Özgeçmiş, Erhan Güler - Fen Fakültesi


Özgeçmiş, Erhan Güler - Fen Fakültesi
Özgeçmiş, Erhan Güler
Bartın Üniversitesi
Fen Fakültesi
Matematik Bölümü
74100 Bartın, Türkiye
+90 378 223 5238
+90 378 223 5230
bölüm / program
Matematik / Geometri
Matematik / Geometri
Ankara Üniversitesi
Ankara, Türkiye
Gazi Üniversitesi
Ankara, Türkiye
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi
Samsun, Türkiye
Eyl. 2007-Nis. 2010
Eyl. 2003-Şub. 2005
Eyl. 1993-Tem. 1997
doktora tez başlığı ve danışmanı
3-boyutlu Minkowski uzayında lightlike üreteç eğrili timelike helisoidal ve dönel yüzeyler
İlk danışman
: Prof. Dr. H. Hilmi Hacısalihoğlu
: Prof. Dr. Yusuf Yaylı
ilgi alanları
Matematik, geometri, Öklid ve Öklid-dışı geometriler, diferensiyel geometri
Eğri-yüzey teorisi, minimal yüzeyler teorisi
Bilgisayar bilimi, Mathematica, Maple, Matlab, Visu Math, LaTeX
Yrd. Doç. Dr.
Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı
Yrd. Doç. Dr.
Davetli Araştırmacı
Yrd. Doç. Dr.
Öğretim Üyesi
Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı
Dr., Mat. Öğrt.
Mat. Öğrt.
Mat. Öğrt.
Kobe Üniversitesi
Matematik Bölümü, Geometri Anabilim Dalı
Kobe, Japonya
Granada Üniversitesi
Geometri ve Topoloji Bölümü
Granada, İspanya
Bartın Üniversitesi
Fen Fakültesi, Matematik Bölümü
Bartın, Türkiye
Katholieke Leuven Üniversitesi
Matematik Bölümü, Geometri Anabilim Dalı
Leuven, Belçika
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB)
Ankara, Türkiye
Ankara, Türkiye
Samsun, Türkiye
2013- …
Güler E. Helicoidal surfaces of value m. Kyushu Üniversitesi, Matematik Fakültesi, Fukuoka, Japonya, 11 Temmuz 2014.
Güler E. On Bour’s minimal surface. Katholieke Leuven Üniversitesi, Matematik Bölümü, Leuven, Belçika, 10 Şubat 2012.
Güler, E., Konnai S., Yasumoto M. Bour surface companions in space forms. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, (2016) 256269, kabul edildi.
Xu G., Rabczuk T., Güler E., Wu X., Hui K., Wang G. Quasi-harmonic Bezier approximation of minimal surfaces for finding forms
of structural membranes. Computers & Structures, 161 (2015) 55-63 (SCI Exp.).
Güler E., Yaylı Y. Generalized Bour’s theorem. Kuwait Journal of Science, 42-1 (2015) 79-90 (SCI Exp.).
Güler E. A new kind of helicoidal surface of value m. International Electronic Journal of Geometry, 7-1 (2014) 154-162.
Güler E. III Laplace-Beltrami operator and (S,L)-type rotational surface. Mathematica Aeterna, 2-10 (2012) 847-854.
Güler E., Hacısalihoğlu H.H. Timelike rotational surfaces with lightlike profile curve. Communications de la Faculté des Sciences
de l'Université d'Ankara. Séries A1: Mathematics and Statistics, 60-1 (2011) 27-47.
Güler E., Yaylı Y., Hacısalihoğlu H.H. Bour’s theorem on Gauss map in 3-Euclidean space. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and
Statistics, 39-4 (2010) 515-525 (SCI Exp.).
Güler E., Vanlı A. On the mean, Gaussian, second Gaussian and the second mean curvature of the helicoidal surfaces with
lightlike axis in ℝ , . Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics, 32-1 (2008) 1-17.
