Venomous Spiders and Ecology of the Southeastern Anatolia


Venomous Spiders and Ecology of the Southeastern Anatolia
Digital Proceeding Of THE ICOEST’2013 - , Cappadocia
C.Ozdemir, S. Şahinkaya, E. Kalıpcı, M.K. Oden (editors)
Nevsehir, Turkey, June 18 – 21, 2013
Venomous Spiders and Ecology of the Southeastern Anatolia
Region (Turkey)
İsmail Varol, Adile Akpınar, Fulya Kapu
Gaziantep University, Science and Art Faculty, Department of Biology
27310, Gaziantep, Turkey
Spiders are found worldwide on every content except for Antarctica. There are most than 40.000 species of spiders,
most of which are harmless to humans, but 200 species from 20 genera of spiders worldwide can cause severe human
envenoming with neurotic, necrotic and maybe death.
The specimens were collected by using aspiratory, manual and pitfall trap methods from different habitats and
localities of southeast Anatoloia region.
In research area, 13 species belonging to 12 genera, Loxosceles rufescens, Cheiracanthium mildei, Eresus
cinnabarinus, Latrodectus tredecimguttatus, Steatoda grossa, S. paykulliana, Nomisia aussereri, Agelena
labyrinthica, Thomisus onostus, Thanatus striatus, Argiope lobata, Araneus diadematus, Larinioides cornutus are
described as venomous and dangerous for humans.
Key words: Spider, venom, ecology, South East Anatolia Region, Turkey.
All spiders posses a pair of posion glands except for the family of Uloboridae.
Preys of spiders are especially insects, other arthropods on invertebrates, and from
vertebrates small fishes, frog, lizards, birds and even mammalians such as mice. Among
spiders, nearly 100 species can affect human being and big mammalians with their
venom (Bayram et all, 2007).
Spiders belong to the achively poisonous animals they use their poison offensively
to paralyze or to kill their prey. Their poison glands located in the prosoma. Each
poison gland consist of a long cylindrical part and an adjoining duct, which terminates
at the tip of the cheliceral fang (Foelix, 1996).
Chemically, spider venom is heterogeneous in that it may contain many different
substances. It is a mixture mostly of large, neurotoxic polypeptides (moleculer weight
5.000 - 13.000) and smaller biogenic amines and amino acids; proteolytic enzymes may
also be present (Kaiser and Raab, 1967; Habermehl, 1975; Bachmann, 1976).
Spider venom are mainly in two characters; neurotoxic and necrotoxic. Necrotoxins
form ulcer and heavy destruction in the issue. Also,the venom damages the muscle
system and blood cells. Neurotoxic venom acts on the nervous system and brain.
The aim of this stuyd is to explain the venomous spiders and their ecology in
Southeast Anatolia Region.
Material and Methods
The specimens were collected from different habitats and localities in southeast
Anatolia Region in the period of 1998 - 2009. Specimen collection was mostly
performed in summary mounths and daylight hours, sometimes collected in spring and
fall. Aspiratory and manuel was used in collection procedure. Specimen were collected
from surface of earth and rocks, under the rocks, holes of trees and surface of web with
aspirator. All specimens preseved in 70% ethyl alcohol and were identification under
the stereo microscope in laboratory. The keys of Heımer, Nentwıg (1991), Nenwig et all
(2011), Platnick (2012) and Roberts (1995) were used for identifications. They
deposited in Gaziantep University Zoology Museum.
99 specimens were collected from area as a result of studies at April- October
periods from 1998 to 2009. 13 species belong to 9 family were found.
These species are:
Sicariidae: Loxosceles rufescens; Miturgidae: Cheiracanthium mildei; Eresidae:
Eresus cinnabarinus; Theridiidae: Latrodectus tredecimguttatus, Steatoda grossa, S.
paykulliana; Gnaphosidae: Nomisia aussereria; Agelenidae: Agelena labyrinthica;
Philodromidae: Thanatus striatus; Thomisidae: Thomisus onustus; Araneidae: Argiope
lobata, Araneus diadematus, Larinioides cornutus.
Loxosceles rufescens (Dufour, 1820)
This species live in dry habitats, under stones, rock crevices, around houses and
The bite of spiders of the Loxosceles can cause dermal necrosis. The best therapy
may be the conservative use of simple first aid and local wound care. These spiders are
dangerous and venomous for humans.
