Excitement - Ite


Excitement - Ite
IMOB 3 INGILIZCE ZALI:Layout 1 2/3/11 2:56 AM Page 1
Imagination won
Discovered competences
Masa Tasarım Group:
Results of İMOB Design
Competition reflect
Turkish Furniture Designing.
Sights of young designers in the
contribution of competitions
and fairs to design...
Effect of synergy should be
created in
producer-designer union…
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“Anadolu Ateşi”
in Gala Night
Activities organized by MOSDER in
scope of İMOB 2011 Furniture Fair
are continuing. After the “Design
Competition” which is performed last
night, tonight a gala will be set.
Participation of many senior protocols
besides Turkish Embassies of many
countries is expected to the reception
which will be organized under the
auspices of Minister of Government
Zafer Çağlayan. Leading companies,
NGO (Non-Governmental
Organizations) presidents of the sector
and all exhibitors will also be guests
of the “Gala Night”. “Anadolu Ateşi”
will go on stage too.
The award winners had been announced in
traditional IMOB Furniture Design Fair at
yesterday night. Exhibitors and visitors showed
intense interest to award ceremony held in
CNR Expo main lobby. Award winning designs
pleased their owners.
Dilhan Hız
Photographer: Aramis Kalay
bru Akel was the master of
ceremony held in the main lobby.
Ceremony was open to all visitors
and exhibitors. Burcu Başer the
Member of Board of Directors in E
Uluslararası Fuarcılık made the opening
speech. Başer thanked to MOSDER and all
exhibitors in his speech and paid his
compliments to all competitors and winners.
After Başer, 2nd president of Interior
Designers Chamber; Nilgün Çarkacı took
the floor in the name and behalf of the juri.
After denoting that, the furniture industry is
growing every day with its volume of over 9
billion USD, he explained “Furniture is a
loyal friend in human life. We bear senses to
it, and it offers behavior patterns”. At the
end of his speech Çarkacı asked
manufacturers to work in hand with
After the award ceremony, designers and
organizers of the competition together...
designers and presented his regards to all
promoting furniture manufacturers.
Finally chairman of MOSDER Ramazan
Davulcuoğlu said “Our designers are
working for this competition for nearly one
year. We want Turkish Furniture Industry to
rival with its designs in international markets
too. He also thanked new designers for their
contribution to the industry.
Award winning designers and companies
took their awards in ‘Living Room
Furniture’, ‘Bedroom Furniture’, ‘Dining
Room Furniture’, ‘Young Room
Furniture’, ‘Furniture Accessories’, ‘Best
Stand’ categories from members of
Turkish Furniture Manufacturers
Award winner brands and desings are;
Continues on 2nd page...
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03 February 2011
Imaginations competed in İMOB
Dining Room
Time for applause!
İMOB Design Competition which supports the
resizing imaginative power competences had been
finalized. It is applause time now for the designers
and their designs that achieve international
appreciation for Turkish Furniture’s and concepts.
he event undertakes the mission of
registering the success of designers
who support designing with their
imaginative power. This year the
competition eventuated as before with
intense interest and huge contribution.
The competition took place in ‘Living
Room Furniture’, ‘Bedroom Furniture’,
‘Dining Room Furniture’, ‘Young Room
Furniture’, ‘Furniture Accessories’,
‘Best Stand’ categories with the
contribution of 138 products from 51
companies. Award winners had been
announced last night with a magnificent
ceremony in TÜYAP. The decision of the
struck jury namely; 2nd President of
Chamber of Interior Architectures
Nilgün Çarkacı, President of Interior
Architectures Department of Marmara
University Prof. Dr. İnci Deniz Ilgın,
President of Interior Architectures
Department of MSGS University Yrd.
Doç. Dr. Saadet Aytıs and chairman of
Adnan Serbest Furniture Adnan Serbest
caused great excitement and happiness
throughout the exhibitors. Juri had
difficulties while trying to choose in
between so many innovative products
which bring design and comfort together.
However they could execute a ranking.
