- Journal of Medical Updates


- Journal of Medical Updates
Clinical Research / Klinik Araflt›rma
J Med Updates 2014;4(2):43-48
Complications of chronic otitis media:
a retrospective analysis of 1293 cases
Kronik otitis media komplikasyonlar›: 1293 olgunun retrospektif analizi
Mustafa Karakafl1, H. Hüseyin Bal›kç›2, M. Haluk Özkul3, fiaban Çelebi3, Özlem Bayram3, A. Alper Bayram3
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kahramanmarafl Government Hospital, Kahramanmarafl, Turkey
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Suflehri Government Hospital, Sivas, Turkey
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Haseki Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Objective: To evaluate the clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis,
treatments, outcomes, distribution and incidence of the complications
of chronic otitis media (COM).
Amaç: Kronik otitis median›n klinik bulgu ve semptomlar›n›n, tan› ve
tedavi sonuçlar› ile birlikte da¤›l›m ve insidans›n›n de¤erlendirilmesi
Methods: This retrospective study analyzed the clinical and operative findings of 1293 patients with COM, including 39 patients with
complications of COM. We compared the surgical techniques, incidence and management of complications and morbidity and mortality rates with those reported in the relevant literature.
Yöntem: Bu çal›flmada kronik otitis media tan›s› konulan 1293 hasta
içerisinde komplikasyon saptanan 39 hastan›n klinik ve operatif bulgular› retrospektif olarak incelendi. Uygulanan cerrahi teknik, komplikasyonlar›n insidans› ve yönetimi, hastalar›n morbiditesi ve mortalitesi ilgili literatür ile karfl›laflt›r›ld›.
Results: Of the patients with complications, 23 were male and 16
were female. Eight patients (20.5%) had intracranial complications,
while 31 (79.5%) had extracranial complications. Lateral sinus
thrombophlebitis and labyrinthine fistula were the most common
intra- and extracranial complication, respectively. Of the 39 patients
with complications, 27 underwent radical mastoidectomy, including
two patients who underwent simultaneous labyrinthectomy. Revision
radical mastoidectomy, canal wall down tympanomastoidectomy and
canal wall up tympanomastoidectomy were performed in one, six and
five patients, respectively. All patients did well, and the mortality rate
was 0% during a follow-up period of 46±22 months.
Bulgular: Olgular›n %58.9’u (n=23) erkek ve %41.1’i (n=16) kad›nd›r.
Olgular›n 8’i (%20.5) intrakraniyal komplikasyon ve 31’i (%79.5) ise ekstrakraniyal komplikasyon idi. ‹ntrakraniyal komplikasyonlardan lateral
sinüs trombozu (%50), ekstrakraniyal komplikasyonlardan ise labirent
fistülü (%64.5) en s›k komplikasyon olarak tespit edildi. Komplikasyon
geliflen hastalardaki en s›k semptomlar otore, iflitme kayb› ve bafl dönmesi idi. Komplikasyonu olan 39 hastan›n 27’sine (%69.2) radikal mastoidektomi, bu hastalar›nda 2’sine efl zamanl› olarak labirentektomi yap›lm›flt›r. S›ras›yla bir (%2.5) hastaya revizyon radikal mastoidektomi, 6
(%15.5) hastaya kanal wall down timpanomastoidektomi, 5 (%12.8) hastaya da kanal wall up timpanomastoidektomi yap›lm›flt›r. Tüm hastalar
iyileflmifl ve ortalama 46±22 ayl›k takip süresinde mortalite oran› %0’d›r.
Conclusion: Despite their reduced incidence, COM complications
continue to pose a great, clinical challenge. A careful history, physical
examination, effective use of imaging technology and most importantly, a greater awareness of COM complications will reduce their morbidity and mortality.
Sonuç: Otojen komplikasyonlar, günümüzde azalmas›na ra¤men yaflam› tehdit etmeye devam etmektedirler. Dikkatli bir anamnez, fizik muayene, görüntüleme yöntemlerinin etkin kullan›m› ve en önemlisi komplikasyondan flüphelenmek komplikasyonlara ba¤l› morbidite ve mortaliteyi azaltacakt›r.
