InMaR Journal - The Journal of International Management Research


InMaR Journal - The Journal of International Management Research
Doi Number :
InMaR Journal
The Journal of International
Management Research
Uluslararası Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, Yıl: 2, Sayı: 3, Nisan 2016, s. 48-61
Turizm sektörü geçmişten günümüze hem gelişmiş hem de gelişmekte olan ülkeler tarafından yoğun
olarak ilgi gösterilen bir sektördür. Bunun en önemli nedeni ise, dünya genelinden en hızlı gelişen
sektörlerden biri olmasıdır. Turizm sektörünün Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan bir ülke için belki de en
önemli özelliği istihdam yaratma özelliğidir. Kadınların çoğunlukla Sanayi Devriminden sonra çalışma
hayatında yer almaya başladığı bilinmektedir. Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar kadınların iş hayatına
giderek artan oranda katıldıklarını, ancak bu katılımın genellikle alt düzeylerde olduğunu ve “üst düzey”
yönetim kadrolarında yeterince yer almadıklarını göstermektedir.
Çalışmanın ana amacını, Türkiye’de hizmet vermekte olan otel işletmelerinde yönetici pozisyonundaki
kadın sayısının düşüklüğünü yapılan literatür çalışması ile ortaya koymak oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma
sonucunda, Türkiye’de otel işletmelerinde çalışan kadınların, cinsiyet temelli ayrışma, cam tavan, kraliçe
arı sendromu, ücretlendirmede eşitsizlik, mobbing, cinsel taciz, özgüven eksikliği gibi engellere maruz
kalarak üst yönetim pozisyonlarında çoğunlukla yer alamadıkları tespit edilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kadın, Yönetim, Otel İşletmeleri, Kadın Yönetici
Tourism sector is a sector that is intensively shown interest by both developed and underdeveloped
countries from past to present day. Probably the most important feature of tourism sector for a developing
country as Turkey is the power of creating employment. It is known that women started involving in
business life after the industrial revolution. Recent studies show that women take part in business life with
an increasing rate, however this involvement is in low levels and not sufficiently in “top level”
management staff.
Revealing the insufficiency of the number of the women in management level of the hotel businesses with
a literature survey is the main purpose of the study. In the conclusion of the study, it has been made firm
that women working in the hotel businesses in Turkey cannot take positions in the top management level
because of facing problems like sexual apartheid, glass ceiling, queen bee syndrome, wage inequality,
mobbing, sexual harassment, lack of confidence.
Key Words: Woman, Management, Hotel businesses, Female managers.
1Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta Meslek Yüksekokulu, Otel, Lokanta ve İkram Hizmetleri, Bölümü
The Problems Women Face In The Management Level Of The Hotel Businesses And The
1. Introduction
Parallel to the changes in business life, women have faced changes in their social status
and they started to participate more in business life especially after industrial revolution. In
course of time they have constituted most of the work force in service industry. In this process
besides many advantages, women have started to face many disadvantages on reaching the top
level of management. Women have a significant place in business life as in social life. However,
both the roles they have because of traditional perceptions and inequalities they face in these
roles, causes them to face problems in business life. This situation requires women to struggle
with disadvantages while advancing to management level (Mayuk, 2013:1). In general terms,
there are many career obstacles women face in proportion to male employees. While males
advance easily in career steps, there are many career obstacles women have to struggle both in
developed and undeveloped countries.
In hotel businesses, which form the basic building blocks of tourism sector of which the
importance grows day by day both in Turkey and the world, the rising star, it is a known truth
that management position is very negligible as in other sectors. With this study, the reasons of
the negligible number of women in management level in hotel businesses in tourism sector and
precautions to be taken are shared. Also with this study, the reflections of the change of women
in historical periods and career obstacles they have to struggle are be presented.
2. Social status and the place in historic process of women
Both notably economic and political and cultural developments in social structure
brought along many structural changes. These changes caused changes in the social role of man
and women. Thus replacement of women from domestic life to business life smoothed and
triggered the role conflict (Mayuk, 2013:5). It is necessary to accept the existence of women in
business life as they forms the half of the world population. However, in both notably
developing countries and the third world, women stand in the background. It is an undeniable
truth that the effect of traditional roles and social perspective lie behind the being in the
background of women. There has been also a change in the social conception of women after
they started to take place in business life. With the results of more women’s progressively
working paid, international agreements for women and national regulations, agreements
substituting or smoothing traditional roles, political involvement and the efforts of female
organisations, women, especially in developed countries, have come in to very good condition
nowadays. Nevertheless, considering the aggrieved minorities around the world, women are in
first place again (Karaca, 2007:35). Also there are loopholes about woman rights both in legal
regulations and implementations (Mayuk, 2013:6).
