Ursula K. Le Guin Hep Yuvaya Dönmek


Ursula K. Le Guin Hep Yuvaya Dönmek
Ursula K. Le Guin
Hep Yuvaya Dönmek
Title: Hep Yuvaya Dönmek
Author: Ursula K. Le Guin
Format: Paperback
Language: Turkish
Pages: 526
Publisher: , 0
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6.3 MB
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"Ütopyalar imkâns?zd?r. Ama yazabiliriz" diyen fantastik edebiyat ve bilimkurgu ustas? Ursula
Le Guin, içinde ya?ad???m?z ça?la hesapla?mak için gelece?e bakmay? sürdürüyor. Le Guinin
ütopyac? dü? gücünün en yarat?c? örnekleri aras?nda say?lan Hep Yuvaya Dönmek, ilk
sat?rlardan da anla??laca?? üzere, geleneksel bir roman de?il. Öykü, ?iir, mit, halk masal?,
drama, deneme ve belge gibi çok çe?itli biçimleri göz kama?t?r?c? bir ustal?kla kayna?t?ran bu
kitap, uzak gelece?e ait kurgusal bir etnografya olarak tasarlanm??. Hep Yuvaya Dönmek,
henüz var olmayan bir co?rafyada, bundan yüzlerce, belki binlerce y?l sonra ya?ad???
varsay?lan Ke? halk?n?n dünyas?n? anlat?yor. Ke?ler, insanl???n kendini y?k?ma
sürüklemesinin ard?ndan, Kuzey Kaliforniyada, Na Vadisinde ya?ayan bar??ç? bir halkt?r. Le
Guin, Ke? halk?n?n etraf?na inan?lmaz bir ayr?nt? zenginli?iyle ördü?ü toplumsal ütopyay? bize
kar?? kar?? tan?t?rken, belki de ABDnin Amerikan yerlilerine olan borcunu ödüyor; çünkü bu
hayali halkla Amerikan yerlileri aras?ndaki benzerlikleri gözden kaç?rmak olanaks?z. Vadinin
dokuz kasabas?ndan Sin?anda do?mu? bir k?z çocu?u olan Kuzey Bayku?unun ya?am öyküsü
etraf?na eklemlenen bu kapsaml? etnografya, modern kapitalist toplumun kar?? tezi
denebilecek bir toplumsal ya?am önermesini etkileyici bir ikna gücüyle ilmek ilmek dokuyor.
Ke?ler, insan-do?a ili?kisinden ba?layarak, hiçbir yan? bugün içinde ya?ad???m?za
benzemeyen bir dünyada ya??yorlar. Zaman?n, çizgisel olmaktan çok, mevsimlik danslarla
belirlenen döngüsel bir seyir izledi?i bu dünyan?n belki en temel özelli?i, ilerlemeci ideale
yabanc? olmas?. Farkl?l?klar?n oldu?u gibi kabul edildi?i bu toplumda, de?i?im, bir ilerleme ya
da gerilemeye de?il; sadece de?i?ime i?aret ediyor. Ke?ler, dünyan?n geri kalan?nda neler olup
bitti?iyle pek ilgilenmedikleri gibi, ba?lang?ç ve sonuçlarla da ilgilenmiyorlar. Merkezi kültürel
kavramlar?, her ?eyin hem birbirine ba?l? kal?p hem de birbirinin etraf?nda hareket etmesini
sa?layan "Eklem Yeri."
Le Guinin ola?anüstü yarat?c? imgelemi, Ke?lerin dünyas?na bugün a?ina oldu?umuz etiketleri
yap??t?rmay? çok güçle?tiriyor. Bamba?ka bir toplumsal örgütlenmeye ve bamba?ka ruhani
de?erlere dayanan Ke? ya?ant?s?n? tan?man?n, bu hayali toplumun özgürle?tirici havas?n?
soluman?n tek yolu, Kuzey Bayku?unun pe?ine tak?larak Vadi halk?n?n aras?na kar??mak.
Ursula Le Guin, okurda ?iddetli bir özlem uyand?ran, içinde bo?ulmakta oldu?u ya?am biçimini
tekrar tekrar sorgulamaya iten, heyecan verici ve inand?r?c? bir ütopya yaratm??. Vadi
insanlar? aras?nda ya?ayaca??n?z bu mutlu kaçamaktan kendinizi yoksun b?rakmay?n. "Bazen
bir kitab?n kapa??n? açar ve be?-on sayfada önünüzde aç?lan dünyan?n, içinde oturmakta
oldu?unuz odadan daha gerçek oldu?u hissine kap?l?rs?n?z… Hep Yuvaya Dönmek kesinlikle
klasikler aras?na girmeye aday bir kitap; belki de bir deha ürünü."
-Oxford Times"Yürekten gelen bir bar?? ve sa?duyu ça?r?s?... tek kelimeyle harikulade bir kitap." Today "Le
Guin, inand?r?c? bir ?ekilde yan yana duran, e?reti bir diki?le birbirine tutturulmu? izlenimi
uyand?rmayan kültürler yaratmakta usta. Ütopik bir roman yazarken bile, yavan ya da imkâns?z
görünmemeyi ba?ar?yor."
