newsletter - Rönesans Holding


newsletter - Rönesans Holding
MARCH 2016
We’re Rönesans...
The leader of development, architect of the future.
Rönesans @Global
Renaissance Construction’s shares
in Ballast Nedam NV reached
99,07 percent.
The shares in the Netherlands-based company, Ballast Nedam
NV, of Renaissance Construction, which is the world’s 37th
biggest and Europe’s 10th biggest construction company,
reached 99,07percent. Becoming the majority shareholder of
the company, which was established in 1877 and has carried out
general building, transportation, and infrastructure projects,
Renaissance Construction is takes firm steps forward in
incorporating the Dutch company. As of end of 2014, Ballast
Nedam plays an important role in extensive projects like
transportation and infrastructure with a turnover of 1.1 billion
euros and more than 2,000 employees.
RHI’s Turkmenistan
Investments At Full Stream
Renaissance Heavy Industries (RHI) under the roof of
Rönesans signed a contract for the construction of a
3x144 MW-capacity Zerger Gas Turbine Power Plant in
the Lebap Region of Turkmenistan. The project will
start in March 2016 and is expected to be completed
in 33 months. The consortium including Turkmenistan
public corporation, Turkmenhimiya and RHI has signed
a framework agreement for the Phosphorus Fertilizer
Facility Project. The new facility will be constructed by
RHI, which has world-wide experience in constructing
numerous fertilizer plants including nitrogen-based
and potassium-based fertilizers and will have an annual
capacity of 300 thousand tonnes.
Great Honor for Dr. Erman Ilıcak in
Rönesans Holding Chairman Dr. Erman Ilıcak has been
rewarded with ‘Garaşsyz, Baky Bitarap Türkmenistan’
(Independent, Always Neutral Turkmenistan) medallion as
part of the Day of National Neutrality celebrated on December
12th. The medallion was delivered as per the decree issued
by Turkmenistan President Gurbanguli Berdimuhamedov for
the contribution made to the country’s success, increase in
international cooperation and building up friendly and good
neighborhood relations.
MARCH 2016
Rönesans @Global
RHI Opens Representation
Office in Japan
Renaissance Heavy Industries (RHI) opened
a representation office in Japan in order to
strengthen its cooperation with Japanese
business partners. Rönesans is maintaining
for a long time a successful cooperation with
Japanese companies from various industries,
including petrochemicals in particular as well
as fertilizer production, LPG, automotive
factories, energy, environmental safety,
health, and project financing.
Tushino 2018 Project Awarded Urban 2015
Urban 2015 is a federal award given in the vicinity of Moscow and St. Petersburg every year since 2009. “Tushino 2018”,
a residential complex project, was granted awards in the Best Comfort-Class Residential Complex and Best Integrated
Regional Development categories.
MARCH 2016
Firsts / Bests @Rönesans
Rönesans’ 2016 Targets Set
Rönesans Holding Board of Directors Meeting took place under the chairmanship of Dr. Erman Ilicak on the 8th of January in Rönesans
Tower. The road map, strategy, and targets for 2016 were set in the meeting.
Rönesans Pioneers Again
Rönesans Holding’s 200 million-TL bond
issuance with TRLibor index and a 3-year
maturity term has been completed with
success. 100 million-TL part of the 200 millionTL issuance was bought by European Bank
of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
TRLibor, Turkish Lira reference interest rate
was used as the base interest rate for the
first time. This first-of-its-kind bond issuance
is expected to help deepen the private sector
bond market in Turkey.
Click here
to vote.
The Evolution Tower Short-Listed in
MIPIM 2016
The Evolution Tower has been short-listed and nominated for
‘People’s Choice Award’ in MIPIM 2016 where world’s top real estate
projects are chosen. The Evolution Tower, which makes an elegant
corkscrew with an angle of 156 degrees for 246 meters, has already
become an architectural symbol. With its form inspired by the DNA
structure, the project represents development and infinity.