Living Room
Brave, innovative, avant-garde,
modern and neo-classic…
Different concepts and features
beyond time…
Design that deserve compliments
and awards…
Here is the evaluation Results…!
Young Room
Hall No: 6-7 Stant No: E 602
Hall No: 6-7 Stant No: E 602
Lucky Cat
Hall No: 5 Stant No: B 502
Hall No: 8 Stant No: A 800
Milano Furniture
Konfor Furniture
Doğtaş Furniture
Hall No: 2 Stant No: B 203
Doğtaş Furniture
Hall No: 2 Stant No: B 203
Doğtaş Furniture
Hall No: 2 Stant No: B 203
Coffee Table
Hall No: 6-7 Stant No: E 602
N Design
Hall No: 4 Stant
No: B 410 – C 406
Tvree Tv Unit
Milano Furniture
Hall No: 5 Stant No: B 502
Vega Couch
N Design
Hall No: 4 Stant No: B 410 – C 406
Steel Art
Santra Furniture
Masa Tasarım
Hall No: 4 Stant No: C 401
Santra Wall Unit
Hall No: 2 Stant No: A 206
Hall No: 1 Stant No: D 102
Doğtaş Furniture
Hall No: 2 Stant No: B 203
Best Stand
Hall No: 4 Stant No: B 412
IMOB 3 INGILIZCE ZALI:Layout 1 2/3/11 2:56 AM Page 3
03 February 2011
What the
winners say?
“We will continue
to execute
our studies”
Ergi Vardar
Masa Design Group
Most of the producers in Turkish Furniture Industry are
sharing the opinion that design should be standing in
the forefront. Design competitions are one of the
unquestionable tools for this. Maybe it is the most
important factor which will provide new brands while
differentiating the furniture sector…
“It should be better than
before every year.”
Bekir Boydak
Member of Board of
Directors in MOSDER
specially this year, the companies stand design and product design need to be
much better prepared than last year. In previous years, similar products could
take place. This year, everybody was very well prepared. I liked İMOB very
much in this respect. As a part of it’s mission, İMOB, should be better than before
every year.
The aim of the competition is to get the better and the finest
The fair, should attrack more visitors each year. Of course, The firms are competing,
so it means that this design competitions does not go a miss. As a matter of fact the
aim of the competition is to get the better and finest. From this perspective, İMOB
design contest is very important in terms of stand, and product design.
“Our style of
İsmail Doğan
Chairman of Doğtaş Furniture
ach year, we received the award for the
Doğtaş, to get the award again this year
we have exerted much effort. Our team
was very motivated by our work appreciated
by the jury. We have worked hard and receive a
recompense for our work. We took part in each
category of the competition. For the first time
we received the first prize in 'Seat Group’. This
gave us the excitement.
We have also prizes in
different categories.
After this, we need to
work hard. Our style of
design is everevolving.
Expanding our
personnel cadres.
We empower
our team. This
will continue,
because the aim
of Doğtaş is to
become a global
brand. For this
reason, design is
of great importance
for us.
think this type of competitions inspire designers
and brings in innovations to furniture industry.
This type of encouraging organizations hold key
for the opportunity to present designs with new
concepts and the registry of designers. Like before we
will be executing our studies after the competition as
well. However, I would like to thank MOSDER and
NDesign Company who supported and induced us. I
would like to emphasize that these competitions are
very motivating and joyful. I especially think that
young designers should be supported.
cheers and
supports us
to create
“We have invested
Fevzi Menteş
Chairman of Teleset
eleset, is the company that put the
furniture into package at first. A 20-year
mark. This is our feedback on
investments made in the last three years.
We have invested in the power of young, talented
people. It is important to us, our workmates can get
our organizational culture and transform it for
designing products. Last year we managed to do it
some. This year, we see that the work is complete.
We have also outsourced from Ümit Altun and his
team Design Um. In fact, the awards we have
received are in respect of Design UM team’s designs,
that our design team come to realize them.
The investments in people will provide differentiation
to Turkey's furniture industry.
