slovakian and turkish students` fear, disgust and perceived danger of


slovakian and turkish students` fear, disgust and perceived danger of
Hacettepe Üniversitesi E itim Fakültesi Dergisi (H. U. Journal of Education) 40: 344-352 [2011]
Pavol PROKOP , Muhammet USAK**, Mehmet ERDOGAN ***, Jana FANCOVICOVA****,
Mehmet BAHAR*****
ABSTRACT: Human perceives invertebrates less positively than vertebrates because they are small and
behaviourally and morphologically unfamiliar. This cross-cultural research focused on Slovakian (n=150) and Turkish
(n=164) students’ fear, disgust and perceived danger regarding 25 invertebrates [including 5 disease relevant adult insects, 5
ectoparasites, 5 endoparasites, 5 disease irrelevant adult insects and 5 insect larvae/earthworm]. A subsample of Slovakian
children was asked for taxonomic identification of these animals. It was found that Turkish students rated higher in all three
dimensions fear, disgust and dangerousness, compared with Slovakian students. Gender difference favouring higher score of
females were found only among Slovakian students and these differences were observed for potentially harmful animals.
This implies that females were able to distinguish between more and less dangerous animals. It was neither detected any
effects of owning animals on students’ ratings, nor found any correlation between identification skills and rating scores.
Key words: invertebrates, perceived danger, disgust, fear, biology education
ÖZET: nsano lu omurgas z hayvanlar omurgal hayvanlara göre daha az olumlu alg lamaktad r. Çünkü bu
hayvanlar davran ve morfolojik yap olarak çok al lmam lard r. Bu kültürleraras çal ma Slovak (n=150) ve Türk
(n=164) ö rencilerin 25 omurgas z canl ile ilgili alg lanan tehlike, korku ve nefretlerini ara rmaktad r. Türk ö rencilerden
farkl olarak, Slovak ö rencilere bu canl lar n s fland rmalar üzerine sorular sorulmu tur. Slovak ö rencileri ile
kar la
ld nda, Türk ö rencileri daha yüksek düzeyde korku, nefret ve tehlike alg na sahiptirler. K zlar lehine cinsiyet
fark sadece Slovak ö renciler aras nda ve potansiyel olarak tehlikeli olan canl lar için gözlemlenmi tir. Bu durum k z
rencilerin tehlikeli hayvanlar az veya çok ay rt edemedi ini göstermi tir. Herhangi bir ev hayvan na sahip olma ile
rencilerin görü leri aras nda bir ili ki bulunamam r. Ayr ca, s fland rma becerileri ile ö rencilerin görü leri aras nda da
bir ili ki bulunamam r.
Anahtar Kelimeler: omurgas z hayvanlar, alg lanan tehlike, nefret, korku, biyoloji e itimi
Culture is defined as sets of practises, ideas, values, inventions, artifacts and attitudes that
characterize groups of people (Gangestad, Haselton & Buss, 2006; Jeronen, Jeronen & Raustia,
2009). Many specific cross-cultural differences are correlated with attitude and associated with
meteorological, as well as economic variables (e.g., Cohen 2001; Van de Vliert, 2009; Preczewski,
Mittler & Tillotson, 2009). Current research, however, has revealed that environments with high
pathogen prevalence favour xenophobia (negative attitudes toward others) and ethnocentrism (positive
attitudes toward one’s own cultural in-group) (Schaller & Murray, 2008). It is assumed that crosscultural differences in personality, such as extraversion and openness to experience (e.g. Schaller &
Murray, 2008), or differences in religion diversity (Fincher & Thornhill, 2008) arise as a response to
evolutionary selective pressures, especially pathogen prevalence.
According to this theory, personality traits should be different especially in zones with different
pathogen threat. Tropical zones in which pathogen prevalence is higher than in temperate zones (e.g.
