Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chengdu University of
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Founded in 1956, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese
Medicine (CDUTCM), is one of the four oldest TCM universities in
China. It is located in the Sichuan province, which is well-known as
the hometown of Chinese Medicine Doctors and a treasure house of
Chinese Herbs.
CDUTCM has five campuses. It consists of 16 secondary schools,
President Prof. Fan Xinjian
one teaching hospital, and 4 affiliated hospitals. The secondary
schools are the School of Pre-clinical Medicine, Chinese Materia
Medica, Acupuncture, Moxibustion & Tuina, Administration School,
School of Chinese Nursing, Clinical Medicine, Extension Education,
School of Humanities & Social Science, Physical Education,
International School, and Department of Postgraduate Studies etc.
The university offers 9 undergraduate programs, 27 master degree
programs, 16 doctoral degree programs, and has set up 3
Vice-President Prof. An Qu
postdoctoral research stations.
CDUTCM has four national key courses at different levels and 18 provincial key courses.
They are Chinese pharmacology, TCM Ear-Nose-Throat, Acupuncture & Moxibustion and
Tuina, and Gynecology. It has 1 key laboratory of the state Education Ministry, 3 key
laboratories of the state TCM Administration, 3 provincial key laboratories, and 22
provincial key courses.
There are over 500 professors and associate professors, 393 tutors for the doctor and
master degree programs. CDUTCM maintains around 10,000 full-time students in total
(over 1500 attend for the doctoral and master degrees), including more than 100 students
from Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries. Every year over 300 students
come for the short-term training programs.
Our university carries out the international cooperation terms of TCM education, scientific
research, and medical service with 176 institutions in 31 countries and areas. CDUTCM is
making great efforts to create more opportunities for international students from all over
the world, the details of which can be found on our website. We warmly welcome all of
you to come to study at our beautiful campus!
The 1st Teaching Hospital
The Teaching Hospital of CDUTCM (TCM Hospital of Sichuan province) is one of the first-class comprehensive
hospitals in China and regarded as the national model TCM hospital. It focuses on TCM tradition, which is noted for its
high-quality medical services with strong traditional characteristics.
Noble Professional Virtue
Ingenious Art in Diagnosis and Treatment
Excellent Medical Services
A comprehensive Top-Grade Chinese Medicine Hospital
National Model Hospital
Hospital Bed782, Lab Apparatus 245
Medical staff 1083 of whom are Sichuan noted doctors
Experts and specialists 226
Daily visits 3,500
Daily out bags of herbs 10,000
Busy exchanges with overseas institutions
Internship base of overseas students
Foreign Affairs Office (FAO)
The School of International Education
The International Education School/FAO is an administrative organization, with the responsibility of enrollment, and management of
teaching & living for foreign students. It manages the international affairs in terms of TCM education, scientific research and medical
service in accord with other institutes. This office also runs the Bachelor, Master and PhD programs of TCM for international
students and the short-term training programs both in Chinese and English. The short-term training offers courses in Chinese
Medicine, Chinese Materia Medica, along with acupuncture, Tuina, Taiji, TCM language, and internships inside the hospital.
Dr. Yao Hongwu, director of FAO (the 4th from the left)
comprehension, and incorporating the theories into clinical
application. The advanced training program is specially fit for
those who would like to deepen their study in TCM classics
while maintaining traditional healing techniques. The intensive
course training is for those who want to be an expert in certain
aspect of TCM. Topics include TCM diabetes, Cardiology, and
Gynecology. Training programs for western doctors are also
Our university heavily emphasizes keeping the real tradition of
TCM. We welcome those who would like to devote themselves
From the left to the right:
Ricky Wan Peng, Angle Wang Hanbing, Tracy Chen Yuan, Sunny
Huang Wenjing, Huang Qingxian, Shu Wei, Flora Chen Yunhui
Liu Yi, the director of the FAO of the hospital
to a TCM career to study at our University. We welcome an
opportunity to cooperate in education, scientific research, and
medical services.
