve psikolojik destek (Trauma of earthquakes
and psychological support). ODTÜ Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, 50. Yıl Etkinlikleri II
(METU Department of Geology 50th Year Anniversary Events II), METU, Ankara.
Karanci, A. N., İkizer, G., & Doğulu, C. (2013, January). Afetlere karşı toplumsal dayanıklılık:
emBRACE projesi (Community resilience to disasters: the emBRACE Project). Afet
Yönetimi Merkezi 15. Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı (METU Disaster Management Center
12th Round Table Meeting), Ankara.
Karanci, A.N. (2010, April). Türkiye’de yaşanılan travmatik yaşam olaylarının epidemiolojisi
ve travma Sonrası gelişim. (Epidemiology of traumatic life events in Turkey and post
traumatic growth). 14. Bahar Sempozyumu (14th Spring Symposium), Türk Psikiyatri
Derneği, Antalya.
Şakiroğlu, M., & Karanci, A.N. (2010, April). Travma sonrası gelişimi yordayan faktörler.
(Predictors of posttraumatic growth). 16. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (16th National
Congress of Psychology), Mersin.
Karanci, A.N., Eldoğan, D., Ar, Y., & Ateş, G. (2010, April). Şizofreni bilgisi, hastalıkla İlgili
bilgi sahibi olmanın olumsuz tanımlamalar üzerindeki etkisi (Knowledge about
schizophrenia and its affect on negative views about the illness). 16. Ulusal Psikoloji
Kongresi (16th National Congress of Psychology), Mersin.
Altın, M., & Karanci, A.N. (2010, April). Dindarlık, suçluluk ve obsesif inançların obsesifkompulsif bozukluktaki rolleri semptom alt tiplerine göre farklılaşmakta mıdır? (Do the
roles of religiosity, quilt and obsesive beliefs differ according to symptom sub groups
in obsessive-compulsive disorder). 16. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (16th National
Congress of Psychology), Mersin.
Mergen, Ö., & Karanci, A.N. (2010, April). Üniversite öğrencilerinin algılarına içeriden bir
bakış: uyum ve mutluluk (An internal evaluation of how university students perceive
adjustment and happiness). 16. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (16th National Congress of
Psychology), Mersin.
Özkol, H., Sarı, S., & Karanci, N.A. (2010, January). Batı Marmara seli sonrası psikososyal
müdahaleler: Psikolojik destek, yaşanılan zorluklar ve çözüm önerileri (Psychosocial
interventions following the West Marmara flood: Psychological support, challenges
and solutions). ODTÜ Afet Yönetimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi 12. Yuvarlak
Masa Toplantısı (METU Disaster Management Center 12th Round Table Meeting),
Beşikçi, E., Pakhuylu, S., Raşitoğlu, Z., & Karanci, N. (2010, January). İstanbul örnekleminde
deprem risk algısı, sorumluluk yüklemeleri, hazır olma ve zarar azaltma davranışları
(Earthquake risk perception, attributions of responsibility, preparedness and
mitigation behaviors in a sample from İstanbul). ODTÜ Afet Yönetimi Uygulama ve
Araştırma Merkezi 12. Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı (METU Disaster Management
Center 12th Round Table Meeting), Ankara.
Arcan, K., Gül, E., Tezer, N., Yüksel, M. M., & Karanci, N.A. (2009, January). Medya ve
afetler (Media and disasters). ODTÜ Afet Yönetimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi
11. Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı (METU Disaster Management Center 11th Round Table
Meeting), Ankara.
Harma, M., Salman, S., Aktan, T., Elgin, V. M., & Karanci, N.A. (2009, January). Deprem riski
algısı zarar azaltma davranışlarını garanti eder mi? (Does earthquake risk perception
guarantees that people engage in mitigation behaviors?). ODTÜ Afet Yönetimi
Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi 11. Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı (METU Disaster
Management Center 11th Round Table Meeting), Ankara.
Aker, T., Karanci, A.N., Sezgin, U. (2008, September). Afet, kriz ve travma psikolojisi eğitimi
(Disaster, trauma and crisis psychology training). 15. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (15th
National Congress of Psychology), İstanbul.
Karanci, N.A., Aker, T., Işıklı, S., Başbuğ, B. B., Önen, P., İzmit, E., & Yavuz, H. (2008,
September). Yetişkinlerde travmatik yaşam olaylarının yaygınlığı ve travma sonrası
stres bozukluğunun değerlendirilmesi (Prevalence of traumatic life events and
posttraumatic stress disorder in an adult sample). 15. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (15th
National Congress of Psychology), İstanbul.