Güler E. Bour’s theorem on timelike helicoidal surfaces with (L,L)–type in Minkowski 3–space. Beykent University Journal of
Science and Technology, 2-1 (2008) 82-94.
Güler E. Bour’s theorem and lightlike profile curve. Yokohama Mathematical Journal, 54-1 (2007) 55-77.
Güler E., Vanlı A. Bour's theorem in Minkowski 3-space. Kyoto Journal of Mathematics, 46-1 (2006) 47-63 (SCI Exp.).
2015 Magid M., Güler E. A two-parameter family of Bour's surfaces in four-space. International Workshop on Geometry of Riemannian
and Hermitian Manifolds, Sofya, Bulgaristan.
Güler E., Yaylı Y. Generalized Bour theorem in Minkowski space form. International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics
(ICPAM), Van, Türkiye.
Güler E., Zambak V. Algebraic surfaces of Henneberg in Minkowski 3-space. International Conference on Pure and Applied
Mathematics (ICPAM), Van, Türkiye.
Güler E. Helicoidal surfaces of value (m,n) in 3-space. XIII Geometri Sempozyumu, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye.
Güler E., Saraçoğlu Çelik S. Polynomial zero mean curvature surfaces in Minkowski 3-space. XIII Geometri Sempozyumu, Yıldız
Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye.
Güler E., Yaylı Y., Saraçoğlu Çelik S., Hacısalihoğlu H.H. Algebraic surfaces of the Laplace-Beltrami operators of the TF-type
surfaces. XIII Geometri Sempozyumu, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye.
Güler E. Higher order algebraic Enneper surfaces in Minkowski geometry. X Ankara Matematik Günleri, Orta Doğu Teknik
Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye.
Güler, E., Yasumoto M. Bour surface companions in space forms. XVII International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and
Quantization, Varna, Bulgaristan.
2014 Güler E. Helicoidal surfaces of value m in Euclidean 3-space. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi, XII Geometri Sempozyumu, Bilecik,
Güler E. Null rulings in three dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space. IX Ankara Matematik Günleri, Atılım Üniversitesi, Ankara,
Güler E. Bour's minimal surface revisited: the irreducible implicit equation of the incomplete surface. International Mathematics
Symposium, KMD Karatekin Mathematics Days 2014, Çankırı, Türkiye.
2013 Güler E. Bour's minimal surface in three dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space. Sao Paulo University, GeLoSP2013, VII
International Meetings on Lorentzian Geometry, Sao Paulo, Brezilya.
Güler E. On Bour’s minimal surface. Ordu Üniversitesi, XI Geometri Sempozyumu, Ordu, Türkiye.
Güler E. Bour's surface in the 3-dimensional Minkowski space
. Ordu Üniversitesi, XI Geometri Sempozyumu, Ordu, Türkiye.
Güler E. (T,L)-type rotational surface in three dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space. Çankaya Üniversitesi, VIII Ankara Matematik
Günleri, Ankara, Türkiye.
2012 Güler E., Yaylı Y. Isometric surfaces and III Laplace-Beltrami operator in three dimensional Euclidean space. Balıkesir Üniversitesi,
X Geometri Sempozyumu, Balıkesir, Türkiye.
2011 Güler E. Isometric surfaces with lightlike profile curve in Minkowski 3-space. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, VI Ankara Matematik Günleri,
Ankara, Türkiye.
2010 Güler E., Yaylı Y. Generalized Bour’s theorem in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. Akdeniz Üniversitesi, VIII Geometri Sempozyumu,
Antalya, Türkiye.
Güler E. V Ankara Matematik Günleri. TOBB-ETU, Ankara, Türkiye (bildirisiz katılım).
2009 Güler E., Yaylı Y., Hacısalihoğlu H.H. Bour’s theorem on Gauss map in 3-Euclidean space. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, VII Geometri
Sempozyumu, Kırşehir, Türkiye.
