CV and the publication list


CV and the publication list
Doğum Tarihi: 10.1.1943
Doğum Yeri: Malatya /TR
Doktora (PhD) Uygulamalı Radyasyon Fiziği (Applied Radiation Physics)
Birmingham Üniversitesi, İngiltere
Yüksek Lisans (MSc), Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Fizik Bölümü, Ankara
Lisans, Ankara Üniversitesi, Fizik Bölümü, Ankara
Profesör , Sultan Qaboos Universitesi, Omman Sultanlığı
Profesör, Ankara Üniversitesi, Nükleer Bilimler Enstitütüsü, Müdür Yardımsısı
1985 -2008
GSF-Ulusal Çevre ve Sağlık Arastırma Merkezi, Risk Analizi Grubu, Luminesans
Laboratuarı Yöneticisi ve Sorumlusu, Münih, Almanya
GSF-Ulusal Çevre ve Sağlık Arastırma Merkezi, Alexander Von Humboldt Bursiyeri
Oxford Üniversitesi, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Tarihi Araştırma Laboratuarı (Research
for Archaeology and History of Art) Oxford, Ingiltere, Burslu
Doçent, Öğretim Görevlisi, Çukurova Universitesi, Adana
Öğretim Üyesi , Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara, TR
Retrospektive Dozimere: Doğal çevre malzemeleri ile luminesans teknikleri kullanarak
nükleer kazalardan sonra radyasyon doz ölçümleri.
Yiyeceklerin ışınlandirılması: Korunma amacı ile radyasyona tutulan yiyecek maddelerinin
aldıkları dozların mevcut yönetmenlilerle uygunluğunun saptanması.
Radyasyondan koruma yasaları: Radyasyon işcilerinin bireysel doz ölçümleri, AB, USA,
Doğu Avrupa ve Japonyadaki uygulamalar arasındaki farklar ve Avrupa Birliği içinde
harmonizasyon problemleri.
Tarihlendirme: Luminesans yöntemlerle arkeolojik ve jeolojik maddelerin tarihlendirilmesi
1999 -2007
ISSDO (International Solid State Dosimetry Organization) Seçilmiş üye
PACT (European Study Group of Physical, Chemical, Biological and Mathematical
Techniques Applied to Archaeology) Seçilmiş üye
Proje Yürütücüsü : Retrospective Individual Dosimetrie mit Lumineszenz- und EPRMessungen für den Notfallschutz. Alman Çevre Bakanlığı, BmU StrSch-4411.
Toplam alınan destek miktarı: 480 kEUR
İş Paketi Yürütücsü: The development of new techniques for retrospective
dosimetry–Avrupa Birliği, Beşinci Çerçeve Programı FIGD-CT-2000-00094
İş paketi için alınan destek miktarı: 170 kEUR
Proje Yürütücüsü: Dosisrekonstruktion im Ereignisfall mit Hilfe von Lumineszenzund EPR Methoden an Umgebungsmaterialen, Alman Çevre Bakanlığı,
Proje No StSch 4225
Toplam alınan destek miktarı: 340 kEUR
1999- 2001
İş Paketi Yürütücüsü: Retrospective dosimetry for populations in eras affected by
fallout from the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site, Avrupa Birliği INCOCOPERNICUS Proje No.IC I 5-CT98-0216.
İş paketi için alınan destek miktarı: 39 kEUR
İş Paketi Yürütücüsü: Dose reconstruction for workers of Mayak and for Techa
riverside residence, Avrupa Birliği INCO- COPERNICUS Projesi No. IC 15 CT96035
İş paketi için alınan destek miktarı:230 kEUR
Bilimsel Sekreter ve İş Paketi Yürütücüsü: Radiation Fields, Dosimetry Bio kinetics
and Biophysical Models for Cancer induction by ionizing radiation, Avrupa Birligi
Dördüncü Çerçeve Programı, Proje No. FI4P-CT95-0011
Topalam alınan destek: 4 .7 M EUR
Yayınlanan kitap: 2
Editörlüğünü yaptığım kitap: 1
Teknik Raporalar: 11
1) Dosemeter for measuring doses of ionizing radiation, Avrupa Patent müraccat No. 05 00
8098.5 Uluslararası müracaat No. PCT/EP 2006 / 003192 , Dosimeter with phosphor
substance in the cover layer of an electronic chip Publication No EP1712932A1
2) Method and device for investigating a mineral sample, Avrupa Patent müraccat No. 05
015998.7 Uluslararası müracaat No. PCT/EP 2006 / 006077
ATIF SAZISI 668 ( 1968- 2011)
Ortalama atıf : 8.8
h- index: 12
Olsson I., Stenberg A., Göksu H.Y.,1967, Uppsala Natural Radiocarbon Measurements VII.