Karanci, N.A., Aker, T., Işıklı, S., Başbuğ, B. B., Önen, P., İzmit, E., & Yavuz, H. (2008,
değerlendirilmesi: Ankara örneklemi (Evaluation of posttraumatic growth and its
predictors in an adult sample: a sample from Ankara). 15. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi
(15th National Congress of Psychology), İstanbul.
Şakiroglu, M., & Karanci, A.N. (2008, September). Depreme önlem alma davranışını
yordayan faktörler. (Predictors of preparedess behaviors for earthquakes). 15. Ulusal
Psikoloji Kongresi (15th National Congress of Psychology), İstanbul.
Elçi, Ö., & Karanci, A.N. (2008, September). Otizmi olan çocuk ailelerinde aile tükenmişliğini
yordayan faktörler. (Predictors of family burnout in parents of autistic children). 15.
Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (15th National Congress of Psychology), İstanbul.
Koca-Atabey, Karanci, A.N., Aydemir, D., & Dirik, G. (2008, September). Engelli üniversite
öğrencilerinde psikolojik sıkıntılar ve strese bağlı gelişim. (Psychological distres and
post traumatic growth among disables university students). 15. Ulusal Psikoloji
Kongresi (15th National Congress of Psychology), İstanbul.
Karanci, A.N. (2007, December). Afet yönetiminde halk katılımının önemi (The importance of
community participation for disaster management). Afet Yönetiminin Sorunları ve
Çözüm Önerileri Paneli, Afet Sempozyumu (Disaster Symposium), TMMOB, Ankara.
Karanci, A.N. (2007, October). Deprem zararlarını azaltmak ve hazırlıklı olmak: Halk
katılımının önemi (Earthquake damage mitigation and preparedness: The importance
of community participation). Afete Dirençli Şehir Çalıştayı (Workshop on DisasterResistant Cities), Denizli.
Karanci, A.N. (2007, May). Hangi psikoterapi daha etkili? (Which psychotherapy is more
effective?) Invited Conference, III. Prof. Dr. Işık Savaşır Klinik Psikoloji Sempozyumu
(III. Prof. Dr. Işık Savaşır Clinical Psychology Symposium), Ankara.
Karanci, A.N. (2007, May). Depremzede psikolojisi (Psychology of disaster survivors). Invited
Conference, Doğal Afet Semineri (Seminar on Natural Disasters), Erzincan.
Karanci, A.N. (2006). Afetlerle yaşamak (Living with disasters). Invited Conference, 14.
Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (14th National Congress of Psychology), Ankara.
Karanci, A.N., Aytolun, N., & Erol, Y. R. (2006). Depremlere hazırlıklı olmak: Kasım 2005
İzmir Depremi sonrası durum (Preparedness to earthquakes: the case of the 2005
November İzmir earthquake). 14. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (14th National Congress of
Psychology), Ankara.
Altın, M., & Karanci, A.N. (2006). Obsesif-kompulsif semptomatolojide abartılı sorumluluk
algısı ve kontrol odağı (Inflated sense of responsibility and locus of control in
obsessive-compulsive symptomatology). 14. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (14th National
Congress of Psychology), Ankara.
Yorulmaz, O., Dirik, G., Karanci, A.N., & Burns, L. (2006, September). Padua EnvanteriWashington Eyalet Üniversitesi Revizyonu (PE-WEUR): Türkçe versiyonunun
psikometrik değerlendirmesi (Padua Inventory-Washington State University Revision:
Psychometric properties of the Turkish version). 14. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (14th
National Congress of Psychology), Ankara.
Dirik, G., & Karanci, A.N. (2006). Romatoid artrit hastalarında travma sonrası gelişim
(Posttraumatic growth in patients of rheumatoid arthritis). 14. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi
(14th National Congress of Psychology), Ankara.
Karanci, A.N., & Dirik, G. (2006) Artrit öz yeterlik ölçeğinin değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of
the arthritis self-efficacy scale). 14. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (14th National Congress
of Psychology), Ankara.
Karanci, A.N., Dirik, G., & Yorulmaz, O. (2006). Eysenck Kişilik Anketinin Gözden Geçirilmiş
Kısaltılmış Formunun (EPQR-A) Türkçe uyarlamasının güvenirlik ve geçerlik
çalışması (Reliability and validity studies of Turkish translation of Eysenck Personality
Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated). 14. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (14th National
Congress of Psychology), Ankara.
