Prof. Dr. Turgut CABAROGLU Professor, Çukurova


Prof. Dr. Turgut CABAROGLU Professor, Çukurova
Prof. Dr. Turgut CABAROGLU
Professor, Çukurova University, Faculty of
Agriculture, Department of Food Engineering,
TR-01330 Adana - Turkey.
Email: ;
Phone: + 90 322 3386094 / 2172
Mobile: + 90 533 6916661
Food Science and Technology
Food Science and Technology
Food Science and Technology
Post Doc.
(Aroma compounds of grapes and wines)
Post Doc.
Food Science and Technology
(Behaviour of gas bubbles in food)
Çukurova University, TR
Çukurova University, TR
Cukurova University, TR
INRA-Lab des Aromes, FR
INRA Institut des Produits de la Vigne-
Lab des Aromes Montpellier /France
Reading University, UK
Scientific Memberships: Turkish Biotechnology Society (2001- present),
Turkish Food Technology Society (1990- present).
Lectureship duties: Previously supervised 2 PhD, 12 MSc and 1 Erasmus (Catania University,
Italy) research students to successful completion. Currently supervising 2 PhD and 7 MSc
Lecturing duties:
Undergraduate Courses; Wine Technology, Food Regulation, Food Quality and Safety
System, Sensory Evaluation, Distilled Alcoholic Beverages.
Graduate Courses; Panelist Training and Sensory Analysis Techniques, Wine Chemistry,
Flavour Compound in Foods, Aroma Biotechnology, Analysis Methods for Alcoholic
Beverages, Quality &Safety Management System in Food Industry, World Wines,
Winemaking Problem Solved.
Research interests: Food technology, Flavour Compounds, Wine Chemistry and Technology,
Quality Control of Alcoholic Beverages, Food Biotechnology.
Publication list
Refereed International Journals (SCI)
Cabaroglu T., Canbaş A., Baumes R., Bayonove C., Lepoutre J.P., Günata Z., 1997. Aroma
composition of a white wine of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Emir as affected by skin contact, J. of Food
Science, 62 (4), 680-683
Cabaroglu T., Canbaş A., 2002. Effects of skin-contact on aromatic composition of the white
wine of Vitis vinifera Muscat of Alexandria grown in southern Anatolia, Acta Alimentaria 31
(1) : 45-55.
Cabaroglu T., Canbaş A., Lepoutre J.P., Günata Z., 2002. Free and bound volatile composition of
red wines of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Öküzgözü and Boğazkere grown in Turkey, Amer. J. Enol. Vitic.
53 (1) : 64-68.
Nurgel C., Erten H., Canbaş A., Cabaroglu T., Selli S., 2002. Contribution by Saccharomyces
cerevisiae yeasts to Fermentation and Flavour Compounds in Wines From cv. Kalecik Karası
Grapes, Journal of The Institute of Brewing, 108(1), 68-72.
Nurgel, C., Erten, H., Canbaş A., Cabaroglu, T., Selli, S., 2002. İnfluence of S. Cerevisiae strains on
fermentation and flavor compounds of white wines made from cv. Emir grown in central
Anatolia, Turkey. J. of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 29, 28-33.
Cabaroglu T., Canbas A., Gunata Z., 2002. Aroma compounds of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Emir grown in
central Anatolia. J. Int. Sci. Vigne Vin, 36(4), 213-219.
Cabaroglu T., Selli S., Canbaş A., Lepoutre J.P., Gunata Z., 2003. Wine flavor enhancement the
use of exogenous fungal glycosidases, Enzyme & Microbial Technology 33, 581-587.
Selli S., Cabaroglu T., Canbas A, 2003. Flavour components of orange wine made from a Turkish
cv. Kozan, Int. J. Food Sci. & Tech., 38, 587-593.
Selli S., Cabaroglu T., Canbas A., Erten H., Nurgel C., 2003. Effect of the Skin Contact on the
Aroma Composition of the Musts of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Muscat of Bornova and Narince Grown in
Turkey. Food Chemistry, 81, 341-347.