Radiocarbon 9, 454-470.
Olsson I., Göksu H.Y., Stenberg A., 1968, A Further Investigations of Storing and Treatment of
Foraminifer and Mollusc for C-14 Dating. Geologiska Föreningens I, Stockholm Förhandlingar
90, 417-426.
Olsson I., El Gammal S., Göksu H.Y., 1969, Uppsala Natural Radiocarbon Measurements IX.
Radiocarbon, 11, 515-544.
Hwang F.S.W., Göksu, H.Y., 1971, A Further Investigation on the TL Dating Technique. Modern
Geology 2, 223-230.
Göksu H.Y., Fremlin J.F., 1972, Thermoluminescence from Unirradiated Flints: Regeneration
Thermoluminescence. Archaeometry 14, 127-132.
Göksu H.Y., Fremlin J.F., Irvin, T.H., Fryxell R., 1974, Age Determination of Burned Flint by a
Thermoluminescent Method. Science 183, 651-654
Göksu H.Y., Türetken N. , 1979, Source Identification of Obsidian Tools by Thermoluminescence. PACT Journal 3, 356-359.
Türetken N., Özer, A.M., Kolat, A., Göksu, H.Y., 1979, TL and Electron Spin Resonance of
Stalactites from a Cave in the Southern Part of Turkey. PACT Journal 3, 266-281.
Yegingil Z., Göksu H.Y. (1982) Fission Track Dating of Obsidians. Nucl. Tracks, 6, 43-48.
Göksu-Ögelman H.Y., Kapur, S., 1982, Thermoluminescence Reveals Weathering Stages in
Basaltic Rocks. Nature, 296, 231-232.
Wieser A., Göksu H.Y., Regulla, D.F., 1985, Characteristics of Gamma Induced ESR Spectrum in
Various Calcites. Nucl. Tracks 10, 831-836.
Regulla D.F., Wieser A., Göksu H.Y. ,1985, Effect of Sample Preparation on the ESR Spectra of
Calcite, Bone and Volcanic Material. Nucl. Tracks 10, 825-830
Göksu-Ögelman, H.Y., Ukav I., 1986, Age Determination of Ikiztepe Sherds by Thermoluminescence. PACT Journal 15, 111-117
Wieser A., Göksu, H.Y., Regulla D.F.,1986, The ESR Spectrum as an Indicator of the
Archaeological Heating Temperature of Flints. Proceedings of the International Conference on
Flint, Mining and Lithic Raw Material Characterization, Budapest, Sumeg, Hungary, 20-22 May
1986, 175-182.
Göksu-Ögelman H.Y., Brown M.L., Pennycook S., 1988, Thermoluminescence and Cathodeluminescence Studies of Calcite and MgO: Surface Defects and Heat Treatment. Nucl. Tracks
Radiat. Meas. 14, 3365-3368.
Göksu H.Y., Regulla, D.F., Vogenauer, A., Wieser, A., 1988, Dose Dependent TL Fading of
Obsidians. Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 14, 143-147.
Wieser A., Göksu H.Y., Regulla D., Vogenauer A., 1988, A. Dose Rate Assessment in Tooth
Enamel. Quart. Sci. Rev. 7, 491-495.
Göksu H.Y. (1989) Thermoluminescence Dating of Volcanic Material. PACT Journal 25/2, 50-56.