Eremsoy, E., Karanci, A.N., & Kazak-Berument, S. (2006, September). Güçler ve Güçlükler
Anketinin (The Strengths and Difficulties, SDQ) Türk örneklem için psikometrik
özellikleri. 14. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (14th National Congress of Psychology),
Karanci, A.N. (2005, April). Afet yönetim stratejisi: Toplum katılımı. (Disaster management
strategy: Community participation). 58. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı (58th Turkish Council
Meeting of Geology), Ankara.
Acarturk, C., Karanci, N.A., & Aker, T. (2004, December). Predictors of post-traumatic growth
among the Marmara 1999 earthquake survivors. Ruhsal Travma Toplantilari, İstanbul.
Karanci, A.N. (2004, July). Afet yönetim modeline toplumsal katılım (Community participation
in disaster management). Symposium of Civic Coordination against Disasters,
Dirik, G., Karanci, A.N., & Yorulmaz, O. (2004, September). Yetişkinlerin çocukluk anıları ve
sosyal kaygı (Memories of childhood and social phobia). 13. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi
(13th National Congress of Psychology), İstanbul.
Elçi, Ö., & Karanci, A.N. (2004, September). Otizmi olan çocukların ailelerinde travma
sonrası büyümeyi yordayan faktörler (Post-traumatic growth among the parents of
children with autism). 13. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (13th National Congress of
Psychology), İstanbul.
İnözü, M., Yorulmaz, O., & Karanci, A.N. (2004, September). Farklı örneklem gruplarında
aşırı sorumluluk algısı ve obsesif-kompulsif davranış örüntüleri (Responsibility
attitudes and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in different samples). 13. Ulusal
Psikoloji Kongresi (13th National Congress of Psychology), İstanbul.
Karanci, N.A. (2002, September). Afetlerle başa çıkmak: Birey, toplum ve katılım (Coping
with disasters: Individual, society and participation). 12. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (12th
National Congress of Psychology), Ankara.
Dirik, G., Karanci, N.A. (2002, September). Acil ameliyat olan hastaların kaygı düzeyleri
(Anxiety in emergency surgery patients). 12. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (12th National
Psychology Congress), Ankara.
Yalçınkaya, Ö., & Karanci, N.A. (2002, September). Öz yeterlilik ve karar verme dengesinin
sigara içme davranışı ile ilişkileri: Kuramlar üstü model çerçevesinde bir
değerlendirme (Self-efficacy and decisional balance in relation to smoking behavior:
An examination within the transtheoretical model). 12. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (12th
National Psychology Congress), Ankara.
Yorulmaz, O., Karanci, N.A., & Tekok Kılıç, A. (2002, September). Sorumluluk algısının
obsesif kompulsif davranış örüntülerindeki yeri (The role of responsibility in
obsessive-compulsive symptomatology). 12. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (12th National
Congress of Psychology), Ankara.
Karanci, N.A. (2002, April). Klinik Psikolojide ölçme ve değerlendirme: Sorunlar ve çözüm
önerileri (Assessment and evaluation in clinical psychology: Problems and solution
suggestions). I. Prof. Işık Savaşır Sempozyumu (1st Prof. Isik Savasir Symposium),
Karanci, N.A. (2002, March). Bilgi toplumu ve psikoloji: Yorum (Knowledge society and
psychology: Comment). Bilgi Toplumuna Geçiş (Passage to the Knowledge Society),
TÜBİTAK, Ankara.
Akşit, B., Karanci, N.A., & Gündüz-Hoşgör, A. (2000, October). Sokakta çalışan çocuklar:
Diyarbakır, Adana ve İstanbul’dan çocuğa, aileye ve topluma ilişkin gözlemler
(Working street children: Observations on child, family and society from Diyarbakır,
Adana and İstanbul). 3. Ulusal Çocuk Kültürü Kongresi (Third National Child Culture
Congress), Ankara.
Sümer, N., Karanci, N., Güneş, H., & Kazak-Berument, S. (2000, September). Depremin
olumsuz etkileri ile başa çıkmayı ve uyumu yordayan psikolojik etmenler (Factors
predicting distress and growth in relation to the negative impacts of earthquakes). 11.
Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (11th National Congress of Psychology), İzmir.
Gökler, I., Karanci, N.A., Kazak-Berument, S., Sümer, N., & Arslantaş, H. (2000, September).
1999 Marmara depremi sonrası çocuklarda stres belirtileri ve bunları yordayan
değişkenler (Psychological distress reactions and their predictors in children following
the 1999 Marmara earthquake). 11. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (11th National Congress
of Psychology), İzmir.
Kazak-Berüment, S., Arslantaş, H., Gökler, I., Karanci, N.A., & Sümer, N. (2000, September).
Depremin çocuklar üzerindeki etkilerini belirleyen risk ve koruyucu faktörler (Risk and
protective factors related to the negative impact of earthquakes on children). 11.
Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (11th National Congress of Psychology), İzmir.
Karanci, N.A. (2000, February). Deneyimler: Marmara depremi öncesi yürütülen deprem
çalışmaları (Experiences: Earthquake related research prior to the Marmara
earthquake). Travma ve Sonrası: Prof. Dr. Mualla Öztürk Anısına XIII. Sempozyum
(Trauma and Afterwards: 13th Symposium in the Memory of Prof. Dr. Mualla Öztürk),
Karanci, N.A. (2000, May). Depremin psikolojik etkileri ve aile (Psychological effects of
earthquake). Başbakanlık Aile Araştırma Kurumu Aile Eğitimi Seminerleri (Family
Seminars of Prime Ministry Institute of Family Research), Ankara.
Karanci, N.A., Aksit, B., & Sucuoğlu, H. (1999, March). Strengthening community
participation in disaster management by strengthening governmental and nongovernmental organizations and networks: A case study from Dinar and Bursa
(Turkey). International Workshop on Recent Earthquakes and Disaster Prevention
Management. March, METU, Ankara, Report No: METU/DMC 99-02; 191-198.
Aksit, B., & Karanci, N.A. (1999). Social and psychological lessons learned from Dinar
Earthquake and mitigation activities in Bursa. Urban Settlements and Natural
Disasters, Proceeedings of UIA Region II Workshop, 37-50. Armoni Printing House,
Karanci, N.A. (1999). Afetlerin psiko-sosyal boyutları (Psycho-social dimensions of
earthquakes). Deprem Güvenli Konut Sempozyumu (Earthquake Safe Reidence
Symposium), 95-99, Ankara: Mesa Yayınları.
Karanci, N.A. (1999, October). Afetlerin psiko-sosyal yönleri (Psycho-social dimensions of
earthquakes). Afet Eğitimi Sempozyumu (Earthquake Education Symposium), METU,
Karanci, N.A., & Alkan, N. (1998, September). 1995 Dinar depremi sonrasında yaşanan
psikolojik sıkıntılar ve kullanılan başa çıkma stratejileri (Distress and coping strategies
following the Dinar earthquake). 10. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (10th National Congress
of Psychology), Ankara.
Karanci, N.A. (1997, September). Erzincanlı’ların afet yönetimi ile ilgili değerlendirmeleri ve
beklentileri (The expectations and evaluations of Erzincan residents on disaster
management). Dördüncü Ulusal Deprem Mühendisliği Kongresi (Fourth National
Earthquake Engineering Congress), Ankara.
Karanci N, Kuşçu MK, Tunçay I, Göktepe E. (1997). Camberwell Aile Görüşmesi ve Duygu
İfadesi skalalarının Türkçe uyarlanması: ön bulgular. 33. Ulusal Psikiyatri Kongresi
(33th National Congress of Psychiatry), Tam Metin Kitabı; Antalya: p. 198-200.
Alkan, N., Balta, E., Karanci, N.A., & Akşit, B. (1997, September). Dinar halkının 1995
depremi sonrası psiko-sosyal durumu ve afet yönetimi ile ilgili görüşleri (The psychosocial aspects of disaster management in Dinar). Dördüncü Ulusal Deprem
Mühendisliği Konferansı (Fourth National Earthquake Engineering Congress),
Karanci, N.A. (1996). Afetlerin psikolojik etkileri (Erzincan ve Dinar örnekleri) (The
psychological consequences of disasters, examples from Dinar and Erzincan). T.C.
Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanlığı, Teknik Araştırma ve Uygulama Genel Müdürlüğü:
Afete karşı hazırlık ve Yönetimi Kursu: Balıkesir İli Gönen İlçesi Afet Senaryosu
Uygulaması (Ministry of Public Works and Settlement; Disaster Preparedness and
Response), Ankara.
Karanci, N.A., & Rüstemli, A. (1994). Erzincan depremi sonrası stres tepkileri (Stress
reactions following the Erzincan earthquake). 8. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (8th National
Congress of Psychology), İzmir.