Top Doctors
in 1st Teaching Hospital
Hu Lingxiang, graduated from the medical department of Chengdu
University of TCM in 1970 and has been to Germany, Austria, Malaysia and
other countries successively 8 times to carry out acupuncture and
moxibustion academic exchanges. During her 39-year practice, she has
applied acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping and various acupuncture
methods adeptly to the clinical treatment of stroke, paralysis, quadriplegia,
facial paralysis, cervical spondylosis, and pain caused by a variety reasons,
digestive system diseases, gynecological diseases, and various symptoms
associated with cerebral trauma or tumors.
Hu Kaming, graduated from
Chengdu University of TCM
in 1983 and has been
engaged in TCM work ever
since 1973. He goes to
Europe annually and teaches
for 3-5 months every year.
He specializes in the
treatment of sequelae of
stroke, facial paralysis, and
soreness of the neck,
shoulder, waist, and legs.
Wu Jie, graduated from Chengdu University of TCM in 1986 and has been engaged in TCM
clinical practice for 23 years. Dr. Wu specializes in the application of many types of classical
acupuncture and moxibustion techniques, iron therapy, and herbal press therapies to treat
insomnia, psychosomatic illnesses, latent diseases, pain, infertility, obesity, cosmetics,
cerebrovascular diseases, vertigo caused by neck diseases, and much more. Under the
guidance of macrocosmic understanding, she advocates preserving one’s health according to
the four seasons.
Wu Zuolian, graduated from Chengdu University of TCM in 1975
and has been engaged in TCM-Tuina for more than 30 years. Dr.
Wu excels at the treatment of cervical spondylosis, periarthritis of
the shoulder, lumbar disc herniation, acute and chronic
osteoarthritis, and soft tissue injuries. Particularly, he has done
research on the pathogenesis and manipulation of cervical vertebral
diseases, periarthritis of the shoulder, and the prolapse of lumbar
Xiong Xueqiong, graduated
from Chengdu University of
TCM with a master's degree in
1992 and has been engaged in
TCM-Tuina for 24 years. Dr.
Xiong excels at treating
cervical and lumbar vertebral
syndromes and depression.
Yang Renxu, the director, graduated from Chengdu University
of TCM in 1970 and has been engaged in the clinical practice of
TCM internal medicine for 39 years. Dr. Yang stresses on the
combination of syndrome differentiation of TCM and disease
differentiation of western medicine as well as the combination of
treatment and health caring in clinic., and specializes in the
treatment of chronic bronchitis, cor pulmonale,chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), cough variant asthma, senile asthma,
disease, pulmonary fibrosis,
gastroesophageal reflux cough, senile osteoporosis, and
Jiang Jianyun, graduated from
Chengdu University of TCM in
1977 and has been engaged in
TCM internal medicine for 32
years. Dr. Jiang has been doing
in-depth studies of respiratory
diseases and specializes in the
treatment of acute and chronic
bronchitis, emphysema, cor
pulmonale, bronchial asthma,
bronchiectasis, acute tonsillitis,
pneumonia, laryngeal-induced
cough and respiratory fungal
Dong Yan, graduated from the medical department of Chengdu
University of TCM in 1983 and has been engaged in clinical
internal medicine of TCM for 26 years. Dr. Dong specializes in
the treatment of senile respiratory diseases using a combination
of TCM and western medicine.
Zeng Shengping, graduated from the Fourth Military
Medical University in 1968 as an undergraduate student.
He received his master’s degree in Immunopathology in
1981 at the Beijing University of TCM. He has been
engaged in the clinical practice of TCM for more than
40 years. Dr. Zeng has devoted himself to clinical
treatment research on difficult and complicated diseases
such as lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis,
Sjogren's syndrome, Behcet's disease, gout, myasthenia
gravis, allergic purpura, malignant lymphoma,
lymphocytic leukemia, and complications caused by
radio and chemotherapy for malignant tumors.
Yang Li, graduated from Luzhou
medical college in 1980 as an
undergraduate, then recieved her
master’s degree at the medical
department of Chengdu University
of TCM in 1985. She has been
engaged in TCM for 30 years.
Dr. Yang has her own wealth of clinical experiences in
the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases
such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid
arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis,
ostearthritis and gout. Especially specializes in systemic
lupus erythematos and rheumatoid arthritis.
Yang Dongdong, graduated from
Chengdu University of TCM in 1990;
and has been engaged in clinical
practice, research and teaching at the
department of neurology for 19 years.