Guernier et al., 2004), should point to higher avoidance of objects or subjects that possess pathogen
threat. The same can be applied to animals that serve as vectors of infectious diseases and/or on
animals that pose risk of injury or death. For example, black South African children living in
environment with high number of spider species that are historically perceived dangerous by people
Associate Professor, Trnava University, Department of Biology, Trnava,
Assistant Professor, Zirve University, Department of Elementary Education, Gaziantep,
Assistant Professor, Akdeniz University, Department of Educational Sciences, Antalya,
Assistant Professor, Trnava University, Department of Biology, Trnava,
Professor; Abant zzet Baysal University, Department of Elementary Education, Bolu,
P. PROKOP- / H. Ü. E itim Fakültesi Dergisi (H. U. Journal of Education), 40 (2011), 344-352
(e.g. Davey, 1994), have greater fear of spiders than Slovakian children historically living in ‘safe’
environment with fewer spider species (Prokop et al., 2010b).
Although research on affective domain has been long neglected in the science education
literature (Alsop & Watts, 2003), there are several arguments why children’s emotions deserve greater
attention from the humane education perspective. First, children’s cognitive domain in their perception
of animals, as inseparable part of humane education, is preceded as changes in affective and emotional
variables (6 – 9 years of age) (Kellert 1985). There is therefore a serious possibility that children
attitudes toward animals would be influenced by their early experiences with them. Martín-López,
Montes and Benayas (2007), for example, found that people’s willingness to financially support nature
protection programmes was influenced by their attitudes toward animals. They provided less financial
supported for less popular animals (like snakes). Therefore, emotional involvement in animals that is
developed during schooling age seems to be crucial determinant of human behaviour towards animals
and their protection. Second, the literature revealed that children’s emotions and feelings influence
their academic achievement in biology education (Morgan, 1992; Randler, Ilg, & Cern, 2005;). This
means that learning outcomes regarding animals are significantly influenced by their “like” or
“dislike” of a given animal (Randler et al., 2005; Dervisoglu, Menzel, Soran & Boegeholz, 2009).
Supporting to this idea, Prokop and colleagues found that the correlation between attitude toward and
knowledge on animals were observed more strongly when the animal poses lower risk of danger. For
example, correlation between attitudes and knowledge regarding birds and bats (Prokop, Kubiatko &
Fan ovi ová, 2008; Prokop, Fan ovi ová, & Kubiatko 2009a) was stronger than correlation between
attitudes and knowledge of spiders or snakes (Prokop & Tunnicliffe 2008; Prokop, Özel, & Usak
2009b) that are generally considered more dangerous. In addition, correlation between these variables
was less among South African children compared to Slovakian children, in whom the risk of being
seriously injured by the spider is lower (Prokop et al., 2010b).
In the present study, schoolmate children’s emotional (fear and disgust) and cognitive
(perceived danger) responses on various invertebrates within two countries laying in different
geographical zones: Slovakia (temperate zone) and Turkey (Mediterranean zone), were examined.
Invertebrates were chosen as target animals, because human dislike them more than vertebrates, most
probably because they are small and behaviourally and morphologically unfamiliar to humans (Davey,
1994; Kellert, 1993; Wilson, 1987). We therefore assume that these animals deserve greater attention.