Cevat Aksoy
General Manager of Vanessa
his competition is a primary
excitement element for the
exhibitors in this fair. This is
beautiful. We also won the first prize
last year in two categories namely;
“Living Room Furniture”
and “Best Stand”. Upon this
we wanted to design new
products and a new stands
because this
excitement cheers and
supports us to create
new products. These
types of
organizations work
and provide base for
designers to express
themselves and this
is quite important for
us. More activities
should be organized in
Turkey in order to stick
out designing.
“Competition become
traditional anyhow”
Zeynep Ertuğrul
Marketing Manager of Milano
ven though our targets differentiate in
means of customers and jobs done in result
we are all role player in furniture market.
We are all inspired by each other’s ambitions and
conflicts. The panel of jurors is a good one which
is consists of juries doing their job with delight.
Each of them is experts in their fields and for us
remains nothing to say more on their decisions.
Each award winning work deserves it. This
competition is taking place for many years now and it
is settled. We can say that it become traditional
anyhow. If only there would be more similar
competitions and organizations…If only there were
more associations organizing such competitions…
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Functional, comfortable
and environmentalist
Seray will exhibit its new 2011 Fall-Summer
creations to the appreciation of its valued
customers with a special presentation in İMOB.
NDesign is in South Africa
“The African countries are a new market for
Turkey. We attach importance to the Middle
East and Far East as well as Africa.”
desigN, producing modern sofas in
its facilities endowed with
technology, established in the
Organized Industrial Zone in the İnegöl
county of Bursa on a 30.000 m2 indoor
space, has accelerated its operation to
open its 3rd store in Africa, in
Johannesburg, South Africa on the 1st
of March. The board member
Abdülselam Güleç stating that the
African countries were a new market
for Turkey and that the new markets are
he new models, in which
functionality and comfort,
identified with the name Seray, are
much more elaborated, have special
details hidden in their designs which
provide a more practical usage. The
participation of Seray, one of the
most considerable companies of the
sector since 1953, with so much new
products, is also a sign of the 3rd
generation’s effects. Becoming more
environmental, the brand has
acquired a more natural look in the
models and the atmospheres it has
developed. The small furniture
specially designed to turn the places
you live in more enjoyable, can also
help you create more mystical,
aesthetic and soft atmospheres.
more profitable also added: “As
NdesigN, we are assertive in the
European and the Asian markets. But
we have discovered the African market
during the global crisis. This market
was very efficient. We attach
importance to the Middle East and Far
East as well as Africa. Furthermore,
NdesigN, as every year, will participate
to the İMOB fair and present its new
products to the appreciation of its
Pioneer in
modular furniture
Everyday, Teleset Furniture is developing its
quality product tradition with the innovative
designs it brings to the modern households.
New concept in
furniture design
Serhat Furniture is getting ready to present
its new series Selection mostly in concept
stores it will open in the Middle East, Africa
and Turkic Republics.
erhat Furniture has added a
new collection named “Serhat
Selection” to its series after the
high demands from the foreign
markets and a concentration on
R&D. In 2011, Serhat Furniture
has presented enjoyment,
spaciousness and difference to the
domestic and non-domestic
markets with its Selection series.
It also continues to conduct its
research and development
activities according to the demands
and choices of its costumers. You
can see the Selection series
comprising design, smartness,
grace and comfort during the
İMOB fair at the Serhat Furniture
showroom in Hall 6.
eleset, which increases its market
share with its product-service
quality and the appreciation of its
customers, is exhibiting its 2011
collection in İMOB fair. The new
products of Teleset will be exhibited in
its 500 m2 wide two stories showroom.
Teleset, Turkey’s first modular
furniture manufacturer was founded in
1959 to produce massive wood
furniture and in the last 20 years, has
concentrated its experience in this field
to the production of modular furniture.
The wide range of Teleset products is
combined with functionality, comfort
and smartness.
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03 February 2011
Weltew is
confident in 2011
Weltew Furniture has presented its
products created in the Soft Production
facilities opened at the end of 2010.