MARCH 2016
Firsts / Bests @Rönesans
Rönesans HES 2015 Awards Granted
The projects granted HES 2015 Performance Awards have been chosen based on the scores achieved in the internal
and external audits, efforts shown in taking necessary precautions against possible risks, the awareness created in
the employees, and the HES training data. The Presidential Service Building, GTG-Turkmenistan, Maltepe Ilbank, and
Togliatti-Russia projects and Piazza Mall-Kahramanmaras administration have been granted 2015 HES Performance
Awards based on the successful and exemplary applications they demonstrated in the evaluations made this year.
Another Breakthrough from REV for the Youth
Rönesans Education Foundation that has provided scholarships to more than 5,500 students up to now, has started
the Renaissance Education Academy Project aiming to support the individual development of the scholars, increase
the synergy and interaction between scholars and strengthen the communication between the Renaissance Group
and the scholars.
The objective of this first-of-its-kind project in Turkey is to provide the students utilizing the Foundation’s
scholarships with a personal development program in addition to the financial aid they would normally get. Within
the scope of the scope, the students will have the chance to use the web-based educational programs offered under
the topics Personal Development, Preparation for Professional Life, and Responsible Citizenship in the 21st Century.
With the volunteer projects they will participate in addition to their
education in the Academy, the REV scholars will find the opportunity
to carry out social responsibility projects and find solutions for our
country’s problems. Using the improved portal infrastructure, the
students are encouraged to form various groups to create volunteer
projects and form a social medium where they will improve themselves
learning from each other.
Even News Websites Were Outdistanced
After Renaissance Education Foundation (REV)
announced in last September that it would accept
online scholarship applications, the number of individual
guests for the website exceeded 100,000. The number
of clicks surpassed 2 million, outdistancing even the
most-followed news websites.
Please send the news and activities that
you would like to see in the Newsletter to
Corporate Communication and Asset Management
Group Presidency
MARCH 2016
TED Renaissance College Preregistration Started
TED Renaissance College’s introductory meeting took place on the 21st of
February. The preregistration for the 2016-2017 semester of the College,
which aims to teach world citizens, will take place on 1-31 March 2016.
Relaxing Our Souls with Office Yoga
Creating new environments for their employees
to help them get away the busy pace of the
business life, Rönesans is continuing its office
yoga activities in Ankara and Istanbul.
Record-High Applications in Design the
Sustainable Future Contest
A record-high number of applications have been received for the ‘Design
the Sustainable Future Contest’ organized by Rönesans Holding with
the purpose of enabling the future generations to live in healthier and
more environment-friendly buildings. Organized with the motto “Let
the Sustainable Future Begin with You”, the contest received around
2000 applications, a number doubled compared to the previous year.
New Year Joy of Kids in Kahramanmaraş
The students of Keriman Cetinkaya Preschool built in Kahramanmaras in 2014 by
Renaissance Education Foundation entered new year with the presents left in the toy
box by Rönesans employees. Around 200 presents including toys and books collected
in the toy box, were delivered to the children by the Corporate Communication team.
Rönesans Family Together for New Year Celebration
Rönesans Holding family came together in Ankara and Istanbul offices for the New
Year celebrations.
Click to watch the movie on Career at
MARCH 2016
Human Resources @Rönesans
New ‘Coach’ for 2016
Corporate Performance, Academy, and Skill Management processes were incorporated
in a single platform, the Renaissance Coach Development Program. With its innovative
interface and user-friendly displays, “Coach Renaissance Program” will be used in
all Renaissance Group Companies and Regions. The new application will facilitate the management of the processes as well as
enable the formation of a in-house social network. In this change process, the first step has been the ‘Coach Target’. Replacing
the Corporate Performance System we are acquainted with from previous years, Coach Target was put into service on the 11th of
January for the employees to set their targets and the target entries were completed on the 12th of February.