Karanci, N.A. (1994). Şizofren hasta yakınları: Ailede yükler ve beklentiler (Caretakers of
schizophrenic patients: burdens and expectations of the family). 8. Ulusal Psikoloji
Kongresi (Aile Sistemi: Olağan ve olağandışı durumlarda etkileşim Paneli) (8th
National Congress of Psychology, Panel on Family Systems), İzmir.
Karanci, N.A., & Rüstemli, A. (1994). 1992 Erzincan depreminin psikososyal etkileri
(Psychosocial consequences of the 1992 Erzincan earthquake). Afete Karşı Hazırlık
ve Yönetimi (Disaster Preparedness and Response), T.C. Bayındırlık ve İskan
Bakanlığı (Ministry of Public Works and Settlement), Ankara.
Karanci, N.A. (1991). Davranış terapileri (Behaviour therapies). Türk Spastik Çocuklar
Derneği, 1990-1991 Bilimsel Toplantıları (Turkish Spastic Children Association:
Scientific Meetings 1990-1991), İstanbul.
Karanci, N.A. (1989). Davranış terapileri (Behavioural therapies). Psikiyatrik Tedaviler ve
Davranışçı Teknikler Sempozyumu (Psychiatric Therapies and Behavioural
Techniques Symposium), Sivas.
Karan, D., Karanci, N.A., Uçman, P., & Okyayuz, Ü. (1989). Klinik psikolojinin bugünü ve
geleceği (The current status and future of clinical psychology). 25. Ulusal Psikiyatri ve
Nörolojik Bilimler Kongresi (25th National Congress of Psychiatry and Neurological
Sciences), Mersin.
Karanci, N.A. (1989). Göğüs cerrahisi hastalarında hastalık için yapılan nedensel atıflar ve
sosyal destek ile depresyonun ilişkileri (Causal attributions and social support and
their relationship with depression in medical patents). 25. Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik
Bilimler Kongresi (25th National Congress of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences),
Karanci, N.A. (1988, September). Bilişsel-davranış terapiler (Cognitive-behavioural
therapies). 5. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (5th National Congress of Psychology),
Karanci, N.A. (1988). Kaygı ile davranışsal ve bilişsel başa çıkma teknikleri (Anxiety
management: Cognitive behavioural strategies). 24. Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik
Bilimler Kongresi (24th National Congress of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences),
Karanci, N.A. (1986). Psikiyatri hastalarının ruhsal rahatsızlarını algılama boyutları ve bu
boyutların gelecek beklentisi ile ilişkileri (Causal attributions of psychiatric patients
and their relationship with hope for future well-being). 4. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (4th
National Congress of Psychology), İstanbul.
Hortaçsu, N., & Karanci, N.A. (1984). Üniversite gençliğinde kız-erkek arkadaşlıkları
(Heterosexual relationships in university students). I. Felsefe ve Sosyal İlimler
Kongresi (1St Philosophy and Social Sciences Congress), Erzurum.
Karanci, N.A. (1981). Smoking typology and implications for adapting a differential treatment
approach to smoking cessation. IV. Akdeniz Sosyal Psikiyatri Kongresi (VI’th
Mediterranean Social Psychiatry Congress), Ankara.
Karanci, A. N., Doğulu, C., Yilmaz, S., İkizer, G., & Bayraktar, H. (2015). TACTIC WP7: Short
Report on Workshop 2, Case Study Earthquakes in Turkey. Ankara, Turkey: Middle
East Technical University for the TACTIC Project.
Karanci, A. N., Doğulu, C., Yilmaz, S., & Bayraktar, H. (2015). TACTIC WP7: Short Report on
Workshop 1, Case Study Earthquakes in Turkey. Ankara, Turkey: Middle East
Technical University for the TACTIC Project.
Karanci, A. N., Ikizer, G., & Doğulu, C. (2015). emBRACE WP4 Report: Archetypes of
personal attributes and cognition for psycho-social resilience from narratives. Ankara,
Turkey: Middle East Technical University for the emBRACE Project.
Karanci, A. N., Doğulu, C., İkizer, G., & Ozceylan, D. (2014). emBRACE WP5 Case Study:
Earthquakes in Turkey. Ankara, Turkey: Middle East Technical University for the
emBRACE Project.
Karanci, A. N., İkizer, G., Doğulu, C., Jülich, S., & Kruse, S. (2013). emBRACE WP6:
Participatory assessment workshops in the case study areas. Documentation of the
second stakeholder workshop. Ankara, Turkey: Middle East Technical University and
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL for the emBRACE Project.