New investments
from Tepe Furniture
Tepe Furniture is the owner of Tepe
Home, the biggest retailer of furniture
and home accessories of our country.
Almost 30 thousand products are sold
in Tepe Home stores and with the 8
thousand m2 store that will be opened
in March 2011 in Forum Marmara
shopping mall in Merter, Istanbul, the
store area of Tepe Home in Turkey
will increase to 91 thousands m2. On
the other hand, Middle Eastern and
Northern Asian investors mainly from
our neighbor countries as Iran, Iraq
s one of the modular furniture
producing company of Turkey,
Weltew Furniture will exhibit 7
different bedrooms and dining rooms
and 2 different young rooms in İMOB
2011 fair. The company which is very
assertive in the subject of new models,
aims to orient the sector and to make
name of itself with its sliding doors
models providing solutions to narrow
spaces, secret hiding places, elegant
and smart LED lightning and neoclassical avant-garde models. Weltew
Furniture has also presented the
products developed in the Soft
Production facilities opened at the end
of 2010 with an investment of 5 million
TL and providing employment to 250
person. Weltew Furniture is quiet sure
that it will be appreciated with its new
sofas and couches.
and Syria, have requested to open
Tepe Home stores in their countries
and after considerations, two,
respectively 5 and 7 thousands m2
wide Tepe Home stores are planned
to be opened in 2011 in two
countries. Tepe Furniture, developing
its product range according to new
trends and customer demands, is
presenting its new products to the
customers and the retailers in season
openings and fairs.
Maximum comfort in
narrowing houses
While aim at the young customer in its new
concepts, Yağmur Furniture presents an usage
diversity in narrowing spaces.
ağmur Furniture which competes
in the national market as well as
the global market, has united its
knowledge on modern technologies
and effective designs with the modern
production processes and has become
one of the considerable furniture
company of Turkey. Yağmur Furniture
strengthens its new designs with
aesthetic lines and also aims at
considering the product consumer
relationship and ergonomics. Yağmur
Furniture targets its young costumers
with the Talin and Acrobat corner sets
in its new concept and also proposes
usage diversity in narrowing spaces.
You can see all the products of the
new concept in the showroom of the
company at the İMOB fair.
For a qualified sleep
A company that continues to be the
licensee of distinguished brands
King Koil and Serta; Yatsan...
atsan has widened its production
capabilities and limits by
acquiring the Turkey distributorship of
Tempur in 2010. Yatsan, with its
mission to present a qualified sleeping
experience, applying the latest
technologies in production, following
the market’s trend and also, often,
combining the new and developed
materials with its traditional
knowledge, is growing rapidly. Yatsan
will exhibit those products that it is
distributing during the fair.
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The awardwinning designs
are at İMOB
352 applications were made to last year National
Household Furniture Design Contest which has
been organized for 6 years to support young
designers and to bring in new designers to the
sector. We have asked two questions to the
winners of the five categories: “What are the
contributions of the design contests and fairs to
the Turkish furniture, design and young
designers’ developments?” and “How do you feed
from such organization as a prospect designer?”
Yaşar Çelik
he award ceremony of the 6th
National Household Furniture
Design Contest, organized by
the Association of Turkish
Furniture Manufacturers (MOSDER) in
order to provide carrier paths to young
designers in furniture, was held at The
Building Information Center (YEM) in
the 2nd of November. Every year, the
contest provides job and internship
opportunities in the furniture sector to
young designers or initiates the
innovation of new design offices. 352
projects competed of which 51 was
under the category of “Home Furniture
Design for Disabled People”. 31
projects and 104 million TL were
awarded amongst the 352 projects
competing about functional and original
household designs. The owners of the
awarded designs not only received
money but they also met job and
internship opportunities and their
designs were officially registered. They
also acquired the privilege of
participating to international fairs under
the auspices of MOSDER and the
possibility to exhibit their design in a
special showroom at İMOB. The
winners of the contest organized by
MOSDER to differentiate the Turkish
furniture, to introduce the design labor
to the sector and to encourage the design
students, have shared their views with
you through our website.