Become Hope with a Donation
The stem cell transplantation plays a vital
role in the treatment of many blood diseases,
mainly leukemia and lymphoma. Finding a
stem cell donation and a suitable donor is of
utmost importance in this treatment that
saves ten thousands of lives every year. In
this context, the Ministry of Health and Red
Crescent put into practice the Turkey Stem Cell
Coordination Center (TÜRKÖK) for the patients
lacking a suitable donor in their families. With
the project seeking to open a Bone Marrow
Bank, the donor pool is set out for expansion
by connecting to international banks. For detail
information about this subject and to find out
the nearest donation center, please click.
Rönesans Tops the Bill at Respect for People Awards
The companies with the most respect for people have been announced in
the 15th edition of Respect for People Awards Ceremony held as part of the
HR Summit. Rönesans Holding was the only company that received awards
in both categories of ‘Area Most Applied For’ and ‘Company Creating the
Most Employment’. Also receiving the ‘Respect for People’ award, Rönesans
topped the bill at the summit with three awards.’s Respect for People Awards are granted to companies that
receive 20 thousand applications for Istanbul-based companies and 10
thousand applications for Anatolia-based companies and that reply more
than 99 percent of these applications within 21 days and reply each applicant
individually as well as that get the most applications and create the most
REXA 2015 Award Winners Granted
Rönesans Excellence Awards (REXA) 2015 which are granted to people, teams, and projects that add value to themselves, the
society, and country have been delivered. Organized as first this year and planned to happen yearly, REXA Awards aims to
support and reward authentic and game-changing achievements that create a difference. Here is the persons, teams and sites
highlighted in 2015...
Individual Category:
• Faruk Gökçe Başaran
• Elif Canbey İlgen
Team Category:
• Lakhta Site Concrete Pouring Field Management Team
• Renaissance Heavy Industries Central Bidding
• Performance System Building Team
• Kars Sena HES Administration
• Information Technologies Team
Site Category:
• Aviapark Site and Management Team
• Planeta Site and Management Team
were granted the awards.
MARCH 2016
One of Us / Interview
Emine Serpek / Executive Assistant - Rönesans MEA
The Colors Made Me See the World Differently
e talked with Emine Serpek, working as an Executive Assistant in MEA, on her passion
for painting.
- Do you use a special technique when painting or
A new idea comes to my mind every day and I try to give
them as much chance as possible. I paint with dry paint.
I work with acrylic on canvas. I paint on wood furniture.
I paint shirts and bags. I paint the blackboards of cafés.
Now I am planning to paint a wall I set my sight on.
- How did your interest in painting begin?
Since I was a child, I had a desire to paint my surrounds
with different patterns. When I was very little I painted
underside of coffee tables, cabinet doors, a little older I
painted the book and notebook covers, and then the walls
of my room and tables.
- What does painting give you?
Not only painting, but producing with new things has
become a part of my life. Painting, lamp, or pattern...
Colors made me see the world differently. Of course, I
feel an unbelievable sense of happiness and peace doing
these. I get great support from both my parents and my
managers at the workplace in this process. Being able to
hang my pictures on the walls of the office is priceless...
- How do you make use of your works?
My first individual exhibition was opened in 2013 while
working in Rönesans. My t-shirts were sold at boutique
websites, I was invited to some design fairs, and the
coffee tables I painted are being sold in furniture shops.
At the end of 2015, my adult painting book was released.
MARCH 2016
/ 29.12.2015
/ 25.12.2015
/ 31.01.2016
MARCH 2016
House Beatiful / 01.02.2016
Anayurt / 14.12.2015
/ 17.02.2016
/ 01.01.2016
/ 01.12.2015
MARCH 2016 / 12.12.2015 / 20.01.2016
Öğrencilere İnşaatta İnavasyon Semineri Verildi
Darende Bekir Ilıcak Meslek Yüksekokulunda İnşaatta İnovasyon
konulu konferans verildi.
Haberin Devamı için tıklayın...
Rönesans Holding Ak Yatırım aracılığıyla tahvil ihracını
200 milyon TL’lik ihracın 100 milyon TL’lik kısmı Avrupa İmar ve
Kalkınma Bankası (EBRD) tarafından alındı. Ak Yatırım, Rönesans
Holding’in,Türkiye’de ilk kez ihraç edilen TRLibor endeksli tahvil
ihracına aracılık etti.