10. Cabaroglu T., Razungles, A.,Baumes, R., Günata, Z., 2003. Effect of fining treatments on the
aromatic potential of white wines from Muscat Ottonel and Gewürztraminer cultivars, Science
des Aliments, 23(4), 411-424.
11. Nurgel C., Erten H., Canbaş A., Cabaroglu T., Selli S., 2003. Fermentative aroma in wines from
Vitis vinifera cv. Kalecik Karası in relation with inoculation with selected dry yeasts, J. Int Sci
Vigne Vin, 37(3): 155-161.
12. Selli S., Cabaroglu T., Canbas A., Erten H.,Nurgel C., Lepoutre J.P., Gunata Z. 2004. Volatile
composition of red wine from cv. Kalecik Karası grown in central Anatolia, Food Chemistry, 85,
13. Selli S., Küerkçüoğlu M., Kafkas E., Cabaroglu T., Demirci B., Başer K.H.C., Canbaş A., 2004.
Volatile flavour components of mandarin wine obtained from clementines (Citrus reticula
Blanco) extracted by solid-phase microextraction, Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 19: 413-416
14. Selli S., Cabaroglu T., Canbas A. 2004. Volatile flavour components of orange juice obtained from
the cv. Kozan of Turkey, J. Food Composition and Analysis, 17, 789-796.
15. Cabaroglu T., 2005. Methanol contents of Turkish varietal wines and effect of processing, Food
Control. 16(2): 177-181
16. Cabaroğlu T., Selli S., Kafkas E., Kürkcüoglu M., Canbas A., Baser K.H.C. 2005. Determination of
volatile compounds in Sultaniye Wine by silid-phase microextraction techniques, Chemistry of
Natural ompounds, 41 (4) 382-384.
17. Nurgel C., Erten H., Canbaş A., Cabaroglu T., Selli S., 2006. Yeast flora during the fermentation of
wine made from Vitis vinifera Emir and Kalecik Karası grown in Anatolia, World Journal of
Micrbiology & Biotechnology, 21 : 1187-1194.
18. Selli S., Canbas A., Cabaroglu T., Erten H., Lepoutre J.P., Gunata Z. 2006. Effect of skin contact on
yhe free and bound aroma compounds of the white wine of Vitis vinifera L. Cv Narince, Food
Control 17 : 75-82.
19. Selli S., Canbas A., Cabaroglu T., Erten H., Gunata Z. 2006. Aroma components of cv. Muscat of
Bornova wines and influence of skin contact treatment, Food Chemistry 94 : 319-326.
20. Kaskas E., Cabaroglu T., Selli S., Bozdoğan A., Kürçüoğlu M., Paydaş S., Başer K.H.C. 2006.
Identification of volatile aroma compounds of strawberry wine using solid-phase
microextraction techniques coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Flavour and
Fragrance Journal, 21: 68-71.
21. Erten H., Tangüler H., Cabaroglu T., Canbas A., 2006. The influence of inoculum level on
fermentation and flavour compounds of white wines made from cv. Emir, J. Ins. Brew. 112(3):
22. KelebekH., Canbas A., Cabaroglu T., Selli S., 2007. Improvement of anthocyanin content in the
cv. Öküzgözü wines by using pectolytic enzymes, Food Chemistry 105: 334-339.
23. Yilmaztekin M., Erten H., Cabaroglu T., 2008. Production of Isoamyl Acetate from Sugar Beet
Molasses by Williopsis saturnus var. Saturnus, J. Inst. Brew. 114(1), 34–38
24. Yilmaztekin M., Erten H., Cabaroglu T., 2009. Enhanced Production of Isoamyl Acetate with
Addition of Fusel Oil by Williopsis saturnus var. Saturnus, Food Chemstry, 112, 290-294.
25. KelebekH., Canbas A., Selli S., Cabaroglu T. 2009. HPLC determination of organic acids, sugars,
phenolic compositions and antioxidant capacity of orange juice and orange wine made from a
Turkish cv. Kozan, Microchemical Journal, 91:187–192.
