Marketing Contact Information Form


Marketing Contact Information Form
Marketing Contact Information Form
Editor(s) Name(s): Lenny Shedletsky & Jeff Beaudry
Book Title: Cases on Teaching Critical Thinking through Visual Representation Strategies
Author(s) Name(s): Yasemin Oral
Chapter Title: A Case on Teaching Critical Thinking and Argument Mapping in a Teacher Education Context
1. Please provide us with the contact information for someone in the public
relations/communications office of your university, so we may contact them with news of
your book when it is released: ***Note: Please provide as much information as possible – email
addresses are critical. ***
Name: Istanbul Universitesi Basın & Halkla Iliskiler Mudurlugu
Affiliation: Istanbul University
Address: Istanbul Universitesi Basın & Halkla Iliskiler Mudurlugu
Address: Merkez Kampus
City, State, ZIP Code: Beyazit/Istanbul 34452 Turkey
Telephone Number: 00 90 212 440 00 00 Ext: 10054
Fax: 00 90 212 440 00 58
E-mail address:
2. Please provide us with the contact information for someone in the library of your
university, so we may contact them with news of your book when it is released: *** Note:
Please provide as much information as possible – email addresses are critical. ***
Name: Istanbul Universitesi Kutuphane & Dokumantasyon Daire Baskanlıgı
Affiliation: Istanbul University
Address: Istanbul Universitesi Kutuphane & Dokumantasyon Daire Baskanlıgı
Address: Merkez Kampus
City, State, ZIP Code: Beyazit/Istanbul 34452 Turkey
Telephone Number: 00 90 212 455 57 83
Fax: 00 90 212 455 57 84
E-mail address: