yükseköğreti̇m kurulu


yükseköğreti̇m kurulu
Adı Soyadı: Koen Hendrik Pauwels
Doğum Tarihi: 29-9-1971
Unvanı: Yardımcı Doçent
Öğrenim Durumu:
Y. Lisans
Akademik Unvanlar:
Yardımcı Doçentlik Tarihi :
Doçentlik Tarihi
Profesörlük Tarihi
Economische Hogeschool Limburg, Belgium
Institut d‟Administration et de Gestion,
Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
University of California, Los Angeles, ABD
Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Tezleri
6.1 Yüksek Lisans Tezleri
6.2 Doktora Tezleri
7.1 Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
(SCI & SSCI & Arts and
“Effects of Word of Mouth versus Traditional Marketing: Findings for an Internet Social
Networking Site”, with M. Trusov and R. Bucklin, Journal of Marketing, forthcoming, July
“Product innovations, marketing investments and stock returns”, with J.Silva-Risso,
Srinivasan, D.M. Hanssens, Journal of Marketing, forthcoming, January 2009.
"Store brands and store loyalty" with Kusum Ailawadi and Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, Journal
of Marketing, forthcoming, November 2008.
“Winners and Losers in a Major Price War” with E. Gijsbrechts and H. van Heerde, Journal
of Marketing Research, 45(5), 499-581, 2008.
“Demand-Based Pricing Versus Past-Price Dependence: A Cost-Benefit Analysis” with
Vincent Nijs and Shuba Srinivasan, Journal of Marketing, 72 (March), 15-27, 2008
“The impact of brand equity and innovation on the long-term effectiveness of
promotions” with Rebecca Slotegraaf, Journal of Marketing Research, 45(3), 293-306, 2008.
“Moving from Free to Fee: How Online Firms Market to Successfully Change the Business
Model”, with A. Weiss, Journal of Marketing, 45(3), 14-31, 2008.
“Retail-Price Drivers and Retailer Profits”, with Shuba Srinivasan and Vincent Nijs, Marketing
Science, 26(4), 473-487, 2007
“Performance Regimes and Marketing Policy Shifts”, with Dominique M. Hanssens,
Marketing Science, 26 (3), 293-311, 2007, leading article.
"When do price threshold matter in retail markets?" with Philip-Hans Franses and Shuba
Srinivasan, Marketing Science, 26(1), 83-100, 2007.
“How retailer and competitor decisions drive the long-term effectiveness of manufacturer
promotions for fast moving consumer goods”, Journal of Retailing, 83(3), 297-308, 2007.
“Modeling Marketing Dynamics by Time Series Econometrics", with Imran Currim, Marnik G.
Dekimpe, Eric Ghysels, Dominique M. Hanssens, Natalie Mizik and Prasad Naik, Marketing
Letters, 15:4, 167-183, 2005, leading article.
“How dynamic consumer response, competitor response, company support and company
inertia shape long-term marketing effectiveness”, Marketing Science, 23 (4), 596-610, 2004.
"New Products, Sales Promotions and Firm Value: The Case of the Automobile Industry"
with J.Silva-Risso, S.Srinivasan and D.M. Hanssens, Journal of Marketing, 68 (October),
142-156, 2004.
“Do Promotions Benefit Retailers, Manufacturers, or Both?”, with S. Srinivasan,
D.M. Hanssens and M. Dekimpe, Management Science, 50 (5), 617-629, 2004.
“Who benefits from store brand entry?” with S. Srinivasan, Marketing Science, 23 (3),
Summer, 364-390, 2004.
“The Long-Term Effects of Price Promotions on Category Incidence, Brand Choice and
Purchase Quantity”, with D.M. Hanssens and S. Siddarth, Journal of Marketing Research,
vol. 34 (November), 421-439, 2002. Winner of the O‟Dell Award 2007.
“Les Promotions bénéficient-elles aux fabricants, aux distributeurs, ou aux deux?”, with S.
Srinivasan, D.M. Hanssens and M. Dekimpe, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 19
(3), 73-90, 2004.
“Who benefits from price promotions?”, with S. Srinivasan, D.M. Hanssens and M. Dekimpe,
Harvard Business Review, Forethought Article, September, 22-23, 2002.
“Internet Marketing the News: Leveraging Brand Equity from Market Place to Market
Space", with E. Dans, Journal of Brand Management, 8 (4-5), 303-314, 2001.
Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings)
basılan bildiriler
“Building with Bricks and Mortar: the Revenue Impact of Opening Physical Stores in a
Multichannel Environment”, with Scott A. Neslin, Marketing Science Institute, Report 08101, 2008.
“Dashboards and Marketing: Why, What, How and What Research is Needed?”, with Tim
Ambler, Bruce Clark, Pat LaPointe, David Reibstein, Bernd Skiera, Berend Wierenga and
Thorsten Wiesel, Marketing Science Institute, Special Report 08-203, 2008.