Güler E. IV Ankara Matematik Günleri. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye (bildirisiz katılım).
2008 Güler E., Hacısalihoğlu H.H. Timelike rotational surfaces with lightlike profile curve. Uludağ Üniversitesi, VI Geometri Sempozyumu,
Bursa, Türkiye.
Güler E. III Ankara Matematik Günleri. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye (bildirisiz katılım).
2007 Güler E., Ikawa T. Bour’s theorem with lightlike axis in ℝ
University, Saitama, Japonya.
. The National Conference of the Mathematical Society of Japan, Saitama
2006 Güler E., Vanlı A. On the mean, Gaussian, the second mean and the second Gaussian curvature of the helicoidal surfaces with
lightlike axis in ℝ , . Karaelmas University, IV International Geometry Symposium, Zonguldak, Türkiye.
2004 Güler E., Vanlı A. Bour's theorem in Minkowski 3-space. Sakarya Üniversitesi, II Geometri Sempozyumu, Sakarya, Türkiye.
araştırma, destek ve burslar
Bilimsel Etkinliklere Katılma Desteği: Bartın Üniversitesi, 2015
2015-2016 akademik yılı, 07-10 Aralık 2015, bildirili katılım
International Workshop on Geometry of Riemannian and Hermitian Manifolds, Sofya, Bulgaristan
Bilimsel Etkinliklere Katılma Desteği: Bartın Üniversitesi, 2015
2014-2015 akademik yılı, 25-28 Ağustos 2015, bildirili katılım
International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICPAM), Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Van, Türkiye
Bilimsel Etkinliklere Katılma Desteği: Bartın Üniversitesi, 2015
2014-2015 akademik yılı, 27-30 Temmuz 2015, bildirili katılım
XIII Geometri Sempozyumu, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye
Bilimsel Etkinliklere Katılma Desteği: Bartın Üniversitesi, 2015
2014-2015 akademik yılı, 11-12 Haziran 2015, bildirili katılım
X Ankara Matematik Günleri, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye
Bilimsel Etkinliklere Katılma Desteği: Bartın Üniversitesi, 2015
2014-2015 akademik yılı, 05-10 Haziran 2015, bildirili katılım
XVIIth International Conference: Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, Varna, Bulgaristan
Seminer Desteği: Kyushu Üniversitesi, 11 Temmuz 2014
Kyushu Üniversitesi, Matematik Fakültesi, Fukuoka, Japonya
Bu seminer Basic Research (B) 25287012 (Prof. Miyuki Koiso) tarafından desteklenmiştir.
2219-BİDEB Yurt Dışı Doktora Sonrası Araştırma Bursu: TUBITAK, 2014 (Prof. Wayne Rossman ile birlikte)
2013-2014 akademik yılı, 2 ay, 2 Temmuz 2014 - 30 Ağustos 2014, Doktora sonrası araştırmacı,
Kobe Üniversitesi, Matematik Bölümü, Geometri Anabilim Dalı, Kobe, Japonya
Yurt Dışı Davetli Araştırmacı: (Prof. Rafael Lopez ile birlikte)
2013-2014 akademik yılı, 19-26 Nisan 2014,
Granada Üniversitesi, Geometri ve Topoloji Bölümü, Granada, İspanya
2224-Yurt Dışı Uluslararası Bilimsel Etkinliklere Katılma Desteği: TUBITAK, 2013
2012-2013 akademik yılı, 22-26 Temmuz 2013, bildirili katılım
GeLoSP2013, VII International Meetings on Lorentzian Geometry, Sao Paulo Üniversitesi, Sao Paulo, Brezilya
2219-BİDEB Yurt Dışı Doktora Sonrası Araştırma Bursu: TUBITAK, 2011 (Prof. Franki Dillen ile birlikte)
2011-2012 akademik yılı, 9 ay, 17 Ekim 2011 - 9 Temmuz 2012, Doktora sonrası araştırmacı
Katholieke Leuven Üniversitesi, Matematik Bölümü, Geometri Anabilim Dalı, Leuven, Belçika