Woman rights are one of the overemphasized subject of European Union (EU). EU has
made many implementations about the equality of man-and woman. All measures taken on this
subject, provided woman EU citizens a more equal social status, however; EU continues
working on this field. Yet, both in underdeveloped and developing countries, this problem is
very behind. In fact also this situation is similar in Turkey. Women in Turkey are treated far
behind EU applications. It is known that women in Turkey have to struggle many inequalities
in application area rather than regulations. Value judgements of the society pushing woman
background, interregional inequalities and economic problems encountered are the reasons
underlying this situation (Seyman, 2010:12).
The Journal of International Management Research, Year 2, Number 3, April 2016, p. 48-61
Gülay Bulgan
The equality for women was made in Rome in 1957 and thus it was taken a decision to
treat woman and man equally. According to postfeminist theory, woman and man has equal
rights and these rights have been taken by struggles (Gander, 2010:120). It is necessary to
review the rates of participation of women and men in production processes to observe the
social development and changes in society where especially women live (Tayanç and Tayanç,
1977:12). Considering these processes; women and men worked together in primitive ages as
they got along with picking. However in sedentary society, by the occurrence of cultivation, the
developments in production means and in family structure, women started to leave the
production fields (Tayanç and Tayanç, 1977:19-28). This condition featured the fertility factor
of woman providing the continuance of the family, forming a matriarch structure and being
considered that man has the power for hunting, and this continued until the industrial revolution.
Eventually, women had stayed in background in social structure till the industrial revolution.
Occurring of women more in business life has been one of the positive reflections of industrial
revolution. After 1850 women workforce mainly occurred in textile areas, yet after 1850 they
occurred more in agro-industries (Parlaktuna, 2010:1220). Developments lived through in
public and service sectors in 19. Century raised the shares of women in total employment rates.
During the years of 1st and 2nd World Wars, as men went to war, the rates of women workforce
in all sectors raised substantially (Koca, 2012:5). After 20 th century, by gaining importance of
knowledge and skills rather than power with passing from first agricultural society to industrial
than to knowledge-based society, the social status of the woman has been changed and also the
need for woman workforce has been increased (Mayuk, 2013:9).
3. Career obstacles of woman in Hotel businesses
Career obstacles in Hotel businesses in tourism sector, reflects their effects in a more
negative way. There are lots of careers obstacles women face in hotel businesses. The main ones
are: inequality in salaries, inequalities in social rights, inequalities in promotion and in
vocational training, facing sexual harassment and mobbing, queen bee syndrome and glass
3.1. Inequality in salaries
Although female workers advance equally in their career with male workers, they face
discrimination in salaries (Uguz ve Topbaş, 2014:496; Stockford, 2004). In most of the
countries, salaries of women stand for between %70 or %90 of the salaries of men’s. It’s around
0.75 average rate in European countries though (Uguz ve Topbaş, 2014:496; Plantenga ve
Remery, 2006). European committee stated that the salary discrimination between women and
men was continuous and women took % 15 less wages than men for every hour worked (ITUC,
2009: 23). According to an article published by International poverty centre in 2008, in
Argentina, Brazil, Chili, El Salvador and Mexico, female workers could get around %80 of the
salaries of male workers’ (ITUC, 2009: 27). According to the datum of U.S. National
Committee on Pay Equity, it is known that female workers get only the %76.5 of male workers’
wages (National Committee on Pay Equity, 2014).
In table 1, the rates of the paid and salaried workers are given in general and in terms of
gender. According to World Bank datum, it can be seen in Table 1 that the rate of salaried and
The Journal of International Management Research, Year 2, Number 3, April 2016, p. 48-61
The Problems Women Face In The Management Level Of The Hotel Businesses And The
paid working women in Turkey is fewer than men’s. The rate of women working paid and
salaried is %54.3, for men %66.5 in 2012, and it is understood that this situation progresses in
favour of men and this is a significant indicator of gender discrimination.
Table 1. The rates of paid and salaried workers in Turkey (by in
General and gender)
Paid and salaried workers
Total (%)
Man (%)
Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators 2014.
Another aspect of the discrimination in payment is that some of the tourism businesses
demand for seasonal workforce providing better working conditions or payment than
manufacturing industry. Thus this condition causes a flow into tourism sector from the
mentioned sectors, and faces the manufacturers with problems of finding workers to work
constantly and so raising their knowledge and experiences. Eventually, these businesses either
will move their facilities to the out of the region or they will begin to find workforce out of the
region or country. In both conditions, there will be a leakage of income to out of the region and
there will be negative effects in terms of regional economic development (Yıldız, 2011:63;
Barutçugil, 1986: 41).
To sum up, reasons caused by professional differences (as women mostly work in the
works accepted as female works), and work experience, qualification differences, work hours
can be listed as the reasons of wage differences between males and females. Besides, the force
of the labour unions exist in the country and the practises of the collective-labour bargaining ,
scale of the enterprises, technological development, industrial growth models and the most
important, the differences in social value judgements are among the basic factors triggering this
inequality (Karaca, 2007:23).
3.2. Inequality in benefiting the social rights
The rights and liberties of human beings about social and economic activities form the
social rights. Right to work, social security, unionization, health services and protection, right to
The Journal of International Management Research, Year 2, Number 3, April 2016, p. 48-61
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strike and lockout are among the social rights forming most of the human rights. Ensuring these
rights to all citizens without any discriminations is among the fundamental duties of the
government. From past to present, it has been known that the participation of female workforce
fall behind the males’ in unionization (Toksöz et al. Kadınlar, Kalkınma ve Sosyal Adalet).
Behind this falling behind, parallel with the little participation in work force; the perception that
sees the main duties of females are motherhood and housework, not benefiting enough from
education opportunities, and social value judgements etc. are the factors effecting the
participation of women negatively in unionization. In addition to this, ignoring the women
during unionization, the arrangement formats of union activities and meetings, the language
used in union environment, the way of doing politics and continuation of the in unions are
among the reasons moving women away from the unions. Thus, even if female workers enrol in
the unions, they do not/cannot take part in the managing and decision-making mechanisms and
therefore unions continue their studies as male-dominant structures (Karaca, 2007:23). The
basic features of female workers in labour market in Turkey are the low attendance and being
subordinate (Low status and wages etc.). Thereby female workers cannot use their social rights
enough. The basic reason for this is that female workers are forced to work informally and are
qualified as backup workforce (Doğru, 2010:52).
Within the framework of “The principle of equality between woman and man”, it is
necessary to give women, who are in the work life, without any gender discrimination the
benefits of the social security and aid services protecting them against illnesses, industrial
accidents, elderliness, industrial diseases, disabilities and unemployment (TİSK, 2002:31).
3.3. Inequality in promotion and having vocational education
Promotion is also one of the career obstacles women have to struggle. Generally
employers consider females workers as temporary, not getting promotion owing to pregnancy
and housework, and not being promoted especially to upper management levels. Priorities for
women are maternity and being wife. Therefore with these roles, provided for women,
professional success and career are in second place for women (Karaca, 2007: 22). According to
a survey, the most important feature of female workers is “docility”. But according to the same
study findings, for male workers are identified as more hardworking, reliable, punctual and
dutiful in reference to women. It is understood from the results of the study that while women
have not the professional qualifications, male workers have totally professional qualifications
evaluating their performances. At the same time, female workers that are identified as “docile”,
are mostly considered as in subordinate positions (Ciner 2003:39). It is a known truth that
having a family and children is a significant career setback for women’s work life. Possible
pregnancy, motherhood and housework are the reasons lying in the background of being
considered mostly as temporary workers by employers. Therefore the opinion that women
shouldn’t be promoted is common. Because it is mostly expected that women take the role of
motherhood and housewife, professional success and career are pushed aside for women
(Öztürk, 2007:54).