Keywords: Otitis media, suppurative, complications, cholesteatoma.
Anahtar sözcükler: Otitis media, süpüratif, komplikasyonlar, kolestatom.
Complications of chronic otitis media (COM) occur when
the ear infection spreads to structures outside the middle
ear mucosa, and the air spaces of the temporal bone. The
spread of infection can occur via preformed pathways, bone
Correspondence: fiaban Çelebi, MD. Department of Otorhinolaryngology,
Haseki Training and Research Hospital, Fatih, ‹stanbul, Turkey.
e-mail: celebisaban@hotmail.com
Received: July 3, 2014; Accepted: July 27, 2014
©2014 Sürekli E¤itim ve Bilimsel Araflt›rmalar Derne¤i (SEBAD)
Online available at:
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Karakafl M et al.
erosion or thrombophlebitis of the veins.[1] Complications
of COM may be extracranial or intracranial,[2,3] and most of
these complications occur secondary to the cholesteatoma
component of COM. These complications can present during the acute phase of COM or during topical or systemic
medical treatment.[3] The situation can mask the clinical
symptoms of COM and prevent early diagnosis.[4]
In this study, we retrospectively reviewed the signs,
symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, outcomes, distribution
and incidence of the complications of COM.
Patients and Methods
A total of 1293 patients with COM, including 39 patients
with complications of COM, were operated on between
January 2008 and March 2012 in our tertiary referral
health care centre. The protocol of this study was
approved by our institution’s ethics committee. The complications were classified as intra- and extracranial complications. The patients’ age, sex, ear pathology, presenting
symptoms, otoscopic and radiologic findings, type of surgical technique applied and complications were reviewed.
Consultations with infectious disease specialists, neurologists or neurosurgeons were obtained when required.
Computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance venography were performed, as necessary. All patients received pre- and postoperative antibiotic therapy.
All data were analyzed using the SPSS software (ver.
15.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The number of
patients in each complication group was compared using
the chi-square test. Values of p less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Of the 1293 patients with COM who were operated on
between January 2008 and March 2012 in our hospital,
275 patients (21.1%) were preoperatively and/or intraoperatively diagnosed as cholesteatoma. Of the patients with
cholesteatoma, 36 (13.1%) presented with complications
of COM. In addition, isolated polyp and/or granulation
tissue was observed in three patients. Total complication
rate among all COM patients was 3% (39/1293).
Of 1293 patients, 638 (49.3%) underwent tympanoplasty, and 655 (50.7%) mastoidectomy. The mean age of the
patients with complications of COM was 39.60±10.59
(range, 13–66) years, and 58.9% (n=23) of the patients with
complications were male and 41.1% (n=16) were female.
Journal of Medical Updates
Intracranial complications occurred in 8, and extracranial
complications in 31 patients (79.5%). Lateral sinus thrombophlebitis (LST; 50%, 4/8) and labyrinthine fistula
(64.5%, 20/31) were the most common intra- and extracranial complications, respectively. The labyrinthine fistulae
involved the lateral semicircular canals in 19 patients (95%)
and both the lateral and superior semicircular canals in one
patient (5%). Two patients with labyrinthine fistulae were
diagnosed with suppurative labyrinthitis and they developed
total deafness. The other labyrinthine fistula was confined to
the endochondral bone. All patients with intracranial complications, except one, had cholesteatoma.
Three patients with extracranial complications had multiple complications. One patient with a cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) fistula and facial paralysis had previously undergone
radical mastoidectomy. None of the other patients with
complications of COM had a history of ear surgery. In all,
50 patients with uncomplicated COM and cholesteatoma
and 20 patients with intra- or extracranial complications of
COM had defects of the bony ear canal where the tegmentum extended along the middle fossa dura. Fallopian canal
dehiscence was present in 70 (5.4%) of the total 1293
patients, 59 (21.4%) of 275 patients with cholesteatoma and
20 (51.2%) of 39 patients with COM complications.