Göksu-Ögelman H.Y., Wieser A., Regulla D.F., 1989, 110° Peak Records the Ancient Heat
Treament in Flint. Ancient TL 7, 15-18
Göksu-Ögelman H.Y., Regulla, D.F. , 1989, Detection of Food Irradiation. Nature 340, 23.
Göksu H.Y., Wieser, A., Waibel A., Vogenauer A., Regulla D.F., 1989, Comparing Measurements
of Free Radicals, Optical Density and Thermoluminescence in Solids for High Level Dosimetry.
Appl. Radiat. Isot. 40, 905-909
Özer A.M., Wieser A., Göksu H.Y., Müller P., Regulla D.F., Erol E., 1989, ESR and TL Age
Determination of Caliche Nodules. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 40, 1159-1162
Waibel A., Göksu H.Y., Regulla D.F.,1990, The Use of LiF for Dosimetry in the Megagray Range
and at Elevated Irradiation Temperatures. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 34, 327-331
Göksu H.Y., Regulla D.F., Hietel B., Popp G., 1990, Thermoluminescent Dust for Identification of
Irradiated Spices. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 34, 319-323
Clark I.C., Khourry H.N., Salameh E., Fritz P. Göksu Y., Wieser A., CausseC. Fontes J.J. (1992).
Travertines in Central Jordan: Implications for Palaeohydrology and Dating. In: Isotope
Techniques in Water Resources Development, IAEA, Vienna Austria, 551-565
Wieser A., Göksu H.Y., Regulla D.F., Waibel A. , 1991, Unexpected Supralinear Dose Dependence
of E1'Centre in Fused Silica. Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 18, 175-178
Göksu H.Y., 1991, Obsidian Hydration Dating. In: Scientific Dating Methods. Editors: Göksu, H.Y.,
Oberhofer, M., Regulla, D., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 301-317
Wieser A., Göksu H.Y., Regulla D., Fritz, P., Vogenauer, A., Clark, I.D., 1993,
ESR and TL Dating of Travertine from Jordan: Complications in Pale dose assessment. Appl.
Radiat. Isot. 44, 149-152.
Waibel A. Göksu H.Y., Regulla D.F., 1993, A Method of Individual Calibration of LiF Optical
Absorption Dosemeters. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 47, 581-583
Göksu H.Y., Regulla D.F., Vogenauer A., 1993, Reconstruction of Gamma Dose Distribution in
Salt at Radioactive Waste Disposal Site by the Water Insoluble Fraction. Radiat. Prot. Dosim.
47, 331-333
Hütt G., Brodski L, Bailiff I.K., Göksu Y., Haskell E., Jungner H., Stoneham D., 1993, Accident
Dosimetry Using Environmental Materials Collected from Regions Downwind of Chernobyl: A
Preliminary evaluation. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 47, 307-311.
Stoneham, D, Bailiff, I.K., Brodski, L., Göksu, H.Y., Haskell, E, Hütt, G., Jungner, H., Nagatomo,
T., 1993, TL Accident Dosimetry Measurements on Samples from the Town of Pripyat. Nucl.
Tracks Radiat. Meas. 21, 195-200
Regulla D.F., Göksu H.Y., Vogenauer A. Wieser, A., 1994, Retrospective dosimetry based on
eggshells. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 45/3, 371-373.