Slovakia and Turkey were chosen because historical records reveal that Turkey poses more parasitic
diseases than Slovakia (Murray and Schaller, 2010), thus differences within children emotions are
expected. Furthermore, how children’s fear, disgust and perceived danger differ with regard to gender
and owning animals is also investigated. This is because females typically express greater fear of
(unpopular) animals than boys (Bjerke et al., 2003; Gerdes, Uhl & Alpers, 2009; Prokop et al., 2009 a,
b), and having animals at home was found to be associated with more positive attitudes toward them
(Prokop et al., 2009b; Prokop & Tunnicliffe, 2010). It is suggested that gender differences can be
explained by higher investments of females in protecting the next generation (Fessler & Navarrete,
2003; Curtis et al., 2004). Finally we examined participants’ abilities to identify invertebrates, because
our current knowledge in this field is concerned mostly on vertebrates (Randler, 2008; Prokop &
Rodák, 2009), but little is known about children abilities to identify invertebrates. Moreover, the role
of insects in ecosystems is typically unprized and misunderstood by children (Strommen, 1995;
Snaddon et al., 2008). Since knowledge on invertebrates is associated with attitudes toward them
(Kellert, 1993), it is assumed that more knowledgeable children will have more positive attitudes
toward invertebrates. The following predictions are investigated;
1. Turkish children have greater fear, disgust and perceived danger of invertebrates than Slovakian
2. Males demonstrate lower fear, disgust and perceived danger of invertebrates compared with
3. Gender difference is most pronounced in responses to potentially more dangerous animals (like
vectors of infectious diseases),
4. Animal owners show lower fear, disgust and perceived danger of invertebrates compared with nonanimal owners, and
P. PROKOP- / H. Ü. E itim Fakültesi Dergisi (H. U. Journal of Education), 40 (2011), 344-352
5. Abilities to identify invertebrates is negatively related with children’s fear, disgust and perceived
2.1. Sample
The sample of the study consisted elementary schools in both Turkey and Slovakia (85 females
and 65 males from Slovakia and 72 females and 92 males from Turkey). Selection of participants was
not intentional, but was based on teachers’ willingness to participate on the research in accessible
schools (n=4) in which the authors had personal contacts with directors. If the teacher agreed, the
questionnaire was administered to all participants in selected classes irrespective of the participants’
attitudes towards animals.
Participants were required to respond to four personal information; namely, (1) their age/grade,
(2) gender, (3) whether they had pets (or farm animals), and, (4) if yes, what kind of animal they had
as pets (or farm animals).
2.2. Measuring the Level of Disgust, Fear and Perceived Danger
25 coloured pictures were presented to the participants in lecture halls (see Fig. 2 for full list of
species) in a similar way of what Gerdes et al. (2009) did. The first three groups of animals were
harmful to human and the latter two groups served as controls. Disease irrelevant adult insects were
control for disease relevant adult insects and ectoparasites, and insect larvae/earthworm were control
for endoparasites. Picture sizes were adjusted to a standard body length of the selected animals.
Pictures had similar contrast and brightness. The pictures were presented in random order. Each
picture was presented for about 1 min. During this time, for each picture presented, participants were
required to rate fear, disgust and how dangerous they thought the animal was in nature, each on a 5
point scale (1 = not at all, 5 = extremely dangerous/disgusting). Reliability of children responses were
observed to be quite consistent Cronbach’s alpa ( ) reliability coefficient of pooled data from both
countries were found 0.94 (Fear), 0.90 (Disgust) and 0.94 (Perceived Danger), respectively (Prokop et
al., 2010a).
2.3. Measuring of Children Abilities to Identify Invertebrates
After students’ rating of fear, disgust and danger regarding presented animals was measured, a
subsample of Slovakian children (61 females and 41 males) was presented all pictures in a similar
manner again and asked for identification (taxonomic classification) of each animal. However, the
same procedure was not performed with a sub-sample of Turkish students since this procedure
required extra research skills, extra consent from both school and parents, and time. Obtained data
from sub-sample of Slovakian children were then binomially coded as correct (score 1) or incorrect
(score 0).
3.1. Effects of Country and Gender on Children’s Fear, Disgust and Perceived Danger
Overall mean scores for each participant’s fear, disgust and perceived danger were defined as
dependent variables whereas country and gender as independent variables. Both of these independent
variables showed significant effects on children rating scores (country: Wilk’s = 0.20, F(3,308) =
402.99, p < 0.001, partial 2 = 0.79; gender: = 0.82, F(6,616) = 10.92, p < 0.001, partial 2 = 0.10).