tez danışmanlığı
2015. Zambak V. Üç boyutlu Minkowski uzayında Henneberg minimal yüzeyi. Yüksek Lisans.
2015 - …Türk Matematik Derneği (TMD)
2014-… Mathematical Reviews - American Mathematical Society / MathSciNet Reviewer
MR3418459 Balestro, Vitor Curvature motion in time-dependent Minkowski planes. Int. Electron. J. Geom. 8 (2015), no. 2, 70-81.
(Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53C44
MR3411390 Senoussi, Bendehiba; Bekkar, Mohammed Helicoidal surfaces with ∆Jr=Ar in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. Stud.
Univ. Babeş-Bolyai Math. 60 (2015), no. 3, 437-448. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A05
MR3327058 Belgun, Florin Geodesics and submanifold structures in conformal geometry. J. Geom. Phys. 91 (2015), 172-191.
(Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A30 (53C22)
MR3406027 Kim, Dong-Soo Ruled surfaces and Gauss map. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 52 (2015), no. 5, 1661-1668. (Reviewer: Erhan
Güler) 53A05 (53B25)
MR3395803 Turhan, Tunahan; Yüksel, Nural; Ayyildiz, Nihat On pseudohyperbolic space motions. Turkish J. Math. 39 (2015), no. 5,
750-762. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A04 (53A25 53B30)
MR3374042 Ozturk, Ufuk; Cengiz, Suleyman; Koc Ozturk, Esra Betul Motions of curves in the Galilean space G3. Acta Math. Sci. Ser.
B Engl. Ed. 35 (2015), no. 5, 1046-1054. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A04 (53C44)
MR3344725 Masal, Melek; Azak, A. Zeynep Frenet apparatus of the curves and some special curves in the Euclidean 5-space E5.
Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math. 8 (2015), no. 2, 255-270 (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A04
MR3305052 Aydin, Gülşah; Gürbüz, Nevin; Görgülü, Ali; Çöken, A. Ceylan Relaxed elastic lines of second kind in dual space. Int. J.
Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 12 (2015), no. 2, 1550016, 1-12 (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A40 (53A25)
MR3299018 Nicolai, Mihaela Roxana; Tiba, Dan Implicit functions and parametrizations in dimension three: generalized solutions.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 35 (2015), no. 6, 2701-2710. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 26B10 (53A05)
MR3248642 Abdel-Aziz, H. S.; Khalifa Saad, M.; Abdel-Salam, A. A. On implicit surfaces and their intersection curve in Euclidean 4space. Houston J. Math. 40 (2014), no. 2, 339-352. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A04 (53A05)
MR3215394 Mihai, Adela; Heroiu, Bogdan Flat tensor product surfaces of pseudo-Euclidean curves. Ann. Polon. Math. 111 (2014),
no. 2, 137-143. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53C42 (53A04)
MR3214310 Pyo, Juncheol; Rodríguez, Magdalena Simply connected minimal surfaces with finite total curvature in H2×R. Int. Math.
Res. Not. IMRN (2014), no. 11, 2944-2954. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A10 (53C42)
2014. Akademik Eğitim, TÜBİTAK İngilizce Akademik Yayın Hazırlama Eğitimi, Ankara, Türkiye
2008-2010. Görevlendirme, Ortaöğretim 9-10-11-12. sınıflar Geometri ders programı komisyon üyesi
M.E.B. Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Program Araştırma ve Geliştirme Daire Başkanlığı, Ankara, Türkiye
2007-2008. Görevlendirme, Ortaöğretim Matematik ders kitaplarını inceleme komisyon üyesi
M.E.B. Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Eğitim-Öğretim Materyallerini İnceleme ve Geliştirme Başkanlığı, Ankara, Türkiye
Askerlik Durumu, Terhis, Asteğmen, 16 ay
1999-2000. Saimbeyli Askerlik Şubesi Başkanı, Saimbeyli, Adana, Türkiye, 12 ay
1999. Personel Okulu ve Eğitim Tümen Komutanlığı, Dutlukır, Konya, Türkiye, 4 ay
lisans-lisansüstü dersleri
Matematiksel Programlama
Programlama Dili
Matematikte Bitirme Tezi
Temel Bilgi Teknolojileri Kullanımı
Soyut Matematik
Diferensiyel geometride yüzey dizaynı
Diferensiyel geometride eğri dizaynı
Matematik İnş. Müh.