Education of women is an important factor among the career obstacles. Women face
some social barriers about receiving education mostly in male-dominated societies. Women
who are far away from or not equally treated about education opportunities, cannot benefit
enough from employment opportunities. Inequality of education against women shows up as
keeping the education level of women, not giving the special educations for jobs requiring
The Journal of International Management Research, Year 2, Number 3, April 2016, p. 48-61
The Problems Women Face In The Management Level Of The Hotel Businesses And The
special abilities, and being not given enough opportunities to benefit from the development
educations given in the workplaces (Doğru, 2010:38). If we explain the underdevelopment of
the women than men in educations with examples, only 20 men are not literate in return for
every 100 women in Turkey in 2010. 170 men graduated from primary schools in return for 100
primary school graduated women. 151 men graduated from high school in return for every 100
women graduated from high school. 149 men graduated from university in return for every 100
women graduated from university (TUİK, İstatistiklerle Kadın, 2011:14). This situation is the
indicator that show women remained in the background of men and couldn’t reach their career
3.4. Facing sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is any sexual behaviour which is not desired or summoned that
embarrasses, threats, frightens, intimidates, insults. Because sexual harassment is a serious and
fragile subject and encountered widely in work life as a part of gender apartheid, there have
been many legal regulations on the subject. However, the description and the content of sexual
harassment change from country to country, culture to culture even among the genders (Durgun
Şahin, 2002:40).
Sexual harassment is a type of harassment that can be openly or indirectly, physically or
verbally. As examples, staring, touching, joking, telling obscene jokes, showing pictures are in
the content of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment may lead to result as firing, blocking the
promotion ways of women (Acar et al., 1999:16).
Another aspect of sexual harassment, while it comes to promotion or a change in
position etc., women are offered to make sexual intercourse by men, and because of this female
workers either leave the job or do not go to work for some time (Bekata Mardin et al., 34). Also
because of the social sense of decency, most of the female workers keep the sexual harassment
hidden. Thus most of the sexual harassments lived cannot be revealed. Especially in Turkey,
women living through a sexual harassment prefer to be quiet as they are not protected when they
express sexual harassment. However there is an article in labour law protecting women living
through a sexual harassment. “if a person is forced to resign or resigns by an assault on their
morals, honour or personal rights”, and if he/she applies to labour court in 6 days of time, and
if the case results in favour, one can get severance pay (labour law article 24, 2003:8431;
Durgun Şahin, 2002:40-41).
There are not detailed studies made on sexual harassment in work life in Turkey. The
basic reason for this is that it is avoided talk about these kind of events and women have
concerns on being victimized when they make a complaint although they are right. Accordingly,
it becomes difficult to evaluate the extent of the career setbacks that the women, who has been
sexually abused, face. However abusing the work by using womanhood, motherhood and sexual
attraction form the other side of the problem (Özdamar and Eyüpoğlu, 2000:74).
3.5. Being exposed to Mobbing
The concept of mobbing first started to be used in 1980s. This concept used by Heinz
Leyman to define similar, aggressive and hostile behaviours for a long time between workers
(Tınaz, 2006:15). Mobbing means “intimidation, “psychological abuse” and “psychological
violence” in Turkish (Çetin and Safarova, 2009:93). Persons who face mobbing are exposed to
harassment, irritation, and snub without exception of age, gender or nationality (Mayuk,
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2013:36). Mobbing is an incident that a person is exposed to physical or emotional violence.
However, mobbing contains physical violence rather than emotional violence (Reichert,
Considering the studies on Mobbing, assuming that they all work in same conditions, it
was found that the rate of the people facing mobbing was %45 among males, and %55 among
females in a study made by Heinz Leymann’s . According to a survey involving 385 managers
in Finland, it was found that the rate of the people facing Mobbing was %11,6 among males and
%5 among females. Also, according to a nationwide Mobbing survey in Ireland, it was
confirmed that the rate of the females facing mobbing in work place was higher than males
(Koçak ve Hayran, 2011:1115). According to Europe Working Conditions survey, it was
confirmed that %6 of females and %4 of males face mobbing (Commission for psychological
harassment in workplace and solutions’ report, 2011:18). However in Turkey, working males
and females face mobbing more than European countries. According to a survey in hotel
businesses in Turkey, 99 of 328 employees faced mobbing (Çalışkan ve Tepeci, 2008:141).
3.6. Queen Bee Syndrome
Work life resembles to a huge hive as women and men have interaction with each other
and are in rush continuously like bees. This hive is a like a breathing place for women as they
assume the roles of housewifery and motherhood in the traditional layout. This process, starting
with self-discovery, measuring skills, developing social relationships and earning economic
freedom, is a process proving that women is not only housewife or mother. Thus, women will
start to be promoted to manager positions instead of being managed. Nevertheless, observing a
rise on depression symptoms and stressful behaviours on women being managed by fellows,
caused to dwell on studies on this area. Consequently, it was observed that Queen Bee
Syndrome started on women (2012:43). Queen Bee Syndrome is basically women’s being
jealous of each other’s success. Women’s being not wanted to be promoted to upper positions
by other women (Queen Bee Syndrome), women’s jealousy of each other on building a career,
form one of the most significant career obstacles for women to struggle for being promoted to
upper managing positions. By making a literature review, it is confirmed that facing Queen Bee
Syndrome affects the career of the women negatively (Örücü et al., 2007:133).
Studies carried out show that female managers want to be unique in their positions, to
stay unique and thus do not support the women working in lower positions. This situations is
named as “Queen Bee Syndrome”. Female managers do not support much the careers of female
workers not to be considered as favouring the fellows, not to create a difference between males
and females (Besler ve Oruç, 2010:26; Aycan, 2004:453-477; Zel, 2002:39-48). This condition
is a significant career obstacle for women to overcome. Queen Bee Syndrome According to
another comment, is deprive from the belief that being a unique woman in the top management
position is an indicator for success and privilege (Çoban, 2012:42).
3.7. Glass ceiling syndrome
Glass ceiling syndrome was first identified as a widely faced career obstacle by
Hymotviz and Schellart in 1986 for women desiring to advance higher managing positions.
Also it is known that male manager who are different in race or ethnicity faces Glass ceiling
syndrome even if it is not as much as women’s (Lockwood, 2004:2). Glass ceiling syndrome, is
an invisible and undefeatable career obstacle between women and upper management level
The Journal of International Management Research, Year 2, Number 3, April 2016, p. 48-61
The Problems Women Face In The Management Level Of The Hotel Businesses And The
preventing women to advance without considering their success or qualifications. Glass ceiling
show up as an obstacles preventing the variously talented people, who can provide a
competitive advantage, from taking charge in upper management positions, and using talents
which can contribute to the effectiveness of the business(Aytaç, 1997:27-28).
It was identified that gender-based Glass ceiling obstacles were classified in different
ways in studies carried out on Glass ceiling syndrome. However, element causing to Glass
ceiling syndrome gather around of individual, organisational and social factors (Dreher,
Table 2. Glass ceiling syndrome obstacles of female managers
Obstacles based
on Individual factors
Obstacles based
on organisational factors
ganization culture
ndertaking multi
ck of participation
Obstacles based on social
associated with gender)
Source: KSSGM Yayınları, Ankara, 1998.
In obstacles based on individual factors; adopting the female manager’s the idea of
being ready in desired place in desired time with her children and wife, causes them not to limit
their time and borders. Therefore women cannot take the responsibilities of being promoted in
their career and fall behind of men in top managing positions (Barutçugil, 2002:58).
In Glass ceiling syndrome obstacles based on organisational factors; while conditions
are equal for women with men’s in some organizations, in some organizations women have to
work harder to be accepted. This situation is perceived as an obstacle for women to struggle
(Rosener, 2006:128). Also in male-dominated organizations, women are prevented from career
steps. It is a truth that the progress of women in organisation is relevant to applications based
on the people in organization, and the performance evaluation, the power and gender equality
(Mızrahı ve Aracı, 2010:150; Ergeneli, 2004:89).
In Glass ceiling syndrome obstacles based on social factors; as a matter of socialization
based on gender, it is the expects of the society from the individuals to take different roles
according to their genders (Eyüpoğlu, 1999:33). Conventional stereotypes about women while
preventing their work life, also prevent the existence of role models in management level and
thus prevent the idea that claims women are suitable for these roles (Deemer, 2006: 89).
The Journal of International Management Research, Year 2, Number 3, April 2016, p. 48-61
Gülay Bulgan
4. Conclusion and Recommendations
Women have been beneficial for economic life from past to present and day by day they
are taking over more active roles. This process that got strong with the foundation of Turkish
Republic, has become faster by the raise in the education level of the women and with the
support of government policies. With this study carried out, the career obstacles women face in
management levels were studied and eventually it was understood that women had to struggle
with obstacle more than one. The percentage values of the women taking part in the manager
position in Turkey and was given in Table 3.