Dr. Yang sticks to a combination of
TCM and Western Medicine with TCM
as her main focus to treat nerve system
diseases such as sleeping disorders,
Parkinson’s Disease, epilepsy, mental
disorders, headache, dizziness, and
motor neural diseases.
Liu Fuyou, the director, graduated from
Chengdu University of TCM in 1976 and has
been engaged in Neurology for 33 years. Using
a combination of TCM and western medicine,
Dr. Liu specializes in the treatment of strokes,
headaches, vertigo, dementia, epilepsy, sleep
disorders, depression, muscle atrophy with
myopathy, and peripheral nerve disease.
Liu Yongjia, the director, graduated
form Chengdu University of TCM in
1977 and has been engaged in clinical
practice for more than 30 years. Dr.
Liu specializes in the treatment of
coronary artery diseases, hypertension,
hyperlipemia using a combination of
TCM and western medicine .
Chen Guangyu, graduated from Chengdu University of
TCM in 1984 and has been engaged in the clinical work
of cardiovascular diseases for 25 years. Dr. Xie
specializes in treating coronary artery disease,
hypertension and myocarditis.
Jia Xiulan, graduated from Chengdu University of TCM in 1980, and has
been engaged in the clinical practice of TCM for nearly 30 years.treating
cardiovascular diseases with a combination of TCM and western medicine,
Dr. Jia also does much research on coronary artery disease, chronic
congestive heart failure, myocarditis, myocardial disease, arrhythmia and
others. She also does research on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases
of middle-aged people and seniors.
Xie Wen, graduated from Chengdu University of TCM in
1990 and has been engaged in the clinical work for 19 years.
Dr Xie specializes in treating chronic heart failure,
hypertension, coronary artery disease, and irregular heart rate
among other conditions.
Wei Shaobin, the director, graduated from Chengdu University
of TCM in 1983 and has been engaged in clinical gynecology
combining TCM and western medicine for 26 years. Dr. Wei
excels at treating menstrual disorders such as dysmenorrhea,
endometriosis, uterine adenomyosis, gynecological inflammatory
disease (pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginitis, cervical
inflammation), hysteromyoma, perimenopausal syndrome
(climacteric syndrome), infertility, and habitual abortions among
gynecological diseases.
Xie Ping, graduated from Chengdu
University of TCM in 1988, and has
been engaged in the clinical practice
of TCM gynecology for 21 years. Dr.
Xie specializes in TCM treatment of
diseases like irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, infertility,
hysteromyoma, and obstetrics with a focus on the treatment and
research of hysteromyoma and obstetrics.
Zhuo Yi, graduated from Chengdu University of TCM in 1976 and has been engaged in TCM clinical practice
for 33 years. Dr. Zhuo excels at treating gynecological diseases, such as leukorrhea, dysmenorrhea, threatening
and habitual abortions, infertility, perimenopausal syndrome (climacteric syndrome), functional uterine
bleeding, vaginitis (mould, trichomonad, bacterial, senile), pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginal bleeding after
artificial abortion, and benign tumors among others.
Zhang Shuwu, graduated from The Third Military Medical
University in 1968, and has been engaged in the clinical
practice of TCM for 42 years. Dr. Zhang excels at treating
male diseases such as prostatism (prostatitis, benign prostatic
hyperplasia, and prostate cancer), sexual dysfunction
(impotence, premature ejaculation, lack of ejaculate), STDs
and infertility among others using a combination of TCM &
Western Medicine.
Chang Degui, the director, graduated from
Chengdu University of TCM in 1986, and
obtained a master's degree in 1989. He has
been engaged in the clinical practice of
TCM for 20 years. Dr. Chang excels at
treating male sterility, impotence, STDs and
prostate diseases.
Jiang Zhongcao, graduated from Chengdu Sports
University in1983 and has been engaged in TCM
orthopedics for 25 years. Dr. Jiang specializes in treating
lumbar disc herniation,
osteonecrosis, and senile arthralgia using TCM therapies.
Zhu Mingshuang, graduated from Chengdu
University of TCM in 1987 and has been engaged in
the clinical practice of TCM orthopedics for 22 years.
