Detaylı Özgeçmiş - gıda mühendisliği


Detaylı Özgeçmiş - gıda mühendisliği
Temmuz, 2014
Şükrü Güleç, PhD.
Telefon: 02327506283
E-mail: -
Dogum Tarihi: 07/10/1980 Medeni Hali: Evli
Eğitim Durumu:
2013- 2014
Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı, Food Science and Human Nutrition,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
2009- 2013
Doktora Öğrencisi, Nutritional Science Inter Discipliner Program
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
2006- 2008
Biyolog Araştırmacı, Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
2004- 2006
Yüksek Lisans, Ankara Üniversitesi Biyoteknoloji Enstitüsü, Moleküler Patolji &
Genetik Laboratuvarı, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
2000- 2004
Lisans, Ankara Üniversitesi, Biyoloji Bölümü
Akademik Ünvanlar
Gıda Mühendisliği Bölüm Başkan Yarımcılığı
Yardımcı Doçent Doktor, İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği
Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanmış Çalışmalar:
1. Sukru Gulec, James F. Collins. Silencing of The Menkes Copper-Transporting Atpase
(Atp7a) Gene Increases Cyclin D1 Protein Expressıon and Impairs Proliferation of Rat
Intestinal Epithelial (IEC-6) Cells. 2014, J Trace Elem Med Biol. (İncelenme aşamasında)
2. Gulec S, Collins JF. Molecular Mediators Governing Iron-Copper Interactions.
Annu Rev Nutr. 2014 Jun 2. [Epub ahead of print].
3. Gulec S, Anderson GJ, Collins JF. Mechanistic and Regulatory Aspects of
Intestinal Iron Absorption. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2014 Jul 3. pii:
ajpgi.00348.2013. [Epub ahead of print].
4. Gulec S, Collins JF. Silencing the Menkes copper-transporting ATPase (Atp7a) gene in rat
intestinal epithelial (IEC-6) cells increases iron flux via transcriptional induction of
ferroportin 1 (Fpn1). 2013, The American Journal of Nutrition (Epub ahead of print).
5. Gulec S, Collins JF. Investigation of Iron Metabolism in Mice Expressing a Mutant Menke’s
Copper Transporting ATPase (Atp7a) Protein with Diminished Activity (Brindled; MoBr/y).
2013, PlosOne; Jun 11;8(6).
6. Afife Karabiyik, Erkan Yilmaz, Sukru Gulec, Ibrahim Haznedaroglu, Nejat Akar. Dual
Diverse Dynamic Reversible Actions of Ankaferd on EPCR and PAI-1 Inside Vascular
Endothelial Cells With and Without LPS. 2012, Turkish Journal of Hematology; DOI:
7. Erkan Yılmaz, Sukru Gulec, Didem Torun, İbrahim Celalettin Haznedaroğlu, Nejat Akar.
The effects of Ankaferd® Blood Stopper on Transcription Factors in HUVEC and the
Erythrocyte Protein Profile. 2011, Turkish J Hematol.; 28(4): 276-285.
8. Karabiyik A, Gulec S, Yilmaz E, Haznedaroglu I, Akar N. Reversible Protease-Activated
Receptor I Downregulation Mediated by Ankaferd Blood Stopper Inducible With
Lipopolysaccharides Inside the Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells. 2011, Clin Appl
Thromb Hemost; 17(6);E165-70.
9. Hu Z, Gulec S, Collins JF. Cross-species Comparison of Genomewide Gene Expression
Profiles Reveals Induction of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-Responsive Genes in Iron-Deprived
Intestinal Epithelial Cells. 2010, Am J Physiol Cell Physiol.; 299(5):C930-8.
10. Fikret Aydemir, Supak Jenkitkasemwong, Sukru Gulec, and Mitchell D. Knutson. Iron
Loading Induces Ferroportin Gene (Slc40a1) Transcription in Macrophage. 2009, The
Journal of Nutrition; 139(3):434-8.
11. Tim Hofer, Emanuele Marzetti, Jinze Xu, Arnold Y. Seo, Sukru Gulec, Mitchell D. Knutson,
Christiaan Leeuwenburgh and Esther E. Dupont-Versteegden. Increased RNA Oxidative
Damage and Iron Content in Skeletal Muscle with Aging and Tissue Atrophy. 2008,
Experimental Gerontology; 43(6):563-70.
12. Sukru Gulec, Ahmet Ruchan Akar, Nejat Akar. MEF2A Sequence Variants in Turkish
Population. 2008, Clin Appl Thrombosis Hemostasis; 14(4):465-7.
13. Eroglu A, Gulec S, Akar N. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C936T Polymorphism in
cancer patients with thrombosis. 2007, American J.Hematology; 82(2):174.
14. Eroglu A, Gulec S, Kurtman C, Cam R, Akar N. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 936
C/T Polymorphism in cancer Patients. 2006, Annals of Oncology; 17(9):1467-8.
Sözlü Sunum ve Poster:
1. Silencing of The Menkes Copper-Transporting Atpase (Atp7a) in Rat Intestinal Epithelial
(IEC-6) Cells Increases Cyclin D1 Protein Expressıon and Impairs Growth. James F. Collins,
Caglar Doguer, Sukru Gulec. The 15th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man