26. Yılmaztekin, M., Cabaroğlu, T., 2011. Confirmatory method for the determination of volatile
congeners and methanol in Turkish Raki according to European Union Regulation (EEC) No
2000R2870: Single laboratory validation, Journal of AOAC International, 94(2), 611-617.
27. Cabaroğlu, T, Yılmaztekin, M., 2011. Methanol and major volatile compounds of Turkish Raki
and effect of distillate source, Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 117(1), 98-105.
28. Yilmaztekin M, Cabaroglu T, Gunata Z, 2011. Differentiation of Turkish Rakies through
Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Analysis
J. Inst. Brew. 117(4), 622–626, 2011
29. Yilmaztekin M, Cabaroglu T, Erten H, 2011. The effect of temperature and aeration on ethyl
acetate production by Pichia yeasts Conference: European Biotechnology Congres, Current
Opınıon in Biotechnology, 22 S: 1 P: S91-S92 DOI: 10.1016/j.copbio.2011.05.281
30. Sen, K., Cabaroglu T., Yılmaz H., 2012. The influence of fining agents on the removal of some
pesticides from white wine of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Emir, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50, 39903995,
31. Yılmaztekin M, Cabaroglu T, Erten H, 2013. Effects of fermentation temperature and aeration on
production of natural isoamyl acetate by Williopsis saturnus var. saturnus, BioMed Research
International, Volume 2013, ID 870802, 1-6 ,
Chapter in books
1. Cabaroglu, T., Yılmaztekin, M., 2010, Aroma Biotechnology, In: Food Biotechnology, Aran, N., Ed.,
Nobel Yayin Dağitim, Ankara (In Turkish).
Published presentations at international congresses proceedings
1. Bayonove, C., Cabaroglu T., Dufour C., Razungles A., Baumes R., Günata Z., 1995. Influence du
collage sur le potentiel aromatique varietal du vin, XXI éme Congres de la Vigne et du Vin (OIV),
Technologies d’Elaboration et Typicité des Vins, Punta Del Este, Uruguay, 150-161.
2. Şen K., Cabaroglu T., Selli S., Kelebek H., Asma B.M., Gunata, Y.Z., 2010. Kükürtleme işleminin
Hacıhaliloğlu çeşidinden elde edilen kuru kayısıların terpen bileşikleri üzerine etkisi, The 1st
International Symposium on “Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus”, 15-17 April, 2010,
Tekirdağ-Türkiye, pp.645-647.
3. Cabaroglu T., Darici M., Sen K, Selli S., 2012. Characteristic aroma compounds of rose wines from
a native variety of Calkarasi grown in Denizli Turkey: Effect of Altitude, OENO 2011, Actes de
Colloques 9th İnternational Symposium of Oenology-Bordeaux, , DUNOD, Paris p, 810-813.
4. Kelebek, H., Selli S., Cabaroglu T., Jourdes M., Teissedre P.L, 2012. Effect of skin maceration time
on the phenolic composition of Kalecik Karasi wine, OENO 2011, Actes de Colloques 9th
İnternational Symposium of Oenology-Bordeaux, , DUNOD, Paris p, 1024-1029.
5. Darici, M. Cabaroglu, T. Lopez, R. Campo E., 2012. Identification of Impact Odorants
of Rose Wines from a Native Variety of Calkarasi Grown in Denizli Turkey: GC-MS,
Olfactometry and Sensory Evaluation, 35th World Congress of Vine and Wine, 18-22
June 2012, İzmir Turkey.
6. Kelebek H., Canbas A., Jourdes M., Selli S., Cabaroglu T., Teissedre P-L., 2012.
Evolution of coloured and non-coloured phenolic compounds of red wines from Turkey,
35th World Congress of Vine and Wine, 18-22 June 2012, İzmir Turkey.
7. Kelebek H., Cabaroglu T., Darici M, Selli S., Şen K., 2012, Determination of phenolic
composition in Calkarasi cultivars grown in different region of Denizli province in
Turkey, 35th World Congress of Vine and Wine, 18-22 June 2012, İzmir Turkey.