Haberin Devamı için tıklayın... / 13.12.2015
Piazza AVM’lerde kitap kumbaraları
Rönesans Eğitim Vakfı tarafından Şanlıurfa ve Kahramanmaraş
Piazza AVM’lerde “Binlerce Çocuğa Binlerce Kitap” sloganıyla
gerçekleştirilen kitap bağış kampanyalarına yoğun ilgi devam
Haberin Devamı için tıklayın... / 13.12.2015
“Binlerce Çocuğa Binlerce Kitap”
Rönesans Eğitim Vakfı tarafından Şanlıurfa ve Kahramanmaraş
Piazza Alışveriş ve Yaşam Merkezleri’nde “Binlerce Çocuğa Binlerce
Kitap” sloganıyla gerçekleştirilen kitap bağış kampanyalarına
yoğun ilgi devam ediyor.
Haberin Devamı için tıklayın... / 25.12.2015
”Eğitime yapılan her yatırım geleceğe yapılan yatırımdır”
Eğitim konusunda söyleşi yaptığımız Rönesans Eğitim Vakfı
Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Refia Jale Ilıcak, “Eğitimin bir ülkenin
kalkınmasında ve geleceğin şekillenmesinde en önemli noktada
durduğunu düşünüyoruz” diyor.
Haberin Devamı için tıklayın... / 28.12.2015
Rönesans en uzun tünel için geri sayıma başladı
Rönesans Holding şirketlerinden Rönesans İnşaat, İsviçre
Alpleri’ndeki Gotthard Base Tüneli inşaatına devam ediyor.
Dünyanın en uzun demiryolu tüneli olmaya aday Gotthard Base,
İsviçre’yi Avrupa’nın büyüyen yüksek hızlı demiryolu ağına entegre
edecek. İsviçre, yeni Gotthard demiryolu bağlantısının inşasıyla
birlikte Avrupa’nın en büyük çevresel koruma projelerinden birisine
de imza atmış olacak.
Haberin Devamı için tıklayın... / 11.02.2016
Türkiye’deki En İyi Sürdürülebilir Enerji Projelerini Ödülllendirdi
Enerjimagazin- Avrupa İmar ve Kalkınma Bankası (EBRD) ve
iş ortakları, dün İstanbul’da düzenlenen etkinlikte Orta Ölçekli
Sürdürülebilir Enerji Finansmanı Programı (MidSEFF) kapsamında
finanse edilen en iyi enerji verimliliği ve yenilenebilir enerji
projelerini ödüllendirdi.
Haberin Devamı için tıklayın... / 19.02.2016
İnsana saygılı şirketler ödüllendirildi!
Bu yıl 15.’si düzenlenen İnsana Saygı Ödül Töreni’nde insana saygılı
firmalar açıklandı. İK Zirvesi kapsamında İstanbul Lütfi Kırdar
Uluslararası Kongre ve Sergi Sarayı’nda gerçekleşen törende;
İnsana Saygı Ödülleri sahiplerini buldu.
Haberin Devamı için tıklayın... / 25.02.2016
Veliler okul seçerken uluslararası standartları aramalı
Eğitimde uluslararası standartları benimseyen okulların,
çocukların birer dünya vatandaşı olarak yetişmesindeki önemini
vurgulayan TED Rönesans Koleji Kurucu Müdürü ve Pedagog İpek
Ak, okul seçiminde öncelikli konulara dikkat çekti.
Haberin Devamı için tıklayın...
/ 30.12.2015 / 30.12.2015
TED Rönesans öğrencileri kendi yoğurtlarını yaptı
TED Rönesans Koleji, yerli mallarının üretimini desteklemek ve
kullanımını yaygınlaştırmak üzere gazeteci-yazar Refika Birgül ile
2014 yılında başlattıkları proje devamında bir araya geldi
Haberin Devamı için tıklayın...
Corporate Communication and Asset Management Group Presidency