The most common symptoms among the patients with
complications were otorrhoea, hearing loss and dizziness,
followed by ear pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, fever,
neck stiffness and confusion. Of 39 patients with complications, 27 (69.2%) underwent radical mastoidectomy,
including two patients who underwent simultaneous
labyrinthectomy. Revision radical mastoidectomy, canal
wall down tympanomastoidectomy and canal wall up tympanomastoidectomy were performed in one (2.5%), six
(15.5%) and five (12.8%) patients, respectively (Fig. 1).
Two patients with complicated COM had meningitis
and were followed up postoperatively in the infectious diseases department. One patient with complicated COM
had otitic hydrocephalus and bilateral abducens nerve
paralysis. The cranial nerve palsy was treated in the neurology department after the operation. Two patients with
brain abscess required postoperative treatment in the
intensive care unit. All patients did well, and the mortality
rate was 0% during a follow-up period of 46±22 months.
In recent times, sophisticated radiologic imaging technology
has facilitated the early diagnosis of both intra- and extracra-
Complications of chronic otitis media
nial complications of COM. The advent of efficient antibiotic therapy has led to a decline in the incidence of COM and
a significant improvement in the prognosis of this condition.[5,6] The rate of COM complications has been reported as
varying between 0.69–3.2 percent.[3,7] In our study, the rate of
complications was 3 percent. The incidence of intracranial
complications of COM has been reported to range between
0.04–0.33% in the literature.[3,7] In our study, 7 of 275 (2.5%)
patients with cholesteatoma and 8 of 1293 (0.06%) patients
with COM had intracranial complications. Extracranial
complications of COM are encountered more frequently
than its intracranial complications.[7] Samuel et al. reported
an incidence rate of 0.13% for extracranial complications of
COM.[8] The incidence of extracranial complications of
COM in our study was 2.3%, and the ratio between extraand intracranial complications was 3.8. The higher incidence
of extracranial complications in our study relative to that of
other international studies can be attributed to the low
socioeconomic level of our patient population.
The most common extracranial complications of
COM reported in the literature are mastoiditis and mastoid abscess, followed, in order of decreasing frequency by
facial paralysis and labyrinthine fistula.[3,6] Rupa and
Raman reported that mastoid abscess accounts for 50% of
all complications of COM.[5] In our study, however,
labyrinthine fistula was the most common extracranial
complication (64.5%), followed by facial paralysis [12.9%]
(Fig. 2). One patient had both labyrinthine fistula and
facial paralysis, while another had both CSF fistula and
mastoid abscess. Only one patient (3.2%) had mastoid
abscess in our study.
Fig. 1. Distribution of the surgical techniques used to manage chronic
otitis media and its complications.
Gersdorff and Nouwen reported that labyrinthine fistula occurred in 7% of cholesteatoma patients in their
large series.[9] This rate was 7.2% in our study of 1293
patients. According to the literature, labyrinthine fistula
occurs mostly in patients with recurrent cholesteatoma.[3,4]
However, all our patients with labyrinthine fistula had primary disease.
In patients with COM, facial paralysis can be caused by
the neural destructive effect of purulent neuritis or the
mass effect of cholesteatoma and granulation tissue.[4,5]
Kangnasarak et al. reported that facial paralysis occurred
in 0.26% of 102 patients in their study,[7] while we found
that 0.30% and 1.09% in which one of cholesteatoma
patients had facial paralysis. In our study, all patients with
intracranial complications, except for one patient with
facial dehiscence, also had cholesteatoma. Early interven-
Fig. 2. Rate of extracranial complications of chronic otitis media.
tion should be performed in patients with COM complicated with facial paralysis. In our study, patients with facial
paralysis were referred quite late to our clinic. All these
patients underwent both radical mastoidectomy and facial
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Karakafl M et al.
decompression, but unfortunately, none of them recovered from the facial paralysis.
CSF otorrhoea is a rare complication of COM and is
most commonly caused by iatrogenic trauma. Only 19
cases of CSF otorrhoea were reported in a 2007 metaanalysis performed by Bhat and Manjunath.[10] There were
three patients with CSF otorrhoea in our series. Two of
these had cholesteatoma; the third had both CSF otorrhoea and facial paralysis and had previously been operated on for COM at a different centre, but still had recurrent cholesteatoma. All three patients underwent radical
mastoidectomy and duraplasty in the same session.