Wieser A., Göksu H.Y., Regulla D.F., Vogenauer A., 1994, Limits of Retrospective dosimetry by
EPR and TL with natural materials. Radiation Measurements , 23, 509-514
Becker H., Göksu H.Y., Regulla (1994).Combination of Archeomagnetism and
Thermoluminescence for precision Dating. Quaternary Geochronologhy (Quaternary Science
Göksu H.Y. Bailiff I:K. , Bötter Jensen L, Hütt G., 1995, Interlaboratory beta source calibration
using TL and OSL on natural quartz, Radiation Measurements, 24/4, 479-483
Göksu H.Y., Heide L.M., Bougrow N.G., Dalheimer A., Meckbach R. and Jacob P., 1996, Depth
dose distribution in bricks determined by thermoluminescence and by Monte Carlo calculation
for dose reconstruction. Applied Radiation and Isotopes ,47, 4/2, 433-440
Weiß S., Duthaler R., Göksu H.Y., Wieser A., 1996, Die Rüscade- Marione: Ihr Nebengestein, ihre
Spurenelemente und die Ursachen ihrer Färbung , Mineralien Magazin Lapis, Jg 21, Nr3, 24-37
Bulur E., Göksu H.Y., Wieser A., Figel, M. Özer (1996) Thermoluminescence properties of
fluorescent material used in commercial lamps. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 65, 1-4, pp
Meckbach R., Bailiff, I.K., Göksu, H.Y., Jacob, P., Stoneham., D., 1996, Calculation and
Measurement of Dose-Depth distribution in Bricks. Radiation Protection Dosimetry,.66 No1-4,
Göksu H.Y., Wieser A., Stoneham D., Bailiff I.K. and Figel M., 1996, EPR, OSL, TL and Spectral
Studies of porcelain.. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 47, 11/12, 1369-1374
Hübner S., Göksu H.Y., 1997, Retrospective dosimetry using OSL-pre-dose effect in porcelain,
Appl. Radiat. Isot. 48, 231-1235.
Adamiec G., Stoneham D., Göksu H. Y., 1997, Accident dose estimation using porcelain. A
comparison between different TL methods. Radiation Measurements, 27/2, 389-392.
Bulur E, Göksu H.,Y., 1997 Pulsed Optically Stimulated Luminescence from a- Al2O3:C Using
Green Emitting Diodes. Radiation Measurements 27/3, 479-488.
Bulur E., Göksu, H.Y., 1997, IR Stimulated Luminescence from ZnS and SrS Based Storage
Phosphorous: A Re examination with Linear Modulation Technique. Physica Status Solidi .(a),
161, 9-10.
Bulur E., Özer, A.M., Göksu, H.Y. , 1997, Preliminary ESR Studies of tooth enamels from Pasalar,
PACT Journal, 45- IV,3 , 258-265
Göksu H.Y., Stoneham D., Bailiff I.K., Adamiec G., 1998, A new technique in retrospective
dosimetry: Pre-dose Effect in the 230°C TL Glow Peak of Porcelain, Applied Radiation and
Isotopes, 49, 99-104.
Bougrov N.G., Göksu H.Y., Haskell E., Degteva M.O., Meckbach R., Jacob, P., 1998, Issues in the
reconstruction of environmental doses on the basis of thermoluminescence measurements in the
Techa riverside. Health Physics, 75, 574-583.
Bulur E., Göksu H.Y., Wahl W., 1998, Infrared Stimulated Luminescence from -Al2O3:C
Radiation Measurements. Radiation Measurements, 29, 625-638.
Bulur E., Göksu H.Y., 1998 OSL from BeO Ceramics: New Observations from an old Material.
Radiation Measurements, 29, 639-650 .
Göksu H.Y. Bulur E., 1999, Environmental beta dosimetry using thin layer -Al2O3 TL detectors.
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 84,1-4, 451-457.
Bulur E., Göksu H.Y. ,1999, Phototransfer thermoluminescence from -Al2O3:C using blue light
emitting diods. Radiation Measurements, 30, 203-206.
Bulur E., Göksu H.Y. (1999) Infrared stimulated luminescence from feldspar with linearly
increasing light intensity. Radiation Measurements, 30/4, 505-512.
Bailiff I.K, Bøtter-Jensen, L., Correcher V., Delgado A., Göksu H.Y., Jungner H., Petrov S.A ,
2000, Absorbed dose evaluation in retrospective dosimetry: Methodological Developments using
quartz. Radiation Measurements. 32, 609-613
Göksu H.Y., Schwenck P., 2000, Thermoluminescence Dating of Bricks and Terrazzo from the
Monastery Church of Tegernsee using 210°C TL peak of quartz. Radiation and Environmental
Biophysics, 39, 301-308
Niedermayer M., Göksu H.Y., Dalheimer A., Bayer A.,2000, Infrared Stimulated Luminescence
from Modern Bricks for Retrospective Dosimetry, Radiation Measurements, 32, 825-832.