Dr. Zhu specializes in the prevention and treatment of
chronic bone and joint diseases, TCM treatment for
repairment of bones and joints, prolapsed lumbar
discs, and cervical vertebral disease.
Qi Luguang, the director,,graduated from Chengdu University of TCM in 1975, she has been engaged in clinical
practice and research of TCM for 34 years. Dr. Qi has accumulated a wealth of experience for treating diabetes and
its complications. These can be difficult to cure by western medicine such as diabetic gangrene, skin lesions,
neuropathy, and nephropathy. She has also successfully treated childhood diabetes, and sicca syndrome.
Yue Rensong, graduated from Daxian TCM
College in 1986, and then recieved his Ph.D. at
the Chengdu University of TCM in 2004. For
more than 30 years, Dr. Yue has been engaged
in clinical practice mainly focusing on the
prevention and treatment of diabetes and
cardiovascular disorders. He uses a
combination of TCM and western medicine.
His specialty is in treating cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes, cough, asthma, functional
gastrointestinal diseases, and psychological
Xie Chunguang, graduated from Chengdu
University of TCM in 1992 with a doctorate
degree, and has been engaged in treating,
teaching, and researching Internal Medicine of
TCM for 17 years. He has devoted himself to
researching endocrine metabolic disorders,
with a focus on treating diabetes and its
complications. He specializes in the prevention
and treatment of diabetes with its acute or
chronic complications. He is also experienced
in the treatment of thyroid diseases,
hyperlipidemia, gout, metabolic syndrome and
Liang Chao, the director, graduated from Chengdu
University of TCM with a Master’s degree. He has
been engaged in the clinical practice of TCM for 23
years. Dr. Liang specializes in the TCM treatment of
spleen and stomach disease. Under the syndrome
differentiation of TCM theory, Dr. Liang uses warm
natured and tonic herbs flexibly to treat disorders such
as functional gastrointestinal disorders (GERD, FD,
IBS, Chronic diarrhea, functional abdominal pain, etc.),
refractory ulcers, autoimmune hepatitis, alcoholic
cirrhosis, and so on.
Liu Quanrang, graduated from Chengdu
University of TCM in 1976 and
specializes in digestive disorders. He has
been engaged in medical treatment,
research, and has been teaching for more
than 30 years. He has his own particular
characteristics in treating these diseases
using TCM. Treating such conditions as
hemorrhages, chronic pancreatitis, and
IBS (functional constipation and
Li Shijie, the director, graduated from West China Medical School of Sichuan University with a doctorate degree in
2003, and has been engaged in TCM clinical practice for 24 years. Dr. Li specializes in treating malignant tumors
using a combination of TCM and western medicine. His specialty is using Chinese herbs to decrease the side effects
of radiotheropy and chemotherapy. He is able to improve the patient’s quality of life, prolong their life expectancy,
and has the experience of improving clinical cure rates.
Chen Shikai, graduated from Chengdu University of
TCM in 1970, and has been engaged in the clinical
practice of TCM for almost 40 years. He specializes in
treating tumors as well as minimizing the side effects
of radiotherapies and chemotherapies.
Zhou Hong, graduated from Chengdu
University of TCM in 1990, and has been
engaged in clinical practice for 19 years. Dr.
Zhou has accumulated plentiful experience in
treating tumors of the head and neck, liver
cancer, gynecological tumors, and is especially
good at decreasing the side effects of
radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Huang Ying, the director, graduated from the TCM
Department of Luzhou Medical College in 1985, and
has been engaged in the clinical practice of TCM for
24 years. Dr. Huang mainly treats allergic skin diseases,
connective tissue diseases, skin disfigurement, and
STDs. She is especially good at treating bullous
pemphigoid, SLE, scleroderma, psoriasis, chronic
eczema and other complicated diseases
Wu Jun, graduated from Chengdu
University of TCM in 1982, and has been
engaged in the TCM treatments of surgical
diseases and skin diseases for 27 years. He
has specialized in treating difficult
diseases such as skin ulceration, bullous
pemphigoid, systemic lupus erythematosus,
scleroderma, psoriasis, and chronic
Liu XiaoFan, the director, graduated from college for further study at Chengdu University of TCM in 1975. He obtained a
master’s degree in pediatrics during 1986. He has been engaged in the clinical practice of TCM for 34 years. Dr. Liu
specializes in the treatment of asthma, respiratory tract infections, fevers, and allergies. On the basis of TCM theory, he put
forward the ideas that “asthma should be treated mainly with warming therapies; asthma can be divided into three stages:
stage of attack, stage of intermission, and stage of remission”, and that “comprehensive treatments of asthma”, should include
“simultaneous internal and external treatments”.