All these differences were also observed significant when individual univariate results for each factor
were inspected. As illustrated in Figure 1, this result indicated that Turkish children showed greater
fear of animals. They rated these animals as more dangerous and more disgusting. After comparing
mean scores of each of 25 animals in all three dimensions, it was found that only three animals (the
grasshopper, ladybird beetle and the damselfly) consistently showed the mean score lower than 3.0
(referring to positive rating) among Turkish children. On the other hand, the mean score lower than
3.0 was found for 8 – 13 animals in all three dimensions among Slovakian children. Except for the
three animals reported by Turkish children, Slovakian children positively rated also housefly, meatfly,
earthworm, butterfly, and rhinoceros beetle. These animals were positively rated in all three
P. PROKOP- / H. Ü. E itim Fakültesi Dergisi (H. U. Journal of Education), 40 (2011), 344-352
dimensions. In contrast, Medina worm, tapeworm, lice and tick scored highest in all three dimensions
among Slovakian children. Among Turkish students, tick, Medina worm and flea scored highest in
perceived danger, swallowtail, butterfly larvae and leech scored highest in disgust and tick, tapeworm
and earthworm scored highest in fear.
Females scored higher than males for all three dimensions. However, male-female difference
was significant for only Slovakian children.
Figure 1. Mean rating scores of fear, disgust and perceived danger of 25 animals in Slovakia (open
bars) and Turkey (grey bars). Asterisks (***) mean that differences between Turkish and Slovakian
children are statistically significant at p < 0.001.
3.2. Effect of Owning Animals on Children’s Fear, Disgust and Perceived Danger
Owning any kind of animals had no significant effect on mean score of fear, disgust and
perceived danger in neither country (Slovakia: Wilk’s = 0.98, F(6,290) = 0.54, p = 0.77, partial 2 =
0.01); Turkey: Wilk’s = 0.96, F(3,160) = 1.86, p = 0.14, partial 2 = 0.04). Notably, Turkish children
reported having more animals than Slovakian children (mean ± SE: 2.87 ± 0.11 vs. 1.46 ± 0.11,
respectively, t (312) = 9.20, p < 0.001). Main quantitative differences in owning pets were found in the
distribution of typical farm animals and pets between two countries. While 47 % (n=224 out of 474) of
reported animals in Turkey were typical farm animals like horses, pigeons or hens, 87 % (n=189 out of
217) of animals reported by Slovakian children were typical pets like dogs, cats, fish or tortoises. This
difference was statistically significant (Chi-square test, 2 (1) = 72.82, p < 0.001).
3.3. Gender Difference
As noted above, no gender difference was observed within Turkish children’s ratings for all
three dimensions. Detailed analysis of means of each animal as a result of series of independent t-tests
supported above mentioned findings. Slovakian participants showed, however, great variability in
perception of 25 animals. In the category of fear, ratings of 16/25 animals were significantly different
between males and females in favor of females. After categorising animals into five animal groups
(ecto and endoparasites, disease relevant and irrelevant adult insects, and insect larvae) and comparing
frequency of distribution of significant and insignificant animals with respect to gender, no difference
was found (Pearson Chi-square test, 2 (4) = 7.64, p = 0.11). However, insect larvae resemble to
worm-like parasites and children do not distinguish between disease-irrelevant larvae and parasites
(Prokop et al., 2010a; Prokop & Fan ovi ová, 2010). Thus, after pooling data from three disease
relevant groups of invertebrates and insect larvae and comparing them against disease irrelevant adult
insects, gender difference were found in 15/20 animals from the former group, but only in 1 of 5
animals of the latter group. The difference was significant (Fisher exact test, p = 0.04). The same
method resulted in identical result for the category of Disgust (15/20 vs. 1/5, p = 0.04). In summary,
females showed greater fear and disgust of animals that possess disease threat or look like these
P. PROKOP- / H. Ü. E itim Fakültesi Dergisi (H. U. Journal of Education), 40 (2011), 344-352
animals. Very similar, but non-significant trend, was found for the category of perceived Danger
where 11/20 animals of the former group of animals showed significant gender difference. The same
was true again only for 1/5 of animals in the latter group (Fisher exact test, p = 0.32).