Hutt G. Göksu H.Y., Jaek I. Hiekkanen M., 2001, Luminesence Dating using 210°C TL peak of
quartz from Somero Sancristy. Quaternary Science Reviews, 20,775-777
Göksu H.Y., Schwenck P., Semiochkina N., 2001, Investigation of the thermal stability of 210°C
TL peak of quartz and dating the components of terrazzo from the monastery church of
Tegernsee. Radiation Measurements 33, 785-792.
Göksu H.Y., Degteva M.O. Bougrov N.G., Haskell E., Bailiff I.K., Bøtter-Jensen L. Jungner H.,
Jacob P. (2002) First International intercomparison of luminescence techniques and validation of
external dose assessment for the Muslyumovo- Techa river residence Health Physics, 82 (1), 94101.
Göksu H.Y., Semiochkina N., Shiskina E.A.,Wieser A., El-Faramawy N., Degteva,M., Jacob P.;
Ivanov D.V., 2002, Thin layer α-Al203:C beta dosemeters for the assessment of current dose
rate in tooth due to 90 Sr intake and comparison with EPR dosimetry Radiation Protection
Dosimetry 101 (1-4) 505-514.
Stepanenko V.F., Gavrilin Yu.I., V. P. Snykov V. P, Shevchuk V. E. Göksu H.Y., Voillequé P.G.,
Orlov M.Yu., 2002, Elevated Exposure Rates Under Inclined Birch Trees Indicate the
Occurrence of Rainfall during Radioactive Fallout from Chernobyl, Health Physics, 82(2), 240243.
Bailiff I.K., Correcher V., Delgado A., Göksu H.Y, Hübner S., 2002, Luminescence characteristics
of dental ceramics for retrospectice dosimetry: A preliminary study, Radiation Protection
Dosimetry, 101 (1-4) 519-524
Kalchgruber R., Göksu H.Y., Hochhäuser, E., Wagner G.A., 2002, Monitoring environmental dose
rate using Risø TL/OSL readers with built in sources: Recommendations for users. Radiation
Measurements 35, 585-590.
Bougrov N.G., Baturin V.A. Göksu H.Y., Degteva M.O. Jacob P., 2002, Investigation of
thermoluminescence dosimetry in the Techa River flood plain: Analysiss of the new results,
Radiation Protection Dosimetry , 101/1-4, 225-228.
Göksu H.Y., Bailiff I.K., Mikhailik V.B., 2003, New approaches to retrospective dosimetry using
cementitious building materials Radiation Measurements, 37/4-5,323-327.
Göksu H.Y., 2003 ,Telephone chip cards as individual Dosemetrs Radiation Measurements 37
Tarenenko V., Meckbah R., Degteva M.O. Bougrov N.G., Göksu H.Y., Vorobiova M.I., Jacob P.,
2003, Varification of external exposure assessment for the upper Techa riverside by
luminescence measurements and Monte Carlo photon transport modelling. Radiat Environ
Biophysics 42, 17-26
Bailiff I.K., Steanenko V.F., Göksu H.Y., Bø tter- Jensen L., Brodsky L. Chumak V., Correcher V.,
Delgado A., Golikow V., Jungner H., Khamidova L. G., Kolizshenkov T.V., Likhtarev I.,
Meckbach R., Petrov S.A., Sholom S., 2004, Comaprison of retrospective luminescence
dosimetry with computational modeling in two highly contaminated settlements downwind of
the chernobyl NPP, Health Physics 86, 25-41.
Veronese I., Giussani A., Göksu H.Y., Martini M., 2004, Isothermal decay studies of intermediate
energy levels in quartz. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 43, 51-57
Veronese I., Giussani A., Göksu H.Y., Martini M., 2004, The trap parameters of electrons in
intermediate energy levels in quartz. Radiation Measurements, 38 743-746
Bailiff I.K., Steanenko V.F., Göksu H.Y. Jungner H., Balmukanov S.B., Balmukanov T.S.,
Khamidova L. G., Kisilev V.I, Kolyadao I.B., Kolizshenkov T.V., Shoikhet Y.N., 2004, The
application of retrospective luminescence dosimetry in areas affected by fallout from the
Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site: an evaluation of potential Helath Physics 87(6): 625-641
El-Faramawy N.A. , Göksu H.Y., Panzer W., 2004, Thermoluminescence dosimetric properties of
new thin beta detector ( LiF:Mg,Cu, P, GR-200F) in comparison with highly sensitive Al2O3
beta dosemeters. Journal of Radiological Protection , 24,273-282.