-London Standard-
Insightful reviews
Ilya: This is a novel set in the Napa Valley in the far future. Assuming that the people living there
then are descended from the people living there now, more time must have passed between
then and now than between now and the breakup of Proto-Indo-European: in the two major
languages of California, numbers 2 and 3 are tu and ?ri and dos and tres, both derived from the
Proto-Indo-European dwo and trei; in their language they are hú and íde. Surprisingly, the
California condor survives, and so does the ginkgo. It describes a small self-governing
agricultural community; unlike the California Indians before the Spanish conquest, on whom
they are clearly modeled, these people have cattle, goats, sheep, dogs, cats, chickens, horses,
and a domesticated guinea pig-like rodent; unlike most agriculturalists, they believe in women's
equality and keep their numbers low through the practice of late marriage, contraception and
abortion. Also, unlike most agriculturalists, they have writing and libraries. The book is
structured as a present-day anthropologist's report about this community, including her dialogue
with a librarian from the future. Much of it is occupied by the mythology, songs and writings of
the people from this community; the longest story concerns a woman whose mother comes from
this community, and whose father is an officer in a militaristic society with the condor totem,
which builds a World War II-era tank and a bomber despite not having sufficient supplies of fuel
for them, not to conquer their neighbors, which they could easily have done with lower-tech
weapons, but as cargo cult offerings. In addition to many human communities, there is also a
self-maintaining network of robots and computers, which gives humans weather forecasts and
provides a few other services. I don't understand, why these di ex machinis are necessary; I
was reminded of the story I heard about 10 years ago about man-hating lesbian communes of
Oregon who only contact men when they want something fixed.
Given a choice, I would rather live in the world of Russell Hoban's Riddley Walker.
Paul Dejean: This is my favorite Ursula book. It's true it doesn't read like a regular book, but that
just adds to the richness.
What I think puts this above her other books, is that the cultures she details in her other books
are the cultures of alien races. The culture she details in Always Coming Home is magnificently
detailed and incredibly human.
When I finished this book (which was quite some years ago) I truly believed "things don't have
to be this way."
Margaret: It's hard to describe Always Coming Home. Written as an anthropological study of a
future, fictional group of people, the Kesh, in factual terms, the novel is slow-paced and deep.
The centering story is an autobiography of a member of the Kesh, Stonetelling, which is written
in three parts and scattered between histories, poetry of the Kesh, dramas, foods they eat, etc. I
have never read a more deeply and completely imagined society, nor a more humane one.
Ursula Le Guin amazes me. The novel leaves me wanting and wishing for a better way to live,
and also hoping. If you have never read Le Guin before, I don't think this is the best to start with
since there is no real narrative. However, any Le Guin fan needs to read this.
Elissa: Ah, what AM I taking into consideration this book? it really is drawing me in, simply shy
of fifty years old, in a fashion it did not whilst I first learn it (or at the least Stone Telling's story!)
in my 20s.I'm having fun with the poetry more, and the ethnography, and i have had the nice
fortune to be a part of glossy wakwaha because of Spiritfire pageant and the Earthspirit
Community. I think, extra and more, that this can be how the post-Apocalyptic destiny might be someplace among Octavia Butler's paintings and this. additionally fascinating to learn of
nonviolent ethics without connection with Christianity, within the wake of the Charleston
massacre. and engaging to take a position on how a lot Kesh tradition is inspired by means of
UKLG's parents' dating with Ishi, the final Stone Age Californian.
Joanne: There are few books i've got read, none of them being fiction till now, that experience
required this type of concerted attempt of research on my half to even learn in the course of the
book. If it wasn't Ursula... I doubt i'd have bothered. however it was, and that i did, and naturally
it was once worth the effort.The girl has created a complete culture. i do not recognize while i'm
going to have adequate time to create a complete tradition in my very own head after which
write a singular approximately it, however the proven fact that one other lady had the time and
did it really is idea through itself.The booklet is written in little tidbits, a morsel here, a part of a
narrative there, then bits of poetry, history, causes of assorted points in their society... along
with a couple of flips to the again of the ebook for word list reasons after which a couple of flips
again close to front for the chart at the various homes of society, I learn it entrance to back. It
was once tempting, quite tempting to pass ahead, specifically with Stone Telling's tale being
minimize into 3 parts, yet I depended on Ursula's knowledge to educate me what i wanted to
understand in order that i may thoroughly take pleasure in the subsequent little bit of the tale as
I received to it, and that i was once no longer permit down.I idea the evaluation at the conceal
used to be a section much, whatever approximately it being "her most sensible paintings yet",
yet after completing the ebook I simply can have to agree.The smart comparisons to our
personal societies are an important dinner party of nutrition for thought.An effortless read, it's
not. however it is worthy each minute you spend.
Bria: even if i discovered the poetry uninteresting and will probably not enjoy the format, this
booklet highlighted a few of the assumptions of my wondering the future. I continuously
overlook to check tips to really stay existence in my frantic makes an attempt to lead to the
singularity. continuously Coming domestic examines (albeit a bit too ultimately for my tastes)
what occurs to the opposite half the human species after the split. I habitually specialize in
these folks that merge with expertise and stream ahead in evolution to a completely new
species. yet as soon as every thing has been achieved, what's going to the remainder people
have as their goal? What are the alternatives to make during this post-technological future?
With all wisdom and knowing to be had and now not a driver of pursuit, what does existence
become? This dielectic is a specific thing i must reconcile inside of myself, and examining this
publication has compelled me to reassess what my final ambitions for humanity and my very
own self and lifestyles fairly are.
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