Matematik Met. & Malz. Müh.
Matematik Çevre Müh. & Tekstil Müh.
Diferensiyel Denklemler Met. & Malz. Müh.
Cirriculum Vitae, Erhan Güler
Bartın University
Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics
74100 Bartın, Turkey
+90 378 223 5238
+90 378 223 5230
department / programme
Mathematics / Geometry
Mathematics / Geometry
Ankara University
Ankara, Turkey
Gazi University
Ankara, Turkey
Ondokuz Mayıs University
Samsun, Turkey
Sep. 2007-Apr. 2010
Sep. 2003-Feb. 2005
Sep. 1993-Jul. 1997
title of PhD thesis, and supervisors
Timelike helicoidal and rotational surfaces with lightlike profile curve in three dimensional Minkowski space
1st Supervisor
: Prof. H. Hilmi Hacısalihoğlu
: Prof. Yusuf Yaylı
Mathematics, geometry, Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries, differential geometry
Curve-surface theory, minimal surface theory
Computer Science, Mathematica, Maple, Matlab, Visu Math, LaTeX
Asst. Prof.
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Asst. Prof.
Invited Researcher
Asst. Prof.
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Dr., Math. Teacher
Math. Teacher
Math. Teacher
Kobe University
Department of Mathematics, Section of Geometry
Kobe, Japan
Granada University
Department of Geometry and Topology
Granada, Spain
Bartın University
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics
Bartın, Turkey
Katholieke Leuven University
Department of Mathematics, Section of Geometry
Leuven, Belgium
Ministry of Education of Turkey (MEB)
Ankara, Turkey
Ankara, Turkey
Samsun, Turkey
2013- …
Güler E. Helicoidal surfaces of value m. Kyushu University, Faculty of Mathematics, Fukuoka, Japan, July 11, 2014.
Güler E. On Bour’s minimal surface. Katholieke Leuven University, Department of Mathematics, Leuven, Belgium, February 10, 2012.
Güler, E., Konnai S., Yasumoto M. Bour surface companions in space forms. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, (2016) 256269, accepted.
Xu G., Rabczuk T., Güler E., Wu X., Hui K., Wang G. Quasi-harmonic Bezier approximation of minimal surfaces for finding
forms of structural membranes. Computers & Structures, 161 (2015) 55-63 (SCI Exp.).
Güler E., Yaylı Y. Generalized Bour’s theorem. Kuwait Journal of Science, 42-1 (2015) 79-90 (SCI Exp.).
Güler E. A new kind of helicoidal surface of value m. International Electronic Journal of Geometry, 7-1 (2014) 154-162.
Güler E. III Laplace-Beltrami operator and (S,L)-type rotational surface. Mathematica Aeterna, 2-10 (2012) 847-854.
Güler E., Hacısalihoğlu H.H. Timelike rotational surfaces with lightlike profile curve. Communications de la Faculté des Sciences
de l'Université d'Ankara. Séries A1: Mathematics and Statistics, 60-1 (2011) 27-47.
Güler E., Yaylı Y., Hacısalihoğlu H.H. Bour’s theorem on Gauss map in 3-Euclidean space. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and
Statistics, 39-4 (2010) 515-525 (SCI Exp.).