Material examined: Mardin, Mazıdağı, Çamlık, 1240 m, 06.06.2000, 2 ♀♀; Siirt,
Baykan, Ziyaret, 1480 m, 09.06.2000, 1♀; Nusaybin distinct, Çağlar Dam, 800 m,
28.05.2000, 3♀♀, 1 ♂; Mardin; Kızıltepe-Viranşehir road, 70. km, 760 m, 2♀♀;
Midyat distinct, center, 1090 m, 05.07.1999, 1♀.
Corrosponding author: Adile AkpınarTel: 0342 317 19 35 e-mail:
Cheiracanthium mildei L. Koch, 1864
Miturgidae spiders are nocturnal, they live on the ground and cryptic what means;
tending to conceal or camouplage. The bite of Cheiracanthium spiders can be painful
and discomfort can last up to ten days. The bite is no medical importance.
Material examined: Mardin; Bağlar 1080 m, 29.05.1998, 1♀; Güzelsu, center, 1940
m, 27.06.1998, 1♀, 1 ♂; Mardin,Yeşilli, center, 1060 m, 30.05.1998, 1♀; Midyat
distinct, center, 1090 m, 05.07.1999, 1♀; Nusaybin-Cizre road 25. km, 740 m,
03.07.1999 , 1♀; Deyru, Zafaran, center, 980 m, 04.07.1999, 1♀; Batman, Raman 5 km,
1220 m, 20.05.2000, 1 ♂; Hasankeyf, center, 1210 m, 21.05.2000, 1♀.
Nomisia aussereria (L. Koch, 1872)
Species live in dry meadows, active during the day, specialized to capture ants that
are paralyzed by a bite in the antenna, threads are attached to the prey with the long and
movable spinnerets at the same time. These spiders of Gnaphosidae family are
Material examined: Gaziantep, Karkamış distinct, center, 483 m, 13.04.2002, 2 ♀.
Eresus kollari Rossi, 1846
Species live under stones, on the webs and in webs. Specimens are not aggressive
but dangerous.
Material examined: Gaziantep, Oğuzeli distinct, Direkli village,
807 m,
28.04.2002, 3 ♀♀; Karkamış distinct, Eceler village, 615 m, 23.06.2002, 2♀♀; Nizip
distinct, İkizce village, 526 m, 12.04.2003, 1♀; Nizip distinct, center, 506 m,
13.06.2002, 1 ♂; Karkamış distinct, Eceler village, 615 m, 23.06.2002, 1♂; Nizip
distinct, Çanakçı village, 738 m, 20.04.2002, 2♀♀.
Latrodectus tredecimguttatus (Rossi, 1790)
This spider built its web on huts, coops, stacks of woods and stones. LD50 value is
0.013 mg/mice (13-17 g), 0.032 mg/rat (50-60 g). The bit of Latrodectus can be very
painful for several days. The spiders are not aggressive but avoid.
Material examined: Gaziantep,University of Gaziantep, campus area, 899 m,
08.28.2002, 1♀.
Steatoda grossa (C. L. Koch, 1838)
This species lives under stones, in caves, on webs. It is dangerous and venomous.
Material examined: Gaziantep, Nizip distinct, center, 485 m, 24.05.2003, 1♀.
Steatoda paykulliana (Walckenaer, 1805)
Corrosponding author: Adile AkpınarTel: 0342 317 19 35 e-mail:
Species lives
in dry or semi-dry habitats, dry grasslands, dunes, heathlands,
calcareous hill, calcareous quarries, rock crevices, rarely in fallow orchards and
meadows. Steatoda pakulliana’s venom is neurotoxic. It can be seen in many places in
Material examined: Mardin, Nusaybin- Çizre road, 25. km, 740 m, 03.07.1999, 1
♂; Yeşilli, center, 1060 m, 30.05.1998,
1♀; Başuran village, center, 1370 m,
10.07.2000, , 1♀; Reşadiye distinct, center, 1800 m, 22.05.1998, 1♀; Ömerli center,
1070 m, 30.05.1998, 1 ♂; Nusaybin distinct, center, 790 m, 02.07.1999, 1♀; Edremit,
center, 1725 m, 14.06.1999, 1♀; Midyat distinct, center, 1090 m, 05.07.1999, 1♀;
Gerçüş distinct, center, 1070 m, 07.07.1999, 1 ♂.