Hu Tiancheng, graduated from Chengdu University of
TCM in 1967, and has been engaged in TCM pediatrics for
42 years. By selecting herbs according to syndrome
differentiation, Dr. Hu specializes in treating common
childhood disorders of the respiratory and digestive systems.
Other diseases such as childhood high fever, cough,
pneumonia, asthma, recurrent respiratory tract infections,
anorexia, diarrhea, viral myocarditis, ADHD, Tourettes,
and Henoch-Schonlein purpura; have also had succesful
treament by Dr. Hu.
Chang Ke, graduated from Luzhou medical
college in 1982, and has been engaged in the
clinical practice of TCM for 27 years. Dr. Chang
specializes in treating many kinds of complicated
syndromes using the application of TCM classical
theories and experiential formulas. He has also
accumulated profound experience in treating
infantile renal disorders such as nephritis,
hematuria of unknown causes, proteinuria,
intractable cough, recurrent tonsillitis, laryngitis,
childhood enuresis, loss of appetite, constipation,
susceptibility to the common cold, hyperhidrosis,
purpura, lupus, and rhinitis.
Yu Xinzhong, graduated from Chengdu University of TCM in 1977, and has been engaged in the clinical practice
of TCM for more than 24 years. Dr.Yu specializes in treating liver diseases caused by a variety of reasons using
TCM or a combination TCM and western medicine. He has also done research on the diagnosis and treatment of
chronic gastrointestinal disorders.
Li Mngquan, graduated from Chengdu University of TCM in 1985.
He has been engaged in clinical practice, scientific research, and has
tought the treatments of nephropathy using TCM and combination of
TCM & Western Medicine. Dr. Li has also done clinical trials of
Chinese herbal medicine for 24years. Dr. Li excels at the treatment of
acute and chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, nephritic
syndrome, chronic renal failure, IgA nephropathy, anaphylactic
purpura, nephritis, hypertensive nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy,
lupus nephropathy, gouty nephropathy, kidney stones, fatigue,
lumbago, edema, and much more.
Shi Qinghong, graduated from
Chengdu University of TCM in 1970,
and has been engaged in internal
medicine, nephropathy, and difficult
& stubborn diseases for 40 years. Dr.
Shi excels in treating urinary tract
infections, nephritis, nephropathies,
acute and chronic renal failure,
diabetes, and diseases of the
cardiovascular system.
Tian Li, the vice-president of the hospital, the
director of ENT Department, graduated from
Chengdu University of TCM, and has been
engaged in clinical practice, teaching, and
researching of the ear, nose and throat using a
combination of TCM and Western Medicine for 23
years. She specializes in treating allergic rhinitis,
sinusitis, nasal polyps, acute and chronic
pharyngitis, and the side effects of radiotherapy.
Xiong Dajing, graduated from Chengdu University
of TCM in 1970, and has been engaged in ENT
(otolaryngology) for about 30 years. Dr. Xiong uses
TCM and western medicine to diagnose diseases.
He has concluded that using a systematic principle
for the treatment of ENT excels the treatment of
diseases such as rhinitis, nasosinusitis, allergic
rhinitis, tinnitus, deafness, pharyngolaryngitis, and
hoarseness of voice among others.
Top Professors
in Chengdu University of TCM
Chen Gang, graduated from Chengdu University of TCM with a master’s degree in classic
TCM theories (Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine,Huangdi Nei Jing) in 1983. He has
given speeches on the Huangdi Nei Jing at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the
Changgeng University of Taiwan. He continues to his further study on the Taisu of Canon of
the Huangdi Nei Jing (an annotation of the Huangdi Nei Jing) in Renhe Temple in Japan.
Chen has further studied the concept that “the liver stores the blood” and its clinical
applications. He has published more than 70 papers on the study of the Huangdi Nei Jing, as
well as 10 books. Meanwhile, he practices internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, and
some incurable disease using TCM therapies.