Tezgider, G., Karanci, A., Kalaycıoğlu, S., & Başbuğ Erkan, B. (2013). Güvenli Yaşamak:
Afetlerden Korunmayı Öğreniyoruz (Aile Afete Hazırlık El Kitabı). ODTÜ, Afet Yönetim
Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, Ankara.
Karanci, N. (2013). Facilitating community participation in disaster risk management: Risk
perception and preparedness behaviors in Turkey. In H. Joff et al. (eds), Cities at
Risk: Living with Perils in the 21st Century (pp. 93-108), Springer. doi: 10.1007/97894-007-6184-1-6@Springer.
Birkmann, J., Changseng, D., Abeling, T., Huq, N., Karanci, A. N.,…Jülich, S. (2012).
emBRACE WP1: Systematization of different concepts, quality criteria, and indicators.
emBRACE Consortium.
Changseng, D., Wolfertz, J., Setiadi, N., Karanci, A. N., Koçak İkizer, G., Kühlicke, C.,…,
Fordham, M. (2012). emBRACE WP1: Early discussion and gap analysis on
resilience. emBRACE Consortium.
Karanci, A.N., Aker, T.A., Işıklı, S., Erkan, B.B., Gül, E., & Yavuz, H. (2012). Türkiye’de
travmatik yaşam olayları ve ruhsal etkileri (Traumatic life events in Turkey and their
psychological consequences). Matus Publishing.
Gülkan, P., & Karanci A.N. (2012). Grassroots participation vs. dictated partnership: Anatomy
of the Turkish risk management reality. In E. C. Haque and D. Etkin (Eds.), Disaster
Risk and Vulnerability: Mitigation through Mobilizing Communities and Partnerships
(pp. 137-153), McGill –Queen’s University Press.
Karanci, A.N., Gençöz, T., Yorulmaz, O., & İnözü, M. (Ed) (2012). Obsesif-kompulsif
bozukluk: bilişsel-davranışçı saklaşım, terapi ve sık kullanılan ölçekler. (Obsessive
compulsive disorder, cognitive-behavioral approach, therapy and frequently used
scales). Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, No: 37, Ankara.
Johnston, D., & Karanci, A.N. (2010). Overcoming social and economic barriers to seismic
retrofitting of residential buildings in Turkey and New Zealand (in press).
Karanci, A.N. (2009). Psychosocial aspects of disaster risk management. In P. Gülkan & B.
Erkan Basbuğ (Eds.), Perspectives in Disaster Management, METU Disaster
Management Implementation and Research Center, (Ch. 2; PP. 41-63), METU Press,
Karanci, A.N. (2009). Cognitive-behavioural approaches in the treatment of post-traumatic
stress disorder (Travma sonrası stres bozukluğu tedavisinde bilişsel-davranışçı
yaklaşımlar). In I. Savaşır, G. Soygüt, E. Barışkın (Eds.), Bilişsel-Davranışçı Terapiler
(Cognitive bahavioral Therapies), Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, Ankara
Karanci, N.A., Gençöz, F., & Bozo, Ö. (Eds) (2007). How Can We Maintain Our
Psychological Health? I: Childhood and Adolescence (Psikolojik Sağlığımızı Nasıl
Koruruz? I: Çocukluk ve Ergenlik). ISBN: 9944-344-31-9, ODTÜ Yayıncılık, Ankara.
Karanci, N.A., Gençöz, F., & Bozo, Ö. (Eds) (2007). How Can We Maintain Our
Psychological Health? II: Adulthood and Old Age. (Psikolojik Sağlığımızı Nasıl
Koruruz? I: Yetişkinlik ve Yaşlılık). ISBN: 9944-344-32-6, ODTÜ Yayıncılık, Ankara.
Karanci, N.A. (2005). Afetzede psikolojisi ve hazırlıklı olma/zarar azaltma. Afet Yönetiminin
Temel İlkeleri, JICA, ISBN 975-98140-05, 93-99.
Karanci, N.A. (Ed.) (2005). Klinik psikoloji eğitimi: Türkiye’de güncel durum, sorunlar ve
Çözüm Önerileri. (Clinical psychology in Turkey: Current situation, problems and
suggestions for solution). Detamat, (ISBN 975-270-910-9), Ankara, Turkey.
Karanci, N.A., Yalciner, A. C., Anafarta, M., Toker, Y., Kisacik, D., & Agduk, S. F. (2002).
Hazards 2002: Ninth international symposium on natural and human-made disasters:
Book of abstracts, ISBN: 975-92728-0-6, Desen Ofset, Ankara, Turkey.