and Animals (TEMA15) 2014. Orlando, Florida. (Poster).
2. CaCo-2 Cells Contain a Functional Ferroxidase That Is Not Hephaestin. James F. Collins,
Sukru Gulec, Caglar Doguer. The 15th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man
and Animals (TEMA15) 2014. Orlando, Florida. (Poster).
3. Sukru Gulec, Caglar Doguer, James F. Collins. Knock-Down of Menkes CopperTransporting ATPase (ATP7A) in Rat Intestinal Endothelial (IEC-6) Cells Increases
Ferroportin 1 (FPN1) Expression and Enhances Iron Transport. International BioIron Society
(IBIS) 2013, London, United Kingdom (Poster Sunumu).
Published: American Journal of Hematology, 88(5), E240-E241
4. S. Gulec, J. Collins, Silencing of the Menkes Copper-Transporting ATPase (Atp7a) in
Intestinal Epithelial Cells Impairs Cell Growth and Cell Cycle Control. Experimental Biology
2013, Boston, MA (Sözlü Sunum).
Published: FASEB Journal, 27:223.5
5. S. Gulec, J. Collins. Iron Metabolism in a Rodent Model of Menkes Disease (Brindled Mice).
Experimental Biology 2013, Boston, MA (Poster Sunumu).
Published: FASEB Journal, 27:634.2
6. S. Gulec, J. Collins. Knock-Down of Atp7a Expression Reduces Hephaestin Expression and
Activity in A Rat Intestinal Epithelial Cell Line (IEC-6). Experimental Biology 2013, Boston,
MA (Poster Sunumu).
Published: FASEB Journal, 27:Ib293
7. S. Gulec, P. Ranganathan, Y. Lu, J. Collins. Physiologic Role of the Menkes Copper ATPase
(Atp7a) in Intestinal Iron Transport. Experimental Biology 2012, San Diego, California
(Sözlü Sunum ve Poster Sunumu).
Published: FASEB Journal, 26:641.22
8. James F. Collins, Sukru Gulec, Zihua Hu. Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF) Responsive Genes
Form the Core Transcriptional Response of the Intestinal Epithelium During Iron Deficiency.
Digestive Disease Week, New Orleans 2010, LA (Poster Sunumu).
Published: Gastroenterology, 138(5), S-316
9. Afife Karabiyik, Erkan Yılmaz, Sukru Gulec, Ibrahim Haznedaroglu, Nejat Akar. Reversible
Actions of Ankaferd on EPCR and PAI-1 Inside Vascular Endothelial Cells With and Without
LPS. 21st International Congress on Thrombosis 2010, Milan, Italy (Poster Sunumu).
10. H. Nam, S. Gulec, M.D. Knutson. Dietary iron deficiency increases Zip14 expression in rats.
Experimental Biology 2008, San Diego, California (Poster Sunumu).
Published: FASEB Journal, 22:155.4
11. H. Nam, N. Zhao, S. Gulec, J. P. Liuzzi, M.D. Knutson. Effects of Cellular Iron Deficiency
and Phlebotomy on Zip14 Expression. International BioIron Society (IBIS), Biennial World
Meeting 2007, Kyoto, Japan (Poster Sunumu).
Published: American Journal of Hematology, 82(6), 543-544
12. Gulec S, Akar R, Korkmaz O, Akar N. MEF2A sequence variants in Turkish People.
International Congress on Thrombosis 2006, Tel-Aviv, Israel (Sözlü Sunum).
13. Eroglu A, Gulec S, Kurtman C, Cam R, Akar N. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 936
C/T Polymorphism in Cancer Patients. 6th National Thrombosis, Homeostasis and Angiology
Congress 2006, Izmir, Turkey (Poster Sunumu).
American Society for Nutrition (ASN) (2010-
Katıldığı Seminer ve Kurslar
Teacher Collage course: Teacher developing a teaching philosophy to designing effective
assessments and reflecting on practice, UF
Grand Writing seminar, The Institute of Food and Agricultural Science, UF
Basic Radiation safety, Division of Environmental Health and Safety, UF
Firmalar ile Yapılan Ortak Çalışmalar
- Testing of SG gas infused water on intestinal nutrient absorption (2010-2011): Exploration of
the effects of Watt-Ahh, an aquanew water and the SG gas infusion process on the transport
of vitamin C and iron by differentiated monolayers of human intestinal epithelial (CaCo-2)
Firma: Watt-Ahh An AquaNew Water L.L.C. (
Burslar ve Ödüller
Öğretim Görevlisi Bursu (2012-2013), Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of
Araştırma Görevlisi Bursu (2009-2012), Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of
Finalist, American Society for Nutrition’s Graduate Student Research Awards Competition,
Not: Direk ve tam Türkçe karşılığı bulunamayan proje isimleri ve kelimeler ingilizce olarak

Benzer belgeler

Yrd. Doç. Şükrü GÜLEÇ sukrugulec@gmail

Yrd. Doç. Şükrü GÜLEÇ sukrugulec@gmail 2.Sukru Gulec, Caglar Doguer, James F. Collins. Knock-Down of Menkes CopperTransporting ATPase (ATP7A) in Rat Intestinal Endothelial (IEC-6) Cells Increases Ferroportin 1 (FPN1) Expression and Enha...


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