HALE YAPICI ESER, MD, Ph.D. Address - School of Medicine


HALE YAPICI ESER, MD, Ph.D. Address - School of Medicine
Address: Koç Üniversitesi Hastanesi
Davutpaşa Caddesi No:4 34010
Topkapı, İstanbul-Turkey
Phone: +90 850 250 8 250
E-mail: heser@kuh.ku.edu.tr
Personal Details
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
İstanbul, Turkey
Marital Status
Married, with one child
Educational Background
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, MD-PHD Program, Turkey
PHD on Neuroscience
Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Turkey
Residency in Psychiatry
Harvard University, Dept. of Psychiatry, Psychotic Disorders Division, U.S.A.
Visiting Researcher for 5 weeks between July and August 2012
Copenhagen University, Research Institute of Biological Psychiatry, Denmark
Exchange Researcher for 3 months between February and April 2011
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Turkey
Medical School (GPA: 3.33/4.00)
Ankara Atatürk Anatolian High School
Professional Experience
October 2015- Present
Koç University School of Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey
July 2013- September 2015
Çankırı State Hospital, Çankırı, Turkey
Psychiatry Specialist (Obligatory Service)
Research Experience
Animal Models of Stress and Electroconvulsive Therapy
Electrophysiological Recordings and Analysis On Animal Models
Voxel Based Morphometry and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis
Systematic Review and Metanalysis Of Prevalence Data
Genome Wide Association Studies and Analysis Of Population Data
Research Interests
Neurobiology of Stress, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorders
Phenomenology of Psychiatric Disorders
Consultation Liaison Psychiatry
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Aslan S, Türkçapar MH, Yapıcı-Eser H, Uğurlu M. Reliability and Validity of Beliefs about Substance
Use (BSU) Questionnaire in Alcohol Dependent Patients. Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy
and Research, 2012: 1(3), 162-170.
Coşar B, Taşkınoğlu K, Lepping P, Burhanoğlu S, Yapıcı-Eser H, Taner ME, Arıkan Z. Treatment
options of delusional parasitosis: case series of 14 patients. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 2012; 13(3):
Coşar B, Taner ME, Yapıcı-Eser H, Altınöz AE, Tarhan R. Does Switching to Another Antipsychotic in
Patients With Clozapine-Associated Granulocytopenia Solve the Problem?: Case Series of 18 Patients.
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2011; 31(2): 169 – 173/
Aslan S, Yirmibeş- Karaoguz M. Yapıcı-Eser H, Kan Karaer D, Taner E. Comparison of DRD2
rs1800497 (TaqIA) polymorphism between schizophrenic patients and healthy controls: Lack of
association in a Turkish sample. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 2010; 14(4): 257 261
Oral Presentations & Seminars
Post-traumatic stress disorder: Neurobiological Basis and Treatment. 21st National Social Psychiatry
Congress, Çanakkale, Turkey, September 11, 2015
Gaining insight in to the neurobiology of psychiatric disorders through studying neurological
comorbidities: Stress, Migraine and Parkinson’s Disease. Seminar in Medicine. Koç University, İstanbul,
Turkey, June 2015
The Effect Of Additional Diagnosis On Recovery Of Schizophrenia. 49th National Psychiatry Congress,
İzmir, Turkey, September 2013
Poster Presentations
Yapıcı-Eser H, Eren Koçak E, Demir B, Dalkara T. Acute stress triggers migraine aura through a2
adrenergic receptors. Society of Biological Psychiatry’s 69th Annual Meeting, New York, USA, May 2014
Yapıcı-Eser H, Baran Z, Tokçaer AB, Kuruoğlu A, Güryıldırım M, Öner Y, Tali T. Determinants and
Neuroanatomical Correlates of Major Depression that is Comorbid with Parkinson’s Disease. American
Psychiatric Association 2014 Annual Meeting, New York, USA, May 2014
Yapıcı-Eser H, Eren Koçak E, Kılıç K, Dalkara T. Both acute and chronic stress decrease the threshold
for cortical spreading depression. American Psychiatric Association 2013 Annual Meeting, San Francisco,
USA, May 2013
Yapıcı-Eser H, Hansen T, Werge T, Jacobsen KD. How related are obsessive compulsive disorder and
schizophrenia? A familial aggregation study from Danish Health Registry System. American Psychiatric
Association 2012 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, May 2012
Keskin Hacımustafaoğlu O, Yıldız A, Yapıcı-Eser H, Taner ME, Arıkan Z. Comparison of the
sociodemographic properties and the factors that effect the remission times of the alcohol or substance
addicts in Golbasi Alcohol and Addiction Unit. National Addiction Congress, Turkey, December 2011
Keskin Hacımustafaoğlu O, Yapıcı-Eser H, Yıldız A, Şahin B, Arıkan Z. The demographic properties,
addiction profiles, the impact of addiction on life and expectations of the alcohol or substance addicts in
Golbasi Alcohol and Addiction Unit. National Addiction Congress, Turkey, December 2011 – Poster
Yapıcı-Eser H, Hansen T, Werge T. Analysis of the schizophrenia – obsessive compulsive disorder
relationship from a genetic point. 6th National Anxiety Congress, Turkey, September 2011 - Young
Researcher Of Turkey Award
Karakaş HM, Onay A, Yapıcı-Eser H, Aslan S, Ulutürk A, Tali T . Diffusion tensor imaging detection of
left hemisphere white matter tract abnormalities in schizophrenia and its value in differential diagnosis.
