2016 Honorary Countries


2016 Honorary Countries
Ancient Olympia
Athens, Acropoli
Rhodes, Island
Thessaloniki, White Tower
Crete, Knossos
Chalkidiki, Psakoudia
Kefalonia, Island
2016 Honorary Countries
Dear visitor welcome to our country!
We wish you a pleasant stay full of rich and positive experiences!
The business community of Greece would like to reward the trust and loyalty shown by
travelers in our country, introducing a new institution, “The honorary country”.
Every year four countries are selected as honorary and their citizens enjoy additional
benefits and discounts at all affiliated stores! It’s about thousands of companies in
dozens of cities throughout Greece!
For the 2016 honorary countries are Israel, Russia, Turkey and USA.
Wherever you are in Greece, if you are from one of the honorary countries, discounts
and benefits are waiting for you in all stores with the special sign on their window.
Search for the sign and enjoy our offers!
* The discount is not valid
during the official discount periods
Thank you for your trust
This offer will continue in the coming years
with other honorary countries
Honorary countries 2017
Уважаемый гость,
Добро пожаловать в очаровательную Грецию – лучший выбор среди наиболее предпочтительных туристических направлений по всему миру!
Наша яркая и полная энергией страна предлагает подлинный, бесконечный и уникальный опыт путешествий.
Греция обладает самым большим и разнообразным комплексом островов в Средиземном море, одной из самых длинных береговых линий
в мире, с самыми чистыми и безопасными голубыми морями и захватывающими дух пляжами. Изысканный пейзаж, мягкий климат, богатая
история и культура страны переплетаются и оживают через местный
дух ее дружелюбных, радостных и гостеприимных людей.
Мы приглашаем Вас к истинно удивительному путешествию, гарантированному вневременной маркой «Греция».
Sevgili ziyaretçi,
Büyüleyici Yunanistan’a, dünyada en fazla tercih edilen destinasyonlar arasındaki en iyi seçeneğe hoşgeldin!
Enerji ve neşeyle dolu ülkemiz, sana orijinal ve benzersiz sayısız seyahat
tecrübesi sunuyor. Yunanistan, Akdeniz’deki en geniş ve en zengin çeşitliliğe
sahip takımadalara ve en temiz ve güvenli mavi bayraklı denizlerle büyüleyici
sahilleri içeren, yeryüzündeki en uzun kıyı şeritlerinden birine sahiptir. Ülkemizin olağanüstü peyzajı, ılıman iklimi, zengin tarihi ve kültürü; samimi, neşeli
ve konuksever insanlarımızın şahsında harmanlanıp vücut bulmaktadır.
Seni, ebedi “Yunanistan” markasının güvencesi ile, gerçekten harika bir yolculuğa davet ediyoruz.
Dear visitor,
Welcome to charming Greece, a top choice among world’s most preferred
global destinations! Our vibrant and exhilarating country offers infinite authentic and distinguished travel experiences. Greece is the largest and most
diverse complex of islands in the Mediterranean, with one of the longest
coastlines in the world, the cleanest and safest blue waters and breath-taking beaches. Its exquisite landscape, mild weather, rich history and culture
intertwine and come alive through the local spirit of its friendly, lively and
welcoming people. We invite you to a truly wonderful journey, guaranteed by
the timeless brand-name “Greece”.