Fu Yuanmou, graduated from Chengdu University of TCM in 1968,
and has spent a long time studying the Treatise on Cold-induced Febrile
Diseases (Shang Han Lun), especially the theory of six meridians
syndrome differentiation. Dr. Fu specializes in treating diseases of the
respiratory and digestive systems, as well as gynecological and pediatric
diseases. He sticks to solely using Chinese medicinal herbs in clinical
practice to treat diseases of the respiratory tract, such as pneumonia.
Lu Hua, the director of Science and Technology Department of CDUTCM
Ever since 1986, Dr. Lu has been practicing CM in gynecology. She treats
irregular menstruation, abnormal gynecological bleeding, difficult follicular
development, infertility, amenorrhea, early failure of ovaries, adenomyosis,
endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, and vulval lesions caused by pathological
disorders using TCM treatment; as well as a combination of TCM and Western
Medicine. Since 2008, she has become in charge of the department of Science
and Technology of CDUTCM.
Zhang Tingmo, a clinical expert of Chinese medicine; has been a doctor since 1963, and
obtained his master’s degree at the Chengdu University of TCM in 1980. Dr. Zhang claims
to succeed with the ancient knowledge of TCM without being limited by it, and carries it
forward without abandoning the basic theories of TCM. He puts forward a series of
prospective theories dealing with the characteristics of herbal properties. Meanwhile, he
contributes to the integrity of recording the functions of Chinese herbs, as well as to the
standardization of terms.
Luo Rong, graduated from Chengdu University of TCM
in 1997 with a doctorate degree, and has been engaged in
clinical practice for 12 years. Dr. Luo is dedicated to his
studies in flash cupping techniques, grain moxibustion,
and classical needling techniques. He also studied the
treatment of functional disorders of the digestive system.
He specializes in techniques, clinical applications, and
therapeutic methods of pestle needles.
Wang Jiakui, a professor of pharmacology in Chinese medicine, has been doing
research on metabolic dynamics of Chinese medicinals, GAP of Chinese medicinals,
and the study of Chinese herbs.
In his spare time he takes part in research on the relationship between TCM and
Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Kibbutzim College of Education
Beautiful Time in Chengdu
Oct.19 2009-Feb.5 2010
Opening Ceremony on
Qct.19th, 2009
Hospital Internship
The Zhang Zhong Jing statue
is where the group meet each
morning to make sure getting
translators and being sent to
the proper department
Department; Samer, Imbal, Meirav; Rock (translator)
doing the pestle acupuncture
for Imbal
Dr. Yang Li from the Rheumatology Department
Hen & Matan; Rock (translator)
Dr. Yang Jia-lin from the
Gynecology Department ;Daniella;
Cherry (translator)
Dr. Li Chao-min from the Diabetes
Department; Roi; Joy (translator)
Fire needling
Dr. XIONG Xue-qiong from the Tuina
department; Daniella, Issam, and
Acupuncture needles
Ginger Moxa reatment
Anna pulse-taking a patient
“Latent Diseases”
Dr. Wu Jie, director of the Latent
Diseases Department
Listening and absorbing our
professor’s knowledge—Treating
Parkinson’s Disease with Acupuncture
Listening and absorbing our professor’s knowledge
Daily Chinese Course-Prof. Lin Rui- hua
Hard Hard study, Day Day Up
Chinese Culture Course- Love TCM, Love Chinese Culture
Chinese Culture Course-Teacher: Mr. Liang Yong
Classic: Shang Han Lun
Prof. Fu Yuan-mo Translator: Prof. Huang Qin-xian
The herbal pharmacy
was a bustle of activity
Herbal Formulas decocoted
and packaged at the Teaching
Hospital of the CDUTCM
An herb market like you’ve never seen!!
Tai Ji Course
Travel in Sichuan
Grand Buddha
Jiu Zhai Gou
Giant Panda Breeding
Research Base
Living in Chengdu
Relaxing, Roi, Anna, and Joy
A skillful tea pouring performance
on Qintai Lu, just down the street
from the university
Our Sichuanese friend
La Jiao
Daniella enjoy the local fruit and life
Wish You a Happy, Prosperous, and Creative 2010 !
School of International Education
Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
February 8, 2010