Agelena labyrinthica (Clerck, 1757)
This species live in large webs near the ground in dense vegetation. Agelena
labyrinthica is dangerous and venomous for humans.
Material examined: Mardin, Nusaybin distinct, Çağlar Dam, 800 m, 02.07.1999, 3
♀♀; Siirt, center, 1210 m, 07.07.2000, 2 ♀♀, 1♂; Midyat distinct, center, 1090 m,
05.07.1999, 1♀, 1 ♂; Midyat distinct, Bağlar, 1080 m, Güzelsu, center, 1940 m,
27.06.2001, 1♀, 2 ♂♂; Ömerli distinct, center, 1070 m, 07.07.2001, 2 ♂♂; Mazıdağı,
center, 1260 m, 05.06.2000, 2 ♀♀, 2 ♂ ♂; Nusaybin- Çizre road, 25. km, 760 m,
03.07.1999, 1♀; Batman, Kozluk, center, 1380 m, 20.07.2001, 1♀, 2 ♂♂; 09.07.2001,
2 ♀♀, 1 ♂; Gerçüş distinct, center, 1070 m, 01.06.1998, 1♀.
Thomisus onostus Walckenaer, 1805
Species live in grassland area and on plants. Thomisus onostus is dangerous and
Material examined: Gaziantep, Nizip distinct, Orul village, 23.05.2003, 1♀,
Samandöken village 3. km north, 30.05.2003, 1♀; Mardin, Yeşilli, center, 1060 m,
30.05.1998, 1 ♂; Siirt, center, 1210 m, 10.06.1998, 1♀; Deyru Zafaran, center, 980 m,
04.07.1999, 1♀.
Thanatus striatus C. L. Koch, 1845
This species often relatively frequent in damp meadows, on sea coasts, in swamps.
Thanatus striatus bite an be very painfull.
Material examined: Mardin, Güzelsu, center, 1940 m, 17.06.1999, 1♀; Nusaybin
distinct, center, 790 m, 27.05.2000, 1♀.
Argiope lobata (Pallas, 1772)
Corrosponding author: Adile AkpınarTel: 0342 317 19 35 e-mail:
Species lives on grass. built vertical orb-webs between the branches of bushes and
trees. Diameter of some webs is more than 1 meter. The spider is either in the central of
the web or under a leave near to the web. This species is very dangerous.
Material examined: Siirt, Baykan, center, 1440 m, 21.07.2001, 1♀; Siirt, center,
1210 m, 09.07.2000, 1♀; Batman, center, 1150 m, 08.06.2000, 1♀; Batman, Kozluk,
center, 1380 m, 20.07.2001, 1♀; Gerçüş distinct, center, 1070 m, 06.07.2001, 1♀;
Mardin, Güzelsu, center, 1940 m, 17.06.1999, 1♀.
Araneus diadematus Clerck, 1757
This species found near forest, grass area and on herbs. Araneus diadematus is
Material examined: Siirt, Baykan distinct, center, 1440 m, 14.06.1998, 1♀ , 1 ♂;
Mardin, Yeşilli, center,1060 m, 30.05.1998, 1♀; Ömerli distinct, center, 1070 m,
30.05.1998, 1 ♂; Batman, Gerçüş, center, 1070 m, 23.05.2000, 1 ♀.
Larinioides cornutus (Clerck, 1757)
Species live edge forest and near water. Larinioides cornutus is dangerous for
Material examined: Mardin, Mazıdağı, center, 1260 m, 29.06.1999, 1 ♀; Nusaybin
distinct, center, 790 m, 27.05.2000, 1♀; Ömerli distinct, center, 10700 m, 30.05.1998, 1
♂;Batman, Gerçüş, center, 1070 m, 23.05.2000, 1 ♀; Güzelsu, center, 1940 m,,
17.06.1999, 1♀, 1 ♂; Derik, center, 1040 m, 16.07.2001, 1♀; Güzelsu, center, 1940 m,
27.06.1998, 1♀ , 1 ♂; Siirt, Kurtalan 20. km, 1290 m, 07.06.1998, 1♀. Siirt, center,
1210 m, 10.06.1998, 1♀; Yeşilli, center, 1060 m, 30.05.1998, 1♀; Baykan, center, 1440
m, 25.06.2001,1 ♂.
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Corrosponding author: Adile AkpınarTel: 0342 317 19 35 e-mail:
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Corrosponding author: Adile AkpınarTel: 0342 317 19 35 e-mail: