ekarit panacharoensawad - Texas Tech University Departments


ekarit panacharoensawad - Texas Tech University Departments
Bob L. Herd Department of Petroleum Engineering, Texas Tech University
ekarit.panacharoensawad@ttu.edu (806) 834-5475
Professional Work Experience
Assistant Professor, Bob L. Herd Department of Petroleum Engineering
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, July 2014-present
Research Interest: Multiphase flow assurance, multiphase fluid flow and heat transfer, wax, hydrate,
scale, and asphaltene formation/deposition, and high viscosity oil multiphase flow hydrodynamics
Research Associate, Tulsa University Paraffin Deposition Project
Tulsa University, Tulsa, OK, May 2012 – June 2014
Research Assistant, Department of Petroleum Engineering
Tulsa University, Tulsa, OK, August 2007 – May 2012
Research Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, April 2006 – March 2007
Ph.D. Petroleum Engineering, The University of Tulsa, OK, USA (May 2012, GPA 3.90)
Dissertation: Wax Deposition under Two-Phase Oil-Water Flowing Condition
Advisor: Cem Sarica
M.S. Petrochemical Technology, PPC, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (May 2007, GPA 3.94)
Thesis: The Effect of Composition on n-Alkane Deposition (Conducted at The University of Michigan, MI)
Advisor: H. Scott Fogler
B.S. Physics (First class honors), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (March 2005, GPA 3.66)
Senior project: Quantum Teleportation
Advisor: Rujikorn Dhanawittayapol
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant, Advance Production Design course (Fall 2010, Instructor: Cem Sarica)
Lecture Wax deposition topic in Flow Assurance course (Fall 2013, Instructor: Cem Sarica)
• Panacharoensawad, E., Sarica, C.: Wax Deposit Surface Characteristic under Single-phase and Waterin-Crude-Oil Flow Conditions, 25097-MS, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, 5-8 May, 2014
• Panacharoensawad, E., Sarica, C.: Experimental Study of Single-Phase and Two-Phase Water-inCrude-Oil Dispersed Flow Wax Deposition in a Mini Pilot-Scale Flow Loop, Energy and Fuels, 27 (9),
5036-5053 (2013)
• Sarica, C., Panacharoensawad, E.: Review of Paraffin Deposition Research under Multiphase Flow
Conditions, Energy and Fuels, 26 (7), 3968-3978 (2012)
• Senra, M., Panacharoensawad, E., Scholand, T., and Fogler, H.S.: Role of a Carbonxylic Acid on the
Crystallization, Deposition, and Gelation of Long-Changed n-Alkanes in Solution, Energy and Fuels, 23,
6040-6047 (2009)
• Senra, M., Panacharoensawad, E., Kraiwattanawong, K., Singh, P., and Fogler, H.S.: Role of n-Alkane
Polydispersity on the Crystallization of n-Alkanes from Solution, Energy and Fuels, 22, 545-555 (2008)
• Senra, M., Panacharoensawad, E., Fogler, H.S.: An Analysis of n-Alkane Polydispersity on the
Crystallization of n-Alkanes in Solution, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 4-9 November, 2007
Journal Reviewer Service
• SPE Journal: February 2013 – February 2014 (3 completed reviews)
• Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering: February - June 2014 (2 completed review)
• Energy & Fuels: October 2012 – January 2014 (3 completed reviews)
• Chemical Engineering Research and Design: October 2013 – November 2013 (1 completed review)
• Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research: December 2012 – January 2013 (1 completed review)
Thesis Committee Service
• Ake Rittirong, “Paraffin Deposition Under Two-Phase Gas-Oil Slug Flow in Horizontal Pipes” Ph.D.
Dissertation committee (2013 – 2014)
• Amrinder Singh, “Experimental and Field Verification Study of Wax Deposition in Turbulent Flow
Conditions” M.S. Thesis committee (2013)
Professional Affiliation
• Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers (Since August 2012)
Honors and Awards
• Doctoral Program Tuition Fee Scholarship and Research Assistantship from University of Tulsa (August
2007 – March 2012)
• Teaching Assistantship of PE-7023, Advance Production Design, Fall 2010
• Research Assistantship from University of Michigan (April 2006 – March 2007)
• Master of Science Program Tuition Fee Scholarship from Petroleum and Petrochemical college,
Chulalongkorn University (April 2005 – May 2007)
References for Journal Services
Dr. John Shaw, Associate Editor, Journal of Energy & Fuels, jmshaw@efuels.acs.org (2012 service)
Dr. Benny D. Freeman, Associate Editor, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, freemanoffice@iecr.acs.org (2012 – 2013 service)
Dr. Robert Weber, Associate Editor, Journal of Energy & Fuels, weber-office@efuels.acs.org (2013 service)
Dr. Hong-Quan Zhang, Associate Editor, SPE Journal, hong-quan-zhang@utulsa.edu (2013 service)
Dr. Yongqian Fan, Associate Editor, SPE Journal, yongqian.fan@bp.com (2013 – 2014 service)
Dr. Ron Zevenhoven, Subject Editor, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, ccliffe@icheme.org (2013
Dr. H. Scott Fogler, Associate Editor, Journal of Energy & Fuels, fogler-office@efuels.acs.org (2014 service)
Dr. Evren M. Ozbayoglu, Associate Editor, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, evrenozbayoglu@utulsa.edu (2014 service)
Dr. Subhash Ayirala, Associate Editor, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (2014 service)

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