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03 February 2011
The winners of the
dining room category;
Fevzi Karaman Şule Çolak
Young room
Saba Çömez
s a young contest designer,
those contests help us
remember the importance of the
steps of design such as the
reconnaissance of lines, their
selection and production, and
ensure us to make a start with
those steps. While every selected
design shows a different point of view of
its designer, it is also a step forward in
Turkish design. The prospect designer
inspired by such contests, try to unite
different design techniques with
functionality in order to have a say in the
field. Every step taken thanks to those
contests will develop the Turkish
furniture and designer and help those
brilliant ideas to meet the consumer.
he design contests are contributing
to the development of the concept of
industrial design which is just starting to
be known in Turkey. They ensure the
meeting of design and the industry by
registering the importance of the product
design and the designer with awards.
Those kinds of contests show how
Turkish furniture industry is not limited
to craftsmanship but that it is developing
with design. We benefit from the
opportunity to be assessed in different
platforms and be heard by others.
We gain different perspective while
competing with many designers
educated in different universities.
We can be more independent in
contest projects than at school or work.
We can emphasize attractive concepts in
our designs.
The winner of the bedroom category;
Mehmet Kartal
he design
contests help
the young
designers to
follow the era’s
technologies and
help them produce
solutions to existing or new problems
and draw the attention of design
students. The design contests
supporting us to develop
the existing design
in Turkey
and to
and aesthetic
designs, are
also a very
experience for the designers to develop
themselves in different areas and
preparing them to professional life. I
believe that this experience has a very
important contribution to design
students. As a prospect designer I don’t
attend those contests for financial
purposes. I see them as an education
preparing me to professional life. I hope
that the
of those
help me
see the
reflection of
my education
in professional
life, will rise.
The winner of the
dining set;
Cemal Çobanoğlu
irst, we have
to divide the
design contests in
two: the
helping the
competitors and
the association
organizing the contest. The furniture
design contest organized by
MOSDER may be the only contest
on furniture design in Turkey.
However the design fairs and
contests were the most important
steps for the designers to get known
for centuries. In addition to that, the
fairs are important places where you
can see the new materials and
production techniques.
The winner of the sofa category;
Berk Kotel
The fairs are one of the organizations where you can follow the
current designs. Especially in furniture design, the fairs not only
give the opportunity to the designer and the consumer to
visualize the product, but also, it is a place where they can touch
it and compare it with other products. The furniture is one of the
products that interact with us mostly.
Their designs are equally important
as their touching feeling. As young
designers, the fairs are places where we
physically get in touch with them, consider
them ergonomically and where we can get
information about furniture besides the
dull pictures in magazines and the
Internet. While all the information
necessary for this production is gathered
in fairs, the contests help us figure out the
new areas and needs of the sector. All of those
can help the initiation of Turkish brands. As
prospect designers after having seeing, the furniture
manufactured with the latest technologies and materials
in fairs, we try to adapt the products we have designed for
the contests to be producible with the new technologies. In
that case the products in the contests will attract more
attention from the companies and their interest for young
designers may increase. The contests are also organizations where
we can get in touch with companies before being graduated.
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03 February 2011
for youngsters E
We have conducted interviews with the founders
of Zift and Masa design studios whom are also the
winners of the design contest of MOSDER.
Through those interviews we have seen that the
young designers have accomplished their first
period and that they are slowly becoming masters.
Human oriented
exceptional designs
rcan Kitil, Ergi Vardar and Tarık
Korkmaz are three designers
graduated from the Interior
Architecture department of the
Marmara University Fine Art Faculty.
The young designers were awarded in
the 2008 MOSDER contest as a group
and after graduation; they pursued their
carrier in design by founding MASA
Design Group.
Ercan says “In fact, we are three
competitors-three enemies. We are
criticizing and fighting each other until
we come up with the best. We form a
platform to create new worlds and we
stabilize this platform with a tripod.”
