Addictive Behaviors Volume 37 · Number 8 · August · 2012


Addictive Behaviors Volume 37 · Number 8 · August · 2012
Addictive Behaviors
Volume 37 · Number 8 · August · 2012
Differential cigarette-related startle cue reactivity among light, moderate, and heavy smokers
Cui, Yong - Robinson, Jason D. - Versace, Francesco - Lam, Cho Y. - Minnix, Jennifer A. - Karam-Hage, Maher - Dani,
John A. - Kosten, Thomas R. - Wetter, David W. - Brown, Victoria L. - Cinciripini, Paul M.
Pages: 885
The association between non-medical prescription drug use, depressive symptoms, and suicidality among
college students
Zullig, Keith J. - Divin, Amanda L.
Pages: 890
A controlled trial of the adjunct use of d-cycloserine to facilitate cognitive behavioral therapy outcomes in a
cocaine-dependent population
Kennedy, Ashley P. - Gross, Robin E. - Whitfield, Natasha - Drexler, Karen P.G. - Kilts, Clinton D.
Pages: 900
Do angry women choose alcohol?
Morrison, Pamela M. - Noel, Nora E. - Ogle, Richard L.
Pages: 908
Assault related substance use as a predictor of substance use over time within a sample of recent victims of
sexual assault
Resnick, Heidi S. - Walsh, Kate - McCauley, Jenna L. - Schumacher, Julie A. - Kilpatrick, Dean G. - Acierno, Ron E. Pages: 914
From Animal House to Old School: A multiple mediation analysis of the association between college drinking
movie exposure and freshman drinking and its consequences
Osberg, Timothy M. - Billingsley, Katherine - Eggert, Meredith - Insana, Maribeth
Pages: 922
Motivation to change and treatment attendance as predictors of alcohol-use outcomes among project-based
Housing First residents
Collins, Susan E. - Malone, Daniel K. - Larimer, Mary E.
Pages: 931
Rash impulsiveness and reward sensitivity in relation to risky drinking by university students: Potential roles of
frontal systems
Lyvers, Michael - Duff, Helen - Basch, Vanessa - Edwards, Mark S.
Pages: 940
Personality mediators of psychopathy and substance dependence in male offenders
Hopley, Anthony A.B. - Brunelle, Caroline
Pages: 947
Maternal self concept as a provider and cessation of substance use during pregnancy
Massey, Suena H. - Neiderhiser, Jenae M. - Shaw, Daniel S. - Leve, Leslie D. - Ganiban, Jody M. - Reiss, David
Pages: 956
Measuring college students' motives behind prepartying drinking: Development and validation of the
prepartying motivations inventory
LaBrie, Joseph W. - Hummer, Justin F. - Pedersen, Eric. R. - Lac, Andrew - Chithambo, Taona
Pages: 962
The electronic-cigarette: Effects on desire to smoke, withdrawal symptoms and cognition
Dawkins, Lynne - Turner, John - Hasna, Surrayyah - Soar, Kirstie
Pages: 970
Risk profiles among adolescent nonmedical opioid users in the United States
Vaughn, Michael G. - Fu, Qiang - Perron, Brian E. - Wu, Li-Tzy
Pages: 974
Understanding tobacco use among urban African American adolescents living in public housing communities: A
test of problem behavior theory
Yu, Mansoo - Nebbitt, Von E. - Lombe, Margaret - Pitner, Ronald O. - Salas-Wright, Christopher P.
Pages: 978
Addictive Behaviors
Volume 37 · Number 8 · August · 2012
Longitudinal investigation of the impact of anxiety and mood disorders in adolescence on subsequent substance
use disorder onset and vice versa
Wolitzky-Taylor, Kate - Bobova, Lyuba - Zinbarg, Richard E. - Mineka, Susan - Craske, Michelle G.
Pages: 982
Examining the interrelationships between social anxiety, smoking to cope, and cigarette craving
Watson, Noreen L. - VanderVeen, Joseph W. - Cohen, Lee M. - DeMarree, Kenneth G. - Morrell, Holly E.R.
Pages: 986
Pick your poison: Stimuli selection in alcohol-related implicit measures
Lindgren, Kristen P. - Westgate, Erin C. - Kilmer, Jason R. - Kaysen, Debra - Teachman, Bethany A.
Pages: 990
Suicidal ideation and drinking to cope among college binge drinkers
Gonzalez, Vivian M. - Hewell, Valerie M.
Pages: 994
Alcohol-related social problems among Mexican Americans living in U.S.–Mexico border and non-border areas
Vaeth, Patrice A.C. - Caetano, Raul - Mills, Britain A. - Rodriguez, Lori A.
Pages: 998