45th National Psychiatry Congress, Turkey, Oral Presentation, October 2009
Projects Awaiting Publication
Determinants and Neuroanatomical Correlates of Major Depression that is Comorbid with Parkinson’s
Disease, Psychiatry Residency Thesis, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Aslı Kuruoğlu
The Association of Psychological Stress with Migraine and Its Potential Mechanisms, PHD Thesis,
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Turgay Dalkara and Ass. Prof. Dr. Emine Eren Koçak
Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Voxel Based Morphometry analysis of white and gray matter changes in
Schizophrenia. Collaborator: Aslı Onay, MD. Koç University Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey
Completed Research Projects
Systematic Review Of Turkish Literature On The Incidence And Prevelance Of Alcohol And Substance
Use. European Union Twinning Project, 2009- 2011
Testing The Antidepressant Efficacy Of The Animal Model Of Electroconvulsive Therapy. MD-PHD
Student Project: February – June 2006
Relationship of Beliefs about substance use and Craving with Substance Use Behaviour and Addiction
Profile, Collaborators: Prof. Dr. Zehra Arıkan and Res. Ass. Melike Küçükkarapınar, Gazi University
Department of Psychiatry, Ankara, Turkey
Toxoplasmosis, inflammatory markers and psychotic disorders. Collaborators: Prof. Dr. Selçuk Aslan,
Prof. Dr. Meral Yirmibeş-Karaoğuz, Gazi University Department of Psychiatry and Microbiology,
Ankara, Turkey
Ongoing Projects
Metaanalysis of the Prevelance of Comorbid Anxiety Disorders in Bipolar Disorder Patients, Collaborator:
Ass. Prof. Dost Ongur, Harvard McLean Hospital, Boston, USA
Association of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Genes with Schizophrenia, Collaborator: Prof. Thomas
Werge and Thomas Hansen. Danish Biobank, Copenhagen University Research Institute of Biological
Psychiatry, Denmark
Psychotherapy Education
Group Psychotherapy Supervision during Psychiatry Residency Training
Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy Theoretical Education and Supervision during Psychiatry Residency
(Educators: Ass. Prof. Aslıhan Sayın, Prof. Dr. Selçuk Aslan, Ass. Prof. Dr. Burhanettin Kaya)
Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy Theoretical Education Certification (June 2014, Association of
Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies, Main Educator: Prof. Dr. Hakan Türkçapar)
Book Chapter Translations
DSM V Guidebook, Turkish Version, in press
Hale Yapıcı Eser, Selçuk Aslan
Chapter Titles:
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
Feeding and Eating Disorders
Elimination Disorders
The American Psychiatric Publishing Board Review Guide for Psychiatry, Turkish Edition, 2014
Hale Yapıcı Eser, Behçet Coşar
Chapter Title: Personality Disorders
Current Diagnosis and Treatment Psychiatry, Turkish Version, Published on 2013
Hale Yapıcı Eser
Chapter Titles:
Clinical Decision Making in Psychiatry
Psychiatric Genetics
Substance Related Disorders
Somatoform Disorders
Developmental Disorders of Attachment, Feeding, Elimination and Sleep
Intellectual Disability
Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy Theoretical Education Certification (June 2014, Association of
Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies, Main Educator: Prof. Dr. Hakan Türkçapar)
4TH EPA Summer School on Comorbidity between Mental and Physical Disorders, Strasbourg, France,
May 2014, Trainee Certificate
The Use of Experimental Animals Certificate, Hacettepe University, Experimental Animals Regional
Ethical Board, Date: 16.03.2010
Geriatric Psychiatry Course, Ankara, Turkey, June 2012, Certificate of Attendance
Sleep and Sleep Disorders Course, Ankara, Turkey, March 2012, Certificate of Attendance
Applied Basic Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Course, Ankara, Turkey, February 2012, Certificate of
Forensic Psychiatry Course, Ankara, Turkey, January 2010, Certificate of Attendance
Treatment of Bipolar Disorder Course, Depression Academia, Belek, Turkey, November 2009, Certificate
of Attendance
Behavioural Technics Course, 8th National Neuroscience Congress, Bolu, Turkey, April 2009, Certificate
of Attendance
Emergency Treatment Approaches in Psychiatry Course, Girne, Cyprus, April 2009, Certificate of
Neuroscience Workshop on the Effects of Perinatal and Adult Ethanol Intake on Brain and Behavior in
Animal Models Course, METU Ankara, Turkey, October 2008, Certificate of Participation
Summer Internship in University of Siena, Department of Pathology and Oncology, Italy, 12-28 July
2005, Certificate of Attendance
Psychiatric Association of Turkey -Since 2009
General Secretary of Ankara between 2012 and 2014
Delegate of Ankara between 2009 and 2011
American Psychiatric Association -Since 2013
Society of Biological Psychiatry – Since 2013
Turkish (native)
English (ÜDS score in 2012: 97.5, YDS score in 2014: 95)
Honors & Awards
Scholarship for 4th EPA Summer School on Comorbidity between Mental and Physical Disorders, May
2014, Strasbourg, France
Poster Award, National Addiction Congress, December 2011, Turkey
Young Researcher of Turkey Award, National Anxiety Congress, September 2011, Cyprus
Psychiatric Association of Turkey Scholarship to Support Foreign Education During Residency Training
(Denmark), April 2010, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Kalbiye Yalaz Presentation of the Year Award
(Ankara Pediatric Neurology Monthly Article Presentation Meetings), May 2008, Turkey
Updated October 2015

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