Tarık adds that “We
Time to
It is funny and excited
enough just to think what
will come up. We should at
least ensure the production
of the designs of the
winners and the one placed
in contests. A synergy
should be taken out from
the union of the industrial
and the designer.
The Zift Design Workshop founded in 2006 by
Lütfi Büyüktopbaş has made its name with
exceptional designs in many national and
international organizations, fairs and competitions.
design and designers are needed. With the
increase in industrialization in Turkey, the
product design process has also increased.
The industrial design education in Turkey
has started with the merger of the
Industrial Design and Interior
Architecture departments of the Istanbul
State Academy of Fine Arts, College of
Applied Industrial Art in 1971. The
Lütfi Büyüktopbaş
industrial structure in the 70’s in Turkey
Zift Design Workshop Founder
was incomparable with
The industrial
the current situation. In
shaped by new and
the 80’s the graduated
creative ideas, become
product design is
from the CAIA were
nature and human
closely related to
responding to the
oriented with a touch
demand of the design
of production
the existence and
The number of
awareness. According
development of the industry.
school providing design
to Lütfi Büyüktopbaş
industry. With the
education has increased
who states that “the
as the industry and the
design competitions
increase in
technologies developed.
and fairs have a very
industrialization in Today, besides the state
important role in the
discovery and
Turkey, the product universities there are
promotion of young
design process has tens of private
universities which
designers”, “the
also increased.
provide this education.
industrial product
design is closely
When we look at today;
we can say that design is at international
related to the existence and development
standard in Turkey.
of the industry. In other words, if there is
an industry, so a serial production then
www.ziftdesign.com 4. HALL C411
he design
perception of the
Zift Design
Workshop is based
on the union of the
functional and
aesthetic approach
and dynamic energy
and fun. The designs
that we all
have a story and
we narrate our designs.
We try to build new
stories.” “Yes the narration is
currently the design for us” adds Ergi
and he continues: “Our main goal is to
create new stories with time and
surprise everyone including us.” “Life
is serious enough. We should let
people have fun. We surprise people
with our designs, we create new
stories, we work for that. We have fun
and we entertain while doing that”
affirms Tarık. Ergi who believes that
design competitions increase
motivation, notes that: “Actually, in
Turkey, the feasible design are more
appreciated that the surprising ones.
I strongly believe that this should
change. We should first be surprised
and then try to solve its feasibility; to
set off from the feasible will limit
ideas. The fairs bring not only
competition but also perseverance. But
we also think that this should be in
student works. We should also have a
student hall away from commercial
concerns, why shouldn’t we hav a zone
like Zona Tortona? Maybe we should
move to this city.”
Ercan says: “the competitions are based
on changing the ongoing designs and
not on searching pioneer designs” and
adds: “I should say that design ideas
are bridled. Maybe it is time to see
what will come out after saying ‘Just
do designs’. Who can know what us,
youngsters, can do?
It is funny and excited
enough just to think
what will come up. We
should at least ensure the
production of the designs of the
winners and the one placed in contests.
A synergy should be taken out from the
union of the industrial and the designer.
The award-winning design should be
exhibited in fairs and on international
grounds and we should pave for the
young designers. Of course the current
situation has an important contribution.
The best example is Masa... We also
have started with a design competition.
And we pursue with a design fair. To be
able to present this opportunity to a
greater number of people will be huge
investment for the industry and
design.” Tarık says: “Design is
spreading to every aspects of life and
this makes us happy.”
“After having understood that design
brings prestige and money, the designer
and the design started to be appreciated.
The one who creates diversity takes
over, and the only to create diversity is
by design. A new function, a new
material, a new mechanism facilitates
the marketing of a product. As this is
noticed the acceleration increases” adds
Ergi Vardar. “We always mention the
union of industry and design. Yes, the
design competitions and fairs can give
an idea on where the design and the
industry stand, but, if we think that
design is global, it is a little bit worrying
that the designs produced in Turkey are
identical to the ones in any place of the
www.masatasarim.com 4. HALL C401