Some of Refereed national journals
1. Canbaş, A., Ü. Ünal, A. Deryaoğlu, H. Erten, T. Cabaroğlu, 1993, Experimental Studies on
Processing Wine From White Emir Variety Grown in Nevşehir-Ürgüp Region in Turkey (In Turkish),
Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(4), 37-52.
2. Canbaş, A., H. Erten, T. Cabaroğlu, 1994, Methods of Reducing The Sugar Content of Low
Alcoholic Beverages Obtained From Grape (In Turkish), Gıda, 19(2), 107-111, 1994.
3. Canbaş, A., Ü. Ünal, A. Deryaoğlu, H. Erten, T. Cabaroglu, 1995, Technological Research on
Processing Wine From Black Öküzgözü and Boğazkere Grape Varieties Grown in Elazığ Region,
Turkey I. Experiments of 1988 and 1989 (In Turkish), Gıda, 20(5), 281-288.
4. Selli, S., Cabaroglu, T., Canbas, A., 2001. Comparison of two different extraction methodsfor the
determination of free aroma compounds of the must of Kalecik karasi cultivar, Gida,26, 443-448
(in Turkish).
5. Selli, S., T. Cabaroglu, A. Canbaş, H. Erten, C. Nurgel, 2002, Free and Bound Compounds of Kalecik
Karası Must (In Turkish), A.Ü.Z.F. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(4), 333-337.
6. Nurgel, C., H. Erten, A. Canbaş, T. Cabaroglu, S. Selli, 2003, Technological Properties of Some Wine
Yeasts Isolated During The Fermentation of Emir and Kalecik Karası Grapes (In Turkish), A.Ü.Z.F.
Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(1), 83-89.
7. Cabaroglu T, S. Selli, H. Erten, A. Canbaş, 2004, Effect of Skin Contact on The Aroma Composition
of The Must of Vitis vinifera L. Cv. Muscat of Bornova (In Turkish), Gıda, 29(3), 195-201.
8. Yılmaztekin, M., H. Erten, T. Cabaroglu, 2005, Extraction of Flavours With Supercritic Fluids in
Food Biotechnology (In Turkish), Gıda, 30(4), 269-274.
9. Bozdoğan, A., M.Ü. Ünal, H. Erten, T. Cabaroglu, 2005, Effect of Maceration Time on Phenolic
Compounds in The Production of Red Wine From Öküzgözü and Boğazkere Grape Mixtures (In
Turkish), Gıda, 30(1), 63-69.
10. Ünal, M.Ü., H. Erten, A. Bozdoğan, A., G. Özdemir, İ. İncesesli, T. Cabaroglu, S. Tangolar, A.
Canbaş, 2007, A Research on Suitibility of Some Black Grape Varieties Grown in Pozantı Region
For Red Wine Production (In Turkish), Gıda, 32(4), 165-172.
11. Tangüler, H., T. Cabaroğlu, H. Erten,
2007, Off-flavours in Beers and Their Formation
Mechanisms (In Turkish), Gıda, 32(1), 43-49.Cabaroğlu, T.,
12. H. Erten, M.Ü. Ünal, A. Bozdoğan, 2006, Effect of Maceration Time on Phenolic Compounds and
Quality of Red Wines Obtained From Öküzgözü and Boğazkere Grape Mixtures (In Turkish), Gıda,
31(2), 77-85.Yılmaztekin, M., T. Cabaroğlu, H. Erten, 2008, Biotechnological Production of
Flavour Compounds (In Turkish), Gıda, 33(1), 35-41.
13. Bozdoğan, A., H. Erten, M.Ü. Ünal, G. Özdemir, T. Cabaroğlu, S. Tangolar, A. Canbaş, 2007, A
Research on Suitibility of Some White Grape Varieties Grown in Pozantı Region For Wine
Production (In Turkish), Gıda, 32(6), 269-275.
