KTU - CV format Bilgili


KTU - CV format Bilgili
Brief curriculum vitae
Name: Ertuğrul Bilgili
Place and date of birth: Bünyan, Kayseri / 23.01.1965
Nationalities: Turkish
Institutional address: Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, 61080, Trabzon Turkey
E-mail: bilgili@ktu.ed.tr
Web address: http://enformatik.ktu.edu.tr/eakademik/1095/
Academic degrees:
1991 - 1995 Ph.D., UNB, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, Canada.
1988 - 1990 MScF, University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Forestry, Canada
1982 - 1986 Undergraduate, Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Trabzon
Current position:
Advisor to the Rector on issues related to accreditation and European Credit Transfer System
2003 April – present: Professor, KTU, Faculty of Forestry, Trabzon
Former positions:
1997 – 2003 Associate Professor, KTU, Faculty of Forestry, Trabzon
1995 - 1997 Assistant Professor, KTU, Faculty of Forestry, Trabzon
Teaching activity:
Heavily involved in the teaching activities of the department of forestry resources. The courses
he tought involved Professional English courses for the second and third year undergraduate
students and courses in his area of expertise namely, Forest Protection (undergraduate course);
Fire ecology (Graduate course); Ecological modeling (Graduate course) and Protecting
biodiversity in forest ecosystems (Graduate course). He also participates in the project works and
field excursions with other faculty members and students every year.
Scientific activity:
Research topics….List some research projects… List supervision work…. Provide reference to work
as referee for ISI journals, as associate editor, number of ISI papers, participation in international
Research Topics:
His main area of research interests include Fire behavior prediction, Fuel type classification
and modelling, Fire ecology and Forest protection.
Research Projects:
As part of his research activities, he has conducted several research projects and training
programmes both at national and international levels. Some of the recent ones are:
(1) Bilgili, E. and others. 2008-2011. Türkiye Ulusal Yangın Tehlike Oranları Sistemi (TUYTOS)’ne
Doğru. Bölüm I: Yangın Davranışı Tahmin Sistemi (Towards National Fire Danger Rating Systems.
Part I: Fire Behavior Prediction), COST project.
(2) Bilgili, E., Küçük Ö, Başkaya, Ş., Dinç Durmaz, B. 2004. Genç Kızılçam Meşcereleri ve Maki Tipi
Yanıcı Maddelerde Yangın Davranışının Belirlenmesi ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Kullanılarak
Haritalanması (Fire behavior in immature pine plantations). TUBITAK (National Science
Foundation) Project. No: TOGTAG 3375.
(3) Başkaya, Ş., Bilgili, E., 2004. Dağ horozu (Tetrao mlokosiewiczi)’nun Kuzeydoğu Türkiye’deki
Durumu ve Biyolojik Çeşitliliğin Đzlenmesindeki Önemi (The status of Caucasian black grouse
(Tetrao mlokosiewiczi) in northestern Turkey). TUBITAK (National Science Foundation) Project.
No: TOGTAG 3278.
(4) Goldammer, J.G. Bilgili, E. and others. 1999. Rehabilitation and maintenance of grass vegetation
on wineyard slopes using fire, Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) project, University of
Freiburg, Germany.
Theses supervised:
(1) Sağlam, B., 2002. Meteorolojik Faktörlere Bağlı Yanıcı Madde Nem Đçerikleri ve Maki Tipi Yanıcı
Maddelerde Yangın Davranışının Belirlenmesi, KTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 105s. (PhD)
(2) Küçük, Ö. 2004, Kızılçamda yanıcı madde miktarının belirlenmesi, haritalanması, yanıcı madde
özelliklerine bağlı yanıcı madde modelleri ve yangın davranışı. KTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,. (PhD)
(3) Dinç Durmaz, B. 2004. Meşçere özelliklerinin yanan alan ve yangın davranışı üzerine etkileri. KTÜ
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,. (MScF)
(4) Köroğlu, V.T. 2008. Ormanların korunmasının köy tüzel kişiliklerine verilmesinin olabilirliği, avantaj
ve dezavantajları üzerine bir araştırma. KTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, (MScF)
(5) Dinç Durmaz, B. Meşçere özelliklerinin yanan alan ve yangın davranışı üzerine etkileri. KTÜ Fen
Bilimleri Enstitüsü,. (PhD) (In progress)
International workshops, training programmes, symposiums and congresses:
He has attended all major international meetings in the field of forest fires.
He is currently serving as an associate editor for the International Journal of Wildland Fire
(IJWF) and as a referee for many national and international journals in his area of research.
He has 18 articles published in ISI journals.
Technical activity: Focus and projects
He is currently working with Turkish Forest Service to establish a National Fire Danger Rating System
in Turkey. It is a very important and a major undertaking as it will not only help managers in making
decisions in the face of a fire event, but it will also be an invaluable tool for fire prevention, training
and fire use as a management tool.
Some scientific publications: List five publications
Bilgili, E., Kucuk, O. 2009. Estimating above-ground fuel biomass in young calabrian pine (Pinus brutia
Ten.) in Turkey” Energy and Fuels, 23, 1797-1800.
Kücük, Ö., Bilgili, E., and Saglam, B. 2008. Estimating Crown Fuel Loading for Calabrian Pine and
Anatolian Black Pine,” International Journal of Wildland Fire, 17(1), 147-154.
Turna, I., Bilgili, E. 2006. Effect of heat on seed germination of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra ssp.
pallasiana, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 15, 283-286.
Bilgili, E. 2003. Stand development and fire behavior. Forest Ecology and Management 179/1-3 pp.
Bilgili, E. and Saglam B. 2003. Fire behavior in maquis fuels in Turkey. Forest Ecology and Management
184: 201-207.