3.4. Identification of Invertebrates
As shown in Figure 2, taxonomic identification of about half of invertebrate species was
correctly done by more than half of Slovakian children. Overall mean success with identifying
invertebrates was low (M = 0.51, SE = 0.009), insignificantly different with respect to gender (U-test,
U = 1044.0, p = 0.16). There was no correlation between mean identification success and mean score
of fear, disgust or perceived danger (partial correlations controlled for effect of gender ranged -0.04 0.1, all p’s > 0.32).
Mean score ± SE
Medina worm
Lady beetle larvae
Rhinoceros beetle
Mosquito larvae
Butterfly larvae
Tse-tse fly
Deer fly
Meat fly
Lady beetle
Figure 2. Slovakian children (n = 102) success at identification of various invertebrates.
This study revealed that culture (79% of total variance of results) and gender (10% of total
variance of results) together play crucially important role in children emotional (fear and disgust) and
cognitive (perceived danger) responses on various invertebrates to large extend. The high level
cultural effect on students emotional and cognitive perception could be due to differences in school
curricula, information sources, science textbooks, human-made environment, media (visual and
written) and direct experience in the natural environment. Three out of five predictions were
The first predition that received strong empirical support in this study predicted that Turkish
children would have greater fear, disgust and perceived danger of various invertebrates than Slovakian
children. Because pathogen prevalence is higher in Turkey (Prokop et al., 2010a), this supports that
human personality is influenced by pathogen threat (e.g. Schaller & Duncan, 2007, Schaller &
Murray, 2008) and/or that attitudes toward animals are mediated by the presence of potentially
dangerous animals in a given country (Prokop et al., 2010b). This finding provides new insight for
humane education theories and practise. Formal as well as non-formal humane education strategies
focused on improving children interest in animals (see e.g., Žoldošová & Prokop, 2007), must take
into account cultural differences and the presence of specific animals in a given country (Prokop et al.,
2010). Especially, planning activities with disease-relevant invertebrates and, larvae that resembling to
parasitic worms, should be designed according to the status of these animals in particular country. For
P. PROKOP- / H. Ü. E itim Fakültesi Dergisi (H. U. Journal of Education), 40 (2011), 344-352
example, children’s perception of mosquitoes that do not pose serious disease threat in temperate zone
may be very different in zones (especially tropical) with the prevalence of malaria or filiariae, because
mosquitoes are major vectors of these serious diseases (Sachs & Malaney, 2002).
The second and third predictions focused on gender differences in perception of invertebrates.
Females scored higher than males, which mean that females had greater fear of invertebrates than
males did. This difference was more explicit in emotional dimensions (fear and disgust), while the
difference was not significant in cognitive dimension (perceived danger). This suggests that females
are more cautious than males and that females’ avoidance of animals is not generalised, but directed
toward animals that are really harmful to humans. Notably, gender difference was only found among
Slovakian children, probably because ratings were generally high among Turkish children. These
results indirectly support the notion that males prefer wild animals (Lindemann – Matthies, 2005) and
less popular animals compared to females (Prokop et al., 2009a,b, 2010b; Snaddon & Turner, 2007).
These finding imply that females should receive special attention by science teachers during practical
works with animals. Two research studies demonstrated that males’ and females’ knowledge and
interest in less popular animals such as amphibians or spiders merge after participation in outdoor
ecological programmes (Randler et al., 2005, Prokop et al., 2007), but little is known whether such
programmes influence emotional perception (such as fear and disgust) of controversial animals. Future
research in this area is needed in order to reveal students’ fear and disgust of such animals.