In patients with COM, LST occurs either due to the
extension of the infection into the mastoid cells or thrombophlebitis of the veins in the middle ear.[8] Lateral sinus
thrombophlebitis was the most common (50%) intracranial
complication in our series (Fig. 3), but has been reported as
the third or fourth most common in other studies.[2,11,12]
However, Mostafa et al. also found that LST was the most
common intracranial complication of COM, which is consistent with our series.[13] The gold standard radiological
method for the diagnosis of LST is MR venography (Fig. 4).
The incidence of LST has been reported as 17.4–19%, with
a mortality rate of 10%.[7,8] The treatment of LST is either
needle aspiration of the infected thrombus or the excision of
the thrombus by incising the lateral sinus.[13-15] Seven et al.
claimed that there was no difference between these two
approaches.[2] The latest studies have revealed that removal
of the infected granulation tissue, without thrombus, is suf-
Fig. 3. Rate of intracranial complications of chronic otitis media.
ficient for recanalization of the sinus.[2,14] In our study, all
four patients with LST underwent radical mastoidectomy
together with removal of the infected thrombus through an
incision in the sinus wall. The use of anticoagulant therapy
after surgery for LST is controversial, and many authors
have advocated that this therapy should not be used because
of the risk of septic embolus.[14,16-18] Anticoagulant therapy
may be useful in LST patients who develop persistent fever
and neurologic changes indicative of septic embolus.[19] In
Fig. 4. Magnetic resonance venography in a patient with lateral sinus thrombophlebitis (arrow).
Journal of Medical Updates
Complications of chronic otitis media
Fig. 5. Magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with a cerebellar abscess (arrow).
two patients with LST, the jugular veins were ligated. All
LST patients, including those with otitic hydrocephalus and
sixth cranial nerve paralysis, were discharged uneventfully.
Singh and Maharaj reported a 12% prevalence of meningitis. Neck stiffness and headache are the major symptoms
of meningitis.[20] The diagnosis is based on the results of a
lumbar puncture and bacterial culture. Surgery is performed
only after medical therapy has improved the vital signs of
the patient. In our study, the two patients with otogenic
meningitis underwent radical mastoidectomy after receiving
medical therapy and were discharged uneventfully.
The most fatal and the second most common intracranial complication of COM is brain abscess (Fig. 5).[11] In
our series also, brain abscess was the second most common
intracranial complication. One patient with brain abscess
presented with encephalitis, while the other presented
with only fever. Both patients had cholesteatoma and
underwent radical mastoidectomy, with no mortality.
The complications of COM continue to be life-threatening,
although fortunately, their incidence is currently in decline.
Patients with these complications tend to be those who have
not received medical treatment, those who are from a low
socioeconomic background and those who have previously
refused surgery. Early diagnosis is of utmost importance to
decrease the morbidity and mortality of complications of
COM. The treating physician must look for potential complications in patients who present with severe headache, ear
pain, foul-smelling ear discharge, nausea, vomiting and/or
persistent fever accompanying active COM. Since the therapy may necessitate a multidisciplinary approach, the cooperation of otorhinolaryngologists, infection disease specialists,
neurologists and neurosurgeons is required.
Conflict of Interest: No conflicts declared.
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Please cite this article as: Karakafl M, Bal›kç› HH, Özkul MH, Çelebi fi, Bayram Ö, Bayram AA. Complications of chronic otitis media: a retrospective analysis of 1293 cases. J Med Updates 2014;4(2):43-48.
Journal of Medical Updates

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ORIGINAL ARTICLE Extracranial Complications of Chronic Otitis

ORIGINAL ARTICLE Extracranial Complications of Chronic Otitis %40.6 of cases. Granulation and/or polypi were found %22.8 of cases. Conclusion Despite the decreased incidence as a result of increased health care services, COM can still cause complications. Pro...