Güler E., Vanlı A. On the mean, Gaussian, second Gaussian and the second mean curvature of the helicoidal surfaces with
lightlike axis in ℝ , . Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics, 32-1 (2008) 1-17.
Güler E. Bour’s theorem on timelike helicoidal surfaces with (L,L)–type in Minkowski 3–space. Beykent University Journal of
Science and Technology, 2-1 (2008) 82-94.
Güler E. Bour’s theorem and lightlike profile curve. Yokohama Mathematical Journal, 54-1 (2007) 55-77.
Güler E., Vanlı A. Bour's theorem in Minkowski 3-space. Kyoto Journal of Mathematics, 46-1 (2006) 47-63 (SCI Exp.).
2015 Magid M., Güler E. A two-parameter family of Bour's surfaces in four-space. International Workshop on Geometry of Riemannian
and Hermitian Manifolds, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Güler E., Yaylı Y. Generalized Bour theorem in Minkowski space form. International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics
(ICPAM), Van, Turkey.
Güler E., Zambak V. Algebraic surfaces of Henneberg in Minkowski 3-space. International Conference on Pure and Applied
Mathematics (ICPAM), Van, Turkey.
Güler E. Helicoidal surfaces of value (m,n) in 3-space. XIII Geometry Symposium, Yıldız Teknik University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Güler E., Saraçoğlu Çelik S. Polynomial zero mean curvature surfaces in Minkowski 3-space. XIII Geometry Symposium, Yıldız
Teknik University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Güler E., Yaylı Y., Saraçoğlu Çelik S., Hacısalihoğlu H.H. Algebraic surfaces of the Laplace-Beltrami operators of the TF-type
surfaces. XIII Geometry Symposium, Yıldız Teknik University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Güler E. Higher order algebraic Enneper surfaces in Minkowski geometry. X Ankara Mathematics Days, Middle East Technical
University, Ankara, Turkey.
Güler, E., Yasumoto M. Bour surface companions in space forms. XVII International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and
Quantization, Varna, Bulgaria.
2014 Güler E. Helicoidal surfaces of value m in Euclidean 3-space. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University, XII Geometry Symposium, Bilecik,
Güler E. Null rulings in three dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space. IX Ankara Mathematics Days, Atılım University, Ankara,
Güler E. Bour's minimal surface revisited: the irreducible implicit equation of the incomplete surface. International Mathematics
Symposium, KMD Karatekin Mathematics Days 2014, Çankırı, Turkey.
2013 Güler E. Bour's minimal surface in three dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space. Sao Paulo University, GeLoSP2013, VII
International Meetings on Lorentzian Geometry, Sao Paulo, Brasil.
Güler E. On Bour’s minimal surface. Ordu University, XI Geometry Symposium, Ordu, Turkey.
Güler E. Bour's surface in the 3-dimensional Minkowski space
. Ordu University, XI Geometry Symposium, Ordu, Turkey.
Güler E. (T,L)-type rotational surface in three dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space. Çankaya University, VIII Ankara Mathematics
Days, Ankara, Turkey.
2012 Güler E., Yaylı Y. Isometric surfaces and III Laplace-Beltrami operator in three dimensional Euclidean space. Balıkesir University,
X Geometry Symposium, Balıkesir, Turkey.
2011 Güler E. Isometric surfaces with lightlike profile curve in Minkowski 3-space. Hacettepe University, VI Ankara Mathematics Days,
Ankara, Turkey.
2010 Güler E., Yaylı Y. Generalized Bour’s theorem in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. Akdeniz University, VIII Geometry Symposium,
Antalya, Turkey.
Güler E. V Ankara Mathematics Days. TOBB-ETU, Ankara, Turkey (participant).
2009 Güler E., Yaylı Y., Hacısalihoğlu H.H. Bour’s theorem on Gauss map in 3-Euclidean space. Ahi Evran University, VII Geometry
Symposium, Kırşehir, Turkey.