The fourth and fifth predictions dealt with the effect of owning animals, and children abilities to
identify them, on perception of invertebrates. The former hypothesis was failed despite the fact that
owning animals was previously found to be associated with more positive attitudes toward animals
(Prokop et al., 2009b). There are at least two explanations for this phenomenon. First, previous
researches of Prokop and colleagues was either focused mainly on vertebrates or used different
methods for identifying attitudes toward animals (mostly with cognitive items). These results should
not be therefore considered as opposite. Second, one proposed way of how owning animals could
influence people’s attitudes toward wild animals, is transformation and generalization of people’s
experiences and involvement to other animals (Prokop et al., 2009b). However, schooling children
only rarely (Prokop et al., 2008), or never (this study) reported owning any invertebrates. Considering
that the level of human empathies toward animals increases with phylogenetical relatedness between
human and an animal (Herzog & Burgardt, 1988), the “generalization of the experiences” can hardly
be applied. The explanation why the latter hypothesis was not supported is somewhat harder because it
was assumed that knowledge of invertebrates correlate with attitudes toward them (Kellert, 1993). It
would be suggested that children were simply unable to identify invertebrates (overall mean score was
low), thus poor knowledge is responsible for this result. However, some animals like damselfly were
poorly identified, but received low score (i.e., were perceived positively) in terms of fear, disgust or
perceived danger. Another animals like ticks were notoriously well known, but perceived negatively.
Overall, children correctly identified mainly invertebrates typically presented in media (see also
Snaddon & Turner, 2007). Further, in-depth research examining other aspects of children knowledge
of invertebrates is necessary.
Even though invertebrates are inseparable parts of ecosystems and science/biology teaching,
their appreciation is generally low, but, as it is showed in the present study, this heavily depends on
culture and gender. Making worms or parasites more attractive to children is, without doubt, hard task,
thus further research examining whether, for example, children’s participation in outdoor programmes
focusing on invertebrates in various countries are effective is needed. It is questionable and needed to
investigate why having pets in Turkey is much less popular than in Slovakia, and whether keeping
invertebrates in classrooms could improve children attitudes toward them. Our results showed that
Slovakian children had poor abilities with identifying invertebrates and, it is questionable what they
know about their importance in nature or about life cycles (see Shepardson, 2002). Parasites are
historically (also among biologists) viewed as “bad side” of animal kingdom, but this view has
recently dramatically changed among biologists. Unique life histories of parasites, their abilities to
manipulate with host physiology and behaviour should be taught from modern point of view, despite
P. PROKOP- / H. Ü. E itim Fakültesi Dergisi (H. U. Journal of Education), 40 (2011), 344-352
our innate aversion toward them. How science teachers perceive and present parasites to children, and
how children understand the life cycles of parasites, remains to be studied. Finally, we need more
details about how children’s emotions influence learning outcomes in biology. Both experimental and
correlational studies along with qualitative inquiry in this field are required to obtain in depth insight
and understanding about students’ emotional and cognitive perceptions.
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Geni letilmi Özet
Fen e itimi alan nda duyu sal alana yönelik ara rmalar uzun süredir ihmal edilmesine ra men,