“Generalized Long-Term Price Effects: Are They Asymmetric, Nonmonotonic, and Time
Dependent?”, with Shijin Yoo, Marketing Science Institute, Report 08-108, 2008.
“Price War: What is it Good For? Store Visit and Basket Size Response to the Price War in
Dutch Grocery Retailing”, with Harald van Heerde and Els Gijsbrechts, Marketing Science
Institute, Report 07-104, 2007.
“Product Innovations, Advertising Spending, and Stock Returns”, with Shuba Srinivasan,
Jorge Silva-Risso and Dominique Hanssens, Marketing Science Institute, Report 06-110,
“Het effect van de prijzenoorlog op winkelbezoek en bestedingen in supermarkten”, with
Harald van Heerde and Els Gijsbrechts, Koninklijke Vereniging voor Staatshuishoudkunde,
Jaarboek, Netherlands:Sdu Uitgevers, 119-123.
“Growing Small Brands: Does a Brand‟s Equity and Growth Potential Affect Its Long-Term
Productivity?”, with Rebecca Slotegraaf, Marketing Science Institute, Report 06-123, 2006.
“Staying Ahead in the Innovation Race: New-Product Introductions and Relative Firm
Value”, EMAC Conference, Milan, Italy, May 2005
“How retailer and competitor response drive long-term promotional effectiveness”, EMAC
Conference, Murcia, Spain, May 2004.
"Long-term Performance impact of New Products and Promotions in the Auto Industry" with
J. Silva-Risso, S.Srinivasan and D.M. Hanssens, Marketing Science Institute, Report 03110, 2003.
“How dynamic consumer, competitor and company response shape long-term marketing
effectiveness”, EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, May 2003.
“Windows of Change in Mature Markets”, with Dominique Hanssens, EMAC Conference,
Braga, Portugal, May 2002.
“Product Innovation, Promotions, and Long-Term Firm Value” with J. Silva-Risso, S.
Srinivasan and D.M. Hanssens, Marketing Science Institute Report 02-119 on “Measuring
Marketing Productivity: Linking Marketing to Financial Returns”.
“Windows of Change in Mature Markets”, with Dominique Hanssens, EMAC Conference,
Braga, Portugal, May 2002.
“Who benefits from store brand entry?”, with Shuba Srinivasan, EMAC Conference, Braga,
Portugal, May 2002.
“Do promotions benefit manufacturers, retailers or both?” with S. Srinivasan, D. M.
Hanssens and M. G. Dekimpe, Marketing Science Institute, Report 01-120, 2001.
"Are price promotions profitable and for whom?" with Shuba Srinivasan, Dominique
Hanssens and Marnik Dekimpe, Best paper award at the EMAC Conference, Bergen,
Norway, May 2001.
"Explaining brand loyalty, dealer sales loyalty and dealer after-sales loyalty", with J.M.M.
Bloemer, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 1998
"A case study in loyalty and satisfaction research" with K. Vanhoof and J.M.M. Bloemer,
Lectures in Artificial Intelligence, 1997, Vol. 1224, Machine learning ECML, Springer Verlag,
pp. 290-298.
Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler
Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
Diğer yayınlar
Uluslararası atıflar
ISI Web of Science veri tabanı içinde SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities kapsamındaki
hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan Koen H. Pauwels‟a ait makalelere 216 adet atıf yapıldığı
tespit edilmiştir.
İdari Görevler
10. Bilimsel ve mesleki kuruluşlara üyelikler
INFORMS, the American Marketing Association, the European Marketing Academy
11. Profesyonel Ödüller
Winner of the „07 William F. O‟Dell Award for the paper “that made significant, long-run contribution to
marketing theory, and/or methodology, and/or practice”
Finalist, ‟07 John Little award for the best marketing paper in INFORMS journals
Finalist, ‟07 Frank Bass award for the best dissertation-based marketing paper in INFORMS journals
Finalist, ‟02 Paul Green Award for Best Paper in Journal of Marketing Research
Best paper award, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Bergen, May 2001.
Fastest Associate Editor and faster reviewer (> 4 reviews), Marketing Science
Paul Raether T'73 Fellowship for Scholarly Excellence, Tuck 2005-06
Honorable Mention and Main Conference presenter, MSI-competition “Measuring Marketing
Productivity”, October 2002.
Selected for the third bi-annual „Young Scholars‟ Conference of the Marketing Science Institute,
January 6-9, 2005
Fellow, American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium, August 2000.
Finalist, Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition of ISBM, 1996.
12. Son iki yılda verdiğiniz lisans ve lisansüstü düzeydeki dersler için aşağıdaki tabloyu
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Not: Açılmışsa, yaz döneminde verilen dersler de tabloya ilave edilecektir.