Güler E. IV Ankara Mathematics Days. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (participant).
2008 Güler E., Hacısalihoğlu H.H. Timelike rotational surfaces with lightlike profile curve. Uludağ University, VI Geometry Symposium,
Bursa, Turkey.
Güler E. III Ankara Mathematics Days. Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey (participant).
2007 Güler E., Ikawa T. Bour’s theorem with lightlike axis in ℝ
University, Saitama, Japan.
. The National Conference of the Mathematical Society of Japan, Saitama
2006 Güler E., Vanlı A. On the mean, Gaussian, the second mean and the second Gaussian curvature of the helicoidal surfaces with
lightlike axis in ℝ , . Karaelmas University, IV International Geometry Symposium, Zonguldak, Turkey.
2004 Güler E., Vanlı A. Bour's theorem in Minkowski 3-space. Sakarya University, II Geometry Symposium, Sakarya, Turkey.
academic research, support and scholarships
Invited Speaker: Supporter ITU, 2016
2015-2016 academic year, June 02-04, 2016
The International Workshop on Theory of Submanifolds (IWTS'16), İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Meetings Supporter: Bartın University, 2015
2015-2016 academic year, December 07-10, 2015, presentation,
International Workshop on Geometry of Riemannian and Hermitian Manifolds, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Meetings Supporter: Bartın University, 2015
2014-2015 academic year, August 25-28, 2015, presentation,
International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICPAM), Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van, Turkey
Meetings Supporter: Bartın University, 2015
2014-2015 academic year, July 27-30, 2015, presentation,
XIIIth Geometry Symposium, Yıldız Teknik University, İstanbul, Turkey
Meetings Supporter: Bartın University, 2015
2014-2015 academic year, June 11-12, 2015, presentation,
X Ankara Mathematics Days, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Meetings Supporter: Bartın University, 2015
2014-2015 academic year, June 05-10, 2015, presentation.
XVIIth International Conference: Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, Varna, Bulgaria
Seminar Supporter: Fukuoka University, July 11, 2014,
Kyushu University, Faculty of Mathematics, Fukuoka, Japan
This seminar is supported by Basic Research (B) 25287012 (Prof. Miyuki Koiso)
2219-International Post Doctoral Scholarship: TUBITAK (with Prof. Wayne Rossman)
2013-2014 academic year, 2 months, July 02-August 30, 2014
Post Doctoral Researcher, Kobe University, Department of Mathematics, Section of Geometry, Kobe, Japan
TUBITAK: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Invited Researcher: (with Prof. Rafael Lopez)
2013-2014 academic year, April 19-26, 2014
Granada University, Department of Geometry and Topology, Granada, Spain
2224-International Meetings Supporter: TUBITAK, 2013
July 22-26, 2013, presentation.
GeLoSP2013, VII International Meetings on Lorentzian Geometry, Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo, Brasil
2219-International Post Doctoral Scholarship: TUBITAK, 2011 (with Prof. Franki Dillen)
2011-2012 academic year, 9 months, October 17, 2011-July 09, 2012
Post Doctoral Researcher, Katholieke Leuven University, Department of Mathematics, Section of Geometry, Leuven, Belgium
supervised thesis
2015. Zambak V. Henneberg minimal surface in three dimensional Minkowski space. Master of Science.
2015 - … Turkish Mathematical Society (TMD)
2014 - …Mathematical Reviews - American Mathematical Society / MathSciNet Reviewer
MR3418459 Balestro, Vitor Curvature motion in time-dependent Minkowski planes. Int. Electron. J. Geom. 8 (2015), no. 2, 70-81.
(Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53C44
MR3411390 Senoussi, Bendehiba; Bekkar, Mohammed Helicoidal surfaces with ∆Jr=Ar in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. Stud.
Univ. Babeş-Bolyai Math. 60 (2015), no. 3, 437-448. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A05
MR3327058 Belgun, Florin Geodesics and submanifold structures in conformal geometry. J. Geom. Phys. 91 (2015), 172-191.
(Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A30 (53C22)
MR3406027 Kim, Dong-Soo Ruled surfaces and Gauss map. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 52 (2015), no. 5, 1661-1668. (Reviewer: Erhan
Güler) 53A05 (53B25)
MR3395803 Turhan, Tunahan; Yüksel, Nural; Ayyildiz, Nihat On pseudohyperbolic space motions. Turkish J. Math. 39 (2015), no. 5,
750-762. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A04 (53A25 53B30)
MR3374042 Ozturk, Ufuk; Cengiz, Suleyman; Koc Ozturk, Esra Betul Motions of curves in the Galilean space G3. Acta Math. Sci. Ser.
B Engl. Ed. 35 (2015), no. 5, 1046-1054. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A04 (53C44)
MR3344725 Masal, Melek; Azak, A. Zeynep Frenet apparatus of the curves and some special curves in the Euclidean 5-space E5.
Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math. 8 (2015), no. 2, 255-270 (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A04
MR3305052 Aydin, Gülşah; Gürbüz, Nevin; Görgülü, Ali; Çöken, A. Ceylan Relaxed elastic lines of second kind in dual space. Int. J.
Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 12 (2015), no. 2, 1550016, 1-12 (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A40 (53A25)
MR3299018 Nicolai, Mihaela Roxana; Tiba, Dan Implicit functions and parametrizations in dimension three: generalized solutions.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 35 (2015), no. 6, 2701-2710. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 26B10 (53A05)
MR3248642 Abdel-Aziz, H. S.; Khalifa Saad, M.; Abdel-Salam, A. A. On implicit surfaces and their intersection curve in Euclidean 4space. Houston J. Math. 40 (2014), no. 2, 339–352. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A04 (53A05)
MR3215394 Mihai, Adela; Heroiu, Bogdan Flat tensor product surfaces of pseudo-Euclidean curves. Ann. Polon. Math. 111 (2014),
no. 2, 137–143. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53C42 (53A04)
MR3214310 Pyo, Juncheol; Rodríguez, Magdalena Simply connected minimal surfaces with finite total curvature in H2×R. Int. Math.
Res. Not. IMRN (2014), no. 11, 2944–2954. (Reviewer: Erhan Güler) 53A10 (53C42)
2014. Academic Course, TUBITAK. Preparation of the English Academic Publication, Ankara, Turkey
2008-2010. Project, Secondary Education, class 9-10-11-12., commission member of the Geometry cirriculum
M.E.B. Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Program Araştırma ve Geliştirme Daire Başkanlığı, Ankara, Turkey
2007- 2008. Project, Secondary Education, commission member of the Mathematics course books reviews
M.E.B. Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Eğitim-Öğretim Materyallerini İnceleme ve Geliştirme Başkanlığı, Ankara, Turkey
1999-2000. Army, Saimbeyli Askerlik Şubesi Başkanı, Saimbeyli, Adana, Turkey, 12 months
1999. Army, Personel Okulu ve Eğitim Tümen Komutanlığı, Dutlukır, Konya, Turkey, 4 months
Mathematical Programming
Language of Programming
Final Thesis in Mathematics
Fundamental Information Tech.
Abstract Mathematics
Surface design in differential geometry
Curve design in differential geometry
Calculus Civil Eng.
Calculus Met. & Met. Eng.
Calculus Env. Eng. & Textile Eng.
Differential Equations Met. & Met. Eng
beauty of simplicity
Spacelike maximal B2 surface
Timelike minimal B2 surface
Spacelike maximal B3 surface
Timelike minimal B3 surface
E. Güler 2012
Euclidean catenoid, Alysseide
Euclidean helicoid, Heliçoide
Lorentzian catenoid
E. Bour 1862
E. Güler 2015
Lorentzian helicoid

Benzer belgeler

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