Aksit, B., Karanci, N.A., & Gündüz-Hoşgör, A. (2001). Working street children in three
metropolitan cities: A rapid assessment. International Labour Office, Geneva.
Karanci, N.A., Akşit, B., Anafarta, & M., Özdemir, M. (2001). Afetlere karşı hazırlıklı olmak
için halk eğitimi: Eğitici el kitabı (Public education to be prepared to disasters: Trainer
handbook). Ankara: Elma Matbaacılık.
Karanci, N.A., Akşit, B., Anafarta, M., & Ogul, M. (1999). Depreme karşı hazırlıklı olmak için
öğretme ve uygulama kılavuzu: Eğitici el kitabı (Training of trainers for earthquake
preparedness education: Trainers handbook). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Çıraklık ve
Yaygın Eğitim Genel Müdürlüğü (Turkish Ministry of Education), Ankara.
Karanci, N.A. (Ed.). (1997). Farklılıkla yaşamak: Aile ve toplumun farklı gereksinimleri olan
bireylerle birlikteliği (Living with exceptionality: Living with individuals having different
characteristics). Ankara: Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları.
Karanci, N.A., Sucuoglu, H. & Aksit, B. (1996). The Disaster management system in Dinar:
Institutional and psychosocial capacity building. Ankara: Middle East Technical
University Earthquake Engineering Research Center. (Rep. No: METU/EERG 96-06).
Afet ve Travma: Psikolojik Etkileri ve Psikososyal Destek. (Disasters and Trauma:
Psychological Effects and Psychosocial Support). Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir. 2015,
Afetlerde Psikososyal Destek (Psychosocial Support in Disasters). AFAD, Ankara. 2011,
Afetlere Hazırlıklı mıyız? (Are we ready for disasters?). Eskişehir Kent Konseyi ve Afet
Çalışma Grubu Konferansı. 2010, April.
Psychological aspects of disaster risk mitigation and preparedness. University College
London, Earthquake and People Interaction (EPI) Center, London. January, 2009.
Psikolojik İlk Yardım Semineri (Psychological First Aid). Given eight times to Turkish Central
Bank workers, November-December, 2008, Ankara.
Afetlerin Psikolojik Boyutları. (Psychological aspects of disasters). Psikoloji Günleri IV. Okan
Üniversitesi, April, 2008, Ankara.
Stres ve Basa Çıkma Yöntemleri (Stress and ways of coping). İçişleri Bakanlığı, 92. Dönem
Kaymakamlık Kursu programı kapsamında, Konferans. 2008, February.
Afetzede Psikolojisi. (Psychology of disaster survivors), Bala'da Kaymakamlığın düzenlediği
eğitim programı kapsamında konferans. 2008, February.
Afetzede Psikolojisi ve Psikolojik İlk Yardım Semineri (Psychology of Disaster Survivors and
Psychological First Aid). Avrupa Doğal Afetler Eğitim Merkezi, (European Natural
Disasters Training Center), November, 2007, Ankara.
Afet Zarar Azaltmada Psikolojinin Önemi (Psychology for Disaster Mitigation). Turkish
Ministry of Interior Training Department and Japan International Cooperation Agency
(JICA). Training course for technical personnel of municipalities (repeated for 8
groups), 2007.
Afetlerin Psiko-Sosyal Boyutları (Psychosocial aspects of disasters). Afetlere Dirençli Şehir
Denizli Sempozyumu, Ekim, 2007, Denizli.
Afetzede Psikolojisi (Psychology of disaster survivors). Turkish Ministry of Interior Training
Department and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Training course for
Governers and majors (repeated for several groups), 2005 and 2006.
Afetlere psikososyal yaklaşım: Erzincan 1992’den Çankırı 2001’e genel bir değerlendirme
(Psychosocial approaches to disasters: From 1992 Erzincan to 2001 Çankırı, a
general evaluation). Turkish Social Psychiatry Association, October, 2001.
İş hayatında stress ve başa çıkma yolları (Work-related stress and coping strategies). TED
Ankara College, together with Dr. T. Gençöz, August, 2001.
Göğüs hastalıklarında hastaların algıları (Causal attributions and emotional reactions of
chest disease patients). Ankara Numune Hastanesi, Aile Hekimliği Bölümü 19992000 yılı Seminer Programı (Seminar Program of Family Practioners, Ankara
Numune Hospital), April, 2000, Ankara.
Stres ve başa çıkma stratejileri (Stress and coping strategies). Seminar given for METU staff,
together with Dr. T. Gençöz and Dr. F. Gençöz, 9 -10 March 2000, Ankara.
