How many Kurdish uprisings till today?


How many Kurdish uprisings till today?
Turquie Européenne > Revue de presse > Archives 2008 > 01 - Articles de janvier 2008 > How many
Kurdish uprisings till today?
How many Kurdish uprisings till today?
Monday 7 January 2008, by Mehmet Ali Birand
We are only beginning to learn about our relations with our citizens of Kurdish origins. We had
never been allowed to learn or talk about them before. The other day, a reader sent me a list of
all the Kurdish uprisings that occurred since Ottoman times to the present. Apparently, our
history is full of them.
I won’t give his name, for he doesn’t want me to, so I’ll only say that he’s a retired soldier. I understand
that he used the general staff archives to compile a striking list of all the important Kurdish uprisings
since Ottoman times. I guess there must also have been tens of small revolts, not important enough to
record. I couldn’t believe what I read. We never knew that our history was so full of frequent and
suppressed Kurdish revolts, for the relations with our citizens of Kurdish origins had always been a taboo
subject. Their discontentedness was always kept a secret. Cut out and keep the information below. You
may not be able to find it anywhere else.
A- Kurdish uprisings during the Ottoman era:
Babanzade Abdurrahman Pacha uprising (1806- Mosul); Babanzade Ahmet Pacha uprising (1812 – Mosul);
Zaza uprising (1820); Yezidi uprising (1830- Hakkari); Şerefhan uprising (1831- Bitlis); Bedirhan uprising
(1835- Botan); Garzan uprising (1839- Diyarbakır); Ubeydullah uprising (1881- Hakkari); Brothers
Bedirhan Osman Pacha and Hüseyin Pacha uprising (1872-Mardin-Cizre); Bedirhan Emin Ali uprising
(1889- Erzincan); Bedirhaniler and Halil Rema uprising (1912-Mardin); Şeyh Selim Şehabettin and Ali
uprising (1912- Bitlis); and Koşgari uprising (1920- Koşgiri)
B- Kurdish uprisings during Republic times:
Nasturi uprising (1924- Hakkari); Jilyan uprising (1926- Siirt); Şeyh Sait uprising (1925Bingöl-Muş-Diyarbakır); Seit Taha and Seit Abdullah uprising (1925-Şemdinli); Reşkotan and Reman
uprising (1925- Diyarbakır); Yakup Agha of Eruh and sons uprising (1926-Pervani); Güyan uprising
(1926-Siirt); Haco uprising (1926- Nusaybin); First Ağrı uprising (1926); Koçuşağı uprising (1926- Silvan);
Hakkari- Beytüşşebab uprising (1926); Mutki uprising (1927- Bitlis); Second Ağrı uprising Biçar operation
(1927- Silvan); Zilanlı Resul Agha uprising (1929- Eruh); Zeylan uprising (1930- Van); Tutaklı Ali Can
uprising (1930- Tutak-Bulanık-Hınıs); Oramar uprising (1930- Van) Third Ağrı operation (1930); Buban
tribe uprising (1934- Bitlis); Abdurrahman uprising (1935-Siirt); Abdulkuddüs uprising (1935-Siirt); Sason
uprising (1935-Siirt); Dersim uprising (1937-Tunceli); and PKK terrorism (1984-1999)
C- Founded and disbanded Kurdish organizations:
i - Marxist and Leninist organizations:
Revolutionary Association of Eastern Culture (DDKO); Revolutionary Association of Democratic Culture
(DDKD); Revolutionary Association of Popular Culture (DHKD); and Democratic Cultural Association of
Anti-Colonialism (ASDK-DER)
ii - Separatist organizations:
Kurdistan Democratic Party of Turkey (TKDP); Leading Labor Party of Kurdistan (KÖİP-PPKK); Kurdistan
Socialist Party of Turkey ( TKSP); Rizgari Organization; Ala Rizgari Organization; Kawa Organization;
National Liberation Organization of Kurdistan (KUK); Kurdistan Socialist Movement (TSK); Socialist Union
of Kurdistan (Yekitiya Sosyalista Kurdistan – YSK); Tekoşin Organization ; Kurdistan Liberation Movement
(TEVGER); and Kurdistan Labor Party (Partiye Karkaren Kurdistan /PKK)
iii - Student associations:
Kurdish Development Association; Kurdish Independence Association; and Kurdish Student Association of
D - Other Kurdish movements within the region :
IRAQ: Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq (IKDP); Patriotic Union of Kurdistan ( PUK- YNK-KYB) and
Kurdistan Independence Party (PÜK)
IRAN: Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (İKDP) and Kurdish Workers’ Revolutionary Organization
SYRIA: Kurdish Socialist Party and Syrian Communist Party