çocuklar n fen konular na yönelik tutum ve duygular n belirlenmesine yönelik çal malar insan
itimi aç ndan ihtiyaç duyuldu unu gösteren birçok tart ma yer almaktad r. Örne in, çocuklar n
hayvanlar ile ilgili alg lar na yönelik bili sel alan yeterlilikleri onlar n duyu ve duygular ndaki
de ikliklerden sonra geli mektedir. Sonuç olarak, çocuklar n hayvanlara yönelik tutumlar onlar n
erken ya lardaki deneyimlerini etkileyen birçok ara rma bulunmaktad r. Martín-López, Montes ve
Benayas (2007) bireylerin hayvanlara yönelik programlar destekleme konusunda gönüllü olmalar
onlar n olumlu tutumlar ndan etkilenmektedir. Dolay ile bireylerin okul ça ndayken hayvanlara
yönelik göstermi olduklar duygusal yönelimleri, hayvanlar ve onlar n korunmas na yönelik davran
geli tirilmesinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bunlar n yan nda, biyoloji e itimine yönelik alan yaz n,
çocuklar n duygu ve hislerinin onlar n biyoloji ba ar lar olumlu yönde etkiledi ini göstermektedir
(örn. Prokop, Kubiatko & Fan ovi ová, 2008; Prokop, Fan ovi ová, & Kubiatko 2009a). Örne in
rencilerin hayvanlar ile ilgili konulardaki bilgi ve kazan mlar onlar n ilgili hayvana yönelik
gösterdikleri sevgi ve nefretten etkilenmektedir. Alan yaz nda bu durumu destekleyen birçok bulgu yer
almaktad r. Örne in, ku lar ve yarasalara yönelik bilgi ve tutum aras ndaki korelasyon, daha tehlikeli
olarak kabul edilen örümcek ve y lanlara yönelik bilgi ve tutum aras ndaki korelasyondan daha
Buradaki çal mada, iki farkl co rafik bölgede ya ayan (Slovakya ve Türkiye) okul ça ndaki
çocuklar n çe itli omurgas z hayvanlara yönelik duyu sal (korku ve nefret) ve bili sel (alg lanan
tehlike) tepkileri belirlenmeye çal lm r. Ara rmada, omurgas z hayvanlar hedef canl grubu
olarak seçilmi tir ve a
daki varsay mlar test edilmi tir;
(1) Türk ö renciler, Slovak ö rencilere göre, omurgas z hayvanlarla ilgili daha çok korku, nefret ve
alg lanan tehlikeye sahiptir.
(2) Erkek ö renciler, omurgas z hayvanlar ile ilgili daha az korku, nefret ve alg lanan tehlikeye
(3) Cinsiyet farkl
, potansiyel olarak daha çok tehlikeli olan hayvanlarda daha çok görülecektir.
(4) Herhangi bir hayvana sahip olan ö renciler, omurgas z hayvanlar ile ilgili daha dü ük korku, nefret
ve alg lanan tehlike duymaktad rlar göstermektedir.
(5) Ö rencilerin omurgas z hayvanlar s fland rma / tan mlama yetenekleri, onlar n korku, nefret ve
tehlike alg lar ile ters orant
Çal man n örneklemini 150 Slovak ve 164 Türk ilkö retim okulu ö rencileri olu turmaktad r.
rencilerin ya ortalamas 11.79’dur. Ya ortalamas aç ndan iki ülke ö rencileri aras nda anlaml
P. PROKOP- / H. Ü. E itim Fakültesi Dergisi (H. U. Journal of Education), 40 (2011), 344-352
bir fark yoktur (Mann-Whithey U-test, U = 10968.50, p = 0.10). Ö rencilerin omurgas z hayvanlar ile
ilgili nefret, korku ve alg lanan tehlike düzeylerini belirlemek için üzerinde böcek, böcek larvalar ve
solucan resminin oldu u 25 renkli resim kart haz rlanm r. lk üç gruptaki böcekler insana zararl
böcekler, son iki gruptaki böcekler, böcek larvalar ve solucanlar ise kontrol grubu olarak seçilmi tir.
Her bir ö renciden kendilerine verilen resimlerdeki böcekler ile ilgili korku, nefret ve do al
ya amdaki tehlike durumlar 5 li likert üzerinden puanlamalar istenmi tir (1 hiç korku verici, nefret
verici ve tehlikeli de il – 5 son derece korku verici, nefret verici ve tehlikeli). Ö rencilerden elde
edilen sonuçlar aras ndaki tutarl
test etmek için iki ülke ö rencilerinden elde edilen veriler
birle tirilmi ve güvenirlik analizi yap lm r. Cronbach’s alpa de eri “Korku” boyutu için .94,
“Nefret” boyutu için .90 ve “Alg lanan Tehlike” boyutu için .94 olarak bulunmu tur. Ö rencilerin
resimlerde yer alan omurgas z hayvanlar tan mlama becerilerini test etmek için, haz rlanan böcek,
böcek larvas ve solucan resimleri ö rencilere ilk uygulamadakine benzer ekilde gösterilmi ve
rencilerden bu resimleri temel baz özelliklere göre s fland lmas istenmi tir.