Shishkina E.A., Göksu H.Y., El-Faramawy N.A., Semiochkina N., 2005, Assessment of 90Sr
concentration in dental tissue using thin layer beta detectors and verification with numerical
calculations , Radiation Research 163-467.
Bailiff I.K., Stepanenko, V.F., Göksu, H.Y., Boetter-Jensen, L., Jungner, H., Correcher V., Delgado,
A., Jungner, H., Khamidova, L. G., Kolizshenkov, T.V., Meckbach, R., Petin, D.V., Orlov,
M.YuI., Petrov, S.A., 2005. Retrospective Luminescence Dosimetry: Development of
Approaches to Application in Populated Areas Downwind of the Chernobyl. Health Physics 89,
Hong, D.G., Kim M.J., Choi, J.H., El- Faramawy , N.A., Göksu H. Y., 2005 Equivalent dose
determination of single aliquote regenerative – dose (SAR) protocol using thermoluminescence
on heated quartz. Nuclear Instruments and Methods
Veronese I., Giussani A., Göksu H.Y., 2006 Limits of thermoluminescence dosimetry using quartz
extracted from building materials in urban settlements. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
86, 319-336
Göksu H.Y., Stepanenko V.F., Bailiff I.K. and Junger, H.,2006,. Intercomparison of luminescence
measurements of bricks from Dolon’ village: Experimental methodology and results of Eurpean
study group. J. Radiation Research 47 Suppl A-29-A-37
Ramzaev V., and Göksu H.Y., 2006 Cumulative assessment using thermoluminescence properties
of porceleain insulators as evidence of a severe radaiation accident in the Republic of Sakha
(Yakutia), Russia 1978, Health Physics 91/3 , 263- 269
Göksu H.Y., Bailiff, I.K., 2006. Luminescence Dosimetry using building materials and Personal
objects, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 119, 1-4 , 413 420.
Veronese I., El Faramawy,N. , Giussani, A., Cantone M.C., Shishkina, E.A., Göksu H.Y., 2006,
The use of -Al2O3:C in RISØ OSL single grains attachment system for assessing the spatial
dose rate distribution due to incorporation of 90Sr in human teeth. Radiation Protection
Dosimetry 119, 408-412.
Olko P., Bilski, P., El Faramawy N., Göksu, H.Y., Kim J.L., Kopec, R., Waligorski, M.P.R., 2006,
On the relationship between dose, energy and LET response of thermoluminescence detectors.
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 119, 15-22.
Mathur V.K., Barkyoumb, J.H., Yukihara E.G., Göksu H.Y. 2007, Radiation Sensitivity of memory
chip module of an ID card. Radiation measurements 42, 43-48.
Veronese I., Shved V., Shishkina E.A., Giussani A., E.A., Göksu, H.Y., 2007, Study of dose rate
profile at sample disks in a RISØ OSL single grains attachment system. Radiation
Measurements, 42, 138- 143 .
Veronese I., Göksu H.Y., Schwenck P., Herzig F., 2008, Thermoluminesceence dating of a mikveh
in Ichenhausen, Germany. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 99, 621-630
Göksu, H.Y, Regulla D, Drexler G., 1995 Present status of practical aspects of individual dosimetry
Part I: EU Member States, European Commission, Radiation Protection 78, ISBN 92-827- 01743, Printed in UK.
Göksu, H.Y, Regulla, D, Drexler, G., 1995 Present status of practical aspects of individual
dosimetry Part II: East European Countries, European Commission, Radiation Protection 78,
ISBN 92-827- 0173-5, Printed in UK.