Table 3. The percentage values of the women taking part in the manager position
in the world
Turkey %25
Thailand %45
Brazil %24
Georgia %40
Vietnam %23
Russia %36
England %23
Hong Kong %35
Armenia %23
Philippines %35
China %34
Italy %22
Botswana %32
France %21
New Zealand %32
Poland %31
Ireland %19
Malesia %31
Belgium %19
Greece %30
Mexico %19
Singapore %30
Argentina %18
Taiwan %30
Holland %16
Canada %28
Amerika %15
South Africa %27
Switzerland %12
Australia %27
India %9
Sweden %27
UAE %8
Chili %25
Japan %8
Finland %25
Source: Mayuk, 2013:41; Grant Thortorn, IBR, 2012.
Considering table 3, women work in the manager position in Thailand at most rate
(%45), and Georgia (%40), Russia (%36), Hong Kong (%35) follow this respectively. Turkey,
with a %25 percentage value, is in the intermediate level. As the average in world is %20,
Turkey seems to be a country valuing woman workers in manager positions. Mostly, it has been
The Journal of International Management Research, Year 2, Number 3, April 2016, p. 48-61
The Problems Women Face In The Management Level Of The Hotel Businesses And The
observed that women have entered the work life after industrial revolution and worked in
manager positions even if it has been in a low rate than men’s.
There are many career obstacles women have to overcome to take part in the manager
positions both in Turkey and the world. These obstacles have been identified as inequality in
pricing and benefiting from the social rights, inequity in promotion and professional training,
exposure to sexual harassment and mobbing, glass ceiling syndrome and queen bee syndrome.
While women are expected to fulfil the motherhood and housewifery, trying to advance in
professional life at the same time prevent them to compete with men equally. Besides all these
difficulties, exposure to sexual harassment and mobbing in work life complicates their
advancing to the goal in career steps. This situation is more complicated in hotel businesses for
women to reach their career goals in reference to other businesses. Because in serving hotel
businesses working hours and conditions are more intensive in comparison with other
businesses. The first one coming to mind when there is any chance of promotion is male
workers in hotel businesses. This is because women are thought to be profitless as they have a
hard pregnancy process and after the birth they need a very long time looking after the children,
or there are some responsibilities at home they have to deal with as housework. Besides all
these, having inequalities both in pricing and benefiting from the social rights decrease their
motivations. Although mostly men are thought to be rival to women in career, women have
problems with their fellows as in queen bee syndrome. Female managers, desiring to be unique
in their positions, may not want their fellow to be promoted to a similar or equal position. This
is an other career obstacle for women to struggle.
With this study carried out, some solution recommendations have been developed to
make women overcome all these career obstacles. These recommendations are given as a list
The number of female workers is increasing day by day. Thus it is
necessary to develop career opportunities for women in hotel businesses.
Human resources departments in hotel businesses should deal with the
career goal and plans of the female workers more intensely and necessary measure
should be taken.
A special treatment for female workers for pregnancy and childcare
should be put into practice, and thus these kind of feminine conditions should not be
taken into consideration as an obstacle for career steps.
To overcome the career obstacles in hotel businesses as glass ceiling
syndrome, queen bee syndrome, exposure to mobbing, organizational struggles should
be considered, and it should be known that these struggles will affect the development
of union culture. Positively.
Education, organizational communication and flexible working hours
based strategies should be developed while performing organizational strategies.
The government should take precautions to remove the negative attitude
that the society formed on the involvement of women in work life. To enlighten the
society, preparing necessary regulations and education plans will be useful.
If possible, every hotel business should reserve manager positions for
female workers.
The Journal of International Management Research, Year 2, Number 3, April 2016, p. 48-61
Gülay Bulgan
The factors preventing female workers to become managers should be
analysed and the manager position should be a reachable position by women.
Affirmative action and opportunity precedence against women, which
was suggested by Many studies and there are many implementation examples in some
western countries, will provide women to be represented more in all decision-making
mechanisms that was dominated by man.
The women reaching the top management level of hotel businesses
should support the women working together and should clear the way for highmotivated, talented people whichever gender they are.
Female workers should be determined, competitive, and should work
target-driven and should show a go-getter attitude.
Female workers should pay attention not to confuse the house life with
work life.
Female workers should demand to question assumptions in work life
and should fight the idea that they will choose their family in all conditions.
Female worker should push the limits of their abilities, but they
shouldn’t forget their limits.
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