14. Ozkandan S, Cabaroğlu, T, 2012. Determination of main volatile compounds in different type of
turkish rakies by gas chromatography with direct injection method, (in Turkish), Gıda, 37, 87-94.
Some of Published presentations at national congresses proceedings
1. Kelebek, H., A. Canbaş, T. Cabaroğlu, H. Erten, S. Selli, 2008, General Properties of Grapes of
Okuzgozu, Bogazkere ve Kalecik Karasi and Their Wines (In Turkish), Ulusal Bağcılık ve Şarap
Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, 6-8 Kasım 2008 Denizli, 145-159.
2. Selli, S., A. Canbaş, T. Cabaroğlu, H. Erten, Z. Günata, 2008, The Influence of Glycosidase Enzyme
Usage on The Flavour Compounds of Wines Made From Bornova Misketi (In Turkish), Ulusal
Bağcılık ve Şarap Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, 6-8 Kasım 2008 Denizli, 115-124.
3. Yılmaztekin, M., T. Cabaroğlu, H. Erten, A. Canbaş, 2005, Flavour Compounds Formed During
Malolactic Fermentation and Their Effect on Wine Quality (In Turkish), Food Congress, 19-21
Nisan 2005, İzmir, 250-253.
4. Yılmaztekin, M., H. Erten, T. Cabaroğlu, 2005, Flavour Compounds Formed by Lactic Acid Bacteria
In Foods (In Turkish), 19-21 Nisan 2005, İzmir, 246-249.
5. Erten, H., T. Cabaroğlu, Ü. Ünal, S. Selli, A. Canbaş, 2003, Yeast Flora During the Fermentation of
Orange wines made from Cv. Kozan (In Turkish), 3. Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, 2-4 Ekim 2003,
Ankara, 539-547.
6. Canbaş, A., S. Selli, T. Cabaroğlu, H. Erten, 2002, Effect of Skin Contact On The Composition of
Wines Obtained From cv. Narince (In Turkish), Türkiye V. Bağcılık ve Şarapçılık Sempozyumu, 5-9
Ekim 2002, Nevşehir, 551-558.
7. Erten, H., A. Canbaş, T. Cabaroğlu, S. Selli, 2002, Occurrence and Growth of Yeasts During The
Fermentation of Emir Grapes and The Effect of Yeast Usage on Wine Quality (In Turkish), Türkiye
V. Bağcılık ve Şarapçılık Sempozyumu, 5-9 Ekim 2002, Nevşehir, 531-540.
8. Canbaş, A., T. Cabaroğlu, H. Erten, S. Selli, A. Bozdoğan, 2002, Effect of Maceration Time on
Phenolic Compounds of Wines Obtained From Öküzgözü and Boğazkere Grape varieties
(Experiments 1998 and 1999) (In Turkish), Türkiye V. Bağcılık ve Şarapçılık Sempozyumu, 5-9 Ekim
2002, Nevşehir, 493-503.
9. Selli, S., T. Cabaroğlu, A. Canbaş, H. Erten, 2001, Comparision of Two Different Extraction method
For The Determination of Terpene Compounds of The Must of Bornova Misketi Cultivar (In
Turkish), GAP II. Tarım Kongresi, 24-26 Ekim 2001, Şanlıurfa, Cilt I, 251-258.
10. Canbaş, A., T. Cabaroğlu, H. Erten, Ü. Ünal, A. Deryaoğlu, S. Selli, 2001, The Characteristic
Properties of Öküzgözü and Bpğazkere Grape Cultivars and Wines Obtained From These Cultivars
(In Turkish), GAP II. Tarım Kongresi, 24-26 Ekim 2001, Şanlıurfa, Cilt I, 225-234.
11. Canbaş, A., A. Konar, H. Fenercioğlu, A. Altan, C. Yağmur, N. Şahan, İ. Hayoğlu, S. Akın, H.
Erten, T. Cabaroğlu, S. Özer, 1991, Food Industry and Nutrition Problems in Adana (In Turkish), I.
Tarım Kongresi, 9-11 Ocak 1991, Adana, 239-292.