rencilerin her bir boyuttan (korku, nefret ve alg lanan tehlike) alm olduklar toplam puanlar
ba ml de ken, cinsiyet ve ülke de keni ise ba ms z de ken olarak tan mlanarak iki yönlü çok
de kenli (2X2 MANOVA) varyans analizi gerçekle tirilmi tir. Bu analiz sonras nda cinsiyet ve ülke
de keninin ö rencilerin seçilen omurgas z hayvanlar ile ilgili korku, nefret ve alg lanan tehlike
de kenleri üzerine istatistiksel anlaml fark gözlemlenmi tir (ülke: Wilk’s = 0.20, F(3,308) =
402.99, p < 0.001, k sm 2 = 0.79; cinsiyet: = 0.82, F(6,616) = 10.92, p < 0.001, k sm 2 = 0.10).
Türk ö renciler seçilen omurgas z hayvanlar yönelik daha fazla korku göstermekte ve bu hayvanlar
daha fazla tehlikeli ve nefret verici bulmaktad rlar. K zlar ile erkek ö renciler aras ndaki fark sadece
Slovak ö renciler aras nda anlaml r ve k zlar lehinedir. Ancak anlaml fark sadece korku ve nefret
boyutlar nda gözlemlenmi tir.
Herhangi bir hayvana sahip (evcil veya yabani) olman n ö rencilerin korku, nefret ve alg lanan
tehlike durumlar na istatistiksel olarak anlaml bir katk yoktur (Slovakya: Wilk’s = 0.98, F(6,290)
= 0.54, p = 0.77; Türkiye: Wilk’s = 0.96, F(3,160) = 1.86, p = 0.14).
Seçilen omurgas z hayvanlardan yakla k olarak yar Slovak ö renciler taraf ndan do ru olarak
tan mlanm ve s fland lm r. Omurgas z hayvanlar n s fland lmas nda cinsiyet aç ndan
herhangi bir anlaml fark gözlemlenmemi tir (U-test, U = 1044.0, p = 0.16).
Bu ara rma kültür ve cinsiyetin birlikte, çocuklar n omurgas z hayvanlar ile ilgili duyu sal ve
bili sel tepkilerini önemli oranda aç klayabilece ini ortaya koymaktad r. Kültürün, ö rencilerin
duyu sal ve bili sel tepkilerine anlaml etkisinin nedeni okul programlar ndaki, bilgi kaynaklar ndaki,
fen ders kitaplar ndaki, insan yap
çevredeki, medyadaki ve do al çevrede ya an lan direkt
deneyimlerdeki farkl klar olabilir.
z ö renciler erkek ö rencilere göre seçilen omurgas z hayvanlardan daha çok korku ve nefret
duymaktad rlar. Ancak alg lanan tehlike konusunda k z-erkek ö renciler aras nda anlaml bir fark
yoktur. Bu sonuç, k z ö rencilerin seçilen hayvanlardan daha çok kaç nd klar ortaya koymaktad r.
Bu sonuç fen e itimi aç ndan dikkate al nmal ve k z ö rencilere omurgas z hayvanlar konusunda
özel ilgi gösterilmelidir.
Bu ara rmada ö rencilerin duygu durumlar ile biyoloji ba ar lar aras ndaki ili kiye
bak lmam r. Birçok ara rma, bu ili kinin varl
ortaya koymaktad r. leriki ara rmalarda
rencilerin omurgal hayvanlar ile ilgili duygu durumlar ve bu konudaki bilgileri aras ndaki ili kiye
bak labilir. Deneysel ve ili kisel ara rmalar ve hatta nitel ara rmalar ö rencilerin duyu sal ve
bili sel tepkilerini derinlemesine ara rmak için gereklidir.