Göksu, H.Y., Oberhofer, M., Regulla, D., 1991 (Editorler), Advance Scientific Techniques Vol 1,
Scientific Dating Methods. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Printed in Holland.
Göksu H.Y., (1978, The TL Age Determination of Fossil Human Footprints. Proceedings of 18th
International Symposium on Archaeometry. Archeo-Physiko 10, 455-462
Göksu H.Y., 1979, The Dating of Burned Flint Tools. In: Proceedings of the Third International
Symposium on Flint, Staringia 6, 98-102.
Göksu H.Y., 1986, Thermoluminescence Dating: A Review of Application to Burnt Flints.
Scientific Study of Flint and Chert, Cambridge University Press (Ed. G. Sieveking, M.B. Hart),
Göksu-Ögelman H.Y. (1987) Stage of development of TL dating of pottery. In: Archäologie und
Archäometrie in Peru, Konrad Thesis Verlag, Stuttgart (Ed. W. Bauer), 185-197.
Drexler, G., Göksu, H.Y. and Johns, T.F. (1988).Practical and administrative aspects of Radiation
Protection and Dosimetry procedures in the member states of the European Communities, Japan
and the USA. Radiation Protection 38 Report 11363Published by the Commission of the
European Communities, ISBN 92-825-8282-5, Printed in Belgium
Göksu H.Y., Wieser A., Regulla D.F., Vogenauer, A. A Routine Analysis for the Determination of
the Firing Temperature of flint tools. Archaeometry 90 / Edited by Ernst Pernicka, Gunther A.
Wagner, Birkhäuser Verlag, 265-274 (1991)
Wagner G.A., Göksu H.Y., Regulla D., Vogenauer A., Lorenz I. B., 1992, Thermolumineszenzdatierungen an Keramik. In: Hassek Höyük, Naturwiss. Unters. und lithische Industrie.
Editor: R. Behim-Blancke, IstForsch. 38, 148-158, Ernst Wasmuth Verlag
Göksu H.Y., Wieser A., Regulla, D., Schramel P., Vogenauer A., Wagner, U. (1992) Datierung mit
Thermolumineszenz und Bestimmung der Erhitzungstemperatur an Feuersteinen. In: Hassek
Höyük, Naturwiss. Unters. und lithische Industrie, Editor: R. Behim-Blancke, IstForsch. 38, 140147, Ernst Wasmuth Verlag
Waibel, A., Göksu, H.Y., Regulla, D., 1994, Dosimetrie im Hochdosis- und Hoch-temperaturberich
mit LiF Farbzentren. Strahlenschutz: Physik und Messtechnik, Fachverband für Strahlenschutz
e.V., pp 623-625, ISSN 1013-4506 Band I, 26. Jahrestagung Karlsruhe, 24-26 Mai 1994.
Wieser, A., Göksu, H.Y., Regulla, D., 1994, EPR Dosimetrie mit Knochen und Zähnen ,
Strahlenschutz: Physik und Messtechnik, Fachverband für Strahlenschutz e.V., pp 175-180, ISSN
1013-4506 Band II, 26. Jahrestagung Karlsruhe, 24-26 Mai 1994.
Fiegel, M., Göksu, H.Y. Wieser, A., Regulla, D., 1994, Die Pre-Dose Thermolumineszenz-methode
in der retrospektiven Dosimetrie., Strahlenschutz: Physik und Mess-technik, Fachverband für
Strahlenschutz e.V., pp 629-633, ISSN 1013-4506 Band II, 26. Jahrestagung Karlsruhe, 24-26
Mai 1994
Becker H., Göksu H.Y., 1995, Naturwissenschaftliche Datierung zweier Kalköfen von Herrsching
A.Ammersee mit Archäomagnetismus und Thermolumineszenz, Bayerisches Landesamt für
Denkmaslpflege, Berich der Bayerischen Bodendenkmalpflege, 32733, 1991/92
Stoneham D., Bailiff I.K., Boetter-Jensen L., Göksu H.Y., Jungner H., Petrov S., 1996,
Retrospective Dosimetry, The development of an experimental methodology using luminescence
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