Panel: "Scouts in Community Activities: Potential roles of scouts in earthquake preparedness
and response." Turkish Ministry of Education, 24 February 2000, Ankara.
Depremlere hazırlıklı olalım: Eğitici eğitimi (Earthquake preparedness: Training of trainers).
Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği, Ankara Şubesi (Association of Supporting
Contemporary Life, Ankara Branch), 15 -16 January 2000, Ankara.
Stress management (Stres yönetimi). METU (Given for security guards), July, 1999.
Crises and stress management (Kriz ve stres yönetimi). METU College, 1998.
Afetlerin psiko-sosyal yönleri (Psycho-social dimensions of disasters) (Delivered at various
meetings of the European Natural Disasters Education Center (AFEM) and in Civil
Defence College). From 1994.
An interdisciplinary approach to disaster management: From Erzincan and Dinar to Bursa.
Koç University, 11 May 1999, presented together with Prof. B. Akşit.
Hasta yakınlarının dünyası: Empati ve iletişim (The relatives of patients: Empathy and
communication skills). Sevgi Hospital personnel, 1997, Ankara.
İş hayatında stres ve başa çıkma yolları (Work-related stress and coping strategies).
1987’den itibaren çeşitli kurumlarda verilen seminer (Seminar given to various
institutions from 1987).
Ph.D. Thesis Supervised
Çağlayan, P. (2016). The determinants of posttraumatic growth and posttraumatic stress
among motor vehicle accident survivors: Personality, coping mechanisms, and
Özekin-Üncüer, F. (2015). Parenting styles, self-ambivalence, cognitive and emotional
regulation in relation to obsessive-compulsive symptomatology.
İkizer, G. (2014). Factors related to psychological resilience among survivors of the
earthquakes in Van, Turkey. November.
Demirsöz, T. (2014). Possible underlying mechanisms of thought–action fusion and related
appraisal processes as a function of perseverative obsessive-compulsive like
reasoning. August.
Eyüpoğlu, H. (2014). The effect of childhood violence history, intimate partner violence,
negative attributional style, social support and coping strategies on psychological
symptomatology of Turkish professional women. July.
Gül, E. (2014). Prevalence rates of traumatic events, probable PTSD and predictors of
posttraumatic stress and growth in a community sample from İzmir. January.
Özüorçun Küçükertan, N. (2013). Intergenerational transmission of maternal war related
trauma experiences to their offspring’s well-being among Turkish Cypriots: Mediator
role of parenting styles. September.
Yüksel, M.M. (2013). Siblings of patients with schizophrenia: Testing the stress and coping
Arcan, K. (2012) Psychological predictors of problem gambling behaviors. June.
Şakiroglu, M. (2011). Positive outcomes among the 1999 Düzce earthquake survivors:
Earthquake preparedness behaviour and posttraumatic growth. July.
Orbay, Ö. (2009). Resilience/vulnerability factors as predictors of Turkish university students’
adjustment to college.
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Psy. 440 Psychology of Disasters
Psy. 567 Psychological and Social Aspects of Disasters
Psy. 101 Introduction to Psychology I
Psy. 102 Introduction to Psychology II
Psy. 272 Human Nervous System
Psy. 281 Learning
Psy. 332 Intelligence Testing
Psy. 341 Psychology of Adjustment
Psy. 342 Psychopathology
Psy. 374 Physiological Psychology
Psy. 394 390 Workshop in Clinical Psychology
Psy. 431 Personality Assessment
Psy. 441 Theories of Psychotherapy
Psy. 490-491 Field Practice in Clinical Psychology
Psy, 426 Developmental Disorders of childhood
Psy. 440 Topics in Clinical Psychology: Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies
Psy. 440 Psychology of Disasters
Psy. 531 Clinical Assessment
Psy. 541 Childhood Psychopathology
Psy. 543-544 Adulthood Psychopathology and Psychotherapy I-II
Psy. 567 Psychological and Social Aspects of Disasters
Psy. 681 Applications in Clinical Psychology
Psy. 599 Master’s Thesis
Psy. 699 Ph.D. Dissertation
Psy. 811- Psy. 911: Special Topics.

Benzer belgeler

Updated as of 3 March 2016 Last Name: BASBU˜G ERKAN First

Updated as of 3 March 2016 Last Name: BASBU˜G ERKAN First 4. ‘Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Assessment of Ankara and its Environs’, Dr. Bulent Ozmen and B. Burcak Basbug Erkan, in Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences (SCI Expanded), Vol.23, pp.462-474,