Some of other publications
1. Erten, H., Cabaroglu, T., 2010, Raki: A Traditional Turkish Distilled Alcoholic Beverage, 28th
International Specialized Symposium on Yeasts: Metabolic and Bioprocess Engineering for
Sustainable Development, 15-18 September 2010, Montien Riverside Hotel, Bangkok.
2. Yılmaztekin, M., T. Cabaroglu, H. Erten, 2008. Bioconversiton of Fusel Oil into Isoamyl Acetate by
Williopsis satursus var. saturnus, XII. International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied
Microbiology, 5-9 August 2008, İstanbul.
3. Tangüler, H., H. Erten, T. Cabaroglu, 2007. Effect of Immobilization on Wine Flavour Compounds
(In Turkish), 5. Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, 08-10 Kasım 2007, Ankara, 271.
4. Yılmaztekin, M., T. Cabaroglu, H. Erten, 2005, Production of Esters by Biological Methods (In
Turkish), XIV. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 31 Ağustos-2 Eylül 2005, Eskişehir, 619.
5. Canbaş, A., T. Cabaroglu, H. Erten, C. Nurgel, S. Selli, 2000, Studies on Determination of Quality of
Various Grape varieties for Wine Production and On Improvement of Quality of Wines Made from
These Varieties (In Turkish), TÜBİTAK- Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırma Projesi Sempozyumu, 26-27
Ekim 2000, Ankara.
Some of National Projects
 Studies on the determination of processing technology of carbonated grape juice and carbonated
low alcohol beverages from important grape varieties of Turkey (The Scientific & Technological
Research Council of Turkey- TUBİTAK-Project number TOGTAG-1149), 1994.
 A research on aroma components of some of the important Turkish grape varieties and of the
wines obtained from these varieties (The Scientific & Technological Research Council of TurkeyTUBİTAK-Project number TOGTAG-1263), 1997.
 Research on the determination of suitibility of some wine grapes varieties to quality wine
production (The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey- TUBİTAK-Project number
TOGTAG/TARP-1858), 2001.
 Determination of suitable maceration time for the production of quality red wines from Öküzgözü
znd Boğazkere grape mixture (The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey- TUBİTAKProject number TOGTAG-Tarp 2409), 2001.
 Metanol content of Turkish varietal wines (ZF-BAP-39)2004.
 Biotechnological production of isoamyl acetate and ethyl acetate (The Scientific & Technological
Research Council of Turkey- TUBİTAK-Project number TOGTAG-3393), 2006 (ongoing).
Some of International Projects
 Research on the aroma compounds of important Turkish wine grape cultivars and wines, 1996
(Cooperation between INRA (France) – Çukurova University).
 Research on Aroma compounds of some native abricot varieties grown in Malatya region of Turkey,
2006 (Cooperation between INRA (France) – Çukurova University).

Benzer belgeler


ÖZGEÇMİŞ Prof. Dr. Turgut CABAROĞLU 24. Yilmaztekin M., Erten H., Cabaroglu T., 2009. Enhanced Production of Isoamyl Acetate with Addition of Fusel Oil by Williopsis saturnus var. Saturnus, Food Chemstry, 112, 290-294. 25. KelebekH.,...


Sınav Merkezi : ADANA SINAV MERKEZİ Kurum Kodu Kurum Adı



Serkan SELLİ Doğum Tarihi: 15 Haziran 1971 Öğrenim Durumu

Serkan SELLİ Doğum Tarihi: 15 Haziran 1971 Öğrenim Durumu A17. Kelebek, H., A. Canbaş, S. Selli, C. Saucier, M. Jourdes, Y. Glories, Influence of different maceration times on the anthocyanin composition of wines made from Vitis vinifera L. cvs. Boğazkere...


cv merve darici

cv merve darici I was born in March 1986. My Father was a doctor and my mother is a nurse. I have one older brother. I graduated from ÇEAŞ Anatolian High School (2004), Food Engineering Department (2008) from Cuku...
